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Republic of the Philippines


New Visayas, Panabo City, Davao Del Norte, Philippines 8105
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Raymon R. Abanto, MSTM

Davao del Norte State College
EdM 705- Management of Physical Facilities

Some Administrators will only examine issues directly related to a facility need in planning
a new building while others will examine across his entire area of responsibility. What are
the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches?

Being an administrator of Tapak National High School for quite some time, I had witness
the sprouting of 2 building projects which is 1 storey- four classrooms and 2 storey- four
classrooms. The experience gave me an opportunity to learn about bargaining on the planning of
the school building. I was asked then by the City Planning Division of the City Engineer’s Office
(CEO) of Davao’ if I would like to add some features or specifications on the building. Yes, I did
suggest. I suggested that the two buildings should have its own solar panel system because the
community where the school is located has no electricity connection. As an administrator, I
should look on the entire aspect of the school building because at the end of the day, the building
that they made is ours to use, so it needs to be good and conducive for learning.

In your area now, what specific planning concept do you use? Why?

I hear people, I hear suggestions.

As a good school leader in facility management, you have to listen from your people,
connect to the people you are working with. In facility planning before a building is planted, I
conducted a meeting with the teachers, student’s representative, parents and Brgy. Council. The
goal of the meeting is to brainstorm possible specifications of the building and its features that
will stimulate effective teaching and learning processes. I should see to it that every sector of the
institutions is well represented and heard on whatever they need for their schooling. For
example, we turned a classroom into school learning resource center where the students can
spend time on their research, classes and reading. Therefore in the planning process, it should be
personal, authentic, relevant and collaborative in nature because it gives more the feeling of
responsibility and connections with each other.

In the context of facilities management and your area, what is the difference of a NEED
and a WANT?

The disparity between the wants and needs of facility management comes to the necessity
of the clients and employees. As a head of an institution, I really have difficulty in facility
management, not that I am incapable but with limited resources. Sometime in 2018, we just had
makeshift rooms for our students. It was really hard and heartbreaking as the school head that
your students and teachers had their classes under the tree because the school lacks of
classrooms. Classrooms by then is not a want but a need. We needed classrooms badly because
classes stopped when the weather was not in our favor by that time. I wrote letters to our
division, congressman, city mayor, public agencies like DPWH just to solicit a decent
classrooms for my students and teachers. A need is something basic that is not lavish nor
extravagant but a necessity while want is something that is in contrary of need.

In what ways might PUBLIC OPINION be used in facility planning?

Public opinion consists of the desires, wants and thinking of the majority of the people. It
is the collective opinion of the people of a society or state on an issue or problem. Public opinion
is important in facility planning because it gives the opportunity of public audience to know their
sentiments and suggestions. As a good administrator, you must consult your faculty, parents and
students on what specifications or design they would like to have in a school building which they
deem it necessary for effective learning to happen. In fact, a lot of researches suggest that a well
done building affects the learning of the students and it motivates the teachers to conduct their
job. This stage in the facility planning will be used now as part of collective opinion on the
finalization of the plan and design. As a good school leader, you have to respect and accept the
opinions of others because in managing an institution everyone is responsible.

What possible political benefits are associated with public opinion?

Accepting public opinions in facility planning does not just please the people but it
strengthens the connection between the administration and the clients. It is not bad of listening
public opinions which goal is to help in the facility planning. A sound facility management went
through of process of planning, consultations, designing, restructuring, budgeting and evaluating.
As a matter of fact particularly in our school, sprouting of buildings goes huge, from no single
classroom to a school that has 12 functional classrooms in a span of two years. When you hear
your people, the political arena sees your sincerity. They will support on whatever undertakings
you would like to pursue as long as it will benefit the institution and the community in general.
Every time I asked for a building in any ways, our barangay captain always noted my
correspondence as a support to my cause because he sees me a person who aims for the
betterment of our small and humble institution on the hinterland of Paquibato District, Davao

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