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ID Wish Genre

101 The protagonist doesn't have to look good, but the story has to be interesting!
102 Wanna watch a movie with an epic story!
103 Wanna see an interesting movie with a tight plot.
104 I really wanna watch a movie with a terrific plot. Drama
105 A movie with great acting, plz!
106 I heard this one has an amazing twist. I really wanna watch it.
107 This movie is already blowing up on the internet.

201 Wanna watch an exciting adventure.

202 I'm really into the mystery and thrill of the unknown.
203 Wanna watch a great masterpiece about a journey.
204 Yearning for a glamorous journey. Adventure
205 I want to see a great actor's risky magnum opus.
206 I want to explore the unknown with the protagonist. It's going to be thrilling.
207 Our ultimate destination is the great unknown!

301 What's better than laughing happily?

302 I love watching outlandish comedy!
303 I'm in short supply of laughter right now.
304 I haven't had a good laugh in a long time. I'd love to experience it again. Comedy
305 Happiness is the most important thing in life.
306 If I laugh hard enough, does it count as an ab workout? I just wanna laugh hard enough
307 My friend went through a break-up recently. We're in urgent need of something happy.

401 I want to watch a fun movie for all ages.

402 My kids like this movie too.
403 There's something feel-good about colorful worlds. I'm looking forward to it.
404 I'm looking for a movie that's about childhood joy and delights. Animation
405 I want to bring my kids with me to the movie!
406 This was my favorite film as a child. I'm looking forward to revisiting it.
407 I love the style of this movie. It's so cute.

501 Wanna watch a true story full of happiness and sadness!

502 Wanna witness the legendary life of the protagonist on the screen.
503 I've heard about the real-life story this movie is based on.
504 What he went through was really moving. Biography
505 Her story would make for a great movie.
506 I want to follow along with the protagonist's struggles.
507 I never knew a person's life could get so bizarre.

601 Seeing such extraordinary powers and technology was an eye-opening experience!
602 I get to see how far technology has come with these top-notch visuals and sound effects.
603 I adore sci-fi and fantasy worlds!
604 I was taken in by the surreal visuals in the trailer. I wonʼt miss it! Sci-Fi
605 I want to explore the mysteries of space-time through stories on the big screen.
606 I'm fascinated by the drive to explore the unknown.
607 I'd like to watch a film that fills in what could happen in space.

701 I'd love to experience that kind of earth-shattering love for myself.
702 I hope love finds me too after this flick.
703 Today's another good day to root for a sweet couple's love life.
704 I'm super drawn to stories that are simultaneously sweet and touching. Romance
705 Going on my first date with a hot guy. What movie should we watch?
706 If only I could take the female lead's place in the film and be in love with the male lead instead.
707 Life's been rough. I want to watch something sweet.

801 Woohoo! A whole new world of imagination just for me to enjoy!

802 I want to watch a movie that contains magic or supernatural elements!
803 What a grotesque and colorful storyline. It's brilliant!
804 The only way to live out my fantasies of becoming a magician is through movies. Fantasy
805 I want to have superpowers like the protagonist in the film!
806 I'm sure magic exists somewhere in the world.
807 This is that infamous epic fantasy saga!

901 The world needs more heroes!

902 I've been following the series since the first film. I love watching him save the world.
903 I love movies that have the same feel as ultraman.
904 Did the protagonist unlock a new superpower? Hero
905 The super villain in this movie seems super powerful. Can the protagonist win?
906 I feel safe knowing they're the ones protecting the world.
907 I want to be moved by their powerful friendship, beliefs, and sense of justice.

1001 Oh, my heart is aflutter when I look into their eyes.

1002 These cute fuzzy angels are always at our side!
1003 I can't resist cute animals.
1004 I have a soft spot for heartwarming movies like this after having a pet of my own. Animals
1005 Really wanna explore the forest with the adorable fuzzy protagonist.
1006 I have pets of my own, so I love this kind of film.
1007 As a petkeeper, I find I can better relate to movies about them.

1101 The intense fight scenes in the trailer are visually stunning.
1102 I want to watch a movie that gives me an adrenaline rush!
1103 I donʼt have the courage to do such dangerous things in real life, but I can experience them in movies vicariously!
1104 I love, love his movies! He's got smooth moves and lightning quick reflexes! Action
1105 Everything he does is so realistic. I watch every movie he's in.
1106 I want to watch hot, buff guys fight against each other. Hehe.
1107 I've gotten distracted staring at the protagonist in the poster several times. He's so hot.

1201 I heard this movie will let you laugh till you cry, and then laugh again.
1202 Today sucked. Hoping to find a movie to ease my mood.
1203 Just wanna experience something warm and full of hope.
1204 A friend recommended this film. Says it beautiful and heartwarming. Comforting
1205 I've been feeling a little sad, so I'm looking for a little pick-me-up.
1206 I'm looking for a masterpiece that shows how good life can be.
1207 The movie places emphasis on what one can achieve by being gentle. I'm looking forward to it.

1301 It's a 100% tear-jerker no matter how many times you watch it.
1302 Warm yet heartbreaking. My favorite.
1303 Wanna cry my heart out.
1304 I don't cry easily. Give me the best tear-jerker you've got. Touching
1305 This is my third viewing. I find something new to cry over every time.
1306 I've brought tissues for my tears. I'm ready!
1307 Crying is a great stress reliever, you know. I need this film now.

1401 I can relate to the characters in movies that take place in office buildings.
1402 I like seeing how the protagonists deal with the ups and downs in their life.
1403 I'm curious if they'll introduce something new to these movies about city life.
1404 I like watching movies that take place in this bustling world. Urban
1405 Everyone appreciates a busy life in their own way.
1406 Wanna watch a story about the common people in a bustling city.
1407 I like stories that take place in modern cities. It feels realistic.

1501 I heard there's a movie with a masterful soundtrack?

1502 I'm here for the original soundtrack!
1503 I've listened to the soundtrack before coming to watch it.
1504 I love a movie that applies music to accentuate the protagonist's emotions. Music
1505 I'm really into soundtracks. I'm hoping some movies can deliver good ones.
1506 Do you know any movies I can sing along to?
1507 I want to immerse myself in music while watching a movie.

1601 This director has a tendency of only revealing the story at the last minute.
1602 That was amazing! I'd watch it even if it gives me nightmares!
1603 Any movie that requires high intelligence and deductive skills?
1604 Wanna watch a movie that challenges my intellect! Suspense
1605 Wanna watch a movie with an unpredictable ending!
1606 Who's the real culprit behind everything?
1607 I love amazing plot twists. It keeps me guessing the whole time.

1701 I want to watch a movie where humans defeat nature.

1702 Wanna discover the meaning of life in a disaster movie.
1703 Will the protagonist be able to survive?
1704 Sudden disasters are thrilling to watch. Disaster
1705 Maybe I'll learn something about what to do in a disaster from the movie.
1706 I wanna watch a suspenseful doomsday movie.
1707 I love to see the beauty of humanity in the face of tragedy.

1801 The poster makes me wanna dance with the protagonist.

1802 I love the classic and elegant choreograph, so attractive.
1803 The actor's voice and dance moves stole my heart away.
1804 I want to dance alongside the protagonist on the big screen. Musical
1805 Ohh, I want to be moved to tears by gorgeous dance moves today!
1806 I want to sing and dance with the actors!
1807 They say the music and choreography in this movie is the best ever done.

1901 The mysteries of the universe are fascinating.

1902 The depths of space spark my imagination.
1903 I fantasize about the mysteries of the universe.
1904 Outer space is the great unknown! Space
1905 Every star holds limitless secrets to explore.
1906 Any movies about escaping earth to explore the unknown?
1907 Anyone want to watch a space movie with me?

2001 I never get tired of the classics.

2002 I love the thrill of period dramas.
2003 Drama in ancient times just hits differently.
2004 Traditional culture is intriguing! Period
2005 Life in ancient times is really fascinating!
2006 I love the props and costumes in movies set in ancient times.
2007 I want to experience life in ancient times through the movie!

2101 No matter how bad it gets, there's always light at the end of the tunnel.
2102 Never give up on your dreams. They could come true one day.
2103 I need positive vibes!
2104 Hold on to hope! Never give up! Inspirational
2105 Life is all about never giving up.
2106 I've been feeling down lately. I need a passionate movie to reignite that spark!
2107 I heard the protagonist's struggles are based on real life events.

2201 A time machine would be fantastic

2202 I wish I could go back in time too.
2203 I wonder how modern people would handle living in ancient times?
2204 The feelings they still have for each other after so many years is amazing. Time-Travel
2205 I wish I could experience the past for myself.
2206 I'd love to see what a modern person does when they go back in time.
2207 I love time travel movies!

2301 I can't resist giant mechas!

2302 What does the rapid development of artificial intelligence truly mean for mankind?
2303 The sound of electricity gets me all fired up.
2304 Humans gave life to cold lifeless machines! Robots
2305 The technology involved in making this colossus is so cool!
2306 I want to see these giant machines fight against each other!
2307 What happens to humanity after transforming ourselves with machinery?

2401 Can humans really subdue such giant awesome aggressive creatures?
2402 These grotesque monsters make me scream every time.
2403 It's so thrilling to watch giant prehistoric creatures fight against each other!
2404 The visual effects are excellent! The monsters look like they're about to jump out from the screen. Monster
2405 Looks can be deceiving. A person can be kind under their terrifying exterior.
2406 Giant powerful creatures are the best!
2407 I think my heart would stop if that thing pounced on me.

2501 Any movies that will make me hungry?

2502 I love how the director focuses on the people and food in the kitchen.
2503 The best measuring stick for a movie like this is whether or not it makes me hungry.
2504 I don't want to overeat so I'll just admire the food on the screen. Culinary
2505 This movie is going to tickle my taste buds.
2506 I'm not drooling. That's just my tears...
2507 A comfort movie that also makes me hungry. My favorite.
ID Wish Genre
ID Wish Genre
ID Wish Genre
ID Wish Genre
2507 A comfort movie that also makes me hungry. My favorite. Culinary
1204 A friend recommended this film. Says it beautiful and heartwarming. Comforting
105 A movie with great acting, plz! Drama
2201 A time machine would be fantastic Time-Travel
1603 Any movie that requires high intelligence and deductive skills? Suspense
1906 Any movies about escaping earth to explore the unknown? Space
2501 Any movies that will make me hungry? Culinary
1907 Anyone want to watch a space movie with me? Space
1007 As a petkeeper, I find I can better relate to movies about them. Animals
2401 Can humans really subdue such giant awesome aggressive creatures? Monster
1307 Crying is a great stress reliever, you know. I need this film now. Touching
904 Did the protagonist unlock a new superpower? Hero
1506 Do you know any movies I can sing along to? Music
2003 Drama in ancient times just hits differently. Period
1905 Every star holds limitless secrets to explore. Space
1405 Everyone appreciates a busy life in their own way. Urban
1105 Everything he does is so realistic. I watch every movie he's in. Action
2406 Giant powerful creatures are the best! Monster
705 Going on my first date with a hot guy. What movie should we watch? Romance
305 Happiness is the most important thing in life. Comedy
505 Her story would make for a great movie. Biography
2104 Hold on to hope! Never give up! Inspirational
2304 Humans gave life to cold lifeless machines! Robots
603 I adore sci-fi and fantasy worlds! Sci-Fi
1401 I can relate to the characters in movies that take place in office buildings. Urban
1003 I can't resist cute animals. Animals
2301 I can't resist giant mechas! Robots
1304 I don't cry easily. Give me the best tear-jerker you've got. Touching
2504 I don't want to overeat so I'll just admire the food on the screen. Culinary
1103 I donʼt have the courage to do such dangerous things in real life, but I can experience them in movies vicariously! Action
1903 I fantasize about the mysteries of the universe. Space
906 I feel safe knowing they're the ones protecting the world. Hero
602 I get to see how far technology has come with these top-notch visuals and sound effects. Sci-Fi
1004 I have a soft spot for heartwarming movies like this after having a pet of my own. Animals
1006 I have pets of my own, so I love this kind of film. Animals
304 I haven't had a good laugh in a long time. I'd love to experience it again. Comedy
2107 I heard the protagonist's struggles are based on real life events. Inspirational
1501 I heard there's a movie with a masterful soundtrack? Music
1201 I heard this movie will let you laugh till you cry, and then laugh again. Comforting
106 I heard this one has an amazing twist. I really wanna watch it. Drama
702 I hope love finds me too after this flick. Romance
1402 I like seeing how the protagonists deal with the ups and downs in their life. Urban
1407 I like stories that take place in modern cities. It feels realistic. Urban
1404 I like watching movies that take place in this bustling world. Urban
1504 I love a movie that applies music to accentuate the protagonist's emotions. Music
1607 I love amazing plot twists. It keeps me guessing the whole time. Suspense
2502 I love how the director focuses on the people and food in the kitchen. Culinary
903 I love movies that have the same feel as ultraman. Hero
1802 I love the classic and elegant choreograph, so attractive. Musical
2006 I love the props and costumes in movies set in ancient times. Period
407 I love the style of this movie. It's so cute. Animation
2002 I love the thrill of period dramas. Period
2207 I love time travel movies! Time-Travel
1707 I love to see the beauty of humanity in the face of tragedy. Disaster
302 I love watching outlandish comedy! Comedy
1104 I love, love his movies! He's got smooth moves and lightning quick reflexes! Action
2103 I need positive vibes! Inspirational
2001 I never get tired of the classics. Period
507 I never knew a person's life could get so bizarre. Biography
104 I really wanna watch a movie with a terrific plot. Drama
2407 I think my heart would stop if that thing pounced on me. Monster
1706 I wanna watch a suspenseful doomsday movie. Disaster
907 I want to be moved by their powerful friendship, beliefs, and sense of justice. Hero
405 I want to bring my kids with me to the movie! Animation
1804 I want to dance alongside the protagonist on the big screen. Musical
2007 I want to experience life in ancient times through the movie! Period
605 I want to explore the mysteries of space-time through stories on the big screen. Sci-Fi
206 I want to explore the unknown with the protagonist. It's going to be thrilling. Adventure
506 I want to follow along with the protagonist's struggles. Biography
805 I want to have superpowers like the protagonist in the film! Fantasy
1507 I want to immerse myself in music while watching a movie. Music
205 I want to see a great actor's risky magnum opus. Adventure
2306 I want to see these giant machines fight against each other! Robots
1806 I want to sing and dance with the actors! Musical
401 I want to watch a fun movie for all ages. Animation
802 I want to watch a movie that contains magic or supernatural elements! Fantasy
1102 I want to watch a movie that gives me an adrenaline rush! Action
1701 I want to watch a movie where humans defeat nature. Disaster
1106 I want to watch hot, buff guys fight against each other. Hehe. Action
604 I was taken in by the surreal visuals in the trailer. I wonʼt miss it! Sci-Fi
2205 I wish I could experience the past for myself. Time-Travel
2202 I wish I could go back in time too. Time-Travel
2203 I wonder how modern people would handle living in ancient times? Time-Travel
607 I'd like to watch a film that fills in what could happen in space. Sci-Fi
701 I'd love to experience that kind of earth-shattering love for myself. Romance
2206 I'd love to see what a modern person does when they go back in time. Time-Travel
1403 I'm curious if they'll introduce something new to these movies about city life. Urban
606 I'm fascinated by the drive to explore the unknown. Sci-Fi
1502 I'm here for the original soundtrack! Music
303 I'm in short supply of laughter right now. Comedy
1206 I'm looking for a masterpiece that shows how good life can be. Comforting
404 I'm looking for a movie that's about childhood joy and delights. Animation
2506 I'm not drooling. That's just my tears... Culinary
1505 I'm really into soundtracks. I'm hoping some movies can deliver good ones. Music
202 I'm really into the mystery and thrill of the unknown. Adventure
704 I'm super drawn to stories that are simultaneously sweet and touching. Romance
806 I'm sure magic exists somewhere in the world. Fantasy
1205 I've been feeling a little sad, so I'm looking for a little pick-me-up. Comforting
2106 I've been feeling down lately. I need a passionate movie to reignite that spark! Inspirational
902 I've been following the series since the first film. I love watching him save the world. Hero
1306 I've brought tissues for my tears. I'm ready! Touching
1107 I've gotten distracted staring at the protagonist in the poster several times. He's so hot. Action
503 I've heard about the real-life story this movie is based on. Biography
1503 I've listened to the soundtrack before coming to watch it. Music
306 If I laugh hard enough, does it count as an ab workout? I just wanna laugh hard enough Comedy
706 If only I could take the female lead's place in the film and be in love with the male lead instead. Romance
1301 It's a 100% tear-jerker no matter how many times you watch it. Touching
2403 It's so thrilling to watch giant prehistoric creatures fight against each other! Monster
1203 Just wanna experience something warm and full of hope. Comforting
2005 Life in ancient times is really fascinating! Period
2105 Life is all about never giving up. Inspirational
707 Life's been rough. I want to watch something sweet. Romance
2405 Looks can be deceiving. A person can be kind under their terrifying exterior. Monster
1705 Maybe I'll learn something about what to do in a disaster from the movie. Disaster
307 My friend went through a break-up recently. We're in urgent need of something happy. Comedy
402 My kids like this movie too. Animation
2102 Never give up on your dreams. They could come true one day. Inspirational
2101 No matter how bad it gets, there's always light at the end of the tunnel. Inspirational
1001 Oh, my heart is aflutter when I look into their eyes. Animals
1805 Ohh, I want to be moved to tears by gorgeous dance moves today! Musical
207 Our ultimate destination is the great unknown! Adventure
1904 Outer space is the great unknown! Space
1005 Really wanna explore the forest with the adorable fuzzy protagonist. Animals
601 Seeing such extraordinary powers and technology was an eye-opening experience! Sci-Fi
1704 Sudden disasters are thrilling to watch. Disaster
1602 That was amazing! I'd watch it even if it gives me nightmares! Suspense
1803 The actor's voice and dance moves stole my heart away. Musical
2503 The best measuring stick for a movie like this is whether or not it makes me hungry. Culinary
1902 The depths of space spark my imagination. Space
2204 The feelings they still have for each other after so many years is amazing. Time-Travel
1101 The intense fight scenes in the trailer are visually stunning. Action
1207 The movie places emphasis on what one can achieve by being gentle. I'm looking forward to it. Comforting
1901 The mysteries of the universe are fascinating. Space
804 The only way to live out my fantasies of becoming a magician is through movies. Fantasy
1801 The poster makes me wanna dance with the protagonist. Musical
101 The protagonist doesn't have to look good, but the story has to be interesting! Drama
2303 The sound of electricity gets me all fired up. Robots
905 The super villain in this movie seems super powerful. Can the protagonist win? Hero
2305 The technology involved in making this colossus is so cool! Robots
2404 The visual effects are excellent! The monsters look like they're about to jump out from the screen. Monster
901 The world needs more heroes! Hero
403 There's something feel-good about colorful worlds. I'm looking forward to it. Animation
1002 These cute fuzzy angels are always at our side! Animals
2402 These grotesque monsters make me scream every time. Monster
1807 They say the music and choreography in this movie is the best ever done. Musical
1601 This director has a tendency of only revealing the story at the last minute. Suspense
1305 This is my third viewing. I find something new to cry over every time. Touching
807 This is that infamous epic fantasy saga! Fantasy
107 This movie is already blowing up on the internet. Drama
2505 This movie is going to tickle my taste buds. Culinary
406 This was my favorite film as a child. I'm looking forward to revisiting it. Animation
1202 Today sucked. Hoping to find a movie to ease my mood. Comforting
703 Today's another good day to root for a sweet couple's love life. Romance
2004 Traditional culture is intriguing! Period
1303 Wanna cry my heart out. Touching
1702 Wanna discover the meaning of life in a disaster movie. Disaster
103 Wanna see an interesting movie with a tight plot. Drama
203 Wanna watch a great masterpiece about a journey. Adventure
1604 Wanna watch a movie that challenges my intellect! Suspense
102 Wanna watch a movie with an epic story! Drama
1605 Wanna watch a movie with an unpredictable ending! Suspense
1406 Wanna watch a story about the common people in a bustling city. Urban
501 Wanna watch a true story full of happiness and sadness! Biography
201 Wanna watch an exciting adventure. Adventure
502 Wanna witness the legendary life of the protagonist on the screen. Biography
1302 Warm yet heartbreaking. My favorite. Touching
803 What a grotesque and colorful storyline. It's brilliant! Fantasy
2302 What does the rapid development of artificial intelligence truly mean for mankind? Robots
2307 What happens to humanity after transforming ourselves with machinery? Robots
504 What he went through was really moving. Biography
301 What's better than laughing happily? Comedy
1606 Who's the real culprit behind everything? Suspense
1703 Will the protagonist be able to survive? Disaster
801 Woohoo! A whole new world of imagination just for me to enjoy! Fantasy
204 Yearning for a glamorous journey. Adventure
ID Wish Genre
ID Wish Genre
ID Wish Genre
ID Movie Obtained Genres Resolution Obtained To Obtain ID Genre
4012 The Man Of The Rings Fantasy, Adventure, Comedy, Action, Drama 1 Drama
4011 Singing In The Drizzle Musical, Music, Drama, Urban 2 Adventure
4010 Spirited Afar Animation, Adventure, Fantasy, Comforting, Drama 3 Comedy
4009 Forrest Chump Drama, Urban, Biography, Comforting 4 Animation
4008 Grave of the Dragonflies Drama, Touching, Comforting, Animation 5 Biography
4007 Gogozilla Sci-Fi, Disaster, Hero, Monster 6 Sci-Fi
4006 Handsome And The Beast Romance, Fantasy, Animation, Musical, Music 7 Romance
4005 Interstallar Drama, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Space, Time-Travel 8 Fantasy
4004 Don Quixcote Drama, Hero, Biography, Musical 9 Hero
4003 Zoo Village Comedy, Animation, Adventure, Animals, Inspirational 10 Animals
4002 The Titenic Drama, Romance, Disaster, Touching 11 Action
4001 Aladdan Hero, Animation, Fantasy, Drama, Adventure 12 Comforting
3024 The Phantom Of The Basement Musical, Music, Drama 13 Touching
3023 Woolock Drama, Action, Suspense 14 Urban
3022 Pompay Drama, Disaster, Period, Touching 15 Music
3021 Train To Mountain Suspense, Monster, Drama, Disaster 16 Suspense
3020 My Neighbor Pig Animation, Comedy, Comforting, Fantasy 17 Disaster
3019 The Workaholic Redemption Drama, Urban, Adventure 18 Musical
3018 Butterflywoman Hero, Adventure, Action, Comedy 19 Space
3017 Let it Freeze Animation, Comedy, Romance, Fantasy 20 Period
3016 Emélie Drama, Comforting, Urban 21 Inspirational
3015 Mel Brothers Drama, Adventure, Animation 22 Time-Travel
3014 Ultimateman Monster, Hero, Action, Sci-Fi 23 Robots
3013 Fast and Chicken Adventure, Animals, Hero, Action 24 Monster
3012 See Suspense, Urban, Monster 25 Culinary
3011 Chuuka Niban Animation, Culinary, Inspirational
3010 Avantar Action, Sci-Fi, Adventure
3009 My Youth Comedy, Drama, Romance, Biography
3008 Pineapple The Cat Drama, Comforting, Animals
3007 Wonder Man Action, Hero, Sci-Fi
3006 Noraemon Comedy, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Animation, Robots
3005 Wall-Z Sci-Fi, Animation, Adventure, Robots
3004 A Dog's Story Animals, Comforting, Touching
3003 Our Inn Drama, Comedy, Urban
3002 An Odyssey to Northeastern China Comedy, Romance, Fantasy, Period
3001 Life of Z Adventure, Fantasy, Biography
2009 Jurassic Company Drama, Urban, Animals
2008 Iron Titan Comedy, Culinary, Robots
2007 Bio-Hazardous Drama, Action, Suspense
2006 Arctic Rim Action, Robots, Monster
2005 2021: An Earth Odyssey Sci-Fi, Adventure, Space
2004 A.T. The Added-Terrestrial Drama, Sci-Fi, Touching
2003 The Wish List Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Comforting
2002 Magic Bubble Fantasy, Adventure, Suspense
2001 Yp-Man Action, Drama, Hero
1005 Witch Of Ozzy Fantasy, Musical, Adventure
1004 Kungfu Pang-da Animation, Action
1003 Snoring Beauty Fantasy, Romance
1002 Three Little Pigs Drama, Animals, Urban
1001 Matchstick Girl Drama, Touching, Animation
ID Movie Obtained Genres Resolution Obtained To Obtain ID Genre
ID Movie Obtained Genres Resolution Obtained To Obtain ID Genre
ID Movie Obtained Genres Resolution Obtained To Obtain ID Genre

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