Management 1

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1. Answer in English or Bahasa Malaysia.

2. Number of words: 3000 words excluding references.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date: 9th December 2019 until 16th December 2019.

6. This assignment accounts for 70% of the total marks for the course.


The purpose of this assignment is to develop learner’s ability to:

1. examine Occupational safety for Industry 4.0 organisation.
2. evaluate safety and health practices in the organisation.
3. provide recommendations to the organisation in enhancing safety and health in the


You are required to answer TWO (2) questions. These assignments should be completed individually.

Read the news update below and answer both questions.


Occupational safety for Industry 4.0

The world’s three past industrial revolutions evolved from the invention of the steam engine
followed by the electrification and expansion of industries for mass production and then the digital
revolution produced by computers and information technologies.

The 4th Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) is being driven by the convergence of advanced
technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, 3-D
printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage and quantum

It is evolving much faster and with greater impact than any of the three previous industrial
revolutions. Businesses would need to retrain their staff to pre-empt them for what’s coming, and
educational institutions would need to change the way they deliver their curricula.

Most jobs would be affected, particularly in sectors that rely on automation such as automotive,
manufacturing and the fast food industry. The spread of Artificial Intelligent and automation would
also require workers to quickly adapt to different roles within their current sector or risk facing

Employers in all sectors must bring more automation to safety management compliance and make
safety equipment smarter in line with Industry 4.0.

To support the transformation process under Industry 4.0, all parties would need to embrace the
latest technology on occupational safety and health (OSH) and slowly discard the traditional ways of
doing things, such as the paper-based process of manually inputting OSH data.
The latest advancements in connected safety technology would enable businesses to protect
workers more effectively and help them achieve a competitive advantage by reducing many safety
management-related costs.

In response to these challenges, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
organised COSH 2018 and SciCOSH 2018. For COSH 2018, the theme was “Enhancing OSH in the New
Digital Era” while for SciCOSH 2018 it was “Engaging OSH in Industrial Revolution 4.0”.

Last year, Malaysia unveiled its National Policy on Industry 4.0, known as “Industry 4WRD”, in
response to the call for digital transformation of the manufacturing sector and its related services.

Industry 4WRD is a pivotal step as Malaysia seeks to strengthen its on-going structural reforms to
become a developed nation that is equitable, sustainable and inclusive by 2025 or even earlier.

Source : The Star ,3 July 2019

a) Based on the above news update, what are your opinions on occupational safety for
organisation under industry 4.0?

b) Discuss how organisations address the challenges posed by Industry 4.0.


c) Examine any company of your choice and evaluate the steps that owners and workers should
take to overcome the above challenges while preserving the environment. Support your
answer with relevant examples.
(Total : 35 Marks)

Accidents at construction sites are increasingly alarming. Statistics on Occupational Safety and
Health (DOSH) showed that 1,662 people had been killed since 1999. The average of 99 death
occurred a year in Malaysia between 2011 and 2015 and the highest number of deaths was recorded
in Selangor.

Based on the above scenario, you are required to to obtain the information about the chosen
organisation that has been in operation for more than three years in Malaysia. The information can
be obtained either on the basis of your knowledge and observation and / or interview and / or based
on the written reports or magazine / newspaper articles about the organisation.

Prepare and submit a report which should consist of the following in sequence;

a. Introduction
Cover in detail: Name of the chosen company, type of business, organisation structure, mission
and vision, number and type of employees, name of the person interviewed (the HR manager)
and his/her background. (Suggested to have pictures, graphs, tables etc, to illustrate the

b. Contents of the report

Report the findings based on the following;
 The organisation’s Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on OSH, objectives and functions
 Internal and external challenges faced by the company related to OSH
 Benefits of current OSH programmes to the company, employees and community

c. Suggested programme to the organisation

Relevant suggestions to improve the organisation’s future OSH practices so as to increase the
effectiveness of the OSH programme in the chosen organisation.

d. Summary
Sum-up all of the key points of the assignment and highlight lessons learned.

e. Use of APA style, language structure

(Total :35 Marks)


Assignment Format :
Follow the following format in preparing for your report:
a. The report should be written in accordance to the parts indicated in the mark allocation below.
b. References should use the American Psychological Association (APA) format.

The assignment will be graded based on both content as well as presentation. You may receive low
marks due to poor presentation, even if the content is adequate. Presentation includes spelling,
grammar, sentence and paragraph structure, continuity and transitions between paragraphs, headings,
and other mechanics of expository writing.


QA 5 marks
QB 15 marks
QC 15 marks
Total 35 marks

Introduction 5 marks
Report on outcomes from interview 15 marks
Suggestions 10 marks
Summary 3 marks
Use of APA style, language structure 2 marks
Total 35 marks
Grand Total 70 marks

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