Practical Research 2 - Q2 - Kit2 - Week 2 3 - Parejas - Joanne

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Control No:

SLK for PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 (Quantitative Research)


Competency  Constructs an instrument and establishes its validity and
reliability (CS_RS12-IIa-c-3)
 Describes intervention (if applicable) (CS_RS12-IIa-c-4)
 Plans data collection procedure (CS_RS12-IIa-c-5)
 Plans data analysis using statistics and hypothesis testing (if
appropriate) (CS_RS12-IIa-c-6)
 Presents written research methodology (CS_RS12-IIa-c-7)
Objectives  Explain the research instrument and its validity and reliability.
 Construct an instrument and establish its validity and reliability.
 Create a plan for data collection procedure and data analysis
 Present written research methodology
Topic/Subject Research instrument, validity and reliability, data collection, data
Matter analysis, and hypothesis
Textbook Cristobal, A. P., & Cristobal, M. C. (2017). Practical Research 2 for
Senior High School. Quezon: C & E Publishing, Inc.
Materials Answer sheets
Copyrights DepEd Talisay City
Total Points 90
Date January 11-15, 2021


This module discusses the research instrument, its usability, validity and reliability,
adopting and adapting the research instrument, develop the research instrument, and planning
for the data collection procedure.

Research Instrument

The research instrument is a tool used to obtain, measure, and analyze data from
subjects around the research topic (Cristobal & Cristobal, 2017). The instrument is the
general term that researchers use for a measurement device (interviews, checklist, surveys,
tests, etc.). The instrument falls into two broad categories, researcher-completed (those
instruments that researchers administer) and subject-completed (those that are completed by
participants)(Biddix, 2009). Examples are listed below:
Table 1. Examples of research-completed and subject-completed instruments

Researcher-completed Instruments Subject-completed Instruments

Rating scales Questionnaires
Interview schedules/guides Self-checklists
Tally sheets Attitude scales
Flowcharts Personality inventories
Performance checklists Achievement/aptitude tests
Time-and-motion logs Projective devices
Observation forms Sociometric devices

Usability of Research Instrument

Usability refers to the ease of use of the research instrument (Biddix, 2009). As
shown in Figure 1, the usability of the research instrument is determined through the

can be administered
can be interpreted by the participant
can be scored/
interpreted by the researcher


Figure 1. Usability of research instruments

Adopting and Adapting Research Instrument

It is best to use an existing instrument, one that has been developed and tested
numerous times. If you find a pre-existing instrument that will be useful to measure a key
variable in your study, there are two ways that the instrument can be used in your study as
shown in Figure
to take the instrument nearly verbatim
reliability and validity of the instrument can be applied in your study
1. Adopting the instrument
links your study to all other research studies
save times and energy in making significant changes

you alter the instrument and make significant changes

2. Adapting the instrument
reliability and validity will not apply to your study
you collect validity evidence

Figure 2. Adopting and adapting of the research instruments

Whenever possible, an instrument should be adopted. When this is not possible, the
next best option is to adapt an instrument. However, if there are no other instruments
available, then the last option is to develop an instrument. Whether adopting or adapting an
instrument, it is always courteous to email the authors of the instrument to ask permission.

Developing a Research Instrument

When designing an instrument, keep in mind the following: good conclusions drawn in
a research study are the results of the good data collected, good data collected are as good as
the instrument that collects data, and the poorly designed instrument will lead to bad data,
which will lead to bad conclusions (Korb, 2012). Therefore, developing a good instrument is
the most important part of conducting a high-quality research study.

Table 2 presents the three general parts of a survey questionnaire: general

instructions, personal information, and the body.

Table 2. Developing a survey instrument (Questionnaire)

(Title of the research study)

Part I. General Instructions

Introduction of researcher What is your name? What institution are you affiliated
Purpose of the questionnaire Describe the purpose of the questionnaire, do not lie about
the purpose, and keep this purpose statement as general as
Confidentiality Statement possible.
One ethical consideration of research is that participants'
responses are confidential, and participants need to know
this. Add: Your responses will be confidential, or Do NOT
write your name on this questionnaire to detached you
Voluntary participation Another ethical consideration of research is the
participants' discretion to engage in the research study.
Add: Your participation in this study is voluntary or
If you do not want to participate, please return the
questionnaire to the researcher. You also do not have to
answer any question that makes you uncomfortable.
Thank you note Always be grateful. Add: Thank you very much.

Part II. Personal The general idea is to attach symbols to responses (ex.
Information age, gender, degree, school, employment, service, etc.) Ex.
Label response options M for male, F for female
Instruct participants to circle, Asking participants to circle their responses on the label
not tick. attached.

Part III. Body Participants need a general idea of what to expect for the
General directions for items that they will soon respond to. Write a statement for
responding what to expect in the subsequent items.
The following items describe statements about
How to respond Should participants circle or check their responses, tick
their agreement, pick two or three out of a list that
represents them, etc.
Explain the response A questionnaire must explain the categories of the
categories responses until the very end of the questionnaire. If you
use scaling, the response categories are precisely
labeled before the participant has to respond.
ex. SA-strongly agree, A-agree, D- disagree, or SD-
strongly disagree

To summarize, when formatting a questionnaire, keep the following points in mind:
 Every item should have an obvious place for each response.
 Response categories (i.e., SA, A, D, SD) should be clearly described before
participants respond.
 Circling responses is typically better than ticking in a box.
 Every set of items with a different style of responding requires a new set
of directions.

Validity and Reliability

The two main criteria for evaluating quantitative research are validity and reliability.
Validity is the ability of an instrument to measure what it intends to measure and
perform as it is designed to perform (Cristobal & Cristobal, 2017). Validity is generally
measured in degrees since it isn’t possible to prove conclusively that a measure is valid.
There are different types of validity as presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Types of Validity

Types Description Example

1. Face validity -known as logical validity looks at the font or

Does the test appear -appearance of the instrument typeface, spacing, size of
to test what it aims -analysis of which an instrument is the paper used, and others
to? using valid scale for convenient use
-intuitive judgment
2. Content validity -appropriateness of the content of an table of specifications,
Do the measures instrument educational test represents
(questions, -the items of a measure reflect the the subjects actually
observation logs, content of the concept that is being taught to students,
etc.) accurately measured measure of happiness
assess what you -judgement call made by expert that a reflects the
want to know? measure is valid key elements of
happiness, etc.

3.Construct validity -whether the test corresponds to its measurement of the

Does the test rely to theoretical construct human brain, intelligence,
the underlying -extent to which the measure relates to level of emotion, trait,
principles? other measures attribute, skill,
-analyze the interrelationships of proficiency, ability, etc.
behavioral data

4. Criterion-related -relationship to other measures

validity or -assesses whether a test reflects a
equivalence test certain set of abilities
How scores from -has two types concurrent and
the test are predictive
correlated with an
external criterion?
Two types:
a. Concurrent -a measure that can be administered new test and standardized
Does the test relate and validated at the same time test to a group of
to an existing -measures a test against a benchmark respondents,
measure? test psychological test, etc.
-a measure that can predict some
b. Predictive future behavior of participants, future and past events,
Does the test predict scores predict
later performance performance, aptitude test,
on related criterion? etc.

Reliability refers to the consistency of the results. The instrument consistently

measures what it is intended to measure and yields the same results for individuals who take
the test more than once (Cristobal & Cristobal, 2017). It is not possible to calculate
reliability; however, there are methods in establishing reliability as presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Types of Reliability
Methods Description
1.Test-retest reliability -Consistency of results testing the measure with the same
(stability test) subjects twice
2. Internal consistency -Consistency of results across multiple questions or
reliability indicators intended to measure a single variable
a. Split-half method -Based on the idea that split-half reliability has better
Spearman-Brown assumptions than coefficient alpha, but only estimates
Prophecy Formula or reliability for a half-length test, so there is a need to
Correction (Cristobal & implement a correction that steps it up to a true estimate for
Cristobal, 2017). a full-length test (Thompson, 2018).
-A test is given only once to the respondents.

Kuder-Richardson test -Measures the extent to which items in one form of a test share
Kuder-Richardson commonalities with one another as do the items of an
Formula 20 (Glen, 2016). equivalence test-form (Cristobal & Cristobal, 2017).

-This is called the item-total correlation.

-It should only be used if there is a correct answer for each


3.Inter-rater/observer -Consistency of results using two or more

reliability researchers/observers.
4.Parallel-forms reliability -The reliability of two tests is constructed the same way,
from the same content.

Remember, the most useful instrument is both valid and reliable.

Data Collection Procedure

The researcher should plan properly the collection of data, clarify whether the type of
data to be collected is textual and numerical, the finances required, the timeline in collecting
the data from the subjects or respondents; and others (Cristobal & Cristobal, 2017)The
general considerations in the data collection is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. General considerations in the data collection


Statistics is a body of knowledge and techniques used to collect, organize, present,

analyze and interpret data (Cristobal & Cristobal, 2017). It is a prerequisite for any research
study to have adequate knowledge of statistical techniques (review statistics especially on the
level of measurements, descriptive, parametric and non-parametric tests, and graphical
presentations). Hypothesis testing as discussed in Quarter 1 topic on formulation of
hypothesis needs to be revisited. Popular statistical methods are presented in the table below.

Table 4. Common statistical tools (Descriptive and Inferential)
Descriptive Statistics Inferential Statistics
-Involves tabulating, depicting, and -Involves making generalizations about the
describing the collected data population through a sample drawn it
-Reveals the overall patterns and make them -Includes hypothesis testing and sampling
manageable -Parametric tests (T-test, Z-test, F-test,
-Frequency distribution, proportion, Person product-moment coefficient of
percentage, measure of tendencies (mean, correlation, simple linear regression analysis,
median, mode), variability or dispersion multiple regression.
(range, average distribution, variance, -Non-parametric test (Chi-square test of
standard deviation) goodness, test of homogeneity, test of
independence), Spearman’s rank order
correlation coefficient.

The presentation of data follows after their collection and statistical treatment. The
commonly used tools of data presentation in quantitative research are the figures, tables and
graphs. The following are observed in the use of table: precision of values, comparison by
column, and use of column and row averages.

Control Number:
Name: Year & Sec: Contact No:
School: Teacher:
Activity 1 (Explain the research instrument and its validity and reliability)
Date: January 12, 2020
Direction: Essay type on research instrument and its validity and reliability. Explain the
following statements. HPS: _25

1. What are the steps in the development of a research instrument?

2. Why is adapting a research instrument is the best option than adopting an instrument?
3. How will you establish the validity of a research instrument?
4. How will you determine the reliability of your instrument?
5. How do you interpret this statement: “Is valid test always valid?” Is a reliable test
always valid? Why?
Refer to the rubric for criteria and grading.

Activity 2 (Construct an instrument and establish its validity and reliability.)
Date: January 13, 2020
Title: Construct a Research Instrument HPS: _15

Direction: This activity will guide you on how to construct a research instrument (you may
choose to adapt) and establish the validity and reliability. Follow the format below.
Research title: Modular Teaching Method for the New Normal Education
Instrument used: Self-made questionnaire
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to assess the effectiveness of the
modular teaching method among the SHS learners
Part I. General Instructions (5 points)
 Introduction of researcher
 Purpose of the questionnaire
 Confidentiality Statement
 Voluntary participation
Part II. Personal Information (in this activity, personal data is required) (5pts)
 Label response option coding (use age, gender, and school)
Part III. Body (5 points)
 General directions for responding, how to respond, and explain the response
 Organize and format the questionnaire items. (Give only 5 variables/indicators)
Refer to the rubric for criteria and grading.

Activity 3 (Create a plan for data collection procedure.)

Date: January 14, 2020

Title: Plan for Data Collection Procedure HPS: _20_

A Direction: Create a plan for data collection procedure in your proposed study. Focus on
respondents, finances, schedule and among others.
Refer to the rubric for criteria and grading.

B. Presents written research methodology (Draft). Refer to the rubric for criteria and

Date: January 15, 2020 HPS: _15
Direction: Choose the correct answer among the options a, b, c, and d. Write the letter only
of your answer in the answer sheet provided.

1. A test measures what it purports to measure.

a. reliability b. usability c. validity d. morality
2. It is concerned with the consistency of responses from moment to moment even if the
examinee takes the same test twice.
a. validity b. morality c. reliability d. usability
3. The degree to which a test agrees with or correlates with a criterion sets up as acceptable
a. content validity b. construct validity c. concurrent validity d. predictive validity

4. The degree to which the topic or substance of a test is truly representative of the substance
of the course.
a. concurrent validity b. predictive validity c. content validity d. construct validity
5. Method of testing the reliability of test in which the examinees answered both the odd and
even items.
a. Parallel-forms b. Test-retest c. Split-half d. internal consistency
6. The researchers know in advance what they are looking for. The research questions are
well- defined for which the objective answers are sought. All aspects of the study are
carefully designed before data are gathered.
a. Numerical data c. Structured research instruments
b. Future outcomes d. Clearly defined research questions
8. Which of the following illustrates a quantitative study?
a. attributes to malnutrition in children
b. academic performance of high school students
c. public opinion on the corruption in our country
d. all of the above choices
9. Which of the following question illustrate a prediction study?
a. Which high school applicants should be admitted to college?
b. What is the level of study habits of high school students?
C. What is the effect of Home Schooling on the social skills of adolescents?
d. Suppose the High School GPA is not the sole predictor of college GPA, what might
be the other predictor?
10. The most important quality to consider in the preparation and use of assessment procedures is
a. reliability b. usability c. validity d. morality
11 to 12. Which of the following are characteristics of Validity (2 answers required)?
a. Specific to a particular use c. Expressed by degree
b. Impacted by time d. Depends on many different types of evidence
13. Which of the following is the process by which a researcher makes decisions about how to
answer research questions?
a. Research design b. Field c. Observational d. Methodology

14. Which of the following are data collection methods?

a. Survey b. Watching TV c. Searching on Google d. Observation
15. Below are the reasons why researchers adopt a research instrument EXCEPT
a. less time and energy
b. take the instrument literally
c. associates your study to all other research studies
d. reliability and validity of the instrument can be tested


1. An example statement of establishing the validity and reliability of an instrument

“Data gathering employed two sets of survey questionnaires for the students and
for the teachers. These sets developed by the researcher with the approval of the advisory
committee. Pre-testing was done to improve the survey-questionnaire or the students at the
Doña Juana Chico national High school and for the teachers at the Rizal national High
school. These students and teachers did not serve as respondents of the study.
The result of the pre-tests was analyzed to ensure clarity and to determine whether
they could yield data needed for the study. The re-test results showed that a Cronbach’s
alpha reliability coefficient of 0.923 indicating a good reliability of the instrument. As a

rule, Cronbach’s alpha must be at least 0.80 to be considered reliable.” (Cristobal, 2017,


1. What kind of validity did the researcher use in his/her study?

2. How will the researcher determine the reliability of the research instrument?
3. Describe the step-by-step processes done by the researcher in establishing the validity
and reliability of the research instrument.


Criteria for Essay Questions 5 4 3 2 1

5 – Very Good, 4 – Good, 3 – Fair, 2 – Poor, 1 – Needs
1. Content "Addresses each question and all its parts
thoroughly; incorporates relevant course content into
responses; uses specific information from case in response"
2. Understanding/Application "Demonstrates deep
understanding of course theories and ideas applied to analysis
of case situations"
3. Original Thinking "Demonstrates original thinking that
adds insight to analysis of case; meaningful elaboration
beyond text, notes, class discussion in strategy development"
4. Structure "Response to each question is well organized
and clearly written; there is evidence of planning before
5. Grammar and mechanics "Response is virtually free of
mechanical, grammatical writing errors"

General Performance Task Rubric Score (Part/s)

Demonstrate a complete understanding of the problem/project. 5
All requirements of task are included in response.
Demonstrate a complete understanding of the problem/project. 4
All of task are included.
Demonstrate a complete understanding of the problem/project. 3
Most requirements of task are included.
Demonstrate a complete understanding of the problem/project. 2
Many requirements of task are missing.
Demonstrates no understanding of the problem/project. 1
No response/task was not attempted. 0


Biddix, P. J. (2009, 7 20). Research Rundowns: Instrument, Validity and Reliability .

Retrieved from
validity- reliability/
Cristobal, A. P., & Cristobal, M. C. (2017). Practical Research 2 for Senior High School.
Quezon: C & E Publishing, Inc.
Glen, S. (2016, 2 26). Kuder-Richardson 20 (KR-20) & 21 (KR-21). Retrieved from
Korb, K. A. (2012). Conducting Educational Research: Developing a Questionaire Format .
Retrieved from
Thompson, N. (2018, 4 14). What is the Spearman-Brown Prediction Formula? Retrieved

Subject Teacher:
Contact Number.:

Prepared by:

Name of School: Talisay City National High School

Subject Teacher: Joanne M. Parejas
Contact Number: 09612051138

Practical Research 2 Week 2-3




Control Number: Practical Research 2 Week 2-3

Name: Grade & Sec: Contact No:

School: Subject Teacher:


Activity 1
Date: January 12, 2020 Score:
Direction: Essay type on research instrument and its validity and reliability. Explain the
following statements.
1. What are the steps in the development of research instrument?

2. Why is adapting a research instrument is a best option than adopting an instrument?

3. How will you establish the validity of a research instrument?

4. How will you determine the reliability of your instrument?

5. How do you interpret this statement: “Is valid test always valid?” Is reliable test always
valid? Why?

Activity 2
Date: January 14, 2020 Score:
Direction: This activity will guide you on how to construct a research instrument and
establish the validity and reliability.

Activity 3
Date: January 15, 2020 Score:
A. Direction: Create a plan data collection procedure in your proposed study.

B. Present/Submit written research methodology (Draft).

Evaluation. Multiple Choice.

Date: January 15, 2020 Score:
1. 4. 7. 10. 13.
2. 5. 8. 11. 14.
3. 6. 9. 12. 15.

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