Lab. Activity 6 Boolean Algebra and Simplification of Logic Equations

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Experiment 6: Boolean Algebra and Simplification of Logic Equations

Introduction: Boolean Algebra

The phrase "boolean algebra" pays tribute to the fascinating English mathematician
George Boole and is used to analyze logic mathematically. Any digital system that uses two-valued
logic makes use of it. Digital circuitry functions are represented mathematically, allowing variables
and constants to have only two possible values.

We may assume that any variable may range throughout the entire field of real numbers, just as
algebra in mathematics governs specific rules and theorems for every expression. However, there are
only two possible values for variables in Boolean algebra. One or zero may be used to represent these
values. It is still understood that each of the variables in an equation describing logical circuitry can
only take on the values of 1 and 0, even if the equation contains multiple variables.

The table below contains the basic of the theorems of Boolean algebra.

Table 1: Boolean Algebra Theorems

Equation No. Boolean Equation Description

1 Commutative Property
xy = yx
x + (y+z) = (x+ y) = z
2 x(xy) = xy(z) Associative Property
x∙ x=x
3 Idempotent Property
4 Identity Property
x∙1 = x
5 Null Property
x (y + z) = xy + xz
6 (x+y)(x+z) = x + yz Distributive Property
x∙ x‘ =0
7 Negation Property
x + x’ =1
8 (x’)’ = x Double Negation Property
x + xy = x
9 x(x+y) = x Absorption Theorem
x + (x’y) = x+ y

Learning Objective/s:

After successful completion of this lesson, students should be able to:

• Explain the different Boolean algebra theorems and their characteristics.

• Learn how to use Boolean algebra to represent and simplify logic equations.
• Construct a more simplified circuit using Boolean algebra.
Equipment and Materials:
1 Prototyping board (breadboard)
1 DC Power Supply 5V or 9V Battery
3 Light Emitting Diode (LED)
1 Set of connecting wires

Digital ICs:

1 7404 Hex Inverter

1 7408 Quad AND
1 7432 Quad OR

DIP Switch


1. Construct the circuit in Figure 1 below on your prototyping board. Take note of the number assigned
inside the logic gate symbols. This denotes the IC number package designation for each IC that
you will use. The number outside the IC indicates the pin number of IC.

Figure 1

2. Write the equivalent Logic equation of the circuit on figure1. _____________________

3. From the circuit of figure 1, derive the truth table of table 2.

Table 2. Truth Table

s Output (y)

0 0
0 1

1 0

1 1
4. Construct the circuit of Figure 2.

Figure 2

5. Write the equivalent Logic equation of the circuit on figure 2. _____________________

6. From the circuit of figure 2, derive the truth table of table 3.

Table 3. Truth Table

s Output (y)

0 0

0 1

1 0

1 1

7. If you will choose which circuit design will you implement, circuit of Figure 1 or
Figure 2? Why? Explain you answer.

8. Using Boolean Algebra, simplify the logic equation in procedure 2 to arrive to the same equation
in procedure 5. Show your solution.

1. On your breadboard, construct the circuit of the equation A = XY + X’Z + YZ.

2. Derive the output of the truth table of table 4.

Table 4

Input Per Term Output Final Output

X Y Z XY X’Z YZ A = XY + X’Z + YZ
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1

3. Using Boolean Algebra, simplify the equation of procedure 1. Show your solution.

4. From the simplified logic expression of procedure 3, derive the output of the truth table of table 5.

Table 5
Input Simplified Equation of A = XY + X’Z +
X Y Z A=
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1

5. Compare the output of Table 4 and Table 5. Is the output the same? _______________

6. If you are going to construct a circuit, which do you preferred? The circuit in procedure 1, or
the circuit in procedure 3? Why?
7. Based from the results of the experiment, what is your general conclusion?



Compiled and submitted by:

Engr. Mark P. Melegrito

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