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How Our Platform Looks Like

① Search-Company Function: Search among 17mil companies in 16

APAC countries.
② Search-People Function: Search people by clicking on “People
Icon”, you can add “People Search Filters” in the search filters.
How Our Platform Looks Like cont’d
③ Smart-List Function: By uploading the profile of your existing customer,
our platform will make a list of companies with similar profile.

④ Email Finder: Our proprietary AI finds email addresses for you based on
the domain names and/or personal names.

⑤ Your Account Info: Your account type, upgrade info, expiration date,
available credits, etc.

⑥ Search Filters: All these filters here helps you to narrow down and find
your ideal target among 17mil companies.

⑦ # of Search Results

⑧ Export Function: If you wish to export your search results onto CSV file
so you can print, send and share easily.

⑨ List of Companies: Your search results are shown here. Click on

company names to see their profile pages.
To Start Your Search
Let’s start your search by listing up your search criteria e.g. keywords,
industry, country, etc

① To find engineering companies, for example, click on “Industry” and then

click on “ISIC Code”.
Tip: If you can’t find industry that matches your search criteria, you can also try “Keywords”. All these
filters on the left side of the screen can be used for searching your target companies from different
aspects. Go ahead and open other filters to explore more by yourself. I think “Industry” & “Keywords”
are the most frequently used filters among others though.
To Find Engineering Companies

① After clicking on “ISIC Code”, type “Engineering” in search-box here.

② You will see all industry names that contain “Engineering”.
Click & select appropriate industries for your search.
③ Selected industries appear here.
④ Your search results are shown here Tip: Also check synonyms
⑤ You can customize results column by clicking here. if there are any,
⑥ Click here to go to next/previous page. If necessary
⑦ Click here to change # of results per page.
Company Profile Detail Page

Click on company name on the search-results-list to open the company

profile detail page.
① Website, Facebook, and other social links appear here if available. Our
proprietary AI crawls all available info on the internet so if it exists, it appears
② Phone, registered address and email appear here. If the official website
exists, then our AI can search emails based on the domain.
“Email Finder” Function

Email Finder by domain search.

① Fill out Website URL (of top page) or domain (“” for example)
in the field here and then click on “SEARCH”.
② # of search results is shown here.
③ Export function If you wish to export these email addresses onto CSV file.
④ Email verification function to avoid bounces!
“Email Finder” Function Cont’d

① You can also search emails by “first name”, “last name” and “the domain
name” if you know of them. For example, you can find shareholders’ and
directors’ names in their company profile page. If anything matches, the result
will be shown on the right side of the page.

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