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Not Tl the



Estf 18

QPnkanand Gchod

Ge tr

Nomo. Clocc
5 No 1

Relations k functions

fun tion uhich is not onC-One but s onto
To demons tra te a

Materlal Requred
Card board, nails,sfring, adhesivt, plastic strips,

Fiauu 3:2 Method of lonstrvchon

EPaste a plasfic strip_on the left hand Side of the ardlhard
the strip
ix three naib on it as shown in_fig 3:1. Namt the naib on
as 2 L3.

fix 2 nail
2Paste_another strip _on the right hand sie ofE the_Cardhuard as a tht strip
2 in the plashc strip as Shoun in ia 3:lNane the_nails on

and b.

as Shoun in
3:pin nails on th cft strip h the nails on the rght Strp
fri 3-3.

Take he set 143 x
2Take the set y = la,b)
3Tin Clemen of X h the clenents af Y as shoun in tig 33.

The image of element 1of A in Yis a
The imag. of element 2 otX in YI s b
ThC imat of clemant 3 of X iny isb
So fig 3:3 represents a function
a Uniyve
1Evtry elemcnt _in X does hot har A image in Y. So the funthion is
n o t Dne-one

3 The p-imagt of each ekment of Yin X exists. So,tht funttion u


This aLtivi can be_vsed o dompntrate the Contept otre-one 4 onto
5 No 2

Relation k finctons

To demonstraBe _a funtion uhith is one-Dnt but not -onto..
Materal ReAured
b Cardboard nails, strings, adhesvt plastic stras
Method of unsuton
Paste. a plastit strip on. the left _hard s1de_of the_Larabrad Lhu 2
nails in it as shun in fiy t1 Nam ihe nails a sb

2 Paste another strip_on the rinht hand siadt of the arhd l tin ?nail
onit asShoun in tht fi 12.Name the nails on he right Jtp

3:ain nailsn tht left strip b the nails an thel right shripas shoua. in
the fig 43.
Demons treton
Take the sct X = )
2:Take tht set Y=L3)
3:oin elements_ofX a the elemenb i f a Shounn fi Y3

h e im40_ of elmantaX_in_y
heim44t_ot elemnt b of Xn Y1s 3
So the fig 1-3 represen t a fuacien
Ever _element in X has a uniaue image in Y So,the funtton u

3: The pre-imat _ot the elemant l_of Yin x does nat ciut
So,the funttion 1S not bnd

Thus fig Y) represent 4 function vhith onc-ont hut ret onta.

Thsacthvi can heusd fn demprstaie the Loncept of pne -ont t
not onto funtton.
S No. 3

Iny -Trip hnttions

Thdrau th graph of sinu, vsing he araph of sin n L demonstrat
the Conzept sf miror reflection (abvt line_y=u)

Puta minor_on the int y=h. Tht imapc ot ihe graph of sin n in
the miror Lill represest the graph of sin'a shouing that sin'u u
miror retlecthon of Sinn and viLe versa.

-n aus
he image of point Nin the mirnr (the Line y=n) is 1

The imape t point NL in the mirror is l

The imagst print N2 In the mimr Tz

Theimaye of point Ny in tht mimr u

The iage_of point N in the minr i

he imape of point Ni in the minri l
The inagetpuint Ni in the mirne 1 3

heim49eof point N} in the izu

The image of the freph ot sinn in y=n_is he rah ot Sin'n.
ThCimag _of the gaph f sin"n n y=n is the grph of Sinn

Similar ALtvi can be performd hr daving the aph _t tac n,
tan'n ,et
S Ne Y

1able 1 (for pointr left to c=) Activily-1

39 399 3 999 39999 3 999929 3-999999
3-99499 44 Lontiniy
f 7-4749 7-0999 7-9999 7-94999 7-449 999 0bieLtive
7-9999999 h ind analyhaly the limit_of a funttan fln) at a=C and alsa ta
Table 2 (for pont right to C=9
chech the Lontinui of the funttion at that paint.
10 000 00001 9-0D0001 0000DD Material Required
Paptr, Ptnil qlalvla thr
tl81-0 F0D1 8 D00 2 B00002 8 000001 3-000000
Method of lons touzton
e onsider the fintian given by fln) =

2-Tahesome point on the lett and ome paints gn the rit sidtof
cE1) vhich are vtry nearo L

3Find the Correspondiog values_offla) hr eachot tit paints Laniltred in.

tRetord ht valves of points on 4he left and right ide st c

nAnd tht Lorrespanding valees Dé fla)in 2 hrm_of a table

EThevalues sf n3-9
and fln_ar_eurdea as hlleus
3.11 3-9943-99943-949493-494444
Tabde 1:
fr in fl) 7-1 7-49 7-919| 7-9992 744994 7999242
on ter
2Table 2 11-011:001/1-0011+000D 00014-00000
C-Yon fM)| 81|3-0130 08018-00001800000/ 800000DI

Observa ton
EThe Valvc of flnl 1s apprvathing to ,as n->Y from left

The value of f is approathing to , as n-1 from rlht

3 So lim fln)= 8 Lim fln) ={

Ther efort LimfIn)= , fl= 10

SIs Lim = fl1) ? No

Sine fl) im tln) ,0 fundin i at lontinvaus at n

Applica tion
This acthvityis wehl in undestandin the Lonept of Umit_ ontinvity of
a tynition at a point
S. No 5

Inurcasing k Decrcastng fuxtion

T_understand the LonLepts ot decreasing intreasingtunctons
Material Required
Suitahle sI2e
Pieces of wire of dferent_lenghts pieLe ot plyuod of
uhite paptr adhesive,geomeby hoxiponomctrit tai

Metod of Construction
ETake picu ot Ply wood of a Lanvenitnt she and pste white
pepero n i E

then a n the
Take 2 peces of Oes ot enght say 20Cm eath and tin
uirc paper o repreent n_andya3iS.

3Take 2 mmre plee ofwirc exh of swi table lenght and herdtha i n
them shoun
the shape of curves reprcenting ao tuntins an ha

Take 2 strnight each of suiahle lerght for the purppitaf

o n them
Shouing_tangnts b the wrres at drfarent polnts

Demonstration curxe on the lef_suh

ake one strapht uirt and plate it_on the
fhat_it is tangent h the urve at the pant sey_l and making n
ngle d L Lith he t Ve_direttm of H-AXL
2-isan obtuc angie so tan&, y -veic, heslpe_ thttargent
at isve.

3:Take anothar 2 psins say A and Bon the Samt Curve and mahe
tangenlSing the same Lireat P. and B,mahingangle 4
respetctively with the ve direLton ot n-aku
4.Here again s d2 re pbtuse angles anid therethre shpes of the
tangents kand and taná3 _are both -ve

: The unttion qven by e the _Lurve uadeLreatng func ton

6-||On the Curve fake2 ppints a,i,a3wing the othar straight ures,
form tangent at each of these paintinaking angles B,,6,
repeztively uith the ve dhrectun of u-L,L shaun in_te fipure
B, B are all aLute angles
So the_dtrivatves of the function at hee pints are tve. Thus
he fn gven by ths curnt ln the righti_4 an inrtaing tunt tnn
Observa tion

tan =-S67,(-ve) fan=-271, (-ve) tang =1-73, -ve

Thu the funtion iS deureasig

2B=10 B =63 <10° ASS90°
Han =
tanb =2:1,
2:7 (rve)tanA = |-9 , rve) tanb=12 rve)
Thys the funttidn is intreasng
This QLtiviky ray he wchl_n explalning tht Contept of intveasilng
a adetreasg function.
5 No 6

Activity -6
Maxima d Miniema

Tunderstand the conepts ot local maxima ,local minima, pointo

Materlal Reauired
Apiece of Pywnd, nirts, adhesive ubit paper

Metrod f (onstru tioa

rTaMe a piee of plyuad of a onvenient size_and paste whit papar
On it.
ptes of wires cach af
2Take 2 ienght 1tm and ia thon n the
par sn plyud in the fhon A-aA angy-xis.

3:Tahe antdher w)re ofa switable lenghi and bend

it in the shape o
Curve Fix this curved wirt on he white paptr pasto an plywrad
as shoun In_ the tipvre.
Take five more Lio f
lenrt say 2irn_and ix o at the points
A,C 8,P and D as shasn in the fipure

Demorstro tio
n the figure,uires at the ppint A,B,L and 0_reprwent angen
the turve and are pacalitl_to_he aau. The shpes angtats
atthese points rt zereic, he v aue of the f t deate a these
Poits iszer. The tangent git P intoats the turve
. At the ponb ,A LB) 5ipn the firt denative chartam -vé h rv¬.
Sytry are pant ot lal minima.
At tne pointl, La D, Sign_ot tist derivative changes frm tve to -ve
o Hhney are polnb ot local minima
4At the point P Spn of tirt atrivative does not chanye So, it s
a point f ittlction.
Sign of the slope of the tangent Lfidt deriuatve) at a polnt on thewrve to:
the immediate leht A Is -ve
2the immCdiat right of A s TVe
3 the mmtdiate leff of B -ve
1 Hhe immdlalt right of bs tye
S:he immezlate left of C tVe
6: the imnediate right oflis -VC
1 tht inmegiate left ofDis ve
9 ht immediale left afPIs +ve and immedlae rnght of P s TVe
the mmediate right of Dis -ve
10 A are ponts of local minima
ICAD arc poin of lotal maima
DPis a point of inf lec tion
This Activity mayhtp in txplatining tht Concepb f points ot lal minima,
oal maxima and inflection
2.Thc of maxima Iminima are_wehl in problem of daily lHe Suh
Contepth _of
asmakiny_st paLhages ot maimim apacll at mnimum tost

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