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Midterm Examination

Name: Year & Section: Time:

Subject: CPAR Jessie D. Donasco (Subject Teacher) Score:

Test I: Multiple Choice Questions (35 Items)

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. “No erasure or changing of answers allowed, erasures means wrong”.

1. What is term to use for the general way of life before colonization.
A. Pre-colonial B. Spanish Era C. Japanese Era D. Islamic Art
2. Which is one primitive activities of indiginous people as a source of food in leaving to survive.
A. Dancing B. Rituals C. Hunting D. Carving
3. What officiated by a shaman or mumbaki, involves animals sacrifice, healing, to announce the birth of a child,
weddings, burials ceremonies, etc. A. Canao/Kanyaw B. Kashawing C. Tagbanwa D. Hagabi
4. In Palawan they believe that every 13th moon, 3 goddesses send from heaven to bless the planting of rice.
A. Canao/Kanyaw B. Kashawing C. Tagbanwa D. Hagabi
5. Which is a ritual to ensure abundance during rice planting ang harvesting
A. Canao/Kanyaw B. Kashawing C. Tagbanwa D. Kudyapi
6. What is a way of praising, worshiping and thanks giving to ensure abundance of rice planting, harvesting and etc.
A. Rituals B. Praising C. Dancing D. Singing
7. Which is not belong during pre-conquest carving?
A. Ukir /Ukkil B. Manunggul Jar C. Hagabi D. Kudyapi
8. Which is not belong to musical instrument during pre-conquest period?
A. Agong B. Manunggul Jar C. Kinabuwa D. Kulintang
9. Which is not belong to Folkdance during the pre-conquest period
A. Gabbang B. Tinikling C. Pangalay D. Man-manok
10. Which is refers to the study of human experience, how people process and record their thoughts, beliefs and
longings. A. HumanitiesB. Arts C. Contemporary Art D. Science
11. Who is the Filipino artist paint the The Lavandera (1976)?
A. Victorio Edades B. Onib Olmedo C. Napoleon Isabelo Veloso Abueva D. Arturo Rogerio Luz
12. The Filipino artist who paint the Mother and Child II (1993)?
A. Victorio Edades B. Onib Olmedo C. Napoleon Isabelo Veloso Abueva D. Arturo Rogerio Luz
13. The Filipino architect who designed the Bahay Kubo Mansion (2008)?
A. Victorio Edades B. Francisco T. Maňosa C. Napoleon Isabelo Veloso Abueva D. Arturo Rogerio Luz
14. Which deals with the object study of the external world?
A. Humanities B. Arts C. Contemporary Art D. Science
15. which is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, producing works to be appreciated
primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
A. Humanities B. Arts C. Contemporary Art D. Science
16. The Filipino artist for sculpture and father of Modern Philippine Sculpture and her works “Bridge of Love”.
A. Victorio Edades B. Francisco T. Maňosa C. Napoleon Isabelo Veloso Abueva D. Arturo Rogerio Luz
17. Who is The Filipino national artist awardee, a founding member of the modern neo-realist school and her works
“Anitos in 1960”.
A. Victorio Edades B. Francisco T. Maňosa C. Napoleon Isabelo Veloso Abueva D. Arturo Rogerio Luz
18. Who is the Filipino musicians and singers and received Gawad CPP Awardee for Music in 2008?
A. Victorio Edades B. Francisco T. Maňosa C. Napoleon Isabelo Veloso Abueva D. Gilopez Kabayao
19. Who is the Filipino musicians and singers and the first Asian to play the roles in broadway?
A. Lea Salonga B. Francisco T. Maňosa C. Napoleon Isabelo Veloso Abueva D. Gilopez Kabayao
20. Which is not true during pre-colonial period?
A. Rituals B. Playing C. Dancing D. Hunting
21. Which is not belong to the group in musical instrument?
A. Kulintang B. Agung C. Hagabi D. Kudyapi
22. Which is not belong to the group in folk dances?
A. Gabbang B. Tinikling C. Pangalay D. Man-manok
23. Which is not belong to the Industrial arts?
A. dress making B. Shell craft C. bamboo crafts D. pottery making
24. Which is refers mostly to household arts like interior decoration, cooking, flower arrangement and others.
A. household art B. practical art C. industrial art D. commercial art
25. Which involves in business propaganda in the form of advertisements?
A. household art B. practical art C. industrial art D. commercial art
26. Which is anything printed from raise or sunken reliefs and plane surface?
A. household art B. practical art C. industrial art D. commercial art
27. Which is includes city or town planning, maintenance and beautification of parks.
A. civic art B. practical art C. industrial art D. commercial art
28. Which is refers in crop production, garden or orchard cultivation, raising of cows, carabaos, poultry and swine.
A. civic art B. practical art C. agricultural art D. commercial art
29. Which is includes merchandising, accounting, bookkeeping, and business administration.
A. civic art B. practical art C. business art D. commercial art
30. Which is not belong to the group in agricultural art?
A. crop production B. garden or orchard cultivation C. raising of cows D. poster designing
31. Which is includes shallow and deep-sea fishing, fish refrigeration and culture, ne weaving?
A. civic art B. practical art C. fishery art D. commercial art
32. Which is includes first aid treatments. Medical manufacturing, surgery medical operations and others?
A. medical/clinic art B. practical art C. fishery art D. commercial art
33. Which is arts for ritual purposes or for everyday use?
A. Ethnic Era B. Islamic Era C. Japanese Era D. American Era
34. Which is commercial and advertising arts were integrated into the fine arts curriculum?
A. civic art B. practical art C. American era D. commercial art
35. When the Philippine art began after world war 2 and granting of independence?
A. Ethnic Era B. Modern Era C. Japanese Era D. American Era


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