Inglés 4

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EXAMEN 3 Gramática

Inglés 4

NOMBRE: ______________________________________________

FECHA: Enero 2023

Exercise 1. Adverbs of Frequency (5 points)

1. The weather is bad in November. (always) → 
2. It rains in California. (never) → 
3. Peter doesn't get up before seven. (usually) → 
4. They do not play tennis on Sundays. (always) → 
5. Mary watches TV. (hardly / ever) → 

Exercise 2. Conditionals (10 points)

1. If I ……. enough money, I will buy a new skateboard. (have)
2. If you help your mother, she  …….very happy. (be)
3. If Mary ……… (help) in the kitchen, she will get more pocket money.
4. She will be angry if you ……. the truth. (not tell)
5. You will have to walk if you …….. the bus. (miss)
6. If Tom is at home, he ……… TV. (watch)
7. The baby …… if you are quieter. (sleep)
8. If he is in San Francisco, he …….. Golden Gate Bridge. (see)
9. He ……… to the doctor's if he doesn't feel well tomorrow. (go)
10. We  ……good marks if we don't study. (not get)

Exercise 3. Present perfect tense (10 points)

1. Mrs. Snow …. a fantastic cake. (make)
2. Debbie …… a new bike. (buy)
3. I …… my little dog yet. (not feed)
4. Sally and Jenny ……. a new CD player. (get)
5. Chris ….. wood for a raft. (not find)
6. The pupils ….. their homework. (not do)
7. Nick can't play football today. He …… an accident with his bike. (have)
8. Liz …….. her homework yet. (not finish)
9. Julia …….. to school today? (be)
10. What ……. you  for lunch today, Mum? (make)


EXAMEN 3 Gramática

Inglés 4

Exercise 4 – Fill the correct preposition (10 points)

1. She is very terrified …… spiders.
2. We enjoyed our holidays, but we were disappointed  ……our hotel.
3. I was surprised …… the way he behaved.
4. He is very fond ……. animals.
5. She doesn't often go out in the night because she's afraid ……. the dark.
6. I study Spanish but I'm not very satisfied ……. my progress.
7. I’ve never seen so many people before. I'm astonished ……. the crowds.
8. She is nice, but I don't want to get married …….. her.
9. I don't feel sorry …….. her because her problems are her own fault.
10. He is responsible …….. what appears in his newspaper.

Exercise 5 - Fill in can, have to, may, might, must, need, should or (not) allowed to. (10
1. George has travelled a lot. He  …..speak many languages.
2. I can hear you quite well. You  ……not shout.
3. I'm not sure where I will go for my holidays, but I ……. go to Italy.
4. She …….. ride her bike at night without lights. It's not allowed.
5. She …….. not eat so much chocolate because it's bad for her figure.
6. I …… understand him. He should speak louder.
7. It's later than I thought. I  ……..go now.
8. You  ……..a better trainer if you want to improve yourself.
9. Talk to Ann about your problems. I'm sure she  …… you.
10. You ……… not vacuum the carpets because Carol has already done it.

Exercise 6 – Future tenses (5 points)

1. What time ______ work on Monday? you finish
b.will you finish
c.are you going to finish

2______ this weekend?

a.Do you go out
b.Will you go out
c.Are you going out


EXAMEN 3 Gramática

Inglés 4

3. I'm sorry I made you so angry. I ______ it again

a.won't do
b.'m not going to do
c.'m not doing

4. It's really hot. ______ the window, please?

a.Are you going to open
b.Will you open
c.Do you open

5. I don't think I ______ come tomorrow.

a.'m being able to able to
c.will be able to

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