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 1  Study  Guide  
From  Week  1  Material  
• Should  know  the  vocabulary  from  both  chapters,  all  key  words  in  bold.  
• Chemical  bonds;  examples  of  where  you  would  see  such  bonds.    DNA  you  will  
find  Hydrogen  bonds  holding  together  the  two  strands,  for  example.  
o Covalent  
o Polar  
o Non-­‐polar  
o Hydrogen  
• Chemical  reactions:    identify  reactants  and  products  given  a  chemical  
• Know  water  
• Evolution:    Darwin  his  discoveries  and  theories  
• Understand  and  explain  scientific  method  
o Hypothesis  and  experimental  design  
• 3  domains  of  life;  Eukarya,  Bacteria,  Archaea.  
• Life’s  hierarchy  of  organization  
• 7  properties  and  processes  of  life.  
From  Week  2  Material  
• Chapter  3  from  text  
• Understand  the  diversity  of  Carbon  
o Bonds  and  structures  page  34  of  text  
• Key  Chemical  groups:    be  able  to  identify  if  given  a  structure  
o Functional  groups  
o Hydroxyl  groups  
o Carbonyl  groups  
o Carboxyl  groups  
o Amino  groups  
o Methyl  group  
• Know  Carbs,  Lipids  and  Protein  
• Carbohydrates  
o Monosaccharaides  
o Polysaccharides;  be  able  to  provide  examples  
• Lipids  
o Saturated  vs  unsaturated  
o Structure  of  lipids;  fatty  acid  chains,  hydrophilic  heads  
o They  help  make  steroids  and  their  involvement  with  the  cell  
• Protein  
o How  are  proteins  made?  DNA  to  mRNA  to  Protein,  review  the  VIDEO  
o Why  are  proteins  important?      
o Folding  of  proteins  
o Structure  determines  function;  what  does  this  mean,  provide  
  Exam  1  Study  Guide       2  
o Proteins  are  strings  of  amino  acids  linked  together.    What  type  of  
bonds  hold  them  together?  
• Nucleic  Acids  
o DNA!  
o RNA  
o DNA  is  made  up  of  ATCG,  what  are  these  and  how  are  they  held  
From  Week  3  Material  
• Chapters  4  and  5  
• Know  differences  between  prokaryotic  and  Eukaryotic  Cells.  
• Understand  that  cells  have  membranes,  typically  semi-­‐permeable  (know  
what  that  means).  
o Know  the  components  that  make  up  the  cell  membrane  (lipids,  
proteins,  fluid-­‐mosaic  model)  
o Experiment  that  demonstrated  fluid  mosaic  model  (FRAP)  
• Know  the  organelles  of  the  Eukaryotic  cell  and  their  functions  
• Ribosomes;  what  are  they  made  up  of,  what  is  their  function.  
• Endomembrane  system  
o Composed  of  the  Endoplasmic  Reticulum  
o What  are  and  what  happens  in  the  Smooth  ER  vs  Rough  ER  
o Be  prepared  to  discuss  co-­‐translation  of  proteins;  proteins  that  as  
they  are  being  synthesized  get  fed  into  the  ER  
• Golgi  apparatus  
o What  happens  there,  how  proteins  move  within  and  out  of  the  golgi  
(vesicle  transport)  
• Lysosomes  and  vacuoles  
• Cytoskeleton  
o Its  role  in  the  cell  
o It’s  components;  intermediate  filaments,  microfilaments,  
• Extracellular  matrix;  what  is  it,  it’s  role  in  holding  cells  together  to  help  form  
• Different  types  of  cell  junctions  and  know  examples  of  where  you  would  see  
• Osmosis  
• Transport  proteins  
o Facilitated  diffusion  
o Active  transport;  know  the  example  from  slides  of  the  Calcium  pump.    
• Exocytosis  and  Endocytosis  as  described  in  your  book.  
• Energy  and  the  cell  
o Different  forms  of  energy  
o Thermodynamic  definitions  
• ATP  is  the  energy  currency  of  the  cell  
• Enzymes  
  Exam  1  Study  Guide       3  
o Catalyzing  reactions  
o Enzyme  inhibition    
From  Week  4  Material  
• Chapters  6  and  7  
• Cellular  Respiration  
o Where  does  it  occur?  
• Cells  capture  energy  from  electrons  “falling”  
o Know  Oxidation  and  Reduction  reactions  
o NADH,  FADH2,  Electron  Transport  Chain  
• Know  the  3  broad  main  stages  of  cellular  respiration  
o Glycolysis  
o Citric  Acid  Cycle  
o Oxidative  Phosphorylation  
• Glycolysis  
o Know  that  the  starting  product  is  Glucose,  the  end  product  is  Pyruvate  
o Know  when  ATP  is  used  and  when  ATP  is  produced    
o Know  all  the  products  by  name  NOT  structure  of  glycolysis.      
• Citric  Acid  Cycle  
o Know  the  starting  product  is  Acetyl  CoA;  how  is  that  produced  
o Know    when  NAD+  is  converted  to  NADH;  know  when  FAD  is  
converted  to  FADH2  
o Also  know  the  products  of  the  Citric  Acid  Cycle;  citrate,  alpha-­‐
ketoglutarate,  succinate,  fumarate,  malate,  oxaloacetate.    Know  the  
names  and  in  what  order  they  are  produced.  
• Chemiosmosis  
o What  is  it,  and  describe  how  ATP  synthase  works  
o Where  in  the  mitochondria  does  it  all  happen  
o Fermentation;  Lactic  and  Alcoholic  
• Photosynthesis  
o Where  does  it  occur  
o What  are  the  products  and  objective  
• Light  Reactions  
o Occur  in  thylakoid  
o Convert  light  energy  to  chemical  energy  and  release  O2  
o Electron  acceptor  is  NADP+  reduced  to  NADPH  
• Calvin  Cycle  
o Occurs  in  stroma,  assembles  sugar  molecules  through  carbon  fixation  
• Photosynthetic  pigments  
• Photosystem  capture  solar  energy    
o How  light  energy  can  be  transformed  to  other  types  of  energy  
• Page  114  two  photosystems  connected  by  an  electron  transport  chain  
generate  ATP  and  NADPH.      
• Be  familiar  with  the  mechanical  analogy  Figure  7.8  
• Be  familiar  with  Figure  7.10  illustrating  stages  of  Calvin  Cycle.  
  Exam  1  Study  Guide       4  
• Be  familiar  with  C4  plants,  CAM  plants  

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