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            Social and religious development during the 18th century was a quite phase that change
the Indian century after decline of the Mughal Empire there was social, religious and economic
disturbance in the Indian territory after the death of Aurangzeb India last authority there was no
administration no laws and there was total insecurity and the condition was pathetic.


            The social life of India during the 18th century was full of calamites and bad fortune. The
general masses were influenced by religion and caste. The higher caste was the supreme and the
lower caste was the suppressed and tactured the wealth of the country was restricted in the hands
of few rich people, the social system depended on the basis of the status (prestige). It was based
on the order of the religious & traditional belief.


            The Hindu society was divided into four varnas – Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaishiyas, and
the Shudras, the Brahmans consisted of teacher & guidance they were class of priest the main
function of Kshatriyas was to defend the Kingdom (temporal powers), the Vaishyas were the
community of the businessman and trades. One part of Vaishyas were agriculture and the other
took to the trade and the business (money lending) finally the Shudras consisted of the masses of
people who were tribes, Vagabonds etc. who were converted Hindus, they were directly or
indirectly to serve the upper caste, below this they were other sub castes.
            There were restrictions on marriage, eating habits and occupation within the caste. It was
defined by the social status disobedience or deviation from the rules let the ex-communication
(ostracization) the village or the caste panchayat conducted cases & provided solution.
            Occupation was open to all agriculture & military service, the caste  system was rigid
every caste  have to follow their own occupation, caste  restriction were enforced by the
panchayat chief through fines, torture and ex-communication family as an institution had prime
importance in the India society the India society the pre-dominantly (patriatal) that is domination
by the male, the inheritance of property was through male descendent, on the other hand some
families followed Matriarchal System that is domination by the female


The property inheritance was through female descendent ex-Malabari of Kerala.

            The year 1766 to 1796 – many Hindu and Muslim woman played a significant role in the
politics – Eg:- Ahilya Holkar, Rani Laxmi Bai, Razia Sultan, however the status of woman in the
family depended upon the capacity of the birth, she could give specially to male children’s
(Sons) she was considered to the Lakshmi (Wealth) but her birth was not welcome, it was
believe that she was depended all through her life time.


            Female the custom of FI was very much prevalent in the 18th century in India. Child
marriages were dominant it was custom to kill the female infant after its birth, it was believed
that the girl child was a responsibility and “burden to the parents this evil killing of the girl child
was termed as was known as female infantry system.
            The instability and insecurity left an existing among the parents regarding the honor of
their daughters, this lawlessness among the Hindus as well as Muslim woman during the
18th century they suffered mentally and physically, the status of woman depicted definity as sad
picture during the 18th century in India.
            Polygamy was found in the Indian society. Widow remarriage were against principle of
Hindu marriage the state of the widow was pathetic and untouchability was another evil that was
found in India during the 18th century the lower caste  and the sub caste  were denying basic
privileged was living the whole society was bound by blind faith and superstition.
The Hindus also followed the policy of sacrifice self-immolation (sati practice) different
practices like offering different part of the body to please the Goddes was also found in the
society slavery was present in the society they were two types – Domestic slavery and Bounded


            The economic condition, natural calamities, poverty, famines, etc. compelled the Masses
to leave a sad life.


            Education was on communal basis. Quality was not the matter Hindus & Muslims were
far away from progress. The teacher usually belong to the writer class, the students and the
teachers always belong to the upper class (Brahmans) the subject was religion & theoretic “The
primary school indulges in three houses. (Reading writing & arithmetic). Students learn writing
composition, business letters in arithmetic the main object was to learn and become proficient for
commercial purpose (accounting) the upper class Muslims educated themselves the memorizing
of the instruction of the Quran was mandatory, the medium of instruction was Persian “the centre
for high education for Muslims was referred to as Makkas and Madarsa” wild elementary
education or schools for the Hindus was called Pathshala or Gurukul. Both were based on
principle of honesty, truth, and the obedience. Female education was considered as little

            The Hindus believed in the concept of God & Spiritualism. They belief in trimidi
(Brahma, Vishnu & Vaish) followers by Shivawere called Shavides, follower of Vishnu
Vaishnavides etc. The female counter part was also worship of “shakti” the Muslims followed
the doctrine of Wahadat – ul – wajib (Unity of Existence). They were influenced by the


            Hindus and Muslims were influenced by each other by their culture & way of living. The
system of marriage was universal polygamy was followed in the Muslim community. The female
in the earlier stages enjoyed a High status of living. Later on it  fall divorce and the Hindus was
considered taboo. The parents had to provide the dowry to their daughters at the time of marriage
they had a patriarchal family. The Muslim women were kept in seclusion the house was divided
into Zananah & Mardanah, in Islam a man could be committed to more than one wife in
marriage the status of the man was determined by the number of wives, he had. There was no
fixed limit in marriage, Mehar was giving at the time of Marriage or after the marriage by the


The causes for national moments for India:

1.    British imperialism was one of the most important reasons, the outcome for the Indian
National Movement. It helped the Indian to unite against the British creating a spirit of
2.    Religious and Social reformer played an important role in influencing the masses.
Reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Rao, Dayanand Saraswati, Ishwar Chandra Dayanand Sagar
etc. influenced people to great extent they taught them principal of liberty and created in them
a thirst for Independence.
3.    The Indian press and literature created conscience and awakening of independence within
the Indian minds, newspapers like – Indian Mirror, Bombay Samachar, Hindu Patriot, Amrita
Bazar Patrika, Indu Prakash, Bengali Public Opinion, Kesari, Maratha, (Lokmanya Tilak) etc.
created in passion for freedom.
4.    The English language played an important role in awakening and the growth of
nationalism. A few educated Indians spread the ideas of freedom to the illiterate masses in the
Indian country.


      The period from 1876 – 1884 is rightly called as (seed time) of India nationalism, various act
was post in the Indian administration for its growth and development. This period was age of
renaissance and reforms great leaders were know during this period and instigated in the minds
of the Indian, the spirit of oneness and independence, thus nationalism was the answer to British

Some social religion movements of the 18th – 19th century work as follow:

BRAHMO SAMAAJ (1774 – 1833):

In 1815 Raja Ram Mohan founded the “Atmiya Sabha” which later on called Brahmo
Samaaj, in 1828 its main aim was to eradicate evils from the Indian society, it check the
influence of Christianity and brought about religious unity some of its principal were –
I.        Condemn ideal worship and caste system.
II.        Universal tolerant towards all religion.
III.        Belief in God and immortality of the soul.
IV.        It was opposed to re-incarnation and advocated universal brotherhood.


            Raja Ram Mohan Rao was the founder of the Brahma Samaj. He believed in one God and
universal tolerance he is called the “father of Indian renaissance” he was a wealthy Brahman
learned knowing different languages who served in the East India Company he was a great social
reformer educationalist, religious reformer, Universalist and an able administrator.


I.        Raja Ram Mohan Rao condemn the cruel practice of sati with the help of Lord
Bantinca, the practice of sati was abolished by low in 1829.
II.        He advocated western education that is the English language, he established the
Hindu college in Calcutta.
III.        He demanded permanent settlement of revenue and removal of exports duty on
India goods.


Prarthna Samaaj was a socio religious movement in Maharashtra. It was founded in 1867 in
Bombay by Atma Ram Panduranga under the guidance of Keshav Chandra Sen. The main
principles of the samaaj were:
I.        It disapproved the caste system
II.      It believed in the rational worship
III.    The aimed for women education, introduced widow re-marriages and worked for the
abolishing of child marriages.
IV.    They started the depressed classes’ mission, orphanages, widow homes and night

Arya Samaaj was founded by the Dayanand Saraswati an eminent “Sanskrit Scholar his main
teaching was to go back to Vedas” other principal of the samaaj were:
I.     Condemn other worship and caste system.
II.   They believed in oneness of God. They were against the child marriages. They
progressed the female education and widow re-marriage. He gave importance to cultural
III.  He propagated the “Shuddhi Movement” to convert member of other faith into


            His original name was Mule Shankar, he was born in Kathiyawar. He was holded by a
blind saint. He introduced Arya Samaj in 1875. He believed in the concept of karma and
asceticism & transmigration of the soul. He advocated equal states of women in the society. He
was against untouchability, he aroused the spirit of Nationalism among the Indians. His slogan
was “India for Indians”. He was the first to advocate the principle of Swaraj and Swadeshi.


The theosophical society was founded by the Madam Blackvatsky and Carnal Potts in 1857 in
New York which spread to India to 1879. Its headquarters is in Madaras, the Principal were:

I.        Universal brotherhood. It give importance to the study of comparative religion &

II.       Investigating into natural laws that cannot be explained.
III.     They were against conversion & believed in the trans migration of the soul they also
believed in the Black Magic system (Mysticism).

Dr. Annie Besant played an important role in preparing the theosophical societies and its
principal. She joined the society in 1887, she believed in Vedas and Upanishad. She protested
against the child marriages. She started educational institutions. “The home rule league” was
founded by Dr. Annie Besant. She was a famous writer on educationist, philosopher and was the
president of Indian national congress in 1917.


            He was a social reformer and educationist and a philosopher. He was a Bengali writer,
adept in Dharma Shastra, Vedas, Astrology and the Six system of Philosophy. He was born in
1820 in Bengal. He obtained the title “Vidya Sagar”


I.        He founded school and collages and promoted female education.

II.      He condemned child marriage, polygamy and the dowry system.
III.    He was the first person to advocate widow re-marriage in action.


            He was called rightly the “Grand old man of India” he was born in Parsi family in 1825
he was great parliamentary. He was the main pillar in the foundation of the Indian. National.
Congress. in 1885. He assure  the people in India about the draining of Indian wealth to great
Britain (England) he argued for self Government, he believed in curtaining Swaraj by
constitutional method.


I.        Self government.
II.        Boycott of foreign goods.
III.      National education
IV.       Uplifment of female education.


            Dada Bhai was the great patriot of the modern India, in his book “Poverty under British
rule in India” he pointed out the continuous flow of wealth from India to Britain, the British
government reserved its economic policy by increasing import and decreasing export which
created in balance of trade. Thus, Indian wealth of draining out resulting in closed down of
Indian industries. Leading to unemployment and heavy administrative caused these points were
brought to notice of general India masses to become aware of colonial exploitation.


During the 18th century, in India, in spite of the fact that it was a rich country in
resources, it was consider to be really power in its economic status the Nawabs & the Princess
who ruled certain parts in India lead a luxurious life, the local people were impoverished
(peasants & farmers) they were exploited by the richer class the advent of the British rule in
India - the status of Indian markets. Delhi & Mathura were plundered by Shah Abdali due to the
disintegration of the Mughal Empire, Chaos prevailed.  


There was complete unemployment in the country there was starvation & poverty,
criminal activities like robbery, loot etc. were on the rise. It approved the principal of humanity
& the period depicted Anarchy (Dictator). There were a lot of conversions, especially the
Christian social worker who landed in India.
Indian religion though was self reliant, it faced problems. The money lenders & bankers
extended loan for business purpose this helped in flourishing trade in India. The important centre
for textile Industries were Daka, Oshimabad in Bengal & Baruch etc. Indian Gujrat, Patna in
Bihar, Surat etc. India was also self contained in agriculture industrial. The goods were also
produced in the country for self consumption. The workmanship & skill was unique there was
always a demand for (Materials) Indian goods like Raw SILK, IVARY, CORAL, GARTAISE
SHELL, AMBER etc. India goods were expected & were in much demand in the foreign land.
were some commercial “cash” Crops.
Thus India, though was a rich country in terms of natural resources, she was
economically backward.

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