Communication System

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1. What should be the height of transmitting antenna if the T.V
telecast is to cover a radius of 128 km? Re = 6.4  106 m. If
the average population density around the tower is
1000/km2, how much population is covered?

(A) 5.14  107 (B) 5.4  107

(C) 3.14  107 (D) 3.4  107

Sol. A
Height of transmitting antenna
 
d2 128  103
h 
2R 2  6.4  106
 1280 m.

Total population covered

= d2 population density

= 3.14  (128)2 1000 = 5.14  107.

2. An optical communication system, having an operating
wavelength,  (in metres), can use only x% of its source
frequency as its channel band width. The system is to be used
for transmitting TV signal requiring a band width of F hertz.

How many channels can this system transmit
xc xc
(A) 10 F
(B) 100 F

xc xc
(C) 20 F
(D) 90 F

Sol. B
Optical source frequency, v = 

Band width of channel = x% of v

x x c
 v
100 100 

Number of channels
totalband widthof channels

band width for one channel


100 F

3. The T.V. transmission tower in Delhi has a height of 240 m.

The distance up to which the broadcast can be received
(taking the radius of earth to be 6.4  106m) is:
(A) 100 km (B) 60 km
(C) 55 km (D) 50 km
Sol. C

h= 2R

d2 = 240  2  6.4  106 m

d  55km

4. In short wave communication waves of which of the

following frequencies will be reflected back by the
ionospheric layer, having electron density 1011 per m3
(A) 2 MHz (B) 10 MHz
(C) 12 MHz (D) 18 MHz

Sol. (A) By using fc  9(Nmax )1/2 f

c  2MHz

5. An antenna behaves as resonant circuit only when its length

 
(A) 2
(B) 4

(C)  (D) 
or integral multiple of 

Sol. (D)

6. The maximum distance upto which TV transmission from a

TV tower of height h can be received is proportional to

(A) h1/2 (B) h
(C) h3/2 (D) h2
Sol. (A)

d  2hR dh 1/2

7. A laser beam is used for carrying out surgery because it

(A) Is highly monochromatic (B) Is highly coherent
(C) Is highly directional (D) Can be sharply
Sol. (D)
Surgery needs sharply focused beam of light and laser can
be sharply focused.

8. If a number of sine waves with modulation indices n1, n2, n3

........ modulate a carrier wave, then total modulation index
(n) of the wave is
(A) n1 + n2 .... + 2(n1 + n2.....) (B) n1  n2  n3 ..........

(C) n12  n22  n32 ......... (D) None of these

Sol. (C)

9. Consider telecommunication through optical fibres. Which
of the following statements is not true
(A) Optical fibres may have homogeneous core with a
suitable cladding.
(B) Optical fibres can be of graded refractive index.
(C) Optical fibres are subject to electromagnetic inteference

from outside.

(D) Optical fibres have extremely low transmission loss.

Sol. (C)
Optical fibres are not subjected to electromagnetic
interference from outside.

10. The phenomenon by which light travels in an optical fibres

(A) Reflection (B) Refraction
(C) Total internal reflection (D) Transmission
Sol. (C)

In optical fibre, light travels inside it, due to total internal
11. Television signals on earth cannot be received at distances
greater than 100 km from the transmission station. The
reason behind this is that
(A) The receiver antenna is unable to detect the signal at a
distance greater than 100 km.
(B) The TV programme consists of both audio and video
(C) The TV signals are less powerful than radio signals.
(D) The surface of earth is curved like a sphere.
Sol. (D)

12. Advantage of optical fibre

(A) High bandwidth and EM interference.
(B) Low bandwidth and EM interference.
(C) High band width, low transmission capacity and no EM
(D) High bandwidth, high data transmission capacity and no
EM interference.
Sol. (D)
Few advantages of optical fibres are that the number of
signals carried by optical fibres is much more than that
carried by the Cu wire or radio waves. Optical fibres are
practically free from electromagnetic interference and
problem of cross talks whereas ordinary cables and
microwave links suffer a lot from it.

13. Choose the correct options regarding frequency modulation

(A)The amplitude of modulated wave varies as frequency of
carrier wave.
(B) The frequency of modulated wave varies as amplitude of
modulating wave.
(C) The amplitude of modulated wave varies as amplitude of
carrier wave.
(D) The frequency of modulated wave varies as frequency
of modulating wave.
Sol. (B)
The frequency modulation is define as the process of
changing the frequency of a carrier wave (modulated wave)
in accordance with the audio frequency signal.

14. Audio signal cannot be transmitted from one place to
another. This is because of
(A) The signal has more noise.
(B)The signal cannot be amplified for distance
(C)The transmitting antenna length is very small to design.
(D)The transmitting antenna length is very large and
Sol. (D)
Size of antenna required for their efficient radiation would
be larger i.e. about 75 km.
15. Remote sensing technique is used for
(A)Forest density (B) Pollution
(C) Wetland mapping (D) all of these
Sol. (D)
Remote sensing is the technique to collect information about
an object in respect of its size, colour, nature, location,
temperature etc. without physically touching it. Remote
sensing is done through a satellite. Remote sensing
technique is used for Forest density, Pollution, Wetland

16. For sky wave propagation of a 90 MHz signal, what should
be the minimum electron density in ionosphere

(A)~ 4.2  1012m–3 (B)~ 106m–3

(C)~ 1014m–3 (D)~ 1022m–3
Sol. (C)
The critical frequency of a sky wave for reflection from a
layer of atmosphere is given by f  9(N ) c max

 90  10 6
 9(Nmax )1/2

 90  106  3
max   – 1 10 m

 9 

17. What should be the maximum acceptance angle at the

aircore interface of an optical fibre if n1 and n2 are the
refractive indices of the core and the cladding, respectively?
(A) sin1(n2 / n1 ) (B) sin1 n12  n22

 1 n2   1 n1 
(C)  tan  (D)  tan 
 n1   n2 

Sol. (B)
Core of acceptance angle   sin1 n12  n22

18. A sky wave with a frequency 55 MHz is incident on D-
region of earth's atmosphere at 45o. The angle of refraction
is (electron density for D-region is 400 electron/cm3)
(A) 60° (B) 45°
(C) 30° (D) 15°
Sol. (B)
 80.5N  80.5  (400  106 )
neff  n0 1     1 1 1
   (55  106 )2

Also neff 
 sinr  sini  r  i  45

19. Consider an optical communication system operating at

~800 nm. Suppose, only 1% of the optical source frequency
is the available channel bandwidth for optical
communication. How many channels can be accommodated
for transmitting audio signals requiring a bandwidth of 8

(A) 4.8  108 (B) 48

(C) 6.2 108 (D) 4.8  105

Sol. (A)

Optical source frequency f


= 3  108/(800  10–9)

= 3.8  1014Hz

Bandwidth of channel (1% of above) = 3.8  1012Hz

Number of channels =(Total bandwidth of channel)/
(Bandwidth needed per channel)
(A) Number of channels for audio signal

 (3.8  1012 ) / (8  103 ) ~ 4.8  108

20. A photodetector is made from a semiconductor In0.53Ga0.47As

with Eg = 0.73 eV. What is the maximum wavelength, which
it can detect
(A) 1000 nm (B) 1703 nm
(C) 500 nm (D) 173 nm
Sol. (B)
Limiting value of h isEg, such that h 

 Eg

hc 6.63  1034 J-s  3  108 ms 1

or 

0.73  1.6  10 19 J

= 1703 nm

21. The height of a TV antenna is 200m. The population density

is 4000 per km2. Find the population benefitted.

(a) 3.2 × 108 (b) 3.2 × 107
(c) 3.2 × 106 (d) 3.2 × 105
Sol. (b)
d  2Rh

Population covered = d2× population density

   2 Rh   
  2  6400  0.2  4000  3.2 10

22. On a particular day the maximum frequency reflected from

the ionosphere is 10 Mhz. On another day, it was found to
increase to 11 Mhz. find the ratio of maximum electron
density of the ionosphere on the tow days.
(a) 1.21 (b) 0.82
(c) 0.50 (d) 0.25
Sol . (a)
f c  9 N max
 c  fc
N max
 N 2 max  11 2 121
    1.21
 N1 max  10  100

23. If Ec = 20sin105 m
modulating signals, the modulation index is
(a) 56% (b) 30%
(c) 50% (d) 48%
Sol. (c)

Modulation index, m  0.5  50%


24. The antenna current of an AM transmitter is 8 A when only
carrier is sent but increases to 8.96 A when the carrier is
sinusoidally modulated. The percentage modulation is
 It  m2
Sol. We know that    1
 Ic  2

Here, It  8.96A and Ic  8A

  8.96
 m2 2

8 
  1
or 1.254  1  m2

or 2
 0.254 or m 2
 0.508

or m = 0.71 = 71%

25. The total power content of an AM wave is 1500 W. For

100% modulation, the power transmitted by the carrier is

Pt m2  2 
Sol. Pc
 1
or Pc  Pt  2
2  m 

P c
 2 
 1500  
 2  1
m = 100% = 1= 1000 W

26. The bit rate for a signal, which has a sampling rate of 8 kHz
and where 16 quantisation levels have been used is
Sol. If n is the number of bits per sample, then number of
quantisation level = 2n
Since the number of quantisation level is 16

 2n = 16 n = 4

 bit rate = sampling rate  no. of bits per sample

= 8000  4 = 32,000 bits/sec.

27. An audio signal of amplitude one half the carrier amplitude

is used in amplitude modulation. Calculate the modulation
Sol. Here, Em = 0.5 Ec
Emax  Ec  Em  Ec  0.5Ec  1.5Ec

Emin  Ec  Em  Ec  0.5Ec  0.5Ec

Emax  Emin
ma 
Emax  Emin

1.5Ec  0.5Ec Ec
   0.5
1.5  0.5Ec 2.0Ec

28. Show that the minimum length of antenna required to

transmit a radio signal of frequency 10 MHz is 30 m.
Sol. Here, f = 10 MHz = 107Hz
c 3  108

 30 m

29. A T.V. tower has a height of 100 m. How much population

is covered by the T.V. broadcast if the average population
density around the tower is 1000 per sq. km. Radius of the
earth 6.37  106 m. By how much height of the tower be
increased to double its coverage range?
Sol. Here, h= 100 m;

R = 6.37  106 m;

Population density,  = 1000 km-2 = 1000  10-6m-2 = 10-3


Population covered =  d2 =  (2hR)  10 3

 2  100  6.37  106

= 40  105 = 40 lakhs
Now, d’ = 2h'R  2d  2 2hR

or h’ = 4h = 4  100 = 400 m
Increase in height of tower = h’ – h = 400 – 100 = 300 m.
30. How many AM broadcast stations can be accommodated in
a 100 kHz bandwidth if the highest frequency modulating a
carrier is 5 kHz?
Sol. Given: Total BW = 100 kHz
Fa max. = 5 kHz
Any station being modulated by a 5 kHz signal will produce
an upper – side frequency 5 kHz above its carrier and a lower
– side frequency 5 kHz below its carrier, thereby requiring a
bandwidth of 10 kHz. Thus,
TotalBW 100  103
Number of stations accommodated 
BW per station

10  103

Number of stations accommodated = 10 stations


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