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You are required to:

(a) Identify using appropriate method(s) of Learning Styles among a sample of students in
your own teaching and learning environment.

(b) Prepare suitable teaching and learning activities for students who have been grouped
based on the types of learning styles. The teaching and learning activities prepared must
be for a particular topic of study. The teaching and learning activities (at least five) must
be suitable according to the identified learning styles of students. All activities prepared
must be accompanied with appropriate objectives and a description of how they are
implemented in the classroom.

(c) Evaluate the suitability of the activities by either implementing them in the classroom or
through a review made by experienced teachers.

Write an essay of about 10-12 pages that explains:

 the method(s) that you have employed to identify the Learning Styles of students
 the various teaching and learning activities that you have developed
 the evaluation on the suitability of the activities developed

Marks will be awarded for the essay written based on the following criteria:

i. Methods used to identify the Learning Styles of students

ii. Suitability of the teaching and learning activities prepared
iii. Evaluation of the activities prepared based on the learning styles
iv. Originality of the activities developed
v. Use of APA style in citation and referencing
vi. Presented appropriately with no evidence of plagiarism

Dateline for submission: Week 12, 3 December 2019, Tuesday (Before 5.00pm)

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