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University Physics 22/23 (1)final exam

一、 单选题 (共 10 题,30 分)

1、The direction of the electric field intensity is(3.0)

A、 away from all negative charges

B、 toward all negative charges
C、 the same as the direction of an electric force
D、 dependent on the nature of a charge placed at the point in question

2、According to Gauss’s law, the number of electric field lines crossing any closed surface is

A、 numerically equal to the enclosed charge

B、 equal to the enclosed positive charge
C、 equal to the electric field inside the surface
D、 equal to the charge density on the surface

3、When a negative charge is moved from a point of low potential to a point of high potential, its
potential energy(3.0)

A、 increases
B、 decreases
C、 stays the same
D、 increases and then decreases

4、A 16-µC charge is located 8 cm to the right of a -8-µC charge. How much work will be done
by the electric field in moving a 2 nC charge from a point midway between the two charges to a
point 4 cm to the left of the -8 µC charge?(3.0)

A、 2.4×10 -3J
B、 4.8×10 -3J
C、 -2.4×10 -3J
D、 -4.8×10 -3J

5、A charge Q and a charge 3Q are released in a uniform electric field. If the force this field
exerts on 3Q is F, the force it will exert on Q is ?

A、 F
B、 F/3
C、 F/9
D、 3F
6、 A spherical balloon contains a positively charged particle at its center. As the balloon is
inflated to a larger volume while the charged particle remains at the center, which of the following
are true?

A、 The electric potential at the surface of the balloon increases.
B、 The magnitude of the electric field at the surface of the balloon increases.
C、 The electric flux through the balloon remains the same.
D、 None of these.

7、The current through a wire is directed into the page. If a magnetic field is directed from right
to left, the force on the wire will be(3.0)

A、 to the right
B、 to the left
C、 upward
D、 downward

8、The torque on a current-carrying loop is a maximum when the plane of the loop(3.0)

A、 is parallel with the magnetic field

B、 is perpendicular to the magnetic field
C、 is at an angle of 45° with the magnetic field
D、 none of the above

9、In the formula F=qvB(3.0)

A、 Force must be perpendicular to velocity but not necessarily to B

B、 Force must be perpendicular to B but not necessary to velocity
C、 velocity must be perpendicular to B but not necessarily to F
D、 F must be perpendicular to both velocity and B

10、A body vibrating with simple harmonic motion experiences its maximum restoring force
when it is at its(3.0)

A、 equilibrium position
B、 amplitude
C、 greatest speed
D、 lowest acceleration

二、 简答题 (共 5 题,30 分)

1、【简答题】Three charges are arranged as shown in Figure. Find the magnitude of the
electrostatic force on the charge at the origin.

2、Points A and B are located 6 and 10 cm away, respectively, from a -24µC charge. Find the
potential difference between A and B (VAB =VA - VB)


3、 An electron is projected from left to right into a flux density of 0.3 T directed into the paper.
If the speed of the electron is 2×106 m/s; Please draw the sketch and find out the magnetic force,
the radius and the period T.


4、A mass m oscillates on a horizontal spring of constant k with no damping. The amplitude
of the oscillation is A. What is the potential energy of the mass while x=A/2,what is the kinetic
energy ?


5、Using the circuit shown, and with the switch closed, a small current was passed through the
coil X. The current was slowly increased using the variable resistor. Please label the current
through the micro ammeter and explain it


三、 计算题 (共 4 题,40 分)
1、A transverse sinusoidal wave is moving along a string in the positive direction of x axis with a
speed of 80 m/s. At t=0, the string particle at x=0 has transverse displacement of 4.0 cm from its
equilibrium position and is not moving. The maximum transverse speed of the string particle at
x=0 is 16 m/s, (a) what is the amplitude of the wave? (b) what is the frequency of the wave? (c)
what is the wavelength of the wave?


2、A metal strip 6.50 cm long, 0.850 cm wide, and 0.760 mm thick moves with constant velocity
v through a uniform magnetic field B =1.20 T directed perpendicular to the strip, as shown, A
potential difference of 3.90 μV is measured between points x and y across the trip. Calculate the
speed v.


3、A ray of light strikes a flat 2.00 cm thick block of glass (n=1.50) at an angle of 30.0° with the
normal, as shown. Trace the light beam through the glass, and find the angles of incidence and
refraction at each surface. When the light ray passes through the glass block, it is shifted laterally
by a distance d. Find the value of d.

4、Figure shows a wire that has been bent into a circular arc of radius r=24.0 cm, centered at O. A
straight wire OP can be rotated about O and make sliding contact with the arc at P. Another
straight wire OQ completes the conduction loop. The apparatus lies in a uniform magnetic field of
magnitude B=0.150 T directed out of the figure. Wire OP begins from rest at angle θ=0 and has a
constant angular acceleration of 12 rads/s2. As function of t, find (a) the magnetic flux through the
loop. (b) the induced emf in the loop


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