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Task 1: Initial Observation and Analysis (As Coach)

Connections with KC, RC, and GC:

KC: Communication is related to the skill I have chosen during
the process of teaching my client, and conducting the training
plans I will need to use effective communication. Effective communication will be key in achieving my skill related, health related, and
psychological related goals.
RC: The topic I have chosen is related to perspectives, as I have asked my client to tell me the skill he wants to improve on, and understood
his perspective on his skill level.
GC: The topic I have chosen is related to the Global Context of personal and cultural expression. I want to improve my client's mid range
shooting so he can express himself more confidently in society. This will build his personality.
Interview Questions:
Sport/Skill Related Sport/Skill Related Sport/Skill Related Analysis: Sport/Skill Related Development:
Questions: Question Answers:

What is your past Client - “I play basketball This is great, as he will be used to the As mentioned previously his pretty good
experience playing very often. Almost training I will be putting him through. experience playing basketball, will help me as
basketball? everyday”. He will also have a substantial amount he already has a base. I can structure my
of skill which will make it easier for training plan around building off this base,
me, and my job then will be to help him rather than creating a base and then trying to
further develop this skill. This is far build off of it.
better than having to start from scratch
for a client.

Have you practiced Client - “Not often He does not practice mid-range In our training I must educate him about the
mid-range shooting because the position I shooting, as he has the idea that it is not importance of having that shot as a point guard,
before? play doesn't necessarily important for his position of point so that he further believes that training this shot
demand this skill too guard. However, as the sport is will actually be beneficial to him. Once he
often.” progressing several of the rising point understands this, as he has not practiced the
guards have that shot. Learning the shot a lot previously, there is a lot of room for
mid-range shot, will also improve his improvement and development during this
shooting in other areas. training period.

What are your Client - “My strength is His strengths are dribbling, so he can Like mentioned before, as his shooting is his
strengths and dribbling and my create his own shot. However, due to a weakness, we will implement several high
weaknesses in weakness is shooting weakness in shooting it is hampering volume shooting drills, while also making
basketball? which is why I am eager his scoring ability. It is great that he has technical adjustments to make his jump shot
to learn from this course.” a strength in dribbling, as it gives him a more efficient.
lot of potential if we can get him a
consistent shot.

To what extent do Client - “I want to be This is a reasonable goal, given his This is a pretty hard goal to reach, as that is
you want to be able able to make at-least 7/10 experience in the sport. With well essentially 70% field goal percentage from
to improve your from mid range at any designed training plans, and consistency mid-range. Given that he does have experience
mid-range shooting given moment after the within the program, we can achieve playing though, if we implement focused
by the end of my training.” this. sessions and tedious training plans it is possible
training? to reach this goal. The number one area we
have to develop to reach this goal is form and
repetition. Thus as mentioned before we will
continuously be including video analysis’ as
well as shooting drills.

Physical Health Physical Health Related Physical Health Related Answer Physical Health Related Development:
Related Questions: Client Answers: Analysis:
How would you Client - I feel I am very He is very athletic, and has a lot of This athleticism makes me want to make his
describe yourself as athletic and I have a lot of stamina, thus I can start off with pretty training more skill based, rather than training
an athlete? Past stamina. I have played intense training sessions. By starting off physical aspects. His physical aspects are good
experiences as an football at a state level. with intense sessions we will be able to enough to be able endure the training we will
athlete? be quicker with our development. indulge in to improve his skill based aspects.

According to you, Client - As a physical He is not strong, which is not entirely I will incorporate minor exercises for strength,
what are your player, I am not that important for the skill we are as this will improve his form, which is directly
physical strengths strong. I am not on the developing, but we can include certain correlated with improved shot percentage.
and weaknesses? taller side of the spectrum exercises that will gradually improve
either. his strength. As he is not that tall, an
effective mid-range shot could help him

What is your BMI? Client - “My BMI is 17”. That is a healthy BMI, and I can As mentioned before, these physical aspects are
conclude that my client is physically fit. perfect for the training I am going to put him
through. The training will be more intense, as
according to his answers his body is capable of
handling it.

What physical Client - “I want to This is a good goal, given his low We will not be working on this physical trait
aspects do you want become bigger and a little muscular strength and endurance, during our training plan, as it is not beneficial
to improve on? bulkier.” however this will not necessarily to our main goal, which is improving his
improve his progress in terms of mid-range shooting.
mid-range shooting.

Mental Health Mental Health Related Mental Health Related Answer Mental Health Related Development:
Related Questions: Client Answers: Analysis:

Do you struggle Client - “I don't struggle He does struggle with anxiety and His nervousness and anxiety will decrease
with mental health? with mental health that nervousness, which could hamper him during the training plan, as I will incorporate
If so, how severe is often. Sometimes I might in a game-situation. But with drills that increase his confidence in his shot.
it? suffer from anxiety or continuous practice, his confidence will
nervousness.” naturally improve, and thus these issues
will be solved.

Did you experience Client - “Yes I have. He has recovered, which is a very good This is an area we do not have to focus on
mental health They were not that bad sign. during our training plan, as he does not face an
problems in the but I have since issue with it anymore.
past? recovered.”

What is your SCAT Client - “I got 15” This is an average score, and this score This will be further worked on by confidence
score? depicts that my client will not be boosting drills. In these drills he will see
affected tremendously by a match himself hit more shots, which will
situation, and his game will not decline automatically boost his confidence, and thus
by much. will translate to in-game situations.

What aspects of Client - I want to become This is a great goal for this training. As As mentioned before we will incorporate
your mental more confident about my we will continuously be practicing, and several drills that will increase his confidence.
approach to sports own abilities. honing his skill, he will develop
do you want to confidence throughout the process.
improve over the
course of this
Video Analysis:I watched my client in a game situation, and he was good. My client was able to show good dribbling ability, and got past
a lot of defenders. This dribbling ability is very promising, and will help my client a lot when he is able to develop a consistent mid-range
shot. Skill wise, he was good at dribbling, and finishing around the rim, but his shooting was inconsistent. However, this is good as we will
be training his shooting, and it will get better in game situations. His aerobic fitness was good, and he was able to give maximum effort on
both offense and defense. His cardiovascular fitness was impressive, and he was able to constantly run up and down the court. However,
his muscular endurance and strength was not very good. He struggled to finish against larger defenders, and also was very weak in the
post. My client had good speed, thus if he is able to develop a mid-range shot, defenders will have to defend him closer, and he can then
get past them for an easy layup. My client displayed a little anxiety while playing, and in pressure moments he was able to execute the
strengths in his game to some extent.
Over the duration of the game, my client took 7 mid-range shots, and made 1. These shots were in traffic, which is expected in a game
situation. However, some faults in his technique led to some of the inconsistency in his shooting. My client had very low preparation on his
jump shot, which made it harder for him to shoot over taller defenders.

Skill Description: Mid-range shooting is a shot taken between the three point shot and the painted area. The mid-range shot is used by
some of the best scorers in the NBA today. It is a shot in which you can beat smaller guards, while also making it difficult for centers, and
taller players to guard you. This is because you can get a mid-range shot off against smaller guards, as you will be shooting above them.
While for taller players, if they take the risk of coming out to guard you near the mid-range you can use speed to get around them and
score a layup, or if they choose not to come out and contest your mid-range shot, if you have a consistent mid-range shot you can score
loads of points. So what are the fundamentals of a mid-range shot:
There are 8 steps that if executed properly, in a constant flow, will produce a consistent, and accurate mid-range shot.
1) Eyes on the target: To improve accuracy on your shot, you must make eye contact with the rim, as soon as possible. This will
get your entire shot’s focus on the rim. Your body mechanics will then work toward guiding the ball
towards the rim. While shooting you must always keep your eyes on the target. Do not shift your
focus to the flight of the ball. (Figure 2.1)
2) 2) Stance and Balance: The feet should be shoulder width apart in order to maintain balance.
Maintaining balance is essential every time you shoot, as this is
what makes sure your body is in the right position, and you are
able to execute your shot mechanics. The stance of the player
may differ, but you should try to point your feet at the basket, or
a little to the side of the basket. You should bend your knees
while shooting. (Figure 2.2)
3) Shot Pocket: Once you catch the ball, you should immediately get
it into your shooting pocket. When it is in your shooting pocket,
you have to make sure your eyes, and the ball are in a straight line
with the basket. The ball when in your shooting pocket should be a
little bit higher than your waist. The positioning of the ball in your
shooting pocket should be the same, and remain consistent for every time you shoot
the ball. (Figure 2)
4) Grip: Once you have got it into the correct position in your shooting pocket, you must have the proper
grip to be able to release the ball the way you would like.
This grip includes making sure that the ball is resting on
your finger pads, and not on your palm. Line up your
fingertips parallel to the longer seams of the ball. The ball
should be balanced in your hand. (Figure 2.3)
5) Balance Hand: The balance hand is your left hand. It is also known as the
guiding hand. The balance hand should be on the side of the ball, and should not
add any force or spin to the shot. The balance hand
should leave the ball before the shooting hand.
6) Delivery: The ball should start motion directly
upwards from the shooting pocket. The elbow should beunder the ball, and
when going upwards the ball should be a couple of inches in front of your
head. All the bending of the knees, and elbows prior to the shot should be uncoiled, and all that
potential energy will be released into the shot. Your shooting hand should then be extending
towards the rim, and the ball should come off your hands with a good amount of backspin.
7) Upforce and Landing: The upforce and landing is all about the jumping motion in the
shot. You should make sure that you are releasing the ball as you are going up. The ball should
be released before you hit the apex of your jump. Your legs should be used to get more power into your shot, and
you should make sure you land in the same place you began the shot. This will show a good level of balance in your
(Figure 2.4)
8) Follow-through: Once you have released the ball your wrists should snap towards the rim. This is known as the flick of
the wrist that all great shooters have. Your follow through should be pointed at the rim, and your fingers should be aimed at
the front of the rim. (Figure 2.5)
Movement Analysis:

There are various muscle groups involved in executing the movements that are a part of
basketball. Firstly the foot and ankle area.

The foot and ankle are of utmost significance in basketball. They are used in every
movement. In terms of shooting the foot and ankle are used to position ourselves in the best
possible way, so that our shot is easy to release. The foot and ankle are required in the
footwork that is necessary when executing a mid-range
shot. One of the key parts of a mid-range shot as
discussed in the skill description is your stance and
balance which require your foot and ankle. (Figure 3.1)
Next, after you get into position, you then use your calves, knees, and quadricep muscles to bend. In
this bending phase you are gaining power, to be able to put into your shot. When your knees bend they
gain potential energy, which they can then put into your shot, thus enabling you to shoot farther
distances. This knee bending is key in mid-range shooting.When bending the calf, and quadricep
muscles contract. (Figure 3.2)
Then once you get into your shooting motion, your elbows,
upper arms, and shoulders are used. Just like your legs, when
shooting the ball, your arms bend as well. The arms bend to
create more power. When the arm bends, the elbows, and arms
coil. Then once we begin releasing the ball, the arms then begin extending. The power generated
from the bending of the arm, is then inflicted on the ball to properly guide it to the basket. (Figure

Benchmark Testing:
Test#1: Illinois Agility Test
The agility test I will be conducting for my client is the Illinois Agility Test. The Illinois agility test is used throughout the world, and in
various professional sports leagues as well.
Materials Required: To conduct the Illinois agility test we will be arranging cones, as shown above. We will then be using a timer, to
identify our client’s speed in this test. The lower the time, the better my client’s agility is. I will
then measure my client’s time with the global averages, and then conclude the level of my
clients agility.
Procedure: Arrange a starting cone. Put a cone 10m in front of the starting cone. Put another
cone 5 meters to the right of the second cone. Once you have formed a sort of L shape with the
cones, you have to put 3 cones directly behind the third cone. These 3 cones should be in a
straight line, and should be 3.3 m apart. These 3 cones should be perpendicular to the starting 2
cones. Next put a cone 5 meters to the right of the third cone, and another cone 10 meters to the
right of the first cone. The final setup should look like this: (Figure 4.2)
Purpose: The purpose of this test is to test my client’s agility. The multiple change of directions
will require my client to be agile, and as it is timed, through understanding how fast he is able to
complete the course we will get a good estimate of his agility.
Benchmark: An excellent time for my client would be in between 14 - 17 seconds.
Client Result: My client got a score of 17 seconds. (Figure 4.1)
Analysis: According to the worldwide normative data, anything less than 16.7 seconds is a good score, and
anything between 16.7 - 17.6 seconds is an average score. As a result currently my client's agility is at an
average level.

Test #2: 10 x 3 shot test

10 x 3 shot test. This is a widely used testing method, to test a player's shooting ability. In this case, we will be conducting this drill from
the mid-range area. My client will take 10 shots from the mid-range area, and we will see how many he is able to make. We will repeat this
3 times, and take his mean number of makes from each trial, as his initial level. Based on this we will understand what his initial level is,
and then structure the training program accordingly.
Equipment required: For this test you need a basketball, and a proper basketball court.
Purpose: The purpose of this test is to understand my client’s initial skill level in terms of
mid-range shooting. By understanding this, we will be able to create a consequent training plan
that fits his needs.
Benchmark: An average score of 6-8 shots made would be very impressive.
Client Result: My client made 5/10 shots in the first round. Then he made 4/10 shots in the
second round. He then made 3/10 shots in the third round. So his final average is 4/10 shots.
(Figure 4.3)
Analysis: Making 4/10 shots is a little above the world average. According to global normative
data, the world average is 3/10 shots, however, we want to develop my client into a consistent
mid-range shooter, so 4/10 shots made is not enough. We have to improve this.

Test #3: SCAT Test

For this test we have used the SCAT test. The SCAT test is widely used in all sports, to
test an athlete's mental strength, and abilities in high stress situations such as matches.
My client scored at an average level in this test.
Equipment Required: For this test all you need is a laptop, or mobile device that you
can use to get to the website. You can then take the test.
Procedure: You have to take this test online, and there are 35 questions you have to
attempt. (Figure 4.4)
Purpose: The purpose of this test is to understand my client’s sport related mental
Benchmark: A good score on this test would be between 15 - 17.
Client Result: My client got an SCAT score of 17, which is decent. As a result we will not have to work a lot on the mental aspect of his
training. However, some incorporation of psychological training will help.
Analysis: According to the global data norms my client's anxiety levels are normal. Anyone between the range of 16-17 has normal
anxiety levels.
Test #4: Vertical Jump
For this test we used the vertical jump test. The vertical jump test is used in the NBA combine, as well as
testing across all levels of basketball. I wanted to test my client's leaping ability, as this is a very important trait
to have in basketball.
Procedure: Put markings of 12 inch increments on a wall, then jump, and mark the spot you hit with chalk.
(Figure 4.5)
Equipment Required: For this test we will need a measuring tape, a marked wall, and chalk.
Purpose: The purpose of this test is to measure my client's explosive power, and his leaping ability.
Benchmark: A good score on this test would be 25 - 35 inches.
Client Result: My client got a vertical jump of 22 inches. This is pretty good, and shows that my client has
decent leaping ability. Analysis: 21 - 27 inches is an above average vertical jump. My client got 22 inches,
showing his jumping ability is above average.
Smart Goal:
Skill Related: The skill related goal for this training is to achieve a mid-range shooting consistency of 6 makes out of 10 shots. This goal
is attainable as we will be implementing proper structured training plans. My client is also already experienced when it comes to the sport
of basketball. This goal is relevant, to improving my client as an overall basketball player. After understanding his strengths and
weaknesses, I understood that achieving consistent mid-range shooting will be key to taking his game to the next level.We are on a
time-constraint for this training plan, however I do believe we will be able to achieve our goals in the limited time we have, through
efficient training sessions.
Health Related: After conducting the agility, and strength benchmark tests (Illinois Agility Test and 1RM testing) I understood that my
client has to improve his muscular strength. My client also stated this in his interview answers. Muscular strength is essential for all
basketball players, as basketball is a contact sport. If my client improves his muscular strength he will be able to shoot mid-range shots
consistently from uncomfortable positions as well, which will improve his game.
Psychological Goal:After conducting an SCAT test, my client’s results came back very positive. He had very low anxiety levels, and
proved that in-game scenarios were not affected by his own mental constraints. However, we will work on improving his confidence
during the training plans. Increased confidence will develop through practice, and will help him shoot more often in games, thus improving
his scoring ability.

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