A320 CFM56 Type Training Introduction

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A320 CFM56 Type Training B1/B2 Combined


Course Title: Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 (CFM56) Type Training B1/B2 Combined

Course Objective:
To provide training concerning Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 (CFM 56) type aircraft in such
detail that enables aircraft mechanics, who pass the end of theoretical training exam and practical
training assessment, to carry out on the above mentioned aircraft types all the tasks that per-sons
holding a Regulation (EC) 1321/2014 Annex III (Part-66) Category B1 /B2 qualification are
competent to carry out.

Theoretical Training Characteristics

In the course of the theoretical training the candidates gain a comprehensive and in-depth
knowledge of the relevant aircraft type with the help of the written training material put at their
disposal. The Theoretical training is conducted online.

Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 (CFM56)

The duration of the theoretical training is 205 hours (10250 minutes). The length of a tuition hour
is 50 minutes, thus the total length of the training program is 216 tuition hours.

Course Training Time: Mon - Sat 18:00 - 22:00 (4 Hours)

Course Duration: 54 Days

Online Training Tools: Zoom

Theoretical Exams: Will be held before practical training, Exam Review will be provided to
refresh course materials. Re-sit will be held at the end of Practical Training.

Practical Training Detail

Aircraft presentation
a) The general arrangement of the type, accessibility of the compartments
b) Location and accessibility of the power plant systems and the engine.
c) Main components of the airframe.
d) Location and accessibility of the airframe system main components on the air-craft.
e) Location and accessibility of the avionic systems main components on the air-craft.
Detailed curriculum including dedicated task’s list and times for performing practical training are
included in the next version of practical training logbook, which is issued as appendices to this
A318/A319/A320/A321 (CFM56)

Practical Training Location: China

Duration: 80 Hours / 8 Days

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