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Academic Performance of Senior High School Students Before and

During Pandemic: A Comparative Study on Students Academic

Performance in Pinabacdao National High School


A Thesis Proposal

Presented to

The Faculty of the Graduate Studies


Catbalogan City


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Arts in Education Major in Technology and Livelihood

Education (TLE)



October 2022


The COVID-19 has not just caused health crises around the world, but
it has affected people’s way of living and massively disrupting the learning
setting in the field of education. Due to this outbreak, education sectors
were advised to come up with various alternatives just so education will
continue in a safest way possible.

The transition from the normal classroom setup to a distance learning

during the pandemic has shown tremendous effect not just to the students
but to the teachers as well. This big shift in the education system leads the
educators and the learners to adopt different learning platforms. Some of
these learning platforms are new for both educators and learners, and the
need for learning them is necessary for them to adapt to the new normal. In
addition, students learning patterns and as well as their way of living was
also shifted to a new normal [1].

[2] Students' activities and learning patterns, on the other hand,

varied before and during the pandemic. Typically, student activity and
learning patterns decrease during pandemic. During this pandemic,
students face learning process constraints like connections, assignment
methods, delivery methods, and inadequate time management (Noviyanti et
al., 2020). Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic causes a significant
change in the student's routine and learning methods, which may have a
negative impact on their sleeping habits and routine (Deutsch & Ehsan,

With all the premise mentioned above, this proposed study aims to
know the comparison of the students’ Academic Performance before and
during Pandemic.
Nature of the Problem

The Coronavirus disease (COVID19) pandemic has changed the

environment of the entire world. Various aspects of society have transitioned
to a new approach of delivering their potential. Working standards in certain
government and commercial sectors, for example, have transitioned to
online platforms, often known as work from home schemes. Furthermore,
the educational system switched to a new method of teaching and learning.
Students are one of the most affected stakeholders in education, as the
traditional face-to-face learning method has been replaced with blended
learning, which is largely modular and online [3].

This sudden transition from the traditional learning method to new

normal learning modalities shows great effect to the students’ academic
performance. The need for the students to be in the classroom will highly
contribute to their motivation to perform better and being constrained in
their respective homes will cause a lot of unforeseen circumstances that will
have a huge effect on their attitude towards learning.

As a TVL teacher who values performance task more than any other, it
was a huge challenge for me to instill the skills that my students need to
acquire for their specialization. That is why I come up with this study to
further identify the difference of the student’s performance in academics
before and during pandemic.

Significance of the Problem

This proposed study will determine the significance of student’s level of
performance towards their studies amid pandemic. I believe that the
profound effect of the pandemic has something to with how the students
perform in their learning tasks and how they view learning while being away
from the classroom.
Preliminary Literature Review

Students experienced drastic changes, especially for practical courses,

which were originally able to carry out practical lectures directly in both
the outdoor and indoor fields turned into carrying out independently
in their respective places and then recorded, and the recordings were
sent to the lecturer in charge of the course as material for assessing
their practice.

The researcher who is also a lecturer in practical courses,

especially the Pencak Silat and Volleyball Learning courses, experienced
these 2 phases, namely before the pandemic and during the
pandemic. Before the pandemic period, the Pencak Silat and Volleyball
Learning lectures were carried out with direct guidance from
researchers and researchers were able to correct movement
errors that students made on the spot. During the pandemic, researchers
could not immediately correct motion errors at the same time and time, but
after the researchers watched and observed the recorded videos given
by students.

The lecturers and students both experience difficulties when

undergoing practical lectures with the distance learning system.
Students who experienced face-to-face learning before the pandemic
occurred carried out all practical courses in all facilities owned by the
FKIP Undana Penjaskesrek Study Program. Changes occurred 3600 so
it was not possible to assemble in the field [4].

This above-mentioned study holds a relevance to the Senior High

School student’s experience taking up Technical Vocational Courses wherein
the need for face-to-face interaction is needed in order to guide and even
assist the students in performing their practical tasks. Students can perform
better by being in the classroom rather than performing the task on their
own at home.
Initial Research Questions or Research Questions

1. What is the difference between your academic performance before

pandemic and during pandemic?

2. How did you manage to accomplish your learning tasks at home?

3. Would you agree that you can perform better at school than at home?

[1] Capinding, A. T. (2021). Analysis of Learning and Academic Performance
of Education Students before and during the Coronavirus Disease
Pandemic. European Journal of Educational Research, 10(4), 1953-1962.
[2] Capinding, A. T. (2021). Analysis of Learning and Academic Performance
of Education Students before and during the Coronavirus Disease
Pandemic. European Journal of Educational Research, 10(4), 1953-1962.
[3] Capinding, A. T. (2021). Analysis of Learning and Academic Performance
of Education Students before and during the Coronavirus Disease
Pandemic. European Journal of Educational Research, 10(4), 1953-1962.
[4] Ladjar, M. A. B., & Babang, V. M. M. F. (2022). Comparison Of Academic
Achievement For Course Practice Before Pandemic Vs During
Pandemic. Kinestetik: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani, 6(1), 1-9.

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