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Department of Education

Region III – Central Luzon

Schools Division of Pampanga
Sapang Palay, Telacsan, Macabebe, Pampanga
1ST Quarterly Examination in
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
S.Y. 2022 - 2023

DIRECTIONS: Read the questions/statements carefully. Write the BEST ANSWER on a separate sheet of

1. Which of the following is a characteristic of culture?

i. It is learned and acquired
ii. It is adaptive and cumulative
iii. It is shared and transmitted
iv. It is not integrated
A. i and ii
B. i, ii and iii
C. ii and iii
D. ii,ii,iii and iv

2. It is the social science discipline that deals with the study of the state and government. It Is concerned
about politics and policies of the government.
A. Anthropology
B. Archaeology
C. Biology
D. Political Science

3. It is the study of human’s past and present. Its goal is to describes and explain human variation or the
observed similarities and differences in people through time and across space
A. Anthropology
B. Biology
C. Political Science
D. Sociology

4. It refers to the process of uniting or merging two or more cultures. Example, a child with a Filipino
mother and an American father.
A. Acculturation
B. Amalgamations
C. Assimilation
D. Subculture

5. It is act of accepting foreign culture which does not necessarily make you disloyal or less nationalistic to
your home country.
A. Acculturation
B. Assimilation
C. Enculturation
D. Counter culture

6. These are patterns or traits that are globally common to all societies. Examples of these are funeral
rites, weddings, and celebrations of birth.
A. Ethnocentrism
B. Cultural Appropriation
C. Cultural Universal
D. Xenocentrism

7. Which of the following is NOT characteristics of society?

A. Individuals tent to live in communities with other people to help one another.
B. Society is a group of people with common cultures within a territory.
C. Society is static.
D. Society is dynamic and changeable

8. This refers to families whose members are engaged in politics have been in the Philippines political
structure since time past.
A. Extended Family
B. Political Dynasty
C. Political Representative
D. Universal Family

9. STATEMENT I: The Filipinos traditionally have four meals a day like many other cultures.
STATEMENT II: There is an afternoon snack called “merienda”.
A. Both statements are false
B. Both statements are true
C. Statement I is false; statement II is true
D. Statement I is true; statement II is false

10. Before: Children are playing Pinoy games after school hours.
Now: Children are playing Mobile Legends after school hours.
QUESTION: What does it imply?
A. Children before are poor and children today are rich.
B. Children nowadays are lazy.
C. Technology altered our society and change our everyday lives.
D. Traditional games boring.

11. Which of the following is/are example/s of social media?

I. Facebook
II. Google
III. Twitter
IV. Instagram

A. II only
B. I, II, and III
C. I, III, and IV
D. I, II, III, and IV

12. which of the is NOT a tangible heritage?

A. The first Philippine Coin
B. The Philippine Flag
C. The Manunggul Jar
D. The Philippine National Anthem

13. The following statements describe Political Science EXCEPT;

A. Political science has narrower field.
B. Political science is a science of state and government.
C. Political science studies animal as a political man.
D. Political science studies only the political organized societies.

14. If you are judging the behavior and beliefs of your classmate who is different from you, what is the best
way out?
A. Don’t talk to him/her as if he/she does not exist in your class.
B. Post him/her on your Facebook account regarding his/her differences.
C. Stop judging him/her and understand why he/she is like that.
D. Tell the principal that here is a freak in your class.
15. Jose Tamad is a person who does not have work and who usually hangs-out on the street corners. In the
Philippines set up, we call Jose Tamad as_________________.
A. Istambay
B. Jejemon
C. Jolongs
D. Netizen

16.It is the study of behavior of a given population and its relationship to present social institutions.
A. Human Ecology
B. Population
C. Social Change
D. Social Psychology

17. Which of the following is/are the major branches of Anthropology?

I. Cultural Anthropology
II. Physical Anthropology
III. Archelogy
IV. Linguistic Anthropology
V. Applied Anthropology
A. I and II only
B. I, II, III and IV
C. I, II, IV, and V
D. I, II, III, IV, and V

18. What is the main focus of a public administrator?

A. Ideas of classification thinkers
B. Implementation of government policies
C. Nation-state’s interactions to other countries
D. Relationships between individuals and the government

19. STATEMENT: A society can exist apart from culture.

STATEMENT: A society is always made of persons and their groupings.
A. Both statements are false
B. Both statements are true
C. Statement I is false; statement II is true
D. Statement I is true; statement II is false

20. If sociology+ Political Science= critical dynamics of human evolution,

then_______________+______________= Interpretative dynamics of society.
A. Anthropology, Political Science
B. Political Science, Sociology
C. Sociology, Anthropology
D. Sociology, Political Science

21. It is one aspect of culture that includes the expression or application of human creative skill and
A. Art
B. Food
C. Government
D. Language

22. Which of the Following is/are aspect/s of culture?

I. Costume
II. Religion
III. Education
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I, II, and III
23. Hinduism and Buddhism are examples of what aspect of culture?
A. Education
B. Government
C. Language
D. Religion

24. The sociology term______________________ refers to a constitution of social actors in constant

interaction, while ______________as an anthropological term refers to a set of practices and traditions that
define a specific society.
A. culture, culture
B. culture, society
C. society, culture
D. society, society

25. Which of the following statement/s is/are true?

I. No culture can exist except as it is embodied in a human society; no society can operate without cultural
II. Culture and society are interdependent and interactive, yet they express different aspects of the human
III. Culture will always be formed without the presence society.
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III

26. STATEMENT I: Cultural relativism is the idea that norms, beliefs and values are dependent on their cultural
context and should be treated as such.
STATEMENT II: Cultural relativism does not mean that all customs are equally valuable, nor does it imply
that no customs are harmful.
A. Both statements are false
B. Both statements are true
C. Statement I is false; statement II is true
D. Statement I is true; statement II is false

27. If you believe that there are primitive cultures, especially if their way of life is different from you, what is the
best way out?
A. Don’t mind it. You have your own culture.
B. Post that idea in your social media account.
C. You adjust and learn to live in a primitive way.
D. You have to unlearn that your culture is superior and all other cultures are inferior.

28. STATEMENT I: Tangible heritage are non-material components.

STATEMENT II: Intangible heritage are visible components.
A. Both statements are false
B. Both statements are true
C. Statement I is false; statemet II is true
D. Statement I is true; statement II is false

29. Which of the following may NOT be considered as a social goal?

A. Maintaining good relationships with people I know.
B. Promoting Domestic violence
C. Spreading awareness
D. Volunteering for social causes.

30. “A poor boy who become a well-know lawyer” is an example of____________________.

A. Achieved Status
B. Ascribed Status
C. Boss Status
D. Master Status
31. It is a social position a person receives at birth or takes on involuntarily later in life.
A. Achieved Status
B. Ascribed Status
C. Boss Status
D. Master Status

32. Which of the following is NOT considered as Filipino food Taboo?

A. Any dish that have dog or cat meat.
B. Any food that violates human dignity
C. Any meat of animals considered as endangered.
D. Any meat of animals that are cultured in the farm

33.STATEMET I: A food taboo is a prohibition against consuming certain foods.

STATEMENT II: Some religions assert that there are certain foods that to them are prohibited while other
religions may consider them fit for human consumptions.
A. Both statements are false
B. Both statements are true
C. Statement I is false; statement II is true
D. Statement I is true; statement II is false

34. STATEMENT I: The president, as per the 1987 Philippine Constitution, is not limited to a single term and is
not barred from running for re-election.
STATEMENT II: The Vice-President may not run for re-election or may not opt for a higher position.
A. Both statements are false
B. Both statements are true
C. Statement I is false; statement II is true
D. Statement I is true; statement II is false

35. Historical, political dynasties emerged after the Philippine Revolution upon the establishment of the _____.
A. Commonwealth
B. First Republic of the Philippines
C. Revolutionary
D. Second Republic of the Philippines

36. STATEMENT I: A society can exist apart from culture

STATEMENT II: A society is always made of persons and their groupings.
A. Both statements are false
B. Both statements are true
C. Statement I is false; statement II is true
D. Statement I is true; statement II is false

37.It refers to a significant disruption in a government that leads to new or modified leadership or policies.
A. Electioneering
B. Political Change
C. Policy Modification
D. Social Disruption

38. Which of the following is NOT a major type of political changes?

I. Civil War
II. National Election
III. Social movement
IV. Revolution

A.I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I, II, III, and IV
39. A child helping her mother set the table is learning about proper table etiquette through the process of:
A. Acculturation
B. Enculturation
C. Developmental niche
D. Socialization

40. When acculturation takes place, what happens?

A. Member of one culture exclude member from another culture
B. Member of the culture adopt features of another
C. Member of their culture disregard their culture and adopt another
D. Member of one culture learn their own culture

41. Who introduced the concept of evolution and published work entitled on the origins by Means of Natural
A. Charles Darwin
B. Daniel Bell
C. Donald Johanson
D. Eugene Dubois

42. The following is an example of a cultural universal:

A. Children around the world being taught to respect their elders.
B. One child deciding to burn his house down.
C. Children in a poor neighborhood stealing food when they are hungry.
D. One child showing disrespect to his teacher at school.

43. It is referred to evaluating the practices of other cultures on the basis of our own perspective.
A. Ethnocentrism
B. Cultural Relativism
C. Cultural Shock
D. Xenocentrism

44. STATEMENT I: Human dignity, right, and the common good are not new concepts; so are the issues about
its existence in the society.
STATEMENT II: when dignity and rights are granted to people, the common good is achieved.
A. Both statements are false
B. Both statements are true
C. Statement I is false; statement II is true
D. Statement I is true; statement II is false

45. Human rights are:

I. Universal
II. Invisible
III. Interdependent
IV. Interrelated
A. I and III
B. II, III, and IV
C. I, III, and IV
D. I, II, III, and IV

46. _____________are inherent to all people, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or
ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status.
A. Human Dignity
B. Human Intelligence
C. Human Rights
D. Human Values
47. Under inclusive citizenship there are rights that government provides for its citizens such as:\
I. equal Rights
II. Equal right to serve in the military
III. same right to marriage

A. I only
B. II only
C. I and III
D. I, II, and III

48. Which of the following individuals defined culture as “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief,
art, law, morals, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society?
A. Charles Darwin
C. Franz Boaz
B. Michael Cole
D. Sir Edward Tylor

49. Mikael’s parents immigrated to the US from the Ukraine. His caregivers use parenting practices they
acquired in Russia and have adopted new parenting practices from their new home in the US. This is an
example of which characteristic of culture?
A. adaptive and ever-changing
B. shared
C. symbolic
D. transmitted

50. Which of the following distinguishes anthropology from other social sciences?
A. an adherence to the view of psychic unity
B. the study of humans across cultures and all times
C. a focus on studying individual behavior rather than group behavior
D. a focus on culture as an independent variable

Wala dito si Chito, si Chito Miranda

Wala dito si Kiko, si Francis Magalona
Wala dito si Gloc-9, wala s'yang apelyido
Magbabagsakan dito in five, four, three, two

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