Lupon Incentives

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Republic of the Philippines


DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City

No. 2023-__________







1. Background

1.1. Section 406 (b) of RA 7160 or the Local Government Code states that
the DILG shall provide for a system of granting economic or other
incentives to the lupon or pangkat members who adequately
demonstrate the ability to judiciously and expeditiously resolve cases
referred to them.

1.2. LTIA started way back 1982 and have been elevated to a Presidential
Award pursuant to Executive Order No. 394 s. 1997 or Establishing the
Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives Awards

1.3. The Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives Awards is an annual search

which recognizes outstanding Lupong Tagapamayapa that adequately
demonstrate the ability to judiciously and expeditiously resolve cases
referred to them and demonstrate exemplary performance and
commendable contribution in the promotion and implementation of
Katarungang Pambarangay.

1.4. Said award program aims to:

1.4.1. Strengthen the Katarungang Pambarangay (KP) as an

Indigenous conflict resolution structure at the grassroots.
1.4.2. Institutionalized system of granting economic benefits and other
incentives to Lupons which demonstrate exemplary performance.
1.4.3. Generate greater awareness among, and support from, the
various sectors of Philippine society on the KP as a potent vehicle
toward social order and human development.

“Matino, Mahusay at Maasahan.”

Trunkline No. (02) 8876 3454
1.5. The LTIA is composed of four (4) program components, to wit:
I. Assessment in the Local Level and National Table Assessment;
II. Onsite Validation of Top Lupons per Category;
III. Determination of National Winners and Runners-up; and
IV. Conferment of Awards.

2. Purpose

This Memorandum Circular is issued in furtherance of Memorandum Circular Nos.

2004-43 dated April 14, 2004, 2008-102 dated June 17, 2008 and 2016-058 dated
April 29, 2016.

3. Scope/Coverage

This policy shall cover all barangays with organized Lupong Tagapamayapa

4. Definition of Terms

Proper Recording of every dispute/complaint - keeping and maintaining of

record book/s of all complaints filed in the Barangay, numbered//docketed
consecutively in the order in which they were received and enter therein the names
of the parties, date and time filed, nature of the case and disposition.

Sending of Notices and Summons – Upon receipt of complaints, notices and

summons with complete and accurate information shall be delivered to the
complainant and respondent, respectively, within the next working day informing
them to appear before the Lupon Chairperson for mediation.

Mediation - upon receipt of the complaint, the Lupon Chairman shall, within the
next working day, summon the respondent(s), with notice to the complainant(s) for
them and their witnesses to appear before him for a mediation of their conflicting
interest. If he fails in his mediation effort within fifteen (15) days from the first
meeting of the parties before him, he shall forthwith set a date for the constitution
of the Pangkat in accordance with the provision of Section 410 (b) Chapter 7, KPL.

Conciliation - The pangkat shall arrive at a settlement or resolution of the dispute

within fifteen (15) days from the day it convenes in accordance with this section.
This period shall, at the discretion of the pangkat, be extendible for another period
which shall not exceed fifteen (15) days, except in clearly meritorious cases.

Arbitration - The parties may, at any stage of the proceedings, agree in writing
that they shall abide by the arbitration award of the lupon chairman or the pangkat.
Such agreement to arbitrate may be repudiated within five (5) days from the date
thereof for the same grounds and in accordance with the procedure hereinafter
prescribed. The arbitration award shall be made after the lapse of the period for
repudiation and within ten (10) days thereafter.

Systematic Maintenance of Records – keeping of the records both manual and

digital, of all complaints brought and filed in the Barangay, settled by the Lupons,

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compilation of the Notices and Minutes of the Meeting with Attendance Sheets,
and compilation of transmittal and copy of settlement agreement or awards
submitted to the court and reports to the DILG, kept in a secure filing cabinet.

Timely Submissions to the Court – Transmittal of the settlement or the

arbitration award to the appropriate city or municipal court within five (5) days from
the date of the award or from the lapse of the ten-day period repudiating the
settlement and shall furnish copies thereof to each of the parties to the settlement
and the Lupon Chairman.

Meeting exclusively on KP matters – where the Lupon meet regularly once a

month on a date set by the Lupon Chairman, to provide a forum for the exchange
of ideas on matters relevant to the amicable settlement of disputes, and to enable
the various conciliation panel members to share with one another their
observations and experiences in effecting speedy resolution of disputes, as well
as to discuss problems relating to the amicable settlement of disputes and devise
solutions thereto by harnessing the resources provided by the Sangguniang
Barangay and other local resources of the barangay.

Quantity of settled cases against filed is the number of settled cases over the
number of cases filed, multiplied by 100%. Withdrawn cases, dismissed cases due
to non-appearance of the complainant or both parties, referred to other agencies
and cases outside the jurisdiction of KP should be deducted to the total number of

Quality of Settlement of Cases is measured when there is no repudiated cases

nor recurrence of case within the assessment period.

Compliance with the terms of settlement or awards - number of cases where

parties fully complied with the terms of settlement or award after the cases have
been settled and exe

Settlement Technique refers to the strategies applied by the Lupons to expedite

the mediation, conciliation or arbitration process, without diminishing or altering
the concept of the KP. Technique utilized should be within the KP process and

Coordination with Concerned Agencies relating to disputes filed - the

coordination effort exerted by the Lupon in securing participation from other
government agencies or non-government organizations for the purpose of speedy
resolution of disputes

Sustained information drive to promote Katarungang Pambarangay are the

initiatives of the Lupons to generate greater awareness among the various sectors
in the community on the KP programs such as development of Information
Education and Communication (IEC) materials, conduct of IEC campaigns, use of
multi-media, among others.

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KP Training or seminar within the assessment period – seminars, exchange
visits and other similar for a undertaken in furtherance of the KP program

Area or facilities for KP activities a separated structure or a space within the

Barangay Hall Compound exclusively used for settlement proceedings and other
KP related activities such as filing of complaints, meetings, among others. It should
have table and chairs to accommodate the parties and the Lupons, filing cabinet,
record books, computer set with printer, office supplies for documentation
purposes and other necessary equipment and supplies for the operation of the
Lupong Tagapamayapa.

Financial or non-financial supports - monetary or in kinds donations, given to

the Lupons for the purpose of the implementation of KP. Such donations shall be
supported with proofs such as copy of Deed of Donation, MOA, Resolutions,
Appropriation Ordinance of higher Sannggunian, Acknowledgment Receipt,
vouchers, among others.

5. Policy Content and Guidelines

5.1. Assessment Criteria

All the Lupons shall be evaluated based on the following Criteria with
corresponding point score and point value:


A. Observance of Settlement Procedure 10
and Settlement Deadlines
1. a) Proper Recording of every 5
b) Sending of Notices and Summons 5
with complete and accurate information
to the parties within the prescribed
period (within the next working day
upon receipt of complaint)
2. Settlement and Award Period 10

(Settled at least 10 cases within the

assessment period)

a.) Mediation (within 15 days from initial

confrontation with the Lupon
b.) Conciliation (15 days from initial
confrontation with the Pangkat)
c.) Conciliation (with extended period
not to exceed another 15 days)

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d.) Arbitration (within 10 days from the
date of the agreement to arbitrate)
e.) Conciliation beyond 46 days but not
more than 60 days on a clearly
meritorious cases

B. Systematic Maintenance of Records 5

1. Record of Cases

For Cities - computer datable with 2

searchable case information

For Municipalities:
a. Manual Records 1
b. Digital Record Filing 1

2. Copies of Minutes of Lupon meetings 1

with attendance sheets and notices

3. Copies of reports submitted to the Court 1

and to the DILG on file

4. All records are kept on file in a secured 1

filing cabinet(s) -
C. Timely Submissions to the Court and 7
the DILG
1. To the Court: 5
Submitted/ presented copies of
settlement agreement to the Court
from the lapse of the ten-day period
repudiating the mediation/ conciliation
settlement agreement, or within five (5)
calendar days from the date of the
arbitration award
2. To the DILG (Quarterly) 2
D. Conduct of monthly meetings for 10
administration of the Katarungang
Pambarangay (KP)

1. Notice of Meeting 2
2. Minutes of the Meeting 8


A. Quantity of settled cases against filed 10

B. Quality of Settlement of Cases

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1. Zero cases repudiated 1
2. Non-recurrence of cases settled 1
C. At least 80% compliance with the 8
terms of settlement or award after the
cases have been settled


A. Settlement Technique utilized by the 10

B. Coordination with Concerned Agencies 5

relating to disputes filed (PNP, DSWD,
DILG, DAR, DENR, Office of the
Prosecutor, Court, DOJ, CHR, etc.)

C. Sustained information drive to promote 5

Katarungang Pambarangay

1. For Cities
 IEC materials developed 1
 IEC activities conducted 2
 Innovative Campaign Strategy 2

2. For Municipalities
 IEC materials developed 2
 IEC activities conducted 2
 Innovative Campaign Strategy 1

D. KP Training or seminar within the 10

assessment period
Organized skills training participated by
the Lupong Tagapamayapa


 Building structure or space
For cities – the office or space should
be exclusive for KP matters

For municipalities – KP office or

space may be shared or used for other
Barangay matters.


1. From City, Municipal, Provincial or NGAs 2
2. From People's Organizations, NGOs or 1
Private Sector

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TOTAL 100 100

5.2. To ensure common understanding, the above criteria is defined in Item

No. 4 of this guidelines.

5.3. Functions and Responsibilities of the Awards Committee.

5.3.1 The National Awards Committee and National Board of


5.3.1. The National Awards Committee (NAC).

The NAC shall be composed of the following:

Chairperson – Secretary of the Interior and Local Government

Vice Chairperson – Secretary of Justice
Members – Representative, Supreme Court
National President, Liga ng mga Barangay (LnB)
Representative, National Peace and Order Council
At least two (2) representatives from the Private
Sector or the NGO

The NAC shall perform the following functions:

i. Initiate and coordinate the necessary activities for the

successful implementation of the LTIA;
ii. Set guidelines and criteria in the selection of winners
iii. Secure funding and additional prizes from partner
agencies and the private sector;
iv. Organize a National Board of Judges (NBOJ)
representing the government and the private sector to
assist the committee in the selection of the awardees;
v. Select from among the national entries the National
Winner and Runners-Up.

5.3.2. National Board of Judges (NBOJ)

The NBOJ shall have the same composition as the NAC. It shall
perform the following functions:

i. Designate among themselves the Chairperson

ii. Conduct Document Review (Table Assessment Review)
of National Nominee documents
iii. Deliberate and determine of the Top Lupon National
Finalists per Category to be subjected for onsite
iv. Conduct on-site validation of the Top Lupon National
Finalists per category
v. Determine the LTIA National Awardees

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vi. Recommend to the NAC the LTIA National Awardees

The Bureau of Local Government Supervision, DILG shall provide

technical and secretariat services to the committee.

5.3.2. The following local awards committee shall be responsible to

assess and select the most outstanding lupon in their respective
level. The Composition of the local awards committee:

i. Regional Awards Committee (RAC)

Chairperson – Regional Director, DILG

Vice Chairperson – Regional State Prosecutor, DOJ
Members – Executive Judge, Regional Trial Court
Representative, Regional Peace and Order Council
President, Regional Chapter, LnB
Two (2) Region-based NGO Representative

ii. Provincial Awards Committee (PAC)

Chairperson – Provincial Director, DILG

Vice Chairperson – Provincial Prosecutor, DOJ
Members - Executive Judge, Regional Trial Court
President, Provincial Chapter, LnB
Representative, Provincial Peace and Order Council
Representative, Province-based NGO

iii. City Awards Committee (CAC)

Chairperson – City Director, DILG

Vice Chairperson – City Prosecutor, DOJ
Members - Judge, Municipal Trial Court (MTC) in Cities
President, City Chapter, LnB
Representative, City Peace and Order Council
Representative, City-based NGO

iv. Municipal Awards Committee (MAC)

Chairperson – Municipal Local Government Operation Officer

Vice Chairperson – Provincial Prosecutor, DOJ
Members - Judge, MTC or Municipal Trial Circuit Court (MTCC)
President, Municipal Chapter, LnB
Representative, Municipal Peace and Order Council
Representative, Municipal-based NGO Functions of the local awards committee:

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i. Initiate and coordinate the necessary activities toward the
successful implementation of the LTIA in their respective
ii. Disseminate information on the Awards to generate
awareness and support from the public and private
sectors in their respective region;
iii. For the CAC and MAC to select and submit to the PAC
the best performing lupons within the component city and
municipalities, respectively; and to the RAC in case of
Highly Urbanized Cities (HUC) category, the best
performing lupon within the HUC;

For the PAC to select and submit to the RAC the best
performing lupos within the province; and

The RAC to select and submit to the NAC the best

performing lupons in the region and endorsed as national
nominee per category;
iv. May secure funding and counterpart prizes from the
partner agencies and the private sector; and
v. May plan and implement appropriate awarding

The DILG Regional, Provincial, City and Municipal Offices shall

provide technical and secretariat services to the RAC, PAC, CAC
and MAC, respectively.

5.4. Awards Categories and Incentives

4.4.1 The LTIA has four (4) awards cetegories, namely:

a) Outstanding Lupong Tagapamayapa in Highly Urbanized Cities

b) Outstanding Lupong Tagapamayapa in Independent Component
Cities and Component Cities
c) Outstanding Lupong Tagapamayapa in 1st-3rd Class
d) Outstanding Lupong Tagapamayapa in 4th-6th Class

4.4.2 The National Winners and Runner’s-Up shall receive the following

Award Incentives
Rank 1: National Winner PhP 300,000.00 and a Trophy
Rank 2: 1st Runner-Up PhP 250,000.00 and a Plaque of
Rank 3: 2nd Runner-Up PhP 200,000.00 and a Plaque of
Hall of Fame Award PhP 300,000.00 and a Trophy

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The Regional Winners and Runner’s-Up shall receive the
following development grants:

Award Incentives
National Nominees PhP 50,000.00
(Regional Winners)
1st Runner-Up PhP 30,000.00
2nd Runner-Up PhP 20,000.00

4.4.3 To claim the development grant, the Regional Winners and

Runners-up Lupon shall submit to the LTIA National Secretariat
thru the DILG Regional Offices, a Project Proposal exclusively for
KP-related activities, for the utilization of the said cash incentive.

4.4.4 The Lupon shall submit a Report to the DILG Regional Offices,
seven (7) working days after the completion of the project and
consolidate the same to submit to the BLGS five (5) days after
receipt of all the reports.

5.5. Awards Guidelines

5.5.1. To determine the official entries in all the awards categories,

concerned awards committees and the National Board of Judges
shall be guided by the Overall Performance Rating (OPR) and its
Adjectival Equivalent as follows:

Overall Performance Rating Adjectival Equivalent

95-100% Outstanding or Excellent
90-94% Very Satisfactory
85-89% Satisfactory
80-84% Fair
75-79% Poor
Below 75% Very Poor

1.5.2 Only the highest ranked Lupons with the OPR of at least 90% is
qualified to compete at the National Level Assessment.

1.5.3 In case no Lupon have reached the OPR of at least 90%, the
Regional Awards Committee (RAC) is required to submit LTIA
Form 05-A: Non-Submission of Official Entry with the attached
LTIA Form 03 [Region]-Comparative Performance Evaluation.

1.5.4 In case of a tie, the concerned awards committee shall further

validate the assessment results to determine the official entry or
awardee for each category.

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1.5.5 The decision of the awards committees in all levels is final and

1.5.6 Ratings shall be encoded in the LTIA Information System (LTIA

IS) while national nomination documents shall be uploaded in the
google drive link to be provided by the National Secretariat.

1.5.7 All national nomination documents (official entries) shall be

packaged in the proper format to be submitted in one (1) single
PDF file. There is no need to submit hard copy of national
nomination documents to the National Secretariat. However, hard
copy of the said document should be present during onsite
validation of the awards committees and the NBOJ.

5.6. Standard Official Entry and Documentation Report Requirements

Official entries shall be prepared by the National Nominee (Regional

Winner) Lupon with the assistance of the LTIA Program Officers. In
submitting the official entries, it shall follow the Standard documentation
report requirements.

5.6.1 Only the LTIA Forms prescribed under the aforesaid issuance
shall be used. Any alteration, addition or omission is strictly
prohibited. Non-compliance therewith shall constitute
disqualification or deduction in points.

5.6.2 In accomplishing the prescribed forms, the following

specifications shall be followed:
Font: Verdana
Font size: 10 pt
Spacing: 1.15
Paper size: A4 (8.3 x 11.7 inches)

5.6.3 All nomination documents of each Lupon National Finalist shall be

arranged in the following order:
a) Original Copy of LTIA Form 05 – Official Entry Form duly
accomplished and signed by the members of the Regional
Awards Committee (RAC) or LTIA Form 05-A: Non-
submission of Official Entry in case there is no qualified
Lupon National Finalist
b) Original Copy of LTIA Form 1 – Performance Evaluation
Form duly accomplished and signed by the members of RAC
c) Original copy of the LTIA Form 02 – Consolidated
Performance Evaluation Form duly accomplished and
signed by the members of the RAC
d) Original copy of LTIA Form 03 [R] – Comparative
Performance Evaluation Form duly accomplished and
signed by the members of the RAC

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e) Certified true copy of LTIA Form 03 [P] – Comparative
Performance Evaluation Form duly accomplished and
signed by the members of the concerned Provincial Awards
Committee (PAC)
f) Certified true copy of LTIA Form 03 [C/M] - Comparative
Performance Evaluation Form duly accomplished and
signed by the members of the concerned City/Municipal
Awards Committee (C/MAC)
g) Original copy of LTIA Form 04 – Performance Validation
Report Form duly accomplished and signed by the members
of the RAC, if there is a tie between the Regional Finalists
h) Original copy of LTIA Form 06 – Summary of Cases
i) Original copy of LTIA Form 07 – Performance Highlights
with corresponding Means of Verification (MOV) duly
accomplished and signed by the Lupon Secretary, Lupon
Chairperson, C/MLGOO and RFP
j) Original copy of LTIA Form 07-A – List of Cases duly
accomplished and signed by the Lupon Secretary and Lupon
k) Original Copy of LTIA Form 07-B – Lupon Profile

4.6.1 All means of verifications (MOVs) whether documents and/or

photos shall be attached every after criteria and sub-criteria. A
Guide is indicated in the LTIA Form 7 – Performance Highlights.

MOVs to be attached are as follows:

a). Observance of Settlement Procedure and Deadlines

 Two (2) photos with caption of the Record Book and
sample entries in the record book
 At least 10 samples of Notices to the Complainant/s
and Summons to the respondent/s with Officer’s
 At least 10 samples of the Minutes of the settlement
 Four photos with caption of on-going procedure
(mediation, conciliation or arbitration)

b). Systematic Maintenance of Records

 Two (2) photos with caption of Record Books in
reference to the assessment year
 For cities, two (2) photos with caption of the computer
database with searchable case information and
for municipalities, one (1) photo each, with caption of
the manual records and digital file

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 Two (2) photos with caption of compilation of the
Notices of Meetings, Minutes of Lupon Meetings with
Attendance Sheets
 Two (2) photos with caption of Compilation of Copies
of Reports submitted to the Court and to the DILG
 Two (2) photos with caption of the filing cabinet

c) Timely Submission to the Court and the DILG

 Transmittal Memo or Letters and copies of settlement
agreements submitted to the Court from the lapse of
the ten-day (10-day) period repudiating the
mediation/conciliation settlement agreement, or within
five (5) calendar days from the date of the arbitration
 Submitted reports to the DILG

d). Conduct of Monthly Meeting Exclusively on

Katarungang Pambarangay (KP) Matters
 Copies of Notices of Meetings with Name and date and
time stamped receipt of each Lupon Members
 Copies of Minutes of Meetings with Attendance Sheets
 Three (3) photos of on-going meeting with caption

e). Compliance with the Terms of Settlement or Award

 At least 10 samples of proof of compliance (e.g.
acknowledgement receipts, ledgers, etc.)

f). Settlement Technique

 Two (2) photos with caption of each Settlement
Technique utilized by the Lupon within the assessment

g). Coordination with Concerned Agencies

 Certified true copy of any proof of coordination
(Certificate of Appearance, letters or other written
 Two (2) photos each, with caption for each
coordination activity with concerned agencies relating
to disputes file

h). Sustain Information Drive

 Two (2) photos with caption of the information drive
conducted by the LT in the promotion of KP in their
 Copies of pamphlets, leaflets, tarpaulins and other IEC
materials produced by the Lupons
 Two (2) photos of Innovative Campaign Strategy utilized
by the Lupon

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i). KP Trainings or Seminars within the Assessment
 Two (2) photos with caption of training on general/basic
orientation or review of KP system
 Two (2) photos with caption of skills training on the
conduct of KP proceedings
 Two (2) photos with caption of advance knowledge on
laws, policies and standards in relation to KP system
 Certified true copies of any proof of trainings such as
Certificates of Completion and/or Participation,
Attendance Sheets, among others.

j). Area or Facility for KP Activities

 Three (3) photos with caption of the building or space
used exclusively for KP and LT concerns, furniture,
fixtures and equipment used in the operation of the KP

k). Financial or Non-financial Support

 Certified true copies of any proof of support such as,
but not limited to, the following: Deed of Donation,
MOA, Resolution, Appropriations Ordinance,
Acknowledgment Receipts, Vouchers and etc.

4.6.2 The photos as MOV shall be in 3R (9x13) size, colored and not
pixelated nor distorted.

4.6.3 Only those documents expressly provided under this

Memorandum shall be included in the official nomination entries.
Inclusion of unnecessary and irrelevant attachments or
documents not related to KP implementation within the
assessment period is strongly discouraged.

5.7. Disqualification or imposition of deduction of points:

a) Submission of incomplete documents

b) Non-compliance with the prescribed standard documentation
report requirements
c) Late submission of the official entries to the LTIA National
5.8. The concerned RAC shall upload the Official entry to the google drive
link account of the LTIA National Secretariat not later than 6:00PM, of
the last working day of April, for submission.

5.9. The rank one (1) or National Winner for three (3) consecutive years in
the same awards category shall be a recipient of a Hall of Fame

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5.10. The Lupon hailed as Hall of Fame Awardee can only join again the LTIA
after three years.

5.11. Indicative Implementation Schedule

Activity Schedule
Reorganization/Reactivation of Awards February
Committee at the National, Regional
and Sub-Regional Levels
Assessment/Evaluation of Municipal, March to April
City, Provincial and Regional

Preparation of the Official National

Entry Documents
Encoding of Ratings in the Lupong April
Tagapamayapa Incentives Awards
Information System (LTIA IS)
On-line submission of the National April 30 or the last working day of
Nominees per category to the National April
Awards Committee (NAC) through the
National Table Assessment by the May to June
National Board of Judges
Onsite Validation of the Top Lupons in July to September
the four (4) awards category
Selection of the National Awardee September
National Awarding Preparation September to October
Conduct of the National Awarding October
Post Evaluation Conference November

Indicative implementation schedule may be subject to change due to

fortuitous event or the like.

6. Monitoring and Submission of Reports and Other Requirements

The Recognition and Awards Division of the Bureau of Local Government

Supervision, who serves as the LTIA National Secretariat, shall be responsible for
the overall monitoring of the LTIA implementation.

7. References

7.1 Legal Provisions. The assessment is supported by the provisions of the

following policies:

7.1.1 Section 406 (b) of the Local Government Code of 1991

7.1.2 Katarungang Pambarangay Law

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7.1.3 Implementing Rules and Regulation of the Katarungang
Pambarangay Law

7.1.4 Executive Order No. 394 s. 1997, Establishing the Lupong

Tagapamayapa Incentives Awards

7.1.5 DILG Memorandum Circular Nos. 2004-43 dated April 14, 2004,
2008-102 dated June 17, 2008 and 2016-058 dated April 29,
2016 and other related issuances such as Memorandums and
Advisories relative to the implementation of the LTIA

8. Annexes
 LTIA Forms 1-7
 Technical Notes on how to rate the Lupons
 Project Proposal Template

9. Effectivity

This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately.

10. Feedback

For related queries, kindly contact the Bureau of Local Government Supervision-
Recognition and Awards Division at Telephone Number (02) 8876-3454 local
(4204-4205) or at email address:

11. Approving Authority




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