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34 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

1. Fluid can exert pressure by virtue of their weight.
2. Fluid represents states of matter that take the shape of their containers.
3. Fluid is either liquid or gas.
4. The earth is surrounded by the atmosphere up to a height of several miles.
5. The atmosphere which consists largely of masses of gases has weight. Therefore, it is
obvious that the atmosphere exerts pressure.
Atmospheric pressure: The pressure exerted on a body by the atmosphere, due to the weight of
the atmosphere is called atmospheric pressure. At the earth's surface the magnitude of the
atmospheric pressure is about 100 kN m-2.
6. Atmospheric pressure which acts on human beings and animals on the surface of the earth
is actually very high.
7. We do not normally feel the large atmospheric pressure because our body is full of air, blood
vessels and body fluid, so the pressure inside our body is almost the same as the external
pressure and so balance it. This is the reason why we are able to withstand the atmospheric
8. Nose bleeding which sometimes occurs at a place of low atmospheric pressure is due to the
fact that the blood pressure is higher than the atmospheric pressure.
9. The atmospheric pressure changes according to locality and time.
10. The atmospheric pressure at the plains is higher than that at the hilly regions.
Chapter 3: Exercise 3.1
R26: (1) On which factors does the atmospheric pressure depend?
Ans: The atmospheric pressure depends on the weight of the atmosphere. The atmosphere
which consists largely of masses of gases has weight. Therefore, it is obvious that the
atmosphere exerts pressure.
R26: (2) Why are you able to withstand atmospheric pressure?
Ans: Because our body is full of air, blood vessels and body fluid, so the pressure inside our
body is almost the same as the external pressure and so balance it
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 35

R26: (3) Why does nose bleeding occur?

Ans: Nose bleeding which sometimes occurs at a place of low atmospheric pressure is due to
the fact that the blood pressure is higher than the atmospheric pressure.
E01: Find the force due to the atmosphere which is acting 3 m2 area on the earth's surface. At
the earth's surface, the magnitude of the atmospheric pressure is about 100 kN m-2.
Ans: A = 3 m2, p = 100 kN m-2 = 105 Pa, F =?
F = pA = 105  3 = 3  105 N
36 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

1. The Italian scientist Evangelista Torricelli first noticed the variation of pressure due to
height and time.
2. He invented and constructed a barometer in 1644.
Barometer: Barometer is a device for measuring atmospheric pressure.
3. The simple mercury barometer is shown in Figure 3.1. It consists of a glass tube about
1 m long sealed at one end and filled with mercury. The
tube is then inverted and the open end is submerged in a
reservoir of mercury; the mercury column is held up by height of
the pressure of the atmosphere acting on the surface of atmospheric column
mercury in the reservoir. pressure

Let the height of the mercury column = h mercury

Fig 3.1: Simple
the cross-sectional area of the tube = A
Mercury barometer
the volume of the mercury in the column = V = h A
mass of mercury column = m =  V =  A h ( = the density of mercury)
weight of mercury column = w = m g =  g A h (g = gravitational acceleration)
4. In barometer, the force exerted by the atmosphere is balanced by the weight of the
mercury column.
the force exerted by the atmosphere
pressure exerted by the atmosphere 
cross  sectional area of thetube

F w gAh
p    gh
The atmospheric pressure in terms of height of mercury (liquid) column in barometer is
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 37

Standard Atmospheric Pressure

Standard atmospheric pressure: The normal atmospheric pressure at sea level is the
standard atmospheric pressure. A pressure of 760 mm Hg is known as standard atmospheric
pressure or 1 atmosphere (1 atm).
5. The atmospheric pressure can be expressed in pascal as follows;
the density of mercury  = 13 590 kg m-3
the acceleration due to gravity g = 9.8 m s-2
height of the mercury column at the standard atmospheric pressure h = 760 mm
atmospheric pressure = patm =  g h = 13 590  9.8  0.760 = 1.013  105 Pa
6. The standard atmospheric pressure is expressed in various units as shown below.
1 atm = 1.013  105 Pa = 1013 hPa = 1.01 bar = 14.7 lb in-2 = 760 mm Hg = 760 torr
7. The vertical height of the mercury column depends only on the pressure outside the tube.
8. The vertical height of the mercury column does not depend on the tilt of the column.
Figure 3.2 (b) shows the barometer being tilted but the vertical height h of mercury
column remains unaffected.
9. The vertical height of the mercury column is independent of the diameter (width) of the
tube as shown in Figure 3.2 (c).
10. The pressure in a liquid doesn't depend on the container angle or width. Of course, if the
tube is lowered below 760 mm, the mercury would completely fill the tube as shown in
Figure 3.2 (d).
~760 mm
x x pressure on
x mercury

Fig (a) Fig (b) Fig (c) Fig (d)

38 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

Some Applications of the Atmospheric Pressure in Dally Life

1) The action of sucking increases the volume of the lungs thereby pressure
reducing the air pressure in the lungs and the mouth.
2) The atmospheric pressure acting on the surface of the liquid will then be greater than
the pressure in the mouth, thus forcing the liquid to rise up the straw into the mouth.
Drawing a liquid into a syringe:
1) When the piston is pulled up, the pressure inside the cylinder
decreases. piston
2) Atmospheric pressure acting on the liquid drives the liquid into the pressure
cylinder through the nozzle. liquid

Pressing rubber sucker on a flat smooth surface

1) When pressing on a smooth surface, most of the air
inside the rubber sucker is squeezed out and the
pressure is reduced.
2) The sucker is held in position by the atmospheric
pressure on its outside surface.
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 39

Chapter 3: Exercise 3.2

R28: (1) Why is mercury used in a barometer rather than water?
Ans: 1) The pressure exerted by the atmosphere is the same for water and mercury.
pHg = pW (Hg = mercury, w = water)
 Hg g hHg = W g hW
 Hg
hW   h  13.6  0.76 m = 10.336 m = 10.34 m
 W Hg
2) Density of mercury is much larger than that of water.
3) If mercury is used, only 76 cm (about 1 m) of tube is needed.
4) If water is used, 10.336 m (more than 10 m) of tube is needed.
5) Water barometer is much longer than mercury barometer.
Thus, mercury is used in a barometer rather than water.
R26: (2) At sea level the atmospheric pressure is 76 cm Hg. If pressure falls by 10 mm Hg
per 120 m ascent, what is the height of a mountain where the barometer reads
70.5 cm Hg?
Ans: psea = 76 cm Hg,
pmountain = 70.5 cm Hg
Pressure drops = 76 – 70.5 = 5.5 cm Hg = 55 mm Hg
10 mm Hg drops = 120 m ascent
5.5 cm Hg
55 mm Hg drops = 120 = 660 m ascent
1 cm Hg

E02: Express 2 atm pressure in mm Hg and bars.

Ans: 1 atm = 760 mm Hg,
760 mm Hg
2 atm  2 atm  1520 mm Hg
1 atm = 1.01 b
1.01 b
2 atm  2 atm   2.02 b
40 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

E03: Compare the atmospheric pressures and forces on a man and a child standing side by side.
Ans: The atmospheric pressure is the same for the man and the child.
pman = pchild = p
Aman > Achild
p Aman > p Achild
Fman > Fchild ( p = F/A)
the force on man > the force on child
Q01: What will be the effect, if any, on the mercury column if the glass tube used has (i) a
smaller internal diameter (ii) a slightly bigger internal diameter?
Ans: There will be no effect for both cases. The mercury column will remain at 76 cm.
Q02: Calculate the height of a column of water which could be supported by the atmosphere
at sea level. (Density of water is 1000 kg m-3)
Ans: atmospheric pressure = patm = 1 atm = 1.01  105 Pa,
density of water =  = 1000 kg m-3
the height of a column of water = h =?
pressure exerted by the water column = pw = patm = 1 atm
pw =  g h
p 1.01 105
h w  = 10.31 m
ρg 1000  9.8
Q03: What will be the new height of the column, if water is used instead of mercury in the
barometer? (mercury is 13.6 times heavier than water)
Ans: pressure of mercury column = pHg = 76 cm Hg,
height of mercury column = hHg = 0.76 m
density of water = w, density of mercury = Hg = 13.6 W,
let the new height of the column of water = hw =?
pHg = pW (Atmospheric pressure is the same for water (w) and mercury (Hg).)
Hg g hHg = W g hW
 Hg
hW   h  13.6  0.76 m = 10.336 m
 W Hg
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 41


1. A liquid exerts pressure because of its weight.
2. The pressure depends on the depth under the surface of the liquid.
Pressure in a Liquid (OR) Derive the formula for the pressure in a liquid.
Let us fill a cylindrical container having bottom surface area patm
A with a liquid of density  up to a height h. w = mg
volume of the liquid = V = Ah A w h
ph = patm + gh
mass of the liquid which fills the container = m = V = Ah
weight of the liquid = w = mg = Ahg
The force exerted by the liquid on the bottom of the container is equal to the weight of the
liquid in the container.
The pressure exerted by the liquid at the bottom surface is
F w Ahg
pliquid     gh
There is atmospheric pressure at the surface of the liquid in the container.
The true pressure at the depth h is ph = patm +  g h
where, patm = atmospheric pressure, g = acceleration due to gravity
3. The pressure (p = gh) exerted by the liquid is directly proportional to the height or depth
of the liquid h and the density .
4. Although the weight of the liquid depends on its base area, the pressure exerted by the
liquid is independent of the base area (cross-sectional area).
5. The result (p = gh) is true not only for a point at the bottom of the container but also
for any depth inside the liquid.
6. The deeper the point inside the liquid, the greater is the pressure at that point. Since the
weight of liquid becomes greater as the depth increases, the pressure also increases with
depth as shown in Figure 3.5.
7. The pressure in a liquid at a particular point acts equally in all direction in Figure 3.6 (a).
8. Pressure at any point inside a liquid is the same in all directions.
42 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX


pressure increases with

p3 > p2 > p1

depth of the liquid



Fig 3.5: The pressure of liquid increases with depth of the liquid
9. Let a body be totally immersed in a liquid which is in a container. There will be pressure
not only at the top of the body but also upward pressure at the bottom of the body and
lateral pressures at the sides of the body in Figure 3.6 (b).
10. Figure 3.6 (c) shows that pressure will be exerted from every direction on the body of
spherical shape.

11. Figure 3.7 shows liquids of the same density in containers all having the same height.
The pressure exerted on their bases would be the same even though their weights and
shapes are different.
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 43

Chapter 3: Exercise 3.3

R31: (1) Why does the thickness of the dam increase downwards?
Ans: The thickness of the wall of the dam increases downwards because the deeper it is, the
greater the water pressure. A thicker wall is required to withstand a greater pressure.
R31: (2) On which factors does the pressure in a liquid depend?
Ans: The pressure (p = gh) exerted by the liquid is directly proportional to the height or
depth of the liquid h and the density .
E04: The total pressure at the bottom of a tank is 3 atm. To what height has the water been filled?
Ans: the pressure at the bottom of the tank = ph = 3 atm = 3 × 1.01 × 105 Pa
the pressure at the water surface in the tank = patm = 1 atm = 1 × 1.01 × 105 Pa
height of water column = h =?
ph = patm +  g h
 g h = ph  patm
1000 × 9.8 × h = (3 – 1) × 1.01 × 105
h = 20.61 m
E05: The density of seawater is 1025 kg m-3. How many times is the pressure at the depth
of 2 km under the sea surface greater than the normal pressure? (g = 9.8 m s-2)
p2 km
Ans: density of seawater = 1025 kg m-3, h = 2 km = 2 × 103 m, ?
ph = patm +  g h
ph p gh
 atm 
patm patm patm

p2 km gh
patm patm

1025  9.8  2 103

 1 = 199.9
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E06: The pressure at the height of 1 m from the floor is 1.01  105 Pa. Find the difference
between the pressure on the floor and the pressure at 1 m height. The density of air is
1.29 kg m-3. (g = 9.8 m s-2)
Ans: the pressure at the height of 1 m from the floor = p1 m = 1.01  105 Pa
the pressure at the floor = pfloor
ph = patm +  g h
pfloor = p1 m +  g h
pfloor – p1 m =  g h = 1.29 × 9.8 × 1 = 12.64 Pa
Q04: What is the height of a column of turpentine that would exert the same pressure as
5.0 cm of the mercury?
(density of turpentine = 840 kg m-3 density of mercury = 13600 kg m-3)
Ans: pressure exerted by turpentine = pt = 5 cm Hg
pressure exerted by mercury = pHg
the height of a column of turpentine = ht =?
t = turpentine, Hg = mercury,
pressure exerted by turpentine = pressure exerted by mercury
pt = pHg
 t ght   Hg ghHg

 Hg 13600
ht   hHg =  5  10 2 m = 0.8095 m = 80.95 cm = 81 cm
t 840

Q03: Find the pressure on a diver at a depth of 5 m below the surface of the water.
Ans: the pressure on a diver at a depth of 5 m = p5 m =?
ph = patm +  g h
p5 m = 1.01 × 105 + 1000 × 9.8 × 5 = 1.5 × 105 Pa
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 45

Manometer: A glass tube open at both ends and bent into a U shape serves as a sensitive
device for measuring pressure when filled with coloured water or light oil. Such a device is
called a manometer.
1. Mercury can also be used as the filling liquid for a manometer.
2. When both sides of the U-tube are exposed to the atmospheric
atmosphere, the respective pressures exerted on the
liquid columns in both sides are the same, and the levels from gas
of the liquid in the two sides are the same. [Fig 3.8 (a)]
3. If the pressures on the two liquid columns are different, pressure
the levels will not be the same. [Fig 3.8 (b)]
(a) (b)
Working Principle of Manometer Fig 3.8: Manometer
In Figure 3.9 (a), only the atmospheric pressure is exerted on the surface of liquid in two
columns of the manometer.
In Figure 3.9 (b), the gas pressure pgas is lower than the atmospheric pressure patm.
In Figure 3.9 (c), the gas pressure pgas is higher than the atmospheric pressure patm.

patm patm Gas patm Gas patm

pgas B
pgas C

  hB hC

(a) (b) (C)

pGas B < patm pGas C > patm
pGas B = patm –  g hB pGas C = patm +  g hC

Fig 3.9: Pressure measurement by the manometer

4. Manometers are very sensitive for measuring the pressure differences, especially when
the filling liquid is water or light oil.
46 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

5. A manometer filled with mercury is not sensitive, because the denser the liquid the
smaller the height change.
6. A sphygmomanometer which is used to measure blood pressure is a one kind of mercury
filled manometer.
Chapter 3: Exercise 3.4
R32: Does the difference in height between two liquid levels in a manometer depend on the
diameter of the tube?
Ans: No.
E07: A mercury manometer connected to a gas supply is shown in
figure. If the difference in height of the mercury column is Gas patm

5 cm, calculate the gas pressure from the gas supply. Density pgas
of mercury is 13.6  103 kg m-3.

Ans: h = 5 cm = 0.05 m,  = 13.6  103 kg m-3

pgas = patm +  g h = 1.01  105 + 13.6  103  9.8  0.05 = (1.01 + 0.067)  105 Pa
= 1.077  105 Pa = 1.08  105 Pa
(OR) pgas = patm + pHg = 76 cm Hg + 5 cm Hg = 81 cm Hg
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Buoyancy: When bodies are immersed in a liquid there is loss in weight. This is because of
a property of liquids called buoyancy.
1. Since buoyant force is directed upward, it is called upward thrust.

Let us consider a block which is totally immersed in a liquid of density .

Let the top of the block be at the depth of h from the surface of the liquid, the thickness of
the block be H, and the top and the bottom surface areas be both A.
The volume of the block is V = A H.
Since the block is totally immersed in the liquid, the volume of the block V is equal to the
volume of the liquid displaced by the block.
the pressure on the top surface of the block is p1 = patm +  g h
the pressure on the bottom surface of the block is p2 = patm +  g (h + H)
the downward force which is acting on the block is F1 = A p1 = A [patm +  g h]
the upward force which is acting on the block is F2 = A p2 = A [patm +  g (h + H)]
The forces acting on the sides of the block cancel out.
The net force acting on the block in the upward direction is F,
F = F2 – F1
= A p2 – A p1 = A [patm +  g (h + H)] – A [patm +  g h] =  g AH
This force is called the buoyant force or upward thrust.
Since the volume of the block is V = A H, we have
48 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

F =  g V = mg = w
Therefore, it is found that
upward thrust = weight of liquid displaced
Archimedes' principle states that the upward thrust acting on a body which is immersed
in a liquid is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the body.

2. Archimedes' principle is true not only for liquids but also for gases.
3. The densities of various substances can be obtained by using Archimedes' principle.
Apparent Weight of a Body
4. The weight of a body when it is immersed in a liquid is called apparent weight. It is less
than the actual weight of the body because of the upward thrust of the liquid acting on it.
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 49

Let the volume of the body be V and its density be , density of the liquid be 0.
Weight of the body before it is immersed in a liquid is its actual weight,
wi = mg = V g
The upward thrust of the liquid = 0 V g
The weight of the body immersed in the liquid (apparent weight) is,
wf = wi  upward thrust = V g – 0 V g = (– 0) V g
wf   0 Vg   0 
 
wi Vg 

Floating Body in a Liquid

5. If the weight of the body is greater than the upward thrust, the body will sink.
6. If the weight of the body is smaller than the upward thrust, the body will rise up to the
7. A body will float in a liquid (fluid) if the upward thrust acting on it is equal to its weight.
If the volume of the immersed portion of the body is Vs,
the upward thrust is F =  Vs g, where  is the density of the liquid.
The weight of the body is w = mg =  V g, where  is density of the body, V is the volume
of the body.
Since the body is in equilibrium, the net force acting on it is zero.
The magnitude of upward thrust acting on it is equal to its weight.
weight = upward thrust
 V g =  Vs g
 Vs

0 V
8. The ratio of the density of the floating body to the density of the fluid is equal to the ratio
of the immersed volume of the body to the volume of the whole body.
50 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

Chapter 3: Exercise 3.5

R36: (1) An ocean-liner was loaded at the port of Yangon. Would the ocean-liner sink deeper
or not when it reached the ocean?
Ans: Let the volume of the ocean-liner = V m3
the volume of the ocean-liner immersed in Yangon port = Vsy m3
the volume of the ocean-liner immersed in seawater = Vss m3
the density of ocean-liner = , the density of fresh water = w,
the density of seawater = s
Vs 
The portion which is immersed is, =
V o
Vsy 
At Yangon Port,  (1)
V w
Vss 
At the ocean,  (2)
V s
Vsy s
From (1) and (2), 
Vss  w
The density of seawater is greater than that of fresh water,
s > w and thus Vsy > Vss
It would not sink deeper in the sea.
The amount of submerged portion for a floating body is inversely proportional to the
specific gravity of the liquid.
The greater the specific gravity of the liquid, the less the floating body submerges.
The density of seawater is greater than that of the water at Yangon Port.
The ocean-liner would not sink deeper when it reached the ocean.
R36: (2) Why is the weight of a body lost when it is immersed in a liquid?
Ans: This is because of a property of liquids called buoyancy.
R36: (3) Under what condition can a body float in a liquid?
Ans: A body will float in a liquid if the upward thrust acting on it is equal to its weight.
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R36: (4) A steel block floats in mercury but sinks in water. So how does a steel ship manage
to float in water?
Ans: There is far more air in a ship than steel, (because a ship is hollow and contains air),
so the average density of the ship is less than that of water. (use g = 10 m s-2)
E08: The weight of a body in its normal condition is 300 N and it is 200 N when immersed
in water. Find the density and volume of the body. (g = 9.8 m s-2)
Ans: wi = 300 N, wf = 200 N, = density of water = 1000 kg m-3, = density of body = ?,
the volume of the block = V = ?,
The weight of the body before immersed in water = wi
wi =  g V
The apparent weight when immersed in water = wf
wf = wi – Fup =  g V - 0 g V = (  0) g V
wi 
wf   o
300 

200   1000
  = 3000 kg m-3
wi = g V
300 = 3000 × 10 × V
V = 0.01 m3
E09: An iceberg is a large piece of freshwater ice, which has a density of 0.920 × 103 kg m-3
at 0 C. Ocean water has a density of about 1.025 × 103 kg m-3. What fraction of an
iceberg lies below the surface?
Ans: density of ice = = 920 kg m-3, density of sea water =  = 1025 kg m-3,
volume of the ice = V, volume of the ice immersed in sea water = Vs
VS  920
The portion which is immersed is,   = 0.8976 = 89.76 % = 89.8 %
V 0 1025
Nearly about 89.8 % of the block lies below the surface.
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E10: A helium balloon is designed to support a load of 1000 kg. If the balloon is filled with
helium what should its volume be? (The mass of helium is not included in the net load
of 1000 kg, density of air = 1.29 kg m-3, density of helium = 0.18 kg m-3)
Ans: mass of load = mload = 1000 kg, Fup
density of air = air = 1.29 kg m ,

density of helium = He = 0.18 kg m-3,

volume of the balloon = V = ? wgas

Since it is in equilibrium, wload

total downward forces = total upward forces

weight of load + weight of gas = buoyant force
mload g + He g V = air g V
dividing through by g, mload + He V = air V
m 1000
V  = 900.9 m3
air   He 1.29  0.18
Q06: An object of density 2  103 kg m-3 weighs 100 N less when it is weighed while
completely submerged in water than when it is weighed in air. What is the actual
weight of this object?
Ans: = density of water = 1000 kg m-3, = density of body = 2  103 kg m-3,
the actual weight of the body = wi = ?
The weight of the body before immersed in water = wi
The apparent weight when immersed in water = wf
wi  wf = 100 N, wf = wi  100 N
wi =  g V
wf = wi – Fup =  g V - 0 g V = (  0) g V
wi 
wf   o
wi 2000

wi  100 2000  1000
2 wi – 200 = wi
wi = 200 N
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 53

Q07: A weighted rod floats with 6 cm of its length under water. What length is under the
surface when the rod floats in brine (density 1200 kg m-3)?
Ans:  = density of the rod,  = density of water,  = density of brine,
w b

V = volume of the rod, V = volume of the rod immersed in water,


V = volume of the rod immersed in brine, h = length of the rod immersed in water,
sb sw

h = length of the rod immersed in brine, A = bottom and top surface areas of the rod

Assume (i) the rod has regular shape

(ii) the volume does not change in water and brine
For a body floating in a liquid in equilibrium,
Vs 
The portion which is immersed is, =
V o
Vsw 
In water,  (1)
V w
Vsb 
In brine,  (2)
V b
w Vsb
From (1) and (2), 
b Vsw

 w Ahsb
 (V = Ah)
 b Ahsw
1000 hsb

1200 6  10 2

hsb = 5 ×10-2 m = 5 cm
Q08: Why is it easier to float in the sea than in a swimming pool?
Ans: The density of sea water is greater than that of fresh water. The denser the liquid, the
higher an object will float in the liquid. The submerged portion in the sea water is less
than that in the water in the swimming pool. Thus, it is easier to float in the sea than in
a swimming pool.
54 Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes APEX

Q09: A fish rests on the bottom of a bucket of water while the bucket is being weighed on a
scale. When the fish begins to swim around, does the scale reading change? Explain.
Ans: In either case, the scale is supporting the bucket, the water, and the fish.
Therefore, the weight remains the same when the fish begins to swim around.
However, the reading on the scale can change if the net centre of mass accelerates in
the vertical direction.
Q10: A beaker containing water and placed on a pan is balanced by the weight which is in
the other pan of the balance. Explain what will happen if a man immerses his finger in
the water without touching the beaker.
Ans: If a man immersed his finger in the water, there would be upward thrust on the finger.
Some water has to be displaced for the finger according to the Archimedes’ principle.
This displaced water will show unbalance of the balance.
Q11: A lead block of density 11.5 g cm-3 floats in mercury of density 13.6 g cm-3. (i) What
portion of the block immerses in mercury? (ii) What force is needed to press the block
to immerse totally if the mass of the block is 2 kg? (g = 10 m s-2)
Ans: Density of lead block =L = 11.5 g cm-3, density of mercury = = 13.6 g cm-3,
volume of the lead block = V, volume of the lead block immersed in mercury = Vs
Vs/V =? m = 2 kg, the force needed to press the block to immerse totally = Freq = ?
The portion which is immersed is,
Vs  11.5  103
= = = 0.8455 = 84.55 % = 85 %
V o 13.6  103 Freq Fup

Nearly about 85 % of the block lies below the surface.

Since the block is in Equilibrium, w
total downward force = total upward force
Freq + w = Fup (because it)
Freq = Fup – w = 0g V – mg = 0g × mg

 0   13.6  103 
= mg   1  2  9.8    1 = 3.652 N (downward)
    11.5  103 
 
Dr Vince Grade 11 Physics Detailed Notes 55

Q12: A plastic cube 30 cm on each side and with a mass of 20 kg floats in water. What
fraction of the volume of the cube is above the surface of the water?
Ans: mass of the cube = m = 20 kg
volume of the cube = V = (30  10-2 m)3 = 27  103 m3
m 20
density of the cube =     3
= 0.74  103 kg m-3
V 27  10
density of water = 0 = 1  103 kg m-3
volume of the cube immersed in water = Vs

VS  0.74  103
The portion which is immersed is,   = 0.74 = 74 %
V 0 1  103
The portion which is above the surface of water = 100 %  74 % = 26 %
Q13: A 30 kg balloon is filled with 100 m3 hydrogen. What force is needed to hold the
balloon to prevent it from rising up? (density of hydrogen is 0.09 kg m-3, density of air
is 1.29 kg m-3, g = 10 m s-2)
Ans: mass of the balloon = m = 30 kg, volume of the balloon = V = 100 m3, Fup
density of hydrogen = H = 0.09 kg m , density of air = air = 1.29 kg
the force needed = F =?
F wH
Since it is in equilibrium, wballoon
total downward forces = total upward forces
weight of the balloon + weight of H2 + Force required = buoyant force of air
wballoon + wH + F = Fup
F = Fup – wballon – wH
= air gV – mballon g – H g V
= 1.29  10  100 – 30  10 – 0.09  10  100
= 900 N (downward)

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