MG412 CW2 Assignment Brief 2022-23

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Assignment Brief Academic Year 2022-23

Module code MG412 Principles of Marketing Module leader: Sanzida Kamal

and title:

Assignment CW2 Brand Extension Report Assessment 50%

No. and type: weighting:

Submission Group Presentations: Target feedback

time and date: To be held in class from week time and date:
commencing 9th January 2023.

Group Report:
Friday 20th January 2023 by 2pm 3 weeks after submission
via Turnitin. deadline

Note: copy of the slide deck of the

group presentation must be included
in the Appendices section of the

Group member’s names and BNU IDs must be provided on the cover page.
Each member of the group must submit the same document from their personal LSST Connect account.
Grade and feedback will not be allocated for any non-submissions from the group members.
The slide deck of the group presentation and a group log must be provided in the appendices section of
the report.

Assignment task

Working in small teams to develop a 10-minute group presentation for a new brand extension, you will then
need to submit a group co-authored 1000-word report explaining the new brand extension and justifying
why it will be successful.
A group log detailing individual contribution and a copy of the slide deck must be uploaded in the
appendix of the report submitted to Turnitin via LSST Connect.
As a team you need to select an existing brand (you may choose one of the brands from the CW1
assignment or a brand of your own preference) and develop an idea for a new brand extension e.g. Dove
toothpaste. This is partly a creative exercise, but it must be based on thorough research into:

Internal approval: Anh Nghiem, 21/08/2022

1. The current values of the brand being extended.
2. The potential target market for the brand extension.

This will involve academic research, secondary research and competitor research in store. It may
also involve small scale primary research to establish whether your new brand extension finds
acceptance with your chosen target market. However, for this assignment, marks will be awarded for the
results of the primary research, not a full description of the process of carrying it out.
Conducting the Research
1. Academic Reading
You need to ensure that you have read, at the very least, chapters 6, 9 and 10 in Brassington and
Pettitt’s “Essentials of Marketing” and the BB source materials available on Kapferer’s Brand Identity
Prism in Keylinks.
Also use WARC to find articles on (or related to) the topic of brand extensions – for example

• WARC June 2016: How to extend a brand

• WARC News 23 January 2013 “Brand extensions favoured by shoppers”
• WARC Case Study :John Lewis Insurance: The power of true brand extension marketing, IPA
Effectiveness Awards, 2016
• D. Aaker (1990) Brand Extensions: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2. Secondary Research
You will need to make reference to appropriate Mintel reports as well as the company’s website
and press articles about the existing brand. You should also try to find information about the
brand’s values and existing target market. Additionally you will need to research current issues in
the marketing environment (PESTEL analysis) that potentially could impact on your new product

3. Competitor Research
You will need to look at the existing products in the new suggested market to ensure that your new
brand could compete effectively (e.g. with Dove toothpaste you will need to consider Colgate and

10 minute Group Presentation - 30% Weighting.

A 10-minute PowerPoint presentation with an additional 5 minute Q &A session.
The presentation needs to cover the following points

• Background on the chosen brand include useful data such as market share, market size and trends
in sales.
• Coverage of the existing brand values supported with use of visual examples, eg advertising
campaigns, company’s web site, sponsorship activities etc.

• A brief explanation of the new brand extension product with reference to what growth strategy the
brand is adopting. (Ansoff).
• Clear identification of the proposed target market for the new brand extension (include any primary
data results if undertaken).
• Any key trends and PESTEL issues that have influenced your choice of brand extension idea.

• A comparative analysis of your suggested brand extension with any key competition identified in
the new market sector.
• A Visual Image of the Brand Extension showing brand name, packaging design and logo. You also
need to consider how your brand extension will be distinct from competing products.

Group Report -70% Weighting

The report is a supporting document to the materials presented above and you need to include a sound
academic framework to the discussion.
We suggest that you adhere to the following headings for your reports:
Executive Summary
THIS IS WRITTEN LAST (because it is a summary of your research) BUT IT APPEARS FIRST (even before
the contents page), in order to catch the attention of the reader and encourage them to read further. It should
cover in one page or less:

• The aims of the report,

• The methods of research,
• The results (top-line summary only),
• Conclusions.

Contents Page (Use the feature in Word to do this automatically).

This should be quite brief. It should include the aims of the report and some background on the chosen
brand. Include useful data such as market share, market size and trends in sales, which you can find from
the most recent Mintel reports and in the trade press.
A simple statement of how the research was carried out. This is particularly important in terms of competitor
research, observational research, or primary research if you included it. Ideally you should critique whether
your data is sufficient to justify your conclusions.
It is suggested that you use sub-headings to make your report easier to follow. You could adopt the following

• Existing brand and Brand Values -coverage to include key academic definitions explaining what is
a brand, the concept of a brand extension and a detailed examination of one academic model on
branding. (i.e. Kapferer’s Brand Identity Prism).

• Description of the Target Market – a detailed description of the TA for the new brand extension
supported by reference to secondary sources e.g. Mintel and TGI supported by academic coverage
of STP marketing planning process.

• Analysis of the New Market, Including Trends – PESTLE analysis and Ansoff’s Grid in the
discussion of the growth strategy adopted.

• An Explanation of the New Product (Tauber’s Brand Extension Options, product packaging, the
choice of a brand name and brand positioning).

• Competition – a comparative analysis of your suggested brand extension with any competition
identified in the new market sector (this should be tabulated).

You should try to put relevant raw data in the appendices and just include a summary in the body of the
report. Every time you state a fact e.g. market size, price data, sales etc. you must provide a referenced
source for that fact (both in the text and in the reference list). All tables and graphs should have the source
written directly underneath.
This is where you provide some element of evaluation of your research findings. Do you think your brand
extension will be successful? Why/Why not?
Reference List
This should be listed alphabetically by Surname and should follow the rules of Harvard Referencing
More than 10 references is the standard to aim for in the report and from a variety of sources suitable for
use in H.E. to include the use of academic text.
Use the appendices to display any raw research data, such as pricing data.
A group log of individual contribution to the task and a copy of the slide deck must also be

Style Issues

• You may not write in first person – using I, me or my.

• Your report should be written in a formal business-like manner.
You may include tables and photographs in the body of the report, but they must all include the source
(below and to the right) and title (to the left and above).

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your
achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO 2 Demonstrate knowledge of STP marketing planning process.

LO 3 Identify the key components of the marketing environment.

LO 4 Identify research requirements to begin to solve a business/marketing problem in a company.

Referencing and presentational requirements

Please reference your work according to the Harvard style as defined in Cite Them Right Online
( This information is also available in book form: Pears, R. and
Shields, G. (2019) Cite them right: the essential reference guide. 11th edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Macmillan. Copies are available via the University library.

• Use of a coversheet for the report is required to include student number, word count and title of
the assignment.

Submission details

This assignment should be submitted electronically using the relevant submission point in
the Upload My Assignment section on LSST Connect.
• Please also note that work that is submitted up to 10 working days beyond the submission date will
be considered a late submission. Late submissions will be marked and the actual mark recorded
but will be capped at the pass mark (typically 40%), provided that the work is of a passing standard.
Work submitted after this period will not be marked and will be treated as a non-submission.
• Please ensure that your work has been saved in an appropriate file format. Turnitin will only accept
the following file types: Microsoft Word and PDF. Your file must also contain at least 20 words of
text, consist of fewer than 400 pages and be less than 40MB in size.
• You can submit your work as many times as you like before the submission date. If you do submit
your work more than once, your earlier submission will be replaced by the most recent version.
• Once you have submitted your work, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission, which
will be sent to your LSST email address. Please keep this receipt for future reference, along with
the original electronic copy of your assignment.

Academic integrity

Academic integrity means taking responsibility for your own work.

When you submit an assignment, you are effectively making a declaration that it is your own work and that
you have acknowledged the contribution of others and their ideas in its development (for example, by
referencing them appropriately).
For further information and guidance, please see the University website:

You are also expected to take responsibility for maintaining and managing confidentiality issues in your
work. You should maintain and respect confidentiality in relation to the protection of personal, technical
and/or commercial information of a sensitive nature in their assessed work, whatever the format.
Confidentiality issues will vary from subject to subject and you are encouraged to seek advice from your
course team if you are unclear about requirements in your context. For further information and guidance,
please see the University website:

Assessment Criteria: Academic Year 2022-23

Presentation Weighted 30 %
0-34 (F) – 35-39 E – 40-49 (D) 50-59 (C) 60-69 (B) 70-79 (A) 80-100 (A+)
Fail Marginal fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Not successful Below required Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent Outstanding
Knowledge and Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates
understanding 20% a limited and/or insufficient a basic a sound breadth a refined a highly an exceptional
This should include evidence substantially understanding of understanding of and depth of understanding of accomplished understanding of
of: inaccurate or no the underlying the underlying understanding of the the underlying understanding of the underlying
• Application of either understanding of concepts and concepts and underlying concepts concepts and the underlying concepts and
Kapferer’s or Keller’s the underlying principles principles and principles principles concepts and principles
models to examine the concepts and associated with STP associated with STP associated with STP associated with STP principles associated with STP
current brand. principles marketing and marketing and marketing and marketing and associated with STP marketing and
• Segmentation, Targeting, associated with STP brand extension as brand extension as brand extension as brand extension as marketing and brand extension as
Positioning (STP marketing or brand a growth strategy. a growth strategy. a growth strategy. a growth strategy. brand extension as a growth strategy.
marketing) extension as a There is insufficient There is sufficient There is a sound There is a a growth strategy. There is an
• Growth strategy -Ansoff’s growth strategy. demonstration of demonstration of demonstration of the sophisticated There is a highly exceptional
grid There is little or no the ability to identify the ability to identify ability to identify demonstration of accomplished demonstration of
• Tauber Brand extension demonstration of principles and principles and principles and the ability to identify demonstration of the ability to identify
typology applied to brand the ability to identify concepts underlying concepts underlying concepts underlying principles and the ability to identify principles and
extension idea principles and theoretical theoretical theoretical concepts underlying principles and concepts underlying
concepts underlying frameworks and frameworks and frameworks and theoretical concepts underlying theoretical
theoretical approaches approaches. approaches. frameworks and theoretical frameworks and
frameworks and approaches. frameworks and approaches.
approaches. approaches.

Research skills There is little or no There is limited Evidence of reading Wider reading is Wider reading Application of wider Application of
20%. evidence of reading evidence of reading largely restricted to largely limited to shows a range of independent extensive
This should include evidence of the core of the core core texts and only core texts but has sources being used reading is fully independent
of: academic texts or academic texts or partially integrated. clearly enhanced and applied, some evident in the work. reading is evident
the utilisation of key the utilisation of key Some utilisation of the work. of which are Effective reference throughout the
• Background on chosen secondary sources secondary sources. recommended key Utilisation of key independently to key academic work.
brand eg market share, Wider reading lacks secondary sources. secondary sources selected. texts and the Highly effective
relevance. noted. utilisation of key reference to key

market size and trends in There is little or no Wider reading is Wider reading is Reference to key secondary sources academic texts and
sales evidence of wider relevant but limited relevant and only academic texts and noted. the utilisation of key
• Engagement with relevant reading. Very limited and only partially partially integrated. the utilisation of key Wider reading is secondary sources
academic text . utilisation of integrated. secondary sources relevant and fully noted.
• Use of evidence (for There is little or no observational Good utilisation of noted. integrated. Wider reading is
example TGI, Mintel, evidence of pricing research and Satisfactory observational Wider reading is relevant and fully
Corporate websites, news observational primary results in utilisation of pricing research and relevant and Excellent utilisation integrated.
media. pricing research and support of feasibility observational primary results in integrated. of observational
• Additionally, observational primary results in of brand extension pricing research and support of feasibility pricing research and Outstanding
pricing research and support of feasibility idea primary results in of brand extension Very good utilisation primary results in utilisation of
primary results in support of brand extension support of feasibility idea of observational support of feasibility observational
of feasibility of brand idea of brand extension pricing research and of brand extension pricing research and
extension idea. idea primary results in idea primary results in
support of feasibility support of feasibility
of brand extension of brand extension
idea idea

Analysis and Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates
Criticality 20% a limited or no an insufficient ability a sufficient ability to well-developed lines well-developed lines highly accomplished exceptionally
ability to develop to develop lines of develop lines of of argument and of argument and development of accomplished
This should include evidence lines of argument argument and make argument and make sound judgements sophisticated lines of argument development of
of: and make some sound largely sound made in accordance judgements made in and independent lines of argument as
• Current market trends for judgements in judgements in judgements in with fundamental accordance with judgements made in well as
new product category accordance with accordance with accordance with theories and fundamental accordance with sophisticated and
• A PESTLE analysis of any basic theories and basic theories and fundamental concepts, evidenced theories and fundamental independent
issues affecting the concepts, concepts, theories and by: concepts, theories and judgements made in
market for the brand evidenced by: evidenced by: concepts, • good use of ideas evidenced by: concepts, accordance with
extension • little or no • insufficient evidenced by: and techniques to • very good use of evidenced by: fundamental
• Competitive analysis – demonstration of an demonstration of • sufficient use of draw comparisons ideas and • excellent use of theories and
perceptual map and ability to analyse the the ability to analyse ideas and on the key PESTEL techniques to draw ideas and concepts,
pricing detail. key PESTEL issues the key PESTEL techniques to draw issues affecting the comparisons on the techniques to draw evidenced by:
affecting the market issues affecting the comparisons on the market for the new key PESTEL issues comparisons on the • exceptional use of
for the new brand market for the new key PESTEL issues brand extension or affecting the market key PESTEL issues ideas and
extension or brand extension or affecting the market identification and for the new brand affecting the market techniques to draw
identification and identification and for the new brand analysis of the key extension or for the new brand comparisons on
analysis of the key analysis of the key extension or competition in the identification and extension or the key PESTEL
competition in the competition in the identification and new market sector. analysis of the key identification and issues affecting the
new market sector. new market sector. analysis of the key competition in the analysis of the key market for the new
competition in the • use of a sound new market sector. competition in the brand extension or
• little or no use of new market sector. range of relevant new market sector. identification and
relevant and • there is some and appropriate analysis of the key
appropriate sources limited evidence of sources to support • use of a • use of a highly competition in the
the ability to select arguments some of sophisticated range accomplished range new market sector.

to support evaluate and • use of a sufficient which independently of relevant and of relevant and
arguments. comment on a range of relevant selected appropriate sources appropriate sources • use of an
limited range of and appropriate to support to support exceptional range of
relevant and sources to support arguments some of arguments many of relevant and
appropriate sources arguments, some of which are which are appropriate sources
to support which are independently independently to support
arguments independently selected selected arguments many of
selected which are
Transferable skills. Demonstrates Demonstrates an Demonstrates a Demonstrates Demonstrates high Demonstrates highly Demonstrates
Presentation skills 30% limited or no ability in insufficient ability in sufficient ability in consistent and proficient ability in accomplished ability exceptional ability in
verbal verbal verbal confident ability in verbal in verbal verbal
This should include evidence communication is communication communication verbal communication communication communication
of: unclear (pace, pitch, (pace, pitch, clarity (pace, pitch, clarity communication (pace, pitch, clarity (pace, pitch, clarity (pace, pitch, clarity
• Clear presentation clarity and and enthusiasm) and enthusiasm) (pace, pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and enthusiasm) and enthusiasm)
materials/consistency of enthusiasm) and no and insufficient and basic and enthusiasm) and sophisticated and sophisticated and sophisticated
visuals attempt in presentation design presentation design and presentation presentation design presentation design presentation design
presentation design with no structure and with some attempt to design with some with clear structure with clear structure with clear structure
• Professional presentation with no structure and no attempt to provide structure structure and and support well and support with and support with
skills- fluency of materials no attempt to support with visual and may/may not attempt to support with visual aids. excellent visual aids. outstanding visual
presented support with visual aids, all texts. support with visual with visual aids. aids.
• Audience engagement aids, all texts. aids.
Demonstrates high Demonstrates highly Demonstrates
• Delivery of PowerPoint Minor issues noted proficient ability in accomplished ability exceptional ability in
presentation within 10- Major issues with with punctuality, Demonstrates a Demonstrates punctuality, time- in punctuality, time- punctuality, time-
minute period (+/- a punctuality, time- time-management sufficient ability in consistent and management and a management and an management and an
minute) management and a and a somewhat punctuality, time- confident ability in very good ability to excellent ability to outstanding ability to
confused response confused response management and a punctuality, time- respond and handle respond and handle respond and handle
• A cohesive group effort to questions asked. to questions asked. satisfactory ability to management and a questions asked. questions asked. questions asked.
• Good response in the Q respond and handle good ability to
and A session. Work demonstrates Work demonstrates questions respond and handle Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates
limited or no ability an insufficient ability reasonably. questions a very good ability an excellent ability an outstanding
to work effectively to work effectively . reasonably. to work effectively to work effectively ability to work
with others in with others in with others in with others in effectively with
relation to a team relation to a team Work demonstrates Work demonstrates relation to a team relation to a team others in relation to
effort. effort a sufficient ability to a good ability to effort effort a team effort
work effectively with work effectively with
others in relation to a others in relation to
team effort a team effort
Application and practice. No visual included An insufficient ability Satisfactory range Good range of Very good range of Excellent Outstanding range
10% or a limited ability to to use a range of of creative creative range of of
This should include evidence use a range of creative creative and/or artistic skills and/or artistic skills creative creative
of: creative and/or artistic skills and/or artistic skills noted in the visual noted in the visual and/or artistic skills and/or artistic skills
noted in the visual noted in the visual noted in the visual noted in the visual

• A visual of the new brand and/or artistic skills of the brand of the brand of the brand of the brand of the brand of the brand
extension, including its noted in the visual extension product extension product extension product extension product extension product extension product
packaging design and of the brand
logo (appropriate for extension product
parent brand)
• Consideration of how your
brand extension will be
distinct from competing
products in the sector

Assessment Criteria: Academic Year 2022-23

Report Weighted 70 %
Fail Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
0-34 (F) – 35-39 E – 40-49 (D) 50-59 (C) 60-69 (B) 70-79 (A) 80-100 (A+)
Fail Marginal fail
Not successful Below required Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent Outstanding
Research 20% There is little or no There is limited Evidence of reading Wider reading is Wider reading Application of wider Application of
This should include evidence of reading evidence of reading largely restricted to largely limited to shows a range of independent reading extensive
evidence of: of the core academic of the core academic core texts and only core texts but has sources being used is fully evident in the independent reading
texts or the texts or the partially integrated. clearly enhanced the and applied, some of work. is evident throughout
• Background on utilisation of key utilisation of key Some utilisation of work. which are Effective reference the work.
chosen brand eg secondary sources secondary sources. recommended key Utilisation of key independently to key academic Highly effective
market share, There is little or no Wider reading lacks secondary sources. secondary sources selected. texts and the reference to key
market size and evidence of wider relevance. Wider reading is noted. Reference to key utilisation of key academic texts and
trends in sales reading. relevant but limited Wider reading is academic texts and secondary sources the utilisation of key
• Engagement with and only partially relevant and only the utilisation of key noted. secondary sources
relevant academic There is little or no Very limited integrated. partially integrated. secondary sources Wider reading is noted.
text . evidence of utilisation of noted. relevant and fully Wider reading is
• Use of evidence (for observational pricing observational pricing Good utilisation of Wider reading is integrated. relevant and fully
example, Mintel, research and research and Satisfactory observational pricing relevant and integrated.
TGI Corporate primary results in primary results in utilisation of research and integrated. Excellent utilisation
websites, news support of feasibility support of feasibility observational pricing primary results in of observational Outstanding
media. of brand extension of brand extension research and support of feasibility Very good utilisation pricing research and utilisation of
• Additionally, idea idea primary results in of brand extension of observational primary results in observational pricing
observational support of feasibility idea pricing research and support of feasibility research and
pricing research of brand extension primary results in of brand extension primary results in
and primary results idea support of feasibility idea support of feasibility
in support of of brand extension of brand extension
feasibility of brand idea idea
extension idea.

Knowledge and Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates
understanding 30% a limited and/or insufficient a basic a sound breadth and a refined a highly an exceptional
substantially understanding of the understanding of the depth of understanding of the accomplished understanding of the
This should include inaccurate or no underlying concepts underlying concepts understanding of the underlying concepts understanding of the underlying concepts
evidence of: understanding of the and principles and principles underlying concepts and principles underlying concepts and principles
• Application of either underlying concepts associated with STP associated with STP and principles associated with STP and principles associated with STP
Kapferer’s or and principles marketing, branding, marketing, branding, associated with STP marketing, branding, associated with STP marketing, branding,
Keller’s models to associated with STP and brand extension and brand extension marketing, branding, and brand extension marketing, branding, and brand extension
examine the current marketing, branding, strategies. strategies. and brand extension strategies. and brand extension strategies.
brand. and brand extension There is insufficient There is sufficient strategies. There is a strategies. There is an
• Growth strategy - strategies. demonstration of the demonstration of the There is a sound sophisticated There is a highly exceptional
Ansoff’s grid There is little or no ability to identify ability to identify demonstration of the demonstration of the accomplished demonstration of the
• Tauber Brand demonstration of the principles and principles and ability to identify ability to identify demonstration of the ability to identify
extension typology ability to identify concepts underlying concepts underlying principles and principles and ability to identify principles and
applied to brand principles and theoretical theoretical concepts underlying concepts underlying principles and concepts underlying
extension idea concepts underlying frameworks and frameworks and theoretical theoretical concepts underlying theoretical
theoretical approaches approaches. frameworks and frameworks and theoretical frameworks and
frameworks and approaches. approaches. frameworks and approaches.
approaches. approaches.

Analysis 20% Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates Work demonstrates
This should include a limited or no ability an insufficient ability a sufficient ability to well-developed lines well-developed lines highly accomplished exceptionally
evidence of: to develop lines of to develop lines of develop lines of of argument and of argument and development of lines accomplished
• New Market argument and make argument and make argument and make sound judgements sophisticated of argument and development of lines
trends/PESTLE judgements in some sound largely sound made in accordance judgements made in independent of argument as well
Analysis 10% accordance with judgements in judgements in with fundamental accordance with judgements made in as sophisticated and
basic theories and accordance with accordance with theories and fundamental accordance with independent
• Competitor concepts, evidenced basic theories and fundamental concepts, evidenced theories and fundamental judgements made in
Analysis by: concepts, evidenced theories and by: concepts, evidenced theories and accordance with
(include in a by: concepts, evidenced by: concepts, evidenced fundamental
tabulated • little or no by: • good use of ideas by: theories and
format) 10% demonstration of an • insufficient and techniques to • very good use of concepts, evidenced
ability to draw demonstration of the • sufficient use of draw meaningful ideas and • excellent use of by:
meaningful insights ability to draw ideas and insights in to key techniques to draw ideas and
in to key PESTEL meaningful insights techniques to draw PESTEL issues that meaningful insights techniques to draw • exceptional use of
issues that in to key PESTEL meaningful insights influenced the in to key PESTEL meaningful insights ideas and
influenced the issues that in to key PESTEL choice of the brand issues that in to key PESTEL techniques to draw
choice of the brand influenced the issues that extension product. influenced the issues that meaningful insights
extension product. choice of the brand influenced the choice of the brand influenced the in to key PESTEL
extension product. choice of the brand extension product. choice of the brand issues that
extension product. • use of a sound extension product. influenced the
range of relevant choice of the brand
• little or no use of • there is some • use of a sufficient and appropriate extension product.
relevant and limited evidence of range of relevant sources to support • use of a • use of a highly
appropriate sources the ability to select and appropriate the analysis of the sophisticated range accomplished range

to support the evaluate and sources to support key competitors in of relevant and of relevant and • use of an
analysis of the key comment on a the analysis of the the new market appropriate sources appropriate sources exceptional range of
competitors in the limited range of key competitors in sector for the brand to support the to support the relevant and
new market sector relevant and the new market extension analysis of the key analysis of the key appropriate sources
for the brand appropriate sources sector for the brand competitors in the competitors in the to support the
extension. to support the extension new market sector new market sector analysis of the key
analysis of the key for the brand for the brand competitors in the
. competitors in the extension some of extension many of new market sector
new market sector which are which are for the brand
for the brand independently independently extension many of
extension. selected selected which are

Transferable skills No evidence of any Weak editing in the Satisfactory editing Good editing in the Very good editing in Excellent editing in Outstanding editing
Literary skills 10% attempt to edit the final report. in the final report. final report. the final report. the final report. in the final report.
This should include report into a Major problems with Consistent problems Minor problems with Very good literacy Excellent literacy Outstanding literacy
evidence of: cohesive document. literacy skills with literacy skills. literacy skills. skills demonstrated. skills demonstrated. skills demonstrated.
• Accurate spelling, Poor literacy skills.
punctuation and
• Completing all the
assignment tasks
• Appropriate
language use
• Appropriate report
writing conventions

Transferable skills No attempt at Major errors noted in Parts of work Mostly adheres to Very good Excellent adherence Perfect or almost
Referencing 10% referencing the application of the adheres to rules of rules of Harvard adherence to rules to rules of Harvard perfect adherence to
This should include rules of Harvard Harvard referencing referencing in text of Harvard referencing in text rules of Harvard
evidence of: referencing missing missing or and in reference list. referencing in text and in reference list. Referencing in text
• Use of Harvard or inaccurate inaccurate reference and in reference list. and in reference list.
referencing in text reference list. list. .
and on the
reference list.

Transferable skills No group log Very limited Some evidence Evidence included of Evidence included of Evidence included of Evidence included of
Group work 10% submitted. evidence included of included of efficient efficient team work efficient team work efficient team work efficient team work
This should include efficient team work team work as as demonstrated by as demonstrated by as demonstrated by as demonstrated by
evidence of: as demonstrated by demonstrated by a a good level of detail a very good level of an excellent level of an outstanding level
• Group log minimal detail of satisfactory level of of individual detail of individual detail of individual of detail of individual
included in individual detail of individual contribution in the contribution in the contribution in the contribution in the
group log. group log. group log. group log.

the contribution in the contribution in the
appendix. group log. group log.


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