Mulliken Symbols For Irreducible Representations

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Mulliken Symbols for Irreducible Representations

Abbreviations: wrt = with respect to; PRA = principle rotation axis

Symmetric means positive character (usually  = +1); antisymmetric means negative character (usually  = -1);

For non-linear molecules

1. Dimension of irreducible representation
a. One-Dimensional A or B (see rule 4)
b. Two-Dimensional E (from German “entartet” = degenerate
c. Three-Dimensional T (use F in vibrational spectroscopy)
d. Four Dimensional G
e. Five Dimensional H

2. Symmetry wrt inversion i

a. Symmetric Subscript g from German “gerade” = even
b. Antisymmetric Subscript u from German “ungerade” = odd

3. Symmetry wrt horizontal h (use only if no i)

a. Symmetric Superscript ‘ (prime)
b. Antisymmetric Superscript “ (double prime)

4. For 1D reps, symmetry wrt Cn1 symm. Operations of the PRA

a. Symmetric A Use A if there is no PRA
b. Antisymmetric B

5. For 1D reps, symm wrt most important perpendicular C2 (or none, wrt v)
a. Symmetric Subscript 1
b. Antisymmetric Subscript 2

6. For B reps, if there are three equally important perpendicular C2 axes

a. Symmetric wrt 1st C2 Subscript 1
b. Symmetric wrt 2nd C2 Subscript 2
c. Symmetric wrt 3rd C2 Subscript 3

7. For E reps, character of the Cn1 symm. operation of the PRA

a. 2 cos (2/n) Subscript 1 (use only if characters are different)
b. 2 cos (4/n) Subscript 2
c. 2 cos (6/n) Subscript 3 (similarly for subscripts 4,5, etc.

8. For T (or F) reps, character of C41 (or if none, character of S41 or C51
a. Positive Subscript 1
b. Negative Subscript 2

For linear molecules

1. Dimension of irreducible representation
a. One-Dimensional Σ ≡ A
b. Two-Dimensional Π, Δ, Φ ≡ E

2. Symmetry wrt v
a. Symmetric Superscript + (plus)
b. Antisymmetric Superscript - (minus)
Direct Product Rules for Mulliken Symbols

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