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Interview questions:I am asking interview questions to get an awareness of the condition of my client,

and to know who and how my client is, in a specific manner.This will help me make a specific training
plan that will help and improve my client; the training plan experience will also be pleasant and faster as
it will be specifically made for my client.
Interview questions Client’s answers Analysis by coach Explanation of the

Do you have any prior Yeah, I have prior My client has prior experience in basketball, I asked this question, to
experience with experience in which is good as this will speed up the progress interpret at what level my
basketball? basketball.I used to as my client already has a basic knowledge of client is. This will help me
play in the school the rules and gameplay. decide the
basketball team and I difficulty/intensity of the
went to some training program.
tournaments at ISSO
and nationals.

Do you have any prior I know the basic rules My client knows the rules and skills in I asked this question to
knowledge about of basketball, I am basketball, which help with self-evaluation and know to judge the client’s
basketball please be aware of the skills of progress as he knows the importance of each prior knowledge, I will be
specific with a dribbling and shooting skill and the aspects of development needed. able to judge at what pace I
description of your prior and rebound and should teach my client, this
knowledge. defence and passing. question.

How many years of 2 years of experience. Prior experience of 2 years is great as it is a I asked this
experience do you yah? great amount of foundation.My client would question to know to judge
have developed at least some amount of the client’s gameplay, I will
muscle memory in the process. be able to judge at what
pace I should teach my
client, this question.

According to you, What My strength is drilling My client is aware of his strengths and I asked this question to get
are your Strengths and and my weakness is weakness, which is great, it will put my client’s to know what the client's
weaknesses of you in shooting. mindset in a state, where it lets the client self-evaluation is and how
basketball? improve. My client's strength is dribbling, This his confidence and mental
brings a lot of value to the team as dribbling will state are with different
be the most used skill in gameplay and parts of the game
shooting is my client’s weakness, I need to
make sure my client improves on this as
shooting is a very necessary skill as the end of
the day, the team with the higher score wins the

What is your BMI? 27.8 My client is a little overweight, but it won’t affect With this question, I will
the gameplay by a lot. know how fit my client is
and health is an important
aspect while making a
training plan.

Do you have any past No, because I fully My client has no prior injuries, which is great as With this question, I can get
major injuries? stretch my body before there are no physical limitations. to know, what injuries my
playing the game which client suffered because if
helps to prevent injuries he did suffer major injuries,
I would edit the training
plan to suit his condition.

Do you have any No, My client has no disabilities, which is great as With this question I can get
disabilities? there are no physical limitations. to know, what disabilities
my client has because if he
has disabilities, I would edit
the training plan to suit his

Do you suffer from any No, My client has no mental health This question
mental health issues? issues, which is great as there are no mental will help me understand the
limitations. mental state of the client,
which will help me make a
training plan that works
better for my client.

Do you face any kind of No, Because I play it My client doesn’t face any kind of anxiety or This question will help me
anxiety or depression for fun depression before or after the game, and this understand the mental
before or after the can improve performance as my client has no difficulties related to
game? stress on his mental health. gameplay faced by client.
Overcoming these can
improve performance,
hence by asking this
question I can improve my
training plan and make it
more specific to the client.

What is your scat score? I got a 15 scat score My client has low levels of anxiety, This can This will give a measure of
really translate to better performance in real life the client’s anxiety, which
because there is no stress on the mental state will help me understand the
of the client, he won’t panic, leading to better client’s mental state better
performance. and help me in deciding
how my approach to the
client should be to bring out
the best results.

What aspects of your I want to improve my Though my client has low anxiety to start with, I asked this question to
mental health, do you anxiety with the he wants to improve on his anxiety. Improving know if the client has any
want to improve with the approach of basketball on anxiety is better as it is always better to have intentions to improve his
approach of sports? lower anxiety, this puts less stress on the mind through this process,
mental state and helps us perform better. This will help me make a
better training plan and
understand the purposes
behind him taking this
Video analysis: The client’s performance in the first quadrant was very energetic. His shooting skills are very bad, extremely
poor. His passing skill is fine but he needs to improve on his offence. His defence brings a lot of value to the team. The client
needs to seriously improve his shooting skills, he isn’t able to judge how much power to use to shoot the ball neither he is able to
shoot the ball in the proper direction. The most struggle he has faced is mid-range shooting. I would improve his shooting skill by
putting more shooting-improving drills in the training plan. He seems a little worked up in the gameplay, so I need to decrease his
anxiety with proper exercise in the training plan too.His energy seemed consistent throughout the match but the first quadrant had
the highest energy.
Skill Description:-
Fundamental to mid-range shooting:
There are 8 steps to execute a perfect mid-range shot:-
1. Eyes on the target:- Make eye contact with the rim as soon as possible to increase shot
accuracy. This will make the rim the target of your entire shot. The ball will then be guided
toward the rim by your body mechanics. Always maintain your eyes on the target when
shooting. Keep your attention to the ball's trajectory the client is paying the average
amount of attention to the target, this can be improved by decreasing anxiety.
2. Stance and balance:- For balance, the feet should be placed shoulder-width apart. Every
time you fire, maintaining your balance is crucial because it ensures that your body is in the
proper posture and that you can properly perform your shot mechanics. Although the player's
posture may vary, you should strive to point your feet toward the basket or just to the side of it.
The knees should be bent.(refer to figure 2)my client’s stance is moderate, he can improve on
his back posture and bend his knees more to improve the stance. He has to hold the ball a little distance
from his stomach too.
3. Shot pocket:-You should put the ball in your shooting pocket as soon as you catch it. When the
ball is in your shooting pocket, you must ensure that both your eyes and the ball are pointed directly
at the goal. When you are shooting, the ball should be slightly higher than your waist. Every time
you fire the ball, the position of the ball in your shooting pocket should be the same and remain
constant.(refer to figure 3 )my client’s shot pocket is weak, his left hand has to go a little further and
he needs to bend down more.
4.Grip:-You need to have the right grip to be able to release the ball the way you want after it is
in the perfect position in your shooting pocket. Making sure the ball rests on your finger pads
rather than your palm is part of this grip. Set your fingertips parallel to the ball's longer seams.
In your hand, the ball ought to feel balanced. (refer to figure 4 )my client's grip needs to improve
a lot, and his right-hand position needs to be a little further into the ball and form a right angle.
5. Balance hand:-Your left-hand serves as the balancing hand. It also goes by the name
"leading hand." The balancing hand ought to be on the ball's side and shouldn't exert any
additional power or spin on the stroke. Prior to the shooting hand leaving the ball, the
balancing hand should.(refer to figure 5 )my client’s balance hand is executing more power on
the ball, decreasing the accuracy.
6. Delivery:- Direct upward motion of the ball should begin at the shooting pocket. When
moving upward, the ball should be a few inches in front of your head and the elbow should be
under it. Prior to the shot, all of the bendings of the knees and elbows should be released,
releasing the shot's potential energy. The ball should then leave your hands with a lot of
backspin as your shooting hand extends towards the hoop. (refer to figure 6). My client isn’t
bending his elbows enough and the ball isn't in front of his head, it is a little below his head.
7. Up force and landing:-The leaping action of the shot is what creates the force and the landing.
Make certain that you are releasing the ball as you ascend. Before you reach the peak of your jump,
the ball needs to be released. Make sure you land in the same spot where you started the shot and
utilise your legs to add extra power to your shot. This will demonstrate that your shot is
well-balanced. My client's force &landing are being performed simultaneously with delivery, which
shouldn’t be the case and my client’s up force and landing are adding extra power, which is perfect.
8. Follow-through:- Your wrists should move swiftly in the direction of the rim after you
release the ball. This movement is referred to as the wrist flick shared by all excellent
shooters. Your follow-through should be pointed at the rim, and your fingers should be
aimed at the front of the rim. (refer to figure 8). My client’s follow through is amazing but his right hand is a little faster in
pace, he needs to slow down his right hand.
Movement analysis:
The foot and ankle. In basketball, the foot and ankle are of paramount importance. They are integral to
every action we do. When shooting, we utilise our feet and ankle to set ourselves up in the ideal
posture, making it simple to release the shot. Taking a shot from mid-range requires precise footwork,
which in turn relies on the foot and ankle. The skill description emphasises the importance of your foot
and ankle stance and balance while taking a mid-range shot. As seen in (Figure 3.1)Next, when you get
into position, you then utilise your calves, knees, and quadricep muscles to bend. During the bending
motion, you build strength, which you may then channel into your shot. When you bend your knees, you
create potential energy that may be channelled into your shot and used to increase its distance. The
bending of the knees is essential when shooting at mid-range. The calf and quadricep muscles work
together to bend the calf. As seen in (Fig. 3.2) The firing action itself then involves the use of the upper
arms, elbows, and shoulders. When you shoot the ball, you bend your arms the same way you bend
your knees. The power comes from the bending of the arms. When the arm bends, the elbows, and
arms coil. The arms stretch as we start letting go of the ball. The force created by the flexing of the arm
is transferred to the ball, which is subsequently directed accurately toward the basket. Pictured: Figure
Figure (3.1) Figure(3.2) figure (3.3)
Special goal:
Skill goal: mid-range shooting:- to improve the number of baskets scored out of 10,consistently to an
average of 4.
Health goal: to vertical improve jump:- to improve the vertical jump by 5 cm.
Physiological goal: reduce anxiety:- reduce anxiety to a normal level.

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