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Phesent Sndejnits usge 3his ense b used to

hess habitual action In pusnt

lay oatball you "head the book

ARAmatine garkees
Salb+14 0o)+oj-f
Snoloe ohen Sujeot perse
galanr ( the, 19 avd dgalas oUa
1g8- pkdon (,), poru Cyo)
peso (hen) plual no W
tBous pla e slas He goes D temple
Ohey wlke o6he coaks e wontu o lat

Negatiye oSerctemces
Smb+ doldoes +nat+ yt oj.1
yo4do not Like noodtes.
he does nat wosk, voy wetl
Me does not lay oa
d o 9, Wo eo plasual o
doest e, Shey t , tngulas nen
Snbeha gatke Auntahe s/Maiyp

oonal de heu Avetk?

M-pead h-ood dal dos +

4wh do donal do har wone ?

Sntusogative Negative,
Bo/dos+ Subtnat + toj+?
bh-wondt daldoes +suh nat +% +olj t?
What do ou nat lke de ?
hat p
Vseg do xpaes etesnal budth Universa
the dun nises in the east
he eath 9eesalves Aound he un
4 A hetmo metun measuses tump vratuse:
3 phess habitual action 0% heuALng artien.

Js ose Smells wedt

d e expaass halit
apa comes l a
&dheol pnelinle
Se exphedL an higtrical went in preseut
contutand otm
Newe he atse Panpot bepln
On sondiianal dutences arth " clouslAnd
time cloua to &hourg
com me, 6 sha help h
T h o l do when dhe komu
S n the deutencel shaudny fra-planned
aghammL a uure actordihoy to oleltnite
inne- talole

she pral teaues at 43ofom»

mosnin wenirgs .te
On Sundays |Mandaugs ---, e
ach|eyey (dayl igbot/wek mont lyeay
@DRce tbola Saworal times (a dayla weuk
uont. --t)
4aat, oltn, dome time, usually 0ccasimally
sSeldom, eneral: Mary, Mawory sagulsorly,
kaaetl daily
() hesent Continuous Jense *
his tense exphesSES
h Continuity et. an action.
Am pla. dlenclog.

AHA matire Sstence -

hhu is wotehig T
am eatding
oiny o Varanasi
Nogatine Seneences

H e Me i not keading a boak

hey aku not qeina to market

ntesogatave Kemtnces

A the malkn py
Indenogetive Negaiive
s/nJan t+ n t nat + Prabeut festitiple toljtf
e ya not Singtg hes slas ?
A th chidd nat wuprg {
SESOeas Aetons whlelh Ae
he me Speakin
Jhechitd& eaplin
ephess pangiamvtA neobo
Wn ine Advesbinl ike tonnoO,

Hoa Aomdr hon not wuk

h e veb golng MBd h erpaass

J t a busbrats.
9denti naw, Aoday, onighs, khete daus
adays , t this me,
at this momenk, at phesemt etc

mplayig (pua toethall nzht no

sda obtaklyldhn) mil.

.hat a u dab (ds) at th wan?
Verbs nosmati, net uatd in conti nuuoUL R0AR

Venbs 3hewg feacoptian 60s, han, taste, jae

Smelly notdt phuo» please, ketale
am detn a Aiduns. (x)

NotG he Use oing w hear occuns im

th gense o rlal n a cowt

Man, vish, deshe, Jike, Aisie, kellan, cak

bthe beliv bnd. (omee)

hat CAaront)
(mao red
Verbsthow Posedm fotbe,
elon to, have

dogun hos.
m havtrg dogen horses-9
S6h hanse lonn, to me

koow el, ink, Supot4, aomemboh

Jrescoltect, mindl, ponll, undosnd, mean,
emmbes how he ved
a semenbeking 4hos ha. lired. thes o

e diak that sau ast An hanst man

4VoThs dovating the pkoouAsthinking, t-
looour, foa, nk6uppose, tamombo,ng
Sueane ymind., SRcal Andtentand, mean

$4 kanamba hau he ved hore

t undotstand you Aholiun

hates- when ing is addad in the vers exprss
thoeings, Dmotions and ktimulus a ou
Sonse ongan , relh meaning gcts changd
dke decak sang the podtient-th examtne9
h o doctor k eaminlog thu patient

h oShe6elb me bda (to meet

h e l met me today
tdhe doctan ultn h paulue t
potiun ( t ent)
hu doctr s co urting the pulu
v o nea me&
h a u e dore the wosk
Jeasrt his Jesson-
@AEumative gentenco
Sus+ has jhawe + fast Pombielple () +ol
k a u Aooped ood
We h ompleted ou wk

Negalive ovtaucas
Sub+ ha Jhaue t nat +Vg +o

She has nat nken ood.

have not uant ho pem

Srtassogaive guvtmcs
Haa Halue+ Kub +Vs + ob+?
doe 4 lessnt yau. JAon ?
el Wh-wond + has |hoaue + 6u+ Vg + obj+?

why has Sun son ?

Tpe-4: Hab Mauwe +6uhtnot +Vgtolj +2

Type-a: wh-woad+ has|haue + Smb+ nat tat

have an nat éawed gam peeket may!

H hos he wat Aome Hut ?

S exposs actions that hawe ompleted

Mstnou in vay neat time

h a w hecnty uad ihis
which stastud in tie pas
de eapkess actiont
amd a sill continuingr n duch Sentncel,
He has heen hene {oi tuo weeks.
ave eaten nothing tot faun da.
t s h e has not o e to Sthaol {n
two das
Je expess actions whuch have heen
Comhleted in th pa4tsut t i n ehet
Con e Kelt in the phesent
He has Cut hls mer

he chetak ¬zphess has amived.

4dentity Abxrady Jut, just naa

t, this week,
e Cently So tan, Lately
this nonth, this epearetcte
He has daved 0 o this week
Kave deen mohek latey?
M sisten has not qot un je.
He a s nat come so fah
O1 Pheset Perfect Continuous lense
Aciont which hawe rasi ally boen Complete
and are still tontinutng in fesent
0 AHirmative Sentene f-
ub thas/ have t ben +(V +ing) + olj+
8nce 4or+ time
hey haue Leu flagig aricket since
g I have been Peadkna zon two houss

Negati ve Sentence>
Suls +has hawe + not + heen
Since on +time
H e has nat hen studuêng-tor tuo howns
h e mas nat keen wateing planta te
the tost week.
ate: Hass He, she, il, Sinulan noun
Haue 4, we, o u , h e , flweal noun.
H e has heen nere {oi two weeks.

haue eaten noting tok foun day

he has not aome to Sthaol fa
two days
I e expuess actions which hawe heen
cowhleted in t paat sut thir eect
in the thesent
Com be fult
He has Cut hls Rngen
d h e Chetak ¬xphess has anlved

IdentityAbead jut, just now

his week,
e cenilg, So
tan, Latel ,
this month
H e has daved T 200 thi weet
Hawe you deen m mothak
MR sister has nat qot u jek
He has nat tome so fak.
ae sttens
1 he cattle hawe leem orazl n the l l d
Stnce noindnj (9rae
& He has heen taking medical reat mont n a

hospttal SRnce last 6undo. (take)

3. Ramesh has bun wonking hard toa e
Jast two days. (woik)
4 he train has ust lett
5. Ma Rends hau em listendny to folk
Songs om kadio ho a week Usten)
6So kan no ome has kurnmd up foa out
help turn)
. Ants hawe abwad built anthill
in he s4 thu countyaol- (build
8 Somebody has just knocked at the
doon (Khock)
9 haue head this book hecenty.
S 3he Past Jndeflnite Jense (Simpte onse)
dhis ense Msed o astions, inctdontk,
Je quLan Actions ond habithual acton thod
Ocuwed in the past
He boke his
leg n a n acidet.
she wote tetuis to her motHen
bhishek alway wont to Sehoa in me
Jhay spemt thaie weeks in sa camp.

4Kkimative uhtena
[Sulb+Va t alj J
e visited ihe school with ha fathor
Jhe cat dat on the wall

Negative denkene
[Subt dd+ not + V t
olj J
H e did not ao o the m ple.
thedid wot plat hoot Lal match
H i s mother did not ike to play
9nterog otive futente2
sub t Va t olj+ ?
Type-1 Dtd+
Type-2 wh-wotdt did + Sub+ Vt olj +?
he usite Aast ueek?
wdid a
h a t did yeu uy en my bisthdayi
l d yeu have yoin kunch ?

9ntexnogative egadaye denkontes

l d + sab+ not t V+ olj +?}
ld yau nat b*tng a pen ton hn?
t d khuy not hawe theit diner ?
9dontity he past: he
1ds tess the vurts ar actions oL
duntence ot i s knse includes sonme hhvase as time
advesblal which denotts that the event elatud
to the fast
He 0hat a novd ast a s

9ndia kecame Lndepmdemt n 194

. e enpaass aasr habitaal action
Madam always dang in e morning.
Whenver Hari wet aut at mght, hi taMd
Smponiant he ust ued to' to epress Rhe
habitual action luut it s Mod hon Actiont
whish wehl in halit in hast lut mot n hesent

* h n be wos yur, he augtd to

play chicket
Jast nignt, last
last yeah, Jast monh,
Jeek, long a90, Kormetine bock estordat
DnCA, in 2006 ete
1 hPast Continuos (heogessive) dienße
he dentences A esalons o this tnse
uhich wehe in faogess in
ephess actions
the hast and had yet at heen Completeat
Ot that time.
e wa
plang i h e wese t l g Rites
Helply Vekb
Was:I, He, she, t, Singalan noun
were: We, y0u, hey , plwral noun
4tumadive Sentence
Suls.+ was /were + ng)+ oj.
h ehe was keading
we w Jaughing
Avas sttr
h e y mr dancing.

Negative pe
Suls+waswee+ not + V (ing)* a
h e y wee at dandn
gWe wee nat laughing
ntenogakive gentence
hwas /wee + Sub + Vgling) t alj+ ?

wh-wd + was/wuu + Sub+ V Ung) +oj +

these boys waghing thein clothes ?
ntusogative Negativeouatunce
wasl wee t Sub t nat + , (ing) + j +?
wh-woRal + unslueet Stah + not + Vling) + 0lj+?
USes 1 Action which weke in progress he
past time
e was bing in e Sun
2 enpessions whith haue buo ctions, one
them sdhaw continuity while othur ocCuhs

r hort btowal n the past tine.

novu when 9
t1 Mahesh was eading a

hWemt in
+ hhen the war hegan ,
8 was liing
3- his tense s als9 M4ed In tuwo Semtonces jeined
togethen with and dhous tuuo
0ontinuons actions n the pest.
w a s headiny a stoy white Hai was
wsiting lettus.
h e was singirg sons hile her
brothr aas tlain the hate.

Jdlentatyat that time at that mo ment

those das| hen tte. one *he
Awe Smtonces foined with thile' s n Past Continuons
thon atheer wowd als i n past Continmons
1 he class ks qulte Go and see what the
dolng (do)
budents 0
2 Watoralwaus teges. at 0'c. eege)
3 I wondvn what he is. tellin m tu
4 won't out now, as it aining
5. haweJost. (lost) my pen.lave yoa 6eun(See)
it anyuhou ?
G hawe ougkt a nw ca. Wuld yau Come
And look ot it ? ou)
9 ohe ..nas. not. ead..a newspaper Since
u (not ueadl)
& Maena is on leaue. she one to
Mumbai: )
9 He sten 6es. (See) her luut he now
Speaks (Speak) to he
1o. he Sun ises. In the east. (ise)
Home oak
1 3 (watch) telewiston when y iend

helu . ..-... reak) down when she

(hean) th news.
3. o8he .. cook) taod when
Vislted hw
4 Howast we you
When he Accident took place ?
5. he us RAashed And mamg passengers
get) huwt.
6 when he the
.--(kepaih) fu
he - - (gt) a V bad shock
7Ranesh (wok) whn th
oHher came in.
8 hthere did you. g)? Houw Long
(be) youwn dtat ?
9 hoy. .-.

Goaget) heln unch at hom

Jast hida
10. while (uead) he book whan
my brohor .lgo) to market

nsuwers 1 was watching, anhdved

2 BAoke, heard
3. was casking
4 drivn
5 9ot
6 was epaiking , q0ot
7. Was woking
8 , was

9. Fotgot
10. Was neading, went

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