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   Real time Ultrasonography of the Gravid Uterus & fetal echocardiography performed

Single fetus in cephalic presentation. 

Placenta: Upper segment posterior, Gr -- II.
Amniotic fluid is adequate [A F I - 14.7].

Fetal Measurements:
BPD =   86mm        34 weeks 6 days            HC/AC : 1.07
FL    =  69mm        35 weeks 5 days            FL/AC :  23.7
HC   =  315mm       35 weeks 1 day            FL/BPD :  80.5
AC   =  294mm       33 weeks 3 days

Ges age: 34 weeks 5 days   [range +/-1 week] Edd = 14 / 04 / 11

Fetal heart pulsations ---  151 b/min.        Fetal weight is 2417gms.

Fetal tone & movements are normal.

TIFFA Scan:  Fetal head & spine appears normal. 

                    Fetal face is visualized - normal.
                    Fetal stomach, Kidneys and UB  - Normal.
                    No evidence of any soft markers. 
                    No obvious lethal structural congenital anomalies.
Length of the cervical canal is 36mm, internal os is closed.

Fetal Echo:
Cardio-thoracic ratio is normal.
Normal situs.
4 chamber view and 3 vessel view visualized - normal.
Atrio-ventricular & ventriculo-arterial concordance is noted.
Interatrial septum with foramen ovale and flap valve are visualized & normal.
Interventricular septum is normal in thickness, no evidence of defect.
Both ventricular outlets are normal.
Pulmonary veins are normal.
Aorta & pulmonary arteries are normal.
No mass lesions in the heart.
Heart rate is regular, no evidence of arrhythmias. 

Doppler Study:   Umb artery: S/d: 2.39, Ri: 0.58, Pi: 1.02.
Utero-placental and Feto-placental blood flow velocities are within normal limits.
No diastolic notch in the uterine arteries. Cerebral flow pattern is normal.

Conclusion :  U S findings are suggestive of 

Single live fetus of 34 weeks 5 days in cephalic presentation.

Normal fetal echocardiogram.

Utero-placental and Feto-placental blood flow velocities are within normal limits.
Note: Not all anomalies are detectable on USG.2ma


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