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vs Achilles: Narrator: Nine years after the start of the Trojan War Agamemnon: I, King Agamemnon, truly am the greatest. Another Trojan-allied town has fallen! Soldiers, take all the spoils of war, while I will take this beautiful maiden, Chryseis! Achilles: And I, Achilles shall claim Briseis. Chryses: I am Chryseis father, Chryses. Please, I beg you, return my daughter! I am willing to pay a ransom! Agamemnon: Never! Chryses: (walks away and prays) O Apollo, please help me. (everyone exits) Apollo: I, Apollo, shall send a plague that will destroy this Agamemnons army! (army dies) Achilles: (angry) What is causing this plague? Chalcas: I believe that Agamemnon has angered the god, Apollo. Agamemnon: I will only return Chyrseis if you, Achilles, will give me the beautiful, Briseis. Achilles: RrrTry me and Ill withdraw from battle along with my people. Agamemnon: Then I shall get her myself! Achilles: (angry, draws out a sword) I WILL KILL YOU! Athena: Stop this nonsense, Achilles! I, Athena was sent here by Hera for that reason. Do not cut Agamemnon down with your sword! Cut him down with your words instead! Achilles: Rrr Hmph! (leaves) Narrator: That night, Agamemnon puts Chryseis on a ship and takes Breseis from Achilless tent. Achilles: Hmph! That Agamemnon has dishonored me! I have decided to no longer participate in this war Dear mother, I pray that the god, Zeus, will help the Trojans win the war so that Agamemnons army will lose and I will regain my honor. Narrator: Zeus owes Thetis, Achilles mother, a favor, so he decided to help the Trojans even though he was reluctant because Hera, his wife, favors the Greeks. And so during the war, the Trojans had the upper hand.

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