Your Guide To Performing A Workforce Audit 1

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How to perform a

workforce audit.



Table of contents.
Introduction 03
What are people analytics? 04
Visa and Certifications Checks 05
Organisational Structure 06
Performance Evaluations 08

Audit Actions
Promotions and Development (Payroll and Salary Checks) 10
Reassignments 11
Warnings 11
Recruitment 13

Checklist 14
Employment Hero 15


As dry as it sounds, an essential On the flip side - a company with whether the company is conducting
part of running a business is weak human capital will be made up regular and appropriate workforce audits.
maximising human capital. of employees who haven’t developed
Workforce auditing may sound
necessary skills, who may be
Human capital could also be referred complex, but there is a framework to
disconnected from their work or who
to as the asset that is your workforce. follow that can simplify your efforts.
are not truly knowledgeable about the
Your team’s skills, experience, talents In every area of your workforce, you
areas they are accountable for. The
and knowledge - as well as an efficient can gather people analytics, which
layout of the company may also be
business structure that maximises these will simplify your auditing process.
misplacing people in different roles - for
qualities - comprise your human capital.
example, someone who does not have This whitepaper has a focus on the
A company with strong human capital the required management skills may have ‘human’ of human capital. Evaluating
will have a highly-skilled, knowledgeable been delegated several direct reports. employee engagement, knowledge
and engaged workforce. Management You can probably predict the future of and performance can be a daunting
will know how to get the best out of them this company… it doesn’t look great! task. We’re here to help provide
and invest in their abilities. Naturally, the a blueprint for workforce auditing
Most companies will have a mixed degree
result of this is often increased profitability that can be achieved analytically
of human capital. Some employees
and business growth (the dream!). and with kindness and empathy.
will be thriving while others might be
drifting aimlessly. This mix can be in flux, Let’s get started!
depending on how employees act and

What are people analytics?
People analytics is an essential part of Human-centred analytics can help • The results can be analysed to identify
workplace auditing. Collecting people businesses make smarter, more strategic any trends or patterns in behaviour
analytics involves using a data-driven and informed talent decisions. Armed • Lastly, insights can be applied to
perspective to understand how a with data-driven knowledge, HR and organisational strategies and decisions
business attracts, recruits, engages, leadership teams are better equipped
trains, and retains its talent and its to source talent, increase performance We’ll be keeping this process in mind as
impact on business performance. and improve employee retention. we walk through the workplace audit.
In doing so, companies, particularly
To understand how analytics works, it’s
their HR departments and leadership
important to understand the process
teams, can make evidence-based
behind it first. People analytics is
decisions using raw and reliable data.
made up of several vital components
According to LinkedIn’s 2020 Global that flow into each other:
Talent Trends report, analytical proficiency
• Data is first collected to gather
is now considered a core competency
unique problem-solving insights
in today’s data-driven environment. 73%
of LinkedIn’s professional respondents • The data is then measured
believe people analytics to be a ‘major against previous data, like
priority’ within their organisation. historical events or information

Visa and Certification Checks.
Visa and certification checks Find more information about working visas • Fire warden certificates
are a good, technical way to in different countries on these websites. • Trades licenses (e.g. electrician,
start your workplace audit.
🇦🇺 Australian Government building, asbestos removal)

If you have any staff on working visas, Department of Home Affairs • High risk work licenses (e.g.
review these first. Whilst the processes forklifting, scafolding)
for renewing will vary depending on
🇳🇿 New Zealand Immigration
An expired license can incur a
what country you’re based in, doing a 🇬🇧 UK Gov Visas and Immigration hefty penalty for the employee
sweeping check of visa validity should be
Once you’ve evaluated your staff’s visas, and the employer, so this is a
a relatively straightforward task. Check
look to their required certifications and step you do not want to miss! EH TIPS
the dates of all of your staffs’ visas and
set calendar reminders for when they’re licenses. Certifications and licenses
Make sure that you save a copy Never miss a Visa expiry
approaching landmark or expiry dates. are different to qualifications, in that
of all of this documentation on file, again! Employment Hero
they may expire and need renewal
and similarly to the visas, make makes visa management
For any work visas that are approaching over varying periods of time.
a calendar note for yourself to easy by sending employers
expiry, send a reminder email to the
Some common areas include: alert you when your employee’s notifications when a staff visa
staff member to get any renewal
certification is approaching expiry. expiration is approaching.
paperwork in order. There can be • Alcohol service certificates
penalties for businesses that do not Now that’s out of the way - let’s get
• Food handling certificates
comply with working visa terms, so into the nitty gritty of auditing!
be sure to stay on top of key dates. • First aid certificates


Organisational Structure.
Janice Jolly
If you don’t have one already, create a lists of projects underneath them, while CEO

simple map of your workforce. Starting other names will have much less. This
from the CEO, let your map flow into doesn’t mean that the staff members
managers and their reports down to the with fewer responsibilities are doing a
most junior members of the company. worse job than others, but it does signal
possible under or over-resourcing.
This simple visualisation can help you see Maude Swanson Buddy Howell Denise Roberts
your entire workforce at a glance, and Companies change over the years.
give you the chance to look at the raw Products and services develop and
numbers. Take a look at your workforce organisational structures often become
as a whole. Are there any areas that seem outdated. Your staff allocation may
unbalanced? Are there any teams that need to move around to meet the
Thom Newtown Fabrice Dells Mandy Roe
look like they may be underrepresented? business demands, with different INFORMATION ASSISTANT DEVOPS MANAGER TECHNICAL SPECIALIST

Hold these considerations in your mind. employees upskilling or reskilling.

Next to your workforce map, list all This simplistic approach shouldn’t be
of your major business projects and the entire process - we’ll get more into
goals for the year. For each person skills, recruitment, reassignment and
that will be working on each project, restructure later in the process. But keep Charlotte Ols Dan McWhite
note the project title under their name. this simple data collection in mind as
You’ll likely see some names with long you start your decision making process
and refer to it throughout your audit.


An incredibly useful tip for thinking Keep employee surveys confidential to Collect this survey data and once
about team structures - and auditing encourage them to share as much helpful again look for patterns. Does it
in general? Survey your team! information as possible. Consider asking match up with the results of your
them to ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’ (and provide workforce mapping exercise or does
Let’s face it - business owners and
their reasoning) with these statements; it show something different?
HR managers simply don’t have eyes
• I feel like I need more support in my role
everywhere. As much as we may like Both of these exercises should set
to have our boots on the ground in • I would like to take on more a foundation for decision making
all parts of the company, our staff are responsibilities in my role around your organisational structure, EH TIPS
privy to work, behaviour and processes • I find I have very little free time but there’s more discovery to do
Employment Hero makes
to a much greater extent than we to take on new projects before we start taking action.
employee surveys a breeze!
are. Get their knowledge and insights
• I have access to the things I Create and send Custom Surveys
when doing your workplace audit.
need to do my job well to employees and easily access,
• I have access to the learning collate, track and analyse this
and development tools I feedback. Employees will feel
need to do my job well more engaged knowing their
feedback and experiences
• My team handles the projects
are valued. Employees who
that we are given easily
feel heard are 4.6x more
• My team is able to respond likely to feel empowered to
to urgent requests easily perform their best work.
• It’s easy for me to prioritise my tasks


Performance Evaluations.
At this point, it’s time to start looking 💡 Our suggested way to do this is with
at staff performance. This can be an a regular one on one (1:1) meeting. 1:1s
awkward process, but it’s a necessary are a confidential weekly or fortnightly
one. In fact, research suggests that meeting between managers and direct
only 29% of employees know whether reports. They are an effective way
their performance is where it should be. to communicate and ask your direct
For you to accurately complete your report questions in a safe and honest
workplace audit, you need to be on environment. They’re designed to
the same page as your staff members increase productivity, engagement and
when it comes to performance. performance. These meetings are also the
perfect place to track employee goals.
Ideally, performance evaluations should
be happening throughout the year. The paper trail of these meetings
Managers with direct reports should will give you a good foundation of
be across what their staff are working your staff member’s performance
on and how they are tracking through when running a quarterly review
their work. This way there will be no as part of your workforce audit.
nasty surprises when you look back on
a large period of under-performance
from a staff member, and you can track
any performance issues as they arise.


Before the review, have your managers outlined role with the tasks they Following this process with your
distribute an agenda to the employee have actually been working on. employees you should have a
so that they can both prepare much more detailed scope of
Advise taking a gentle and neutral
comments and feedback around: performance across your workforce.
approach to encourage the conversation
• KPIs and the employees
to be as honest as possible. Have We now have three data
progress around them
managers take notes throughout the collection points to analyse:
• Weaknesses meeting about what has been discussed
• Team visualisation and
• Strengths, and; and share this with the employee, HR and
project distribution
the leadership team following the meeting.
• Advantages and disadvantages • Surveys from your employees
that may have had an impact After the initial review, have managers
EH TIPS on their performance organise a second meeting to
• Performance evaluations

Using a performance review discuss actionable points for the Now that we have these three points,
During the review, have your managers
template for all staff that employee. These may include; along with any previous information
talk through all of the points mentioned
is stored in a secure cloud • Training sessions to assist in from previous years, we can make
in the agenda, before opening up
location can make this a obtaining lacking skills some moves in our audit.
the discussion to leadership and
straightforward process.
communication skills, the employee’s • A development plan to get employees
Check out Employment Hero’s
ability to innovate and their quality of moving towards a promotion
custom review capabilities.
work. Make sure managers bring a
• An action plan to get the employee
copy of the employee’s current job
back on track with their goals or
description to compare their official
a written warning (we’ll speak
further to this in the next section)


Audit Actions.
Ok, so now we’re ready to make some Consider how you can position your Along with any promotion plans, it’s
decisions. Collect all of the information star employees best to help your also great to reward and recognise
you have so far and allocate a block company grow. It may be time to your employees’ achievements. This
of time to work through it. Prepare promote some members of your team shows your employees that you see
the coffee, it’s time to focus. to more senior positions, where they their effort, and can not only lead to
can apply their extensive knowledge of better engagement and retention, but
Workforce auditing will fall into three
the business to decision making roles. also profitability. Studies show that
major brackets, each of which will
Pull out your staff chart and consider companies that effectively appreciate
look to evolve your workforce to
how this could work. Are you looking their employees being 20% more
make it more efficient for the future.
to develop in their area and grow their profitable than those who don’t.
team over the next year? A promotion
PROMOTIONS AND What about development for your other
could be the best course of action. When you’re using Employment
DEVELOPMENT staff members that are not necessarily
Hero, you can assign your staff
If you don’t think they’re quite ready for poised for promotion? You may have
Through your audit, you would have been members learning modules
a leadership role but they’re moving realised that there is a skill shortage
able to identify some high performers on from our in-platform LMS. You
in the right direction, put together a in your workforce that you can help
your team, who are taking on a lot of work can track their progress, send
development plan that will help them by offering training. Consider using
which is critical to the company’s success. reminders and easily record their
move into this role in the near future. a Learning Management System
completion of each module.
Talk to them about their career goals and (LMS), where you can assign your
let them know you would like to assist employees some training modules
them in growing within the company. to help build their skills. Knowledge


sharing sessions amongst your team Take a look around the business. Is WARNINGS Any of these behaviours should be
is another great low-cost way to help there another area of the team that setting off red flags in your mind as this
Here comes the really tricky part.
everyone build valuable skills. desperately needs resourcing? Meet with could affect the wider team over time.
No HR manager or business owner
the employee to discuss a reassignment Remember, a team is only as strong as
REASSIGNMENTS wants to be the bearer of bad news,
plan. Make sure they know that this is a its weakest link. If you have a team of
but chances are your employee data
positive step - they can move into a role star employees, along with one low-
So you’ve got some great employees, is showing that some employees are
where they can have more responsibilities performing employee, the low-performing
but not all of them are performing to falling short of where they need to be.
and grow, they have proved themselves employee in the team could bring
the best of their abilities. Through
to be a valued asset to the company that Underperformance, or poor everyone else down to their level. Not
your investigation, you’ve discovered
you think would thrive in another area - performance, is when an employee only do low performers fail to do their
that this is not to do with their skills
and talk about how you can make their isn’t doing their job to an acceptable work but they can also distract others.
or engagement - but is rather due to
role change as seamless as possible. standard, or is behaving in an
a lack of projects or team needs. Here’s a framework for conducting
unacceptable way at work. This
Whether you’re promoting or reassigning, an official warning procedure.
The honest truth might be that their role can include anything from:
check in with your team’s salaries. A
just isn’t that relevant to the company Step 1: Give an Informal Verbal Warning
workforce audit is also the perfect time to • Not carrying out their work
anymore. Every day that you have
run the numbers on employee salaries, to the required standard or
them in that role, you’re not getting The first step in any official warning
even for members of the team that aren’t not doing their job at all
the full value that they could actually procedure is to resolve the issue verbally
changing roles. Are employees being paid • Not following workplace with the employee as part of an informal
offer (hello again, human capital).
equal wages for similar work? Are there policies, rules or procedures warning to advise them that they aren’t
any roles or areas of the business that meeting their role expectations. While
• Unacceptable behaviour at work,
seem to be (literally) undervalued? Now’s this isn’t written, you do need to detail
eg. harassment or bullying
the time to sort through these details. the specific areas of underperformance.
• Disruptive or negative
behaviour at work


Keep a note or email your employee Step 2: Give a Formal Written Warning
following any verbal discussions you
This warning should be written in
have about their performance. Doing
the form of a letter that’s personally
this will make sure everything was
addressed to the employee. Make sure
clear. It also ensures that you have a
you reference any verbal conversation
written record of the topics that were
and warnings that have previously
discussed, as well as an audit trail.
been issued, along with the dates that
After you have explained your concerns these informal warnings were issued.
to an employee and provided them
In a formal written warning
with strategies on how to improve
you also want to:
performance, regular follow up
meetings should be held. These can • Specify details of the areas where
be used as an opportunity to talk about your employees was, and still
progress. See if there’s any further is, underperforming (providing
help or support the employee needs. examples if/when possible)
Where performance has improved, you
• Create an action plan and communicate
should make sure to recognise this.
dates to check-in with your employee

If verbal warnings don’t garner • Make sure it’s 100% clear that another
any changes, you may want warning letter could be issued or any other
to move on to Step 2. consequences (e.g. termination) if the
employee does not meet your expectations

• Reassure your employee that the

warning is completely confidential


Once the warning letter has been sent, Termination should only be considered What extra roles in the company
we advise setting up another face as a final resort. Different termination would help your team complete their
to face meeting with your employee laws apply in each country, so look projects faster, and of higher quality?
to discuss the letter in person. on your Government website to make What areas of the business are you
sure that you are complying with looking to expand? What projects
Step 3: Consequences
your nation’s employment laws. will take place in the year ahead?

Suppose the employee hasn’t changed

RECRUITMENT Whether you start recruiting immediately
their behaviour and continues to
or make a recruitment plan for the
underperform after multiple informal Returning to the lighter side of workforce year, congratulations! You’ve just
and formal warnings. In that case, auditing, we’ve come to our final completed your workforce audit.
the employer has the right to act out stop of audit actions - recruitment!
consequences as long as they were
clearly outlined to the employee. By now you have a pretty thorough
understanding of your team and
If they have clearly explained the possible company’s needs. You’ve identified some
consequences of the employee not gaps in your organisational structure,
improving (including termination), then you’ve made some promotions and
the employer has the right to action this. you’ve shuffled some staff around.

It should now be quite clear exactly

which roles are missing from your team.
If you need any further information -
return to your employee surveys and see
what they’ve recommended and seek
input from your management team.

Workforce Audit Checklist.
☐ Check team visa expiry dates ☐ Organise training or skills

☐ Check team certification development sessions

and license validity ☐ Organise any reassignments

☐ Create organisational structure chart ☐ Deliver any necessary warnings or

☐ Allocate major projects and task performance improvement plans

against organisational structure ☐ Identify any potential

☐ Conduct employee survey roles for recruitment

☐ Conduct performance evaluations ☐ Relax after a job well done,

knowing your workforce is poised
☐ Promote employees (or flag
employees for promotion)
for growth and greatness 😉


Employment Hero can help with every area of workforce auditing.
We’re your all-in-one HR software, Performance Review: Our performance Applicant Tracking System (ATS):
built to make employment easier and review templates can be used for Employment Hero’s ATS software is
more rewarding for everyone. performance reviews and just about a robust solution for total employee
any other kind of review your business lifecycle management from Hiring and
Vevo Reports: With Employment
needs! Using Employment Hero, Onboarding to Off-boarding. Save
Hero, you can run VEVO reports to
you can create templates for the time and money on recruitment as we
check on whose visa is coming up
different types of reviews that you automate a range of recruitment tasks.
for renewal. This process can also be
want to run inside your business.
automated, helping you stay ahead of Want to learn more about how
any potential visa renewal issues. Learning Management System: Develop Employment Hero can simplify
your people and your business by workforce auditing?
Organisational Charts: Understanding
creating customised learning paths
who everyone is and what they Book a demo with one of our
in our Learning Management System.
do inside a business can be hard. business specialists today.
Managers and leaders can quickly see
We’ve made this aspect of employee
the status of a particular course and
management simple by including an
make sure their employees are on track
organisational chart inside the platform.
with their continual development.
We also have a staff directory to make
it easy for everyone to stay in touch.


Looking for an
HR solution?
If you’re looking for an all one HR and payroll
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Employment Hero can help. Employment Hero
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features including:

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• Feedback 
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• Leave management
• Employee happiness surveys 
• Learning management system
• Reward and recognition 
• And so much more…




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