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Lithos 44 Ž1998.


Interpreting magmatic fabric patterns in plutons

Scott R. Paterson a,) , T. Kenneth Fowler Jr. a , Keegan L. Schmidt a ,
Aaron S. Yoshinobu a , E. Semele Yuan a , Robert B. Miller b
Department of Earth Sciences, UniÕersity of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0740, USA
Department of Geology, San Jose State UniÕersity, San Jose, CA 95192, USA
Received 12 August 1997; accepted 30 April 1998


Most plutons have widespread magmatic fabrics, the interpretation of which remains controversial. We propose a method
to constrain likely causes of fabric patterns, the application of which indicates the following: Ž1. preserved fabric patterns
often form after chamber construction and only rarely provide information about ascent or emplacement; Ž2. fabrics are poor
recorders of total strain and are easily reset, preserving only the last increment of strain during crystallization; Ž3. in
magmatic systems mechanically decoupled from host rocks, patterns may result from strain during internally driven flow,
filter pressing or porous flow in relatively static chambers, or by final increments of strain during emplacement; Ž4. with
greater emplacement depths, fabric patterns increasingly reflect strain caused by regional deformation; and Ž5. given that
magmatic fabrics are easily reset and reflect only the last increment of strain of comparatively weak materials, they may
provide a relatively direct record of paleostress in orogenic belts. q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Magmatic fabric; Fabric pattern; Pluton

1. Introduction driven convection ŽBarriere, 1981., Žc. magma surges

Že.g., Murray, 1979; Huppert et al., 1986., Žd. the in
The pioneering work of Hans Cloos ŽCloos, 1925.,
situ expansion of magma chambers ŽHolder, 1979;
popularized in the United States by Robert Balk
ŽBalk, 1937., led to widespread acceptance of the Ramsay, 1989., or during Že. passive fault-controlled
dilation of chambers ŽGuineberteau et al., 1987;
importance of magmatic fabrics Žfoliations and lin-
Hutton, 1988.; Ž2. the shapes of intrusions, with the
eations. for understanding processes within magma
assumption that fabrics are parallel to the walls of
chambers. These structures have since been inter-
the magma chambers ŽDavis, 1963; Vigneresse,
preted to reflect a variety of features: Ž1. magmatic
1990.; Ž3. strain orientations in deforming magmas
flow planes and directions ŽBalk, 1937; Philpotts and
ŽBlumenfeld and Bouchez, 1988; Benn and Allard,
Asher, 1994. that form during Ža. mechanically
1989.; and Ž4. fabrics formed during regional defor-
driven flow within chambers ŽAbbott, 1989; Tobisch
mation Že.g., Hutton, 1982; Archango et al., 1994..
and Cruden, 1995., Žb. thermal or compositionally
The interpretation of fabric patterns has also
played a prominent role in establishing timing rela-
Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-213-740-6103; Fax: q1-213- tionships of structures in and around plutons ŽPitcher
740-8801; E-mail: and Berger, 1972; Paterson and Tobisch, 1988.. Since

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54 S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82

so much has been inferred from these structures, and tionships between fabric geometry, strain, and vari-
because many of these inferences are contradictory able flow regimes for both magmatic and subsolidus
or poorly constrained, it is important to reassess how fabrics Že.g., Hanmer and Passchier, 1991; Ildefonse
and when magmatic fabrics form and thus what et al., 1992; Tikoff and Teyssier, 1994..
information can be inferred from fabric patterns. In contrast, an understanding of the driving forces
Although the contributions of Cloos and Balk responsible for magmatic fabrics remains elusive.
represent milestones in geologic thought, certain as- Previous studies have variously attributed the cause
pects of their terminology impose a conceptual bias of fabric formation to magma ascent, emplacement,
that hampers progress. Their term ‘primary flow tectonic strains, or internal magma chamber pro-
fabric’ blends three separate concepts into a single cesses, usually with insufficient justification for dis-
phrase: grain-scale deformation mechanisms, rela- tinguishing between the possibilities. For example,
tionship of fabric geometry to particle displacement ballooning emplacement models assume that mag-
paths, and driving forces of fabric formation. Ac- matic fabrics record in situ magma chamber expan-
cording to Balk Ž1937., Ž1. a primary flow fabric sion ŽHolder, 1979; Ramsay, 1989., whereas Cruden
results from the hydrodynamic alignment of mineral Ž1990. showed that these same fabric patterns and
grains suspended in melt, Ž2. planar and linear min- intensities could be formed by internal convection
eral fabrics define flow planes and lines, respec- without any chamber expansion. Fault-assisted em-
tively, and Ž3. map-scale fabric patterns form exclu- placement models assume that magmatic lineations
sively by internal magma chamber processes. Mag- record the direction of ‘tectonic opening’ ŽOlivier
matic foliations and lineations continue to be inter- and Archanjo, 1994., whereas others have assumed
preted as flow planes and lines Že.g., Philpotts and that similar magmatic lineations reflect regional strain
Asher, 1994; Tobisch and Cruden, 1995.. Further- of a preexisting magma chamber Že.g., Ferre et al.,
more, confusion still exists in the literature as to 1995; Miller and Paterson, 1995..
whether magmatic fabrics are formed exclusively by Following Balk’s example, some of the ambiguity
internally driven processes. We use the term ‘mag- inherent in these interpretations can be illustrated by
matic fabric’ to refer to foliations, mineral lineations, the patterns of foam on the surface of a stream. In
and associated microstructures formed during crystal Fig. 1, foam bands in a pool record the deformation
alignment in the presence of a melt without any field at the water’s surface and delineate a pattern
inference about the forces that formed these struc- similar to fabric patterns seen in some plutons. The
tures. figure also shows particle displacement paths as
Some workers have challenged the assumptions of determined by tracking individual bubbles through
Cloos and Balk. Berger and Pitcher Ž1970. con- four photographed time steps, information no longer
cluded that preferred orientations of magmatic crys- available in studies of magma flow in plutons. The
tals represent strain of a crystal–melt mush, and relationship between strain and particle displace-
emphasized that regional deformation may play an ments in this example is complex; flow lines lie at
important role in forming magmatic fabrics Žsee also every angle to local finite extension directions. Fur-
Hutton, 1988; Bouchez et al., 1990.. Many recent thermore, the vorticity of flow is not apparent from
studies agree that alignment of igneous minerals the final strain field; what looks like a growing
records strain during flow and crystallization of a plume is actually a migrating whirlpool. Many work-
rheologically complex mush Že.g., Bergantz and ers have attributed similar fabric patterns in plutons
Dawes, 1994; Ildefonse et al., 1997.. Others have to inflation of a magma chamber. However, the
summarized criteria for the recognition of melt-pre- patterns in the foam do not represent expansion of
sent deformation Že.g., Hutton, 1988; Paterson et al., the ‘chamber’ Ži.e., the pool. but merely record the
1989; Bouchez et al., 1992.. Magma rheology is circulation of a low viscosity material Žwater. inside
partially constrained by experimental studies on crys- a chamber with rigid walls Žrock.. Additionally, the
talrmelt systems ŽIldefonse et al., 1992; Means and foam patterns entirely postdate creation of the pool
Park, 1994; Rushmer, 1995.. Numerical and ana- itself and thus contain no information about how the
logue experiments have helped to establish the rela- ‘chamber’ was formed. Although the viscosity con-
S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82 55

Fig. 1. Line drawing, from four time-steps captured in a series of photographs, of strain of foam on water flowing into a pool. Hatched
pattern shows rocks enclosing the pool, white shows water. Thin dashed and solid lines represent bands of foam on the pool surface. Arrows
show displacement paths of individual bubbles in the foam tracked through the four photographs. Due to the large strain magnitudes, foam
bands lie subparallel to the local direction of greatest finite extension. Note that flow lines Žbubble displacement paths. lie at all angles to
local extension directions Žlengths of foam bands.. Also note ‘shear bands’ in foam at upper left of figure. Photos obtained and line drawing
completed by Ken Fowler.

trast between granitic magma and host rock is smaller reexamining the validity of the inferences made from
than that for water and rock, it is probable that a fabric patterns in granitoids.
similar decoupling of flow can occur in magma
chambers. Furthermore a mechanical contrast at the
pluton-host rock contact will induce contact-parallel 2. Challenges faced during interpretation of fab-
magmatic structures, regardless of the cause of mag- ric patterns
matic strain ŽPaterson and Tobisch, 1988.. Thus, we
believe it is no simple matter to infer large-scale 2.1. Inferring displacement from strain patterns and
kinematics or causes of magmatic fabric formation particle behaÕior
from map patterns alone.
Below we incorporate data from our recent stud- To interpret displacement paths of magma from
ies of fabric patterns with recent work of others into the final configuration of magmatic fabrics, relation-
a discussion about the challenges faced when inter- ships between flow, strain, and particle behavior
preting magmatic fabric patterns. We then suggest an must be established. Flow of magma Žmelt " crystals.
approach to evaluate fabric patterns, and finish by can be described using a displacement or velocity
56 S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82

vector field. We define the flow direction as the occur in magma chambers. In uniform flow, the
direction of particle paths, and the flow plane as the velocity vectors within the magma all have the same
plane containing the flow direction and perpendicu- magnitude and orientation, and any markers Že.g.,
lar to any velocity gradient. Three end-member types crystals or xenoliths. behave in a passive manner.
of flow, uniform, nonuniform, and turbulent, may Therefore, uniform flow is rarely if ever achieved

Fig. 2. Summary diagram showing convergent ŽA., divergent ŽB., and non-coaxial ŽC. flows after Mackin Ž1947., and ŽD. internal flow
pattern during convection in a non-expanding magma chamber after Schmeling et al. Ž1988.. In D paths with arrows are flow directions and
ellipses are resulting strain ellipses. Also shown are locations of types of simple non-uniform flows ŽA, B, C.. In A, B, C, ellipses are shapes
of enclaves, thin parallel lines are orientation of tabular crystals, and arrows are flow directions. Note that during simple convection ŽD., it
takes unusual circumstances to obtain flow paths that are parallel to ellipse axes.
S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82 57

since magmas have complex variations in composi- strain ellipsoid and thus form a foliation at high
tion, physical properties and dynamics and, in addi- angles to flow planes and flow directions.
tion, contain many nonpassive markers. Progressive noncoaxial flow occurs whenever
Mackin Ž1947. described three types of simple there is drag along a boundary surface, for example
nonuniform flow, which he called acceleration, de- where a viscosity contrast exists between two parts
celeration, and velocity-gradient flow ŽFig. 2a., and of the flow ŽFig. 2c.. It may be common in sheet-like
evaluated the resulting particle behavior and strain. magma bodies, along the margins of chambers, and
Acceleration or convergent flow occurs where magma at crystallization fronts within chambers because of
is transported from a wide region into a narrow the rheological gradients in these settings. Assuming
channel, thus requiring an increase in velocity and a simple shear along planar surfaces, flow lines remain
convergence of flow lines. Resulting strains are con- parallel and triaxial plane strain results with the XY
strictional and crystals tend to align their long axes plane and X axis of the strain ellipsoid initially at
with the X axis Ž X ) Y ) Z . of the magma strain 458 to flow planes and flow directions, respectively.
ellipsoid. Thus, at high strains, a linear prolate fabric Therefore, in magmas that undergo only a small
forms parallel to the flow direction. amount of strain in noncoaxial flows, foliations and
Deceleration or divergent flow occurs where lineations form at angles to the flow planes and
channelized magma spreads out into a broader region directions, but rotate towards parallelism with in-
and slows down ŽFig. 2b., resulting in the divergence creasing strain.
of flow lines. This results in flattening, or oblate, Examples of these three types of nonuniform flow
strain with the XY plane of the strain ellipsoid at are displayed in the studies of Schmeling et al.
high angles to flow directions. Particles tend to align Ž1988. and Cruden Ž1990. of convection in a spheri-
their largest crystal faces with the XY plane of the cal diapir ŽFig. 2d.. In their models, convergent flow

Fig. 3. Chart summarizing the types of fabrics that can form from various combinations of uniform, non-uniform, and turbulent flows and
passive and non-passive marker behavior.
58 S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82

occurs in the central portion of the diapir, divergent ers in melts undergoing uniform flow follow Stokes
flow occurs where magma reaches the upper parts of law of settling Žif particle interactions can be ig-
the chamber and spreads out towards the chamber nored. and tend to align their long axes parallel to
margins, and progressive noncoaxial flow occurs the flow direction and their long and intermediate
along the chamber walls. axes in the flow plane ŽShaw, 1965; Folkes and
Laminar flows more complicated than those dis- Russell, 1980; Martin and Nokes, 1988.. However,
cussed by Mackin Ž1947. may occur in magmas in the presence of nonpassive markers in a uniformly
which final strain, and thus fabric, is a function of flowing material potentially leads to eddies and in-
vorticity and three perpendicular principal stretching stabilities in the flow immediately surrounding the
rates Že.g., Means, 1994.. Under these circumstances particle ŽTritton, 1988; Ildefonse et al., 1992..
the idea of flow planes and directions is less useful In the case of nonuniform flow, nonpassive mark-
and Passchier Ž1997. has proposed the concept of ers, and rare particle–particle interactions, marker
planar or linear ‘fabric attractors’ towards which all behavior is a function of Ž1. velocity gradients, Ž2.
material lines rotate. Even more complex or chaotic coupling between the matrix flow and markers, and
laminar flows may form because velocity gradients Ž3. aspect ratios and initial orientations of the mark-
and fabric attractors may be temporally variable ers Že.g., Fernandez, 1987; Hanmer and Passchier,
andror spatially nonplanar. With even greater com- 1991.. Markers with smaller axial ratios tend to
plexity of particle paths, complex laminar flow may rotate faster and more than those with larger axial
grade into turbulent flow. Tritton Ž1988. states that ratios. Thus, at small strains Žg - 5. they tend to
‘‘turbulence is a state of continuous instability. Each show a greater degree of parallelism with the shear
time a flow changes as a result of an instability, plane but at higher strains are more likely to rotate
one’s ability to predict the details of the flow are past the shear direction or flow plane and thus are
reduced. When successive instabilities have reduced less likely to approach parallelism with the shear
the level of predictability so much that it is appropri- direction ŽNicolas, 1992.. At larger strains Žg ) 5.
ate to describe flow statistically, rather than in every markers with larger axial ratios are more likely to be
detail, then one says that the flow is turbulent.’’ For parallel with the flow direction ŽFernandez and La-
our purposes, we simply note that during turbulent porte, 1991.. Markers with smaller axial ratios de-
flow the displacement vectors are spatially and tem- velop statistical maxima around these positions
porally highly variable, and thus no simple geometri- ŽFernandez, 1987; Ildefonse et al., 1992.. Examples
cal or temporal relationship exists between flow and of such particle alignment have been observed in
fabrics Že.g., Martin and Nokes, 1988.. Below we many material science experiments Že.g., Folkes and
argue that preserved fabrics largely form near magma Russell, 1980; Ildefonse et al., 1992.. However, Park
solidi, conditions under which turbulent flow will and Means Ž1996. and Ildefonse et al. Ž1997. note
usually not occur Že.g., Brandeis and Marsh, 1989.. that when significant particle–particle interactions
Thus laminar flow is the most likely type of flow occur, particle behavior becomes even more com-
during fabric formation in granitoids. plex, and the preferred orientation of particles does
Magmatic fabric development is further compli- not have a simple relationship to strain. In crystalliz-
cated because of differences in behavior of passive ing magmas, mineral alignment will also depend on
and nonpassive markers ŽFig. 3.. Nonpassive mark- an increasing frequency of crystal–crystal interac-

Fig. 4. Ža. Regional pattern of fabrics in and around the Mount Stuart batholith. Foliations in the batholith are largely magmatic. Foliations
in host rock represent average orientations of most pervasively developed fabric at each location. Foliation dips indicated as follows: 08 to
298 filled squares, 308 to 598 filled triangles, and 608 to 908 no dip symbol. Note that magmatic fabric overprints internal compositional
variations and that the host rock fabric pattern is only deflected within a short distance from pluton. D s dunite and P s metapsammite
stoped blocks shown in block diagram insets. In these insets lines represent magmatic foliation patterns around stoped block. Žb. Regional
pattern of mineral lineations in and around the Mount Stuart batholith. Arrows are mineral alignment lineations with plunges of 08 to 198 Žno
arrowhead., 208 to 498 Žfilled arrowhead., and ) 508 Ždots..
S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82 59
60 S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82

tions, increased coupling at the crystal–melt inter- magmas: Ž1. fabric relationships around stoped
face, continued addition of new crystals, and growth blocks, Ž2. relationships between fabrics and compo-
of existing crystals, all of which will complicate the sitional boundaries in shallow to mid-crustal plutons,
development of preferred orientations in marker pop- Ž3. relationships between fabrics and intrusive sheet
ulations Že.g., Kerr and Lister, 1991; Ildefonse et al., margins in mid- to deep crustal plutons, and Ž4. the
1997.. presence of magmatic folds in plutons.
The above discussion indicates that one of the We have recently published descriptions of stoped
first challenges in interpreting magmatic fabric pat- blocks in two plutons, which help constrain the
terns in plutons is to find methods of using the timing of fabric formation ŽFowler and Paterson,
resulting strain pattern to determine the types of 1997; Paterson and Miller, in press.. In the Sierra
displacement paths Ži.e., probably various types of Nevada, stoped blocks Ž10 m to ) 100 m in length.
nonuniform flow. that occurred during formation of of the 115 Ma Lodgepole granite occur approxi-
the foliation and lineation. This may be difficult mately 360 m below the roof of the 98 Ma Castle
when the final strain pattern is a function of the Creek granodiorite ŽFowler, 1994.. Magmatic fabrics
variable behavior of different populations of markers developed throughout the Castle Creek granodiorite
undergoing complex interactions ŽFig. 3.. Without are deflected only within 1 m and locally only within
knowledge about marker behavior and flow kinemat- a few centimeters of the stoped blocks. Enclave
ics, it is difficult to uniquely infer displacement paths ratios and qualitative fabric intensities in this pluton
in chambers from final fabric geometries. do not deviate from chamber wide values even short
distances from the blocks and thus do not begin to
2.2. Determining the timing of fabric formation approach the orientation or magnitudes of strain
predicted around sinking objects ŽFowler and Pater-
The timing of fabric formation is central to under- son, 1997..
standing whether fabrics are formed during ascent, Stoped blocks near the roof of the 93 Ma Mount
emplacement, post-emplacement internal processes, Stuart batholith, Washington and ; 1 km below the
or regional tectonics. Several authors have noted roof ŽFig. 4. show fabric relationships identical to
that, during cooling and crystallization of magma those of the Castle Creek example. Magmatic folia-
bodies, a ‘crystal-mush zone’ forms at the edges of tion and locally lineation are well developed in this
the body and migrates inwards with time Že.g., Marsh, batholith and have complex patterns that will be
1989; Tait and Jaupart, 1990; Bergantz, 1991.. These discussed later. Meter to decameter scale stoped
crystal-mush zones represent the transition from low blocks of host rock occur meters to hundreds of
viscosity Newtonian melts with lower crystal con- meters below the roof of this batholith and have
tents to higher viscosity Bingham magmas near their internal metamorphic fabrics indicating that some of
solidi, a transition during which we believe mag- the blocks have rotated with respect to the roof. As
matic fabrics are ‘frozen in’ and preserved in the Castle Creek granodiorite, only within 2 m or
ŽYoshinobu et al., in press.. With increasing size or less do magmatic fabrics show any deflection near
emplacement depth of plutons, or in regions with the blocks ŽFig. 4.. Instead fabrics maintain
high geothermal gradients, the crystal-mush zone regional-scale orientations and mimic structural pat-
may take hundreds of thousands to millions of years terns in the surrounding host rock. We have also
to migrate through a pluton Že.g., Hanson and examined fabric patterns around several stoped blocks
Glazner, 1995; Yoshinobu et al., in press.. Thus, the preserved ; 1 km below the roof. Again these fabric
timing of magmatic fabric preservation relative to patterns contrast with those predicted for block set-
other processes, such as magma ascent or chamber tling but are compatible with the deflection from
construction, is less certain. regional trends around stationary blocks ŽPaterson
Four lines of evidence indicate that magmatic and Miller, in press..
fabrics generally form during the final stages of, or In both of the above plutons, the stoped blocks
following magma chamber construction in grani- and discordant, stepped roof contacts indicate that
toids, and very late in the physical evolution of stoping occurred during the final process of chamber
S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82 61

construction. Since the blocks are now trapped in the of these patterns in both types of plutons is that
chamber and, in some cases, have not moved far fabrics commonly cut across internal contacts ŽFig.
from their points of origination, they are the last 5. and overprint gradational compositional changes
blocks to have formed. Furthermore, magma viscosi- Že.g., Buddington, 1959; Bateman, 1992; Paterson
ties andror yield strengths must have been high and Vernon, 1995.. In some plutons, the magmatic
enough to prevent further sinking of these large fabrics refract across internal contacts Že.g., Comp-
blocks, indicating that the magmas were crystal-rich ton, 1955. or are locally parallel to internal contacts.
Že.g., Sparks et al., 1977; Paterson and Miller, in However, it is also common for the magmatic fabrics
press.. Since magmatic fabrics follow regional pat- to follow smooth trend lines across the contacts.
terns up to the blocks, with local variations consis- These observations imply the following: Ž1. although
tent with deflections around a previously existing probably time-transgressive, magmatic fabrics post-
object, we argue that the fabrics do not record strain date the juxtaposition of compositional phases at any
formed during magma ascent, early emplacement, or single locality; Ž2. fabrics were not formed by flow
block sinking. Instead they record strain that oc- during vigorous pluton-wide convection, since con-
curred after the crystal-rich magmas trapped the vection would alter or destroy the compositional
blocks during or after final chamber construction. heterogeneities; Ž3. large viscosity contrasts did not
Elliptical Žin map view., normally zoned plutons exist across the internal contacts when the fabrics
are common at mid-crustal depths in magmatic arcs were ‘frozen in’ Žfor an exception see Compton,
Že.g., Buddington, 1959; Bateman, 1992.. In some of 1955.; and Ž4. magmatic fabrics must have formed
these bodies, magmatic foliations are concentric and over a relatively short time interval, specifically after
parallel to the host-rock contacts, but in others the ascent and juxtaposition of separate magma pulses,
patterns are more complex. The most striking aspect but before final crystallization.

Fig. 5. Summary map of the Early Cretaceous White Creek Batholith and enclosing host rocks, southeast British Columbia, after Reesor
Ž1958. and Brandon and Lambert Ž1994.. Bold lines in pluton with diamond symbols represent trend lines of magmatic foliations. Thin lines
in host rocks show lithological contacts and bedding trends, bold lines show pre-emplacement faults.
62 S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82
S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82 63

We have recently examined several mid- to deep- hornblende crystals. The large number of igneous
crustal plutons, including the Entiat and Cardinal grains that define the folded fabric and the poikilitic
Peak plutons in the Cascades Mountains ŽWashing- texture of the axial-planar hornblendes suggest that
ton, USA. and the Main Donegal granite ŽIreland.. the fabric formed and was then folded in the pres-
These plutons display spectacular layering, ranging ence of only a small amount of melt.
from millimeter-scale, compositionally and texturally In summary, we have described magmatic fabrics
distinct bands, to kilometer-scale sheets ŽPitcher and that Ž1. postdate the settling of stoped blocks near
Berger, 1972; Yuan and Paterson, 1993b; Miller and and far from pluton roofs, Ž2. overprint internal
Paterson, 1995.. Magmatic fabrics in the Entiat and contacts in shallow to mid-crustal plutons, Ž3. over-
Cardinal Peak plutons, are sometimes parallel to and print internal sheets or compositional layering and, in
sometimes crosscut internal layering ŽFig. 6.. Timing places, chamber margins in mid- to deep-crustal
relationships indicate that the host rock fabric is plutons, and Ž4. define magmatic folds. These obser-
continuous with the magmatic fabric ŽMiller and vations indicate that the magmatic fabrics formed
Paterson, 1995.. In the Main Donegal pluton, mag- late in the crystallization histories of these intrusive
matic fabrics are generally subparallel to sheets but, bodies, and largely after the chambers were con-
in detail, there are many examples of fabrics cutting structed. They therefore preserve information about
sheets ŽPitcher and Berger, 1972; Yuan and Paterson, neither ascent nor most of the emplacement histories.
1993b.. We interpret the above relationships in all Although we suspect this is a widespread phe-
three plutons to indicate that Ž1. the host rock fabrics nomenon, we believe that this conclusion must be
are typically continuous with the magmatic fabrics, evaluated for each pluton. Therefore, a further chal-
Ž2. the magmatic fabrics postdate formation of inter- lenge in interpreting magmatic fabric patterns is to
nal sheeting, and Ž3. the magmatic fabrics formed establish the timing of fabrics relative to other ig-
after the magma chambers were constructed, but neous processes Že.g., formation of internal contacts.,
before the plutons completely crystallized ŽMiller to chamber construction processes Že.g., stoping and
and Paterson, 1995.. expansion., and to regional deformation.
Magmatic folds Ži.e., hypersolidus folding of
magmatic fabrics, layering, or enclaves. occur in all 2.3. Poor strain memory of magmatic fabrics
three of these plutons ŽPitcher and Berger, 1972;
Yuan and Paterson, 1993b., sometimes with subse- Intuitively, magmatic fabrics are poor recorders of
quent magmatic fabrics parallel to their axial planes. total strain, since fabrics are commonly weakly de-
There is evidence that these magmatic folds formed veloped in melts that have ascended long distances
at the same time as folding in the host rock ŽPaterson by nonuniform flow. Several lines of evidence indi-
et al., 1994b, Miller and Paterson, 1995.. Fig. 7 cate that preserved fabrics only record the youngest
shows a photograph Ža. and line drawing Žb. of a increments of strain during magma crystallization.
magmatic fold in the Entiat pluton in which most of We have described examples in which strain caused
the rock consists of aligned igneous plagioclase and by the sinking of stoped blocks is not recorded by
hornblende now defining an upright, tight fold. Some fabrics surrounding the blocks but instead record
late, poikilitic, igneous hornblende occur parallel to younger increments of strain. It is also informative to
the axial plane of the fold. Only minor syn-folding compare axial ratios of microgranitoid enclaves in
subsolidus deformation is observed and there are no plutons to adjacent fabric ellipsoids calculated from
optical differences between folded and axial-planar crystal shapes and preferred orientations ŽTable 1..

Fig. 6. Simplified structural map and cross section of the Entiat and Cardinal Peak plutons, Washington, showing location of mappable
sheets and more irregular masses. These plutons are internally complex and particularly in the NW third of the Entiat pluton and along
margins of both plutons consist of 100s of meter-scale sheets. Note that foliation patterns, largely magmatic and even more complex than
displayed, define large and small-scale folds Že.g., Fig. 7., sometimes crosscut internal sheeting, and are typically continuous with fabrics in
the host rock.
64 S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82

Fig. 7. Photograph Ža. and line drawing Žb. of a magmatic fold from the Entiat pluton showing folded magmatic foliation defined by aligned
hornblende and some plagioclase overprinted by aligned magmatic, poikilitic hornblende parallel to axial plane of fold. We suggest that the
percent of minerals which define the folded foliation and presence of igneous hornblende parallel to the axial plane of the fold indicate that
the fabric formed in a crystal-rich magma during grain supported flow.

Such comparisons are not straightforward, since data Batholith, California, our initial studies indicate that
sets are obtained using different techniques Že.g., crystal fabric ellipsoids typically have XrZ ratios of
Rfru , Fry, and averages of ratios. and different sizes less than 2.5 to 1, even where adjacent to enclaves
of populations Ža single enclave vs. multiple miner- with XrZ ratios as high as 25r1. In the Ardara
als., and since data are collected at different scales pluton, Ireland, enclaves near the northern margin
Žthin sections to large outcrops.. In spite of these have XrZ ratios in horizontal and vertical exposures
difficulties, some general trends are recognizable. as large as 14r1, whereas nearby crystal fabric
For example, near the roof of the Mount Stuart ellipsoids have ratios of 1.3r1 for plagioclase and
batholith, consistently oriented enclaves have con- biotite in both horizontal and vertical surfaces. In
strictional shapes with XrYrZ ratios ranging from part, these results may reflect limitations of the
3r1.25r1 to 23r7r1. Nearby fabric ellipsoids typi- techniques used, particularly since maximum ratios
cally have ratios of 2r1 or less ŽTable 1.. In the Inyo for magmatic crystals are limited by crystal size
S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82 65

Table 1
Comparison of magmatic fabric and enclave ratios for several plutons
Pluton Fabric ratios Enclave ratios Reference
Gelles Žaverage. 6.5 1.0 2.2 1.0 Fernandez and Laporte Ž1991.
Ardara 14.0 12.0 1.0 Holder Ž1979.
plagioclase 1.3 1.0
biotite 1.2 1.0
Mount Stuart 3.0 1.3 1.0 Paterson Žunpublished.
23.0 7.0 1.0
plagioclase 1.0 1.8 1.0
Beer Creek 10.0 1.0 Paterson Žunpublished.
plagioclase 1.1 1.0
biotite 1.3 1.0
quartz 1.3 1.0
Joshua Flat 22.0 12.0 1.0 Paterson Žunpublished.
40.0 3.0 1.0
plagioclase 1.1 1.0
biotite 1.3 1.0
quartz 1.2 1.0

Žthus affecting Rfru ratios. and crystal interactions Ž3. because fabrics record only a small increment of
and final packing may alter center-to-center dis- strain, they have a greater chance of not being
tances Žthus affecting Fry results.. However, inspec- parallel to flow planes and directions during non-
tion of thin sections for all the above examples coaxial flow. Thus an additional challenge in inter-
shows that statistically significant numbers of crys- preting fabric patterns is to determine which incre-
tals have their long axes at high angles to fabric ment of strain is preserved and whether different
directions. This supports the conclusion that grain increments are preserved in different parts of the
preferred orientations in these plutons are not partic- pluton.
ularly intense.
Paterson and Vernon Ž1995. summarized evidence 2.4. Interpreting multiple magmatic fabrics in a sin-
that enclaves are not good recorders of the total gle body
strain experienced by the magma. The above enclave
ratios support this notion, given that all these mag- The examples above indicate that different objects
mas probably traveled tens of kilometers, but have in magma may record different amounts of strain,
enclaves with ratios of 25r1 or less. Adjacent crystal even though they are subparallel. It is also increas-
fabrics typically record an order of magnitude less ingly recognized that multiple magmatic fabrics with
strain than enclaves or enclave populations. In fact, different orientations may form in a single pluton.
we are impressed with just how weak crystal align- Examples have been reported by Bouchez et al.
ments typically are, commonly defined by fabric Ž1981. in the Guerande pluton ŽFrance., Blumenfeld
ellipsoids with ratios of less than 3r1, even in and Bouchez Ž1988. in sheared migmatites and or-
plutons with prominent magmatic foliations andror thogneisses, Bilodeau and Nelson Ž1993. in the Sage
lineations visible in the field. Hen Flat pluton ŽCalifornia., and Schulmann et al.
These data support the following conclusions: Ž1. Ž1997. in the deep borehole EPS-1 near Soultz-
it only takes a small amount of strain to form sous-Foret ŽFrance.. We have examined several ex-
magmatic fabrics and thus they can be easily reset; amples including: Ž1. a magmatic foliation defined
Ž2. preserved fabrics record the final increments of by plagioclase and hornblende alignment at high
strain before magmas lock up near their solidi; and angles to aligned enclaves in the Dirty Face pluton,
66 S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82
S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82 67

Washington, Ž2. two magmatic foliations in the Main emphasises the well-known fact that magma rheol-
Donegal pluton, Ireland, one parallel to and one ogy changes dramatically during the transition from
oblique to layering ŽYuan and Paterson, 1993a., and hypersolidus to solidus conditions, as crystal percent-
Ž3. folded and cross-cutting axial-planar magmatic ages increase from ; 50% to 100% and magma
foliations in the Entiat and Mount Stuart plutons, viscosities increase tenfold due to decreasing temper-
Washington. Explanations for multiple magmatic ature ŽWickham, 1987; Cruden, 1990., and thus in-
fabrics include: differential rotation of minerals with creasing melt polymerization ŽLofgren, 1980. and
different shapes or axial ratios during noncoaxial increasing grain–grain interactions. Methods for cal-
strain ŽBlumenfeld and Bouchez, 1988.; formation of culating melt viscosities exist and now can be cor-
metastable orthogonal linear fabrics under a combi- rected for crystal interactions ŽWildemuth and
nation of pure and simple shear ŽWillis, 1977.; and Williams, 1984; Lejeune and Richet, 1995..
formation of orthogonal fabrics where minerals with Many recent studies indicate that, as magmas
different axial ratios are aligned parallel to unequal crystallize and change from suspension to grain sup-
elongation components during coaxial flow ŽJezek et ported flow, their behavior changes from Newtonian
al., 1994; Schulmann et al., 1997.. Ž- 35% crystals., to Bingham andror power law
Thus another challenge when interpreting fabric behavior at high crystal contents Že.g., Webb and
patterns is to determine whether multiple magmatic Dingwell, 1990; Fernandez and Gasguet, 1994.. The
fabrics exist and, if so, to evaluate their relationships relationship between viscosity and crystal content is
with the overall fabric pattern in the pluton. This is complex and depends on composition Že.g., Ryan
particularly problematic for fabric patterns deter- and Blevins, 1987., crystal shape ŽKerr and Lister,
mined from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility 1991., pressure and temperature Že.g., Kushiro, 1980;
analyses Že.g., Bouchez, 1997. because this tech- Scaillet et al., 1997., volatile content Že.g., Scaillet et
nique only provides integral information of magnetic al., 1997., and strain rate ŽWebb and Dingwell,
minerals and assumes that fabric populations have 1990; Weinberg and Podladchikov, 1994.. Thus the
orthorhombic symmetry. transitions from Newtonian to Bingham andror
power law behavior remain poorly defined Žbut see
excellent summary by Dingwell et al., 1993..
2.5. Deformation mechanisms and magma rheology Parts of Figs. 8 and 9 are constrained by experi-
during fabric formation mental results. Dell’Angelo et al. Ž1987. experimen-
tally deformed fine-grained Ž2 to 50 mm. granite
Inferences of the timing and causes of magmatic aggregates at 9008C, 15 kbar, fluid present melting
fabric formation could be placed on firmer ground if with H 2 O contents of - 1 wt.%, strain rates of 10y6
the deformation mechanisms controlling the rheolog- sy1 , and total strains of 48% to 65%. The dominant
ical behavior during fabric formation were estab- deformation mechanism was dislocation creep for
lished. The late formation of fabrics indicates that it coarser-grained aggregates with 0% to 3% melt,
is particularly important to understand magma be- whereas melt-enhanced diffusion creep was domi-
havior immediately above the solidus. nant for aggregates with grain sizes less than 10 mm
Figs. 8 and 9 provide a preliminary summary of and with 3% to 5% melt. This study suggests that
information about relationships between viscosity, crystal plasticity, and particularly melt-assisted diffu-
temperature, crystal percentages, and deformation sion creep, may occur during the final stages of
mechanisms for basaltic and granitic magmas. Fig. 8 crystallization.

Fig. 8. Cartoon illustrating approximate magma viscosity as a function of crystal content and temperatures for basaltic and granitic magmas
crystallizing in a closed system. Sources for constraints on positions and shapes of the two curves are shown on curves in italics. Positions
of curves are further constrained by theoretical calculations of Bergantz and Dawes Ž1994.. Also shown are the approximate locations of
hypersolidus, near-solidus, and subsolidus regions, transitional zone from magmas dominated by suspension versus grain supported flow,
and where some of the deformation mechanisms discussed in the text are particularly important. The probable transition from Newtonian to
Bingham behavior is indicated along the viscosity scale.
68 S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82

Fig. 9. Chart showing at what degrees of crystallinity different deformation mechanisms likely operate in magmas. Some processes Že.g.,
grain boundary sliding. may occur by different mechanisms, the latter of which are listed along the horizontal lines. Boundaries between
regions in which different mechanisms operate are not well constrained.

Rutter and Neumann Ž1995. completed fluid-ab- viscosity layers formed, but not until the samples
sent melting of cores of Westerly granite at 3 kbar contained 30% melt, near 9758C, did the rock mass
and 10y7 sy1 strain rates. The lower pressures and become mobile.
fluid-absent melting resulted in brittle deformation Rushmer Ž1995. performed fluid-absent melting
during initial melting. Through-going shear zones experiments on amphibolites at strain rates of 10y5
developed in samples with less than 10% melt sy1 , 18 kbar, and temperatures of 6508 to 10008C.
whereas, in samples with 10% and 40% melt, melt Melt first appeared at about 8508C, with deformation
was squeezed from individual pockets into through- mechanisms changing as follows. Ž1. At near-solidus
going fractures. Above 40% melt, unfractured grains conditions Ž8008 to 9008C and 1% to 5% melt.,
were passively carried by flowing melt. crystal plastic behavior of quartz and plagioclase
Wolf and Wyllie Ž1991. examined microstructures occurred while hornblende showed a transition from
and viscosities of cores of amphibolite Ž70% horn- brittle to plastic behavior with increasing tempera-
blende, 30% plagioclase. during fluid-absent melting ture. Ž2. At 9358C, as melt increased from 5% to
at 10 kbar and 8508 to 10008C. The amphibolite 15%, pervasive fracturing and development of
began to melt at 8508C. Melt interconnectivity was through-going shear zones were common. Ž3. At
obtained by 8758C with 2% melt, although estimated 10008C and G 20% melt, a breakdown of the load-
viscosities remained high. By 8508 to 9008C low supporting crystal network occurred, resulting in
S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82 69

grain-boundary sliding ŽGBS., some crystal–crystal melting, is thought to occur in gabbros with - 20%
interaction, and no evidence of focused deformation. melt ŽNicolas and Ildefonse, 1996.. Park and Means
Rushmer Ž1995. concluded that embrittlement caused Ž1996. also noted that crystal plasticity aided the
by the presence of melt may be an important near- processes of filter pressing and grain-supported flow.
solidus deformation mechanism, and that above 20% They suggested that such filter pressing may be
melt, suspension flow occurred, during which total recognizable in natural layered systems where layers
strain was not recorded by crystal fabrics. ŽSee also with deformed crystals and one composition Ži.e.,
Arzi, 1978; Van der Molen and Paterson, 1979.. filter-pressed layers. occur within layers of another
A magma analogue, a poly-phase thiocyanate composition that show only igneous microstructures.
compound, was used by Means and Park Ž1994. and Grain-supported flow in these experiments occurred
Park and Means Ž1996. to examine processes across by melt-enhanced GBS, which accomodated both
the transition from hypersolidus suspension flow, distributed and discrete strain. The distributed strain
through near-solidus grain-supported flow, to sub- produced a grain-shape-preferred orientation in all
solidus viscous flow. Results from their dynamic phases of the rock analogue, and therefore occurred
crystallization experiments indicate that GBS aided with little melt present ŽFig. 7.. Discrete strain oc-
by crystal plasticity and dynamic recrystallization curred by melt-enhanced GBS along shear surfaces,
dominated at high strain rates Ž) 10y5 sy1 ., whereas which Park and Means noted may be very difficult to
GBS aided by contact melting dominated at lower identify in plutonic rocks ŽFig. 10. if shear surfaces
strain rates ŽG 10y6 sy1 .. GBS, aided by contact do not draw in or expel melt.

Fig. 10. Photograph of schlieren offset along magmatic faults in the Dinky Creek pluton, Sierra Nevada. Offset of several centimeters occurs
without any mineral preferred orientation being developed along the fault. Subsolidus microstructures are not localized along the fault and
some igneous crystals grow across the fault suggesting that the offset occurred by melt-assisted grain boundary sliding and stopped before
final crystallization. Note the slight concentration of mafic minerals along the fault.
70 S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82

The Park and Means Ž1996. study, in particular, variety of mechanisms, such as Ž1. melt-assisted
suggests that an important fabric-forming process at GBS, Ž2. contact-melting assisted grain boundary
low melt percentages may be alignment of crystals migration, Ž3. strain partitioning into melt-rich zones,
by local porous flow and GBS in response to small and Ž4. grain rotation during porous flow. The only
deviatoric stresses, whether or not the magma is indication of strain accomodated is this fashion may
undergoing regional-scale flow. This process is anal- be the formation of a ‘magmatic-looking’ fabric
ogous to alignment of clay particles during dewater- Že.g., Nicolas and Ildefonse, 1996.. Park and Means
ing of sediments or to alignment of crystals during Ž1996. study particularly emphasizes that the opera-
filter pressing in magma, a process now thought to tion of some deformation mechanisms may be diffi-
form along both vertical and horizontal cooling fronts cult to infer from preserved microstructures. Further-
in crystallizing magma chambers ŽStevenson and more, other near-solidus processes, such as tiling of
Scott, 1987; Marsh, 1989; McBirney, 1993.. McKen- minerals, differential grain rotation, grain interfer-
zie Ž1984., Kerr and Tait Ž1986., and Stevenson and ence, and grain fracturing or melt-aided recrystalliza-
Scott Ž1987. have provided theoretical and experi- tion, may prevent or reduce grain alignment Že.g.,
mental evidence that porosity in crystal mushes may Ildefonse et al., 1992.. The above studies also indi-
be high Ž40% to 10%., that extensive flow of melt cate that some deformation mechanisms previously
can occur in such mushes, and that the crystal matrix assumed to reflect subsolidus deformation are active
deforms during flow. A stressed crystal in magma during near-solidus, grain-supported flow. If so,
will tend to rotate such that its largest face is perpen- preservation of the microstructures indicative of pro-
dicular to s 1 Že.g., DeVore, 1969.. More impor- cesses active during igneous grain alignment may be
tantly, deviatoric stress will cause porous flow of destroyed by fracturing, crystal plasticity, and recrys-
melt towards the least principal stress in the mush, tallization even before the magma reaches its solidus.
aiding in crystal alignment ŽFolkes and Russell, Thus three further challenges that complicate in-
1980.. Hibbard Ž1987. discussed ‘melt relocation’ terpretation of fabrics are that: Ž1. some deformation
microstructures that form during such a process. mechanisms operating in magmas potentially leave
Alignment of crystals during porous flow, aided little imprint on preserved grain alignments and mi-
by melt-enhanced GBS and contact melting, is an crostructures; Ž2. deformation mechanisms usually
attractive concept to us because it provides a mecha- thought to reflect subsolidus processes sometimes
nism for the formation of weak to moderate mag- operate above the solidus, complicating issues of
matic fabrics without significant deformation of ig- timing and the causes of fabric formation; and Ž3.
neous markers that occur at angles to these fabrics considerable uncertainty remains about the rheologi-
Že.g., layers in the Main Donegal and internal con- cal state of magmas during fabric formation and thus
tacts in many zoned plutons.. It also allows for the likely degree of mechanical coupling with rela-
formation of magmatic fabrics very late in a cham- tively stiff, and sometimes actively deforming, host
ber’s history in an inward migrating crystal-mush rocks.
zone. What remains unclear is the nature of stresses
in these crystal-mush zones and the degree to which
these stresses drive fabric formation. 3. A proposed method of fabric-pattern interpre-
The studies described in this section indicate that tation
a change from grain-supported to suspension flow
typically occurs in deforming magmas between 20% 3.1. Summary of fabric patterns
and 40% melt ŽFigs. 8 and 9. and that large amounts
of strain may occur in magmas without this strain A review of maps published over the last century
being recorded by the final fabric. During suspension indicates that magmatic fabric patterns can be
flow, crystals freely rotate and move past one an- grouped into three end-member types ŽFig. 11.. One
other while strain is accommodated by the melt of the more common consists of margin-parallel or
phase. At lower melt percentages, perhaps as low as ‘onion-skin’ patterns ŽFig. 5. in circular to sub-el-
a few percent, strain may be accommodated by a liptical plutons ŽBuddington, 1959; Murray, 1979;
S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82 71

The geometries of this pattern differ from the previ-

ous ones in being internally complex and having
little continuity with host rock fabric patterns. Many
plutons have components of one or more of the
above patterns Že.g., Fig. 4. and thus are the most
challenging to interpret.

3.2. Interpreting fabric patterns

The variability in fabric patterns and fabric-for-

ming processes may make the interpretation of pat-
terns seem a daunting if not an impossible task. This
may be true for some plutons. However, the common
occurrence and relative simplicity of many patterns
suggest that there are a few first-order controls and
that many of the complications discussed above re-
Fig. 11. Three end-member types of magmatic fabric patterns in
plutons showing gradations and important processes in forming flect second order processes. However, fabric pat-
each pattern. See text for full discussion. terns are sufficiently unique that they must be fully
evaluated for each pluton. Below we suggest a pro-
cedure for doing so. This procedure must be used
Brun et al., 1990.. Typically, foliation intensity in- with caution. It is difficult to apply to some plutons
creases toward the margins, whereas mineral lin- and results in ambiguous interpretations in others.
eations are weak Že.g., Bateman, 1985; Courrioux, Despite this, for a given pluton, it provides a means
1987.. Another common pattern involves elongate of ruling out many of the potential causes of fabric
plutons Žwith length to width ratios greater than 3. formation presented in the introduction.
with magmatic fabrics typically subparallel to the After careful mapping of magmatic foliations and
long dimensions of the intrusions andror to the lineations, the following steps should be completed.
regional structural trends in the host rocks ŽFig. 6.. Ž1. Use whatever means available to determine
Magmatic structures commonly cut across internal the timing of fabric development relative to other
igneous contacts and sometimes across host rock igneous features Že.g., enclaves, layering, and inter-
contacts Že.g., Pitcher and Berger, 1972; Moore and nal contacts., to features formed during chamber
Sisson, 1987; Miller and Paterson, 1995.. Magmatic construction Že.g., stoped blocks and faults., and to
lineations are typically subparallel to stretching lin- features formed during regional deformation. This is
eations in the host rock. In some of these plutons, an important and commonly overlooked step since
magmatic fabrics are folded, with fold axes and axial our results indicate that fabrics formed during ascent
planes subparallel to similar structures in nearby host and early emplacement are rarely, if ever, preserved
rock. A third common pattern varies from complex in plutons.
fabric geometries that define lobes, folds, and recti- Ž2. Use structural and microstructural observa-
linear patterns over short distances, such as those tions Že.g., Figs. 8 and 9, and Table 2a. to determine
described by Abbott Ž1989. for the South Mountain the rheological state during fabric formation and
batholith, to multiple lobate and rectilinear patterns whether fabrics formed during suspension or grain-
on a batholith scale, such as those described by supported flow. The success of this step depends on
Bateman Ž1992. for large intrusive suites in the the use of experimental studies that relate preserved
Sierra Nevada. Mineral lineations are typically weak microstructures to deformation mechanisms which
to absent in outer portions of these plutons, but in operated during different rheological states.
places plunge shallowly to steeply towards one or Ž3. Determine fabric ellipsoid characteristics at a
more centers within the body ŽVigneresse, 1990.. number of stations, including shape Žprolate, triaxial,
Table 2

S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82

Microstructures associated with growth and deformation of minerals in granitoids
Mineral Magmatic Solid state
High-temperature Low-temperature
K-feldspar Ø Euhedral to subhedral Ø Sub- to anhedral Ø Relict porphyroclasts with subgrains or fractures
Ø Weak zoning Ø Low triclinicity Žmicrocline. Ø Glide twins
Ø Growth twins common Ø Albite exsolution in recrystallized grains Ø Altered to clays, micas
Ø Synneusis, exsolution Ø Creep microstructures Ø At low T : weaker than Qtz
Ø Orthoclase, high triclinicity Ø Pressure solution microstructures
Ø Moulded by matrix of igneous crystals
Ø Little intracrystalline strain
Ø Euhedral inclusions in other igneous crystals
Plagioclase Ø Euhedral to subhedral laths Ø Anhedral polygonal crystals Ø Relict porphyroclasts with subgrains or fractures
Ø Zoning Žnormal, patchy. Ø An 15 to An 35 typical Ø An 15 to An 0 typical
Ø Growth twins common parallel to long axis Ø Forms clusters or bands Ø Glide twins Žless common. and little relation to
long axis
Ø Synneusis Ø Creep microstructures Ø Altered to clays, micas and epidote
Ø Appropriate Ca content or high-T albite Ø Recovery textures common Ø At low T : weaker than Qtz
Ø Moulded by matrix of igneous crystals Ø Pressure solution microstructures
Ø Euhedral inclusions in other igneous crystals
Ø Little intracrystalline strain
Hornblende Ø Euhedral to subhedral Ø Anhedral polygonal to lath-shaped crystals Ø Relict porphyroclasts with subgrains or fractures
Ø Lath-shaped to stubby Ø Forms clusters or bands Ø Alter to chlorite, biotite, or actinolite–tremolite
Ø Single crystals, Ø Replaces pyroxene, olivine Ø Pressure solution microstructures
Ø Rare twins, synneusis Ø High-T pleochroism
Ø High-T pleochroism Ø Creep microstructures
Ø Moulded by matrix of igneous crystals Ø Recovery textures common
Ø Euhedral inclusions in other igneous crystals
Ø Little intracrystalline strain
Biotite Ø Euhedral, single books Ø Forms clusters or bands Ø Forms bands with variable grain sizes
Ø Smooth 001 faces Ø Variable grain sizes Ø Kinking, fracturing
Ø Euhedral inclusions in other igneous crystals Ø Creep microstructures Ø Irregular 001 faces
Ø Little intracrystalline strain Ø Recovery textures common Ø Pressure solution microstructures
Ø Irregular 001 faces Ø Recrystallize to chlorite
Muscovite Ø Eu- to subhedral, Ø Forms clusters or bands Ø Forms bands with variable grain sizes
Ø Single crystals to clusters Ø Variable grain sizes Ø Kinking, fracturing
Ø Smooth 001 faces Ø Creep microstructures Ø Irregular 001 faces
Ø Euhedral inclusions in other igneous crystals Ø Recovery textures common Ø Pressure solution microstructures
Ø Little intracrystalline strain Ø Irregular 001 faces
Quartz Ø Eu- to anhedral crystals Ø Polygonal recrystallized grains: Ø Subhedral grains
triple junctions
Ø Spherical pools moulding other igneous crystals Ø Forms Qtz-rich bands Ø Creep microstructures
Ø No strong preferred orientation Ø Creep microstructures Ø Qtz ribbons, S–C structures
Ø Inclusions in other igneous crystals Ø Recovery textures common Ø Subgrains, fractures
Ø Little intracrystalline strain except minor Ø Lipital C dominates Ø a-slip dominates

S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82

undulose extinction
Ø Weak preferred orientation Ø Pressure solution microstructures

74 S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82

or oblate., size Žfabric intensity. and orientation for occur in both the pluton and the host rock ŽFigs. 6
elements defining the magmatic fabric. Also deter- and 13c.. If fabrics result from late alignment of
mine kinematics associated with the fabrics Že.g., crystals during porous flow in a relatively static
Nicolas, 1992; Smith et al., 1993.. It is important to chamber, large gradients should not be observed,
do the above for different populations of markers although small gradients may occur near rheological
Že.g., enclaves, feldspars, micas, etc.. as it is clear boundaries.
that different markers behave differently and that Ž5. Compare deflections of regional preemplace-
more than one magmatic fabric may form in a single ment markers and geometries of syn-emplacement
pluton. Combined fabric ellipsoid shapes and kine- fabrics in the host rock with magmatic fabric pat-
matic data provide information about likely magma terns in plutons. Use the degree of structural continu-
displacement paths at individual locations ŽFig. 13.. ity to evaluate the degree of mechanical coupling
Ž4. Use data from step 3 to evaluate displacement between the host rock and magma chamber during
gradients in chambers. Some internal processes Že.g., fabric formation. If structural patterns are completely
convection or magma surges. require large gradients discontinuous ŽFig. 13a., indicating a high degree of
in the shapes, sizes, or orientations of fabric ellip- mechanical decoupling, fabric patterns probably re-
soids because of continuity requirements of flow in a sult from internal magma chamber processes. If mag-
relatively fixed chamber volume ŽFig. 2.. If fabrics matic structures are continuous with syn-emplace-
result from regional strain, similar gradients should ment host rock structures ŽFig. 13c., a high degree of

Fig. 12. Flow chart showing how information about fabric ellipsoid characteristics and kinematics help constrain flow type at a single
S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82 75

mechanical coupling is implied and fabric patterns mapping in regions with significant vertical relief or
probably reflect strain caused by regional deforma- in tilted plutons ŽPaterson et al., 1996., or by com-
tion. bining surface geology with geophysical data
Ž6. Ideally, complete the above steps in three ŽVigneresse, 1990..
dimensions, andror attempt to determine the three- When possible, we have completed diagrams to
dimensional shape of the pluton by looking for pre- exemplify how each of the above data sets can be
served roofs or floors of chambers ŽFowler, 1996., used to deduce the probable causes of fabric pattern

Fig. 13. Chart showing how the degree of continuity between host rock structures and structures in magma chambers place constraints on
probably causeŽs. of magmatic fabrics. Cartoons at top show circular magma chambers and simplified structural patterns, best viewed as
end-members on the sides of a triangle. A s complete decoupling, B s partial coupling Ždashed lines in host rock s foliations formed during
emplacement., and C s complete coupling. Although only foliations are shown both foliation and lineation should be used to evaluate
coupling. After the degree of coupling Žfirst row. is confirmed by information about timing of host rock and magmatic structures, it can be
used along with information about whether internal fabrics are magmatic or subsolidus Žsecond row. to determine likely causes of fabric
formation Žthird row.. Box at the bottom shows possible fabric-forming processes grouped into internal, crystallization, emplacement, and
regional processes.
76 S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82

formation Ži.e., Figs. 8 and 9 and 11–13, and Table distances argue against fabric formation during
2.. The greatest difficulty is that rarely are all of the chamber expansion or pluton-wide convection. In-
above data sets available for a single pluton. For stead, these data indicate that magmatic fabrics
example, an increasingly popular procedure is to formed during regional deformation largely after
evaluate magmatic fabric patterns based on the use magma chamber construction and before the pluton
of AMS techniques ŽBouchez, 1997.. Although this was completely crystallized.
is a powerful tool for determining integrated fabric Fabric patterns in the White Creek batholith,
ellipsoid geometries of magnetic phases, it provides British Columbia ŽFig. 5. offer insight into the com-
no information about the kinematics, timing, or mag- plexities of interpreting the ‘onion-skin’ fabric pat-
nitude of flow, or even a check on fabric geometries tern so typical in zoned, subcircular plutons. This
for separate mineral populations. It is also common batholith is a roughly elliptical, nested body with a
that fabric patterns in plutons are evaluated without monzodioritic border facies, followed inward by
consideration of host rock structures Že.g., Cour- hornblende–biotite granodiorite and porphyritic gra-
rioux, 1987; Saint Blanquat and Tikoff, 1997.. An- nodiorite, and an inner intrusive pulse of two-mica
other difficulty is that some of the above observa- granite ŽReesor, 1958; Brandon and Lambert, 1994..
tions provide only permissive constraints on pro- Magmatic foliation forms a roughly concentric pat-
cesses, rather than proof that a given process oc- tern subparallel to the batholith margin. A lineation
curred Že.g., coaxial, noncoaxial, and more compli- occurs locally in the foliation, but lacks consistent
cated laminar flows can all produce L-S fabrics.. orientation. Enclave ratios and mineral alignment
However, we emphasize that the ambiguity in fabric define weak to moderate triaxial to oblate fabric
pattern interpretations increases rapidly if one or ellipsoids and show a moderate increase in intensity
more of the above data sets are not considered. In toward the host rock contact ŽReesor, 1958.. No
Section 4 we use the above steps to illustrate the information is available about kinematics and only
constraints and ambiguities that can result from in- indirect information is available on the rheological
terpretations of magmatic fabric patterns. state during fabric formation and 3D chamber shape.
Analysis of available data indicates that the fabric
formed after juxtaposition of earlier phases, since it
4. Examples of fabric pattern interpretation crosscuts contacts between these phases, but before
the innermost two-mica granite was intruded, since
Magmatic fabric patterns in the Entiat and Cardi- this phase sharply truncates fabric ŽFig. 5.. Map
nal Peak plutons, Washington ŽFig. 6. reflect strongly patterns also show that internal fabrics are strongly
coupled systems. Above we described relationships decoupled from host rock fabrics on the sharply
in and around these plutons which indicate that discordant western, northern, and eastern margins,
preserved magmatic fabrics: Ž1. formed after em- but possibly weakly coupled where margin-parallel
placement since they crosscut internal contacts and fabrics are locally recognized in a narrow contact
sometimes host rock contacts, Ž2. formed during aureole ŽReesor, 1958.. We suggest that these data
grain supported flow in a crystal-rich magma ŽFig. rule out regional deformation as a significant cause
7., Ž3. have geometries, kinematics, and gradients of fabric formation and instead suggest that fabrics
that mimic host-rock geometries, kinematics, and formed late during emplacement due to internal pro-
gradients ŽMiller and Paterson, 1995., and Ž4. are cesses.
sometimes continuous with host-rock structure. We One common interpretation of this kind of fabric
argue that the magmatic foliation and lineation in pattern is that it formed due to a large amount of
these plutons cannot represent flow planes and direc- lateral expansion of the magma chamber. If so the
tions because the structures locally occur at high following observations are problematic: Ž1. the mag-
angles to the pluton margin and cut internal contacts matic fabric cuts internal contacts, implying that it
between sheets ŽFig. 6.. We know of no flow along formed after juxtaposition of these phases rather than
margins that would form such a geometry. The during intrusion of one phase by another; Ž2. the
complex variations of fabric orientation over short fabric is equally well developed along both discor-
S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82 77

dant and concordant host rock contacts, indicating result in progressive noncoaxial flow parallel to the
that significant deformation of the host rock was not magma-host rock margin and later parallel to the
required to form the fabric; Ž3. the innermost two- crystal-mush zone due to the strong viscosity gradi-
mica granite discordantly cuts along sharp contacts ent near these features. This scenario is most likely
the magmatic fabric in outer phases, indicating that where a strong thermal and viscosity gradient occurs
emplacement of at least this phase did not cause across the magma-host rock contact, which may be
chamber expansion; and Ž4. there is little evidence in one reason why these ‘onion-skin’ patterns are most
the host rock for large amounts of lateral expansion commonly preserved in mid- to shallow crustal plu-
ŽPaterson and Vernon, 1995.. tons.
A second interpretation of this type of fabric Fabric patterns in the Mount Stuart batholith ŽFig.
pattern is that it reflects pluton-wide convection Že.g., 4. reflect a more complicated system with compo-
Schmeling et al., 1988; Cruden, 1990.. This is a nents of coupled and decoupled systems. Aligned
more plausible explanation because it does not re- mafic microgranitoid enclaves and igneous minerals
quire large amounts of chamber expansion but can Žplagioclase, pyroxene, hornblende, and biotite. de-
still cause the increase in fabric intensity and enclave fine a magmatic foliation and locally a lineation.
ratios towards the margin. However, it is difficult to These magmatic fabrics oÕerprint or are parallel to
accept convection as an explanation for the follow- all other igneous structures Že.g., layering, schlieren,
ing reasons: Ž1. rheological studies generally indicate etc.. including internal contacts, postdate the settling
that chamber wide convection is increasingly un- of stoped blocks ŽFig. 4., and thus formed after
likely as the solidus is approached, i.e., at the time chamber construction. Vertical relief Ž; 2500 m.
the preserved fabrics formed; Ž2. convection should and local roof contacts indicate that the batholith has
have significantly altered the contacts between dif- a gently dipping roof and steep typically NE-dipping
ferent internal phases, particularly where fabrics are wall contacts ŽPaterson et al., 1994a..
at moderate angles to these contacts; and Ž3. folia- In the compositionally zoned, southeastern mush-
tion maintains relatively steep dips well toward the room-shaped region of the batholith, magmatic folia-
center of the pluton and steep, intensely developed tion in general has steep dips and defines a roughly
lineations are absent in the center—a geometry at margin-parallel pattern in map view ŽFig. 4., with
odds with that predicted for chamber-wide convec- foliation intensity increasing towards the margins.
tion ŽSchmeling et al., 1988.. Lineations are weak and have variable plunges. This
We favor a third possibility in which stresses in a overall ‘onion-skin’ pattern is interrupted in two
constructed and crystallizing chamber cause align- regions. A zone of strongly developed, gently dip-
ment of crystals subparallel to chamber margins. ping foliation occurs near a 2 km2 xenolith of schist
Magma-host rock contacts represent high-viscosity near the southwestern edge of the batholith ŽFig. 4..
boundaries surrounding a material Žmagma. that can- About halfway between the eastern margin and plu-
not support large deviatoric stresses. Thus, principal ton center, magmatic foliation defines a margin-
stresses will refract parallel to Žusually s 2 and s 3 . parallel zone where dip reversals define a fan-like
and perpendicular to Žusually s 1 . these contacts re- pattern that laterally changes into a V-shaped synfor-
gardless of the cause of these stresses. Thus in a mal pattern. This part of the batholith is largely
relatively static chamber these stresses would drive discordant to preemplacement markers, although
margin-parallel filter pressing, aided by porous flow there is a narrow, discontinuous aureole defined by
and stress induced grain rotation, in an inward mi- margin-parallel fabrics.
grating crystal mush zone. Such a process would We again argue that chamber expansion cannot be
explain the lack of visible deformation of internal the dominant cause of this ‘onion-skin’ pattern be-
contacts, the steep dips of foliation, and the lack of cause the fabrics form equally along discordant and
mineral lineation in the center of the chamber. Alter- concordant margins, the fabrics cut internal contacts,
natively, if the magma chamber is not static, we note and expansion would not form the fan-like or synfor-
that any late movement of magma in these chambers, mal pattern. We therefore argue that this pattern
again regardless of the driving forces, would initially reflects late internal flow or alignment during porous
78 S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82

flow in a crystal mush zone. We suspect that the because of differences in the post-emplacement his-
fan-like or synformal pattern reflects differential flow tory of the NW and SE parts of the batholith. The
within the chamber Že.g., magma surges. adjacent to southeastern, mushroom-shaped part of the batholith
the inward migrating crystal mush zone. The cooled quickly after emplacement, as supported by
flat-lying foliations occur along the projection of a KrAr hornblende and biotite cooling ages within 1
thrust fault ŽWindy Pass Thrust. into the batholith Ma of the emplacement age ŽPaterson et al., 1994a..
and are interpreted to reflect syn-emplacement However, the northeastern, sill-like and hook-shaped
movement on this thrust ŽMiller and Paterson, 1994.. parts of the batholith where immediately buried after
In the central sill-like region, magmatic structures emplacement, and cooling ages are up to 11 Ma
are well developed but vary in orientation both later- younger in these regions Že.g., references in Paterson
ally and vertically. A flat-lying, roof-parallel folia- et al., 1994a..
tion occurs within a few tens of meters of the roof
and steep foliation and horizontal lineation occur
directly below. At the northeastern host rock contact, 5. Conclusions
a short distance below the roof, magmatic foliation is
margin-parallel and an intense magmatic lineation, Due to the complex processes involved in forming
associated with constrictional fabrics, plunges gently. magmatic fabric patterns, we emphasize the need to
Large and small magmatic folds with roughly hori- fully evaluate features both in the chamber and in the
zontal axes and steep NNE-dipping axial planes are host rock before interpreting the significance of fab-
common ŽMiller and Paterson, 1994.. In the center ric patterns. We suggest the following approach: Ž1.
of the sill, the margin-parallel foliation bends into use timing relationships to determine timing of mag-
orientations 308 to 608 to the contact, forming an matic fabric development relative to other igneous
S-shaped pattern in map view. features and to chamber construction processes; Ž2.
In the northwestern, hook-shaped region, mag- use microstructures and fabric intensities to confirm
matic foliation and lineation are only weakly to the rheological state during fabric formation; Ž3. use
moderately developed. The foliation tends to strike mineral fabric and outcrop-scale structural analyses
NW and dip steeply, and the lineation trends NW–SE to evaluate the type and kinematics of flow; Ž4.
with variable plunges. However, in detail, these examine the nature of fabric gradients in plutons; Ž5.
structures show complicated patterns that include use host rock markers and fabric patterns in plutons
rapid variations in orientation. Although patchy ex- to determine the degree of coupling of the fabric
posure and the weakness of these structures make forming processes; and Ž6. when possible, do the
observations difficult, we interpret these rapid above in three dimensions. Many of our attempts at
changes in orientation to reflect tens-of-meters to interpreting magmatic fabric patterns are poorly con-
kilometer-scale magmatic folds, similar in orienta- strained because of lack of information about one or
tion to folds in the sill-like region. more of the above steps. We recognize that for many
In contrast to the southeastern, mushroom-shaped plutons, it may be difficult to obtain all of the above
part of the batholith, the foliation and lineation pat- data for reasons of time, money, or geological con-
terns and magmatic fold orientations in the sill- and straints. However, in these cases, interpretation of
hook-like regions match those in nearby host rock fabric patterns is commonly ambiguous, and we
ŽMiller and Paterson, 1994. and indicate a strong suggest it is important to not overstate conclusions
degree of coupling between magma and host rock about the significance of these patterns. In this spirit,
during regional deformation. This strong coupling, we have tried to provide examples of both the suc-
the outcrop-scale magmatic folds, and the lateness of cesses and ambiguities in using the above approach
fabric formation Ži.e., after settling of late stoped for choosing between various causes of fabric forma-
blocks., indicate that these fabrics reflect strain tion.
caused by regional deformation. Nevertheless, we believe existing data allow sev-
We believe that the Mount Stuart Batholith pre- eral general conclusions to be drawn. Our evaluation
served these very different types of fabric patterns of many published maps as well as our own work
S.R. Paterson et al.r Lithos 44 (1998) 53–82 79

suggests that three end-member fabric patterns are nous and potentially more easily interpretable. If, as
common in large intrusive bodies ŽFig. 11.: Ž1. we have suggested, fabrics form late, represent only
complex patterns typically in elongate plutons that the last increment of strain during crystallization, can
mimic and are continuous with host rock patterns; be easily and rapidly reset, and may be aligned by
Ž2. ‘onion-skin’ or margin-parallel patterns; and Ž3. porous flow in a relatively static magmas, these
multiple lobate to rectilinear patterns that are highly fabrics may provide a record of whether chamber-re-
decoupled from host rock patterns. Evaluation of lated or regional stresses dominated during final
these patterns using the above guidelines supports crystallization. If so, they may also provide a record
the following conclusions: Ž1. preserved magmatic of the orientation of regional stresses, particularly in
fabric patterns typically form during the final stages coupled systems undergoing late coaxial flow. For
of, or after construction of magma chambers; Ž2. example, we are intrigued by examples in the Sierra
fabrics preserve only the last increment of strain Nevada, such as the Tuolumne ŽBateman, 1992;
before the magma crystallizes; Ž3. complex patterns Paterson and Vernon, 1995., John Muir ŽBateman,
in structurally decoupled plutons result from strain 1992; Saint Blanquat and Tikoff, 1997., Mitchell
caused by internally driven magma flow in already ŽSisson and Moore, 1984; Moore and Sisson, 1987.,
existing chambers; Ž4. margin-parallel fabrics in and Whitney Intrusive Suites, which typically have
weakly coupled to decoupled systems possibly form relatively consistent foliation trends over much of
by late crystal alignment during porous flow in their extent, in orientations not easily explained by
response to margin parallel and perpendicular princi- internal processes. Do these foliation orientations
pal stresses; and Ž5. with increasing emplacement preserve information about Cretaceous paleostress in
depth or chamber size, and thus slower cooling rates, the Sierra Nevada?
increased coupling between host rock and magma
occurs and most fabric patterns in these plutons
reflect strain of magma caused by regional deforma- Acknowledgements
In the introduction we noted that magmatic fab- This research was supported by NSF Grants EAR-
rics are interpreted to represent a variety of features. 8916325, EAR-9218741, and EAR-9304058 awarded
We see no evidence that magmatic fabrics can be to Paterson and EAR-8917343 and EAR-9219536
used to infer pluton shapes and have provided exam- awarded to Miller. We thank Keith Benn, Sandy
ples where they do not. Although fabrics may some- Cruden, Chris Mawer, Tracy Rushmer, and Ron
times be parallel to flow planes and directions, we Vernon for thoughtful reviews of the paper and
have also provided examples where they are not. We continued discussions about magmatic fabrics and
have also concluded that fabrics provide little to no John Clemens for his editorial assistance.
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