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1. katarungang pambarangay CHAPTER VIIKatarungang Pambarangay Section 399. Lupong Tagapamayapa. !a" T#ere i$ #ereby create% in eac# barangay a &upong tagapamayapa' #ereina(ter re(erre% to a$ t#e &upon' compo$e% o( t#e punong barangay' a$ c#airman an% ten !1)" to t*enty !+)" member$. T#e &upon $#a&& be con$titute% e,ery t#ree !3" year$ in t#e manner pro,i%e% #erein. !b" Any per$on actua&&y re$i%ing or *orking' in t#e barangay' not ot#er*i$e e-pre$$&y %i$.ua&i(ie% by &a*' an% po$$e$$ing integrity' impartia&ity' in%epen%ence o( min%' $en$e o( (airne$$' an% reputation (or probity' may be appointe% a member o( t#e &upon. !c" A notice to con$titute t#e &upon' *#ic# $#a&& inc&u%e t#e name$ o( propo$e% member$ *#o #a,e e-pre$$e% t#eir *i&&ingne$$ to $er,e' $#a&& be prepare% by t#e punong barangay *it#in t#e (ir$t (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom t#e $tart o( #i$ term o( o((ice. Suc# notice $#a&& be po$te% in t#ree !3" con$picuou$ p&ace$ in t#e barangay continuou$&y (or a perio% o( not &e$$ t#an t#ree !3" *eek$0 !%" T#e punong barangay' taking into con$i%eration any oppo$ition to t#e propo$e% appointment or any recommen%ation$ (or appointment a$ may #a,e been ma%e *it#in t#e perio% o( po$ting' $#a&& *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ t#erea(ter' appoint a$ member$ t#o$e *#om #e %etermine$ to be $uitab&e t#ere(or. Appointment$ $#a&& be in *riting' $igne% by t#e punong barangay' an% atte$te% to by t#e barangay $ecretary. !e" T#e &i$t o( appointe% member$ $#a&& be po$te% in t#ree !3" con$picuou$ p&ace$ in t#e barangay (or t#e entire %uration o( t#eir term o( o((ice0 an% !(" In barangay$ *#ere ma1ority o( t#e in#abitant$ are member$ o( in%igenou$ cu&tura& communitie$' &oca& $y$tem$ o( $ett&ing %i$pute$ t#roug# t#eir counci&$ o( %atu$ or e&%er$ $#a&& be recogni2e% *it#out pre1u%ice to t#e app&icab&e pro,i$ion$ o( t#i$ Co%e. Section 3)). Oath and Term of Office. 4pon appointment' eac# &upon member $#a&& take an oat# o( o((ice be(ore t#e punong barangay. He $#a&& #o&% o((ice unti& a ne* &upon i$ con$titute% on t#e t#ir% year (o&&o*ing #i$

appointment un&e$$ $ooner terminate% by re$ignation' tran$(er o( re$i%ence or p&ace o( *ork' or *it#%ra*a& o( appointment by t#e punong barangay *it# t#e concurrence o( t#e ma1ority o( a&& t#e member$ o( t#e &upon. Section 3)1. Vacancies. S#ou&% a ,acancy occur in t#e &upon (or any cau$e' t#e punong barangay $#a&& imme%iate&y appoint a .ua&i(ie% per$on *#o $#a&& #o&% o((ice on&y (or t#e une-pire% portion o( t#e term. Section 3)+. Functions of the Lupon. T#e &upon $#a&&5 !a" E-erci$e a%mini$trati,e $uper,i$ion o,er t#e conci&iation pane&$ pro,i%e% #erein0 !b" 6eet regu&ar&y once a mont# to pro,i%e a (orum (or e-c#ange o( i%ea$ among it$ member$ an% t#e pub&ic on matter$ re&e,ant to t#e amicab&e $ett&ement o( %i$pute$' an% to enab&e ,ariou$ conci&iation pane& member$ to $#are *it# one anot#er t#eir ob$er,ation$ an% e-perience$ in e((ecting $pee%y re$o&ution o( %i$pute$0 an% !c" E-erci$e $uc# ot#er po*er$ an% per(orm $uc# ot#er %utie$ an% (unction$ a$ may be pre$cribe% by &a* or or%inance. Section 3)3. Secretary of the Lupon. T#e barangay $ecretary $#a&& concurrent&y $er,e a$ t#e $ecretary o( t#e &upon. He $#a&& recor% t#e re$u&t$ o( me%iation procee%ing$ be(ore t#e punong barangay an% $#a&& $ubmit a report t#ereon to t#e proper city or municipa& court$. He $#a&& a&$o recei,e an% keep t#e recor%$ o( procee%ing$ $ubmitte% to #im by t#e ,ariou$ conci&iation pane&$. Section 3)3. Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo. !a" T#ere $#a&& be con$titute% (or eac# %i$pute broug#t be(ore t#e &upon a conci&iation pane& to be kno*n a$ t#e pangkat ng tagapagka$un%o' #ereina(ter re(erre% to a$ t#e pangkat' con$i$ting o( t#ree !3" member$ *#o $#a&& be c#o$en by t#e partie$ to t#e %i$pute (rom t#e &i$t o( member$ o( t#e &upon. S#ou&% t#e partie$ (ai& to agree on t#e pangkat member$#ip' t#e $ame $#a&& be %etermine% by &ot$ %ra*n by t#e &upon c#airman. !b" T#e t#ree !3" member$ con$tituting t#e pangkat $#a&& e&ect (rom among

t#em$e&,e$ t#e c#airman an% t#e $ecretary. T#e $ecretary $#a&& prepare t#e minute$ o( t#e pangkat procee%ing$ an% $ubmit a copy %u&y atte$te% to by t#e c#airman to t#e &upon $ecretary an% to t#e proper city or municipa& court. He $#a&& i$$ue an% cau$e to be $er,e% notice$ to t#e partie$ concerne%. T#e &upon $ecretary $#a&& i$$ue certi(ie% true copie$ o( any pub&ic recor% in #i$ cu$to%y t#at i$ not by &a* ot#er*i$e %ec&are% con(i%entia&. Section 3)/. Vacancies in the Pangkat. Any ,acancy in t#e pangkat $#a&& be c#o$en by t#e partie$ to t#e %i$pute (rom among t#e ot#er &upon member$. S#ou&% t#e partie$ (ai& to agree on a common c#oice' t#e ,acancy $#a&& be (i&&e% by &ot to be %ra*n by t#e &upon c#airman. Section 3)7. Character of Office and Service of Lupon Members. !a" T#e &upon member$' *#i&e in t#e per(ormance o( t#eir o((icia& %utie$ or on t#e occa$ion t#ereo(' $#a&& be %eeme% a$ per$on$ in aut#ority' a$ %e(ine% in t#e Re,i$e% Pena& Co%e. !b" T#e &upon or pangkat member$ $#a&& $er,e *it#out compen$ation' e-cept a$ pro,i%e% (or in Section 393 an% *it#out pre1u%ice to incenti,e$ a$ pro,i%e% (or in t#i$ Section an% in 8ook IV o( t#i$ Co%e. T#e 9epartment o( t#e Interior an% :oca& ;o,ernment $#a&& pro,i%e (or a $y$tem o( granting economic or ot#er incenti,e$ to t#e &upon or pangkat member$ *#o a%e.uate&y %emon$trate t#e abi&ity to 1u%iciou$&y an% e-pe%itiou$&y re$o&,e ca$e$ re(erre% to t#em. <#i&e in t#e per(ormance o( t#eir %utie$' t#e &upon or pangkat member$' *#et#er in pub&ic or pri,ate emp&oyment' $#a&& be %eeme% to be on o((icia& time' an% $#a&& not $u((er (rom any %iminution in compen$ation or a&&o*ance (rom $ai% emp&oyment by rea$on t#ereo(. Section 3)=. Lega !dvice on Matters "nvo ving #uestions of La$. T#e pro,incia&' city &ega& o((icer or pro$ecutor or t#e municipa& &ega& o((icer $#a&& ren%er &ega& a%,ice on matter$ in,o&,ing .ue$tion$ o( &a* to t#e punong barangay or any &upon or pangkat member *#ene,er nece$$ary in t#e e-erci$e o( #i$ (unction$ in t#e a%mini$tration o( t#e katarungang pambarangay. Section 3)>. Sub%ect Matter for !micab e Sett ement& '(ception Thereto. T#e &upon o( eac# barangay $#a&& #a,e aut#ority to bring toget#er t#e

partie$ actua&&y re$i%ing in t#e $ame city or municipa&ity (or amicab&e $ett&ement o( a&& %i$pute$ e-cept5 !a" <#ere one party i$ t#e go,ernment' or any $ub%i,i$ion or in$trumenta&ity t#ereo(0 !b" <#ere one party i$ a pub&ic o((icer or emp&oyee' an% t#e %i$pute re&ate$ to t#e per(ormance o( #i$ o((icia& (unction$0 !c" ?((en$e$ puni$#ab&e by impri$onment e-cee%ing one !1" year or a (ine e-cee%ing @i,e t#ou$an% pe$o$ !P/'))).))"0 !%" ?((en$e$ *#ere t#ere i$ no pri,ate o((en%e% party0 !e" <#ere t#e %i$pute in,o&,e$ rea& propertie$ &ocate% in %i((erent citie$ or municipa&itie$ un&e$$ t#e partie$ t#ereto agree to $ubmit t#eir %i((erence$ to amicab&e $ett&ement by an appropriate &upon0 !(" 9i$pute$ in,o&,ing partie$ *#o actua&&y re$i%e in barangay$ o( %i((erent citie$ or municipa&itie$' e-cept *#ere $uc# barangay unit$ a%1oin eac# ot#er an% t#e partie$ t#ereto agree to $ubmit t#eir %i((erence$ to amicab&e $ett&ement by an appropriate &upon0 !g" Suc# ot#er c&a$$e$ o( %i$pute$ *#ic# t#e Pre$i%ent may %etermine in t#e intere$t o( Au$tice or upon t#e recommen%ation o( t#e Secretary o( Au$tice. T#e court in *#ic# non crimina& ca$e$ not (a&&ing *it#in t#e aut#ority o( t#e &upon un%er t#i$ Co%e are (i&e% may' at any time be(ore tria& motu propio re(er t#e ca$e to t#e &upon concerne% (or amicab&e $ett&ement. Section 3)9. Venue. !a" 9i$pute$ bet*een per$on$ actua&&y re$i%ing in t#e $ame barangay $#a&& be broug#t (or amicab&e $ett&ement be(ore t#e &upon o( $ai% barangay. !b" T#o$e in,o&,ing actua& re$i%ent$ o( %i((erent barangay$ *it#in t#e $ame city or municipa&ity $#a&& be broug#t in t#e barangay *#ere t#e re$pon%ent or any o( t#e re$pon%ent$ actua&&y re$i%e$' at t#e e&ection o( t#e comp&aint. !c" A&& %i$pute$ in,o&,ing rea& property or any intere$t t#erein $#a&& be broug#t in t#e barangay *#ere t#e rea& property or t#e &arger portion t#ereo( i$ $ituate%.

!%" T#o$e ari$ing at t#e *orkp&ace *#ere t#e conten%ing partie$ are emp&oye% or at t#e in$titution *#ere $uc# partie$ are enro&&e% (or $tu%y' $#a&& be broug#t in t#e barangay *#ere $uc# *orkp&ace or in$titution i$ &ocate%. ?b1ection$ to ,enue $#a&& be rai$e% in t#e me%iation procee%ing$ be(ore t#e punong barangay0 ot#er*i$e' t#e $ame $#a&& be %eeme% *ai,e%. Any &ega& .ue$tion *#ic# may con(ront t#e punong barangay in re$o&,ing ob1ection$ to ,enue #erein re(erre% to may be $ubmitte% to t#e Secretary o( Au$tice' or #i$ %u&y %e$ignate% repre$entati,e' *#o$e ru&ing t#ereon $#a&& be bin%ing. Section 31). Procedure for !micab e Sett ement. !a" <#o may initiate procee%ing 4pon payment o( t#e appropriate (i&ing (ee' any in%i,i%ua& *#o #a$ a cau$e o( action again$t anot#er in%i,i%ua& in,o&,ing any matter *it#in t#e aut#ority o( t#e &upon may comp&ain' ora&&y or in *riting' to t#e &upon c#airman o( t#e barangay. !b" 6e%iation by &upon c#airman 4pon receipt o( t#e comp&aint' t#e &upon c#airman $#a&& *it#in t#e ne-t *orking %ay $ummon t#e re$pon%ent!$"' *it# notice to t#e comp&ainant!$" (or t#em an% t#eir *itne$$e$ to appear be(ore #im (or a me%iation o( t#eir con(&icting intere$t$. I( #e (ai&$ in #i$ me%iation e((ort *it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom t#e (ir$t meeting o( t#e partie$ be(ore #im' #e $#a&& (ort#*it# $et a %ate (or t#e con$titution o( t#e pangkat in accor%ance *it# t#e pro,i$ion$ o( t#i$ C#apter. !c" Su$pen$ion o( pre$cripti,e perio% o( o((en$e$ <#i&e t#e %i$pute i$ un%er me%iation' conci&iation' or arbitration' t#e pre$cripti,e perio%$ (or o((en$e$ an% cau$e o( action un%er e-i$ting &a*$ $#a&& be interrupte% upon (i&ing t#e comp&aint *it# t#e punong barangay. T#e pre$cripti,e perio%$ $#a&& re$ume upon receipt by t#e comp&ainant o( t#e comp&ainant or t#e certi(icate o( repu%iation or o( t#e certi(ication to (i&e action i$$ue% by t#e &upon or pangkat $ecretary5 Pro,i%e%' #o*e,er' T#at $uc# interruption $#a&& not e-cee% $i-ty !7)" %ay$ (rom t#e (i&ing o( t#e comp&aint *it# t#e punong barangay. !%" I$$uance o( $ummon$0 #earing0 groun%$ (or %i$.ua&i(ication T#e pangkat $#a&& con,ene not &ater t#an t#ree !3" %ay$ (rom it$ con$titution' on t#e %ay an% #our $et by t#e &upon c#airman' to #ear bot# partie$ an% t#eir *itne$$e$' $imp&i(y i$$ue$' an% e-p&ore a&& po$$ibi&itie$ (or amicab&e $ett&ement. @or t#i$ purpo$e' t#e pangkat may i$$ue $ummon$ (or t#e

per$ona& appearance o( partie$ an% *itne$$e$ be(ore it. In t#e e,ent t#at a party mo,e$ to %i$.ua&i(y any member o( t#e pangkat by rea$on o( re&ation$#ip' bia$' intere$t' or any ot#er $imi&ar groun%$ %i$co,ere% a(ter t#e con$titution o( t#e pangkat' t#e matter $#a&& be re$o&,e% by t#e a((irmati,e ,ote o( t#e ma1ority o( t#e pangkat *#o$e %eci$ion $#a&& be (ina&. S#ou&% %i$.ua&i(ication be %eci%e% upon' t#e re$u&ting ,acancy $#a&& be (i&&e% a$ #erein pro,i%e% (or. !e" Perio% to arri,e at a $ett&ement T#e pangkat $#a&& arri,e at a $ett&ement or re$o&ution o( t#e %i$pute *it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom t#e %ay it con,ene$ in accor%ance *it# t#i$ $ection. T#i$ perio% $#a&&' at t#e %i$cretion o( t#e pangkat' be e-ten%ib&e (or anot#er perio% *#ic# $#a&& not e-cee% (i(teen !1/" %ay$' e-cept in c&ear&y meritoriou$ ca$e$. Section 311. Form of sett ement. A&& amicab&e $ett&ement$ $#a&& be in *riting' in a &anguage or %ia&ect kno*n to t#e partie$' $igne% by t#em' an% atte$te% to by t#e &upon c#airman or t#e pangkat c#airman' a$ t#e ca$e may be. <#en t#e partie$ to t#e %i$pute %o not u$e t#e $ame &anguage or %ia&ect' t#e $ett&ement $#a&& be *ritten in t#e &anguage kno*n to t#em. Section 31+. Conci iation. !a" Pre con%ition to @i&ing o( Comp&aint in Court. Bo comp&aint' petition' action' or procee%ing in,o&,ing any matter *it#in t#e aut#ority o( t#e &upon $#a&& be (i&e% or in$titute% %irect&y in court or any ot#er go,ernment o((ice (or a%1u%ication' un&e$$ t#ere #a$ been a con(rontation bet*een t#e partie$ be(ore t#e &upon c#airman or t#e pangkat' an% t#at no conci&iation or $ett&ement #a$ been reac#e% a$ certi(ie% by t#e &upon $ecretary or pangkat $ecretary a$ atte$te% to by t#e &upon or pangkat c#airman or un&e$$ t#e $ett&ement #a$ been repu%iate% by t#e partie$ t#ereto. !b" <#ere Partie$ 6ay ;o 9irect&y to Court. T#e partie$ may go %irect&y to court in t#e (o&&o*ing in$tance$5 !1" <#ere t#e accu$e% i$ un%er %etention0 !+" <#ere a per$on #a$ ot#er*i$e been %epri,e% o( per$ona& &iberty ca&&ing (or #abea$ corpu$ procee%ing$0 !3" <#ere action$ are coup&e% *it# pro,i$iona& reme%ie$ $uc# a$ pre&iminary in1unction' attac#ment' %e&i,ery o( per$ona& property an% $upport

pen%ente &ite0 an% !3" <#ere t#e action may ot#er*i$e be barre% by t#e $tatute o( &imitation$. !c" Conci&iation among member$ o( in%igenou$ cu&tura& communitie$. T#e cu$tom$ an% tra%ition$ o( in%igenou$ cu&tura& communitie$ $#a&& be app&ie% in $ett&ing %i$pute$ bet*een member$ o( t#e cu&tura& communitie$. Section 313. !rbitration. !a" T#e partie$ may' at any $tage o( t#e procee%ing$' agree in *riting t#at t#ey $#a&& abi%e by t#e arbitration a*ar% o( t#e &upon c#airman or t#e pangkat. Suc# agreement to arbitrate may be repu%iate% *it#in (i,e !/" %ay$ (rom t#e %ate t#ereo( (or t#e $ame groun%$ an% in accor%ance *it# t#e proce%ure #ereina(ter pre$cribe%. T#e arbitration a*ar% $#a&& be ma%e a(ter t#e &ap$e o( t#e perio% (or repu%iation an% *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ t#erea(ter. !b" T#e arbitration a*ar% $#a&& be in *riting in a &anguage or %ia&ect kno*n to t#e partie$. <#en t#e partie$ to t#e %i$pute %o not u$e t#e $ame &anguage or %ia&ect' t#e a*ar% $#a&& be *ritten in t#e &anguage or %ia&ect kno*n to t#em. Section 313. Proceedings Open to the Pub ic& '(ception. A&& procee%ing$ (or $ett&ement $#a&& be pub&ic an% in(orma&5 Pro,i%e%' #o*e,er' T#at t#e &upon c#airman or t#e pangkat c#airman' a$ t#e ca$e may be' may motu proprio or upon re.ue$t o( a party' e-c&u%e t#e pub&ic (rom t#e procee%ing$ in t#e intere$t o( pri,acy' %ecency' or pub&ic mora&$. Section 31/. !ppearance of Parties in Person. In a&& katarungang pambarangay procee%ing$' t#e partie$ mu$t appear in per$on *it#out t#e a$$i$tance o( coun$e& or repre$entati,e' e-cept (or minor$ an% incompetent$ *#o may be a$$i$te% by t#eir ne-t o( kin *#o are not &a*yer$. Section 317. 'ffect of !micab e Sett ement and !rbitration !$ard. T#e amicab&e $ett&ement an% arbitration a*ar% $#a&& #a,e t#e (orce an% e((ect o( a (ina& 1u%gment o( a court upon t#e e-piration o( ten !1)" %ay$ (rom t#e %ate t#ereo(' un&e$$ repu%iation o( t#e $ett&ement #a$ been ma%e or a petition to nu&&i(y t#e a*ar% #a$ been (i&e% be(ore t#e proper city or municipa& court. Ho*e,er' t#i$ pro,i$ion $#a&& not app&y to court ca$e$ $ett&e% by t#e &upon un%er t#e &a$t paragrap# o( Section 3)> o( t#i$ Co%e' in *#ic# ca$e t#e

compromi$e or t#e pangkat c#airman $#a&& be $ubmitte% to t#e court an% upon appro,a& t#ereo(' #a,e t#e (orce an% e((ect o( a 1u%gment o( $ai% court. Section 31=. '(ecution. T#e amicab&e $ett&ement or arbitration a*ar% may be en(orce% by e-ecution by t#e &upon *it#in $i- !7" mont#$ (rom t#e %ate o( t#e $ett&ement. A(ter t#e &ap$e o( $uc# time' t#e $ett&ement may be en(orce% by action in t#e appropriate city or municipa& court. Section 31>. )epudiation. Any party to t#e %i$pute may' *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ (rom t#e %ate o( t#e $ett&ement' repu%iate t#e $ame by (i&ing *it# t#e &upon c#airman a $tatement to t#at e((ect $*orn to be(ore #im' *#ere t#e con$ent i$ ,itiate% by (rau%' ,io&ence' or intimi%ation. Suc# repu%iation $#a&& be $u((icient ba$i$ (or t#e i$$uance o( t#e certi(ication (or (i&ing a comp&aint a$ #ereinabo,e pro,i%e%. Section 319. Transmitta of Sett ement and !rbitration. A*ar% to t#e Court. T#e $ecretary o( t#e &upon $#a&& tran$mit t#e $ett&ement or t#e arbitration a*ar% to t#e appropriate city or municipa& court *it#in (i,e !/" %ay$ (rom t#e %ate o( t#e a*ar% or (rom t#e &ap$e o( t#e ten %ay perio% repu%iating t#e $ett&ement an% $#a&& (urni$# copie$ t#ereo( to eac# o( t#e partie$ to t#e $ett&ement an% t#e &upon c#airman. Section 3+). Po$er to !dminister Oaths. T#e punong barangay' a$ c#airman o( t#e &upong tagapamayapa' an% t#e member$ o( t#e pangkat are #ereby aut#ori2e% to a%mini$ter oat#$ in connection *it# any matter re&ating to a&& procee%ing$ in t#e imp&ementation o( t#e katarungang pambarangay. Section 3+1. !dministration& )u es and )egu ations. T#e city or municipa& mayor' a$ t#e ca$e may be' $#a&& $ee to t#e e((icient an% e((ecti,e imp&ementation an% a%mini$tration o( t#e katarungang pambarangay. T#e Secretary o( Au$tice $#a&& promu&gate t#e ru&e$ an% regu&ation$ nece$$ary to imp&ement t#i$ C#apter. Section 3++. !ppropriations. Suc# amount a$ may be nece$$ary (or t#e e((ecti,e imp&ementation o( t#e katarungang pambarangay $#a&& be pro,i%e% (or in t#e annua& bu%get o( t#e city or municipa&ity concerne%.

+. Commencement o( Ci,i& Action in a Court o( :a* R4:E 1 ;enera& Pro,i$ion$ Section 1. Tit e of the )u es. C T#e$e Ru&e $#a&& be kno*n an% cite% a$ t#e Ru&e$ o( Court. !1" Section +. "n $hat courts app icab e. C T#e$e Ru&e$ $#a&& app&y in a&& t#e court$' e-cept a$ ot#er*i$e pro,i%e% by t#e Supreme Court. !n" Section 3. Cases governed. C T#e$e Ru&e$ $#a&& go,ern t#e proce%ure to be ob$er,e% in action$' ci,i& or crimina& an% $pecia& procee%ing$. !a" A ci,i& action i$ one by *#ic# a party $ue$ anot#er (or t#e en(orcement or protection o( a rig#t' or t#e pre,ention or re%re$$ o( a *rong' !1a' R+" A ci,i& action may eit#er be or%inary or $pecia&. 8ot# are go,erne% by t#e ru&e$ (or or%inary ci,i& action$' $ub1ect to t#e $peci(ic ru&e$ pre$cribe% (or a $pecia& ci,i& action. !n" !b" A crimina& action i$ one by *#ic# t#e State pro$ecute$ a per$on (or an act or omi$$ion puni$#ab&e by &a*. !n" !c" A $pecia& procee%ing i$ a reme%y by *#ic# a party $eek$ to e$tab&i$# a $tatu$' a rig#t' or a particu&ar (act. !+a' R+" Section 3. "n $hat case not app icab e. C T#e$e Ru&e$ $#a&& not app&y to e&ection ca$e$' &an% regi$tration' ca%a$tra&' natura&i2ation an% in$o&,ency procee%ing$' an% ot#er ca$e$ not #erein pro,i%e% (or' e-cept by ana&ogy or in a $upp&etory c#aracter an% *#ene,er practicab&e an% con,enient. !R133a" Section /. Commencement of action. C A ci,i& action i$ commence% by t#e (i&ing o( t#e origina& comp&aint in court. I( an a%%itiona& %e(en%ant i$ imp&ea%e% in a &ater p&ea%ing' t#e action i$ commence% *it# regar% to #im on t#e %ate% o( t#e (i&ing o( $uc# &ater p&ea%ing' irre$pecti,e o( *#et#er t#e motion (or it$ a%mi$$ion' i( nece$$ary' i$ %enie% by t#e court. !7a" Section 7. Construction. C T#e$e Ru&e$ $#a&& be &ibera&&y con$true% in or%er to promote t#eir ob1ecti,e o( $ecuring a 1u$t' $pee%y an% ine-pen$i,e

%i$po$ition o( e,ery action an% procee%ing. !+a"

R4:E + Cau$e o( Action Section 1. Ordinary civi actions' basis of. C E,ery or%inary ci,i& action mu$t be ba$e% on a cau$e o( action. !n" Section +. Cause of action' defined. C A cau$e o( action i$ t#e act or omi$$ion by *#ic# a party ,io&ate$ a rig#t o( anot#er. !n" Section 3. One suit for a sing e cause of action. C A party may not in$titute more t#an one $uit (or a $ing&e cau$e o( action. !3a" Section 3. Sp itting a sing e cause of action0 effect of. C I( t*o or more $uit$ are in$titute% on t#e ba$i$ o( t#e $ame cau$e o( action' t#e (i&ing o( one or a 1u%gment upon t#e merit$ in any one i$ a,ai&ab&e a$ a groun% (or t#e %i$mi$$a& o( t#e ot#er$. !3a" Section /. *oinder of causes of action. C A party may in one p&ea%ing a$$ert' in t#e a&ternati,e or ot#er*i$e' a$ many cau$e$ o( action a$ #e may #a,e again$t an oppo$ing party' $ub1ect to t#e (o&&o*ing con%ition$5 !a" T#e party 1oining t#e cau$e$ o( action $#a&& comp&y *it# t#e ru&e$ on 1oin%er o( partie$0 !b" T#e 1oin%er $#a&& not inc&u%e $pecia& ci,i& action$ or action$ go,erne% by $pecia& ru&e$0 !c" <#ere t#e cau$e$ o( action are bet*een t#e $ame partie$ but pertain to %i((erent ,enue$ or 1uri$%iction$' t#e 1oin%er may be a&&o*e% in t#e Regiona& Tria& Court pro,i%e% one o( t#e cau$e$ o( action (a&&$ *it#in t#e 1uri$%iction o( $ai% court an% t#e ,enue &ie$ t#erein0 an% !%" <#ere t#e c&aim$ in a&& t#e cau$e$ action are principa&&y (or reco,ery o( money' t#e aggregate amount c&aime% $#a&& be t#e te$t o( 1uri$%iction. !/a" Section 7. Mis%oinder of causes of action. C 6i$1oin%er o( cau$e$ o( action i$ not a groun% (or %i$mi$$a& o( an action. A mi$1oine% cau$e o( action may'

on motion o( a party or on t#e initiati,e o( t#e court' be $e,ere% an% procee%e% *it# $eparate&y. !n"

R4:E 3 Partie$ to Ci,i& Action$ Section 1. +ho may be parties0 p aintiff and defendant. C ?n&y natura& or 1uri%ica& per$on$' or entitie$ aut#ori2e% by &a* may be partie$ in a ci,i& action. T#e term Dp&ainti((D may re(er to t#e c&aiming party' t#e counter c&aimant' t#e cro$$ c&aimant' or t#e t#ir% !(ourt#' etc." C party p&ainti((. T#e term D%e(en%antD may re(er to t#e origina& %e(en%ing party' t#e %e(en%ant in a counter c&aim' t#e cro$$ %e(en%ant' or t#e t#ir% !(ourt#' etc." C party %e(en%ant. !1a" Section +. Parties in interest. C A rea& party in intere$t i$ t#e party *#o $tan%$ to be bene(ite% or in1ure% by t#e 1u%gment in t#e $uit' or t#e party entit&e% to t#e a,ai&$ o( t#e $uit. 4n&e$$ ot#er*i$e aut#ori2e% by &a* or t#e$e Ru&e$' e,ery action mu$t be pro$ecute% or %e(en%e% in t#e name o( t#e rea& party in intere$t. !+a" Section 3. )epresentatives as parties. C <#ere t#e action i$ a&&o*e% to be pro$ecute% an% %e(en%e% by a repre$entati,e or $omeone acting in a (i%uciary capacity' t#e bene(iciary $#a&& be inc&u%e% in t#e tit&e o( t#e ca$e an% $#a&& be %eeme% to be t#e rea& property in intere$t. A repre$entati,e may be a tru$tee o( an e-pert tru$t' a guar%ian' an e-ecutor or a%mini$trator' or a party aut#ori2e% by &a* or t#e$e Ru&e$. An agent acting in #i$ o*n name an% (or t#e bene(it o( an un%i$c&o$e% principa& may $ue or be $ue% *it#out 1oining t#e principa& e-cept *#en t#e contract in,o&,e$ t#ing$ be&onging to t#e principa&. !3a" Section 3. Spouses as parties. C Hu$ban% an% *i(e $#a&& $ue or be $ue% 1oint&y' e-cept a$ pro,i%e% by &a*. !3a" Section /. Minor or incompetent persons. C A minor or a per$on a&&ege% to be incompetent' may $ue or be $ue% *it# t#e a$$i$tance o( #i$ (at#er' mot#er' guar%ian' or i( #e #a$ none' a guar%ian ad item. !/a" Section 7. Permissive %oinder of parties. C A&& per$on$ in *#om or again$t

*#om any rig#t to re&ie( in re$pect to or ari$ing out o( t#e $ame tran$action or $erie$ o( tran$action$ i$ a&&ege% to e-i$t' *#et#er 1oint&y' $e,era&&y' or in t#e a&ternati,e' may' e-cept a$ ot#er*i$e pro,i%e% in t#e$e Ru&e$' 1oin a$ p&ainti(($ or be 1oine% a$ %e(en%ant$ in one comp&aint' *#ere any .ue$tion o( &a* or (act common to a&& $uc# p&ainti(($ or to a&& $uc# %e(en%ant$ may ari$e in t#e action0 but t#e court may make $uc# or%er$ a$ may be 1u$t to pre,ent any p&ainti(( or %e(en%ant (rom being embarra$$e% or put to e-pen$e in connection *it# any procee%ing$ in *#ic# #e may #a,e no intere$t. !7n" Section =. Compu sory %oinder of indispensab e parties. C Partie$ in intere$t *it#out *#om no (ina& %etermination can be #a% o( an action $#a&& be 1oine% eit#er a$ p&ainti(($ or %e(en%ant$. !=" Section >. ,ecessary party. C A nece$$ary party i$ one *#o i$ not in%i$pen$ab&e but *#o oug#t to be 1oine% a$ a party i( comp&ete re&ie( i$ to be accor%e% a$ to t#o$e a&rea%y partie$' or (or a comp&ete %etermination or $ett&ement o( t#e c&aim $ub1ect o( t#e action. !>a" Section 9. ,on-%oinder of necessary parties to be p eaded. C <#ene,er in any p&ea%ing in *#ic# a c&aim i$ a$$erte% a nece$$ary party i$ not 1oine%' t#e p&ea%er $#a&& $et (ort# #i$ name' i( kno*n' an% $#a&& $tate *#y #e i$ omitte%. S#ou&% t#e court (in% t#e rea$on (or t#e omi$$ion unmeritoriou$' it may or%er t#e inc&u$ion o( t#e omitte% nece$$ary party i( 1uri$%iction o,er #i$ per$on may be obtaine%. T#e (ai&ure to comp&y *it# t#e or%er (or #i$ inc&u$ion' *it#out 1u$ti(iab&e cau$e' $#a&& be %eeme% a *ai,er o( t#e c&aim again$t $uc# party. T#e non inc&u$ion o( a nece$$ary party %oe$ not pre,ent t#e court (rom procee%ing in t#e action' an% t#e 1u%gment ren%ere% t#erein $#a&& be *it#out pre1u%ice to t#e rig#t$ o( $uc# nece$$ary party. !>a' 9a" Section 1). .n$i ing co-p aintiff. C I( t#e con$ent o( any party *#o $#ou&% be 1oine% a$ p&ainti(( can not be obtaine%' #e may be ma%e a %e(en%ant an% t#e rea$on t#ere(or $#a&& be $tate% in t#e comp&aint. !1)" Section 11. Mis%oinder and non-%oinder of parties. C Beit#er mi$1oin%er nor non 1oin%er o( partie$ i$ groun% (or %i$mi$$a& o( an action. Partie$ may be %roppe% or a%%e% by or%er o( t#e court on motion o( any party or on it$ o*n initiati,e at any $tage t#e action an% on $uc# term$ a$ are 1u$t. Any c&aim

again$t a mi$1oine% party may be $e,ere% an% procee%e% *it# $eparate&y. !11a" Section 1+. C ass suit. C <#en t#e $ub1ect matter o( t#e contro,er$y i$ one o( common or genera& intere$t to many per$on$ $o numerou$ t#at it i$ impracticab&e to 1oin a&& a$ partie$' a number o( t#em *#ic# t#e court (in%$ to be $u((icient&y numerou$ an% repre$entati,e a$ to (u&&y protect t#e intere$t$ o( a&& concerne% may $ue or %e(en% (or t#e bene(it o( a&&. Any party in intere$t $#a&& #a,e t#e rig#t to inter,ene to protect #i$ in%i,i%ua& intere$t. !1+a" Section 13. ! ternative defendants. C <#ere t#e p&ainti(( i$ uncertain again$t *#o o( $e,era& per$on$ #e i$ entit&e% to re&ie(' #e may 1oin any or a&& o( t#em a$ %e(en%ant$ in t#e a&ternati,e' a&t#oug# a rig#t to re&ie( again$t one may be incon$i$tent *it# a rig#t o( re&ie( again$t t#e ot#er. !13a" Section 13. .nkno$n identity or name of defendant. C <#ene,er t#e i%entity or name o( a %e(en%ant i$ unkno*n' #e may be $ue% a$ t#e unkno*n o*ner #eir %e,i$ee' or by $uc# ot#er %e$ignation a$ t#e ca$e may re.uire' *#en #i$ i%entity or true name i$ %i$co,ere%' t#e p&ea%ing mu$t be amen%e% accor%ing&y. !13" Section 1/. 'ntity $ithout %uridica persona ity as defendant . C <#en t*o or more per$on$ not organi2e% a$ an entity *it# 1uri%ica& per$ona&ity enter into a tran$action' t#ey may be $ue% un%er t#e name by *#ic# t#ey are genera&&y or common&y kno*n. In t#e an$*er o( $uc# %e(en%ant' t#e name an% a%%re$$e$ o( t#e per$on$ compo$ing $ai% entity mu$t a&& be re,ea&e%. !1/a" Section 17. /eath of party0 duty of counse . C <#ene,er a party to a pen%ing action %ie$' an% t#e c&aim i$ not t#ereby e-tingui$#e%' it $#a&& be t#e %uty o( #i$ coun$e& to in(orm t#e court *it#in t#irty !3)" %ay$ a(ter $uc# %eat# o( t#e (act t#ereo(' an% to gi,e t#e name an% a%%re$$ o( #i$ &ega& repre$entati,e or repre$entati,e$. @ai&ure o( coun$e& to comp&y *it# #i$ %uty $#a&& be a groun% (or %i$cip&inary action. T#e #eir$ o( t#e %ecea$e% may be a&&o*e% to be $ub$titute% (or t#e %ecea$e%' *it#out re.uiring t#e appointment o( an e-ecutor or a%mini$trator an% t#e court may appoint a guar%ian ad item (or t#e minor #eir$.

T#e court $#a&& (ort#*it# or%er $ai% &ega& repre$entati,e or repre$entati,e$ to appear an% be $ub$titute% *it#in a perio% o( t#irty !3)" %ay$ (rom notice. I( no &ega& repre$entati,e i$ name% by t#e coun$e& (or t#e %ecea$e% party' or i( t#e one $o name% $#a&& (ai& to appear *it#in t#e $peci(ie% perio%' t#e court may or%er t#e oppo$ing party' *it#in a $peci(ie% time to procure t#e appointment o( an e-ecutor or a%mini$trator (or t#e e$tate o( t#e %ecea$e% an% t#e &atter $#a&& imme%iate&y appear (or an% on be#a&( o( t#e %ecea$e%. T#e court c#arge$ in procuring $uc# appointment' i( %e(raye% by t#e oppo$ing party' may be reco,ere% a$ co$t$. !17a' 1=a" Section 1=. /eath or separation of a party $ho is a pub ic officer . C <#en a pub&ic o((icer i$ a party in an action in #i$ o((icia& capacity an% %uring it$ pen%ency %ie$' re$ign$' or ot#er*i$e cea$e$ to #o&% o((ice' t#e action may be continue% an% maintaine% by or again$t #i$ $ucce$$or i(' *it#in t#irty !3)" %ay$ a(ter t#e $ucce$$or take$ o((ice or $uc# time a$ may be grante% by t#e court' it i$ $ati$(actori&y $#o*n to t#e court by any party t#at t#ere i$ a $ub$tantia& nee% (or continuing or maintaining it an% t#at t#e $ucce$$or a%opt$ or continue$ or t#reaten$ to a%opt or continue to a%opt or continue t#e action o( #i$ pre%ece$$or. 8e(ore a $ub$titution i$ ma%e' t#e party or o((icer to be a((ecte%' un&e$$ e-pre$$&y a$$enting t#ereto' $#a&& be gi,en rea$onab&e notice o( t#e app&ication t#ere(or an% accor%e% an opportunity to be #ear%. !1>a" Section 1>. "ncompetency or incapacity. C I( a party become$ incompetent or incapacitate%' t#e court' upon motion *it# notice' may a&&o* t#e action to be continue% by or again$t t#e incompetent or incapacitate% per$on a$$i$te% by #i$ &ega& guar%ian or guar%ian ad item. !19a" Section 19. Transfer of interest. C In ca$e o( any tran$(er o( intere$t' t#e action may be continue% by or again$t t#e origina& party' un&e$$ t#e court upon motion %irect$ t#e per$on to *#om t#e intere$t i$ tran$(erre% to be $ub$titute% in t#e action or 1oine% *it# t#e origina& party. !+)" Section +). !ction and contractua money c aims. C <#en t#e action i$ (or reco,ery o( money ari$ing (rom contract' e-pre$$ or imp&ie%' an% t#e %e(en%ant %ie$ be(ore entry o( (ina& 1u%gment in t#e court in *#ic# t#e action *a$ pen%ing at t#e time o( $uc# %eat#' it $#a&& not be %i$mi$$e% but $#a&& in$tea% be a&&o*e% to continue unti& entry o( (ina& 1u%gment. A (a,orab&e 1u%gment obtaine% by t#e p&ainti(( t#erein $#a&& be en(orce% in t#e manner

e$pecia&&y pro,i%e% in t#e$e Ru&e$ (or pro$ecuting c&aim$ again$t t#e e$tate o( a %ecea$e% per$on. !+1a" Section +1. "ndigent party. C A party may be aut#ori2e% to &itigate #i$ action' c&aim or %e(en$e a$ an in%igent i( t#e court' upon an e( parte app&ication an% #earing' i$ $ati$(ie% t#at t#e party i$ one *#o #a$ no money or property $u((icient an% a,ai&ab&e (or (oo%' $#e&ter an% ba$ic nece$$itie$ (or #im$e&( an% #i$ (ami&y. Suc# aut#ority $#a&& inc&u%e an e-emption (rom payment o( %ocket an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$' an% o( tran$cript$ o( $tenograp#ic note$ *#ic# t#e court may or%er to be (urni$#e% #im. T#e amount o( t#e %ocket an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$ *#ic# t#e in%igent *a$ e-empte% (rom paying $#a&& be a &ien on any 1u%gment ren%ere% in t#e ca$e (a,orab&e to t#e in%igent' un&e$$ t#e court ot#er*i$e pro,i%e$. Any a%,er$e party may conte$t t#e grant o( $uc# aut#ority at any time be(ore 1u%gment i$ ren%ere% by t#e tria& court. I( t#e court $#ou&% %etermine a(ter #earing t#at t#e party %ec&are% a$ an in%igent i$ in (act a per$on *it# $u((icient income or property' t#e proper %ocket an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$ $#a&& be a$$e$$e% an% co&&ecte% by t#e c&erk o( court. I( payment i$ not ma%e *it#in t#e time (i-e% by t#e court' e-ecution $#a&& i$$ue or t#e payment t#ereo(' *it#out pre1u%ice to $uc# ot#er $anction$ a$ t#e court may impo$e. !++a" Section ++. ,otice to the So icitor 0enera . C In any action in,o&,ing t#e ,a&i%ity o( any treaty' &a*' or%inance' e-ecuti,e or%er' pre$i%entia& %ecree' ru&e$ or regu&ation$' t#e court' in it$ %i$cretion' may re.uire t#e appearance o( t#e So&icitor ;enera& *#o may be #ear% in per$on or a repre$entati,e %u&y %e$ignate% by #im. !+3a"

R4:E 3 Venue o( Action$ Section 1. Venue of rea actions. C Action$ a((ecting tit&e to or po$$e$$ion o( rea& property' or intere$t t#erein' $#a&& be commence% an% trie% in t#e proper court *#ic# #a$ 1uri$%iction o,er t#e area *#erein t#e rea& property in,o&,e%' or a portion t#ereo(' i$ $ituate%.

@orcib&e entry an% %etainer action$ $#a&& be commence% an% trie% in t#e municipa& tria& court o( t#e municipa&ity or city *#erein t#e rea& property in,o&,e%' or a portion t#ereo(' i$ $ituate%. !1EaF' +EaFa" Section +. Venue of persona actions. C A&& ot#er action$ may be commence% an% trie% *#ere t#e p&ainti(( or any o( t#e principa& p&ainti(($ re$i%e$' or *#ere t#e %e(en%ant or any o( t#e principa& %e(en%ant$ re$i%e$' or in t#e ca$e o( a non re$i%ent %e(en%ant *#ere #e may be (oun%' at t#e e&ection o( t#e p&ainti((. !+EbFa" Section 3. Venue of actions against nonresidents. C I( any o( t#e %e(en%ant$ %oe$ not re$i%e an% i$ not (oun% in t#e P#i&ippine$' an% t#e action a((ect$ t#e per$ona& $tatu$ o( t#e p&ainti((' or any property o( $ai% %e(en%ant &ocate% in t#e P#i&ippine$' t#e action may be commence% an% trie% in t#e court o( t#e p&ace *#ere t#e p&ainti(( re$i%e$' or *#ere t#e property or any portion t#ereo( i$ $ituate% or (oun%. !+EcFa" Section 3. +hen )u e not app icab e. C T#i$ Ru&e $#a&& not app&y. !a" In t#o$e ca$e$ *#ere a $peci(ic ru&e or &a* pro,i%e$ ot#er*i$e0 or !b" <#ere t#e partie$ #a,e ,a&i%&y agree% in *riting be(ore t#e (i&ing o( t#e action on t#e e-c&u$i,e ,enue t#ereo(. !3a' /a"

R4:E / 4ni(orm Proce%ure In Tria& Court$ Section 1. .niform procedure. C T#e proce%ure in t#e 6unicipa& Tria& Court$ $#a&& be t#e $ame a$ in t#e Regiona& Tria& Court$' e-cept !a" *#ere a particu&ar pro,i$ion e-pre$$&y or imp&ie%&y app&ie$ on&y to eit#er o( $ai% court$' or !b" in ci,i& ca$e$ go,erne% by t#e Ru&e on Summary Proce%ure. !n" Section +. Meaning of terms. C T#e term D6unicipa& Tria& Court$D a$ u$e% in t#e$e Ru&e$ $#a&& inc&u%e 6etropo&itan Tria& Court$' 6unicipa& Tria& Court$ in Citie$' 6unicipa& Tria& Court$' an% 6unicipa& Circuit Tria& Court$. !1a"


R4:E 7 Kin%$ ?( P&ea%ing$ Section 1. P eadings defined. C P&ea%ing$ are t#e *ritten $tatement$ o( t#e re$pecti,e c&aim$ an% %e(en$e$ o( t#e partie$ $ubmitte% to t#e court (or appropriate 1u%gment. !1a" Section +. P eadings a o$ed. C T#e c&aim$ o( a party are a$$erte% in a comp&aint' counterc&aim' cro$$ c&aim' t#ir% !(ourt#' etc." party comp&aint' or comp&aint in inter,ention. T#e %e(en$e$ o( a party are a&&ege% in t#e an$*er to t#e p&ea%ing a$$erting a c&aim again$t #im. An an$*er may be re$pon%e% to by a rep&y. !n" Section 3. Comp aint. C T#e comp&aint i$ t#e p&ea%ing a&&eging t#e p&ainti((G$ cau$e or cau$e$ o( action. T#e name$ an% re$i%ence$ o( t#e p&ainti(( an% %e(en%ant mu$t be $tate% in t#e comp&aint. !3a"

R4:E = Part$ o( a P&ea%ing Section 1. Caption. C T#e caption $et$ (ort# t#e name o( t#e court' t#e tit&e o( t#e action' an% t#e %ocket number i( a$$igne%. T#e tit&e o( t#e action in%icate$ t#e name$ o( t#e partie$. T#ey $#a&& a&& be name% in t#e origina& comp&aint or petition0 but in $ub$e.uent p&ea%ing$' it $#a&& be $u((icient i( t#e name o( t#e (ir$t party on eac# $i%e be $tate% *it# an appropriate in%ication *#en t#ere are ot#er partie$. T#eir re$pecti,e participation in t#e ca$e $#a&& be in%icate%. !1a' +a" Section +. The body. C T#e bo%y o( t#e p&ea%ing $et$ (ourt# it$ %e$ignation' t#e a&&egation$ o( t#e partyG$ c&aim$ or %e(en$e$' t#e re&ie( praye% (or' an% t#e %ate o( t#e p&ea%ing. !n" !a" Paragraphs. C T#e a&&egation$ in t#e bo%y o( a p&ea%ing $#a&& be %i,i%e% into paragrap#$ $o numbere% to be rea%i&y i%enti(ie%' eac# o( *#ic# $#a&&

contain a $tatement o( a $ing&e $et o( circum$tance$ $o (ar a$ t#at can be %one *it# con,enience. A paragrap# may be re(erre% to by it$ number in a&& $uccee%ing p&ea%ing$. !3a" !b" 1eadings. C <#en t*o or more cau$e$ o( action are 1oine% t#e $tatement o( t#e (ir$t $#a&& be pre(ace% by t#e *or%$ D(ir$t cau$e o( action'GG o( t#e $econ% by D$econ% cau$e o( actionD' an% $o on (or t#e ot#er$. <#en one or more paragrap#$ in t#e an$*er are a%%re$$e% to one o( $e,era& cau$e$ o( action in t#e comp&aint' t#ey $#a&& be pre(ace% by t#e *or%$ Dan$*er to t#e (ir$t cau$e o( actionD or Dan$*er to t#e $econ% cau$e o( actionD an% $o on0 an% *#en one or more paragrap#$ o( t#e an$*er are a%%re$$e% to $e,era& cau$e$ o( action' t#ey $#a&& be pre(ace% by *or%$ to t#at e((ect. !3" !c" )e ief. C T#e p&ea%ing $#a&& $peci(y t#e re&ie( $oug#t' but it may a%% a genera& prayer (or $uc# (urt#er or ot#er re&ie( a$ may be %eeme% 1u$t or e.uitab&e. !3a' R7" !%" /ate. C E,ery p&ea%ing $#a&& be %ate%. !n" Section 3. Signature and address. C E,ery p&ea%ing mu$t be $igne% by t#e party or coun$e& repre$enting #im' $tating in eit#er ca$e #i$ a%%re$$ *#ic# $#ou&% not be a po$t o((ice bo-. T#e $ignature o( coun$e& con$titute$ a certi(icate by #im t#at #e #a$ rea% t#e p&ea%ing0 t#at to t#e be$t o( #i$ kno*&e%ge' in(ormation' an% be&ie( t#ere i$ goo% groun% to $upport it0 an% t#at it i$ not interpo$e% (or %e&ay. An un$igne% p&ea%ing pro%uce$ no &ega& e((ect. Ho*e,er' t#e court may' in it$ %i$cretion' a&&o* $uc# %e(iciency to be reme%ie% i( it $#a&& appear t#at t#e $ame *a$ %ue to mere ina%,ertence an% not inten%e% (or %e&ay. Coun$e& *#o %e&iberate&y (i&e$ an un$igne% p&ea%ing' or $ign$ a p&ea%ing in ,io&ation o( t#i$ Ru&e' or a&&ege$ $can%a&ou$ or in%ecent matter t#erein' or (ai&$ prompt&y report to t#e court a c#ange o( #i$ a%%re$$' $#a&& be $ub1ect to appropriate %i$cip&inary action. !/a" Section 3. Verification. C E-cept *#en ot#er*i$e $peci(ica&&y re.uire% by &a* or ru&e' p&ea%ing$ nee% not be un%er oat#' ,eri(ie% or accompanie% by a((i%a,it .!/a"

A p&ea%ing i$ ,eri(ie% by an a((i%a,it t#at t#e a((iant #a$ rea% t#e p&ea%ing an% t#at t#e a&&egation$ t#erein are true an% correct o( #i$ kno*&e%ge an% be&ie(. A p&ea%ing re.uire% to be ,eri(ie% *#ic# contain$ a ,eri(ication ba$e% on Din(ormation an% be&ie(D' or upon Dkno*&e%ge' in(ormation an% be&ie(D' or &ack$ a proper ,eri(ication' $#a&& be treate% a$ an un$igne% p&ea%ing. !7a" Section /. Certification against forum shopping. C T#e p&ainti(( or principa& party $#a&& certi(y un%er oat# in t#e comp&aint or ot#er initiatory p&ea%ing a$$erting a c&aim (or re&ie(' or in a $*orn certi(ication anne-e% t#ereto an% $imu&taneou$&y (i&e% t#ere*it#5 !a" t#at #e #a$ not t#ereto(ore commence% any action or (i&e% any c&aim in,o&,ing t#e $ame i$$ue$ in any court' tribuna& or .ua$i 1u%icia& agency an%' to t#e be$t o( #i$ kno*&e%ge' no $uc# ot#er action or c&aim i$ pen%ing t#erein0 !b" i( t#ere i$ $uc# ot#er pen%ing action or c&aim' a comp&ete $tatement o( t#e pre$ent $tatu$ t#ereo(0 an% !c" i( #e $#ou&% t#erea(ter &earn t#at t#e $ame or $imi&ar action or c&aim #a$ been (i&e% or i$ pen%ing' #e $#a&& report t#at (act *it#in (i,e !/" %ay$ t#ere(rom to t#e court *#erein #i$ a(ore$ai% comp&aint or initiatory p&ea%ing #a$ been (i&e%. @ai&ure to comp&y *it# t#e (oregoing re.uirement$ $#a&& not be curab&e by mere amen%ment o( t#e comp&aint or ot#er initiatory p&ea%ing but $#a&& be cau$e (or t#e %i$mi$$a& o( t#e ca$e *it#out pre1u%ice' un&e$$ ot#er*i$e pro,i%e%' upon motion an% a(ter #earing. T#e $ubmi$$ion o( a (a&$e certi(ication or non comp&iance *it# any o( t#e un%ertaking$ t#erein $#a&& con$titute in%irect contempt o( court' *it#out pre1u%ice to t#e corre$pon%ing a%mini$trati,e an% crimina& action$. I( t#e act$ o( t#e party or #i$ coun$e& c&ear&y con$titute *i&&(u& an% %e&iberate (orum $#opping' t#e $ame $#a&& be groun% (or $ummary %i$mi$$a& *it# pre1u%ice an% $#a&& con$titute %irect contempt' a$ *e&& a$ a cau$e (or a%mini$trati,e $anction$. !n"

Repub&ic Act Bo. =791

6arc# +/' 1993


RE?R;ABIJATI?B ACT ?@ 19>)D 2e it enacted by the Senate and 1ouse of )epresentatives of the Phi ippines in Congress assemb ed35 Section 1. Section 19 o( 8ata$ Pamban$a 8&g. 1+9' ot#er*i$e kno*n a$ t#e DAu%iciary Reorgani2ation Act o( 19>)D' i$ #ereby amen%e% to rea% a$ (o&&o*$5 DSec. 19. Auri$%iction in ci,i& ca$e$. K Regiona& Tria& Court$ $#a&& e-erci$e e-c&u$i,e origina& 1uri$%iction. D!1" In a&& ci,i& action$ in *#ic# t#e $ub1ect o( t#e &itigation i$ incapab&e o( pecuniary e$timation0 D!+" In a&& ci,i& action$ *#ic# in,o&,e t#e tit&e to' or po$$e$$ion o(' rea& property' or any intere$t t#erein' *#ere t#e a$$e$$e% ,a&ue o( t#e property in,o&,e% e-cee%$ T*enty t#ou$an% pe$o$ !P+)')))'))" or' (or ci,i& action$ in 6etro 6ani&a' *#ere $uc# ,a&ue e-cee%$ @i(ty t#ou$an% pe$o$ !P/)'))).))" e-cept action$ (or (orcib&e entry into an% un&a*(u& %etainer o( &an%$ or bui&%ing$' origina& 1uri$%iction o,er *#ic# i$ con(erre% upon t#e 6etropo&itan Tria& Court$' 6unicipa& Tria& Court$' an% 6unicipa& Circuit Tria& Court$0 D!3" In a&& action$ in a%mira&ty an% maritime 1uri$%iction *#ere t#e %eman% or c&aim e-cee%$ ?ne #un%re% t#ou$an% pe$o$ !P1))'))).))" or' in 6etro 6ani&a' *#ere $uc# %eman% or c&aim e-cee%$ T*o #un%re% t#ou$an% pe$o$ !P+))'))).))"0 D!3" In a&& matter$ o( probate' bot# te$tate an% inte$tate' *#ere t#e gro$$ ,a&ue o( t#e e$tate e-cee%$ ?ne #un%re% t#ou$an% pe$o$ !P1))'))).))" or' in probate matter$ in 6etro 6ani&a' *#ere $uc# gro$$ ,a&ue e-cee%$ T*o Hun%re% t#ou$an% pe$o$ !P+))'))).))"0 D!/" In a&& action$ in,o&,ing t#e contract o( marriage an% marita& re&ation$0 D!7" In a&& ca$e$ not *it#in t#e e-c&u$i,e 1uri$%iction o( any court' tribuna&' per$on or bo%y e-erci$ing 1uri$%iction o( any court' tribuna&' per$on or bo%y e-erci$ing 1u%icia& or .ua$i 1u%icia& (unction$0 D!=" In a&& ci,i& action$ an% $pecia& procee%ing$ (a&&ing *it#in t#e e-c&u$i,e

origina& 1uri$%iction o( a Au,eni&e an% 9ome$tic Re&ation$ Court an% o( t#e Court o( Agrarian Re&ation$ a$ no* pro,i%e% by &a*0 an% D!>" In a&& ot#er ca$e$ in *#ic# t#e %eman%' e-c&u$i,e o( intere$t' %amage$ o( *#ate,er kin%' attorneyG$ (ee$' &itigation e-pen$e$' an% co$t$ or t#e ,a&ue o( t#e property in contro,er$y e-cee%$ ?ne #un%re% t#ou$an% pe$o$ !P1))'))).))" or' in $uc# ot#er ca$e$ in 6etro 6ani&a' *#ere t#e %eman% e-c&u$i,e o( t#e abo,ementione% item$ e-cee%$ T*o Hun%re% t#ou$an% pe$o$ !P+))'))).))".D Section +. Section 3+ o( t#e $ame &a* i$ #ereby amen%e% to rea% a$ (o&&o*$5 DSec. 3+. Auri$%iction o( 6etropo&itan Tria& Court$' 6unicipa& Tria& Court$ an% 6unicipa& Circuit Tria& Court$ in Crimina& Ca$e$. K E-cept in ca$e$ (a&&ing *it#in t#e e-c&u$i,e origina& 1uri$%iction o( Regiona& Tria& Court$ an% o( t#e San%iganbayan' t#e 6etropo&itan Tria& Court$' 6unicipa& Tria& Court$' an% 6unicipa& Circuit Tria& Court$ $#a&& e-erci$e5 D!1" E-c&u$i,e origina& 1uri$%iction o,er a&& ,io&ation$ o( city or municipa& or%inance$ committe% *it#in t#eir re$pecti,e territoria& 1uri$%iction0 an% D!+" E-c&u$i,e origina& 1uri$%iction o,er a&& o((en$e$ puni$#ab&e *it# impri$onment not e-cee%ing $i- !7" year$ irre$pecti,e o( t#e amount o( (ine' an% regar%&e$$ o( ot#er impo$ab&e acce$$ory or ot#er pena&tie$' inc&u%ing t#e ci,i& &iabi&ity ari$ing (rom $uc# o((en$e$ or pre%icate% t#ereon' irre$pecti,e o( kin%' nature' ,a&ue or amount t#ereo(5 Pro,i%e%' #o*e,er' T#at in o((en$e$ in,o&,ing %amage to property t#roug# crimina& neg&igence' t#ey $#a&& #a,e e-c&u$i,e origina& 1uri$%iction t#ereo(.D Section 3. Section 33 o( t#e $ame &a* i$ #ereby amen%e% to rea% a$ (o&&o*$5 DSec. 33. Auri$%iction o( 6etropo&itan Tria& Court$' 6unicipa& Tria& Court$ an% 6unicipa& Circuit Tria& Court$ in Ci,i& Ca$e$. K 6etropo&itan Tria& Court$' 6unicipa& Tria& Court$' an% 6unicipa& Circuit Tria& Court$ $#a&& e-erci$e5 D!1" E-c&u$i,e origina& 1uri$%iction o,er ci,i& action$ an% probate procee%ing$' te$tate an% inte$tate' inc&u%ing t#e grant o( pro,i$iona& reme%ie$ in proper ca$e$' *#ere t#e ,a&ue o( t#e per$ona& property' e$tate' or amount o( t#e %eman% %oe$ not e-cee% ?ne #un%re% t#ou$an% pe$o$

!P1))'))).))" or' in 6etro 6ani&a *#ere $uc# per$ona& property' e$tate' or amount o( t#e %eman% %oe$ not e-cee% T*o #un%re% t#ou$an% pe$o$ !P+))'))).))"' e-c&u$i,e o( intere$t' %amage$ o( *#ate,er kin%' attorneyG$ (ee$' &itigation e-pen$e$' an% co$t$' t#e amount o( *#ic# mu$t be $peci(ica&&y a&&ege%5 Pro,i%e%' T#at intere$t' %amage$ o( *#ate,er kin%' attorneyG$ (ee$' &itigation e-pen$e$' an% co$t$ $#a&& be inc&u%e% in t#e %etermination o( t#e (i&ing (ee$5 Pro,i%e%' (urt#er' T#at *#ere t#ere are $e,era& c&aim$ or cau$e$ o( action$ bet*een t#e $ame or %i((erent partie$' embo%ie% in t#e $ame comp&aint' t#e amount o( t#e %eman% $#a&& be t#e tota&ity o( t#e c&aim$ in a&& t#e cau$e$ o( action' irre$pecti,e o( *#et#er t#e cau$e$ o( action aro$e out o( t#e $ame or %i((erent tran$action$0 D!+" E-c&u$i,e origina& 1uri$%iction o,er ca$e$ o( (orcib&e entry an% un&a*(u& %etainer5 Pro,i%e%' T#at *#en' in $uc# ca$e$' t#e %e(en%ant rai$e$ t#e .ue$tion$ o( o*ner$#ip in #i$ p&ea%ing$ an% t#e .ue$tion o( po$$e$$ion cannot be re$o&,e% *it#out %eci%ing t#e i$$ue o( o*ner$#ip' t#e i$$ue o( o*ner$#ip $#a&& be re$o&,e% on&y to %etermine t#e i$$ue o( po$$e$$ion0 an% D!3" E-c&u$i,e origina& 1uri$%iction in a&& ci,i& action$ *#ic# in,o&,e tit&e to' or po$$e$$ion o(' rea& property' or any intere$t t#erein *#ere t#e a$$e$$e% ,a&ue o( t#e property or intere$t t#erein %oe$ not e-cee% T*enty t#ou$an% pe$o$ !P+)'))).))" or' in ci,i& action$ in 6etro 6ani&a' *#ere $uc# a$$e$$e% ,a&ue %oe$ not e-cee% @i(ty t#ou$an% pe$o$ !P/)'))).))" e-c&u$i,e o( intere$t' %amage$ o( *#ate,er kin%' attorneyG$ (ee$' &itigation e-pen$e$ an% co$t$5 Pro,i%e%' T#at in ca$e$ o( &an% not %ec&are% (or ta-ation purpo$e$' t#e ,a&ue o( $uc# property $#a&& be %etermine% by t#e a$$e$$e% ,a&ue o( t#e a%1acent &ot$.D Section 3. Section 33 o( t#e $ame &a* i$ #ereby amen%e% to rea% a$ (o&&o*$5 DSec. 33. 9e&egate% Auri$%iction in Ca%a$tra& an% :an% Regi$tration Ca$e$. K 6etropo&itan Tria& Court$' 6unicipa& Tria& Court$' an% 6unicipa& Circuit Tria& Court$ may be a$$igne% by t#e Supreme Court to #ear an% %etermine ca%a$tra& or &an% regi$tration ca$e$ co,ering &ot$ *#ere t#ere i$ no contro,er$y or oppo$ition' or conte$te% &ot$ *#ere t#e ,a&ue o( *#ic# %oe$ not e-cee% ?ne #un%re% t#ou$an% pe$o$ !P1))'))).))"' $uc# ,a&ue to be a$certaine% by t#e a((i%a,it o( t#e c&aimant or by agreement o( t#e re$pecti,e c&aimant$ i( t#ere are more t#an one' or (rom t#e corre$pon%ing

ta- %ec&aration o( t#e rea& property. T#eir %eci$ion$ in t#e$e ca$e$ $#a&& be appea&ab&e in t#e $ame manner a$ %eci$ion$ o( t#e Regiona& Tria& Court$.D Section /. A(ter (i,e !/" year$ (rom t#e e((ecti,ity o( t#i$ Act' t#e 1uri$%ictiona& amount$ mentione% in Sec. 19!3"' !3"' an% !>"0 an% Sec. 33!1" o( 8ata$ Pamban$a 8&g. 1+9 a$ amen%e% by t#i$ Act' $#a&& be a%1u$te% to T*o #un%re% t#ou$an% pe$o$ !P+))'))).))". @i,e !/" year$ t#erea(ter' $uc# 1uri$%ictiona& amount$ $#a&& be a%1u$te% (urt#er to T#ree #un%re% t#ou$an% pe$o$ !P3))'))).))"5 Pro,i%e%' #o*e,er' T#at in t#e ca$e o( 6etro 6ani&a' t#e abo,ementione% 1uri$%ictiona& amount$ $#a&& be a%1u$te% a(ter (i,e !/" year$ (rom t#e e((ecti,ity o( t#i$ Act to @our #un%re% t#ou$an% pe$o$ !P3))'))).))".


3. I$$uance o( Summon$ by t#e C&erk o( Court 4pon @i&ing o( Comp&aint

R4:E 13 Summon$ Section 1. C erk to issue summons. C 4pon t#e (i&ing o( t#e comp&aint an% t#e payment o( t#e re.ui$ite &ega& (ee$' t#e c&erk o( court $#a&& (ort#*it# i$$ue t#e corre$pon%ing $ummon$ to t#e %e(en%ant$. !1a" Section +. Contents. C T#e $ummon$ $#a&& be %irecte% to t#e %e(en%ant' $igne% by t#e c&erk o( court un%er $ea& an% contain !a" t#e name o( t#e court an% t#e name$ o( t#e partie$ to t#e action0 !b" a %irection t#at t#e %e(en%ant an$*er *it#in t#e time (i-e% by t#e$e Ru&e$0 !c" a notice t#at un&e$$ t#e %e(en%ant $o an$*er$ p&ainti(( *i&& take 1u%gment by %e(au&t an% may be grante% t#e re&ie( app&ie% (or. A copy o( t#e comp&aint an% or%er (or appointment o( guar%ian ad item i( any' $#a&& be attac#e% to t#e origina& an% eac# copy o( t#e $ummon$. !3a" Section 3. 2y $hom served. C T#e $ummon$ may be $er,e% by t#e $#eri((' #i$ %eputy' or ot#er proper court o((icer' or (or 1u$ti(iab&e rea$on$ by any $uitab&e per$on aut#ori2e% by t#e court i$$uing t#e $ummon$. !/a" Section 3. )eturn. C <#en t#e $er,ice #a$ been comp&ete%' t#e $er,er $#a&&' *it#in (i,e !/" %ay$ t#ere(rom' $er,e a copy o( t#e return' per$ona&&y or by regi$tere% mai&' to t#e p&ainti((G$ coun$e&' an% $#a&& return t#e $ummon$ to t#e c&erk' *#o i$$ue% it' accompanie% by proo( o( $er,ice. !7a" Section /. "ssuance of a ias summons. C I( a $ummon$ i$ returne% *it#out being $er,e% on any or a&& o( t#e %e(en%ant$' t#e $er,er $#a&& a&$o $er,e a copy o( t#e return on t#e p&ainti((G$ coun$e&' $tating t#e rea$on$ (or t#e (ai&ure o( $er,ice' *it#in (i,e !/" %ay$ t#ere(rom. In $uc# a ca$e' or i( t#e $ummon$ #a$ been &o$t' t#e c&erk' on %eman% o( t#e p&ainti((' may i$$ue an a&ia$ $ummon$. !3a" Section 7. Service in person on defendant. C <#ene,er practicab&e' t#e $ummon$ $#a&& be $er,e% by #an%&ing a copy t#ereo( to t#e %e(en%ant in per$on' or' i( #e re(u$e$ to recei,e an% $ign (or it' by ten%ering it to #im. !=a"

Section =. Substituted service. C I(' (or 1u$ti(iab&e cau$e$' t#e %e(en%ant cannot be $er,e% *it#in a rea$onab&e time a$ pro,i%e% in t#e prece%ing $ection' $er,ice may be e((ecte% !a" by &ea,ing copie$ o( t#e $ummon$ at t#e %e(en%antG$ re$i%ence *it# $ome per$on o( $uitab&e age an% %i$cretion t#en re$i%ing t#erein' or !b" by &ea,ing t#e copie$ at %e(en%antG$ o((ice or regu&ar p&ace o( bu$ine$$ *it# $ome competent per$on in c#arge t#ereo(. !>a" Section >. Service upon entity $ithout %uridica persona ity. C <#en per$on$ a$$ociate% in an entity *it#out 1uri%ica& per$ona&ity are $ue% un%er t#e name by *#ic# t#ey are genera&&y or common&y kno*n' $er,ice may be e((ecte% upon a&& t#e %e(en%ant$ by $er,ing upon any one o( t#em' or upon t#e per$on in c#arge o( t#e o((ice or p&ace o( bu$ine$$ maintaine% in $uc# name. 8ut $uc# $er,ice $#a&& not bin% in%i,i%ua&&y any per$on *#o$e connection *it# t#e entity #a$' upon %ue notice' been $e,ere% be(ore t#e action *a$ broug#t. !9a" Section 9. Service upon prisoners. C <#en t#e %e(en%ant i$ a pri$oner con(ine% in a 1ai& or in$titution' $er,ice $#a&& be e((ecte% upon #im by t#e o((icer #a,ing t#e management o( $uc# 1ai& or in$titution *#o i$ %eeme% %eputi2e% a$ a $pecia& $#eri(( (or $ai% purpo$e. !1+a" Section 1). Service upon minors and incompetents . C <#en t#e %e(en%ant i$ a minor' in$ane or ot#er*i$e an incompetent' $er,ice $#a&& be ma%e upon #im per$ona&&y an% on #i$ &ega& guar%ian i( #e #a$ one' or i( none #i$ guar%ian ad item *#o$e appointment $#a&& be app&ie% (or by t#e p&ainti((. In t#e ca$e o( a minor' $er,ice may a&$o be ma%e on #i$ (at#er or mot#er. !&)a' 11a" Section 11. Service upon domestic private %uridica entity. C <#en t#e %e(en%ant i$ a corporation' partner$#ip or a$$ociation organi2e% un%er t#e &a*$ o( t#e P#i&ippine$ *it# a 1uri%ica& per$ona&ity' $er,ice may be ma%e on t#e pre$i%ent' managing partner' genera& manager' corporate $ecretary' trea$urer' or in #ou$e coun$e&. !13a" Section 1+. Service upon foreign private %uridica entities. C <#en t#e %e(en%ant i$ a (oreign pri,ate 1uri%ica& entity *#ic# #a$ tran$acte% bu$ine$$ in t#e P#i&ippine$' $er,ice may be ma%e on it$ re$i%ent agent %e$ignate% in accor%ance *it# &a* (or t#at purpo$e' or' i( t#ere be no $uc# agent' on t#e go,ernment o((icia& %e$ignate% by &a* to t#at e((ect' or on any o( it$ o((icer$

or agent$ *it#in t#e P#i&ippine$. !13a" Section 13. Service upon pub ic corporations. C <#en t#e %e(en%ant i$ t#e Repub&ic o( t#e P#i&ippine$' $er,ice may be e((ecte% on t#e So&icitor ;enera&0 in ca$e o( a pro,ince' city or municipa&ity' or &ike pub&ic corporation$' $er,ice may be e((ecte% on it$ e-ecuti,e #ea%' or on $uc# ot#er o((icer or o((icer$ a$ t#e &a* or t#e court may %irect. !1/" Section 13. Service upon defendant $hose identity or $hereabouts are unkno$n. C In any action *#ere t#e %e(en%ant i$ %e$ignate% a$ an unkno*n o*ner' or t#e &ike' or *#ene,er #i$ *#ereabout$ are unkno*n an% cannot be a$certaine% by %i&igent in.uiry' $er,ice may' by &ea,e o( court' be e((ecte% upon #im by pub&ication in a ne*$paper o( genera& circu&ation an% in $uc# p&ace$ an% (or $uc# time a$ t#e court may or%er. !17a" Section 1/. '(traterritoria service. C <#en t#e %e(en%ant %oe$ not re$i%e an% i$ not (oun% in t#e P#i&ippine$' an% t#e action a((ect$ t#e per$ona& $tatu$ o( t#e p&ainti(( or re&ate$ to' or t#e $ub1ect o( *#ic# i$' property *it#in t#e P#i&ippine$' in *#ic# t#e %e(en%ant #a$ or c&aim$ a &ien or intere$t' actua& or contingent' or in *#ic# t#e re&ie( %eman%e% con$i$t$' *#o&&y or in part' in e-c&u%ing t#e %e(en%ant (rom any intere$t t#erein' or t#e property o( t#e %e(en%ant #a$ been attac#e% *it#in t#e P#i&ippine$' $er,ice may' by &ea,e o( court' be e((ecte% out o( t#e P#i&ippine$ by per$ona& $er,ice a$ un%er $ection 70 or by pub&ication in a ne*$paper o( genera& circu&ation in $uc# p&ace$ an% (or $uc# time a$ t#e court may or%er' in *#ic# ca$e a copy o( t#e $ummon$ an% or%er o( t#e court $#a&& be $ent by regi$tere% mai& to t#e &a$t kno*n a%%re$$ o( t#e %e(en%ant' or in any ot#er manner t#e court may %eem $u((icient. Any or%er granting $uc# &ea,e $#a&& $peci(y a rea$onab&e time' *#ic# $#a&& not be &e$$ t#an $i-ty !7)" %ay$ a(ter notice' *it#in *#ic# t#e %e(en%ant mu$t an$*er. !1=a" Section 17. )esidents temporari y out of the Phi ippines . C <#en any action i$ commence% again$t a %e(en%ant *#o or%inari&y re$i%e$ *it#in t#e P#i&ippine$' but *#o i$ temporari&y out o( it' $er,ice may' by &ea,e o( court' be a&$o e((ecte% out o( t#e P#i&ippine$' a$ un%er t#e prece%ing $ection. !1>a" Section 1=. Leave of court. C Any app&ication to t#e court un%er t#i$ Ru&e (or &ea,e to e((ect $er,ice in any manner (or *#ic# &ea,e o( court i$ nece$$ary $#a&& be ma%e by motion in *riting' $upporte% by a((i%a,it o( t#e p&ainti(( or $ome per$on on #i$ be#a&(' $etting (ort# t#e groun%$ (or t#e

app&ication. !19" Section 1>. Proof of service. C T#e proo( o( $er,ice o( a $ummon$ $#a&& be ma%e in *riting by t#e $er,er an% $#a&& $et (ort# t#e manner' p&ace' an% %ate o( $er,ice0 $#a&& $peci(y any paper$ *#ic# #a,e been $er,e% *it# t#e proce$$ an% t#e name o( t#e per$on *#o recei,e% t#e $ame0 an% $#a&& be $*orn to *#en ma%e by a per$on ot#er t#an a $#eri(( or #i$ %eputy. !+)" Section 19. Proof of service by pub ication. C I( t#e $er,ice #a$ been ma%e by pub&ication' $er,ice may be pro,e% by t#e a((i%a,it o( t#e printer' #i$ (oreman or principa& c&erk' or o( t#e e%itor' bu$ine$$ or a%,erti$ing manager' to *#ic# a((i%a,it a copy o( t#e pub&ication $#a&& be attac#e% an% by an a((i%a,it $#o*ing t#e %epo$it o( a copy o( t#e $ummon$ an% or%er (or pub&ication in t#e po$t o((ice' po$tage prepai%' %irecte% to t#e %e(en%ant by regi$tere% mai& to #i$ &a$t kno*n a%%re$$. !+1" Section +). Vo untary appearance. C T#e %e(en%antG$ ,o&untary appearance in t#e action $#a&& be e.ui,a&ent to $er,ice o( $ummon$. T#e inc&u$ion in a motion to %i$mi$$ o( ot#er groun%$ a$i%e (rom &ack o( 1uri$%iction o,er t#e per$on o( t#e %e(en%ant $#a&& not be %eeme% a ,o&untary appearance. !+3a"


3. 9e(en%antL$ ?ption A(ter Ha,ing been Ser,e% *it# Summon$ 1. (i&e a 6tion to 9i$mi$$ +. (i&e a 6otion (or 8i&& o( Particu&ar$ 3. (i&e a 6otion (or Summary Au%gement 3. (i&e an An$*er

a. (i&e a 6tion to 9i$mi$$

R4:E 17 6otion to 9i$mi$$ Section 1. 0rounds. C <it#in t#e time (or but be(ore (i&ing t#e an$*er to t#e comp&aint or p&ea%ing a$$erting a c&aim' a motion to %i$mi$$ may be ma%e on any o( t#e (o&&o*ing groun%$5 !a" T#at t#e court #a$ no 1uri$%iction o,er t#e per$on o( t#e %e(en%ing party0 !b" T#at t#e court #a$ no 1uri$%iction o,er t#e $ub1ect matter o( t#e c&aim0 !c" T#at ,enue i$ improper&y &ai%0 !%" T#at t#e p&ainti(( #a$ no &ega& capacity to $ue0 !e" T#at t#ere i$ anot#er action pen%ing bet*een t#e $ame partie$ (or t#e $ame cau$e0 !(" T#at t#e cau$e o( action i$ barre% by a prior 1u%gment or by t#e $tatute o( &imitation$0 !g" T#at t#e p&ea%ing a$$erting t#e c&aim $tate$ no cau$e o( action0 !#" T#at t#e c&aim or %eman% $et (ort# in t#e p&ainti((G$ p&ea%ing #a$ been pai%' *ai,e%' aban%one%' or ot#er*i$e e-tingui$#e%0 !i" T#at t#e c&aim on *#ic# t#e action i$ (oun%e% i$ en(orceab&e un%er t#e

pro,i$ion$ o( t#e $tatute o( (rau%$0 an% !1" T#at a con%ition prece%ent (or (i&ing t#e c&aim #a$ not been comp&ie% *it#. !1a" Section +. 1earing of motion. C At t#e #earing o( t#e motion' t#e partie$ $#a&& $ubmit t#eir argument$ on t#e .ue$tion$ o( &a* an% t#eir e,i%ence on t#e .ue$tion$ o( (act in,o&,e% e-cept t#o$e not a,ai&ab&e at t#at time. S#ou&% t#e ca$e go to tria&' t#e e,i%ence pre$ente% %uring t#e #earing $#a&& automatica&&y be part o( t#e e,i%ence o( t#e party pre$enting t#e $ame. !n" Section 3. )eso ution of Motion. C A(ter t#e #earing' t#e court may %i$mi$$ t#e action or c&aim' %eny t#e motion' or or%er t#e amen%ment o( t#e p&ea%ing. T#e court $#a&& not %e(er t#e re$o&ution o( t#e motion (or t#e rea$on t#at t#e groun% re&ie% upon i$ not in%ubitab&e. In e,ery ca$e' t#e re$o&ution $#a&& $tate c&ear&y an% %i$tinct&y t#e rea$on$ t#ere(or. !3a" Section 3. Time to p ead. C I( t#e motion i$ %enie%' t#e mo,ant $#a&& (i&e #i$ an$*er *it#in t#e ba&ance o( t#e perio% pre$cribe% by Ru&e 11 to *#ic# #e *a$ entit&e% at t#e time o( $er,ing #i$ motion' but not &e$$ t#an (i,e !/" %ay$ in any e,ent' compute% (rom #i$ receipt o( t#e notice o( t#e %enia&. I( t#e p&ea%ing i$ or%ere% to be amen%e%' #e $#a&& (i&e #i$ an$*er *it#in t#e perio% pre$cribe% by Ru&e 11 counte% (rom $er,ice o( t#e amen%e% p&ea%ing' un&e$$ t#e court pro,i%e$ a &onger perio%. !3a" Section /. 'ffect of dismissa . C Sub1ect to t#e rig#t o( appea&' an or%er granting a motion to %i$mi$$ ba$e% on paragrap#$ !("' !#" an% !i" o( $ection 1 #ereo( $#a&& bar t#e re(i&ing o( t#e $ame action or c&aim. !n" Section 7. P eading grounds as affirmative defenses. C I( no motion to %i$mi$$ #a$ been (i&e%' any o( t#e groun%$ (or %i$mi$$a& pro,i%e% (or in t#i$ Ru&e may be p&ea%e% a$ an a((irmati,e %e(en$e in t#e an$*er an%' in t#e %i$cretion o( t#e court' a pre&iminary #earing may be #a% t#ereon a$ i( a motion to %i$mi$$ #a% been (i&e%. !/a" T#e %i$mi$$a& o( t#e comp&aint un%er t#i$ $ection $#a&& be *it#out pre1u%ice to t#e pro$ecution in t#e $ame or $eparate action o( a counterc&aim p&ea%e%

in t#e an$*er. !n" R4:E 1/ 6otion$ Section 1. Motion defined. C A motion i$ an app&ication (or re&ie( ot#er t#an by a p&ea%ing. !1a" Section +. Motions must be in $ritings. C A&& motion$ $#a&& be in *riting e-cept t#o$e ma%e in open court or in t#e cour$e o( a #earing or tria&. !+a" Section 3. Contents. C A motion $#a&& $tate t#e re&ie( $oug#t to be obtaine% an% t#e groun%$ upon *#ic# it i$ ba$e%' an% i( re.uire% by t#e$e Ru&e$ or nece$$ary to pro,e (act$ a&&ege% t#erein' $#a&& be accompanie% by $upporting a((i%a,it$ an% ot#er paper$. !3a"

b. (i&e a 6otion (or 8i&& o( Particu&ar$

R4:E 1+ 8i&& o( Particu&ar$ Section 1. +hen app ied for0 purpose. C 8e(ore re$pon%ing to a p&ea%ing' a party may mo,e (or a %e(inite $tatement or (or a bi&& o( particu&ar$ o( any matter *#ic# i$ not a,erte% *it# $u((icient %e(initene$$ or particu&arity to enab&e #im proper&y to prepare #i$ re$pon$i,e p&ea%ing. I( t#e p&ea%ing i$ a rep&y' t#e motion mu$t be (i&e% *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ (rom $er,ice t#ereo(. Suc# motion $#a&& point out t#e %e(ect$ comp&aine% o(' t#e paragrap#$ *#erein t#ey are containe%' an% t#e %etai&$ %e$ire%. !1a" Section +. !ction by the court. C 4pon t#e (i&ing o( t#e motion' t#e c&erk o( court mu$t imme%iate&y bring it to t#e attention o( t#e court *#ic# may eit#er %eny or grant it outrig#t' or a&&o* t#e partie$ t#e opportunity to be #ear%. !n" Section 3. Comp iance $ith order. C I( t#e motion i$ grante%' eit#er in *#o&e or in part' t#e comp&iance t#ere*it# mu$t be e((ecte% *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ (rom notice o( t#e or%er' un&e$$ a %i((erent perio% i$ (i-e% by t#e court. T#e

bi&& o( particu&ar$ or a more %e(inite $tatement or%ere% by t#e court may be (i&e% eit#er in a $eparate or in an amen%e% p&ea%ing' $er,ing a copy t#ereo( on t#e a%,er$e party. !n" Section 3. 'ffect of non-comp iance. C I( t#e or%er i$ not obeye%' or in ca$e o( in$u((icient comp&iance t#ere*it#' t#e court may or%er t#e $triking out o( t#e p&ea%ing or t#e portion$ t#ereo( to *#ic# t#e or%er *a$ %irecte% or make $uc# ot#er or%er a$ it %eem$ 1u$t. !1EcFa" Section /. Stay of period to fi e responsive p eading . C A(ter $er,ice o( t#e bi&& o( particu&ar$ or o( a more %e(inite p&ea%ing' or a(ter notice o( %enia& o( #i$ motion' t#e mo,ing party may (i&e #i$ re$pon$i,e p&ea%ing *it#in t#e perio% to *#ic# #e *a$ entit&e% at t#e time o( (i&ing #i$ motion' *#ic# $#a&& not be &e$$ t#an (i,e !/" %ay$ in any e,ent. !1EbFa" Section 7. 2i a part of p eading. C A bi&& o( particu&ar$ become$ part o( t#e p&ea%ing (or *#ic# it i$ inten%e%. !1EaFa"

c. (i&e a 6otion (or Summary Au%gement

R4:E 3/ Summary Au%gment$ Section 1. Summary %udgment for c aimant. C A party $eeking to reco,er upon a c&aim' counterc&aim' or cro$$ c&aim or to obtain a %ec&aratory re&ie( may' at any time a(ter t#e p&ea%ing in an$*er t#ereto #a$ been $er,e%' mo,e *it# $upporting a((i%a,it$' %epo$ition$ or a%mi$$ion$ (or a $ummary 1u%gment in #i$ (a,or upon a&& or any part t#ereo(. !1a' R33" Section +. Summary %udgment for defending party. C A party again$t *#om a c&aim' counterc&aim' or cro$$ c&aim i$ a$$erte% or a %ec&aratory re&ie( i$ $oug#t may' at any time' mo,e *it# $upporting a((i%a,it$' %epo$ition$ or a%mi$$ion$ (or a $ummary 1u%gment in #i$ (a,or a$ to a&& or any part t#ereo(. !+a' R33" Section 3. Motion and proceedings thereon. C T#e motion $#a&& be $er,e% at &ea$t ten !1)" %ay$ be(ore t#e time $peci(ie% (or t#e #earing. T#e a%,er$e

party may $er,e oppo$ing a((i%a,it$' %epo$ition$' or a%mi$$ion$ at &ea$t t#ree !3" %ay$ be(ore t#e #earing. A(ter t#e #earing' t#e 1u%gment $oug#t $#a&& be ren%ere% (ort#*it# i( t#e p&ea%ing$' $upporting a((i%a,it$' %epo$ition$' an% a%mi$$ion$ on (i&e' $#o* t#at' e-cept a$ to t#e amount o( %amage$' t#ere i$ no genuine i$$ue a$ to any materia& (act an% t#at t#e mo,ing party i$ entit&e% to a 1u%gment a$ a matter o( &a*. !3a' R33" Section 3. Case not fu y ad%udicated on motion . C I( on motion un%er t#i$ Ru&e' 1u%gment i$ not ren%ere% upon t#e *#o&e ca$e or (or a&& t#e re&ie($ $oug#t an% a tria& i$ nece$$ary' t#e court at t#e #earing o( t#e motion' by e-amining t#e p&ea%ing$ an% t#e e,i%ence be(ore it an% by interrogating coun$e& $#a&& a$certain *#at materia& (act$ e-i$t *it#out $ub$tantia& contro,er$y an% *#at are actua&&y an% in goo% (ait# contro,erte%. It $#a&& t#ereupon make an or%er $peci(ying t#e (act$ t#at appear *it#out $ub$tantia& contro,er$y' inc&u%ing t#e e-tent to *#ic# t#e amount o( %amage$ or ot#er re&ie( i$ not in contro,er$y' an% %irecting $uc# (urt#er procee%ing$ in t#e action a$ are 1u$t. T#e (act$ $o $peci(ie% $#a&& be %eeme% e$tab&i$#e%' an% t#e tria& $#a&& be con%ucte% on t#e contro,erte% (act$ accor%ing&y. !3a' R33" Section /. Form of affidavits and supporting papers. C Supporting an% oppo$ing a((i%a,it$ $#a&& be ma%e on per$ona& kno*&e%ge' $#a&& $et (ort# $uc# (act$ a$ *ou&% be a%mi$$ib&e in e,i%ence' an% $#a&& $#o* a((irmati,e&y t#at t#e a((iant i$ competent to te$ti(y to t#e matter$ $tate% t#erein. Certi(ie% true copie$ o( a&& paper$ or part$ t#ereo( re(erre% to in t#e a((i%a,it $#a&& be attac#e% t#ereto or $er,e% t#ere*it#. !/a' R33" Section 7. !ffidavits in bad faith. C S#ou&% it appear to it$ $ati$(action at any time t#at any o( t#e a((i%a,it$ pre$ente% pur$uant to t#i$ Ru&e are pre$ente% in ba% (ait#' or $o&e&y (or t#e purpo$e o( %e&ay' t#e court $#a&& (ort#*it# or%er t#e o((en%ing party or coun$e& to pay to t#e ot#er party t#e amount o( t#e rea$onab&e e-pen$e$ *#ic# t#e (i&ing o( t#e a((i%a,it$ cau$e% #im to incur inc&u%ing attorneyG$ (ee$' it may' a(ter #earing (urt#er a%1u%ge t#e o((en%ing party or coun$e& gui&ty o( contempt. !7a' R33"

%. (i&e an An$*er

R4:E 7 Kin%$ ?( P&ea%ing$ Section 3. !ns$er. C An an$*er i$ a p&ea%ing in *#ic# a %e(en%ing party $et$ (ort# #i$ %e(en$e$. !3a" Section /. /efenses. C 9e(en$e$ may eit#er be negati,e or a((irmati,e. !a" A negati,e %e(en$e i$ t#e $peci(ic %enia& o( t#e materia& (act or (act$ a&&ege% in t#e p&ea%ing o( t#e c&aimant e$$entia& to #i$ cau$e or cau$e$ o( action. !b" An a((irmati,e %e(en$e i$ an a&&egation o( a ne* matter *#ic#' *#i&e #ypot#etica&&y a%mitting t#e materia& a&&egation$ in t#e p&ea%ing o( t#e c&aimant' *ou&% ne,ert#e&e$$ pre,ent or bar reco,ery by #im. T#e a((irmati,e %e(en$e$ inc&u%e (rau%' $tatute o( &imitation$' re&ea$e' payment' i&&ega&ity' $tatute o( (rau%$' e$toppe&' (ormer reco,ery' %i$c#arge in bankruptcy' an% any ot#er matter by *ay o( con(e$$ion an% a,oi%ance. !/a" Section 7. Counterc aim. C A counterc&aim i$ any c&aim *#ic# a %e(en%ing party may #a,e again$t an oppo$ing party. !7a" Section =. Compu sory counterc aim. C A compu&$ory counterc&aim i$ one *#ic#' being cogni2ab&e by t#e regu&ar court$ o( 1u$tice' ari$e$ out o( or i$ connecte% *it# t#e tran$action or occurrence con$tituting t#e $ub1ect matter o( t#e oppo$ing partyG$ c&aim an% %oe$ not re.uire (or it$ a%1u%ication t#e pre$ence o( t#ir% partie$ o( *#om t#e court cannot ac.uire 1uri$%iction. Suc# a counterc&aim mu$t be *it#in t#e 1uri$%iction o( t#e court bot# a$ to t#e amount an% t#e nature t#ereo(' e-cept t#at in an origina& action be(ore t#e Regiona& Tria& Court' t#e counter c&aim may be con$i%ere% compu&$ory regar%&e$$ o( t#e amount. !n" Section >. Cross-c aim. C A cro$$ c&aim i$ any c&aim by one party again$t a co party ari$ing out o( t#e tran$action or occurrence t#at i$ t#e $ub1ect matter eit#er o( t#e origina& action or o( a counterc&aim t#erein. Suc# cro$$ c&aim may inc&u%e a c&aim t#at t#e party again$t *#om it i$ a$$erte% i$ or may be &iab&e to t#e cro$$ c&aimant (or a&& or part o( a c&aim a$$erte% in t#e action again$t t#e cro$$ c&aimant. !=" Section 9. Counter-counterc aims and counter-crossc aims. C A counter

c&aim may be a$$erte% again$t an origina& counter c&aimant. A cro$$ c&aim may a&$o be (i&e% again$t an origina& cro$$ c&aimant. !n" Section 1). )ep y. Section 11. Third4 5fourth4 etc.67party comp aint. C A t#ir% !(ourt#' etc." C party comp&aint i$ a c&aim t#at a %e(en%ing party may' *it# &ea,e o( court' (i&e again$t a per$on not a party to t#e action' ca&&e% t#e t#ir% !(ourt#' etc." C party %e(en%ant (or contribution' in%emnity' $ubrogation or any ot#er re&ie(' in re$pect o( #i$ opponentG$ c&aim. !1+a" Section 1+. 2ringing ne$ parties. C <#en t#e pre$ence o( partie$ ot#er t#an t#o$e to t#e origina& action i$ re.uire% (or t#e granting o( comp&ete re&ie( in t#e %etermination o( a counterc&aim or cro$$ c&aim' t#e court $#a&& or%er t#em to be broug#t in a$ %e(en%ant$' i( 1uri$%iction o,er t#em can be obtaine%. !13" Section 13. !ns$er to third 5fourth4 etc.67party comp aint. C A t#ir% !(ourt#' etc." C party %e(en%ant may a&&ege in #i$ an$*er #i$ %e(en$e$' counterc&aim$ or cro$$ c&aim$' inc&u%ing $uc# %e(en$e$ t#at t#e t#ir% !(ourt#' etc." C party p&ainti(( may #a,e again$t t#e origina& p&ainti((G$ c&aim. In proper ca$e$' #e may a&$o a$$ert a counterc&aim again$t t#e origina& p&ainti(( in re$pect o( t#e &atterG$ c&aim again$t t#e t#ir% party p&ainti((. !n" R4:E = Part$ o( a P&ea%ing Section 1. Caption. C T#e caption $et$ (ort# t#e name o( t#e court' t#e tit&e o( t#e action' an% t#e %ocket number i( a$$igne%. T#e tit&e o( t#e action in%icate$ t#e name$ o( t#e partie$. T#ey $#a&& a&& be name% in t#e origina& comp&aint or petition0 but in $ub$e.uent p&ea%ing$' it $#a&& be $u((icient i( t#e name o( t#e (ir$t party on eac# $i%e be $tate% *it# an appropriate in%ication *#en t#ere are ot#er partie$. T#eir re$pecti,e participation in t#e ca$e $#a&& be in%icate%. !1a' +a" Section +. The body. C T#e bo%y o( t#e p&ea%ing $et$ (ourt# it$ %e$ignation' t#e a&&egation$ o( t#e partyG$ c&aim$ or %e(en$e$' t#e re&ie( praye% (or' an% t#e %ate o( t#e p&ea%ing. !n"

!a" Paragraphs. C T#e a&&egation$ in t#e bo%y o( a p&ea%ing $#a&& be %i,i%e% into paragrap#$ $o numbere% to be rea%i&y i%enti(ie%' eac# o( *#ic# $#a&& contain a $tatement o( a $ing&e $et o( circum$tance$ $o (ar a$ t#at can be %one *it# con,enience. A paragrap# may be re(erre% to by it$ number in a&& $uccee%ing p&ea%ing$. !3a" !b" 1eadings. C <#en t*o or more cau$e$ o( action are 1oine% t#e $tatement o( t#e (ir$t $#a&& be pre(ace% by t#e *or%$ D(ir$t cau$e o( action'GG o( t#e $econ% by D$econ% cau$e o( actionD' an% $o on (or t#e ot#er$. <#en one or more paragrap#$ in t#e an$*er are a%%re$$e% to one o( $e,era& cau$e$ o( action in t#e comp&aint' t#ey $#a&& be pre(ace% by t#e *or%$ Dan$*er to t#e (ir$t cau$e o( actionD or Dan$*er to t#e $econ% cau$e o( actionD an% $o on0 an% *#en one or more paragrap#$ o( t#e an$*er are a%%re$$e% to $e,era& cau$e$ o( action' t#ey $#a&& be pre(ace% by *or%$ to t#at e((ect. !3" !c" )e ief. C T#e p&ea%ing $#a&& $peci(y t#e re&ie( $oug#t' but it may a%% a genera& prayer (or $uc# (urt#er or ot#er re&ie( a$ may be %eeme% 1u$t or e.uitab&e. !3a' R7" !%" /ate. C E,ery p&ea%ing $#a&& be %ate%. !n" Section 3. Signature and address. C E,ery p&ea%ing mu$t be $igne% by t#e party or coun$e& repre$enting #im' $tating in eit#er ca$e #i$ a%%re$$ *#ic# $#ou&% not be a po$t o((ice bo-. T#e $ignature o( coun$e& con$titute$ a certi(icate by #im t#at #e #a$ rea% t#e p&ea%ing0 t#at to t#e be$t o( #i$ kno*&e%ge' in(ormation' an% be&ie( t#ere i$ goo% groun% to $upport it0 an% t#at it i$ not interpo$e% (or %e&ay. An un$igne% p&ea%ing pro%uce$ no &ega& e((ect. Ho*e,er' t#e court may' in it$ %i$cretion' a&&o* $uc# %e(iciency to be reme%ie% i( it $#a&& appear t#at t#e $ame *a$ %ue to mere ina%,ertence an% not inten%e% (or %e&ay. Coun$e& *#o %e&iberate&y (i&e$ an un$igne% p&ea%ing' or $ign$ a p&ea%ing in ,io&ation o( t#i$ Ru&e' or a&&ege$ $can%a&ou$ or in%ecent matter t#erein' or (ai&$ prompt&y report to t#e court a c#ange o( #i$ a%%re$$' $#a&& be $ub1ect to appropriate %i$cip&inary action. !/a" Section 3. Verification. C E-cept *#en ot#er*i$e $peci(ica&&y re.uire% by &a* or ru&e' p&ea%ing$ nee% not be un%er oat#' ,eri(ie% or accompanie% by

a((i%a,it .!/a" A p&ea%ing i$ ,eri(ie% by an a((i%a,it t#at t#e a((iant #a$ rea% t#e p&ea%ing an% t#at t#e a&&egation$ t#erein are true an% correct o( #i$ kno*&e%ge an% be&ie(. A p&ea%ing re.uire% to be ,eri(ie% *#ic# contain$ a ,eri(ication ba$e% on Din(ormation an% be&ie(D' or upon Dkno*&e%ge' in(ormation an% be&ie(D' or &ack$ a proper ,eri(ication' $#a&& be treate% a$ an un$igne% p&ea%ing. !7a" Section /. Certification against forum shopping. C T#e p&ainti(( or principa& party $#a&& certi(y un%er oat# in t#e comp&aint or ot#er initiatory p&ea%ing a$$erting a c&aim (or re&ie(' or in a $*orn certi(ication anne-e% t#ereto an% $imu&taneou$&y (i&e% t#ere*it#5 !a" t#at #e #a$ not t#ereto(ore commence% any action or (i&e% any c&aim in,o&,ing t#e $ame i$$ue$ in any court' tribuna& or .ua$i 1u%icia& agency an%' to t#e be$t o( #i$ kno*&e%ge' no $uc# ot#er action or c&aim i$ pen%ing t#erein0 !b" i( t#ere i$ $uc# ot#er pen%ing action or c&aim' a comp&ete $tatement o( t#e pre$ent $tatu$ t#ereo(0 an% !c" i( #e $#ou&% t#erea(ter &earn t#at t#e $ame or $imi&ar action or c&aim #a$ been (i&e% or i$ pen%ing' #e $#a&& report t#at (act *it#in (i,e !/" %ay$ t#ere(rom to t#e court *#erein #i$ a(ore$ai% comp&aint or initiatory p&ea%ing #a$ been (i&e%. @ai&ure to comp&y *it# t#e (oregoing re.uirement$ $#a&& not be curab&e by mere amen%ment o( t#e comp&aint or ot#er initiatory p&ea%ing but $#a&& be cau$e (or t#e %i$mi$$a& o( t#e ca$e *it#out pre1u%ice' un&e$$ ot#er*i$e pro,i%e%' upon motion an% a(ter #earing. T#e $ubmi$$ion o( a (a&$e certi(ication or non comp&iance *it# any o( t#e un%ertaking$ t#erein $#a&& con$titute in%irect contempt o( court' *it#out pre1u%ice to t#e corre$pon%ing a%mini$trati,e an% crimina& action$. I( t#e act$ o( t#e party or #i$ coun$e& c&ear&y con$titute *i&&(u& an% %e&iberate (orum $#opping' t#e $ame $#a&& be groun% (or $ummary %i$mi$$a& *it# pre1u%ice an% $#a&& con$titute %irect contempt' a$ *e&& a$ a cau$e (or a%mini$trati,e $anction$. !n"

R4:E > 6anner o( 6aking A&&egation$ in P&ea%ing$


Section 1. "n genera . C E,ery p&ea%ing $#a&& contain in a met#o%ica& an% &ogica& (orm' a p&ain' conci$e an% %irect $tatement o( t#e u&timate (act$ on *#ic# t#e party p&ea%ing re&ie$ (or #i$ c&aim or %e(en$e' a$ t#e ca$e may be' omitting t#e $tatement o( mere e,i%entiary (act$. !1" I( a %e(en$e re&ie% on i$ ba$e% on &a*' t#e pertinent pro,i$ion$ t#ereo( an% t#eir app&icabi&ity to #im $#a&& be c&ear&y an% conci$e&y $tate%. !n" Section +. ! ternative causes of action or defenses. C A party may $et (ort# t*o or more $tatement$ o( a c&aim or %e(en$e a&ternati,e&y or #ypot#etica&&y' eit#er in one cau$e o( action or %e(en$e or in $eparate cau$e$ o( action or %e(en$e$. <#en t*o or more $tatement$ are ma%e in t#e a&ternati,e an% one o( t#em i( ma%e in%epen%ent&y *ou&% be $u((icient' t#e p&ea%ing i$ not ma%e in$u((icient by t#e in$u((iciency o( one or more o( t#e a&ternati,e $tatement$. !+" Section 3. Conditions precedent. C In any p&ea%ing a genera& a,erment o( t#e per(ormance or occurrence o( a&& con%ition$ prece%ent $#a&& be $u((icient. !3" Section 3. Capacity. C @act$ $#o*ing t#e capacity o( a party to $ue or be $ue% or t#e aut#ority o( a party to $ue or be $ue% in a repre$entati,e capacity or t#e &ega& e-i$tence o( an organi2e% a$$ociation o( per$on t#at i$ ma%e a party' mu$t be a,erre%. A party %e$iring to rai$e an i$$ue a$ to t#e &ega& e-i$tence o( any party or t#e capacity o( any party to $ue or be $ue% in a repre$entati,e capacity' $#a&& %o $o by $peci(ic %enia&' *#ic# $#a&& inc&u%e $uc# $upporting particu&ar$ a$ are pecu&iar&y *it#in t#e p&ea%erG$ kno*&e%ge. !3" Section /. Fraud4 mistake4 condition of the mind . C In a&& a,erment$ o( (rau% or mi$take t#e circum$tance$ con$tituting (rau% or mi$take mu$t be $tate% *it# particu&arity. 6a&ice' intent' kno*&e%ge' or ot#er con%ition o( t#e min% o( a per$on may be a,erre% genera&&y.!/a" Section 7. *udgment. C In p&ea%ing a 1u%gment or %eci$ion o( a %ome$tic or (oreign court' 1u%icia& or .ua$i 1u%icia& tribuna&' or o( a boar% or o((icer' it i$ $u((icient to a,er t#e 1u%gment or %eci$ion *it#out $etting (ort# matter $#o*ing 1uri$%iction to ren%er it. !7" Section =. !ction or defense based on document. C <#ene,er an action or

%e(en$e i$ ba$e% upon a *ritten in$trument or %ocument' t#e $ub$tance o( $uc# in$trument or %ocument $#a&& be $et (ort# in t#e p&ea%ing' an% t#e origina& or a copy t#ereo( $#a&& be attac#e% to t#e p&ea%ing a$ an e-#ibit' *#ic# $#a&& be %eeme% to be a part o( t#e p&ea%ing' or $ai% copy may *it# &ike e((ect be $et (ort# in t#e p&ea%ing. !=" Section >. 1o$ to contest such documents. C <#en an action or %e(en$e i$ (oun%e% upon a *ritten in$trument' copie% in or attac#e% to t#e corre$pon%ing p&ea%ing a$ pro,i%e% in t#e prece%ing $ection' t#e genuinene$$ an% %ue e-ecution o( t#e in$trument $#a&& be %eeme% a%mitte% un&e$$ t#e a%,er$e party' un%er oat# $peci(ica&&y %enie$ t#em' an% $et$ (ort# *#at #e c&aim$ to be t#e (act$' but t#e re.uirement o( an oat# %oe$ not app&y *#en t#e a%,er$e party %oe$ not appear to be a party to t#e in$trument or *#en comp&iance *it# an or%er (or an in$pection o( t#e origina& in$trument i$ re(u$e%. !>a" Section 9. Officia document or act. C In p&ea%ing an o((icia& %ocument or o((icia& act' it i$ $u((icient to a,er t#at t#e %ocument *a$ i$$ue% or t#e act %one in comp&iance *it# &a*. !9" Section 1). Specific denia . C A %e(en%ant mu$t $peci(y eac# materia& a&&egation o( (act t#e trut# o( *#ic# #e %oe$ not a%mit an%' *#ene,er practicab&e' $#a&& $et (ort# t#e $ub$tance o( t#e matter$ upon *#ic# #e re&ie$ to $upport #i$ %enia&. <#ere a %e(en%ant %e$ire$ to %eny on&y a part o( an a,erment' #e $#a&& $peci(y $o muc# o( it a$ i$ true an% materia& an% $#a&& %eny on&y t#e remain%er. <#ere a %e(en%ant i$ *it#out kno*&e%ge or in(ormation $u((icient to (orm a be&ie( a$ to t#e trut# o( a materia& a,erment ma%e to t#e comp&aint' #e $#a&& $o $tate' an% t#i$ $#a&& #a,e t#e e((ect o( a %enia&. !1)a" Section 11. ! egations not specifica y denied deemed admitted . C 6ateria& a,erment in t#e comp&aint' ot#er t#an t#o$e a$ to t#e amount o( un&i.ui%ate% %amage$' $#a&& be %eeme% a%mitte% *#en not $peci(ica&&y %enie%. A&&egation$ o( u$ury in a comp&aint to reco,er u$uriou$ intere$t are %eeme% a%mitte% i( not %enie% un%er oat#. !1a' R9" Section 1+. Striking out of p eading or matter contained therein . C 4pon motion ma%e by a party be(ore re$pon%ing to a p&ea%ing or' i( no re$pon$i,e p&ea%ing i$ permitte% by t#e$e Ru&e$' upon motion ma%e by a party *it#in t*enty !+)" %ay$ a(ter t#e $er,ice o( t#e p&ea%ing upon #im' or upon t#e

courtG$ o*n initiati,e at any time' t#e court may or%er any p&ea%ing to be $tricken out or t#at any $#am or (a&$e' re%un%ant' immateria&' impertinent' or $can%a&ou$ matter be $tricken out t#ere(rom. !/' R9"

R4:E 9 E((ect o( @ai&ure to P&ea% Section 1. /efenses and ob%ections not p eaded. C 9e(en$e$ an% ob1ection$ not p&ea%e% eit#er in a motion to %i$mi$$ or in t#e an$*er are %eeme% *ai,e%. Ho*e,er' *#en it appear$ (rom t#e p&ea%ing$ or t#e e,i%ence on recor% t#at t#e court #a$ no 1uri$%iction o,er t#e $ub1ect matter' t#at t#ere i$ anot#er action pen%ing bet*een t#e $ame partie$ (or t#e $ame cau$e' or t#at t#e action i$ barre% by a prior 1u%gment or by $tatute o( &imitation$' t#e court $#a&& %i$mi$$ t#e c&aim. !+a" Section +. Compu sory counterc aim' or cross-c aim' not set up barred. C A compu&$ory counterc&aim' or a cro$$ c&aim' not $et up $#a&& be barre%. !3a" Section 3. /efau t0 dec aration of. C I( t#e %e(en%ing party (ai&$ to an$*er *it#in t#e time a&&o*e% t#ere(or' t#e court $#a&&' upon motion o( t#e c&aiming party *it# notice to t#e %e(en%ing party' an% proo( o( $uc# (ai&ure' %ec&are t#e %e(en%ing party in %e(au&t. T#ereupon' t#e court $#a&& procee% to ren%er 1u%gment granting t#e c&aimant $uc# re&ie( a$ #i$ p&ea%ing may *arrant' un&e$$ t#e court in it$ %i$cretion re.uire$ t#e c&aimant to $ubmit e,i%ence. Suc# reception o( e,i%ence may be %e&egate% to t#e c&erk o( court. !1a' R1>" !a" 'ffect of order of defau t. C A party in %e(au&t $#a&& be entit&e% to notice o( $ub$e.uent procee%ing$ but not to take part in t#e tria&. !+a' R1>" !b" )e ief from order of defau t. C A party %ec&are% in %e(au&t may at any time a(ter notice t#ereo( an% be(ore 1u%gment (i&e a motion un%er oat# to $et a$i%e t#e or%er o( %e(au&t upon proper $#o*ing t#at #i$ (ai&ure to an$*er *a$ %ue to (rau%' acci%ent' mi$take or e-cu$ab&e neg&igence an% t#at #e #a$ a meritoriou$ %e(en$e. In $uc# ca$e' t#e or%er o( %e(au&t may be $et a$i%e on $uc# term$ an% con%ition$ a$ t#e 1u%ge may impo$e in t#e intere$t

o( 1u$tice. !3a' R1>" !c" 'ffect of partia defau t. C <#en a p&ea%ing a$$erting a c&aim $tate$ a common cau$e o( action again$t $e,era& %e(en%ing partie$' $ome o( *#om an$*er an% t#e ot#er$ (ai& to %o $o' t#e court $#a&& try t#e ca$e again$t a&& upon t#e an$*er$ t#u$ (i&e% an% ren%er 1u%gment upon t#e e,i%ence pre$ente%. !3a' R1>". !%" '(tent of re ief to be a$arded. C A 1u%gment ren%ere% again$t a party in %e(au&t $#a&& not e-cee% t#e amount or be %i((erent in kin% (rom t#at praye% (or nor a*ar% un&i.ui%ate% %amage$. !/a' R1>". !e" +here no defau ts a o$ed. C I( t#e %e(en%ing party in an action (or annu&ment or %ec&aration o( nu&&ity o( marriage or (or &ega& $eparation (ai&$ to an$*er' t#e court $#a&& or%er t#e pro$ecuting attorney to in,e$tigate *#et#er or not a co&&u$ion bet*een t#e partie$ e-i$t$' an% i( t#ere i$ no co&&u$ion' to inter,ene (or t#e State in or%er to $ee to it t#at t#e e,i%ence $ubmitte% i$ not (abricate%. !7a' R1>" R4:E 11 <#en to @i&e Re$pon$i,e P&ea%ing$ Section 1. !ns$er to the comp aint. C T#e %e(en%ant $#a&& (i&e #i$ an$*er to t#e comp&aint *it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ a(ter $er,ice o( $ummon$' un&e$$ a %i((erent perio% i$ (i-e% by t#e court. !&a" Section +. !ns$er of a defendant foreign private %uridica entity . C <#ere t#e %e(en%ant i$ a (oreign pri,ate 1uri%ica& entity an% $er,ice o( $ummon$ i$ ma%e on t#e go,ernment o((icia& %e$ignate% by &a* to recei,e t#e $ame' t#e an$*er $#a&& be (i&e% *it#in t#irty !3)" %ay$ a(ter receipt o( $ummon$ by $uc# entity. !+a" Section 3. !ns$er to amended comp aint. C <#en t#e p&ainti(( (i&e$ an amen%e% comp&aint a$ a matter o( rig#t' t#e %e(en%ant $#a&& an$*er t#e $ame *it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ a(ter being $er,e% *it# a copy t#ereo(. <#ere it$ (i&ing i$ not a matter o( rig#t' t#e %e(en%ant $#a&& an$*er t#e amen%e% comp&aint *it#in ten !&)" %ay$ (rom notice o( t#e or%er a%mitting t#e $ame. An an$*er ear&ier (i&e% may $er,e a$ t#e an$*er to t#e amen%e% comp&aint i( no ne* an$*er i$ (i&e%.

T#i$ Ru&e $#a&& app&y to t#e an$*er to an amen%e% counterc&aim' amen%e% cro$$ c&aim' amen%e% t#ir% !(ourt#' etc."Cparty comp&aint' an% amen%e% comp&aint in inter,ention. !3a" Section 3. !ns$er to counterc aim or cross-c aim. C A counterc&aim or cro$$ c&aim mu$t be an$*ere% *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ (rom $er,ice. !3" Section /. !ns$er to third 5fourth4 etc.6-party comp aint . C T#e time to an$*er a t#ir% !(ourt#' etc."Cparty comp&aint $#a&& be go,erne% by t#e $ame ru&e a$ t#e an$*er to t#e comp&aint. !/a" Section 7. )ep y. C A rep&y may be (i&e% *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ (rom $er,ice o( t#e p&ea%ing re$pon%e% to. !7" Section =. !ns$er to supp ementa comp ain. C A $upp&ementa& comp&aint may be an$*ere% *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ (rom notice o( t#e or%er a%mitting t#e $ame' un&e$$ a %i((erent perio% i$ (i-e% by t#e court. T#e an$*er to t#e comp&aint $#a&& $er,e a$ t#e an$*er to t#e $upp&ementa& comp&aint i( no ne* or $upp&ementa& an$*er i$ (i&e%. !n" Section >. '(isting counterc aim or cross-c aim. C A compu&$ory counterc&aim or a cro$$ c&aim t#at a %e(en%ing party #a$ at t#e time #e (i&e$ #i$ an$*er $#a&& be containe% t#erein. !>a' R7" Section 9. Counterc aim or cross-c aim arising after ans$er. C A counterc&aim or a cro$$ c&aim *#ic# eit#er mature% or *a$ ac.uire% by a party a(ter $er,ing #i$ p&ea%ing may' *it# t#e permi$$ion o( t#e court' be pre$ente% a$ a counterc&aim or a cro$$ c&aim by $upp&ementa& p&ea%ing be(ore 1u%gment. !9' R7" Section 1). Omitted counterc aim or cross-c aim. C <#en a p&ea%er (ai&$ to $et up a counterc&aim or a cro$$ c&aim t#roug# o,er$ig#t' ina%,ertence' or e-cu$ab&e neg&ect' or *#en 1u$tice re.uire$' #e may' by &ea,e o( court' $et up t#e counterc&aim or cro$$ c&aim by amen%ment be(ore 1u%gment. !3' R9" Section 11. '(tension of time to p ead. C 4pon motion an% on $uc# term$ a$ may be 1u$t' t#e court may e-ten% t#e time to p&ea% pro,i%e% in t#e$e Ru&e$. T#e court may a&$o' upon &ike term$' a&&o* an an$*er or ot#er p&ea%ing to be (i&e% a(ter t#e time (i-e% by t#e$e Ru&e$. !="


/. ?ption$ A,ai&ab&e to P&ainti(( a. (i&e a 6otion to 9ec&are t#e 9e(en%ant in 9e(au&t b. (i&e a 6otion (or Au%gement on t#e P&ea%ing c. (i&e a 6otion @or Summary Au%gement %. (i&e a Rep&y

i. (i&e a 6otion to 9ec&are t#e 9e(en%ant in 9e(au&t

R4:E 9 E((ect o( @ai&ure to P&ea% Section 3. /efau t0 dec aration of. C I( t#e %e(en%ing party (ai&$ to an$*er *it#in t#e time a&&o*e% t#ere(or' t#e court $#a&&' upon motion o( t#e c&aiming party *it# notice to t#e %e(en%ing party' an% proo( o( $uc# (ai&ure' %ec&are t#e %e(en%ing party in %e(au&t. T#ereupon' t#e court $#a&& procee% to ren%er 1u%gment granting t#e c&aimant $uc# re&ie( a$ #i$ p&ea%ing may *arrant' un&e$$ t#e court in it$ %i$cretion re.uire$ t#e c&aimant to $ubmit e,i%ence. Suc# reception o( e,i%ence may be %e&egate% to t#e c&erk o( court. !1a' R1>" !a" 'ffect of order of defau t. C A party in %e(au&t $#a&& be entit&e% to notice o( $ub$e.uent procee%ing$ but not to take part in t#e tria&. !+a' R1>" !b" )e ief from order of defau t. C A party %ec&are% in %e(au&t may at any time a(ter notice t#ereo( an% be(ore 1u%gment (i&e a motion un%er oat# to $et a$i%e t#e or%er o( %e(au&t upon proper $#o*ing t#at #i$ (ai&ure to an$*er *a$ %ue to (rau%' acci%ent' mi$take or e-cu$ab&e neg&igence an% t#at #e #a$ a meritoriou$ %e(en$e. In $uc# ca$e' t#e or%er o( %e(au&t may be $et a$i%e on $uc# term$ an% con%ition$ a$ t#e 1u%ge may impo$e in t#e intere$t o( 1u$tice. !3a' R1>" !c" 'ffect of partia defau t. C <#en a p&ea%ing a$$erting a c&aim $tate$ a common cau$e o( action again$t $e,era& %e(en%ing partie$' $ome o( *#om

an$*er an% t#e ot#er$ (ai& to %o $o' t#e court $#a&& try t#e ca$e again$t a&& upon t#e an$*er$ t#u$ (i&e% an% ren%er 1u%gment upon t#e e,i%ence pre$ente%. !3a' R1>". !%" '(tent of re ief to be a$arded. C A 1u%gment ren%ere% again$t a party in %e(au&t $#a&& not e-cee% t#e amount or be %i((erent in kin% (rom t#at praye% (or nor a*ar% un&i.ui%ate% %amage$. !/a' R1>". !e" +here no defau ts a o$ed. C I( t#e %e(en%ing party in an action (or annu&ment or %ec&aration o( nu&&ity o( marriage or (or &ega& $eparation (ai&$ to an$*er' t#e court $#a&& or%er t#e pro$ecuting attorney to in,e$tigate *#et#er or not a co&&u$ion bet*een t#e partie$ e-i$t$' an% i( t#ere i$ no co&&u$ion' to inter,ene (or t#e State in or%er to $ee to it t#at t#e e,i%ence $ubmitte% i$ not (abricate%. !7a' R1>" R4:E 1= 9i$mi$$a& o( Action$ Section 1. /ismissa upon notice by p aintiff. C A comp&aint may be %i$mi$$e% by t#e p&ainti(( by (i&ing a notice o( %i$mi$$a& at any time be(ore $er,ice o( t#e an$*er or o( a motion (or $ummary 1u%gment. 4pon $uc# notice being (i&e%' t#e court $#a&& i$$ue an or%er con(irming t#e %i$mi$$a&. 4n&e$$ ot#er*i$e $tate% in t#e notice' t#e %i$mi$$a& i$ *it#out pre1u%ice' e-cept t#at a notice operate$ a$ an a%1u%ication upon t#e merit$ *#en (i&e% by a p&ainti(( *#o #a$ once %i$mi$$e% in a competent court an action ba$e% on or inc&u%ing t#e $ame c&aim. !1a" Section +. /ismissa upon motion of p aintiff. C E-cept a$ pro,i%e% in t#e prece%ing $ection' a comp&aint $#a&& not be %i$mi$$e% at t#e p&ainti((G$ in$tance $a,e upon appro,a& o( t#e court an% upon $uc# term$ an% con%ition$ a$ t#e court %eem$ proper. I( a counterc&aim #a$ been p&ea%e% by a %e(en%ant prior to t#e $er,ice upon #im o( t#e p&ainti(($ motion (or %i$mi$$a&' t#e %i$mi$$a& $#a&& be &imite% to t#e comp&aint. T#e %i$mi$$a& $#a&& be *it#out pre1u%ice to t#e rig#t o( t#e %e(en%ant to pro$ecute #i$ counterc&aim in a $eparate action un&e$$ *it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom notice o( t#e motion #e mani(e$t$ #i$ pre(erence to #a,e #i$ counterc&aim re$o&,e% in t#e $ame action. 4n&e$$ ot#er*i$e $peci(ie% in t#e or%er' a %i$mi$$a& un%er t#i$ paragrap# $#a&& be *it#out pre1u%ice. A c&a$$ $uit $#a&& not be %i$mi$$e% or compromi$e% *it#out t#e appro,a& o( t#e court. !+a"

Section 3. /ismissa due to fau t of p aintiff. C I(' (or no 1u$ti(iab&e cau$e' t#e p&ainti(( (ai&$ to appear on t#e %ate o( t#e pre$entation o( #i$ e,i%ence in c#ie( on t#e comp&aint' or to pro$ecute #i$ action (or an unrea$onab&e &engt# o( time' or to comp&y *it# t#e$e Ru&e$ or any or%er o( t#e court' t#e comp&aint may be %i$mi$$e% upon motion o( t#e %e(en%ant or upon t#e courtG$ o*n motion' *it#out pre1u%ice to t#e rig#t o( t#e %e(en%ant to pro$ecute #i$ counterc&aim in t#e $ame or in a $eparate action. T#i$ %i$mi$$a& $#a&& #a,e t#e e((ect o( an a%1u%ication upon t#e merit$' un&e$$ ot#er*i$e %ec&are% by t#e court. !3a" Section 3. /ismissa of counterc aim' cross-c aim' or third-party comp aint. C T#e pro,i$ion$ o( t#i$ Ru&e $#a&& app&y to t#e %i$mi$$a& o( any counterc&aim' cro$$ c&aim' or t#ir% party comp&aint. A ,o&untary %i$mi$$a& by t#e c&aimant by notice a$ in $ection 1 o( t#i$ Ru&e' $#a&& be ma%e be(ore a re$pon$i,e p&ea%ing or a motion (or $ummary 1u%gment i$ $er,e% or' i( t#ere i$ none' be(ore t#e intro%uction o( e,i%ence at t#e tria& or #earing. !3a" R4:E 13 @i&ing an% Ser,ice o( P&ea%ing$' Au%gment$ an% ?t#er Paper$ Section +. Fi ing and service' defined. C @i&ing i$ t#e act o( pre$enting t#e p&ea%ing or ot#er paper to t#e c&erk o( court. Ser,ice i$ t#e act o( pro,i%ing a party *it# a copy o( t#e p&ea%ing or paper concerne%. I( any party #a$ appeare% by coun$e&' $er,ice upon #im $#a&& be ma%e upon #i$ coun$e& or one o( t#em' un&e$$ $er,ice upon t#e party #im$e&( i$ or%ere% by t#e court. <#ere one coun$e& appear$ (or $e,era& partie$' #e $#a&& on&y be entit&e% to one copy o( any paper $er,e% upon #im by t#e oppo$ite $i%e. !+a" Section 3. Manner of fi ing. C T#e (i&ing o( p&ea%ing$' appearance$' motion$' notice$' or%er$' 1u%gment$ an% a&& ot#er paper$ $#a&& be ma%e by pre$enting t#e origina& copie$ t#ereo(' p&ain&y in%icate% a$ $uc#' per$ona&&y to t#e c&erk o( court or by $en%ing t#em by regi$tere% mai&. In t#e (ir$t ca$e' t#e c&erk o( court $#a&& en%or$e on t#e p&ea%ing t#e %ate an% #our o( (i&ing. In t#e $econ% ca$e' t#e %ate o( t#e mai&ing o( motion$' p&ea%ing$' or any ot#er paper$ or payment$ or %epo$it$' a$ $#o*n by t#e po$t o((ice $tamp on t#e en,e&ope or t#e regi$try receipt' $#a&& be con$i%ere% a$ t#e %ate o( t#eir (i&ing' payment' or %epo$it in court. T#e en,e&ope $#a&& be attac#e% to t#e

recor% o( t#e ca$e. !1a"

ii. (i&e a 6otion (or Au%gement on t#e P&ea%ing R4:E 33 Au%gment on t#e P&ea%ing$ Section 1. *udgment on the p eadings. C <#ere an an$*er (ai&$ to ten%er an i$$ue' or ot#er*i$e a%mit$ t#e materia& a&&egation$ o( t#e a%,er$e partyG$ p&ea%ing' t#e court may0 on motion o( t#at party' %irect 1u%gment on $uc# p&ea%ing. Ho*e,er' in action$ (or %ec&aration o( nu&&ity or annu&ment o( marriage or (or &ega& $eparation' t#e materia& (act$ a&&ege% in t#e comp&aint $#a&& a&*ay$ be pro,e%. !1a' R19" iii. (i&e a 6otion @or Summary Au%gement R4:E 3/ Summary Au%gment$ Section 1. Summary %udgment for c aimant. C A party $eeking to reco,er upon a c&aim' counterc&aim' or cro$$ c&aim or to obtain a %ec&aratory re&ie( may' at any time a(ter t#e p&ea%ing in an$*er t#ereto #a$ been $er,e%' mo,e *it# $upporting a((i%a,it$' %epo$ition$ or a%mi$$ion$ (or a $ummary 1u%gment in #i$ (a,or upon a&& or any part t#ereo(. !1a' R33" i,. (i&e a Rep&y R4:E 7 Kin%$ ?( P&ea%ing$ Section 1). )ep y. C A rep&y i$ a p&ea%ing' t#e o((ice or (unction o( *#ic# i$ to %eny' or a&&ege (act$ in %enia& or a,oi%ance o( ne* matter$ a&&ege% by *ay o( %e(en$e in t#e an$*er an% t#ereby 1oin or make i$$ue a$ to $uc# ne* matter$. I( a party %oe$ not (i&e $uc# rep&y' a&& t#e ne* matter$ a&&ege% in t#e an$*er are %eeme% contro,erte%. I( t#e p&ainti(( *i$#e$ to interpo$e any c&aim$ ari$ing out o( t#e ne* matter$ $o a&&ege%' $uc# c&aim$ $#a&& be $et (ort# in an amen%e% or $upp&ementa&

comp&aint. !11" R4:E > 6anner o( 6aking A&&egation$ in P&ea%ing$ Section =. !ction or defense based on document. C <#ene,er an action or %e(en$e i$ ba$e% upon a *ritten in$trument or %ocument' t#e $ub$tance o( $uc# in$trument or %ocument $#a&& be $et (ort# in t#e p&ea%ing' an% t#e origina& or a copy t#ereo( $#a&& be attac#e% to t#e p&ea%ing a$ an e-#ibit' *#ic# $#a&& be %eeme% to be a part o( t#e p&ea%ing' or $ai% copy may *it# &ike e((ect be $et (ort# in t#e p&ea%ing. !=" Section >. 1o$ to contest such documents. C <#en an action or %e(en$e i$ (oun%e% upon a *ritten in$trument' copie% in or attac#e% to t#e corre$pon%ing p&ea%ing a$ pro,i%e% in t#e prece%ing $ection' t#e genuinene$$ an% %ue e-ecution o( t#e in$trument $#a&& be %eeme% a%mitte% un&e$$ t#e a%,er$e party' un%er oat# $peci(ica&&y %enie$ t#em' an% $et$ (ort# *#at #e c&aim$ to be t#e (act$' but t#e re.uirement o( an oat# %oe$ not app&y *#en t#e a%,er$e party %oe$ not appear to be a party to t#e in$trument or *#en comp&iance *it# an or%er (or an in$pection o( t#e origina& in$trument i$ re(u$e%. !>a" 7. Pretria& a. Ci,i& Action b. Crimina& Action

i. Ci,i& Action R4:E 1> Pre Tria& Section 1. +hen conducted. C A(ter t#e &a$t p&ea%ing #a$ been $er,e% an% (i&e%' i( $#a&& be t#e %uty o( t#e p&ainti(( to prompt&y mo,e e( parte t#at t#e ca$e be $et (or pre tria& !/a' R+)" Section +. ,ature and purpose. C T#e pre tria& i$ man%atory. T#e court

$#a&& con$i%er5 !a" T#e po$$ibi&ity o( an amicab&e $ett&ement or o( a $ubmi$$ion to a&ternati,e mo%e$ o( %i$pute re$o&ution0 !b" T#e $imp&i(ication o( t#e i$$ue$0 !c" T#e nece$$ity or %e$irabi&ity o( amen%ment$ to t#e p&ea%ing$0 !%" T#e po$$ibi&ity o( obtaining $tipu&ation$ or a%mi$$ion$ o( (act$ an% o( %ocument$ to a,oi% unnece$$ary proo(0 !e" T#e &imitation o( t#e number o( *itne$$e$0 !(" T#e a%,i$abi&ity o( a pre&iminary re(erence o( i$$ue$ to a commi$$ioner0 !g" T#e propriety o( ren%ering 1u%gment on t#e p&ea%ing$' or $ummary 1u%gment' or o( %i$mi$$ing t#e action $#ou&% a ,a&i% groun% t#ere(or be (oun% to e-i$t0 !#" T#e a%,i$abi&ity or nece$$ity o( $u$pen%ing t#e procee%ing$0 an% !i" Suc# ot#er matter$ a$ may ai% in t#e prompt %i$po$ition o( t#e action. !1a' R+)" Section 3. ,otice of pre-tria . C T#e notice o( pre tria& $#a&& be $er,e% on coun$e&' or on t#e party *#o #a$ no coun$e&. T#e coun$e& $er,e% *it# $uc# notice i$ c#arge% *it# t#e %uty o( noti(ying t#e party repre$ente% by #im. !n" Section 3. !ppearance of parties. C It $#a&& be t#e %uty o( t#e partie$ an% t#eir coun$e& to appear at t#e pre tria&. T#e non appearance o( a party may be e-cu$e% on&y i( a ,a&i% cau$e i$ $#o*n t#ere(or or i( a repre$entati,e $#a&& appear in #i$ be#a&( (u&&y aut#ori2e% in *riting to enter into an amicab&e $ett&ement' to $ubmit to a&ternati,e mo%e$ o( %i$pute re$o&ution' an% to enter into $tipu&ation$ or a%mi$$ion$ o( (act$ an% o( %ocument$. !n" Section /. 'ffect of fai ure to appear. C T#e (ai&ure o( t#e p&ainti(( to appear *#en $o re.uire% pur$uant to t#e ne-t prece%ing $ection $#a&& be cau$e (or %i$mi$$a& o( t#e action. T#e %i$mi$$a& $#a&& be *it# pre1u%ice' un&e$$ ot#er *i$e or%ere% by t#e court. A $imi&ar (ai&ure on t#e part o( t#e %e(en%ant $#a&& be cau$e to a&&o* t#e p&ainti(( to pre$ent #i$ e,i%ence e( parte an% t#e court to ren%er 1u%gment on t#e ba$i$ t#ereo(. !+a' R+)"

Section 7. Pre-tria brief. C T#e partie$ $#a&& (i&e *it# t#e court an% $er,e on t#e a%,er$e party' in $uc# manner a$ $#a&& en$ure t#eir receipt t#ereo( at &ea$t t#ree !3" %ay$ be(ore t#e %ate o( t#e pre tria&' t#eir re$pecti,e pre tria& brie($ *#ic# $#a&& contain' among ot#er$5 !a" A $tatement o( t#eir *i&&ingne$$ to enter into amicab&e $ett&ement or a&ternati,e mo%e$ o( %i$pute re$o&ution' in%icating t#e %e$ire% term$ t#ereo(0 !b" A $ummary o( a%mitte% (act$ an% propo$e% $tipu&ation o( (act$0 !c" T#e i$$ue$ to be trie% or re$o&,e%0 !%" T#e %ocument$ or e-#ibit$ to be pre$ente% $tating t#e purpo$e t#ereo(0 !e" A mani(e$tation o( t#eir #a,ing a,ai&e% or t#eir intention to a,ai& t#em$e&,e$ o( %i$co,ery proce%ure$ or re(erra& to commi$$ioner$0 an% !(" T#e number an% name$ o( t#e *itne$$e$' an% t#e $ub$tance o( t#eir re$pecti,e te$timonie$. @ai&ure to (i&e t#e pre tria& brie( $#a&& #a,e t#e $ame e((ect a$ (ai&ure to appear at t#e pre tria&. !n" Section =. )ecord of pre-tria . C T#e procee%ing$ in t#e pre tria& $#a&& be recor%e%. 4pon t#e termination t#ereo(' t#e court $#a&& i$$ue an or%er *#ic# $#a&& recite in %etai& t#e matter$ taken up in t#e con(erence' t#e action taken t#ereon' t#e amen%ment$ a&&o*e% to t#e p&ea%ing$' an% t#e agreement$ or a%mi$$ion$ ma%e by t#e partie$ a$ to any o( t#e matter$ con$i%ere%. S#ou&% t#e action procee% to tria&' t#e or%er $#a&&' e-p&icit&y %e(ine an% &imit t#e i$$ue$ to be trie%. T#e content$ o( t#e or%er $#a&& contro& t#e $ub$e.uent cour$e o( t#e action' un&e$$ mo%i(ie% be(ore tria& to pre,ent mani(e$t in1u$tice. !/a' R+)"

ii. Crimina& Action R4:E 11> Pre Tria& Section 1. Pre-tria 0 mandatory in crimina cases. C In a&& crimina& ca$e$

cogni2ab&e by t#e San%iganbayan' Regiona& Tria& Court' 6etropo&itan Tria& Court' 6unicipa& Tria& Court in Citie$' 6unicipa& Tria& Court an% 6unicipa& Circuit Tria& Court' t#e court $#a&& a(ter arraignment an% *it#in t#irty !3)" %ay$ (rom t#e %ate t#e court ac.uire$ 1uri$%iction o,er t#e per$on o( t#e accu$e%' un&e$$ a $#orter perio% i$ pro,i%e% (or in $pecia& &a*$ or circu&ar$ o( t#e Supreme Court' or%er a pre tria& con(erence to con$i%er t#e (o&&o*ing5 !a" p&ea bargaining0 !b" $tipu&ation o( (act$0 !c" marking (or i%enti(ication o( e,i%ence o( t#e partie$0 !%" *ai,er o( ob1ection$ to a%mi$$ibi&ity o( e,i%ence0 !e" mo%i(ication o( t#e or%er o( tria& i( t#e accu$e% a%mit$ t#e c#arge but interpo$e$ a &a*(u& %e(en$e0 an% !(" $uc# ot#er matter$ a$ *i&& promote a (air an% e-pe%itiou$ tria& o( t#e crimina& an% ci,i& a$pect$ o( t#e ca$e. !$ec$. + an% 3' cir. 3> 9>" Section +. Pre-tria agreement. C A&& agreement$ or a%mi$$ion$ ma%e or entere% %uring t#e pre tria& con(erence $#a&& be re%uce% in *riting an% $igne% by t#e accu$e% an% coun$e&' ot#er*i$e' t#ey cannot be u$e% again$t t#e accu$e%. T#e agreement$ co,ering t#e matter$ re(erre% to in $ection 1 o( t#i$ Ru&e $#a&& be appro,e% by t#e court. !$ec. 3' cir. 3> 9>" Section 3. ,on-appearance at pre-tria conference. C I( t#e coun$e& (or t#e accu$e% or t#e pro$ecutor %oe$ not appear at t#e pre tria& con(erence an% %oe$ not o((er an acceptab&e e-cu$e (or #i$ &ack o( cooperation' t#e court may impo$e proper $anction$ or pena&tie$. !$e. /' cir. 3> 9>" Section 3. Pre-tria order. C A(ter t#e pre tria& con(erence' t#e court $#a&& i$$ue an or%er reciting t#e action$ taken' t#e (act$ $tipu&ate%' an% e,i%ence marke%. Suc# or%er $#a&& bin% t#e partie$' &imit t#e tria& to matter$ not %i$po$e% o(' an% contro& t#e cour$e o( t#e action %uring t#e tria&' un&e$$ mo%i(ie% by t#e court to pre,ent mani(e$t in1u$tice. !3"


=. Tria& Proper R4:E 3) Tria& Section 1. ,otice of Tria . C 4pon entry o( a ca$e in t#e tria& ca&en%ar' t#e c&erk $#a&& noti(y t#e partie$ o( t#e %ate o( it$ tria& in $uc# manner a$ $#a&& en$ure #i$ receipt o( t#at notice at &ea$t (i,e !/" %ay$ be(ore $uc# %ate. !+a' R++" Section +. !d%ournments and postponements. C A court may a%1ourn a tria& (rom %ay to %ay' an% to any $tate% time' a$ t#e e-pe%itiou$ an% con,enient tran$action o( bu$ine$$ may re.uire' but $#a&& #a,e no po*er to a%1ourn a tria& (or a &onger perio% t#an one mont# (or eac# a%1ournment nor more t#an t#ree mont#$ in a&&' e-cept *#en aut#ori2e% in *riting by t#e Court A%mini$trator' Supreme Court. !3a' R++" Section 3. )e8uisites of motion to postpone tria for absence of evidence . C A motion to po$tpone a tria& on t#e groun% o( ab$ence o( e,i%ence can be grante% on&y upon a((i%a,it $#o*ing t#e materia&ity or re&e,ancy o( $uc# e,i%ence' an% t#at %ue %i&igence #a$ been u$e% to procure it. 8ut i( t#e a%,er$e party a%mit$ t#e (act$ to be gi,en in e,i%ence' e,en i( #e ob1ect$ or re$er,e$ t#e rig#t to ob1ect to t#eir a%mi$$ibi&ity' t#e tria& $#a&& not be po$tpone%. !3a' R++0 8ar 6atter Bo. >)3' +1 Au&y 199>" Section 3. )e8uisites of motion to postpone tria for i ness of party or counse . C A motion to po$tpone a tria& on t#e groun% o( i&&ne$$ o( a party or coun$e& may be grante% i( it appear$ upon a((i%a,it or $*orn certi(ication t#at t#e pre$ence o( $uc# party or coun$e& at t#e tria& i$ in%i$pen$ab&e an% t#at t#e c#aracter o( #i$ i&&ne$$ i$ $uc# a$ to ren%er #i$ non atten%ance e-cu$ab&e. !/a' R++" Section /. Order of tria . C Sub1ect to t#e pro,i$ion$ o( $ection + o( Ru&e 31' an% un&e$$ t#e court (or $pecia& rea$on$ ot#er*i$e %irect$' t#e tria& $#a&& be &imite% to t#e i$$ue$ $tate% in t#e pre tria& or%er an% $#a&& procee% a$ (o&&o*$5 !a" T#e p&ainti(( $#a&& a%%uce e,i%ence in $upport o( #i$ comp&aint0 !b" T#e %e(en%ant $#a&& t#en a%%uce e,i%ence in $upport o( #i$ %e(en$e'

counterc&aim' cro$$ c&aim an% t#ir% party comp&aint$0 !c" T#e t#ir% party %e(en%ant i( any' $#a&& a%%uce e,i%ence o( #i$ %e(en$e' counterc&aim' cro$$ c&aim an% (ourt# party comp&aint0 !%" T#e (ourt# party' an% $o (ort#' i( any' $#a&& a%%uce e,i%ence o( t#e materia& (act$ p&ea%e% by t#em0 !e" T#e partie$ again$t *#om any counterc&aim or cro$$ c&aim #a$ been p&ea%e%' $#a&& a%%uce e,i%ence in $upport o( t#eir %e(en$e' in t#e or%er to be pre$cribe% by t#e court0 !(" T#e partie$ may t#en re$pecti,e&y a%%uce rebutting e,i%ence on&y' un&e$$ t#e court' (or goo% rea$on$ an% in t#e (urt#erance o( 1u$tice' permit$ t#em to a%%uce e,i%ence upon t#eir origina& ca$e0 an% !g" 4pon a%mi$$ion o( t#e e,i%ence' t#e ca$e $#a&& be %eeme% $ubmitte% (or %eci$ion' un&e$$ t#e court %irect$ t#e partie$ to argue or to $ubmit t#eir re$pecti,e memoran%a or any (urt#er p&ea%ing$. I( $e,era& %e(en%ant$ or t#ir% party %e(en%ant$' an% $o (ort#' #a,ing $eparate %e(en$e$ appear by %i((erent coun$e&' t#e court $#a&& %etermine t#e re&ati,e or%er o( pre$entation o( t#eir e,i%ence. !1a' R3)" Section 7. !greed statement of facts. C T#e partie$ to any action may agree' in *riting' upon t#e (act$ in,o&,e% in t#e &itigation' an% $ubmit t#e ca$e (or 1u%gment on t#e (act$ agree% upon' *it#out t#e intro%uction o( e,i%ence. I( t#e partie$ agree on&y on $ome o( t#e (act$ in i$$ue' t#e tria& $#a&& be #e&% a$ to t#e %i$pute% (act$ in $uc# or%er a$ t#e court $#a&& pre$cribe. !+a' R3)" Section =. Statement of %udge. C 9uring t#e #earing or tria& o( a ca$e any $tatement ma%e by t#e 1u%ge *it# re(erence to t#e ca$e' or to any o( t#e partie$' *itne$$e$ or coun$e&' $#a&& be ma%e o( recor% in t#e $tenograp#ic note$. !3a' R3)" Section >. Suspension of actions. C T#e $u$pen$ion o( action$ $#a&& be go,erne% by t#e pro,i$ion$ o( t#e Ci,i& Co%e. !n" Section 9. *udge to receive evidence0 de egation to c erk of court. C T#e 1u%ge o( t#e court *#ere t#e ca$e i$ pen%ing $#a&& per$ona&&y recei,e t#e

e,i%ence to be a%%uce% by t#e partie$. Ho*e,er' in %e(au&t or e( parte #earing$' an% in any ca$e *#ere t#e partie$ agree in *riting' t#e court may %e&egate t#e reception o( e,i%ence to it$ c&erk o( court *#o i$ a member o( t#e bar. T#e c&erk o( court $#a&& #a,e no po*er to ru&e on ob1ection$ to any .ue$tion or to t#e a%mi$$ion o( e-#ibit$' *#ic# ob1ection$ $#a&& be re$o&,e% by t#e court upon $ubmi$$ion o( #i$ report an% t#e tran$cript$ *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ (rom termination o( t#e #earing. !n" R4:E 31 Con$o&i%ation or Se,erance Section 1. Conso idation. C <#en action$ in,o&,ing a common .ue$tion o( &a* or (act are pen%ing be(ore t#e court' it may or%er a 1oint #earing or tria& o( any or a&& t#e matter$ in i$$ue in t#e action$0 it may or%er a&& t#e action$ con$o&i%ate%' an% it may make $uc# or%er$ concerning procee%ing$ t#erein a$ may ten% to a,oi% unnece$$ary co$t$ or %e&ay. !1" Section +. Separate tria s. C T#e court' in (urt#erance o( con,enience or to a,oi% pre1u%ice' may or%er a $eparate tria& o( any c&aim' cro$$ c&aim' counterc&aim' or t#ir% party comp&aint' or o( any $eparate i$$ue or o( any number o( c&aim$' cro$$ c&aim$' counterc&aim$' t#ir% party comp&aint$ or i$$ue$. !+a" R4:E 3+ Tria& by Commi$$ioner Section 1. )eference by consent. C 8y *ritten con$ent o( bot# partie$' t#e court may or%er any or a&& o( t#e i$$ue$ in a ca$e to be re(erre% to a commi$$ioner to be agree% upon by t#e partie$ or to be appointe% by t#e court. A$ u$e% in t#e$e Ru&e$' t#e *or% Dcommi$$ionerD inc&u%e$ a re(eree' an au%itor an% an e-aminer. !1a' R33" Section +. )eference ordered on motion. C <#en t#e partie$ %o not con$ent' t#e court may' upon t#e app&ication o( eit#er or o( it$ o*n motion' %irect a re(erence to a commi$$ioner in t#e (o&&o*ing ca$e$5 !a" <#en t#e tria& o( an i$$ue o( (act re.uire$ t#e e-amination o( a &ong account on eit#er $i%e' in *#ic# ca$e t#e commi$$ioner may be %irecte% to #ear an% report upon t#e *#o&e i$$ue or any $peci(ic .ue$tion in,o&,e%

t#erein0 !b" <#en t#e taking o( an account i$ nece$$ary (or t#e in(ormation o( t#e court be(ore 1u%gment' or (or carrying a 1u%gment or or%er into e((ect. !c" <#en a .ue$tion o( (act' ot#er t#an upon t#e p&ea%ing$' ari$e$ upon motion or ot#er*i$e' in any $tage o( a ca$e' or (or carrying a 1u%gment or or%er into e((ect. !+a' R33" Section 3. Order of reference0 po$ers of the commissioner. C <#en a re(erence i$ ma%e' t#e c&erk $#a&& (ort#*it# (urni$# t#e commi$$ioner *it# a copy o( t#e or%er o( re(erence. T#e or%er may $peci(y or &imit t#e po*er$ o( t#e commi$$ioner' an% may %irect #im to report on&y upon particu&ar i$$ue$' or to %o or per(orm particu&ar act$' or to recei,e an% report e,i%ence on&y an% may (i- t#e %ate (or beginning an% c&o$ing t#e #earing$ an% (or t#e (i&ing o( #i$ report. Sub1ect to ot#er $peci(ication$ an% &imitation$ $tate% in t#e or%er' t#e commi$$ioner #a$ an% $#a&& e-erci$e t#e po*er to regu&ate t#e procee%ing$ in e,ery #earing be(ore #im an% to %o a&& act$ an% take a&& mea$ure$ nece$$ary or proper (or t#e e((icient per(ormance o( #i$ %utie$ un%er t#e or%er. He may i$$ue $ubpoena$ an% $ubpoena$ duces tecum' $*ear *itne$$e$' an% un&e$$ ot#er*i$e pro,i%e% in t#e or%er o( re(erence' #e may ru&e upon t#e a%mi$$ibi&ity o( e,i%ence. T#e tria& or #earing be(ore #im $#a&& procee% in a&& re$pect$ a$ it *ou&% i( #e&% be(ore t#e court. !3a' R33" Section 3. Oath of commissioner. C 8e(ore entering upon #i$ %utie$ t#e commi$$ioner $#a&& be $*orn to a (ait#(u& an% #one$t per(ormance t#ereo(. !13' R33" Section /. Proceedings before commissioner. C 4pon receipt o( t#e or%er o( re(erence an% un&e$$ ot#er*i$e pro,i%e% t#erein' t#e commi$$ioner $#a&& (ort#*it# $et a time an% p&ace (or t#e (ir$t meeting o( t#e partie$ or t#eir coun$e& to be #e&% *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ a(ter t#e %ate o( t#e or%er o( re(erence an% $#a&& noti(y t#e partie$ or t#eir coun$e&. !/a' R33" Section 7. Fai ure of parties to appear before commissioner . C I( a party (ai&$ to appear at t#e time an% p&ace appointe%' t#e commi$$ioner may procee% e( parte or' in #i$ %i$cretion' a%1ourn t#e procee%ing$ to a (uture %ay' gi,ing notice to t#e ab$ent party or #i$ coun$e& o( t#e a%1ournment. !7a' R33"

Section =. )efusa of $itness. C T#e re(u$a& o( a *itne$$ to obey a $ubpoena i$$ue% by t#e commi$$ioner or to gi,e e,i%ence be(ore #im' $#a&& be %eeme% a contempt o( t#e court *#ic# appointe% t#e commi$$ioner. !=a R33" Section >. Commissioner sha avoid de ays. C It i$ t#e %uty o( t#e commi$$ioner to procee% *it# a&& rea$onab&e %i&igence. Eit#er party' on notice to t#e partie$ an% commi$$ioner' may app&y to t#e court (or an or%er re.uiring t#e commi$$ioner to e-pe%ite t#e procee%ing$ an% to make #i$ report. !>a' R33" Section 9. )eport of commissioner. C 4pon t#e comp&etion o( t#e tria& or #earing or procee%ing be(ore t#e commi$$ioner' #e $#a&& (i&e *it# t#e court #i$ report in *riting upon t#e matter$ $ubmitte% to #im by t#e or%er o( re(erence. <#en #i$ po*er$ are not $peci(ie% or &imite%' #e $#a&& $et (ort# #i$ (in%ing$ o( (act an% conc&u$ion$ o( &a* in #i$ report. He $#a&& attac# t#ereto a&& e-#ibit$' a((i%a,it$' %epo$ition$' paper$ an% t#e tran$cript' i( any' o( t#e te$timonia& e,i%ence pre$ente% be(ore #im. !9a' R33" Section 1). ,otice to parties of the fi ing of report. C 4pon t#e (i&ing o( t#e report' t#e partie$ $#a&& be noti(ie% by t#e c&erk' an% t#ey $#a&& be a&&o*e% ten !1)" %ay$ *it#in *#ic# to $igni(y groun%$ o( ob1ection$ to t#e (in%ing$ o( t#e report' i( t#ey $o %e$ire. ?b1ection$ to t#e report ba$e% upon groun%$ *#ic# *ere a,ai&ab&e to t#e partie$ %uring t#e procee%ing$ be(ore t#e commi$$ioner' ot#er t#an ob1ection$ to t#e (in%ing$ an% conc&u$ion$ t#erein' $et (ort#' $#a&& not be con$i%ere% by t#e court un&e$$ t#ey *ere ma%e be(ore t#e commi$$ioner. !1)' R33" Section 11. 1earing upon report. C 4pon t#e e-piration o( t#e perio% o( ten !1)" %ay$ re(erre% to in t#e prece%ing $ection' t#e report $#a&& be $et (or #earing' a(ter *#ic# t#e court $#a&& i$$ue an or%er a%opting' mo%i(ying' or re1ecting t#e report in *#o&e or in part' or recommitting it *it# in$truction$' or re.uiring t#e partie$ to pre$ent (urt#er e,i%ence be(ore t#e commi$$ioner or t#e court. !11a' R33" Section 1+. Stipu ations as to findings. C <#en t#e partie$ $tipu&ate t#at a commi$$ionerG$ (in%ing$ o( (act $#a&& be (ina&' on&y .ue$tion$ o( &a* $#a&& t#erea(ter be con$i%ere%. !1+a' R33" Section 13. Compensation of commissioner. C T#e court $#a&& a&&o* t#e

commi$$ioner $uc# rea$onab&e compen$ation a$ t#e circum$tance$ o( t#e ca$e *arrant' to be ta-e% a$ co$t$ again$t t#e %e(eate% party' or apportione%' a$ 1u$tice re.uire$. !13' R33" R4:E 33 9emurrer to E,i%ence Section 1. /emurrer to evidence. C A(ter t#e p&ainti(( #a$ comp&ete% t#e pre$entation o( #i$ e,i%ence' t#e %e(en%ant may mo,e (or %i$mi$$a& on t#e groun% t#at upon t#e (act$ an% t#e &a* t#e p&ainti(( #a$ $#o*n no rig#t to re&ie(. I( #i$ motion i$ %enie% #e $#a&& #a,e t#e rig#t to pre$ent e,i%ence. I( t#e motion i$ grante% but on appea& t#e or%er o( %i$mi$$a& i$ re,er$e% #e $#a&& be %eeme% to #a,e *ai,e% t#e rig#t to pre$ent e,i%ence. !1a' R3/" 9emurrer to e,i% in crimina& ca$e$ R4:E 119 Tria&

Section +3. /emurrer to evidence. C A(ter t#e pro$ecution re$t$ it$ ca$e' t#e court may %i$mi$$ t#e action on t#e groun% o( in$u((iciency o( e,i%ence !1" on it$ o*n initiati,e a(ter gi,ing t#e pro$ecution t#e opportunity to be #ear% or !+" upon %emurrer to e,i%ence (i&e% by t#e accu$e% *it# or *it#out &ea,e o( court. I( t#e court %enie$ t#e %emurrer to e,i%ence (i&e% *it# &ea,e o( court' t#e accu$e% may a%%uce e,i%ence in #i$ %e(en$e. <#en t#e %emurrer to e,i%ence i$ (i&e% *it#out &ea,e o( court' t#e accu$e% *ai,e$ t#e rig#t to pre$ent e,i%ence an% $ubmit$ t#e ca$e (or 1u%gment on t#e ba$i$ o( t#e e,i%ence (or t#e pro$ecution. !1/a" T#e motion (or &ea,e o( court to (i&e %emurrer to e,i%ence $#a&& $peci(ica&&y $tate it$ groun%$ an% $#a&& be (i&e% *it#in a non e-ten%ib&e perio% o( (i,e !/" %ay$ a(ter t#e pro$ecution re$t$ it$ ca$e. T#e pro$ecution may oppo$e t#e motion *it#in a non e-ten%ib&e perio% o( (i,e !/" %ay$ (rom it$ receipt. I( &ea,e o( court i$ grante%' t#e accu$e% $#a&& (i&e t#e %emurrer to e,i%ence *it#in a non e-ten%ib&e perio% o( ten !1)" %ay$ (rom notice. T#e pro$ecution may oppo$e t#e %emurrer to e,i%ence *it#in a $imi&ar perio% (rom it$ receipt.

T#e or%er %enying t#e motion (or &ea,e o( court to (i&e %emurrer to e,i%ence or t#e %emurrer it$e&( $#a&& not be re,ie*ab&e by appea& or by certiorari be(ore 1u%gment. !n"


>. Ren%ition o( Au%gement R4:E 37 Au%gment$' @ina& ?r%er$ an% Entry T#ereo( Section 1. )endition of %udgments and fina orders. C A 1u%gment or (ina& or%er %etermining t#e merit$ o( t#e ca$e $#a&& be in *riting per$ona&&y an% %irect&y prepare% by t#e 1u%ge' $tating c&ear&y an% %i$tinct&y t#e (act$ an% t#e &a* on *#ic# it i$ ba$e%' $igne% by #im' an% (i&e% *it# t#e c&erk o( t#e court. !1a" Section +. 'ntry of %udgments and fina orders. C I( no appea& or motion (or ne* tria& or recon$i%eration i$ (i&e% *it#in t#e time pro,i%e% in t#e$e Ru&e$' t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er $#a&& (ort#*it# be entere% by t#e c&erk in t#e book o( entrie$ o( 1u%gment$. T#e %ate o( (ina&ity o( t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er $#a&& be %eeme% to be t#e %ate o( it$ entry. T#e recor% $#a&& contain t#e %i$po$iti,e part o( t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er an% $#a&& be $igne% by t#e c&erk' *it#in a certi(icate t#at $uc# 1u%gment or (ina& or%er #a$ become (ina& an% e-ecutory. !+a' 1)' R/1" Section 3. *udgment for or against one or more of severa parties . C Au%gment may be gi,en (or or again$t one or more o( $e,era& p&ainti(($ an% (or or again$t one or more o( $e,era& %e(en%ant$. <#en 1u$tice $o %eman%$' t#e court may re.uire t#e partie$ on eac# $i%e to (i&e a%,er$ary p&ea%ing$ a$ bet*een t#em$e&,e$ an% %etermine t#eir u&timate rig#t$ an% ob&igation$. !3" Section 3. Severa %udgments. C In an action again$t $e,era& %e(en%ant$' t#e court may' *#en a $e,era& 1u%gment i$ proper' ren%er 1u%gment again$t one or more o( t#em' &ea,ing t#e action to procee% again$t t#e ot#er$. !3" Section /. Separate %udgments. C <#en more t#an one c&aim (or re&ie( i$ pre$ente% in an action' t#e court' at any $tage' upon a %etermination o( t#e i$$ue$ materia& to a particu&ar c&aim an% a&& counterc&aim$ ari$ing out o( t#e tran$action or occurrence *#ic# i$ t#e $ub1ect matter o( t#e c&aim' may ren%er a $eparate 1u%gment %i$po$ing o( $uc# c&aim. T#e 1u%gment $#a&& terminate t#e action *it# re$pect to t#e c&aim $o %i$po$e% o( an% t#e action $#a&& procee% a$ to t#e remaining c&aim$. In ca$e a $eparate 1u%gment i$ ren%ere% t#e court by or%er may $tay it$ en(orcement unti& t#e ren%ition o( a $ub$e.uent 1u%gment or 1u%gment$ an% may pre$cribe $uc# con%ition$ a$

may be nece$$ary to $ecure t#e bene(it t#ereo( to t#e party in *#o$e (a,or t#e 1u%gment i$ ren%ere%. !/a" Section 7. *udgment against entity $ithout %uridica persona ity . C <#en 1u%gment i$ ren%ere% again$t t*o or more per$on$ $ue% a$ an entity *it#out 1uri%ica& per$ona&ity' t#e 1u%gment $#a&& $et out t#eir in%i,i%ua& or proper name$' i( kno*n. !7a" R4:E 39 E-ecution' Sati$(action an% E((ect o( Au%gment$ Section 1. '(ecution upon %udgments or fina orders. C E-ecution $#a&& i$$ue a$ a matter o( rig#t' or motion' upon a 1u%gment or or%er t#at %i$po$e$ o( t#e action or procee%ing upon t#e e-piration o( t#e perio% to appea& t#ere(rom i( no appea& #a$ been %u&y per(ecte%. !1a" I( t#e appea& #a$ been %u&y per(ecte% an% (ina&&y re$o&,e%' t#e e-ecution may (ort#*it# be app&ie% (or in t#e court o( origin' on motion o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igee' $ubmitting t#ere*it# certi(ie% true copie$ o( t#e 1u%gment or 1u%gment$ or (ina& or%er or or%er$ $oug#t to be en(orce% an% o( t#e entry t#ereo(' *it# notice to t#e a%,er$e party. T#e appe&&ate court may' on motion in t#e $ame ca$e' *#en t#e intere$t o( 1u$tice $o re.uire$' %irect t#e court o( origin to i$$ue t#e *rit o( e-ecution. !n" Section +. /iscretionary e(ecution. C !a" '(ecution of a %udgment or fina order pending appea . C ?n motion o( t#e pre,ai&ing party *it# notice to t#e a%,er$e party (i&e% in t#e tria& court *#i&e it #a$ 1uri$%iction o,er t#e ca$e an% i$ in po$$e$$ion o( eit#er t#e origina& recor% or t#e recor% on appea&' a$ t#e ca$e may be' at t#e time o( t#e (i&ing o( $uc# motion' $ai% court may' in it$ %i$cretion' or%er e-ecution o( a 1u%gment or (ina& or%er e,en be(ore t#e e-piration o( t#e perio% to appea&. A(ter t#e tria& court #a$ &o$t 1uri$%iction t#e motion (or e-ecution pen%ing appea& may be (i&e% in t#e appe&&ate court. 9i$cretionary e-ecution may on&y i$$ue upon goo% rea$on$ to be $tate% in a $pecia& or%er a(ter %ue #earing. !b" '(ecution of severa ' separate or partia %udgments. C A $e,era&'

$eparate or partia& 1u%gment may be e-ecute% un%er t#e $ame term$ an% con%ition$ a$ e-ecution o( a 1u%gment or (ina& or%er pen%ing appea&. !+a" Section 3. Stay of discretionary e(ecution. C 9i$cretionary e-ecution i$$ue% un%er t#e prece%ing $ection may be $taye% upon appro,a& by t#e proper court o( a $u((icient $uper$e%ea$ bon% (i&e% by t#e party again$t *#om it i$ %irecte%' con%itione% upon t#e per(ormance o( t#e 1u%gment or or%er a&&o*e% to be e-ecute% in ca$e it $#a&& be (ina&&y $u$taine% in *#o&e or in part. T#e bon% t#u$ gi,en may be procee%e% again$t on motion *it# notice to t#e $urety. !3a " Section 3. *udgments not stayed by appea . C Au%gment$ in action$ (or in1unction' recei,er$#ip' accounting an% $upport' an% $uc# ot#er 1u%gment$ a$ are no* or may #erea(ter be %ec&are% to be imme%iate&y e-ecutory' $#a&& be en(orceab&e a(ter t#eir ren%ition an% $#a&& not' be $taye% by an appea& taken t#ere(rom' un&e$$ ot#er*i$e or%ere% by t#e tria& court. ?n appea& t#ere(rom' t#e appe&&ate court in it$ %i$cretion may make an or%er $u$pen%ing' mo%i(ying' re$toring or granting t#e in1unction' recei,er$#ip' accounting' or a*ar% o( $upport. T#e $tay o( e-ecution $#a&& be upon $uc# term$ a$ to bon% or ot#er*i$e a$ may be con$i%ere% proper (or t#e $ecurity or protection o( t#e rig#t$ o( t#e a%,er$e party. !3a" Section /. 'ffect of reversa of e(ecuted %udgment. C <#ere t#e e-ecute% 1u%gment i$ re,er$e% tota&&y or partia&&y' or annu&&e%' on appea& or ot#er*i$e' t#e tria& court may' on motion' i$$ue $uc# or%er$ o( re$titution or reparation o( %amage$ a$ e.uity an% 1u$tice may *arrant un%er t#e circum$tance$. !/a" Section 7. '(ecution by motion or by independent action. C A (ina& an% e-ecutory 1u%gment or or%er may be e-ecute% on motion *it#in (i,e !/" year$ (rom t#e %ate o( it$ entry. A(ter t#e &ap$e o( $uc# time' an% be(ore it i$ barre% by t#e $tatute o( &imitation$' a 1u%gment may be en(orce% by action. T#e re,i,e% 1u%gment may a&$o be en(orce% by motion *it#in (i,e !/" year$ (rom t#e %ate o( it$ entry an% t#erea(ter by action be(ore it i$ barre% by t#e $tatute o( &imitation$. !7a" Section =. '(ecution in case of death of party. C In ca$e o( t#e %eat# o( a party' e-ecution may i$$ue or be en(orce% in t#e (o&&o*ing manner5

!a" In ca$e o( t#e %eat# o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igee' upon t#e app&ication o( #i$ e-ecutor or a%mini$trator' or $ucce$$or in intere$t0 !b" In ca$e o( t#e %eat# o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor' again$t #i$ e-ecutor or a%mini$trator or $ucce$$or in intere$t' i( t#e 1u%gment be (or t#e reco,ery o( rea& or per$ona& property' or t#e en(orcement o( a &ien t#ereon0 !c" In ca$e o( t#e %eat# o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor' a(ter e-ecution i$ actua&&y &e,ie% upon any o( #i$ property' t#e $ame may be $o&% (or t#e $ati$(action o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igation' an% t#e o((icer making t#e $a&e $#a&& account to t#e corre$pon%ing e-ecutor or a%mini$trator (or any $urp&u$ in #i$ #an%$. !=a" Section >. "ssuance' form and contents of a $rit of e(ecution . C T#e *rit o( e-ecution $#a&&5 !1" i$$ue in t#e name o( t#e Repub&ic o( t#e P#i&ippine$ (rom t#e court *#ic# grante% t#e motion0 !+" $tate t#e name o( t#e court' t#e ca$e number an% tit&e' t#e %i$po$iti,e part o( t#e $ub1ect 1u%gment or or%er0 an% !3" re.uire t#e $#eri(( or ot#er proper o((icer to *#om it i$ %irecte% to en(orce t#e *rit accor%ing to it$ term$' in t#e manner #ereina(ter pro,i%e%5 !a" I( t#e e-ecution be again$t t#e property o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor' to $ati$(y t#e 1u%gment' *it# intere$t' out o( t#e rea& or per$ona& property o( $uc# 1u%gment ob&igor0 !b" I( it be again$t rea& or per$ona& property in t#e #an%$ o( per$ona& repre$entati,e$' #eir$' %e,i$ee$' &egatee$' tenant$' or tru$tee$ o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor' to $ati$(y t#e 1u%gment' *it# intere$t' out o( $uc# property0 !c" I( it be (or t#e $a&e o( rea& or per$ona& property to $e&& $uc# property %e$cribing it' an% app&y t#e procee%$ in con(ormity *it# t#e 1u%gment' t#e materia& part$ o( *#ic# $#a&& be recite% in t#e *rit o( e-ecution0 !%" I( it be (or t#e %e&i,ery o( t#e po$$e$$ion o( rea& or per$ona& property' to %e&i,er t#e po$$e$$ion o( t#e $ame' %e$cribing it' to t#e party entit&e% t#ereto' an% to $ati$(y any co$t$' %amage$' rent$' or pro(it$ co,ere% by t#e 1u%gment out o( t#e per$ona& property o( t#e per$on again$t *#om it *a$ ren%ere%' an% i( $u((icient per$ona& property cannot be (oun%' t#en out o( t#e rea& property0 an% !e" In a&& ca$e$' t#e *rit o( e-ecution $#a&& $peci(ica&&y $tate t#e amount o( t#e intere$t' co$t$' %amage$' rent$' or pro(it$ %ue a$ o( t#e %ate o( t#e i$$uance o( t#e *rit' a$i%e (rom t#e principa& ob&igation un%er t#e 1u%gment.

@or t#i$ purpo$e' t#e motion (or e-ecution $#a&& $peci(y t#e amount$ o( t#e (oregoing re&ie($ $oug#t by t#e mo,ant.!>a" Section 9. '(ecution of %udgments for money' ho$ enforced. C !a" "mmediate payment on demand. C T#e o((icer $#a&& en(orce an e-ecution o( a 1u%gment (or money by %eman%ing (rom t#e 1u%gment ob&igor t#e imme%iate payment o( t#e (u&& amount $tate% in t#e *rit o( e-ecution an% a&& &a*(u& (ee$. T#e 1u%gment ob&igor $#a&& pay in ca$#' certi(ie% bank c#eck payab&e to t#e 1u%gment ob&igee' or any ot#er (orm o( payment acceptab&e to t#e &atter' t#e amount o( t#e 1u%gment %ebt un%er proper receipt %irect&y to t#e 1u%gment ob&igee or #i$ aut#ori2e% repre$entati,e i( pre$ent at t#e time o( payment. T#e &a*(u& (ee$ $#a&& be #an%e% un%er proper receipt to t#e e-ecuting $#eri(( *#o $#a&& turn o,er t#e $ai% amount *it#in t#e $ame %ay to t#e c&erk o( court o( t#e court t#at i$$ue% t#e *rit. I( t#e 1u%gment ob&igee or #i$ aut#ori2e% repre$entati,e i$ not pre$ent to recei,e payment' t#e 1u%gment ob&igor $#a&& %e&i,er t#e a(ore$ai% payment to t#e e-ecuting $#eri((. T#e &atter $#a&& turn o,er a&& t#e amount$ coming into #i$ po$$e$$ion *it#in t#e $ame %ay to t#e c&erk o( court o( t#e court t#at i$$ue% t#e *rit' or i( t#e $ame i$ not practicab&e' %epo$it $ai% amount$ to a (i%uciary account in t#e neare$t go,ernment %epo$itory bank o( t#e Regiona& Tria& Court o( t#e &oca&ity. T#e c&erk o( $ai% court $#a&& t#erea(ter arrange (or t#e remittance o( t#e %epo$it to t#e account o( t#e court t#at i$$ue% t#e *rit *#o$e c&erk o( court $#a&& t#en %e&i,er $ai% payment to t#e 1u%gment ob&igee in $ati$(action o( t#e 1u%gment. T#e e-ce$$' i( any' $#a&& be %e&i,ere% to t#e 1u%gment ob&igor *#i&e t#e &a*(u& (ee$ $#a&& be retaine% by t#e c&erk o( court (or %i$po$ition a$ pro,i%e% by &a*. In no ca$e $#a&& t#e e-ecuting $#eri(( %eman% t#at any payment by c#eck be ma%e payab&e to #im. !b" Satisfaction by evy. C I( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor cannot pay a&& or part o( t#e ob&igation in ca$#' certi(ie% bank c#eck or ot#er mo%e o( payment acceptab&e to t#e 1u%gment ob&igee' t#e o((icer $#a&& &e,y upon t#e propertie$ o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor o( e,ery kin% an% nature *#at$oe,er *#ic# may be %i$po$e%' o( (or ,a&ue an% not ot#er*i$e e-empt (rom e-ecution gi,ing t#e &atter t#e option to imme%iate&y c#oo$e *#ic# property or part t#ereo( may be &e,ie% upon' $u((icient to $ati$(y t#e 1u%gment. I( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor %oe$ not e-erci$e t#e option' t#e o((icer $#a&& (ir$t &e,y on t#e per$ona&

propertie$' i( any' an% t#en on t#e rea& propertie$ i( t#e per$ona& propertie$ are in$u((icient to an$*er (or t#e 1u%gment. T#e $#eri(( $#a&& $e&& on&y a $u((icient portion o( t#e per$ona& or rea& property o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor *#ic# #a$ been &e,ie% upon. <#en t#ere i$ more property o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor t#an i$ $u((icient to $ati$(y t#e 1u%gment an% &a*(u& (ee$' #e mu$t $e&& on&y $o muc# o( t#e per$ona& or rea& property a$ i$ $u((icient to $ati$(y t#e 1u%gment an% &a*(u& (ee$. Rea& property' $tock$' $#are$' %ebt$' cre%it$' an% ot#er per$ona& property' or any intere$t in eit#er rea& or per$ona& property' may be &e,ie% upon in &ike manner an% *it# &ike e((ect a$ un%er a *rit o( attac#ment. !c" 0arnishment of debts and credits. C T#e o((icer may &e,y on %ebt$ %ue t#e 1u%gment ob&igor an% ot#er cre%it$' inc&u%ing bank %epo$it$' (inancia& intere$t$' roya&tie$' commi$$ion$ an% ot#er per$ona& property not capab&e o( manua& %e&i,ery in t#e po$$e$$ion or contro& o( t#ir% partie$. :e,y $#a&& be ma%e by $er,ing notice upon t#e per$on o*ing $uc# %ebt$ or #a,ing in #i$ po$$e$$ion or contro& $uc# cre%it$ to *#ic# t#e 1u%gment ob&igor i$ entit&e%. T#e garni$#ment $#a&& co,er on&y $uc# amount a$ *i&& $ati$(y t#e 1u%gment an% a&& &a*(u& (ee$. T#e garni$#ee $#a&& make a *ritten report to t#e court *it#in (i,e !/" %ay$ (rom $er,ice o( t#e notice o( garni$#ment $tating *#et#er or not t#e 1u%gment ob&igor #a$ $u((icient (un%$ or cre%it$ to $ati$(y t#e amount o( t#e 1u%gment. I( not' t#e report $#a&& $tate #o* muc# (un%$ or cre%it$ t#e garni$#ee #o&%$ (or t#e 1u%gment ob&igor. T#e garni$#e% amount in ca$#' or certi(ie% bank c#eck i$$ue% in t#e name o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igee' $#a&& be %e&i,ere% %irect&y to t#e 1u%gment ob&igee *it#in ten !1)" *orking %ay$ (rom $er,ice o( notice on $ai% garni$#ee re.uiring $uc# %e&i,ery' e-cept t#e &a*(u& (ee$ *#ic# $#a&& be pai% %irect&y to t#e court. In t#e e,ent t#ere are t*o or more garni$#ee$ #o&%ing %epo$it$ or cre%it$ $u((icient to $ati$(y t#e 1u%gment' t#e 1u%gment ob&igor' i( a,ai&ab&e' $#a&& #a,e t#e rig#t to in%icate t#e garni$#ee or garni$#ee$ *#o $#a&& be re.uire% to %e&i,er t#e amount %ue' ot#er*i$e' t#e c#oice $#a&& be ma%e by t#e 1u%gment ob&igee.

T#e e-ecuting $#eri(( $#a&& ob$er,e t#e $ame proce%ure un%er paragrap# !a" *it# re$pect to %e&i,ery o( payment to t#e 1u%gment ob&igee. !>a' 1/a" Section 1). '(ecution of %udgments for specific act. C !a" Conveyance' de ivery of deeds' or other specific acts0 vesting tit e. C I( a 1u%gment %irect$ a party to e-ecute a con,eyance o( &an% or per$ona& property' or to %e&i,er %ee%$ or ot#er %ocument$' or to per(orm' any ot#er $peci(ic act in connection t#ere*it#' an% t#e party (ai&$ to comp&y *it#in t#e time $peci(ie%' t#e court may %irect t#e act to be %one at t#e co$t o( t#e %i$obe%ient party by $ome ot#er per$on appointe% by t#e court an% t#e act *#en $o %one $#a&& #a,e &ike e((ect a$ i( %one by t#e party. I( rea& or per$ona& property i$ $ituate% *it#in t#e P#i&ippine$' t#e court in &ieu o( %irecting a con,eyance t#ereo( may by an or%er %i,e$t t#e tit&e o( any party an% ,e$t it in ot#er$' *#ic# $#a&& #a,e t#e (orce an% e((ect o( a con,eyance e-ecute% in %ue (orm o( &a*. !1)a" !b" Sa e of rea or persona property. C I( t#e 1u%gment be (or t#e $a&e o( rea& or per$ona& property' to $e&& $uc# property' %e$cribing it' an% app&y t#e procee%$ in con(ormity *it# t#e 1u%gment. !>EcFa" !c" /e ivery or restitution of rea property. C T#e o((icer $#a&& %eman% o( t#e per$on again$t *#om t#e 1u%gment (or t#e %e&i,ery or re$titution o( rea& property i$ ren%ere% an% a&& per$on$ c&aiming rig#t$ un%er #im to peaceab&y ,acate t#e property *it#in t#ree !3" *orking %ay$' an% re$tore po$$e$$ion t#ereo( to t#e 1u%gment ob&igee' ot#er*i$e' t#e o((icer $#a&& ou$t a&& $uc# per$on$ t#ere(rom *it# t#e a$$i$tance' i( nece$$ary' o( appropriate peace o((icer$' an% emp&oying $uc# mean$ a$ may be rea$onab&y nece$$ary to retake po$$e$$ion' an% p&ace t#e 1u%gment ob&igee in po$$e$$ion o( $uc# property. Any co$t$' %amage$' rent$ or pro(it$ a*ar%e% by t#e 1u%gment $#a&& be $ati$(ie% in t#e $ame manner a$ a 1u%gment (or money. !13a" !%" )emova of improvements on property sub%ect of e(ecution. C <#en t#e property $ub1ect o( t#e e-ecution contain$ impro,ement$ con$tructe% or p&ante% by t#e 1u%gment ob&igor or #i$ agent' t#e o((icer $#a&& not %e$troy' %emo&i$# or remo,e $ai% impro,ement$ e-cept upon $pecia& or%er o( t#e court' i$$ue% upon motion o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igee a(ter t#e #earing an% a(ter t#e (ormer #a$ (ai&e% to remo,e t#e $ame *it#in a rea$onab&e time (i-e% by t#e court. !13a"

!e" /e ivery of persona property. C In 1u%gment (or t#e %e&i,ery o( per$ona& property' t#e o((icer $#a&& take po$$e$$ion o( t#e $ame an% (ort#*it# %e&i,er it to t#e party entit&e% t#ereto an% $ati$(y any 1u%gment (or money a$ t#erein pro,i%e%. !>a" Section 11. '(ecution of specia %udgments. C <#en a 1u%gment re.uire$ t#e per(ormance o( any act ot#er t#an t#o$e mentione% in t#e t*o prece%ing $ection$' a certi(ie% copy o( t#e 1u%gment $#a&& be attac#e% to t#e *rit o( e-ecution an% $#a&& be $er,e% by t#e o((icer upon t#e party again$t *#om t#e $ame i$ ren%ere%' or upon any ot#er per$on re.uire% t#ereby' or by &a*' to obey t#e $ame' an% $uc# party or per$on may be puni$#e% (or contempt i( #e %i$obey$ $uc# 1u%gment. !9a" Section 1+. 'ffect of evy on e(ecution as to third person . C T#e &e,y on e-ecution $#a&& create a &ien in (a,or o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igee o,er t#e rig#t' tit&e an% intere$t o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor in $uc# property at t#e time o( t#e &e,y' $ub1ect to &ien$ an% encumbrance$ t#en e-i$ting. !17a" Section 13. Property e(empt from e(ecution. C E-cept a$ ot#er*i$e e-pre$$&y pro,i%e% by &a*' t#e (o&&o*ing property' an% no ot#er' $#a&& be e-empt (rom e-ecution5 !a" T#e 1u%gment ob&igorG$ (ami&y #ome a$ pro,i%e% by &a*' or t#e #ome$tea% in *#ic# #e re$i%e$' an% &an% nece$$ari&y u$e% in connection t#ere*it#0 !b" ?r%inary too&$ an% imp&ement$ per$ona&&y u$e% by #im in #i$ tra%e' emp&oyment' or &i,e&i#oo%0 !c" T#ree #or$e$' or t#ree co*$' or t#ree carabao$' or ot#er bea$t$ o( bur%en' $uc# a$ t#e 1u%gment ob&igor may $e&ect nece$$ari&y u$e% by #im in #i$ or%inary occupation0 !%" Hi$ nece$$ary c&ot#ing an% artic&e$ (or or%inary per$ona& u$e' e-c&u%ing 1e*e&ry0 !e" Hou$e#o&% (urniture an% uten$i&$ nece$$ary (or #ou$ekeeping' an% u$e% (or t#at purpo$e by t#e 1u%gment ob&igor an% #i$ (ami&y' $uc# a$ t#e 1u%gment ob&igor may $e&ect' o( a ,a&ue not e-cee%ing one #un%re% t#ou$an% pe$o$0

!(" Pro,i$ion$ (or in%i,i%ua& or (ami&y u$e $u((icient (or (our mont#$0 !g" T#e pro(e$$iona& &ibrarie$ an% e.uipment o( 1u%ge$' &a*yer$' p#y$ician$' p#armaci$t$' %enti$t$' engineer$' $ur,eyor$' c&ergymen' teac#er$' an% ot#er pro(e$$iona&$' not e-cee%ing t#ree #un%re% t#ou$an% pe$o$ in ,a&ue0 !#" ?ne (i$#ing boat an% acce$$orie$ not e-cee%ing t#e tota& ,a&ue o( one #un%re% t#ou$an% pe$o$ o*ne% by a (i$#erman an% by t#e &a*(u& u$e o( *#ic# #e earn$ #i$ &i,e&i#oo%0 !i" So muc# o( t#e $a&arie$' *age$' or earning$ o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor (or #i$ per$ona& $er,ice$ *it#in t#e (our mont#$ prece%ing t#e &e,y a$ are nece$$ary (or t#e $upport o( #i$ (ami&y0 !1" :ettere% gra,e$tone$0 !k" 6onie$' bene(it$' pri,i&ege$' or annuitie$ accruing or in any manner gro*ing out o( any &i(e in$urance0 !&" T#e rig#t to recei,e &ega& $upport' or money or property obtaine% a$ $uc# $upport' or any pen$ion or gratuity (rom t#e ;o,ernment0 !m" Propertie$ $pecia&&y e-empte% by &a*. 8ut no artic&e or $pecie$ o( property mentione% in t#i$ $ection $#a&& be e-empt (rom e-ecution i$$ue% upon a 1u%gment reco,ere% (or it$ price or upon a 1u%gment o( (orec&o$ure o( a mortgage t#ereon. !1+a" Section 13. )eturn of $rit of e(ecution. C T#e *rit o( e-ecution $#a&& be returnab&e to t#e court i$$uing it imme%iate&y a(ter t#e 1u%gment #a$ been $ati$(ie% in part or in (u&&. I( t#e 1u%gment cannot be $ati$(ie% in (u&& *it#in t#irty !3)" %ay$ a(ter #i$ receipt o( t#e *rit' t#e o((icer $#a&& report to t#e court an% $tate t#e rea$on t#ere(or. Suc# *rit $#a&& continue in e((ect %uring t#e perio% *it#in *#ic# t#e 1u%gment may be en(orce% by motion. T#e o((icer $#a&& make a report to t#e court e,ery t#irty !3)" %ay$ on t#e procee%ing$ taken t#ereon unti& t#e 1u%gment i$ $ati$(ie% in (u&&' or it$ e((ecti,ity e-pire$. T#e return$ or perio%ic report$ $#a&& $et (ort# t#e *#o&e o( t#e procee%ing$ taken' an% $#a&& be (i&e% *it# t#e court an% copie$ t#ereo( prompt&y (urni$#e% t#e partie$. !11a" Section 1/. ,otice of sa e of property on e(ecution. C 8e(ore t#e $a&e o(

property on e-ecution' notice t#ereo( mu$t be gi,en a$ (o&&o*$5 !a" In ca$e o( peri$#ab&e property' by po$ting *ritten notice o( t#e time an% p&ace o( t#e $a&e in t#ree !3" pub&ic p&ace$' pre(erab&y in con$picuou$ area$ o( t#e municipa& or city #a&&' po$t o((ice an% pub&ic market in t#e municipa&ity or city *#ere t#e $a&e i$ to take p&ace' (or $uc# time a$ may be rea$onab&e' con$i%ering t#e c#aracter an% con%ition o( t#e property0 !b" In ca$e o( ot#er per$ona& property' by po$ting a $imi&ar notice in t#e t#ree !3" pub&ic p&ace$ abo,e mentione% (or not &e$$ t#an (i,e !/" %ay$0 !c" In ca$e o( rea& property' by po$ting (or t*enty !+)" %ay$ in t#e t#ree !3" pub&ic p&ace$ abo,ementione% a $imi&ar notice particu&ar&y %e$cribing t#e property an% $tating *#ere t#e property i$ to be $o&%' an% i( t#e a$$e$$e% ,a&ue o( t#e property e-cee%$ (i(ty t#ou$an% !P/)'))).))" pe$o$' by pub&i$#ing a copy o( t#e notice once a *eek (or t*o !+" con$ecuti,e *eek$ in one ne*$paper $e&ecte% by ra((&e' *#et#er in Eng&i$#' @i&ipino' or any ma1or regiona& &anguage pub&i$#e%' e%ite% an% circu&ate% or' in t#e ab$ence t#ereo(' #a,ing genera& circu&ation in t#e pro,ince or city0 !%" In a&& ca$e$' *ritten notice o( t#e $a&e $#a&& be gi,en to t#e 1u%gment ob&igor' at &ea$t t#ree !3" %ay$ be(ore t#e $a&e' e-cept a$ pro,i%e% in paragrap# !a" #ereo( *#ere notice $#a&& be gi,en t#e $ame manner a$ per$ona& $er,ice o( p&ea%ing$ an% ot#er paper$ a$ pro,i%e% by $ection 7 o( Ru&e 13. T#e notice $#a&& $peci(y t#e p&ace' %ate an% e-act time o( t#e $a&e *#ic# $#ou&% not be ear&ier t#an nine oGc&ock in t#e morning an% not &ater t#an t*o oGc&ock in t#e a(ternoon. T#e p&ace o( t#e $a&e may be agree% upon by t#e partie$. In t#e ab$ence o( $uc# agreement' t#e $a&e o( t#e property or per$ona& property not capab&e o( manua& %e&i,ery $#a&& be #e&% in t#e o((ice o( t#e c&erk o( court o( t#e Regiona& Tria& Court or t#e 6unicipa& Tria& Court *#ic# i$$ue% t#e *rit o( or *#ic# *a$ %e$ignate% by t#e appe&&ate court. In t#e ca$e o( per$ona& property capab&e o( manua& %e&i,ery' t#e $a&e $#a&& be #e&% in t#e p&ace *#ere t#e property i$ &ocate%. !1>a" Section 17. Proceedings $here property c aimed by third person. C I( t#e property &e,ie% on i$ c&aime% by any per$on ot#er t#an t#e 1u%gment ob&igor or #i$ agent' an% $uc# per$on make$ an a((i%a,it o( #i$ tit&e t#ereto or rig#t to t#e po$$e$$ion t#ereo(' $tating t#e groun%$ o( $uc# rig#t or tit&e' an%

$er,e$ t#e $ame upon t#e o((icer making t#e &e,y an% copy t#ereo(' $tating t#e groun%$ o( $uc# rig#t or titt&e' an% a $er,e$ t#e $ame upon t#e o((icer making t#e &e,y an% a copy t#ereo( upon t#e 1u%gment ob&igee' t#e o((icer $#a&& not be boun% to keep t#e property' un&e$$ $uc# 1u%gment ob&igee' on %eman% o( t#e o((icer' (i&e$ a bon% appro,e% by t#e court to in%emnity t#e t#ir% party c&aimant in a $um not &e$$ t#an t#e ,a&ue o( t#e property &e,ie% on. In ca$e o( %i$agreement a$ to $uc# ,a&ue' t#e $ame $#a&& be %etermine% by t#e court i$$uing t#e *rit o( e-ecution. Bo c&aim (or %amage$ (or t#e taking or keeping o( t#e property may be en(orce% again$t t#e bon% un&e$$ t#e action t#ere(or i$ (i&e% *it#in one #un%re% t*enty !1+)" %ay$ (rom t#e %ate o( t#e (i&ing o( t#e bon%. T#e o((icer $#a&& not be &iab&e (or %amage$ (or t#e taking or keeping o( t#e property' to any t#ir% party c&aimant i( $uc# bon% i$ (i&e%. Bot#ing #erein containe% $#a&& pre,ent $uc# c&aimant or any t#ir% per$on (rom ,in%icating #i$ c&aim to t#e property in a $eparate action' or pre,ent t#e 1u%gment ob&igee (rom c&aiming %amage$ in t#e $ame or a $eparate action again$t a t#ir% party c&aimant *#o (i&e% a (ri,o&ou$ or p&ain&y $puriou$ c&aim. <#en t#e *rit o( e-ecution i$ i$$ue% in (a,or o( t#e Repub&ic o( t#e P#i&ippine$' or any o((icer %u&y repre$enting it' t#e (i&ing o( $uc# bon% $#a&& not be re.uire%' an% in ca$e t#e $#eri(( or &e,ying o((icer i$ $ue% (or %amage$ a$ a re$u&t o( t#e &e,y' #e $#a&& be repre$ente% by t#e So&icitor ;enera& an% i( #e&% &iab&e t#ere(or' t#e actua& %amage$ a%1u%ge% by t#e court $#a&& be pai% by t#e Bationa& Trea$urer out o( $uc# (un%$ a$ may be appropriate% (or t#e purpo$e. !1=a" Section 1=. Pena ty for se ing $ithout notice' or removing or defacing notice. C An o((icer $e&&ing *it#out t#e notice pre$cribe% by $ection 1/ o( t#i$ Ru&e $#a&& be &iab&e to pay puniti,e %amage$ in t#e amount o( (i,e t#ou$an% !P/'))).))" pe$o$ to any per$on in1ure% t#ereby' in a%%ition to #i$ actua& %amage$' bot# to be reco,ere% by motion in t#e $ame action0 an% a per$on *i&&(u&&y remo,ing or %e(acing t#e notice po$te%' i( %one be(ore t#e $a&e' or be(ore t#e $ati$(action o( t#e 1u%gment i( it be $ati$(ie% be(ore t#e $a&e' $#a&& be &iab&e to pay (i,e t#ou$an% !P/'))).))" pe$o$ to any per$on in1ure% by rea$on t#ereo(' in a%%ition to #i$ actua& %amage$' to be reco,ere% by motion in t#e $ame action. !19a" Section 1>. ,o sa e if %udgment and costs paid. C At any time be(ore t#e

$a&e o( property on e-ecution' t#e 1u%gment ob&igor may pre,ent t#e $a&e by paying t#e amount re.uire% by t#e e-ecution an% t#e co$t$ t#at #a,e been incurre% t#erein. !+)a" Section 19. 1o$ property so d on e(ecution0 $ho may direct manner and order of sa e. C A&& $a&e$ o( property un%er e-ecution mu$t be ma%e at pub&ic auction' to t#e #ig#e$t bi%%er' to $tart at t#e e-act time (i-e% in t#e notice. A(ter $u((icient property #a$ been $o&% to $ati$(y t#e e-ecution' no more $#a&& be $o&% an% any e-ce$$ property or procee%$ o( t#e $a&e $#a&& be prompt&y %e&i,ere% to t#e 1u%gment ob&igor or #i$ aut#ori2e% repre$entati,e' un&e$$ ot#er*i$e %irecte% by t#e 1u%gment or or%er o( t#e court. <#en t#e $a&e i$ o( rea& property' con$i$ting o( $e,era& kno*n &ot$' t#ey mu$t be $o&% $eparate&y0 or' *#en a portion o( $uc# rea& property i$ c&aime% by a t#ir% per$on' #e may re.uire it to be $o&% $eparate&y. <#en t#e $a&e i$ o( per$ona& property capab&e o( manua& %e&i,ery' it mu$t be $o&% *it#in ,ie* o( t#o$e atten%ing t#e $ame an% in $uc# parce&$ a$ are &ike&y to bring t#e #ig#e$t price. T#e 1u%gment ob&igor' i( pre$ent at t#e $a&e' may %irect t#e or%er in *#ic# property' rea& or per$ona& $#a&& be $o&%' *#en $uc# property con$i$t$ o( $e,era& kno*n &ot$ or parce&$ *#ic# can be $o&% to a%,antage $eparate&y. Beit#er t#e o((icer con%ucting t#e e-ecution $a&e' nor #i$ %eputie$' can become a purc#a$er' nor be intere$te% %irect&y or in%irect&y in any purc#a$e at $uc# $a&e. !+1a" Section +). )efusa of purchaser to pay. C I( a purc#a$er re(u$e$ to pay t#e amount bi% by #im (or property $truck o(( to #im at a $a&e un%er e-ecution' t#e o((icer may again $e&& t#e property to t#e #ig#e$t bi%%er an% $#a&& not be re$pon$ib&e (or any &o$$ occa$ione% t#ereby0 but t#e court may or%er t#e re(u$ing purc#a$er to pay into t#e court t#e amount o( $uc# &o$$' *it# co$t$' an% may puni$# #im (or contempt i( #e %i$obey$ t#e or%er. T#e amount o( $uc# payment $#a&& be (or t#e bene(it o( t#e per$on entit&e% to t#e procee%$ o( t#e e-ecution' un&e$$ t#e e-ecution #a$ been (u&&y $ati$(ie%' in *#ic# e,ent $uc# procee%$ $#a&& be (or t#e bene(it o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor. T#e o((icer may t#erea(ter re1ect any $ub$e.uent bi% o( $uc# purc#a$er *#o re(u$e$ to pay. !++a" Section +1. *udgment ob igee as purchaser. C <#en t#e purc#a$er i$ t#e 1u%gment ob&igee' an% no t#ir% party c&aim #a$ been (i&e%' #e nee% not pay t#e amount o( t#e bi% i( it %oe$ not e-cee% t#e amount o( #i$ 1u%gment. I( it %oe$' #e $#a&& pay on&y t#e e-ce$$. !+3a"

Section ++. !d%ournment of sa e. C 8y *ritten con$ent o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor an% ob&igee' or t#eir %u&y aut#ori2e% repre$entati,e$' t#e o((icer may a%1ourn t#e $a&e to any %ate an% time agree% upon by t#em. <it#out $uc# agreement' #e may a%1ourn t#e $a&e (rom %ay to %ay i( it become$ nece$$ary to %o $o (or &ack o( time to comp&ete t#e $a&e on t#e %ay (i-e% in t#e notice or t#e %ay to *#ic# it *a$ a%1ourne%. !+3a" Section +3. Conveyance to purchaser of persona property capab e of manua de ivery. C <#en t#e purc#a$er o( any per$ona& property' capab&e o( manua& %e&i,ery' pay$ t#e purc#a$e price' t#e o((icer making t#e $a&e mu$t %e&i,er t#e property to t#e purc#a$er an%' i( %e$ire%' e-ecute an% %e&i,er to #im a certi(icate o( $a&e. T#e $a&e con,ey$ to t#e purc#a$er a&& t#e rig#t$ *#ic# t#e 1u%gment ob&igor #a% in $uc# property a$ o( t#e %ate o( t#e &e,y on e-ecution or pre&iminary attac#ment. !+/a" Section +3. Conveyance to purchaser of persona property not capab e of manua de ivery. C <#en t#e purc#a$er o( any per$ona& property' not capab&e o( manua& %e&i,ery' pay$ t#e purc#a$e price' t#e o((icer making t#e $a&e mu$t e-ecute an% %e&i,er to t#e purc#a$er a certi(icate o( $a&e. Suc# certi(icate con,ey$ to t#e purc#a$er a&& t#e rig#t$ *#ic# t#e 1u%gment ob&igor #a% in $uc# property a$ o( t#e %ate o( t#e &e,y on e-ecution or pre&iminary attac#ment. !+7a" Section +/. Conveyance of rea property0 certificate thereof given to purchaser and fi ed $ith registry of deeds. C 4pon a $a&e o( rea& property' t#e o((icer mu$t gi,e to t#e purc#a$er a certi(icate o( $a&e containing5 !a" A particu&ar %e$cription o( t#e rea& property $o&%0 !b" T#e price pai% (or eac# %i$tinct &ot or parce&0 !c" T#e *#o&e price pai% by #im0 !%" A $tatement t#at t#e rig#t o( re%emption e-pire$ one !1" year (rom t#e %ate o( t#e regi$tration o( t#e certi(icate o( $a&e. Suc# certi(icate mu$t be regi$tere% in t#e regi$try o( %ee%$ o( t#e p&ace *#ere t#e property i$ $ituate%. !+= a" Section +7. Certificate of sa e $here property c aimed by third person . C <#en a property $o&% by ,irtue o( a *rit o( e-ecution #a$ been c&aime% by a

t#ir% per$on' t#e certi(icate o( $a&e to be i$$ue% by t#e $#eri(( pur$uant to $ection$ +3' +3 an% +/ o( t#i$ Ru&e $#a&& make e-pre$$ mention o( t#e e-i$tence o( $uc# t#ir% party c&aim. !+>a" Section +=. +ho may redeem rea property so so d. C Rea& property $o&% a$ pro,i%e% in t#e &a$t prece%ing $ection' or any part t#ereo( $o&% $eparate&y' may be re%eeme% in t#e manner #ereina(ter pro,i%e%' by t#e (o&&o*ing per$on$5 !a" T#e 1u%gment ob&igor0 or #i$ $ucce$$or in intere$t in t#e *#o&e or any part o( t#e property0 !b" A cre%itor #a,ing a &ien by ,irtue o( an attac#ment' 1u%gment or mortgage on t#e property $o&%' or on $ome part t#ereo(' $ub$e.uent to t#e &ien un%er *#ic# t#e property *a$ $o&%. Suc# re%eeming cre%itor i$ terme% a re%emptioner. !+9a" Section +>. Time and manner of4 and amounts payab e on' successive redemptions0 notice to be given and fi ed. C T#e 1u%gment ob&igor' or re%emptioner' may re%eem t#e property (rom t#e purc#a$er' at any time *it#in one !1" year (rom t#e %ate o( t#e regi$tration o( t#e certi(icate o( $a&e' by paying t#e purc#a$er t#e amount o( #i$ purc#a$e' *it# t#e per centum per mont# intere$t t#ereon in a%%ition' up to t#e time o( re%emption' toget#er *it# t#e amount o( any a$$e$$ment$ or ta-e$ *#ic# t#e purc#a$er may #a,e pai% t#ereon a(ter purc#a$e' an% intere$t on $uc# &a$t name% amount at t#e $ame rate0 an% i( t#e purc#a$er be a&$o a cre%itor #a,ing a prior &ien to t#at o( t#e re%emptioner' ot#er t#an t#e 1u%gment un%er *#ic# $uc# purc#a$e *a$ ma%e' t#e amount o( $uc# ot#er &ien' *it# intere$t. Property $o re%eeme% may again be re%eeme% *it#in $i-ty !7)" %ay$ a(ter t#e &a$t re%emption upon payment o( t#e $um pai% on t#e &a$t re%emption' *it# t*o per centum t#ereon in a%%ition an% t#e amount o( any a$$e$$ment$ or ta-e$ *#ic# t#e &a$t re%emptioner may #a,e pai% t#ereon a(ter re%emption by #im' *it# intere$t on $uc# &a$t name% amount' an% in a%%ition' t#e amount o( any &ien$ #e&% by $ai% &a$t re%emptioner prior to #i$ o*n' *it# intere$t. T#e property may be again' an% a$ o(ten a$ a re%emptioner i$ $o %i$po$e%' re%eeme% (rom any pre,iou$ re%emptioner *it#in $i-ty !7)" %ay$ a(ter t#e &a$t re%emption' on paying t#e $um pai% on t#e &a$t pre,iou$ re%emption' *it# t*o per centum t#ereon in a%%ition' an% t#e amount$ o( any a$$e$$ment$ or ta-e$ *#ic# t#e &a$t pre,iou$

re%emptioner pai% a(ter t#e re%emption t#ereon' *it# intere$t t#ereon' an% t#e amount o( any &ien$ #e&% by t#e &a$t re%emptioner prior to #i$ o*n' *it# intere$t. <ritten notice o( any re%emption mu$t be gi,en to t#e o((icer *#o ma%e t#e $a&e an% a %up&icate (i&e% *it# t#e regi$try o( %ee%$ o( t#e p&ace' an% i( any a$$e$$ment$ or ta-e$ are pai% by t#e re%emptioner or i( #e #a$ or ac.uire$ any &ien ot#er t#an t#at upon *#ic# t#e re%emption *a$ ma%e' notice t#ereo( mu$t in &ike manner be gi,en to t#e o((icer an% (i&e% *it# t#e regi$try o( %ee%$0 i( $uc# notice be not (i&e%' t#e property may be re%eeme% *it#out paying $uc# a$$e$$ment$' ta-e$' or &ien$. !3)a" Section +9. 'ffect of redemption by %udgment ob igor' and a certificate to be de ivered and recorded thereupon0 to $hom payments on redemption made. C I( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor re%eem$ #e mu$t make t#e $ame payment$ a$ are re.uire% to e((ect a re%emption by a re%emptioner' *#ereupon' no (urt#er re%emption $#a&& be a&&o*e% an% #e i$ re$tore% to #i$ e$tate. T#e per$on to *#om t#e re%emption payment i$ ma%e mu$t e-ecute an% %e&i,er to #im a certi(icate o( re%emption ackno*&e%ge% be(ore a notary pub&ic or ot#er o((icer aut#ori2e% to take ackno*&e%gment$ o( con,eyance$ o( rea& property. Suc# certi(icate mu$t be (i&e% an% recor%e% in t#e regi$try o( %ee%$ o( t#e p&ace in *#ic# t#e property i$ $ituate% an% t#e regi$trar o( %ee%$ mu$t note t#e recor% t#ereo( on t#e margin o( t#e recor% o( t#e certi(icate o( $a&e. T#e payment$ mentione% in t#i$ an% t#e &a$t prece%ing $ection$ may be ma%e to t#e purc#a$er or re%emptioner' or (or #im to t#e o((icer *#o ma%e t#e $a&e. !31a" Section 3). Proof re8uired of redemptioner. C A re%emptioner mu$t pro%uce to t#e o((icer' or per$on (rom *#om #e $eek$ to re%eem' an% $er,e *it# #i$ notice to t#e o((icer a copy o( t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er un%er *#ic# #e c&aim$ t#e rig#t to re%eem' certi(ie% by t#e c&erk o( t#e court *#erein t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er i$ entere%' or' i( #e re%eem$ upon a mortgage or ot#er &ien' a memoran%um o( t#e recor% t#ereo(' certi(ie% by t#e regi$trar o( %ee%$' or an origina& or certi(ie% copy o( any a$$ignment nece$$ary to e$tab&i$# #i$ c&aim0 an% an a((i%a,it e-ecute% by #im or #i$ agent' $#o*ing t#e amount t#en actua&&y %ue on t#e &ien. !3+a" Section 31. Manner of using premises pending redemption0 $aste restrained. C 4nti& t#e e-piration o( t#e time a&&o*e% (or re%emption' t#e

court may' a$ in ot#er proper ca$e$' re$train t#e commi$$ion o( *a$te on t#e property by in1unction' on t#e app&ication o( t#e purc#a$er or t#e 1u%gment ob&igee' *it# or *it#out notice0 but it i$ not *a$te (or a per$on in po$$e$$ion o( t#e property at t#e time o( t#e $a&e' or entit&e% to po$$e$$ion a(ter*ar%$' %uring t#e perio% a&&o*e% (or re%emption' to continue to u$e it in t#e $ame manner in *#ic# it *a$ pre,iou$&y u$e%' or to u$e it in t#e or%inary cour$e o( #u$ban%ry0 or to make t#e nece$$ary repair$ to bui&%ing$ t#ereon *#i&e #e occupie$ t#e property. !33a" Section 3+. )ents' earnings and income of property pending redemption. C T#e purc#a$er or a re%emptioner $#a&& not be entit&e% to recei,e t#e rent$' earning$ an% income o( t#e property $o&% on e-ecution' or t#e ,a&ue o( t#e u$e an% occupation t#ereo( *#en $uc# property i$ in t#e po$$e$$ion o( a tenant. A&& rent$' earning$ an% income %eri,e% (rom t#e property pen%ing re%emption $#a&& be&ong to t#e 1u%gment ob&igor unti& t#e e-piration o( #i$ perio% o( re%emption. !33a" Section 33. /eed and possession to be given at e(piration of redemption period0 by $hom e(ecuted or given. C I( no re%emption be ma%e *it#in one !1" year (rom t#e %ate o( t#e regi$tration o( t#e certi(icate o( $a&e' t#e purc#a$er i$ entit&e% to a con,eyance an% po$$e$$ion o( t#e property0 or' i( $o re%eeme% *#ene,er $i-ty !7)" %ay$ #a,e e&ap$e% an% no ot#er re%emption #a$ been ma%e' an% notice t#ereo( gi,en' an% t#e time (or re%emption #a$ e-pire%' t#e &a$t re%emptioner i$ entit&e% to t#e con,eyance an% po$$e$$ion0 but in a&& ca$e$ t#e 1u%gment ob&igor $#a&& #a,e t#e entire perio% o( one !1" year (rom t#e %ate o( t#e regi$tration o( t#e $a&e to re%eem t#e property. T#e %ee% $#a&& be e-ecute% by t#e o((icer making t#e $a&e or by #i$ $ucce$$or in o((ice' an% in t#e &atter ca$e $#a&& #a,e t#e $ame ,a&i%ity a$ t#oug# t#e o((icer making t#e $a&e #a% continue% in o((ice an% e-ecute% it. 4pon t#e e-piration o( t#e rig#t o( re%emption' t#e purc#a$er or re%emptioner $#a&& be $ub$titute% to an% ac.uire a&& t#e rig#t$' tit&e' intere$t an% c&aim o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor to t#e property a$ o( t#e time o( t#e &e,y. T#e po$$e$$ion o( t#e property $#a&& be gi,en to t#e purc#a$er or &a$t re%emptioner by t#e $ame o((icer un&e$$ a t#ir% party a%,er$e&y to t#e 1u%gment ob&igor. !3/a" Section 33. )ecovery of price if sa e not effective 0 reviva of %udgment. C I(

t#e purc#a$er o( rea& property $o&% on e-ecution' or #i$ $ucce$$or in intere$t' (ai&$ to reco,er t#e po$$e$$ion t#ereo(' or i$ e,icte% t#ere(rom' in con$e.uence o( irregu&aritie$ in t#e procee%ing$ concerning t#e $a&e' or becau$e t#e 1u%gment #a$ been re,er$e% or $et a$i%e' or becau$e t#e property $o&% *a$ e-empt (rom e-ecution' or becau$e a t#ir% per$on #a$ ,in%icate% #i$ c&aim to t#e property' #e may on motion in t#e $ame action or in a $eparate action reco,er (rom t#e 1u%gment ob&igee t#e price pai%' *it# intere$t' or $o muc# t#ereo( a$ #a$ not been %e&i,ere% to t#e 1u%gment ob&igor' or #e may' on motion' #a,e t#e origina& 1u%gment re,i,e% in #i$ name (or t#e *#o&e price *it# intere$t' or $o muc# t#ereo( a$ #a$ been %e&i,ere% to t#e 1u%gment ob&igor. T#e 1u%gment $o re,i,e% $#a&& #a,e t#e $ame (orce an% e((ect a$ an origina& 1u%gment *ou&% #a,e a$ o( t#e %ate o( t#e re,i,a& an% no more. !37a" Section 3/. )ight to contribution or reimbursement. C <#en property &iab&e to an e-ecution again$t $e,era& per$on$ i$ $o&% t#ereon' an% more t#an a %ue proportion o( t#e 1u%gment i$ $ati$(ie% out o( t#e procee%$ o( t#e $a&e o( t#e property o( one o( t#em' or one o( t#em pay$' *it#out a $a&e' more t#an #i$ proportion' #e may compe& a contribution (rom t#e ot#er$0 an% *#en a 1u%gment i$ upon an ob&igation o( one o( t#em' a$ $ecurity (or anot#er' an% t#e $urety pay$ t#e amount' or any part t#ereo(' eit#er by $a&e o( #i$ property or be(ore $a&e' #e may compe& repayment (rom t#e principa&. !3=a" Section 37. '(amination of %udgment ob igor $hen %udgment unsatisfied . C <#en t#e return o( a *rit o( e-ecution i$$ue% again$t property o( a 1u%gment ob&igor' or any one o( $e,era& ob&igor$ in t#e $ame 1u%gment' $#o*$ t#at t#e 1u%gment remain$ un$ati$(ie%' in *#o&e or in part' t#e 1u%gment ob&igee' at any time a(ter $uc# return i$ ma%e' $#a&& be entit&e% to an or%er (rom t#e court *#ic# ren%ere% t#e $ai% 1u%gment' re.uiring $uc# 1u%gment ob&igor to appear an% be e-amine% concerning #i$ property an% income be(ore $uc# court or be(ore a commi$$ioner appointe% by it at a $peci(ie% time an% p&ace0 an% procee%ing$ may t#ereupon be #a% (or t#e app&ication o( t#e property an% income o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor to*ar%$ t#e $ati$(action o( t#e 1u%gment. 8ut no 1u%gment ob&igor $#a&& be $o re.uire% to appear be(ore a court or commi$$ioner out$i%e t#e pro,ince or city in *#ic# $uc# ob&igor re$i%e$ or i$ (oun%. !3>a" Section 3=. '(amination of ob igor of %udgment ob igor. C <#en t#e return o( a *rit o( e-ecution again$t t#e property o( a 1u%gment ob&igor $#o*$ t#at

t#e 1u%gment remain un$ati$(ie%' in *#o&e or in part' an% upon proo( to t#e $ati$(action o( t#e court *#ic# i$$ue% t#e *rit' t#at a per$on' corporation' or ot#er 1uri%ica& entity #a$ property o( $uc# 1u%gment ob&igor or i$ in%ebte% to #im' t#e court may' by an or%er' re.uire $uc# per$on' corporation' or ot#er 1uri%ica& entity' or any o((icer' or member t#ereo(' to appear be(ore t#e court or a commi$$ioner appointe% by it' at a time an% p&ace *it#in t#e pro,ince or city *#ere $uc# %ebtor re$i%e$ or i$ (oun%' an% be e-amine% concerning t#e $ame. T#e $er,ice o( t#e or%er $#a&& bin% a&& cre%it$ %ue t#e 1u%gment ob&igor an% a&& money an% property o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor in t#e po$$e$$ion or in t#e contro& o( $uc# per$on corporation' or 1uri%ica& entity (rom t#e time o( $er,ice0 an% t#e court may a&$o re.uire notice o( $uc# procee%ing$ to be gi,en to any party to t#e action in $uc# manner a$ it may %eem proper. !39a" Section 3>. 'nforcement of attendance and conduct of e(amination . C A party or ot#er per$on may be compe&&e%' by an or%er or $ubpoena' to atten% be(ore t#e court or commi$$ioner to te$ti(y a$ pro,i%e% in t#e t*o prece%ing $ection$' an% upon (ai&ure to obey $uc# or%er or $ubpoena or to be $*orn' or to an$*er a$ a *itne$$ or to $ub$cribe #i$ %epo$ition' may be puni$#e% (or contempt a$ in ot#er ca$e$. E-amination$ $#a&& not be un%u&y pro&onge%' but t#e procee%ing$ may be a%1ourne% (rom time to time' unti& t#ey are comp&ete%. I( t#e e-amination i$ be(ore a commi$$ioner' #e mu$t take it in *riting an% certi(y it to t#e court. A&& e-amination$ an% an$*er$ be(ore a court commi$$ioner mu$t be un%er oat#' an% *#en a corporation or ot#er 1uri%ica& entity an$*er$' it mu$t be on t#e oat# o( an aut#ori2e% o((icer or agent t#ereo(. !3)a" Section 39. Ob igor may pay e(ecution against ob igee . C A(ter a *rit o( e-ecution again$t property #a$ been i$$ue%' a per$on in%ebte% to t#e 1u%gment ob&igor may pay to t#e $#eri(( #o&%ing t#e *rit o( e-ecution t#e amount o( #i$ %ebt or $o muc# t#ereo( a$ may be nece$$ary to $ati$(y t#e 1u%gment' in t#e manner pre$cribe% in $ection 9 o( t#i$ Ru&e' an% t#e $#eri((G$ receipt $#a&& be a $u((icient %i$c#arge (or t#e amount $o pai% or %irecte% to be cre%ite% by t#e 1u%gment ob&igee on t#e e-ecution. !31a" Section 3). Order for app ication of property and income to satisfaction of %udgment. C T#e court may or%er any property o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor' or money %ue #im' not e-empt (rom e-ecution' in t#e #an%$ o( eit#er #im$e&( or anot#er per$on' or o( a corporation or ot#er 1uri%ica& entity' to be app&ie% to

t#e $ati$(action o( t#e 1u%gment' $ub1ect to any prior rig#t$ o,er $uc# property. I(' upon in,e$tigation o( #i$ current income an% e-pen$e$' it appear$ t#at t#e earning$ o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor (or #i$ per$ona& $er,ice$ are more t#an nece$$ary (or t#e $upport o( #i$ (ami&y' t#e court may or%er t#at #e pay t#e 1u%gment in (i-e% mont#&y in$ta&&ment$' an% upon #i$ (ai&ure to pay any $uc# in$ta&&ment *#en %ue *it#out goo% e-cu$e' may puni$# #im (or in%irect contempt. !3+a" Section 31. !ppointment of receiver. C T#e court may appoint a recei,er o( t#e property o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor0 an% it may a&$o (orbi% a tran$(er or ot#er %i$po$ition o(' or any inter(erence *it#' t#e property o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor not e-empt (rom e-ecution. !33a" Section 3+. Sa e of ascertainab e interest of %udgment ob igor in rea estate . C I( it appear$ t#at t#e 1u%gment ob&igor #a$ an intere$t in rea& e$tate in t#e p&ace in *#ic# procee%ing$ are #a%' a$ mortgagor or mortgagee or ot#er *i$e' an% #i$ intere$t t#erein can be a$certaine% *it#out contro,er$y t#e recei,er may be or%ere% to $e&& an% con,ey $uc# rea& e$tate or t#e intere$t o( t#e ob&igor t#erein0 an% $uc# $a&e $#a&& be con%ucte% in a&& re$pect$ in t#e $ame manner a$ i$ pro,i%e% (or t#e $a&e o( rea& $tate upon e-ecution' an% t#e procee%ing$ t#ereon $#a&& be appro,e% by t#e court be(ore t#e e-ecution o( t#e %ee%. !33a" Section 33. Proceedings $hen indebtedness denied or another person c aims the property. C I( it appear$ t#at a per$on or corporation' a&&ege% to #a,e property o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor or to be in%ebte% to #im' c&aim$ an intere$t in t#e property a%,er$e to #im or %enie% t#e %ebt' t#e court may aut#ori2e' by an or%er ma%e to t#at e((ect' t#e 1u%gment ob&igee to in$titute an action again$t $uc# per$on or corporation (or t#e reco,ery o( $uc# intere$t or %ebt' (orbi% a tran$(er or ot#er %i$po$ition o( $uc# intere$t or %ebt *it#in one #un%re% t*enty !1+)" %ay$ (rom notice o( t#e or%er' an% may puni$# %i$obe%ience o( $uc# or%er a$ (or contempt. Suc# or%er may be mo%i(ie% or ,acate% at any time by t#e court *#ic# i$$ue% it' or by t#e court in *#ic# t#e action i$ broug#t' upon $uc# term$ a$ may be 1u$t. !3/a" Section 33. 'ntry of satisfaction of %udgment by c erk of court . C Sati$(action o( a 1u%gment $#a&& be entere% by t#e c&erk o( court in t#e court %ocket' an% in t#e e-ecution book' upon t#e return o( a *rit o( e-ecution

$#o*ing t#e (u&& $ati$(action o( t#e 1u%gment' or upon t#e (i&ing o( an a%mi$$ion to t#e $ati$(action o( t#e 1u%gment e-ecute% an% ackno*&e%ge% in t#e $ame manner a$ a con,eyance o( rea& property by t#e 1u%gment ob&igee or by #i$ coun$e& un&e$$ a re,ocation o( #i$ aut#ority i$ (i&e%' or upon t#e en%or$ement o( $uc# a%mi$$ion by t#e 1u%gment ob&igee or #i$ coun$e&' on t#e (ace o( t#e recor% o( t#e 1u%gment. !37a" Section 3/. 'ntry of satisfaction $ith or $ithout admission . C <#ene,er a 1u%gment i$ $ati$(ie% in (act' or ot#er*i$e t#an upon an e-ecution on %eman% o( t#e 1u%gment ob&igor' t#e 1u%gment ob&igee or #i$ coun$e& mu$t e-ecute an% ackno*&e%ge' or in%or$e an a%mi$$ion o( t#e $ati$(action a$ pro,i%e% in t#e &a$t prece%ing $ection' an% a(ter notice an% upon motion t#e court may or%er eit#er t#e 1u%gment ob&igee or #i$ coun$e& to %o $o' or may or%er t#e entry o( $ati$(action to be ma%e *it#out $uc# a%mi$$ion. !3=a" Section 37. +hen principa bound by %udgment against surety . C <#en a 1u%gment i$ ren%ere% again$t a party *#o $tan%$ a$ $urety (or anot#er' t#e &atter i$ a&$o boun% (rom t#e time t#at #e #a$ notice o( t#e action or procee%ing' an% an opportunity at t#e $uretyG$ re.ue$t to 1oin in t#e %e(en$e. !3>a" Section 3=. 'ffect of %udgments or fina orders. C T#e e((ect o( a 1u%gment or (ina& or%er ren%ere% by a court o( t#e P#i&ippine$' #a,ing 1uri$%iction to pronounce t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er' may be a$ (o&&o*$5 !a" In ca$e o( a 1u%gment or (ina& or%er again$t a $peci(ic t#ing' or in re$pect to t#e probate o( a *i&&' or t#e a%mini$tration o( t#e e$tate o( a %ecea$e% per$on' or in re$pect to t#e per$ona&' po&itica&' or &ega& con%ition or $tatu$ o( a particu&ar per$on or #i$ re&ation$#ip to anot#er' t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er i$ conc&u$i,e upon t#e tit&e to t#e t#ing' t#e *i&& or a%mini$tration or t#e con%ition' $tatu$ or re&ation$#ip o( t#e per$on' #o*e,er' t#e probate o( a *i&& or granting o( &etter$ o( a%mini$tration $#a&& on&y be prima facie e,i%ence o( t#e %eat# o( t#e te$tator or inte$tate0 !b" In ot#er ca$e$' t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er i$' *it# re$pect to t#e matter %irect&y a%1u%ge% or a$ to any ot#er matter t#at cou&% #a,e been mi$$e% in re&ation t#ereto' conc&u$i,e bet*een t#e partie$ an% t#eir $ucce$$or$ in intere$t' by tit&e $ub$e.uent to t#e commencement o( t#e action or $pecia& procee%ing' &itigating (or t#e $ame t#ing an% un%er t#e $ame tit&e an% in t#e $ame capacity0 an%

!c" In any ot#er &itigation bet*een t#e $ame partie$ or t#eir $ucce$$or$ in intere$t' t#at on&y i$ %eeme% to #a,e been a%1u%ge% in a (ormer 1u%gment or (ina& or%er *#ic# appear$ upon it$ (ace to #a,e been $o a%1u%ge%' or *#ic# *a$ actua&&y an% nece$$ari&y inc&u%e% t#erein or nece$$ary t#ereto. !39a" Section 3>. 'ffect of foreign %udgments or fina orders. C T#e e((ect o( a 1u%gment or (ina& or%er o( a tribuna& o( a (oreign country' #a,ing 1uri$%iction to ren%er t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er i$ a$ (o&&o*$5 !a" In ca$e o( a 1u%gment or (ina& or%er upon a $peci(ic t#ing' t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er' i$ conc&u$i,e upon t#e tit&e to t#e t#ing' an% !b" In ca$e o( a 1u%gment or (ina& or%er again$t a per$on' t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er i$ pre$umpti,e e,i%ence o( a rig#t a$ bet*een t#e partie$ an% t#eir $ucce$$or$ in intere$t by a $ub$e.uent tit&e. In eit#er ca$e' t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er may be repe&&e% by e,i%ence o( a *ant o( 1uri$%iction' *ant o( notice to t#e party' co&&u$ion' (rau%' or c&ear mi$take o( &a* or (act. !/)a"


9. Reme%ie$ Again$t an A%,er$e Au%gement a. 6otion (or Recon$i%eration b. 6otion (or Be* Tria& c. Appea& %. Petition (or Re&ie( (rom Au%gement e. Petition to Annu& Au%gement

i. 6otion (or Recon$i%eration ii. 6otion (or Be* Tria& R4:E 3= Be* Tria& or Recon$i%eration$ Section 1. 0rounds of and period for fi ing motion for ne$ tria or reconsideration. C <it#in t#e perio% (or taking an appea&' t#e aggrie,e% party may mo,e t#e tria& court to $et a$i%e t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er an% grant a ne* tria& (or one or more o( t#e (o&&o*ing cau$e$ materia&&y a((ecting t#e $ub$tantia& rig#t$ o( $ai% party5 !a" @rau%' acci%ent' mi$take or e-cu$ab&e neg&igence *#ic# or%inary pru%ence cou&% not #a,e guar%e% again$t an% by rea$on o( *#ic# $uc# aggrie,e% party #a$ probab&y been impaire% in #i$ rig#t$0 or !b" Be*&y %i$co,ere% e,i%ence' *#ic# #e cou&% not' *it# rea$onab&e %i&igence' #a,e %i$co,ere% an% pro%uce% at t#e tria&' an% *#ic# i( pre$ente% *ou&% probab&y a&ter t#e re$u&t. <it#in t#e $ame perio%' t#e aggrie,e% party may a&$o mo,e (or recon$i%eration upon t#e groun%$ t#at t#e %amage$ a*ar%e% are e-ce$$i,e' t#at t#e e,i%ence i$ in$u((icient to 1u$ti(y t#e %eci$ion or (ina& or%er' or t#at t#e %eci$ion or (ina& or%er i$ contrary to &a*. !1a" Section +. Contents of motion for ne$ tria or reconsideration and notice thereof. C T#e motion $#a&& be ma%e in *riting $tating t#e groun% or

groun%$ t#ere(or' a *ritten notice o( *#ic# $#a&& be $er,e% by t#e mo,ant on t#e a%,er$e party. A motion (or ne* tria& $#a&& be pro,e% in t#e manner pro,i%e% (or proo( o( motion. A motion (or t#e cau$e mentione% in paragrap# !a" o( t#e prece%ing $ection $#a&& be $upporte% by a((i%a,it$ o( merit$ *#ic# may be rebutte% by a((i%a,it$. A motion (or t#e cau$e mentione% in paragrap# !b" $#a&& be $upporte% by a((i%a,it$ o( t#e *itne$$e$ by *#om $uc# e,i%ence i$ e-pecte% to be gi,en' or by %u&y aut#enticate% %ocument$ *#ic# are propo$e% to be intro%uce% in e,i%ence. A motion (or recon$i%eration $#a&& point out a $peci(ica&&y t#e (in%ing$ or conc&u$ion$ o( t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er *#ic# are not $upporte% by t#e e,i%ence or *#ic# are contrary to &a* making e-pre$$ re(erence to t#e te$timonia& or %ocumentary e,i%ence or to t#e pro,i$ion$ o( &a* a&&ege% to be contrary to $uc# (in%ing$ or conc&u$ion$. A pro forma motion (or ne* tria& or recon$i%eration $#a&& not to&& t#e reg&ementary perio% o( appea&. !+a" Section 3. !ction upon motion for ne$ tria or reconsideration . C T#e tria& court may $et a$i%e t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er an% grant a ne* tria&' upon $uc# term$ a$ may be 1u$t' or may %eny t#e motion. I( t#e court (in%$ t#at e-ce$$i,e %amage$ #a,e been a*ar%e% or t#at t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er i$ contrary to t#e e,i%ence or &a*' it may amen% $uc# 1u%gment or (ina& or%er accor%ing&y. !3a" Section 3. )eso ution of motion. C A motion (or ne* tria& or recon$i%eration $#a&& be re$o&,e% *it#in t#irty !3)" %ay$ (rom t#e time it i$ $ubmitte% (or re$o&ution. !n" Section /. Second motion for ne$ tria . C A motion (or ne* tria& $#a&& inc&u%e a&& groun%$ t#en a,ai&ab&e an% t#o$e not $o inc&u%e% $#a&& be %eeme% *ai,e%. A $econ% motion (or ne* tria&' ba$e% on a groun% not e-i$ting nor a,ai&ab&e *#en t#e (ir$t motion *a$ ma%e' may be (i&e% *it#in t#e time #erein pro,i%e% e-c&u%ing t#e time %uring *#ic# t#e (ir$t motion #a% been pen%ing. Bo party $#a&& be a&&o*e% a $econ% motion (or recon$i%eration o( a 1u%gment or (ina& or%er !3a' 3' IR;"

Section 7. 'ffect of granting of motion for ne$ tria . C I( a ne* tria& i$ grante% in accor%ance *it# t#e pro,i$ion$ o( t#i$ Ru&e$ t#e origina& 1u%gment or (ina& or%er $#a&& be ,acate%' an% t#e action $#a&& $tan% (or tria& de novo0 but t#e recor%e% e,i%ence taken upon t#e (ormer tria&' in$o(ar a$ t#e $ame i$ materia& an% competent to e$tab&i$# t#e i$$ue$' $#a&& be u$e% at t#e ne* tria& *it#out retaking t#e $ame. !/a" Section =. Partia ne$ tria or reconsideration. C I( t#e groun%$ (or a motion un%er t#i$ Ru&e appear to t#e court to a((ect t#e i$$ue$ a$ to on&y a part' or &e$$ t#an an o( t#e matter in contro,er$y' or on&y one' or &e$$ t#an a&&' o( t#e partie$ to it' t#e court may or%er a ne* tria& or grant recon$i%eration a$ to $uc# i$$ue$ i( $e,erab&e *it#out inter(ering *it# t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er upon t#e re$t. !7a" Section >. 'ffect of order for partia ne$ tria . C <#en &e$$ t#an a&& o( t#e i$$ue$ are or%ere% retrie%' t#e court may eit#er enter a 1u%gment or (ina& or%er a$ to t#e re$t' or $tay t#e en(orcement o( $uc# 1u%gment or (ina& or%er unti& a(ter t#e ne* tria&. !=a" Section 9. )emedy against order denying a motion for ne$ tria or reconsideration. C An or%er %enying a motion (or ne* tria& or recon$i%eration i$ not appea&e%' t#e reme%y being an appea& (rom t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er. !n"

iii. Appea& R4:E 3) Appea& @rom 6unicipa& Tria& Court$ to t#e Regiona& Tria& Court$ Section 1. +here to appea . C An appea& (rom a 1u%gment or (ina& or%er o( a 6unicipa& Tria& Court may be taken to t#e Regiona& Tria& Court e-erci$ing 1uri$%iction o,er t#e area to *#ic# t#e (ormer pertain$. T#e tit&e o( t#e ca$e $#a&& remain a$ it *a$ in t#e court o( origin' but t#e party appea&ing t#e ca$e $#a&& be (urt#er re(erre% to a$ t#e appe&&ant an% t#e a%,er$e party a$ t#e appe&&ee. !a" Section +. +hen to appea . C An appea& may be taken *it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ a(ter notice to t#e appe&&ant o( t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er appea&e%

(rom. <#ere a recor% on appea& i$ re.uire%' t#e appe&&ant $#a&& (i&e a notice o( appea& an% a recor% on appea& *it#in t#irty !3)" %ay$ a(ter notice o( t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er. T#e perio% o( appea& $#a&& be interrupte% by a time&y motion (or ne* tria& or recon$i%eration. Bo motion (or e-ten$ion o( time to (i&e a motion (or ne* tria& or recon$i%eration $#a&& be a&&o*e%. !n" Section 3. 1o$ to appea . C T#e appea& i$ taken by (i&ing a notice o( appea& *it# t#e court t#at ren%ere% t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er appea&e% (rom. T#e notice o( appea& $#a&& in%icate t#e partie$ to t#e appea&' t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er or part t#ereo( appea&e% (rom' an% $tate t#e materia& %ate$ $#o*ing t#e time&ine$$ o( t#e appea&. A recor% on appea& $#a&& be re.uire% on&y in $pecia& procee%ing$ an% in ot#er ca$e$ o( mu&tip&e or $eparate appea&$. T#e (orm an% content$ o( t#e recor% on appea& $#a&& be a$ pro,i%e% in $ection 7' Ru&e 31. Copie$ o( t#e notice o( appea&' an% t#e recor% on appea& *#ere re.uire%' $#a&& be $er,e% on t#e a%,er$e party. !n" Section 3. Perfection of appea 0 effect thereof. C T#e per(ection o( t#e appea& an% t#e e((ect t#ereo( $#a&& be go,erne% by t#e pro,i$ion$ o( $ection 9' Ru&e 31. !n" Section /. !ppe ate court docket and other a$fu fees. C <it#in t#e perio% (or taking an appea&' t#e appe&&ant $#a&& pay to t#e c&erk o( t#e court *#ic# ren%ere% t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er appea&e% (rom t#e (u&& amount o( t#e appe&&ate court %ocket an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$. Proo( o( payment t#ereo( $#a&& be tran$mitte% to t#e appe&&ate court toget#er *it# t#e origina& recor% or t#e recor% on appea&' a$ t#e ca$e may be. !n" Section 7. /uty of the c erk of court . C <it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom t#e per(ection o( t#e appea&' t#e c&erk o( court or t#e branc# c&erk o( court o( t#e &o*er court $#a&& tran$mit t#e origina& recor% or t#e recor% on appea&' toget#er *it# t#e tran$cript$ an% e-#ibit$' *#ic# #e $#a&& certi(y a$ comp&ete' to t#e proper Regiona& Tria& Court. A copy o( #i$ &etter o( tran$mitta& o( t#e recor%$ to t#e appe&&ate court $#a&& be (urni$#e% t#e partie$. !n"

Section =. Procedure in the )egiona Tria Court. C !a" 4pon receipt o( t#e comp&ete recor% or t#e recor% on appea&' t#e c&erk o( court o( t#e Regiona& Tria& Court $#a&& noti(y t#e partie$ o( $uc# (act. !b" <it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom $uc# notice' it $#a&& be t#e %uty o( t#e appe&&ant to $ubmit a memoran%um *#ic# $#a&& brie(&y %i$cu$$ t#e error$ impute% to t#e &o*er court' a copy o( *#ic# $#a&& be (urni$#e% by #im to t#e a%,er$e party. <it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom receipt o( t#e appe&&antG$ memoran%um' t#e appe&&ee may (i&e #i$ memoran%um. @ai&ure o( t#e appe&&ant to (i&e a memoran%um $#a&& be a groun% (or %i$mi$$a& o( t#e appea&. !c" 4pon t#e (i&ing o( t#e memoran%um o( t#e appe&&ee' or t#e e-piration o( t#e perio% to %o $o' t#e ca$e $#a&& be con$i%ere% $ubmitte% (or %eci$ion. T#e Regiona& Tria& Court $#a&& %eci%e t#e ca$e on t#e ba$i$ o( t#e entire recor% o( t#e procee%ing$ #a% in t#e court o( origina& an% $uc# memoran%a a$ are (i&e%. !n" Section >. !ppea from orders dismissing case $ithout tria 0 ack of %urisdiction. C I( an appea& i$ taken (rom an or%er o( t#e &o*er court %i$mi$$ing t#e ca$e *it#out a tria& on t#e merit$' t#e Regiona& Tria& Court may a((irm or re,er$e it' a$ t#e ca$e may be. In ca$e o( a((irmance an% t#e groun% o( %i$mi$$a& i$ &ack o( 1uri$%iction o,er t#e $ub1ect matter' t#e Regiona& Tria& Court' i( it #a$ 1uri$%iction t#ereo,er' $#a&& try t#e ca$e on t#e merit$ a$ i( t#e ca$e *a$ origina&&y (i&e% *it# it. In ca$e o( re,er$a&' t#e ca$e $#a&& be reman%e% (or (urt#er procee%ing$. I( t#e ca$e *a$ trie% on t#e merit$ by t#e &o*er court *it#out 1uri$%iction o,er t#e $ub1ect matter' t#e Regiona& Tria& Court on appea& $#a&& not %i$mi$$ t#e ca$e i( it #a$ origina& 1uri$%iction t#ereo(' but $#a&& %eci%e t#e ca$e in accor%ance *it# t#e prece%ing $ection' *it#out pre1u%ice to t#e a%mi$$ion o( amen%e% p&ea%ing$ an% a%%itiona& e,i%ence in t#e intere$t o( 1u$tice. !n" Section 9. !pp icabi ity of )u e 9:. C T#e ot#er pro,i$ion$ o( Ru&e 31 $#a&& app&y to appea&$ pro,i%e% (or #erein in$o(ar a$ t#ey are not incon$i$tent *it# or may $er,e to $upp&ement t#e pro,i$ion$ o( t#i$ Ru&e. !n"


R4:E 31 Appea& @rom T#e Regiona& Tria& Court$ Section 1. Sub%ect of appea . C An appea& may be taken (rom a 1u%gment or (ina& or%er t#at comp&ete&y %i$po$e$ o( t#e ca$e' or o( a particu&ar matter t#erein *#en %ec&are% by t#e$e Ru&e$ to be appea&ab&e. Bo appea& may be taken (rom5 !a" An or%er %enying a motion (or ne* tria& or recon$i%eration0 !b" An or%er %enying a petition (or re&ie( or any $imi&ar motion $eeking re&ie( (rom 1u%gment0 !c" An inter&ocutory or%er0 !%" An or%er %i$a&&o*ing or %i$mi$$ing an appea&0 !e" An or%er %enying a motion to $et a$i%e a 1u%gment by con$ent' con(e$$ion or compromi$e on t#e groun% o( (rau%' mi$take or %ure$$' or any ot#er groun% ,itiating con$ent0 !(" An or%er o( e-ecution0 !g" A 1u%gment or (ina& or%er (or or again$t one or more o( $e,era& partie$ or in $eparate c&aim$' counterc&aim$' cro$$ c&aim$ an% t#ir% party comp&aint$' *#i&e t#e main ca$e i$ pen%ing' un&e$$ t#e court a&&o*$ an appea& t#ere(rom0 an% !#" An or%er %i$mi$$ing an action *it#out pre1u%ice. In a&& t#e abo,e in$tance$ *#ere t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er i$ not appea&ab&e' t#e aggrie,e% party may (i&e an appropriate $pecia& ci,i& action un%er Ru&e 7/. !n" Section +. Modes of appea . C !a" Ordinary appea . C T#e appea& to t#e Court o( Appea&$ in ca$e$ %eci%e% by t#e Regiona& Tria& Court in t#e e-erci$e o( it$ origina& 1uri$%iction $#a&& be taken by (i&ing a notice o( appea& *it# t#e court *#ic# ren%ere% t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er appea&e% (rom an% $er,ing a copy t#ereo( upon t#e a%,er$e party. Bo recor% on appea& $#a&& be re.uire% e-cept in $pecia& procee%ing$

an% ot#er ca$e$ o( mu&tip&e or $eparate appea&$ *#ere &a* on t#e$e Ru&e$ $o re.uire. In $uc# ca$e$' t#e recor% on appea& $#a&& be (i&e% an% $er,e% in &ike manner. !b" Petition for revie$. C T#e appea& to t#e Court o( Appea&$ in ca$e$ %eci%e% by t#e Regiona& Tria& Court in t#e e-erci$e o( it$ appe&&ate 1uri$%iction $#a&& be by petition (or re,ie* in accor%ance *it# Ru&e 3+. !c" !ppea by certiorari. C In a&& ca$e$ *#ere on&y .ue$tion$ o( &a* are rai$e% or in,o&,e%' t#e appea& $#a&& be to t#e Supreme Court by petition (or re,ie* on certiorari in accor%ance *it# t#e Ru&e 3/. !n" Section 3. Period of ordinary appea . C T#e appea& $#a&& be taken *it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom notice o( t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er appea&e% (rom. <#ere a recor% on appea& i$ re.uire%' t#e appe&&ant $#a&& (i&e a notice o( appea& an% a recor% on appea& *it#in t#irty !3)" %ay$ (rom notice o( t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er. T#e perio% o( appea& $#a&& be interrupte% by a time&y motion (or ne* tria& or recon$i%eration. Bo motion (or e-ten$ion o( time to (i&e a motion (or ne* tria& or recon$i%eration $#a&& be a&&o*e%. !n" Section 3. !ppe ate court docket and other a$fu fees. C <it#in t#e perio% (or taking an appea&' t#e appe&&ant $#a&& pay to t#e c&erk o( t#e court *#ic# ren%ere% t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er appea&e% (rom' t#e (u&& amount o( t#e appe&&ate court %ocket an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$. Proo( o( payment o( $ai% (ee$ $#a&& be tran$mitte% to t#e appe&&ate court toget#er *it# t#e origina& recor% or t#e recor% on appea&. !n" Section /. ,otice of appea . C T#e notice o( appea& $#a&& in%icate t#e partie$ to t#e appea&' $peci(y t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er or part t#ereo( appea&e% (rom' $peci(y t#e court to *#ic# t#e appea& i$ being taken' an% $tate t#e materia& %ate$ $#o*ing t#e time&ine$$ o( t#e appea&. !3a" Section 7. )ecord on appea 0 form and contents thereof. C T#e (u&& name$ o( a&& t#e partie$ to t#e procee%ing$ $#a&& be $tate% in t#e caption o( t#e recor% on appea& an% it $#a&& inc&u%e t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er (rom *#ic# t#e appea& i$ taken an%' in c#rono&ogica& or%er' copie$ o( on&y $uc# p&ea%ing$' petition$' motion$ an% a&& inter&ocutory or%er$ a$ are re&ate% to t#e appea&e% 1u%gment or (ina& or%er (or t#e proper un%er$tan%ing o( t#e

i$$ue in,o&,e%' toget#er *it# $uc# %ata a$ *i&& $#o* t#at t#e appea& *a$ per(ecte% on time. I( an i$$ue o( (act i$ to be rai$e% on appea&' t#e recor% on appea& $#a&& inc&u%e by re(erence a&& t#e e,i%ence' te$timonia& an% %ocumentary' taken upon t#e i$$ue in,o&,e%. T#e re(erence $#a&& $peci(y t#e %ocumentary e,i%ence by t#e e-#ibit number$ or &etter$ by *#ic# it *a$ i%enti(ie% *#en a%mitte% or o((ere% at t#e #earing' an% t#e te$timonia& e,i%ence by t#e name$ o( t#e corre$pon%ing *itne$$e$. I( t#e *#o&e te$timonia& an% %ocumentary e,i%ence in t#e ca$e i$ to be inc&u%e%' a $tatement to t#at e((ect *i&& be $u((icient *it#out mentioning t#e name$ o( t#e *itne$$e$ or t#e number$ or &etter$ o( e-#ibit$. E,ery recor% on appea& e-cee%ing t*enty !+)" page$ mu$t contain a $ub1ect in%e-. !7a" Section =. !pprova of record on appea . C 4pon t#e (i&ing o( t#e recor% on appea& (or appro,a& an% i( no ob1ection i$ (i&e% by t#e appe&&ee *it#in (i,e !/" %ay$ (rom receipt o( a copy t#ereo(' t#e tria& court may appro,e it a$ pre$ente% or upon it$ o*n motion or at t#e in$tance o( t#e appe&&ee' may %irect it$ amen%ment by t#e inc&u$ion o( any omitte% matter$ *#ic# are %eeme% e$$entia& to t#e %etermination o( t#e i$$ue o( &a* or (act in,o&,e% in t#e appea&. I( t#e tria& court or%er$ t#e amen%ment o( t#e recor%' t#e appe&&ant' *it#in t#e time &imite% in t#e or%er' or $uc# e-ten$ion t#ereo( a$ may be grante%' or i( no time i$ (i-e% by t#e or%er *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ (rom receipt t#ereo(' $#a&& re%ra(t t#e recor% by inc&u%ing t#erein' in t#eir proper c#rono&ogica& $e.uence' $uc# a%%itiona& matter$ a$ t#e court may #a,e %irecte% #im to incorporate' an% $#a&& t#ereupon $ubmit t#e re%ra(te% recor% (or appro,a&' upon notice to t#e appe&&ee' in &ike manner a$ t#e origina& %ra(t. !=a" Section >. *oint record on appea . C <#ere bot# partie$ are appe&&ant$' t#ey may (i&e a 1oint recor% on appea& *it#in t#e time (i-e% by $ection 3 o( t#i$ Ru&e' or t#at (i-e% by t#e court. !>a" Section 9. Perfection of appea 0 effect thereof. C A partyG$ appea& by notice o( appea& i$ %eeme% per(ecte% a$ to #im upon t#e (i&ing o( t#e notice o( appea& in %ue time. A partyG$ appea& by recor% on appea& i$ %eeme% per(ecte% a$ to #im *it# re$pect to t#e $ub1ect matter t#ereo( upon t#e appro,a& o( t#e recor% on appea& (i&e% in %ue time. In appea&$ by notice o( appea&' t#e court &o$e$ 1uri$%iction o,er t#e ca$e

upon t#e per(ection o( t#e appea&$ (i&e% in %ue time an% t#e e-piration o( t#e time to appea& o( t#e ot#er partie$. In appea&$ by recor% on appea&' t#e court &o$e$ 1uri$%iction on&y o,er t#e $ub1ect matter t#ereo( upon t#e appro,a& o( t#e recor%$ on appea& (i&e% in %ue time an% t#e e-piration o( t#e appea& o( t#e ot#er partie$. In eit#er ca$e' prior to t#e tran$mitta& o( t#e origina& recor% or t#e recor% on appea&' t#e court may i$$ue or%er$ (or t#e protection an% pre$er,ation o( t#e rig#t$ o( t#e partie$ *#ic# %o not in,o&,e any matter &itigate% by t#e appea&' appro,e compromi$e$' permit appea&$ o( in%igent &itigant$' or%er e-ecution pen%ing appea& in accor%ance *it# + o( Ru&e 39' an% a&&o* *it#%ra*a& o( t#e appea&. !9a" Section 1). /uty of c erk of court of the o$er court upon perfection of appea . C <it#in t#irty !3)" %ay$ a(ter per(ection o( a&& t#e appea&$ in accor%ance *it# t#e prece%ing $ection' it $#a&& be t#e %uty o( t#e c&erk o( court o( t#e &o*er court5 !a" To ,eri(y t#e correctne$$ o( t#e origina& recor% or t#e recor% on appea&' a$ t#e ca$e may be ai% to make certi(ication o( it$ correctne$$0 !b" To ,eri(y t#e comp&etene$$ o( t#e recor%$ t#at *i&& be' tran$mitte% to t#e appe&&ate court0 !c" I( (oun% to be incomp&ete' to take $uc# mea$ure$ a$ may be re.uire% to comp&ete t#e recor%$' a,ai&ing o( t#e aut#ority t#at #e or t#e court may e-erci$e (or t#i$ purpo$e0 an% !%" To tran$mit t#e recor%$ to t#e appe&&ate court. I( t#e e((ort$ to comp&ete t#e recor%$ (ai&' #e $#a&& in%icate in #i$ &etter o( tran$mitta& t#e e-#ibit$ or tran$cript$ not inc&u%e% in t#e recor%$ being tran$mitte% to t#e appe&&ate court' t#e rea$on$ (or t#eir non tran$mitta&' an% t#e $tep$ taken or t#at cou&% be taken to #a,e t#em a,ai&ab&e. T#e c&erk o( court $#a&& (urni$# t#e partie$ *it# copie$ o( #i$ &etter o( tran$mitta& o( t#e recor%$ to t#e appe&&ate court. !1)a" Section 11. Transcript. C 4pon t#e per(ection o( t#e appea&' t#e c&erk $#a&& imme%iate&y %irect t#e $tenograp#er$ concerne% to attac# to t#e recor% o(

t#e ca$e (i,e !/" copie$ o( t#e tran$cript$ o( t#e te$timonia& e,i%ence re(erre% to in t#e recor% on appea&. T#e $tenograp#er$ concerne% $#a&& tran$cribe $uc# te$timonia& e,i%ence an% $#a&& prepare an% a((i- to t#eir tran$cript$ an in%e- containing t#e name$ o( t#e *itne$$e$ an% t#e page$ *#erein t#eir te$timonie$ are (oun%' an% a &i$t o( t#e e-#ibit$ an% t#e page$ *#erein eac# o( t#em appear$ to #a,e been o((ere% an% a%mitte% or re1ecte% by t#e tria& court. T#e tran$cript$ $#a&& be tran$mitte% to t#e c&erk o( t#e tria& court *#o $#a&& t#ereupon arrange t#e $ame in t#e or%er in *#ic# t#e *itne$$e$ te$ti(ie% at t#e tria&' an% $#a&& cau$e t#e page$ to be numbere% con$ecuti,e&y. !1+a" Section 1+. Transmitta . C T#e c&erk o( t#e tria& court $#a&& tran$mit to t#e appe&&ate court t#e origina& recor% or t#e appro,e% recor% on appea& *it#in t#irty !3)" %ay$ (rom t#e per(ection o( t#e appea&' toget#er *it# t#e proo( o( payment o( t#e appe&&ate court %ocket an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$' a certi(ie% true copy o( t#e minute$ o( t#e procee%ing$' t#e or%er o( appro,a&' t#e certi(icate o( correctne$$' t#e origina& %ocumentary e,i%ence re(erre% to t#erein' an% t#e origina& an% t#ree !3" copie$ o( t#e tran$cript$. Copie$ o( t#e tran$cript$ an% certi(ie% true copie$ o( t#e %ocumentary e,i%ence $#a&& remain in t#e &o*er court (or t#e e-amination o( t#e partie$. !11a" Section 13. /ismissa of appea . C Prior to t#e tran$mitta& o( t#e origina& recor% or t#e recor% on appea& to t#e appe&&ate court' t#e tria& court may motu propio or on motion %i$mi$$ t#e appea& (or #a,ing been taken out o( time. !13a"

R4:E 3+ Petition (or Re,ie* @rom t#e Regiona& Tria& Court$ to t#e Court o( Appea&$ Section 1. 1o$ appea taken0 time for fi ing. C A party %e$iring to appea& (rom a %eci$ion o( t#e Regiona& Tria& Court ren%ere% in t#e e-erci$e o( it$ appe&&ate 1uri$%iction may (i&e a ,eri(ie% petition (or re,ie* *it# t#e Court o( Appea&$' paying at t#e $ame time to t#e c&erk o( $ai% court t#e corre$pon%ing %ocket an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$' %epo$iting t#e amount o( P/)).)) (or co$t$' an% (urni$#ing t#e Regiona& Tria& Court an% t#e a%,er$e

party *it# a copy o( t#e petition. T#e petition $#a&& be (i&e% an% $er,e% *it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom notice o( t#e %eci$ion $oug#t to be re,ie*e% or o( t#e %enia& o( petitionerG$ motion (or ne* tria& or recon$i%eration (i&e% in %ue time a(ter 1u%gment. 4pon proper motion an% t#e payment o( t#e (u&& amount o( t#e %ocket an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$ an% t#e %epo$it (or co$t$ be(ore t#e e-piration o( t#e reg&ementary perio%' t#e Court o( Appea&$ may grant an a%%itiona& perio% o( (i(teen !1/" %ay$ on&y *it#in *#ic# to (i&e t#e petition (or re,ie*. Bo (urt#er e-ten$ion $#a&& be grante% e-cept (or t#e mo$t compe&&ing rea$on an% in no ca$e to e-cee% (i(teen !1/" %ay$. !n" Section +. Form and contents. C T#e petition $#a&& be (i&e% in $e,en !=" &egib&e copie$' *it# t#e origina& copy inten%e% (or t#e court being in%icate% a$ $uc# by t#e petitioner' an% $#a&& !a" $tate t#e (u&& name$ o( t#e partie$ to t#e ca$e' *it#out imp&ea%ing t#e &o*er court$ or 1u%ge$ t#ereo( eit#er a$ petitioner$ or re$pon%ent$0 !b" in%icate t#e $peci(ic materia& %ate$ $#o*ing t#at it *a$ (i&e% on time0 !c" $et (ort# conci$e&y a $tatement o( t#e matter$ in,o&,e%' t#e i$$ue$ rai$e%' t#e $peci(ication o( error$ o( (act or &a*' or bot#' a&&ege%&y committe% by t#e Regiona& Tria& Court' an% t#e rea$on$ or argument$ re&ie% upon (or t#e a&&o*ance o( t#e appea&0 !%" be accompanie% by c&ear&y &egib&e %up&icate origina&$ or true copie$ o( t#e 1u%gment$ or (ina& or%er$ o( bot# &o*er court$' certi(ie% correct by t#e c&erk o( court o( t#e Regiona& Tria& Court' t#e re.ui$ite number o( p&ain copie$ t#ereo( an% o( t#e p&ea%ing$ an% ot#er materia& portion$ o( t#e recor% a$ *ou&% $upport t#e a&&egation$ o( t#e petition. T#e petitioner $#a&& a&$o $ubmit toget#er *it# t#e petition a certi(ication un%er oat# t#at #e #a$ not t#ereto(ore commence% any ot#er action in,o&,ing t#e $ame i$$ue$ in t#e Supreme Court' t#e Court o( Appea&$ or %i((erent %i,i$ion$ t#ereo(' or any ot#er tribuna& or agency0 i( t#ere i$ $uc# ot#er action or procee%ing' #e mu$t $tate t#e $tatu$ o( t#e $ame0 an% i( #e $#ou&% t#erea(ter &earn t#at a $imi&ar action or procee%ing #a$ been (i&e% or i$ pen%ing be(ore t#e Supreme Court' t#e Court o( Appea&$' or %i((erent %i,i$ion$ t#ereo(' or any ot#er tribuna& or agency' #e un%ertake$ to prompt&y in(orm t#e a(ore$ai% court$ an% ot#er tribuna& or agency t#ereo( *it#in (i,e !/" %ay$ t#ere(rom. !n" Section 3. 'ffect of fai ure to comp y $ith re8uirements. C T#e (ai&ure o( t#e petitioner to comp&y *it# any o( t#e (oregoing re.uirement$ regar%ing t#e payment o( t#e %ocket an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$' t#e %epo$it (or co$t$' proo( o(

$er,ice o( t#e petition' an% t#e content$ o( an% t#e %ocument$ *#ic# $#ou&% accompany t#e petition $#a&& be $u((icient groun% (or t#e %i$mi$$a& t#ereo(. !n" Section 3. !ction on the petition. C T#e Court o( Appea&$ may re.uire t#e re$pon%ent to (i&e a comment on t#e petition' not a motion to %i$mi$$' *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ (rom notice' or %i$mi$$ t#e petition i( it (in%$ t#e $ame to be patent&y *it#out merit' pro$ecute% mani(e$t&y (or %e&ay' or t#at t#e .ue$tion$ rai$e% t#erein are too in$ub$tantia& to re.uire con$i%eration. !n" Section /. Contents of comment. C T#e comment o( t#e re$pon%ent $#a&& be (i&e% in $e,en !=" &egib&e copie$' accompanie% by certi(ie% true copie$ o( $uc# materia& portion$ o( t#e recor% re(erre% to t#erein toget#er *it# ot#er $upporting paper$ an% $#a&& !a" $tate *#et#er or not #e accept$ t#e $tatement o( matter$ in,o&,e% in t#e petition0 !b" point out $uc# in$u((iciencie$ or inaccuracie$ a$ #e be&ie,e$ e-i$t in petitionerG$ $tatement o( matter$ in,o&,e% but *it#out repetition0 an% !c" $tate t#e rea$on$ *#y t#e petition $#ou&% not be gi,en %ue cour$e. A copy t#ereo( $#a&& be $er,e% on t#e petitioner. !a" Section 7. /ue course. C I( upon t#e (i&ing o( t#e comment or $uc# ot#er p&ea%ing$ a$ t#e court may a&&o* or re.uire' or a(ter t#e e-piration o( t#e perio% (or t#e (i&ing t#ereo( *it#out $uc# comment or p&ea%ing #a,ing been $ubmitte%' t#e Court o( Appea&$ (in%$ prima facie t#at t#e &o*er court #a$ committe% an error o( (act or &a* t#at *i&& *arrant a re,er$a& or mo%i(ication o( t#e appea&e% %eci$ion' it may accor%ing&y gi,e %ue cour$e to t#e petition. !n" Section =. ' evation of record. C <#ene,er t#e Court o( Appea&$ %eem$ it nece$$ary' it may or%er t#e c&erk o( court o( t#e Regiona& Tria& Court to e&e,ate t#e origina& recor% o( t#e ca$e inc&u%ing t#e ora& an% %ocumentary e,i%ence *it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom notice. !n" Section >. Perfection of appea 0 effect thereof. C !a" 4pon t#e time&y (i&ing o( a petition (or re,ie* an% t#e payment o( t#e corre$pon%ing %ocket an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$' t#e appea& i$ %eeme% per(ecte% a$ to t#e petitioner. T#e Regiona& Tria& Court &o$e$ 1uri$%iction o,er t#e ca$e upon t#e per(ection o( t#e appea&$ (i&e% in %ue time an% t#e e-piration o( t#e time to appea& o( t#e ot#er partie$.

Ho*e,er' be(ore t#e Court o( Appea&$ gi,e$ %ue cour$e to t#e petition' t#e Regiona& Tria& Court may i$$ue or%er$ (or t#e protection an% pre$er,ation o( t#e rig#t$ o( t#e partie$ *#ic# %o not in,o&,e any matter &itigate% by t#e appea&' appro,e compromi$e$' permit appea&$ o( in%igent &itigant$' or%er e-ecution pen%ing appea& in accor%ance *it# $ection + o( Ru&e 39' an% a&&o* *it#%ra*a& o( t#e appea&. !9a' R31" !b" E-cept in ci,i& ca$e$ %eci%e% un%er t#e Ru&e on Summary Proce%ure' t#e appea& $#a&& $tay t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er un&e$$ t#e Court o( Appea&$' t#e &a*' or t#e$e Ru&e$ $#a&& pro,i%e ot#er*i$e. !a" Section 9. Submission for decision. C I( t#e petition i$ gi,en %ue cour$e' t#e Court o( Appea&$ may $et t#e ca$e (or ora& argument or re.uire t#e partie$ to $ubmit memoran%a *it#in a perio% o( (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom notice. T#e ca$e $#a&& be %eeme% $ubmitte% (or %eci$ion upon t#e (i&ing o( t#e &a$t p&ea%ing or memoran%um re.uire% by t#e$e Ru&e$ or by t#e court it$e&(. !n"

R4:E 33 Appea&$ @rom t#e Court o( Ta- Appea&$ an% Mua$i Au%icia& Agencie$ to t#e Court o( Appea&$ Section 1. Scope. C T#i$ Ru&e $#a&& app&y to appea&$ (rom 1u%gment$ or (ina& or%er$ o( t#e Court o( Ta- Appea&$ an% (rom a*ar%$' 1u%gment$' (ina& or%er$ or re$o&ution$ o( or aut#ori2e% by any .ua$i 1u%icia& agency in t#e e-erci$e o( it$ .ua$i 1u%icia& (unction$. Among t#e$e agencie$ are t#e Ci,i& Ser,ice Commi$$ion' Centra& 8oar% o( A$$e$$ment Appea&$' Securitie$ an% E-c#ange Commi$$ion' ?((ice o( t#e Pre$i%ent' :an% Regi$tration Aut#ority' Socia& Security Commi$$ion' Ci,i& Aeronautic$ 8oar%' 8ureau o( Patent$' Tra%emark$ an% Tec#no&ogy Tran$(er' Bationa& E&ectri(ication A%mini$tration' Energy Regu&atory 8oar%' Bationa& Te&ecommunication$ Commi$$ion' 9epartment o( Agrarian Re(orm un%er Repub&ic Act Bo. 77/=' ;o,ernment Ser,ice In$urance Sy$tem' Emp&oyee$ Compen$ation Commi$$ion' Agricu&tura& In,ention 8oar%' In$urance Commi$$ion' P#i&ippine Atomic Energy Commi$$ion' 8oar% o( In,e$tment$' Con$truction In%u$try Arbitration Commi$$ion' an% ,o&untary arbitrator$ aut#ori2e% by

&a*. !n" Section +. Cases not covered. C T#i$ Ru&e $#a&& not app&y to 1u%gment$ or (ina& or%er$ i$$ue% un%er t#e :abor Co%e o( t#e P#i&ippine$. !n" Section 3. +here to appea . C An appea& un%er t#i$ Ru&e may be taken to t#e Court o( Appea&$ *it#in t#e perio% an% in t#e manner #erein pro,i%e%' *#et#er t#e appea& in,o&,e$ .ue$tion$ o( (act' o( &a*' or mi-e% .ue$tion$ o( (act an% &a*. !n" Section 3. Period of appea . C T#e appea& $#a&& be taken *it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom notice o( t#e a*ar%' 1u%gment' (ina& or%er or re$o&ution' or (rom t#e %ate o( it$ &a$t pub&ication' i( pub&ication i$ re.uire% by &a* (or it$ e((ecti,ity' or o( t#e %enia& o( petitionerG$ motion (or ne* tria& or recon$i%eration %u&y (i&e% in accor%ance *it# t#e go,erning &a* o( t#e court or agency a 8uo. ?n&y one !1" motion (or recon$i%eration $#a&& be a&&o*e%. 4pon proper motion an% t#e payment o( t#e (u&& amount o( t#e %ocket (ee be(ore t#e e-piration o( t#e reg&ementary perio%' t#e Court o( Appea&$ may grant an a%%itiona& perio% o( (i(teen !1/" %ay$ on&y *it#in *#ic# to (i&e t#e petition (or re,ie*. Bo (urt#er e-ten$ion $#a&& be grante% e-cept (or t#e mo$t compe&&ing rea$on an% in no ca$e to e-cee% (i(teen !1/" %ay$. !n" Section /. 1o$ appea taken. C Appea& $#a&& be taken by (i&ing a ,eri(ie% petition (or re,ie* in $e,en !=" &egib&e copie$ *it# t#e Court o( Appea&$' *it# proo( o( $er,ice o( a copy t#ereo( on t#e a%,er$e party an% on t#e court or agency a 8uo. T#e origina& copy o( t#e petition inten%e% (or t#e Court o( Appea&$ $#a&& be in%icate% a$ $uc# by t#e petitioner. 4pon t#e (i&ing o( t#e petition' t#e petitioner $#a&& pay to t#e c&erk o( court o( t#e Court o( Appea&$ t#e %ocketing an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$ an% %epo$it t#e $um o( P/)).)) (or co$t$. E-emption (rom payment o( %ocketing an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$ an% t#e %epo$it (or co$t$ may be grante% by t#e Court o( Appea&$ upon a ,eri(ie% motion $etting (ort# ,a&i% groun%$ t#ere(or. I( t#e Court o( Appea&$ %enie$ t#e motion' t#e petitioner $#a&& pay t#e %ocketing an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$ an% %epo$it (or co$t$ *it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom notice o( t#e %enia&. !n" Section 7. Contents of the petition. C T#e petition (or re,ie* $#a&& !a" $tate t#e (u&& name$ o( t#e partie$ to t#e ca$e' *it#out imp&ea%ing t#e court or agencie$ eit#er a$ petitioner$ or re$pon%ent$0 !b" contain a conci$e

$tatement o( t#e (act$ an% i$$ue$ in,o&,e% an% t#e groun%$ re&ie% upon (or t#e re,ie*0 !c" be accompanie% by a c&ear&y &egib&e %up&icate origina& or a certi(ie% true copy o( t#e a*ar%' 1u%gment' (ina& or%er or re$o&ution appea&e% (rom' toget#er *it# certi(ie% true copie$ o( $uc# materia& portion$ o( t#e recor% re(erre% to t#erein an% ot#er $upporting paper$0 an% !%" contain a $*orn certi(ication again$t (orum $#opping a$ pro,i%e% in t#e &a$t paragrap# o( $ection +' Ru&e 3+. T#e petition $#a&& $tate t#e $peci(ic materia& %ate$ $#o*ing t#at it *a$ (i&e% *it#in t#e perio% (i-e% #erein. !+a" Section =. 'ffect of fai ure to comp y $ith re8uirements. C T#e (ai&ure o( t#e petitioner to comp&y *it# any o( t#e (oregoing re.uirement$ regar%ing t#e payment o( t#e %ocket an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$' t#e %epo$it (or co$t$' proo( o( $er,ice o( t#e petition' an% t#e content$ o( an% t#e %ocument$ *#ic# $#ou&% accompany t#e petition $#a&& be $u((icient groun% (or t#e %i$mi$$a& t#ereo(. !n" Section >. !ction on the petition. C T#e Court o( Appea&$ may re.uire t#e re$pon%ent to (i&e a comment on t#e petition not a motion to %i$mi$$' *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ (rom notice' or %i$mi$$ t#e petition i( it (in%$ t#e $ame to be patent&y *it#out merit' pro$ecute% mani(e$t&y (or %e&ay' or t#at t#e .ue$tion$ rai$e% t#erein are too un$ub$tantia& to re.uire con$i%eration. !7a" Section 9. Contents of comment. C T#e comment $#a&& be (i&e% *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ (rom notice in $e,en !=" &egib&e copie$ an% accompanie% by c&ear&y &egib&e certi(ie% true copie$ o( $uc# materia& portion$ o( t#e recor% re(erre% to t#erein toget#er *it# ot#er $upporting paper$. T#e comment $#a&& !a" point out in$u((iciencie$ or inaccuracie$ in petitionerG$ $tatement o( (act$ an% i$$ue$0 an% !b" $tate t#e rea$on$ *#y t#e petition $#ou&% be %enie% or %i$mi$$e%. A copy t#ereo( $#a&& be $er,e% on t#e petitioner' an% proo( o( $uc# $er,ice $#a&& be (i&e% *it# t#e Court o( Appea&$. !9a" Section 1). /ue course. C I( upon t#e (i&ing o( t#e comment or $uc# ot#er p&ea%ing$ or %ocument$ a$ may be re.uire% or a&&o*e% by t#e Court o( Appea&$ or upon t#e e-piration o( t#e perio% (or t#e (i&ing t#ereo(' an% on t#e recor%$ t#e Court o( Appea&$ (in%$ prima facie t#at t#e court or agency concerne% #a$ committe% error$ o( (act or &a* t#at *ou&% *arrant re,er$a& or mo%i(ication o( t#e a*ar%' 1u%gment' (ina& or%er or re$o&ution $oug#t to be re,ie*e%' it may gi,e %ue cour$e to t#e petition0 ot#er*i$e' it $#a&& %i$mi$$ t#e $ame. T#e (in%ing$ o( (act o( t#e court or agency concerne%' *#en

$upporte% by $ub$tantia& e,i%ence' $#a&& be bin%ing on t#e Court o( Appea&$. !n" Section 11. Transmitta of record. C <it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom notice t#at t#e petition #a$ been gi,en %ue cour$e' t#e Court o( Appea&$ may re.uire t#e court or agency concerne% to tran$mit t#e origina& or a &egib&e certi(ie% true copy o( t#e entire recor% o( t#e procee%ing un%er re,ie*. T#e recor% to be tran$mitte% may be abri%ge% by agreement o( a&& partie$ to t#e procee%ing. T#e Court o( Appea&$ may re.uire or permit $ub$e.uent correction o( or a%%ition to t#e recor%. !>a" Section 1+. 'ffect of appea . C T#e appea& $#a&& not $tay t#e a*ar%' 1u%gment' (ina& or%er or re$o&ution $oug#t to be re,ie*e% un&e$$ t#e Court o( Appea&$ $#a&& %irect ot#er*i$e upon $uc# term$ a$ it may %eem 1u$t. !1)a" Section 13. Submission for decision. C I( t#e petition i$ gi,en %ue cour$e' t#e Court o( Appea&$ may $et t#e ca$e (or ora& argument or re.uire t#e partie$ to $ubmit memoran%a *it#in a perio% o( (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom notice. T#e ca$e $#a&& be %eeme% $ubmitte% (or %eci$ion upon t#e (i&ing o( t#e &a$t p&ea%ing or memoran%um re.uire% by t#e$e Ru&e$ or by t#e court o( Appea&$. !n"

Proce%ure in t#e Court o( Appea&$

R4:E 33 ?r%inary Appea&e% Ca$e$ Section 1. Tit e of cases. C In a&& ca$e$ appea&e% to t#e Court o( Appea&$ un%er Ru&e 31' t#e tit&e o( t#e ca$e $#a&& remain a$ it *a$ in t#e court o( origin' but t#e party appea&ing t#e ca$e $#a&& be (urt#er re(erre% to a$ t#e appe&&ant an% t#e a%,er$e party a$ t#e appe&&ee. !1a' R37" Section +. Counse and guardians. C T#e coun$e& an% guar%ian$ ad item o( t#e partie$ in t#e court o( origin $#a&& be re$pecti,e&y con$i%ere% a$ t#eir coun$e& an% guar%ian$ ad item in t#e Court o( Appea&$. <#en ot#er$

appear or are appointe%' notice t#ereo( $#a&& be $er,e% imme%iate&y on t#e a%,er$e party an% (i&e% *it# t#e court. !+a' R37" Section 3. Order of transmitta of record. C I( t#e origina& recor% or t#e recor% on appea& i$ not tran$mitte% to t#e Court o( Appea&$ *it#in t#irty !3)" %ay$ a(ter t#e per(ection o( t#e appea&' eit#er party may (i&e a motion *it# t#e tria& court' *it# notice to t#e ot#er' (or t#e tran$mitta& o( $uc# recor% or recor% on appea&. !3a' R37" Section 3. /ocketing of case. C 4pon recei,ing t#e origina& recor% or t#e recor% on appea& an% t#e accompanying %ocument$ an% e-#ibit$ tran$mitte% by t#e &o*er court' a$ *e&& a$ t#e proo( o( payment o( t#e %ocket an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$' t#e c&erk o( court o( t#e Court o( Appea&$ $#a&& %ocket t#e ca$e an% noti(y t#e partie$ t#ereo(. !3a' R37" <it#in ten !1)" %ay$ (rom receipt o( $ai% notice' t#e appe&&ant' in appea&$ by recor% on appea&' $#a&& (i&e *it# t#e c&erk o( court $e,en !=" c&ear&y &egib&e copie$ o( t#e appro,e% recor% on appea&' toget#er *it# t#e proo( o( $er,ice o( t*o !+" copie$ t#ereo( upon t#e appe&&ee. Any unaut#ori2e% a&teration' omi$$ion or a%%ition in t#e appro,e% recor% on appea& $#a&& be a groun% (or %i$mi$$a& o( t#e appea&. !n" Section /. Comp etion of record. C <#ere t#e recor% o( t#e %ockete% ca$e i$ incomp&ete' t#e c&erk o( court o( t#e Court o( Appea&$ $#a&& $o in(orm $ai% court an% recommen% to it mea$ure$ nece$$ary to comp&ete t#e recor%. It $#a&& be t#e %uty o( $ai% court to take appropriate action to*ar%$ t#e comp&etion o( t#e recor% *it#in t#e $#orte$t po$$ib&e time. !n" Section 7. /ispensing $ith comp ete record. C <#ere t#e comp&etion o( t#e recor% cou&% not be accomp&i$#e% *it#in a $u((icient perio% a&&otte% (or $ai% purpo$e %ue to in$uperab&e or e-treme&y %i((icu&t cau$e$' t#e court' on it$ o*n motion or on motion o( any o( t#e partie$' may %ec&are t#at t#e recor% an% it$ accompanying tran$cript$ an% e-#ibit$ $o (ar a,ai&ab&e are $u((icient to %eci%e t#e i$$ue$ rai$e% in t#e appea&' an% $#a&& i$$ue an or%er e-p&aining t#e rea$on$ (or $uc# %ec&aration. !n" Section =. !ppe ant;s brief. C It $#a&& be t#e %uty o( t#e appe&&ant to (i&e *it# t#e court' *it#in (orty (i,e !3/" %ay$ (rom receipt o( t#e notice o( t#e c&erk t#at a&& t#e e,i%ence' ora& an% %ocumentary' are attac#e% to t#e recor%'

$e,en !=" copie$ o( #i$ &egib&y type*ritten' mimeograp#e% or printe% brie(' *it# proo( o( $er,ice o( t*o !+" copie$ t#ereo( upon t#e appe&&ee. !1)a' R37" Section >. !ppe ee;s brief. C <it#in (orty (i,e !3/" %ay$ (rom receipt o( t#e appe&&antG$ brie(' t#e appe&&ee $#a&& (i&e *it# t#e court $e,en !=" copie$ o( #i$ &egib&y type*ritten' mimeograp#e% or printe% brie(' *it# proo( o( $er,ice o( t*o !+" copie$ t#ereo( upon t#e appe&&ant. !11a' R37" Section 9. !ppe ant;s rep y brief. C <it#in t*enty !+)" %ay$ (rom receipt o( t#e appe&&eeG$ brie(' t#e appe&&ant may (i&e a rep&y brie( an$*ering point$ in t#e appe&&eeG$ brie( not co,ere% in #i$ main brie(. !1+a' R37" Section 1). Time of fi ing memoranda in specia cases. C In certiorari' pro#ibition' man%amu$' 8uo $arranto an% habeas corpus ca$e$' t#e partie$ $#a&& (i&e in &ieu o( brie($' t#eir re$pecti,e memoran%a *it#in a non e-ten%ib&e perio% o( t#irty !3)" %ay$ (rom receipt o( t#e notice i$$ue% by t#e c&erk t#at a&& t#e e,i%ence' ora& an% %ocumentary' i$ a&rea%y attac#e% to t#e recor%. !13a' R37" T#e (ai&ure o( t#e appe&&ant to (i&e #i$ memoran%um *it#in t#e perio% t#ere(or may be a groun% (or %i$mi$$a& o( t#e appea&. !n" Section 11. Severa appe ants or appe ees or severa counse for each party. C <#ere t#ere are $e,era& appe&&ant$ or appe&&ee$' eac# coun$e& repre$enting one or more but not a&& o( t#em $#a&& be $er,e% *it# on&y one copy o( t#e brie($. <#en $e,era& coun$e& repre$ent one appe&&ant or appe&&ee' copie$ o( t#e brie( may be $er,e% upon any o( t#em. !13a' R37" Section 1+. '(tension of time for fi ing briefs. C E-ten$ion o( time (or t#e (i&ing o( brie($ *i&& not be a&&o*e%' e-cept (or goo% an% $u((icient cau$e' an% on&y i( t#e motion (or e-ten$ion i$ (i&e% be(ore t#e e-piration o( t#e time $oug#t to be e-ten%e%. !1/' R37" Section 13. Contents of appe ant;s brief. C T#e appe&&antG$ brie( $#a&& contain' in t#e or%er #erein in%icate%' t#e (o&&o*ing5 !a" A $ub1ect in%e- o( t#e matter in t#e brie( *it# a %ige$t o( t#e argument$ an% page re(erence$' an% a tab&e o( ca$e$ a&p#abetica&&y arrange%' te-tbook$ an% $tatute$ cite% *it# re(erence$ to t#e page$ *#ere t#ey are cite%0

!b" An a$$ignment o( error$ inten%e% to be urge%' *#ic# error$ $#a&& be $eparate&y' %i$tinct&y an% conci$e&y $tate% *it#out repetition an% numbere% con$ecuti,e&y0 !c" 4n%er t#e #ea%ing DStatement o( t#e Ca$e'D a c&ear an% conci$e $tatement o( t#e nature o( t#e action' a $ummary o( t#e procee%ing$' t#e appea&e% ru&ing$ an% or%er$ o( t#e court' t#e nature o( t#e 1u%gment an% any ot#er matter$ nece$$ary to an un%er$tan%ing o( t#e nature o( t#e contro,er$y *it# page re(erence$ to t#e recor%0 !%" 4n%er t#e #ea%ing DStatement o( @act$'D a c&ear an% conci$e $tatement in a narrati,e (orm o( t#e (act$ a%mitte% by bot# partie$ an% o( t#o$e in contro,er$y' toget#er *it# t#e $ub$tance o( t#e proo( re&ating t#ereto in $u((icient %etai& to make it c&ear&y inte&&igib&e' *it# page re(erence$ to t#e recor%0 !e" A c&ear an% conci$e $tatement o( t#e i$$ue$ o( (act or &a* to be $ubmitte%' to t#e court (or it$ 1u%gment0 !(" 4n%er t#e #ea%ing DArgument'D t#e appe&&antG$ argument$ on eac# a$$ignment o( error *it# page re(erence$ to t#e recor%. T#e aut#oritie$ re&ie% upon $#a&& be cite% by t#e page o( t#e report at *#ic# t#e ca$e begin$ an% t#e page o( t#e report on *#ic# t#e citation i$ (oun%0 !g" 4n%er t#e #ea%ing DRe&ie('D a $peci(ication o( t#e or%er or 1u%gment *#ic# t#e appe&&ant $eek$0 an% !#" In ca$e$ not broug#t up by recor% on appea&' t#e appe&&antG$ brie( $#a&& contain' a$ an appen%i-' a copy o( t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er appea&e% (rom. !17a' R37" Section 13. Contents of appe ee;s brief. C T#e appe&&eeG$ brie( $#a&& contain' in t#e or%er #erein in%icate% t#e (o&&o*ing5 !a" A $ub1ect in%e- o( t#e matter in t#e brie( *it# a %ige$t o( t#e argument$ an% page re(erence$' an% a tab&e o( ca$e$ a&p#abetica&&y arrange%' te-tbook$ an% $tatute$ cite% *it# re(erence$ to t#e page$ *#ere t#ey are cite%0 !b" 4n%er t#e #ea%ing DStatement o( @act$'D t#e appe&&ee $#a&& $tate t#at #e accept$ t#e $tatement o( (act$ in t#e appe&&antG$ brie(' or un%er t#e #ea%ing

DCounter Statement o( @act$'D #e $#a&& point out $uc# in$u((iciencie$ or inaccuracie$ a$ #e be&ie,e$ e-i$t in t#e appe&&antG$ $tatement o( (act$ *it# re(erence$ to t#e page$ o( t#e recor% in $upport t#ereo(' but *it#out repetition o( matter$ in t#e appe&&antG$ $tatement o( (act$0 an% !c" 4n%er t#e #ea%ing DArgument'D t#e appe&&ee $#a&& $et (ort# #i$ argument$ in t#e ca$e on eac# a$$ignment o( error *it# page re(erence$ to t#e recor%. T#e aut#oritie$ re&ie% on $#a&& be cite% by t#e page o( t#e report at *#ic# t#e ca$e begin$ an% t#e page o( t#e report on *#ic# t#e citation i$ (oun%. !1=a' R37" Section 1/. #uestions that may be raised on appea . C <#et#er or not t#e appe&&ant #a$ (i&e% a motion (or ne* tria& in t#e court be&o* #e may inc&u%e in #i$ a$$ignment o( error$ any .ue$tion o( &a* or (act t#at #a$ been rai$e% in t#e court be&o* an% *#ic# i$ *it#in t#e i$$ue$ (rame% by t#e partie$. !1>' R37"

R4:E 3/ Appea& by Certiorari to t#e Supreme Court Section 1. Fi ing of petition $ith Supreme Court. C A party %e$iring to appea& by certiorari (rom a 1u%gment or (ina& or%er or re$o&ution o( t#e Court o( Appea&$' t#e San%iganbayan' t#e Regiona& Tria& Court or ot#er court$ *#ene,er aut#ori2e% by &a*' may (i&e *it# t#e Supreme Court a ,eri(ie% petition (or re,ie* on certiorari. T#e petition $#a&& rai$e on&y .ue$tion$ o( &a* *#ic# mu$t be %i$tinct&y $et (ort#. !1a' +a" Section +. Time for fi ing0 e(tension. C T#e petition $#a&& be (i&e% *it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom notice o( t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er or re$o&ution appea&e% (rom' or o( t#e %enia& o( t#e petitionerG$ motion (or ne* tria& or recon$i%eration (i&e% in %ue time a(ter notice o( t#e 1u%gment. ?n motion %u&y (i&e% an% $er,e%' *it# (u&& payment o( t#e %ocket an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$ an% t#e %epo$it (or co$t$ be(ore t#e e-piration o( t#e reg&ementary perio%' t#e Supreme Court may (or 1u$ti(iab&e rea$on$ grant an e-ten$ion o( t#irty !3)" %ay$ on&y *it#in *#ic# to (i&e t#e petition. !1a' /a"

Section 3. /ocket and other a$fu fees0 proof of service of petition. C 4n&e$$ #e #a$ t#ereto(ore %one $o' t#e petitioner $#a&& pay t#e corre$pon%ing %ocket an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$ to t#e c&erk o( court o( t#e Supreme Court an% %epo$it t#e amount o( P/)).)) (or co$t$ at t#e time o( t#e (i&ing o( t#e petition. Proo( o( $er,ice o( a copy' t#ereo( on t#e &o*er court concerne% an% on t#e a%,er$e party $#a&& be $ubmitte% toget#er *it# t#e petition. !1a" Section 3. Contents of petition. C T#e petition $#a&& be (i&e% in eig#teen !1>" copie$' *it# t#e origina& copy inten%e% (or t#e court being in%icate% a$ $uc# by t#e petitioner an% $#a&& !a" $tate t#e (u&& name o( t#e appea&ing party a$ t#e petitioner an% t#e a%,er$e party a$ re$pon%ent' *it#out imp&ea%ing t#e &o*er court$ or 1u%ge$ t#ereo( eit#er a$ petitioner$ or re$pon%ent$0 !b" in%icate t#e materia& %ate$ $#o*ing *#en notice o( t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er or re$o&ution $ub1ect t#ereo( *a$ recei,e%' *#en a motion (or ne* tria& or recon$i%eration' i( any' *a$ (i&e% an% *#en notice o( t#e %enia& t#ereo( *a$ recei,e%0 !c" $et (ort# conci$e&y a $tatement o( t#e matter$ in,o&,e%' an% t#e rea$on$ or argument$ re&ie% on (or t#e a&&o*ance o( t#e petition0 !%" be accompanie% by a c&ear&y &egib&e %up&icate origina&' or a certi(ie% true copy o( t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er or re$o&ution certi(ie% by t#e c&erk o( court o( t#e court a 8uo an% t#e re.ui$ite number o( p&ain copie$ t#ereo(' an% $uc# materia& portion$ o( t#e recor% a$ *ou&% $upport t#e petition0 an% !e" contain a $*orn certi(ication again$t (orum $#opping a$ pro,i%e% in t#e &a$t paragrap# o( $ection +' Ru&e 3+. !+a" Section /. /ismissa or denia of petition. C T#e (ai&ure o( t#e petitioner to comp&y *it# any o( t#e (oregoing re.uirement$ regar%ing t#e payment o( t#e %ocket an% ot#er &a*(u& (ee$' %epo$it (or co$t$' proo( o( $er,ice o( t#e petition' an% t#e content$ o( an% t#e %ocument$ *#ic# $#ou&% accompany t#e petition $#a&& be $u((icient groun% (or t#e %i$mi$$a& t#ereo(. T#e Supreme Court may on it$ o*n initiati,e %eny t#e petition on t#e groun% t#at t#e appea& i$ *it#out merit' or i$ pro$ecute% mani(e$t&y (or %e&ay' or t#at t#e .ue$tion$ rai$e% t#erein are too un$ub$tantia& to re.uire con$i%eration. !3a" Section 7. )evie$ discretionary. C A re,ie* i$ not a matter o( rig#t' but o( $oun% 1u%icia& %i$cretion' an% *i&& be grante% on&y *#en t#ere are $pecia& an% important rea$on$ t#ereo(. T#e (o&&o*ing' *#i&e neit#er contro&&ing nor

(u&&y mea$uring t#e courtG$ %i$cretion' in%icate t#e c#aracter o( t#e rea$on$ *#ic# *i&& be con$i%ere%5 !a" <#en t#e court a 8uo #a$ %eci%e% a .ue$tion o( $ub$tance' not t#ereto(ore %etermine% by t#e Supreme Court' or #a$ %eci%e% it in a *ay probab&y not in accor% *it# &a* or *it# t#e app&icab&e %eci$ion$ o( t#e Supreme Court0 or !b" <#en t#e court a 8uo #a$ $o (ar %eparte% (rom t#e accepte% an% u$ua& cour$e o( 1u%icia& procee%ing$' or $o (ar $anctione% $uc# %eparture by a &o*er court' a$ to ca&& (or an e-erci$e o( t#e po*er o( $uper,i$ion. !3a" Section =. P eadings and documents that may be re8uired0 sanctions. C @or purpo$e$ o( %etermining *#et#er t#e petition $#ou&% be %i$mi$$e% or %enie% pur$uant to $ection / o( t#i$ Ru&e' or *#ere t#e petition i$ gi,en %ue cour$e un%er $ection > #ereo(' t#e Supreme Court may re.uire or a&&o* t#e (i&ing o( $uc# p&ea%ing$' brie($' memoran%a or %ocument$ a$ it may %eem nece$$ary *it#in $uc# perio%$ an% un%er $uc# con%ition$ a$ it may con$i%er appropriate' an% impo$e t#e corre$pon%ing $anction$ in ca$e o( non (i&ing or unaut#ori2e% (i&ing o( $uc# p&ea%ing$ an% %ocument$ or non comp&iance *it# t#e con%ition$ t#ere(or. !n" Section >. /ue course0 e evation of records. C I( t#e petition i$ gi,en %ue cour$e' t#e Supreme Court may re.uire t#e e&e,ation o( t#e comp&ete recor% o( t#e ca$e or $peci(ie% part$ t#ereo( *it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom notice. !+a" Section 9. )u e app icab e to both civi and crimina cases. C T#e mo%e o( appea& pre$cribe% in t#i$ Ru&e $#a&& be app&icab&e to bot# ci,i& an% crimina& ca$e$' e-cept in crimina& ca$e$ *#ere t#e pena&ty impo$e% i$ %eat#' rec usion perpetua or &i(e impri$onment. !n"

i,. Petition (or Re&ie( (rom Au%gement R4:E 3> Re&ie( (rom Au%gment$' ?r%er$' or ?t#er Procee%ing$ Section 1. Petition for re ief from %udgment ' order' or other proceedings. C

<#en a 1u%gment or (ina& or%er i$ entere%' or any ot#er procee%ing i$ t#erea(ter taken again$t a party in any court t#roug# (rau%' acci%ent' mi$take' or e-cu$ab&e neg&igence' #e may (i&e a petition in $uc# court an% in t#e $ame ca$e praying t#at t#e 1u%gment' or%er or procee%ing be $et a$i%e. !+a" Section +. Petition for re ief from denia of appea . C <#en a 1u%gment or (ina& or%er i$ ren%ere% by any court in a ca$e' an% a party t#ereto' by (rau%' acci%ent' mi$take' or e-cu$ab&e neg&igence' #a$ been pre,ente% (rom taking an appea&' #e may (i&e a petition in $uc# court an% in t#e $ame ca$e praying t#at t#e appea& be gi,en %ue cour$e. !1a" Section 3. Time for fi ing petition0 contents and verification. C A petition pro,i%e% (or in eit#er o( t#e prece%ing $ection$ o( t#i$ Ru&e mu$t be ,eri(ie%' (i&e% *it#in $i-ty !7)" %ay$ a(ter t#e petitioner &earn$ o( t#e 1u%gment' (ina& or%er' or ot#er procee%ing to be $et a$i%e' an% not more t#an $i- !7" mont#$ a(ter $uc# 1u%gment or (ina& or%er *a$ entere%' or $uc# procee%ing *a$ taken' an% mu$t be accompanie% *it# a((i%a,it$ $#o*ing t#e (rau%' acci%ent' mi$take' or e-cu$ab&e neg&igence re&ie% upon' an% t#e (act$ con$tituting t#e petitionerG$ goo% an% $ub$tantia& cau$e o( action or %e(en$e' a$ t#e ca$e may be. !3" Section 3. Order to fi e an ans$er. C I( t#e petition i$ $u((icient in (orm an% $ub$tance to 1u$ti(y re&ie(' t#e court in *#ic# it i$ (i&e%' $#a&& i$$ue an or%er re.uiring t#e a%,er$e partie$ to an$*er t#e $ame *it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom t#e receipt t#ereo(. T#e or%er $#a&& be $er,e% in $uc# manner a$ t#e court may %irect' toget#er *it# copie$ o( t#e petition an% t#e accompanying a((i%a,it$. !3a" Section /. Pre iminary in%unction pending proceedings. C T#e court in *#ic# t#e petition i$ (i&e% may grant $uc# pre&iminary in1unction a$ may be nece$$ary (or t#e pre$er,ation o( t#e rig#t$ o( t#e partie$' upon t#e (i&ing by t#e petitioner o( a bon% in (a,or o( t#e a%,er$e party' con%itione% t#at i( t#e petition i$ %i$mi$$e% or t#e petitioner (ai&$ on t#e tria& o( t#e ca$e upon it$ merit$' #e *i&& pay t#e a%,er$e party a&& %amage$ an% co$t$ t#at may be a*ar%e% to #im by rea$on o( t#e i$$uance o( $uc# in1unction or t#e ot#er procee%ing$ (o&&o*ing t#e petition' but $uc# in1unction $#a&& not operate to %i$c#arge or e-tingui$# any &ien *#ic# t#e a%,er$e party may #a,e ac.uire% upon' t#e property' o( t#e petitioner. !/a"

Section 7. Proceedings after ans$er is fi ed. C A(ter t#e (i&ing o( t#e an$*er or t#e e-piration o( t#e perio% t#ere(or' t#e court $#a&& #ear t#e petition an% i( a(ter $uc# #earing' it (in%$ t#at t#e a&&egation$ t#ereo( are not true' t#e petition $#a&& be %i$mi$$e%0 but i( it (in%$ $ai% a&&egation$ to be true' it $#a&& $et a$i%e t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er or ot#er procee%ing comp&aine% o( upon $uc# term$ a$ may be 1u$t. T#erea(ter t#e ca$e $#a&& $tan% a$ i( $uc# 1u%gment' (ina& or%er or ot#er procee%ing #a% ne,er been ren%ere%' i$$ue% or taken. T#e court $#a&& t#en procee% to #ear an% %etermine t#e ca$e a$ i( a time&y motion (or a ne* tria& or recon$i%eration #a% been grante% by it. !7a" Section =. Procedure $here the denia of an appea is set aside . C <#ere t#e %enia& o( an appea& i$ $et a$i%e' t#e &o*er court $#a&& be re.uire% to gi,e %ue cour$e to t#e appea& an% to e&e,ate t#e recor% o( t#e appea&e% ca$e a$ i( a time&y an% proper appea& #a% been ma%e. !=a"

,. Petition to Annu& Au%gement R4:E 3= Annu&ment o( Au%gment$ o( @ina& ?r%er$ an% Re$o&ution$ Section 1. Coverage. C T#i$ Ru&e $#a&& go,ern t#e annu&ment by t#e Court o( Appea&$ o( 1u%gment$ or (ina& or%er$ an% re$o&ution$ in ci,i& action$ o( Regiona& Tria& Court$ (or *#ic# t#e or%inary reme%ie$ o( ne* tria&' appea&' petition (or re&ie( or ot#er appropriate reme%ie$ are no &onger a,ai&ab&e t#roug# no (au&t o( t#e petitioner. !n" Section +. 0rounds for annu ment. C T#e annu&ment may be ba$e% on&y on t#e groun%$ o( e-trin$ic (rau% an% &ack o( 1uri$%iction. E-trin$ic (rau% $#a&& not be a ,a&i% groun% i( it *a$ a,ai&e% o(' or cou&% #a,e been a,ai&e% o(' in a motion (or ne* tria& or petition (or re&ie(. !n" Section 3. Period for fi ing action. C I( ba$e% on e-trin$ic (rau%' t#e action mu$t be (i&e% *it#in (our !3" year$ (rom it$ %i$co,ery0 an% i( ba$e% on &ack o( 1uri$%iction' be(ore it i$ barre% by &ac#e$ or e$toppe&. !n" Section 3. Fi ing and contents of petition. C T#e action $#a&& be commence%

by (i&ing a ,eri(ie% petition a&&eging t#erein *it# particu&arity t#e (act$ an% t#e &a* re&ie% upon (or annu&ment' a$ *e&& a$ t#o$e $upporting t#e petitionerG$ goo% an% $ub$tantia& cau$e o( action or %e(en$e' a$ t#e ca$e may be. T#e petition $#a&& be (i&e% in $e,en !=" c&ear&y &egib&e copie$' toget#er *it# $u((icient copie$ corre$pon%ing to t#e number o( re$pon%ent$. A certi(ie% true copy o( t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er or re$o&ution $#a&& be attac#e% to t#e origina& copy o( t#e petition inten%e% (or t#e court an% in%icate% a$ $uc# by t#e petitioner. T#e petitioner $#a&& a&$o $ubmit toget#er *it# t#e petition a((i%a,it$ o( *itne$$e$ or %ocument$ $upporting t#e cau$e o( action or %e(en$e an% a $*orn certi(ication t#at #e #a$ not t#ereto(ore commence% any ot#er action in,o&,ing t#e $ame i$$ue$ in t#e Supreme Court' t#e Court o( Appea&$ or %i((erent %i,i$ion$ t#ereo(' or any ot#er tribuna& or agency i( t#ere i$ $uc# ot#er action or procee%ing' #e mu$t $tate t#e $tatu$ o( t#e $ame' an% i( #e $#ou&% t#erea(ter &earn t#at a $imi&ar action or procee%ing #a$ been (i&e% or i$ pen%ing be(ore t#e Supreme Court' t#e Court o( Appea&$' or %i((erent %i,i$ion$ t#ereo(' or any ot#er tribuna& or agency' #e un%ertake$ to prompt&y in(orm t#e a(ore$ai% court$ an% ot#er tribuna& or agency t#ereo( *it#in (i,e !/" %ay$ t#ere(rom. !n" Section /. !ction by the court. C S#ou&% t#e court (in% no $ub$tantia& merit in t#e petition' t#e $ame may be %i$mi$$e% outrig#t *it# $peci(ic rea$on$ (or $uc# %i$mi$$a&. S#ou&% prima facie merit be (oun% in t#e petition' t#e $ame $#a&& be gi,en %ue cour$e an% $ummon$ $#a&& be $er,e% on t#e re$pon%ent. !n" Section 7. Procedure. C T#e proce%ure in or%inary ci,i& ca$e$ $#a&& be ob$er,e%. S#ou&% tria& be nece$$ary' t#e reception o( t#e e,i%ence may be re(erre% to a member o( t#e court or a 1u%ge o( a Regiona& Tria& Court. !n" Section =. 'ffect of %udgment. C A 1u%gment o( annu&ment $#a&& $et a$i%e t#e .ue$tione% 1u%gment or (ina& or%er or re$o&ution an% ren%er t#e $ame nu&& an% ,oi%' *it#out pre1u%ice to t#e origina& action being re(i&e% in t#e proper court. Ho*e,er' *#ere t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er or re$o&ution i$ $et a$i%e on t#e groun% o( e-trin$ic (rau%' t#e court may on motion or%er t#e tria& court to try t#e ca$e a$ i( a time&y motion (or ne* tria& #a% been grante% t#erein. !n"

Section >. Suspension prescriptive period. C T#e pre$cripti,e perio% (or t#e re(i&ing o( t#e a(ore$ai% origina& action $#a&& be %eeme% $u$pen%e% (rom t#e (i&ing o( $uc# origina& action unti& t#e (ina&ity o( t#e 1u%gment o( annu&ment. Ho*e,er' t#e pre$cripti,e perio% $#a&& not be $u$pen%e% *#ere t#e e-trin$ic (rau% i$ attributab&e to t#e p&ainti(( in t#e origina& action. !n" Section 9. )e ief avai ab e. C T#e 1u%gment o( annu&ment may inc&u%e t#e a*ar% o( %amage$' attorneyG$ (ee$ an% ot#er re&ie(. I( t#e .ue$tione% 1u%gment or (ina& or%er or re$o&ution #a% a&rea%y been e-ecute% t#e court may i$$ue $uc# or%er$ o( re$titution or ot#er re&ie( a$ 1u$tice an% e.uity may *arrant un%er t#e circum$tance$. !n" Section 1). !nnu ment of %udgments or fina orders of Municipa Tria Courts. C An action to annu& a 1u%gment or (ina& or%er o( a 6unicipa& Tria& Court $#a&& be (i&e% in t#e Regiona& Tria& Court #a,ing 1uri$%iction o,er t#e (ormer. It $#a&& be treate% a$ an or%inary ci,i& action an% $ection$ +' 3' 3' =' > an% 9 o( t#i$ Ru&e $#a&& be app&icab&e t#ereto. !n"



Inci%ent$ a. party to an action %ie$ b. actionab&e %ocument c. amen%ment o( p&ea%ing %. (i&ing an% $er,ing p&ea%ing e. motion (. %i$mi$$a& or *it#%ra*a& o( comp&aint g. inter,ention #. $ubpoena i. mo%e$ o( %i$co,ery i. party to an action %ie$ R4:E 3 Partie$ to Ci,i& Action$

Section 17. /eath of party0 duty of counse . C <#ene,er a party to a pen%ing action %ie$' an% t#e c&aim i$ not t#ereby e-tingui$#e%' it $#a&& be t#e %uty o( #i$ coun$e& to in(orm t#e court *it#in t#irty !3)" %ay$ a(ter $uc# %eat# o( t#e (act t#ereo(' an% to gi,e t#e name an% a%%re$$ o( #i$ &ega& repre$entati,e or repre$entati,e$. @ai&ure o( coun$e& to comp&y *it# #i$ %uty $#a&& be a groun% (or %i$cip&inary action. T#e #eir$ o( t#e %ecea$e% may be a&&o*e% to be $ub$titute% (or t#e %ecea$e%' *it#out re.uiring t#e appointment o( an e-ecutor or a%mini$trator an% t#e court may appoint a guar%ian ad item (or t#e minor #eir$. T#e court $#a&& (ort#*it# or%er $ai% &ega& repre$entati,e or repre$entati,e$ to appear an% be $ub$titute% *it#in a perio% o( t#irty !3)" %ay$ (rom notice. I( no &ega& repre$entati,e i$ name% by t#e coun$e& (or t#e %ecea$e% party' or i( t#e one $o name% $#a&& (ai& to appear *it#in t#e $peci(ie% perio%' t#e court

may or%er t#e oppo$ing party' *it#in a $peci(ie% time to procure t#e appointment o( an e-ecutor or a%mini$trator (or t#e e$tate o( t#e %ecea$e% an% t#e &atter $#a&& imme%iate&y appear (or an% on be#a&( o( t#e %ecea$e%. T#e court c#arge$ in procuring $uc# appointment' i( %e(raye% by t#e oppo$ing party' may be reco,ere% a$ co$t$. !17a' 1=a" Section 1=. /eath or separation of a party $ho is a pub ic officer . C <#en a pub&ic o((icer i$ a party in an action in #i$ o((icia& capacity an% %uring it$ pen%ency %ie$' re$ign$' or ot#er*i$e cea$e$ to #o&% o((ice' t#e action may be continue% an% maintaine% by or again$t #i$ $ucce$$or i(' *it#in t#irty !3)" %ay$ a(ter t#e $ucce$$or take$ o((ice or $uc# time a$ may be grante% by t#e court' it i$ $ati$(actori&y $#o*n to t#e court by any party t#at t#ere i$ a $ub$tantia& nee% (or continuing or maintaining it an% t#at t#e $ucce$$or a%opt$ or continue$ or t#reaten$ to a%opt or continue to a%opt or continue t#e action o( #i$ pre%ece$$or. 8e(ore a $ub$titution i$ ma%e' t#e party or o((icer to be a((ecte%' un&e$$ e-pre$$&y a$$enting t#ereto' $#a&& be gi,en rea$onab&e notice o( t#e app&ication t#ere(or an% accor%e% an opportunity to be #ear%. !1>a"

ii. actionab&e %ocument R4:E > Section =. !ction or defense based on document. C <#ene,er an action or %e(en$e i$ ba$e% upon a *ritten in$trument or %ocument' t#e $ub$tance o( $uc# in$trument or %ocument $#a&& be $et (ort# in t#e p&ea%ing' an% t#e origina& or a copy t#ereo( $#a&& be attac#e% to t#e p&ea%ing a$ an e-#ibit' *#ic# $#a&& be %eeme% to be a part o( t#e p&ea%ing' or $ai% copy may *it# &ike e((ect be $et (ort# in t#e p&ea%ing. !=" Section >. 1o$ to contest such documents. C <#en an action or %e(en$e i$ (oun%e% upon a *ritten in$trument' copie% in or attac#e% to t#e corre$pon%ing p&ea%ing a$ pro,i%e% in t#e prece%ing $ection' t#e genuinene$$ an% %ue e-ecution o( t#e in$trument $#a&& be %eeme% a%mitte% un&e$$ t#e a%,er$e party' un%er oat# $peci(ica&&y %enie$ t#em' an% $et$ (ort# *#at #e c&aim$ to be t#e (act$' but t#e re.uirement o( an oat# %oe$ not app&y *#en t#e a%,er$e party %oe$ not appear to be a party to t#e in$trument or *#en comp&iance *it# an or%er (or an in$pection o( t#e

origina& in$trument i$ re(u$e%. !>a"

iii. amen%ment o( p&ea%ing R4:E 1) Amen%e% an% Supp&ementa& P&ea%ing$ Section 1. !mendments in genera . C P&ea%ing$ may be amen%e% by a%%ing or $triking out an a&&egation or t#e name o( any party' or by correcting a mi$take in t#e name o( a party or a mi$taken or ina%e.uate a&&egation or %e$cription in any ot#er re$pect' $o t#at t#e actua& merit$ o( t#e contro,er$y may $pee%i&y be %etermine%' *it#out regar% to tec#nica&itie$' an% in t#e mo$t e-pe%itiou$ an% ine-pen$i,e manner. !1" Section +. !mendments as a matter of right. C A party may amen% #i$ p&ea%ing once a$ a matter o( rig#t at any time be(ore a re$pon$i,e p&ea%ing i$ $er,e% or' in t#e ca$e o( a rep&y' at any time *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ a(ter it i$ $er,e%. !+a" Section 3. !mendments by eave of court. C E-cept a$ pro,i%e% in t#e ne-t prece%ing $ection' $ub$tantia& amen%ment$ may be ma%e on&y upon &ea,e o( court. 8ut $uc# &ea,e may be re(u$e% i( it appear$ to t#e court t#at t#e motion *a$ ma%e *it# intent to %e&ay. ?r%er$ o( t#e court upon t#e matter$ pro,i%e% in t#i$ $ection $#a&& be ma%e upon motion (i&e% in court' an% a(ter notice to t#e a%,er$e party' an% an opportunity to be #ear%. !3a" Section 3. Forma amendments. C A %e(ect in t#e %e$ignation o( t#e partie$ an% ot#er c&ear&y c&erica& or typograp#ica& error$ may be $ummari&y correcte% by t#e court at any $tage o( t#e action' at it$ initiati,e or on motion' pro,i%e% no pre1u%ice i$ cau$e% t#ereby to t#e a%,er$e party. !3a" Section /. !mendment to conform to or authori<e presentation of evidence . C <#en i$$ue$ not rai$e% by t#e p&ea%ing$ are trie% *it# t#e e-pre$$ or imp&ie% con$ent o( t#e partie$ t#ey $#a&& be treate% in a&& re$pect$ a$ i( t#ey #a% been rai$e% in t#e p&ea%ing$. Suc# amen%ment o( t#e p&ea%ing$ a$ may be nece$$ary to cau$e t#em to con(orm to t#e e,i%ence an% to rai$e t#e$e i$$ue$ may be ma%e upon motion o( any party at any time' e,en a(ter 1u%gment0 but (ai&ure to amen% %oe$ not e((ect t#e re$u&t o( t#e tria& o( t#e$e

i$$ue$. I( e,i%ence i$ ob1ecte% to at t#e tria& on t#e groun% t#at it i$ not *it#in t#e i$$ue$ ma%e by t#e p&ea%ing$' t#e court may a&&o* t#e p&ea%ing$ to be amen%e% an% $#a&& %o $o *it# &ibera&ity i( t#e pre$entation o( t#e merit$ o( t#e action an% t#e en%$ o( $ub$tantia& 1u$tice *i&& be $ub$er,e% t#ereby. T#e court may grant a continuance to enab&e t#e amen%ment to be ma%e. !/a" Section 7. Supp ementa p eadings. C 4pon motion o( a party t#e court may' upon rea$onab&e notice an% upon $uc# term$ a$ are 1u$t' permit #im to $er,e a $upp&ementa& p&ea%ing $etting (ort# tran$action$' occurrence$ or e,ent$ *#ic# #a,e #appene% $ince t#e %ate o( t#e p&ea%ing $oug#t to be $upp&emente%. T#e a%,er$e party may p&ea% t#ereto *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ (rom notice o( t#e or%er a%mitting t#e $upp&ementa& p&ea%ing. !7a" Section =. Fi ing of amended p eadings. C <#en any p&ea%ing i$ amen%e%' a ne* copy o( t#e entire p&ea%ing' incorporating t#e amen%ment$' *#ic# $#a&& be in%icate% by appropriate mark$' $#a&& be (i&e%. !=a" Section >. 'ffect of amended p eadings. C An amen%e% p&ea%ing $uper$e%e$ t#e p&ea%ing t#at it amen%$. Ho*e,er' a%mi$$ion$ in $uper$e%e% p&ea%ing$ may be recei,e% in e,i%ence again$t t#e p&ea%er' an% c&aim$ or %e(en$e$ a&&ege% t#erein not incorporate% in t#e amen%e% p&ea%ing $#a&& be %eeme% *ai,e%. !n"

i,. (i&ing an% $er,ing p&ea%ing R4:E 13 @i&ing an% Ser,ice o( P&ea%ing$' Au%gment$ an% ?t#er Paper$ Section 1. Coverage. C T#i$ Ru&e $#a&& go,ern t#e (i&ing o( a&& p&ea%ing$ an% ot#er paper$' a$ *e&& a$ t#e $er,ice t#ereo(' e-cept t#o$e (or *#ic# a %i((erent mo%e o( $er,ice i$ pre$cribe%. !n" Section +. Fi ing and service' defined. C @i&ing i$ t#e act o( pre$enting t#e p&ea%ing or ot#er paper to t#e c&erk o( court. Ser,ice i$ t#e act o( pro,i%ing a party *it# a copy o( t#e p&ea%ing or paper concerne%. I( any party #a$ appeare% by coun$e&' $er,ice upon #im $#a&& be ma%e upon #i$ coun$e& or one o( t#em' un&e$$ $er,ice upon t#e party

#im$e&( i$ or%ere% by t#e court. <#ere one coun$e& appear$ (or $e,era& partie$' #e $#a&& on&y be entit&e% to one copy o( any paper $er,e% upon #im by t#e oppo$ite $i%e. !+a" Section 3. Manner of fi ing. C T#e (i&ing o( p&ea%ing$' appearance$' motion$' notice$' or%er$' 1u%gment$ an% a&& ot#er paper$ $#a&& be ma%e by pre$enting t#e origina& copie$ t#ereo(' p&ain&y in%icate% a$ $uc#' per$ona&&y to t#e c&erk o( court or by $en%ing t#em by regi$tere% mai&. In t#e (ir$t ca$e' t#e c&erk o( court $#a&& en%or$e on t#e p&ea%ing t#e %ate an% #our o( (i&ing. In t#e $econ% ca$e' t#e %ate o( t#e mai&ing o( motion$' p&ea%ing$' or any ot#er paper$ or payment$ or %epo$it$' a$ $#o*n by t#e po$t o((ice $tamp on t#e en,e&ope or t#e regi$try receipt' $#a&& be con$i%ere% a$ t#e %ate o( t#eir (i&ing' payment' or %epo$it in court. T#e en,e&ope $#a&& be attac#e% to t#e recor% o( t#e ca$e. !1a" Section 3. Papers re8uired to be fi ed and served. C E,ery 1u%gment' re$o&ution' or%er' p&ea%ing $ub$e.uent to t#e comp&aint' *ritten motion' notice' appearance' %eman%' o((er o( 1u%gment or $imi&ar paper$ $#a&& be (i&e% *it# t#e court' an% $er,e% upon t#e partie$ a((ecte%. !+a" Section /. Modes of service. C Ser,ice o( p&ea%ing$ motion$' notice$' or%er$' 1u%gment$ an% ot#er paper$ $#a&& be ma%e eit#er per$ona&&y or by mai&. !3a" Section 7. Persona service. C Ser,ice o( t#e paper$ may be ma%e by %e&i,ering per$ona&&y a copy to t#e party or #i$ coun$e&' or by &ea,ing it in #i$ o((ice *it# #i$ c&erk or *it# a per$on #a,ing c#arge t#ereo(. I( no per$on i$ (oun% in #i$ o((ice' or #i$ o((ice i$ not kno*n' or #e #a$ no o((ice' t#en by &ea,ing t#e copy' bet*een t#e #our$ o( eig#t in t#e morning an% $i- in t#e e,ening' at t#e partyG$ or coun$e&G$ re$i%ence' i( kno*n' *it# a per$on o( $u((icient age an% %i$cretion t#en re$i%ing t#erein. !3a" Section =. Service by mai . C Ser,ice by regi$tere% mai& $#a&& be ma%e by %epo$iting t#e copy in t#e po$t o((ice in a $ea&e% en,e&ope' p&ain&y a%%re$$e% to t#e party or #i$ coun$e& at #i$ o((ice' i( kno*n' ot#er*i$e at #i$ re$i%ence' i( kno*n' *it# po$tage (u&&y prepai%' an% *it# in$truction$ to t#e po$tma$ter to return t#e mai& to t#e $en%er a(ter ten !1)" %ay$ i( un%e&i,ere%. I( no regi$try $er,ice i$ a,ai&ab&e in t#e &oca&ity o( eit#er t#e $en%er$ or t#e a%%re$$ee' $er,ice may be %one by or%inary mai&. !/a0 8ar 6atter Bo. >)3' 1= @ebruary 199>"

Section >. Substituted service. C I( $er,ice o( p&ea%ing$' motion$' notice$' re$o&ution$' or%er$ an% ot#er paper$ cannot be ma%e un%er t#e t*o prece%ing $ection$' t#e o((ice an% p&ace o( re$i%ence o( t#e party or #i$ coun$e& being unkno*n' $er,ice may be ma%e by %e&i,ering t#e copy to t#e c&erk o( court' *it# proo( o( (ai&ure o( bot# per$ona& $er,ice an% $er,ice by mai&. T#e $er,ice i$ comp&ete at t#e time o( $uc# %e&i,ery. !7a" Section 9. Service of %udgments' fina orders' or reso utions. C Au%gment$' (ina& or%er$ or re$o&ution$ $#a&& be $er,e% eit#er per$ona&&y or by regi$tere% mai&. <#en a party $ummone% by pub&ication #a$ (ai&e% to appear in t#e action' 1u%gment$' (ina& or%er$ or re$o&ution$ again$t #im $#a&& be $er,e% upon #im a&$o by pub&ication at t#e e-pen$e o( t#e pre,ai&ing party. !=a" Section 1). Comp eteness of service. C Per$ona& $er,ice i$ comp&ete upon actua& %e&i,ery. Ser,ice by or%inary mai& i$ comp&ete upon t#e e-piration o( ten !1)" %ay$ a(ter mai&ing' un&e$$ t#e court ot#er*i$e pro,i%e$. Ser,ice by regi$tere% mai& i$ comp&ete upon actua& receipt by t#e a%%re$$ee' or a(ter (i,e !/" %ay$ (rom t#e %ate #e recei,e% t#e (ir$t notice o( t#e po$tma$ter' *#ic#e,er %ate i$ ear&ier. !>a" Section 11. Priorities in modes of service and fi ing . C <#ene,er practicab&e' t#e $er,ice an% (i&ing o( p&ea%ing$ an% ot#er paper$ $#a&& be %one per$ona&&y. E-cept *it# re$pect to paper$ emanating (rom t#e court' a re$ort to ot#er mo%e$ mu$t be accompanie% by a *ritten e-p&anation *#y t#e $er,ice or (i&ing *a$ not %one per$ona&&y. A ,io&ation o( t#i$ Ru&e may be cau$e to con$i%er t#e paper a$ not (i&e%. !n" Section 1+. Proof of fi ing. C T#e (i&ing o( a p&ea%ing or paper $#a&& be pro,e% by it$ e-i$tence in t#e recor% o( t#e ca$e. I( it i$ not in t#e recor%' but i$ c&aime% to #a,e been (i&e% per$ona&&y' t#e (i&ing $#a&& be pro,e% by t#e *ritten or $tampe% ackno*&e%gment o( it$ (i&ing by t#e c&erk o( court on a copy o( t#e $ame0 i( (i&e% by regi$tere% mai&' by t#e regi$try receipt an% by t#e a((i%a,it o( t#e per$on *#o %i% t#e mai&ing' containing a (u&& $tatement o( t#e %ate an% p&ace o( %epo$iting t#e mai& in t#e po$t o((ice in a $ea&e% en,e&ope a%%re$$e% to t#e court' *it# po$tage (u&&y prepai%' an% *it# in$truction$ to t#e po$tma$ter to return t#e mai& to t#e $en%er a(ter ten !1)" %ay$ i( not %e&i,ere%. !n" Section 13. Proof of Service. C Proo( o( per$ona& $er,ice $#a&& con$i$t o( a *ritten a%mi$$ion o( t#e party $er,e%' or t#e o((icia& return o( t#e $er,er' or

t#e a((i%a,it o( t#e party $er,ing' containing a (u&& $tatement o( t#e %ate' p&ace an% manner o( $er,ice. I( t#e $er,ice i$ by or%inary mai&' proo( t#ereo( $#a&& con$i$t o( an a((i%a,it o( t#e per$on mai&ing o( (act$ $#o*ing comp&iance *it# $ection = o( t#i$ Ru&e. I( $er,ice i$ ma%e by regi$tere% mai&' proo( $#a&& be ma%e by $uc# a((i%a,it an% t#e regi$try receipt i$$ue% by t#e mai&ing o((ice. T#e regi$try return car% $#a&& be (i&e% imme%iate&y upon it$ receipt by t#e $en%er' or in &ieu t#ereo( t#e unc&aime% &etter toget#er *it# t#e certi(ie% or $*orn copy o( t#e notice gi,en by t#e po$tma$ter to t#e a%%re$$ee. !1)a" Section 13. ,otice of is pendens. C In an action a((ecting t#e tit&e or t#e rig#t o( po$$e$$ion o( rea& property' t#e p&ainti(( an% t#e %e(en%ant' *#en a((irmati,e re&ie( i$ c&aime% in #i$ an$*er' may recor% in t#e o((ice o( t#e regi$try o( %ee%$ o( t#e pro,ince in *#ic# t#e property i$ $ituate% notice o( t#e pen%ency o( t#e action. Sai% notice $#a&& contain t#e name$ o( t#e partie$ an% t#e ob1ect o( t#e action or %e(en$e' an% a %e$cription o( t#e property in t#at pro,ince a((ecte% t#ereby. ?n&y (rom t#e time o( (i&ing $uc# notice (or recor% $#a&& a purc#a$er' or encumbrancer o( t#e property a((ecte% t#ereby' be %eeme% to #a,e con$tructi,e notice o( t#e pen%ency o( t#e action' an% on&y o( it$ pen%ency again$t t#e partie$ %e$ignate% by t#eir rea& name$. T#e notice o( is pendens #ereinabo,e mentione% may be cance&&e% on&y upon or%er o( t#e court' a(ter proper $#o*ing t#at t#e notice i$ (or t#e purpo$e o( mo&e$ting t#e a%,er$e party' or t#at it i$ not nece$$ary to protect t#e rig#t$ o( t#e rig#t$ o( t#e party *#o cau$e% it to be recor%e%. !+3a' R 13"

,. motion R4:E 1/ 6otion$ Section 1. Motion defined. C A motion i$ an app&ication (or re&ie( ot#er t#an by a p&ea%ing. !1a" Section +. Motions must be in $ritings. C A&& motion$ $#a&& be in *riting e-cept t#o$e ma%e in open court or in t#e cour$e o( a #earing or tria&. !+a"

Section 3. Contents. C A motion $#a&& $tate t#e re&ie( $oug#t to be obtaine% an% t#e groun%$ upon *#ic# it i$ ba$e%' an% i( re.uire% by t#e$e Ru&e$ or nece$$ary to pro,e (act$ a&&ege% t#erein' $#a&& be accompanie% by $upporting a((i%a,it$ an% ot#er paper$. !3a" Section 3. 1earing of motion. C E-cept (or motion$ *#ic# t#e court may act upon *it#out pre1u%icing t#e rig#t$ o( t#e a%,er$e party' e,ery *ritten motion $#a&& be $et (or #earing by t#e app&icant. E,ery *ritten motion re.uire% to be #ear% an% t#e notice o( t#e #earing t#ereo( $#a&& be $er,e% in $uc# a manner a$ to en$ure it$ receipt by t#e ot#er party at &ea$t t#ree !3" %ay$ be(ore t#e %ate o( #earing' un&e$$ t#e court (or goo% cau$e $et$ t#e #earing on $#orter notice. !3a" Section /. ,otice of hearing. C T#e notice o( #earing $#a&& be a%%re$$e% to a&& partie$ concerne%' an% $#a&& $peci(y t#e time an% %ate o( t#e #earing *#ic# mu$t not be &ater t#an ten !1)" %ay$ a(ter t#e (i&ing o( t#e motion. !/a" Section 7. Proof of service necessary. C Bo *ritten motion $et (or #earing $#a&& be acte% upon by t#e court *it#out proo( o( $er,ice t#ereo(. !7a" Section =. Motion day. C E-cept (or motion$ re.uiring imme%iate action' a&& motion$ $#a&& be $c#e%u&e% (or #earing on @ri%ay a(ternoon$' or i( @ri%ay i$ a non *orking %ay' in t#e a(ternoon o( t#e ne-t *orking %ay. !=a" Section >. Omnibus motion. C Sub1ect to t#e pro,i$ion$ o( $ection 1 o( Ru&e 9' a motion attacking a p&ea%ing' or%er' 1u%gment' or procee%ing $#a&& inc&u%e a&& ob1ection$ t#en a,ai&ab&e' an% a&& ob1ection$ not $o inc&u%e% $#a&& be %eeme% *ai,e%. !>a" Section 9. Motion for eave. C A motion (or &ea,e to (i&e a p&ea%ing or motion $#a&& be accompanie% by t#e p&ea%ing or motion $oug#t to be a%mitte%. !n" Section 1). Form. C T#e Ru&e$ app&icab&e to p&ea%ing$ $#a&& app&y to *ritten motion$ $o (ar a$ concern$ caption' %e$ignation' $ignature' an% ot#er matter$ o( (orm. !9a"

,i. %i$mi$$a& or *it#%ra*a& o( comp&aint R4:E 1=


9i$mi$$a& o( Action$ Section 3. /ismissa due to fau t of p aintiff. C I(' (or no 1u$ti(iab&e cau$e' t#e p&ainti(( (ai&$ to appear on t#e %ate o( t#e pre$entation o( #i$ e,i%ence in c#ie( on t#e comp&aint' or to pro$ecute #i$ action (or an unrea$onab&e &engt# o( time' or to comp&y *it# t#e$e Ru&e$ or any or%er o( t#e court' t#e comp&aint may be %i$mi$$e% upon motion o( t#e %e(en%ant or upon t#e courtG$ o*n motion' *it#out pre1u%ice to t#e rig#t o( t#e %e(en%ant to pro$ecute #i$ counterc&aim in t#e $ame or in a $eparate action. T#i$ %i$mi$$a& $#a&& #a,e t#e e((ect o( an a%1u%ication upon t#e merit$' un&e$$ ot#er*i$e %ec&are% by t#e court. !3a"

,ii. inter,ention R4:E 19 Inter,ention Section 1. +ho may intervene. C A per$on *#o #a$ a &ega& intere$t in t#e matter in &itigation' or in t#e $ucce$$ o( eit#er o( t#e partie$' or an intere$t again$t bot#' or i$ $o $ituate% a$ to be a%,er$e&y a((ecte% by a %i$tribution or ot#er %i$po$ition o( property in t#e cu$to%y o( t#e court or o( an o((icer t#ereo( may' *it# &ea,e o( court' be a&&o*e% to inter,ene in t#e action. T#e court $#a&& con$i%er *#et#er or not t#e inter,ention *i&& un%u&y %e&ay or pre1u%ice t#e a%1u%ication o( t#e rig#t$ o( t#e origina& partie$' an% *#et#er or not t#e inter,enorG$ rig#t$ may be (u&&y protecte% in a $eparate procee%ing. !+EaF' EbFa' R1+" Section +. Time to intervene. C T#e motion to inter,ene may be (i&e% at any time be(ore ren%ition o( 1u%gment by t#e tria& court. A copy o( t#e p&ea%ing in inter,ention $#a&& be attac#e% to t#e motion an% $er,e% on t#e origina& partie$. !n" Section 3. P eadings-in-intervention. C T#e inter,enor $#a&& (i&e a comp&aint in inter,ention i( #e a$$ert$ a c&aim again$t eit#er or a&& o( t#e origina& partie$' or an an$*er in inter,ention i( #e unite$ *it# t#e %e(en%ing party in re$i$ting a c&aim again$t t#e &atter. !+EcFa' R1+" Section 3. !ns$er to comp aint-in-intervention. C T#e an$*er to t#e

comp&aint in inter,ention $#a&& be (i&e% *it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ (rom notice o( t#e or%er a%mitting t#e $ame' un&e$$ a %i((erent perio% i$ (i-e% by t#e court. !+E%Fa' R1+"

,iii. $ubpoena R4:E +1 Subpoena Section 1. Subpoena and subpoena duces tecum. C Subpoena i$ a proce$$ %irecte% to a per$on re.uiring #im to atten% an% to te$ti(y at t#e #earing or t#e tria& o( an action' or at any in,e$tigation con%ucte% by competent aut#ority' or (or t#e taking o( #i$ %epo$ition. It may a&$o re.uire #im to bring *it# #im any book$' %ocument$' or ot#er t#ing$ un%er #i$ contro&' in *#ic# ca$e it i$ ca&&e% a $ubpoena duces tecum. !1a' R+3" Section +. 2y $hom issued. C T#e $ubpoena may be i$$ue% by C !a" t#e court be(ore *#om t#e *itne$$ i$ re.uire% to atten%0 !b" t#e court o( t#e p&ace *#ere t#e %epo$ition i$ to be taken0 !c" t#e o((icer or bo%y aut#ori2e% by &a* to %o $o in connection *it# in,e$tigation$ con%ucte% by $ai% o((icer or bo%y0 or !%" any Au$tice o( t#e Supreme Court or o( t#e Court o( Appea&$ in any ca$e or in,e$tigation pen%ing *it#in t#e P#i&ippine$. <#en app&ication (or a $ubpoena to a pri$oner i$ ma%e' t#e 1u%ge or o((icer $#a&& e-amine an% $tu%y care(u&&y $uc# app&ication to %etermine *#et#er t#e $ame i$ ma%e (or a ,a&i% purpo$e. Bo pri$oner $entence% to %eat#' rec usion perpetua or &i(e impri$onment an% *#o i$ con(ine% in any pena& in$titution $#a&& be broug#t out$i%e t#e $ai% pena& in$titution (or appearance or atten%ance in any court un&e$$ aut#ori2e% by t#e Supreme Court !+a' R+3" Section 3. Form and contents. C A $ubpoena $#a&& $tate t#e name o( t#e court an% t#e tit&e o( t#e action or in,e$tigation' $#a&& be %irecte% to t#e

per$on *#o$e atten%ance i$ re.uire%' an% in t#e ca$e o( a $ubpoena duces tecum' it $#a&& a&$o contain a rea$onab&e %e$cription o( t#e book$' %ocument$ or t#ing$ %eman%e% *#ic# mu$t appear to t#e court prima facie re&e,ant. !3a' R+3" Section 3. #uashing a subpoena. C T#e court may .ua$# a $ubpoena duces tecum upon motion prompt&y ma%e an%' in any e,ent' at or be(ore t#e time $peci(ie% t#erein i( it i$ unrea$onab&e an% oppre$$i,e' or t#e re&e,ancy o( t#e book$' %ocument$ or t#ing$ %oe$ not appear' or i( t#e per$on in *#o$e be#a&( t#e $ubpoena i$ i$$ue% (ai&$ to a%,ance t#e rea$onab&e co$t o( t#e pro%uction t#ereo(. T#e court may .ua$# a $ubpoena a% testificandum on t#e groun% t#at t#e *itne$$ i$ not boun% t#ereby. In eit#er ca$e' t#e $ubpoena may be .ua$#e% on t#e groun% t#at t#e *itne$$ (ee$ an% ki&ometrage a&&o*e% by t#e$e Ru&e$ *ere not ten%ere% *#en t#e $ubpoena *a$ $er,e%. !3a' R+3" Section /. Subpoena for depositions. C Proo( o( $er,ice o( a notice to take a %epo$ition' a$ pro,i%e% in $ection$ 1/ an% +/ o( Ru&e +3' $#a&& con$titute $u((icient aut#ori2ation (or t#e i$$uance o( $ubpoena$ (or t#e per$on$ name% in $ai% notice by t#e c&erk o( t#e court o( t#e p&ace in *#ic# t#e %epo$ition i$ to be taken. T#e c&erk $#a&& not' #o*e,er' i$$ue a $ubpoena duces tecum to any $uc# per$on *it#out an or%er o( t#e court. !/a' R+3" Section 7. Service. C Ser,ice o( a $ubpoena $#a&& be ma%e in t#e $ame manner a$ per$ona& or $ub$titute% $er,ice o( $ummon$. T#e origina& $#a&& be e-#ibite% an% a copy t#ereo( %e&i,ere% to t#e per$on on *#om it i$ $er,e%' ten%ering to #im t#e (ee$ (or one %ayG$ atten%ance an% t#e ki&ometrage a&&o*e% by t#e$e Ru&e$' e-cept t#at' *#en a $ubpoena i$ i$$ue% by or on be#a&( o( t#e Repub&ic o( t#e P#i&ippine$ or an o((icer or agency t#ereo(' t#e ten%er nee% not be ma%e. T#e $er,ice mu$t be ma%e $o a$ to a&&o* t#e *itne$$ a rea$onab&e time (or preparation an% tra,e& to t#e p&ace o( atten%ance. I( t#e $ubpoena i$ duces tecum4 t#e rea$onab&e co$t o( pro%ucing t#e book$' %ocument$ or t#ing$ %eman%e% $#a&& a&$o be ten%ere%. !7a' R+3" Section =. Persona appearance in court. C A per$on pre$ent in court be(ore a 1u%icia& o((icer may be re.uire% to te$ti(y a$ i( #e *ere in atten%ance upon a $ubpoena i$ $ue% by $uc# court or o((icer. !1)' R+3"

Section >. Compe ing attendance. C In ca$e o( (ai&ure o( a *itne$$ to atten%' t#e court or 1u%ge i$$uing t#e $ubpoena' upon proo( o( t#e $er,ice t#ereo( an% o( t#e (ai&ure o( t#e *itne$$' may i$$ue a *arrant to t#e $#eri(( o( t#e pro,ince' or #i$ %eputy' to arre$t t#e *itne$$ an% bring #im be(ore t#e court or o((icer *#ere #i$ atten%ance i$ re.uire%' an% t#e co$t o( $uc# *arrant an% $ei2ure o( $uc# *itne$$ $#a&& be pai% by t#e *itne$$ i( t#e court i$$uing it $#a&& %etermine t#at #i$ (ai&ure to an$*er t#e $ubpoena *a$ *i&&(u& an% *it#out 1u$t e-cu$e. !11' R+3" Section 9. Contempt. C @ai&ure by any per$on *it#out a%e.uate cau$e to obey a $ubpoena $er,e% upon #im $#a&& be %eeme% a contempt o( t#e court (rom *#ic# t#e $ubpoena i$ i$$ue%. I( t#e $ubpoena *a$ not i$$ue% by a court' t#e %i$obe%ience t#ereto $#a&& be puni$#e% in accor%ance *it# t#e app&icab&e &a* or Ru&e. !1+a R+3" Section 1). '(ceptions. C T#e pro,i$ion$ o( $ection$ > an% 9 o( t#i$ Ru&e $#a&& not app&y to a *itne$$ *#o re$i%e$ more t#an one #un%re% !1))" ki&ometer$ (rom #i$ re$i%ence to t#e p&ace *#ere #e i$ to te$ti(y by t#e or%inary cour$e o( tra,e&' or to a %etention pri$oner i( no permi$$ion o( t#e court in *#ic# #i$ ca$e i$ pen%ing *a$ obtaine%. !9a' R+3"

i-. mo%e$ o( %i$co,ery R4:E +3 9epo$ition$ Pen%ing Action Section 1. /epositions pending action' $hen may be taken. C 8y &ea,e o( court a(ter 1uri$%iction #a$ been obtaine% o,er any %e(en%ant or o,er property *#ic# i$ t#e $ub1ect o( t#e action' or *it#out $uc# &ea,e a(ter an an$*er #a$ been $er,e%' t#e te$timony o( any per$on' *#et#er a party or not' may be taken' at t#e in$tance o( any party' by %epo$ition upon ora& e-amination or *ritten interrogatorie$. T#e atten%ance o( *itne$$e$ may be compe&&e% by t#e u$e o( a $ubpoena a$ pro,i%e% in Ru&e +1. 9epo$ition$ $#a&& be taken on&y in accor%ance *it# t#e$e Ru&e$. T#e %epo$ition o( a per$on con(ine% in pri$on may be taken on&y by &ea,e o( court on $uc# term$ a$ t#e court pre$cribe$. !1a' R+3" Section +. Scope of e(amination. C 4n&e$$ ot#er*i$e or%ere% by t#e court

a$ pro,i%e% by $ection 17 or 1> o( t#i$ Ru&e' t#e %eponent may be e-amine% regar%ing any matter' not pri,i&ege%' *#ic# i$ re&e,ant to t#e $ub1ect o( t#e pen%ing action' *#et#er re&ating to t#e c&aim or %e(en$e o( any ot#er party' inc&u%ing t#e e-i$tence' %e$cription' nature' cu$to%y' con%ition' an% &ocation o( any book$' %ocument$' or ot#er tangib&e t#ing$ an% t#e i%entity an% &ocation o( per$on$ #a,ing kno*&e%ge o( re&e,ant (act$. !+' R+3" Section 3. '(amination and cross-e(amination. C E-amination an% cro$$ e-amination o( %eponent$ may procee% a$ permitte% at t#e tria& un%er $ection$ 3 to 1> o( Ru&e 13+. !3a' R+3" Section 3. .se of depositions. C At t#e tria& or upon t#e #earing o( a motion or an inter&ocutory procee%ing' any part or a&& o( a %epo$ition' $o (ar a$ a%mi$$ib&e un%er t#e ru&e$ o( e,i%ence' may be u$e% again$t any party *#o *a$ pre$ent or repre$ente% at t#e taking o( t#e %epo$ition or *#o #a% %ue notice t#ereo(' in accor%ance *it# any one o( t#e (o&&o*ing pro,i$ion$0 !a" Any %epo$ition may be u$e% by any party (or t#e purpo$e o( contra%icting or impeac#ing t#e te$timony o( %eponent a$ a *itne$$0 !b" T#e %epo$ition o( a party or o( any one *#o at t#e time o( taking t#e %epo$ition *a$ an o((icer' %irector' or managing agent o( a pub&ic or pri,ate corporation' partner$#ip' or a$$ociation *#ic# i$ a party may be u$e% by an a%,er$e party (or any purpo$e0 !c" T#e %epo$ition o( a *itne$$' *#et#er or not a party' may be u$e% by any party (or any purpo$e i( t#e court (in%$5 !1" t#at t#e *itne$$ i$ %ea%' or !+" t#at t#e *itne$$ re$i%e$ at a %i$tance more t#an one #un%re% !1))" ki&ometer$ (rom t#e p&ace o( tria& or #earing' or i$ out o( t#e P#i&ippine$' un&e$$ it appear$ t#at #i$ ab$ence *a$ procure% by t#e party o((ering t#e %epo$ition' or !3" t#at t#e *itne$$ i$ unab&e to atten% or te$ti(y becau$e o( age' $ickne$$' in(irmity' or impri$onment' or !3" t#at t#e party o((ering t#e %epo$ition #a$ been unab&e to procure t#e atten%ance o( t#e *itne$$ by $ubpoena0 or !/" upon app&ication an% notice' t#at $uc# e-ceptiona& circum$tance$ e-i$t a$ to make it %e$irab&e' in t#e intere$t o( 1u$tice an% *it# %ue regar% to t#e importance o( pre$enting t#e te$timony o( *itne$$e$ ora&&y in open court' to a&&o* t#e %epo$ition to be u$e%0 an% !%" I( on&y part o( a %epo$ition i$ o((ere% in e,i%ence by a party' t#e a%,er$e party may re.uire #im to intro%uce a&& o( it *#ic# i$ re&e,ant to t#e part

intro%uce%' an% any party may intro%uce any ot#er part$. !3a' R+3" Section /. 'ffect of substitution of parties. C Sub$titution o( partie$ %oe$ not a((ect t#e rig#t to u$e %epo$ition$ pre,iou$&y taken0 an%' *#en an action #a$ been %i$mi$$e% an% anot#er action in,o&,ing t#e $ame $ub1ect i$ a(ter*ar% broug#t bet*een t#e $ame partie$ or t#eir repre$entati,e$ or $ucce$$or$ in intere$t' a&& %epo$ition$ &a*(u&&y taken an% %u&y (i&e% in t#e (ormer action may be u$e% in t#e &atter a$ i( origina&&y taken t#ere(or. !/' R+3" Section 7. Ob%ections to admissibi ity. C Sub1ect to t#e pro,i$ion$ o( $ection +9 o( t#i$ Ru&e' ob1ection may be ma%e at t#e tria& or #earing' to recei,ing in e,i%ence any %epo$ition or part t#ereo( (or any rea$on *#ic# *ou&% re.uire t#e e-c&u$ion o( t#e e,i%ence i( t#e *itne$$ *ere t#en pre$ent an% te$ti(ying !7' R+3" Section =. 'ffect of taking depositions. C A party $#a&& not be %eeme% to make a per$on #i$ o*n *itne$$ (or any purpo$e by taking #i$ %epo$ition. !=' R+3" Section >. 'ffect of using depositions. C T#e intro%uction in e,i%ence o( t#e %epo$ition or any part t#ereo( (or any purpo$e ot#er t#an t#at o( contra%icting or impeac#ing t#e %eponent make$ t#e %eponent t#e *itne$$ o( t#e party intro%ucing t#e %epo$ition' but t#i$ $#a&& not app&y to t#e u$e by an a%,er$e party o( a %epo$ition a$ %e$cribe% in paragrap# !b" o( $ection 3 o( t#i$ Ru&e. !>' R+3" Section 9. )ebutting deposition. C At t#e tria& or #earing any party may rebut any re&e,ant e,i%ence containe% in a %epo$ition *#et#er intro%uce% by #im or by any ot#er party. !9' R+3" Section 1). Persons before $hom depositions may be taken $ithin the Phi ippines. C <it#in t#e P#i&ippine$ %epo$ition$ may be taken be(ore any 1u%ge' notary pub&ic' or t#e per$on re(erre% to in $ection 13 #ereo(. !1)a' R+3" Section 11. Persons before $hom depositions may be taken in foreign countries. C In a (oreign $tate or country' %epo$ition$ may be taken !a" on notice be(ore a $ecretary o( emba$$y or &egation' con$u& genera&' con$u&' ,ice con$u&' or con$u&ar agent o( t#e Repub&ic o( t#e P#i&ippine$' !b" be(ore $uc# per$on or o((icer a$ may be appointe% by commi$$ion or un%er &etter$

rogatory0 or !c" t#e per$on re(erre% to in $ection 13 #ereo(. !11a' R+3" Section 1+. Commission or etters rogatory. C A commi$$ion or &etter$ rogatory $#a&& be i$$ue% on&y *#en nece$$ary or con,enient' on app&ication an% notice' an% on $uc# term$' an% *it# $uc# %irection a$ are 1u$t an% appropriate. ?((icer$ may be %e$ignate% in notice$ or commi$$ion$ eit#er by name or %e$cripti,e tit&e an% &etter$ rogatory may be a%%re$$e% to t#e appropriate 1u%icia& aut#ority in t#e (oreign country. !1+a' R+3" Section 13. /is8ua ification by interest. C Bo %epo$ition $#a&& be taken be(ore a per$on *#o i$ a re&ati,e *it#in t#e $i-t# %egree o( con$anguinity or a((inity' or emp&oyee or coun$e& o( any o( t#e partie$' or *#o i$ a re&ati,e *it#in t#e $ame %egree' or emp&oyee o( $uc# coun$e&0 or *#o i$ (inancia&&y intere$te% in t#e action. !13a' R+3" Section 13. Stipu ations regarding taking of depositions. C I( t#e partie$ $o $tipu&ate in *riting' %epo$ition$ may be taken be(ore any per$on aut#ori2e% to a%mini$ter oat#$' at any time or p&ace' in accor%ance *it# t#e$e Ru&e$ an% *#en $o taken may be u$e% &ike ot#er %epo$ition$. !13a' R+3" Section 1/. /eposition upon ora e(amination0 notice0 time and p ace. C A party %e$iring to take t#e %epo$ition o( any per$on upon ora& e-amination $#a&& gi,e rea$onab&e notice in *riting' to e,ery ot#er party to t#e action. T#e notice $#a&& $tate t#e time an% p&ace (or taking t#e %epo$ition an% t#e name an% a%%re$$ o( eac# per$on to be e-amine%' i( kno*n' an% i( t#e name i$ not kno*n' a genera& %e$cription $u((icient to i%enti(y #im or t#e particu&ar c&a$$ or group to *#ic# #e be&ong$. ?n motion o( any party upon *#om t#e notice i$ $er,e%' t#e court may (or cau$e $#o*n en&arge or $#orten t#e time. !1/' R+3" Section 17. Orders for the protection of parties and deponents. C A(ter notice i$ $er,e% (or taking a %epo$ition by ora& e-amination' upon motion $ea$onab&y ma%e by any party or by t#e per$on to be e-amine% an% (or goo% cau$e $#o*n' t#e court in *#ic# t#e action i$ pen%ing may make an or%er t#at t#e %epo$ition $#a&& not be taken' or t#at it may be taken on&y at $ome %e$ignate% p&ace ot#er t#an t#at $tate% in t#e notice' or t#at it may be taken on&y on *ritten interrogatorie$' or t#at certain matter$ $#a&& not be in.uire% into' or t#at t#e $cope o( t#e e-amination $#a&& be #e&% *it# no one pre$ent e-cept t#e partie$ to t#e action an% t#eir o((icer$ or coun$e&' or t#at a(ter being $ea&e% t#e %epo$ition $#a&& be opene% on&y by or%er o( t#e court'

or t#at $ecret proce$$e$' %e,e&opment$' or re$earc# nee% not be %i$c&o$e%' or t#at t#e partie$ $#a&& $imu&taneou$&y (i&e $peci(ie% %ocument$ or in(ormation enc&o$e% in $ea&e% en,e&ope$ to be opene% a$ %irecte% by t#e court or t#e court may make any ot#er or%er *#ic# 1u$tice re.uire$ to protect t#e party or *itne$$ (rom annoyance' embarra$$ment' or oppre$$ion. !17a' R+3" Section 1=. )ecord of e(amination' oath0 ob%ections. C T#e o((icer be(ore *#om t#e %epo$ition i$ to be taken $#a&& put t#e *itne$$ on oat# an% $#a&& per$ona&&y' or by $ome one acting un%er #i$ %irection an% in #i$ pre$ence' recor% t#e te$timony o( t#e *itne$$. T#e te$timony $#a&& be taken $tenograp#ica&&y un&e$$ t#e partie$ agree ot#er*i$e. A&& ob1ection$ ma%e at t#e time o( t#e e-amination to t#e .ua&i(ication$ o( t#e o((icer taking t#e %epo$ition' or to t#e manner o( ta&king it' or to t#e e,i%ence pre$ente%' or to t#e con%uct o( any party' an% any ot#er ob1ection to t#e procee%ing$' $#a&& be note% by t#e o((icer upon t#e %epo$ition. E,i%ence ob1ecte% to $#a&& be taken $ub1ect to t#e ob1ection$. In &ieu o( participating in t#e ora& e-amination' partie$ $er,e% *it# notice o( taking a %epo$ition may tran$mit *ritten interrogatorie$ to t#e o((icer$' *#o $#a&& propoun% t#em to t#e *itne$$ an% recor% t#e an$*er$ verbatim. !1=' R+3" Section 1>. Motion to terminate or imit e(amination . C At any time %uring t#e taking o( t#e %epo$ition' on motion or petition o( any party or o( t#e %eponent' an% upon a $#o*ing t#at t#e e-amination i$ being con%ucte% in ba% (ait# or in $uc# manner a$ unrea$onab&y to annoy' embarra$$' or oppre$$ t#e %eponent or party' t#e court in *#ic# t#e action i$ pen%ing or t#e Regiona& Tria& Court o( t#e p&ace *#ere t#e %epo$ition i$ being taken may or%er t#e o((icer con%ucting t#e e-amination to cea$e (ort#*it# (rom taking t#e %epo$ition' or may &imit t#e $cope an% manner o( t#e taking o( t#e %epo$ition' a$ pro,i%e% in $ection 17 o( t#i$ Ru&e. I( t#e or%er ma%e terminate$ t#e e-amination' it $#a&& be re$ume% t#erea(ter on&y upon t#e or%er o( t#e court in *#ic# t#e action i$ pen%ing. 4pon %eman% o( t#e ob1ecting party or %eponent' t#e taking o( t#e %epo$ition $#a&& be $u$pen%e% (or t#e time nece$$ary to make a notice (or an or%er. In granting or re(u$ing $uc# or%er' t#e court may impo$e upon eit#er party or upon t#e *itne$$ t#e re.uirement to pay $uc# co$t$ or e-pen$e$ a$ t#e court may %eem rea$onab&e. !1>a' R+3" Section 19. Submission to $itness0 changes0 signing. C <#en t#e

te$timony i$ (u&&y tran$cribe%' t#e %epo$ition $#a&& be $ubmitte% to t#e *itne$$ (or e-amination an% $#a&& be rea% to or by #im' un&e$$ $uc# e-amination an% rea%ing are *ai,e% by t#e *itne$$ an% by t#e partie$. Any c#ange$ in (orm or $ub$tance *#ic# t#e *itne$$ %e$ire$ to make $#a&& be entere% upon t#e %epo$ition by t#e o((icer *it# a $tatement o( t#e rea$on$ gi,en by t#e *itne$$ (or making t#em. T#e %epo$ition $#a&& t#en be $igne% by t#e *itne$$' un&e$$ t#e partie$ by $tipu&ation *ai,e t#e $igning or t#e *itne$$ i$ i&& or cannot be (oun% or re(u$e$ to $ign. I( t#e %epo$ition i$ not $igne% by t#e *itne$$' t#e o((icer $#a&& $ign it an% $tate on t#e recor% t#e (act o( t#e *ai,er or o( t#e i&&ne$$ or ab$ence o( t#e *itne$$ or t#e (act o( t#e re(u$a& to $ign toget#er *it# t#e rea$on be gi,en t#ere(or' i( any' an% t#e %epo$ition may t#en be u$e% a$ (u&&y a$ t#oug# $igne%' un&e$$ on a motion to $uppre$$ un%er $ection +9 !(" o( t#i$ Ru&e' t#e court #o&%$ t#at t#e rea$on$ gi,en (or t#e re(u$a& to $ign re.uire re1ection o( t#e %epo$ition in *#o&e or in part. !19a' R+3" Section +). Certification' and fi ing by officer. C T#e o((icer $#a&& certi(y on t#e %epo$ition t#at t#e *itne$$ *a$ %u&y $*orn to by #im an% t#at t#e %epo$ition i$ a true recor% o( t#e te$timony gi,en by t#e *itne$$. He $#a&& t#en $ecure&y $ea& t#e %epo$ition in an en,e&ope in%or$e% *it# t#e tit&e o( t#e action an% marke% D9epo$ition o( !#ere in$ert t#e name o( *itne$$"D an% $#a&& prompt&y (i&e it *it# t#e court in *#ic# t#e action i$ pen%ing or $en% it by regi$tere% mai& to t#e c&erk t#ereo( (or (i&ing. !+)' R+3" Section +1. ,otice of fi ing. C T#e o((icer taking t#e %epo$ition $#a&& gi,e prompt notice o( it$ (i&ing to a&& t#e partie$. !+1' R+3" Section ++. Furnishing copies. C 4pon payment o( rea$onab&e c#arge$ t#ere(or' t#e o((icer $#a&& (urni$# a copy o( t#e %epo$ition to any party or to t#e %eponent. !++' R+3" Section +3. Fai ure to attend of party giving notice. C I( t#e party gi,ing t#e notice o( t#e taking o( a %epo$ition (ai&$ to atten% an% procee% t#ere*it# an% anot#er atten%$ in per$on or by coun$e& pur$uant to t#e notice' t#e court may or%er t#e party gi,ing t#e notice to pay $uc# ot#er party t#e amount o( t#e rea$onab&e e-pen$e$ incurre% by #im an% #i$ coun$e& in $o atten%ing' inc&u%ing rea$onab&e attorneyG$ (ee$. !+3a' R+3" Section +3. Fai ure of party giving notice to serve subpoena. C I( t#e party gi,ing t#e notice o( t#e taking o( a %epo$ition o( a *itne$$ (ai&$ to $er,e a

$ubpoena upon #im an% t#e *itne$$ becau$e o( $uc# (ai&ure %oe$ not atten%' an% i( anot#er party atten%$ in per$on or by coun$e& becau$e #e e-pect$ t#e %epo$ition o( t#at *itne$$ to be taken' t#e court may or%er t#e party gi,ing t#e notice to pay to $uc# ot#er party t#e amount o( t#e rea$onab&e e-pen$e$ incurre% by #im an% #i$ coun$e& in $o atten%ing' inc&u%ing rea$onab&e attorneyG$ (ee$. !+3a' R+3" Section +/. /eposition upon $ritten interrogatories0 service of notice and of interrogatories. C A party %e$iring to take t#e %epo$ition o( any per$on upon *ritten interrogatorie$ $#a&& $er,e t#em upon e,ery ot#er party *it# a notice $tating t#e name an% a%%re$$ o( t#e per$on *#o i$ to an$*er t#em an% t#e name or %e$cripti,e tit&e an% a%%re$$ o( t#e o((icer be(ore *#om t#e %epo$ition i$ to be taken. <it#in ten !1)" %ay$ t#erea(ter' a party $o $er,e% may $er,e cro$$ interrogatorie$ upon t#e party propo$ing to take t#e %epo$ition. <it#in (i,e !/" %ay$ t#erea(ter' t#e &atter may $er,e re %irect interrogatorie$ upon a party *#o #a$ $er,e% cro$$ interrogatorie$. <it#in t#ree !3" %ay$ a(ter being $er,e% *it# re %irect interrogatorie$' a party may $er,e recro$$ interrogatorie$ upon t#e party propo$ing to take t#e %epo$ition. !+/' R+3" Section +7. Officers to take responses and prepare record. C A copy o( t#e notice an% copie$ o( a&& interrogatorie$ $er,e% $#a&& be %e&i,ere% by t#e party taking t#e %epo$ition to t#e o((icer %e$ignate% in t#e notice' *#o $#a&& procee% prompt&y' in t#e manner pro,i%e% by $ection$ 1=' 19 an% +) o( t#i$ Ru&e' to take t#e te$timony o( t#e *itne$$ in re$pon$e to t#e interrogatorie$ an% to prepare' certi(y' an% (i&e or mai& t#e %epo$ition' attac#ing t#ereto t#e copy o( t#e notice an% t#e interrogatorie$ recei,e% by #im. !+7' R+3" Section +=. ,otice of fi ing and furnishing copies. C <#en a %epo$ition upon interrogatorie$ i$ (i&e%' t#e o((icer taking it $#a&& prompt&y gi,e notice t#ereo( to a&& t#e partie$' an% may (urni$# copie$ to t#em or to t#e %eponent upon payment o( rea$onab&e c#arge$ t#ere(or. !+=' R+3" Section +>. Order for the protection of parties and deponents. C A(ter t#e $er,ice o( t#e interrogatorie$ an% prior to t#e taking o( t#e te$timony o( t#e %eponent' t#e court in *#ic# t#e action i$ pen%ing' on motion prompt&y ma%e by a party or a %eponent' an% (or goo% cau$e $#o*n' may make any or%er $peci(ie% in $ection$ 1/' 17 an% 1> o( t#i$ Ru&e *#ic# i$ appropriate an% 1u$t or an or%er t#at t#e %epo$ition $#a&& not be taken be(ore t#e o((icer

%e$ignate% in t#e notice or t#at it $#a&& not be taken e-cept upon ora& e-amination. !+>a' R+3" Section +9. 'ffect of errors and irregu arities in depositions. C !a" !s to notice. C A&& error$ an% irregu&aritie$ in t#e notice (or taking a %epo$ition are *ai,e% un&e$$ *ritten ob1ection i$ prompt&y $er,e% upon t#e party gi,ing t#e notice. !b" !s to dis8ua ification of officer. C ?b1ection to taking a %epo$ition becau$e o( %i$.ua&i(ication o( t#e o((icer be(ore *#om it i$ to be taken i$ *ai,e% un&e$$ ma%e be(ore t#e taking o( t#e %epo$ition begin$ or a$ $oon t#erea(ter a$ t#e %i$.ua&i(ication become$ kno*n or cou&% be %i$co,ere% *it# rea$onab&e %i&igence. !c" !s to competency or re evancy of evidence . C ?b1ection$ to t#e competency o( *itne$$ or t#e competency' re&e,ancy' or materia&ity o( te$timony are not *ai,e% by (ai&ure to make t#em be(ore or %uring t#e taking o( t#e %epo$ition' un&e$$ t#e groun%' o( t#e ob1ection i$ one *#ic# mig#t #a,e been ob,iate% or remo,e% i( pre$ente% at t#at time. !%" !s to ora e(amination and other particu ars. C Error$ an% irregu&aritie$ occurring at t#e ora& e-amination in t#e manner o( taking t#e %epo$ition in t#e (orm o( t#e .ue$tion$ or an$*er$' in t#e oat# or a((irmation' or in t#e con%uct o( t#e partie$ an% error$ o( any kin% *#ic# mig#t be ob,iate%' remo,e%' or cure% i( prompt&y pro$ecute%' are *ai,e% un&e$$ rea$onab&e ob1ection t#ereto i$ ma%e at t#e taking o( t#e %epo$ition. !e" !s to form of $ritten interrogatories . C ?b1ection$ to t#e (orm o( *ritten interrogatorie$ $ubmitte% un%er $ection$ +/ an% +7 o( t#i$ Ru&e are *ai,e% un&e$$ $er,e% in *riting upon t#e party propoun%ing t#em *it#in t#e time a&&o*e% (or $er,ing $uccee%ing cro$$ or ot#er interrogatorie$ an% *it#in t#ree !3" %ay$ a(ter $er,ice o( t#e &a$t interrogatorie$ aut#ori2e%. !(" !s to manner of preparation. C Error$ an% irregu&aritie$ in t#e manner in *#ic# t#e te$timony i$ tran$cribe% or t#e %epo$ition i$ prepare%' $igne%' certi(ie%' $ea&e%' in%or$e%' tran$mitte%' (i&e%' or ot#er*i$e %ea&t *it# by t#e o((icer un%er $ection$ 1=' 19' +) an% +7 o( t#i$ Ru&e are *ai,e% un&e$$ a motion to $uppre$$ t#e %epo$ition or $ome part t#ereo( i$ ma%e *it# rea$onab&e promptne$$ a(ter $uc# %e(ect i$' or *it# %ue %i&igence mig#t

#a,e been' a$certaine%. !+9a' R+3"

R4:E +3 9epo$ition$ 8e(ore Action or Pen%ing Appea& Section 1. /epositions before action0 petition. C A per$on *#o %e$ire$ to perpetuate #i$ o*n te$timony or t#at o( anot#er per$on regar%ing any matter t#at may be cogni2ab&e in any court o( t#e P#i&ippine$ may (i&e a ,eri(ie% petition in t#e court o( t#e p&ace o( t#e re$i%ence o( any e-pecte% a%,er$e party. !1a R133" Section +. Contents of petition. C T#e petition $#a&& be entit&e% in t#e name o( t#e petitioner an% $#a&& $#o*5 !a" t#at t#e petitioner e-pect$ to be a party to an action in a court o( t#e P#i&ippine$ but i$ pre$ent&y unab&e to bring it or cau$e it to be broug#t0 !b" t#e $ub1ect matter o( t#e e-pecte% action an% #i$ intere$t t#erein0 !c" t#e (act$ *#ic# #e %e$ire$ to e$tab&i$# by t#e propo$e% te$timony an% #i$ rea$on$ (or %e$iring to perpetuate it0 !%" t#e name$ or a %e$cription o( t#e per$on$ #e e-pect$ *i&& be a%,er$e partie$ an% t#eir a%%re$$e$ $o (ar a$ kno*n0 an% !e" t#e name$ an% a%%re$$e$ o( t#e per$on$ to be e-amine% an% t#e $ub$tance o( t#e te$timony *#ic# #e e-pect$ to e&icit (rom eac#' an% $#a&& a$k (or an or%er aut#ori2ing t#e petitioner to take t#e %epo$ition$ o( t#e per$on$ to be e-amine% name% in t#e petition (or t#e purpo$e o( perpetuating t#eir te$timony. !+' R133" Section 3. ,otice and service. C T#e petitioner $#a&& $er,e a notice upon eac# per$on name% in t#e petition a$ an e-pecte% a%,er$e party' toget#er *it# a copy o( t#e petition' $tating t#at t#e petitioner *i&& app&y to t#e court' at a time an% p&ace name% t#erein' (or t#e or%er %e$cribe% in t#e petition. At &ea$t t*enty !+)" %ay$ be(ore t#e %ate o( t#e #earing' t#e court $#a&& cau$e notice t#ereo( to be $er,e% on t#e partie$ an% pro$pecti,e %eponent$ in t#e manner pro,i%e% (or $er,ice o( $ummon$. !3a' R133" Section 3. Order and e(amination. C I( t#e court i$ $ati$(ie% t#at t#e perpetuation o( t#e te$timony may pre,ent a (ai&ure or %e&ay o( 1u$tice' it $#a&& make an or%er %e$ignating or %e$cribing t#e per$on$ *#o$e %epo$ition may be taken an% $peci(ying t#e $ub1ect matter o( t#e e-amination an%

*#et#er t#e %epo$ition$ $#a&& be taken upon ora& e-amination or *ritten interrogatorie$. T#e %epo$ition$ may be taken in accor%ance *it# Ru&e +3 be(ore t#e #earing. !3a' R133" Section /. )eference to court. C @or t#e purpo$e o( app&ying Ru&e +3 to %epo$ition$ (or perpetuating te$timony' eac# re(erence t#erein to t#e court in *#ic# t#e action i$ pen%ing $#a&& be %eeme% to re(er to t#e court in *#ic# t#e petition (or $uc# %epo$ition *a$ (i&e%. !/a' R133" Section 7. .se of deposition. C I( a %epo$ition to perpetuate te$timony i$ taken un%er t#i$ Ru&e' or i(' a&t#oug# not $o taken' it *ou&% be a%mi$$ib&e in e,i%ence' it may be u$e% in any action in,o&,ing t#e $ame $ub1ect matter $ub $e.uent&y broug#t in accor%ance *it# t#e pro,i$ion$ o( $ection$ 3 an% / o( Ru&e +3. !7a' R133" Section =. /epositions pending appea . C I( an appea& #a$ been taken (rom a 1u%gment o( a court' inc&u%ing t#e Court o( Appea&$ in proper ca$e$' or be(ore t#e taking o( an appea& i( t#e time t#ere(or #a$ not e-pire%' t#e court in *#ic# t#e 1u%gment *a$ ren%ere% may a&&o* t#e taking o( %epo$ition$ o( *itne$$e$ to perpetuate t#eir te$timony (or in t#e e,ent o( (urt#er procee%ing$ in t#e $ai% court. In $uc# ca$e t#e party *#o %e$ire$ to perpetuate t#e te$timony may make a motion in t#e $ai% court (or &ea,e to take t#e %epo$ition$' upon t#e $ame notice an% $er,ice t#ereo( a$ i( t#e action *a$ pen%ing t#erein. T#e motion $#a&& $tate !a" t#e name$ an% a%%re$$e$ o( t#e per$on$ to be e-amine% an% t#e $ub$tance o( t#e te$timony *#ic# #e e-pect$ to e&icit (rom eac#' an% !b" t#e rea$on (or perpetuating t#eir te$timony. I( t#e court (in%$ t#at t#e perpetuation o( t#e te$timony i$ proper to a,oi% a (ai&ure or %e&ay o( 1u$tice' it may make an or%er a&&o*ing t#e %epo$ition to be taken' an% t#ereupon t#e %epo$ition$ may be taken an% u$e% in t#e $ame manner an% un%er t#e $ame con%ition$ a$ are pre$cribe% in t#e$e Ru&e$ (or %epo$ition$ taken in pen%ing action$. !=a' R133"

R4:E +/ Interrogatorie$ to Partie$


Section 1. "nterrogatories to parties0 service thereof. C 4n%er t#e $ame con%ition$ $peci(ie% in $ection 1 o( Ru&e +3' any party %e$iring to e&icit materia& an% re&e,ant (act$ (rom any a%,er$e partie$ $#a&& (i&e an% $er,e upon t#e &atter *ritten interrogatorie$ to be an$*ere% by t#e party $er,e% or' i( t#e party $er,e% i$ a pub&ic or pri,ate corporation or a partner$#ip or a$$ociation' by any o((icer t#ereo( competent to te$ti(y in it$ be#a&(. !1a" Section +. !ns$er to interrogatories. C T#e interrogatorie$ $#a&& be an$*ere% (u&&y in *riting an% $#a&& be $igne% an% $*orn to by t#e per$on making t#em. T#e party upon *#om t#e interrogatorie$ #a,e been $er,e% $#a&& (i&e an% $er,e a copy o( t#e an$*er$ on t#e party $ubmitting t#e interrogatorie$ *it#in (i(teen !1/" %ay$ a(ter $er,ice t#ereo( un&e$$ t#e court on motion an% (or goo% cau$e $#o*n' e-ten%$ or $#orten$ t#e time. !+a" Section 3. Ob%ections to interrogatories. C ?b1ection$ to any interrogatorie$ may be pre$ente% to t#e court *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ a(ter $er,ice t#ereo(' *it# notice a$ in ca$e o( a motion0 an% an$*er$ $#a&& be %e(erre% unti& t#e ob1ection$ are re$o&,e%' *#ic# $#a&& be at a$ ear&y a time a$ i$ practicab&e. !3a" Section 3. ,umber of interrogatories. C Bo party may' *it#out &ea,e o( court' $er,e more t#an one $et o( interrogatorie$ to be an$*ere% by t#e $ame party. !3" Section /. Scope and use of interrogatories. C Interrogatorie$ may re&ate to any matter$ t#at can be in.uire% into un%er $ection + o( Ru&e +3' an% t#e an$*er$ may be u$e% (or t#e $ame purpo$e$ pro,i%e% in $ection 3 o( t#e $ame Ru&e. !/a" Section 7. 'ffect of fai ure to serve $ritten interrogatories . C 4n&e$$ t#erea(ter a&&o*e% by t#e court (or goo% cau$e $#o*n an% to pre,ent a (ai&ure o( 1u$tice' a party not $er,e% *it# *ritten interrogatorie$ may not be compe&&e% by t#e a%,er$e party to gi,e te$timony in open court' or to gi,e a %epo$ition pen%ing appea&. !n"

R4:E +7

A%mi$$ion by A%,er$e Party Section 1. )e8uest for admission. C At any time a(ter i$$ue$ #a,e been 1oine%' a party may (i&e an% $er,e upon any ot#er party may (i&e an% $er,e upon any ot#er party a *ritten re.ue$t (or t#e a%mi$$ion by t#e &atter o( t#e genuinene$$ o( any materia& an% re&e,ant %ocument %e$cribe% in an% e-#ibite% *it# t#e re.ue$t or o( t#e trut# o( any materia& an% re&e,ant matter o( (act $et (ort# in t#e re.ue$t. Copie$ o( t#e %ocument$ $#a&& be %e&i,ere% *it# t#e re.ue$t un&e$$ copy #a,e a&rea%y been (urni$#e%. !1a" Section +. "mp ied admission. C Eac# o( t#e matter$ o( *#ic# an a%mi$$ion i$ re.ue$te% $#a&& be %eeme% a%mitte% un&e$$' *it#in a perio% %e$ignate% in t#e re.ue$t' *#ic# $#a&& not be &e$$ t#an (i(teen !1/" %ay$ a(ter $er,ice t#ereo(' or *it#in $uc# (urt#er time a$ t#e court may a&&o* on motion' t#e party to *#om t#e re.ue$t i$ %irecte% (i&e$ an% $er,e$ upon t#e party re.ue$ting t#e a%mi$$ion a $*orn $tatement eit#er %enying $peci(ica&&y t#e matter$ o( *#ic# an a%mi$$ion i$ re.ue$te% or $etting (ort# in %etai& t#e rea$on$ *#y #e cannot trut#(u&&y eit#er a%mit or %eny t#o$e matter$. ?b1ection$ to any re.ue$t (or a%mi$$ion $#a&& be $ubmitte% to t#e court by t#e party re.ue$te% *it#in t#e perio% (or an% prior to t#e (i&ing o( #i$ $*orn $tatement a$ contemp&ate% in t#e prece%ing paragrap# an% #i$ comp&iance t#ere*it# $#a&& be %e(erre% unti& $uc# ob1ection$ are re$o&,e%' *#ic# re$o&ution $#a&& be ma%e a$ ear&y a$ practicab&e. !+a" Section 3. 'ffect of admission. C Any a%mi$$ion ma%e by a party pur$uant to $uc# re.ue$t i$ (or t#e purpo$e o( t#e pen%ing action on&y an% $#a&& not con$titute an a%mi$$ion by #im (or any ot#er purpo$e nor may t#e $ame be u$e% again$t #im in any ot#er procee%ing. !3" Section 3. +ithdra$a . C T#e court may a&&o* t#e party making an a%mi$$ion un%er t#e Ru&e' *#et#er e-pre$$ or imp&ie%' to *it#%ra* or amen% it upon $uc# term$ a$ may be 1u$t. !3" Section /. 'ffect of fai ure to fi e and serve re8uest for admission . C 4n&e$$ ot#er*i$e a&&o*e% by t#e court (or goo% cau$e $#o*n an% to pre,ent a (ai&ure o( 1u$tice a party *#o (ai&$ to (i&e an% $er,e a re.ue$t (or a%mi$$ion on t#e a%,er$e party o( materia& an% re&e,ant (act$ at i$$ue *#ic# are' or oug#t to be' *it#in t#e per$ona& kno*&e%ge o( t#e &atter' $#a&& not be permitte% to pre$ent e,i%ence on $uc# (act$. !n"

R4:E += Pro%uction or In$pection o( 9ocument$ or T#ing$ Section 1. Motion for production or inspection0 order. C 4pon motion o( any party $#o*ing goo% cau$e t#ere(or' t#e court in *#ic# an action i$ pen%ing may !a" or%er any party to pro%uce an% permit t#e in$pection an% copying or p#otograp#ing' by or on be#a&( o( t#e mo,ing party' o( any %e$ignate% %ocument$' paper$' book$' account$' &etter$' p#otograp#$' ob1ect$ or tangib&e t#ing$' not pri,i&ege%' *#ic# con$titute or contain e,i%ence materia& to any matter in,o&,e% in t#e action an% *#ic# are in #i$ po$$e$$ion' cu$to%y or contro&' or !b" or%er any party to permit entry upon %e$ignate% &an% or ot#er property in #i$ po$$e$$ion or contro& (or t#e purpo$e o( in$pecting' mea$uring' $ur,eying' or p#otograp#ing t#e property or any %e$ignate% re&e,ant ob1ect or operation t#ereon. T#e or%er $#a&& $peci(y t#e time' p&ace an% manner o( making t#e in$pection an% taking copie$ an% p#otograp#$' an% may pre$cribe $uc# term$ an% con%ition$ a$ are 1u$t. !1a"

R4:E +> P#y$ica& an% 6enta& E-amination o( Per$on$ Section 1. +hen e(amination may be ordered. C In an action in *#ic# t#e menta& or p#y$ica& con%ition o( a party i$ in contro,er$y' t#e court in *#ic# t#e action i$ pen%ing may in it$ %i$cretion or%er #im to $ubmit to a p#y$ica& or menta& e-amination by a p#y$ician. !1" Section +. Order for e(amination. C T#e or%er (or e-amination may be ma%e on&y on motion (or goo% cau$e $#o*n an% upon notice to t#e party to be e-amine% an% to a&& ot#er partie$' an% $#a&& $peci(y t#e time' p&ace' manner' con%ition$ an% $cope o( t#e e-amination an% t#e per$on or per$on$ by *#om it i$ to be ma%e. !+" Section 3. )eport of findings. C I( re.ue$te% by t#e party e-amine%' t#e

party cau$ing t#e e-amination to be ma%e $#a&& %e&i,er to #im a copy o( a %etai&e% *ritten report o( t#e e-amining p#y$ician $etting out #i$ (in%ing$ an% conc&u$ion$. A(ter $uc# re.ue$t an% %e&i,ery' t#e party cau$ing t#e e-amination to be ma%e $#a&& be entit&e% upon re.ue$t to recei,e (rom t#e party e-amine% a &ike report o( any e-amination' pre,iou$&y or t#erea(ter ma%e' o( t#e $ame menta& or p#y$ica& con%ition. I( t#e party e-amine% re(u$e$ to %e&i,er $uc# report' t#e court on motion an% notice may make an or%er re.uiring %e&i,ery on $uc# term$ a$ are 1u$t' an% i( a p#y$ician (ai&$ or re(u$e$ to make $uc# a report t#e court may e-c&u%e #i$ te$timony i( o((ere% at t#e tria&. !3a" Section 3. +aiver of privi ege. C 8y re.ue$ting an% obtaining a report o( t#e e-amination $o or%ere% or by taking t#e %epo$ition o( t#e e-aminer' t#e party e-amine% *ai,e$ any pri,i&ege #e may #a,e in t#at action or any ot#er in,o&,ing t#e $ame contro,er$y' regar%ing t#e te$timony o( e,ery ot#er per$on *#o #a$ e-amine% or may t#erea(ter e-amine #im in re$pect o( t#e $ame menta& or p#y$ica& e-amination. !3"

R4:E +9 Re(u$a& to Comp&y *it# 6o%e$ o( 9i$co,ery Section 1. )efusa to ans$er. C I( a party or ot#er %eponent re(u$e$ to an$*er any .ue$tion upon ora& e-amination' t#e e-amination may be comp&ete% on ot#er matter$ or a%1ourne% a$ t#e proponent o( t#e .ue$tion may pre(er. T#e proponent may t#erea(ter app&y to t#e proper court o( t#e p&ace *#ere t#e %epo$ition i$ being taken' (or an or%er to compe& an an$*er. T#e $ame proce%ure may be a,ai&e% o( *#en a party or a *itne$$ re(u$e$ to an$*er any interrogatory $ubmitte% un%er Ru&e$ +3 or +/. I( t#e app&ication i$ grante%' t#e court $#a&& re.uire t#e re(u$ing party or %eponent to an$*er t#e .ue$tion or interrogatory an% i( it a&$o (in%$ t#at t#e re(u$a& to an$*er *a$ *it#out $ub$tantia& 1u$ti(ication' it may re.uire t#e re(u$ing party or %eponent or t#e coun$e& a%,i$ing t#e re(u$a&' or bot# o( t#em' to pay t#e proponent t#e amount o( t#e rea$onab&e e-pen$e$ incurre% in obtaining t#e or%er' inc&u%ing attorneyG$ (ee$.

I( t#e app&ication i$ %enie% an% t#e court (in%$ t#at it *a$ (i&e% *it#out $ub$tantia& 1u$ti(ication' t#e court may re.uire t#e proponent or t#e coun$e& a%,i$ing t#e (i&ing o( t#e app&ication' or bot# o( t#em' to pay to t#e re(u$ing party or %eponent t#e amount o( t#e rea$onab&e e-pen$e$ incurre% in oppo$ing t#e app&ication' inc&u%ing attorneyG$ (ee$. !1a" Section +. Contempt of court. C I( a party or ot#er *itne$$ re(u$e$ to be $*orn or re(u$e$ to an$*er any .ue$tion a(ter being %irecte% to %o $o by t#e court o( t#e p&ace in *#ic# t#e %epo$ition i$ being taken' t#e re(u$a& may be con$i%ere% a contempt o( t#at court. !+a" Section 3. Other conse8uences. C I( any party or an o((icer or managing agent o( a party re(u$e$ to obey an or%er ma%e un%er $ection 1 o( t#i$ Ru&e re.uiring #im to an$*er %e$ignate% .ue$tion$' or an or%er un%er Ru&e += to pro%uce any %ocument or ot#er t#ing (or in$pection' copying' or p#otograp#ing or to permit it to be %one' or to permit entry upon &an% or ot#er property or an or%er ma%e un%er Ru&e +> re.uiring #im to $ubmit to a p#y$ica& or menta& e-amination' t#e court may make $uc# or%er$ in regar% to t#e re(u$a& a$ are 1u$t' an% among ot#er$ t#e (o&&o*ing5 !a" An or%er t#at t#e matter$ regar%ing *#ic# t#e .ue$tion$ *ere a$ke%' or t#e c#aracter or %e$cription o( t#e t#ing or &an%' or t#e content$ o( t#e paper' or t#e p#y$ica& or menta& con%ition o( t#e party' or any ot#er %e$ignate% (act$ $#a&& be taken to be e$tab&i$#e% (or t#e purpo$e$ o( t#e action in accor%ance *it# t#e c&aim o( t#e party obtaining t#e or%er0 !b" An or%er re(u$ing to a&&o* t#e %i$obe%ient party to $upport or oppo$e %e$ignate% c&aim$ or %e(en$e$ or pro#ibiting #im (rom intro%ucing in e,i%ence %e$ignate% %ocument$ or t#ing$ or item$ o( te$timony' or (rom intro%ucing e,i%ence o( p#y$ica& or menta& con%ition0 !c" An or%er $triking out p&ea%ing$ or part$ t#ereo(' or $taying (urt#er procee%ing$ unti& t#e or%er i$ obeye%' or %i$mi$$ing t#e action or procee%ing or any part t#ereo(' or ren%ering a 1u%gment by %e(au&t again$t t#e %i$obe%ient party0 an% !%" In &ieu o( any o( t#e (oregoing or%er$ or in a%%ition t#ereto' an or%er %irecting t#e arre$t o( any party or agent o( a party (or %i$obeying any o( $uc# or%er$ e-cept an or%er to $ubmit to a p#y$ica& or menta& e-amination. !3a"

Section 3. '(penses on refusa to admit. C I( a party a(ter being $er,e% *it# a re.ue$t un%er Ru&e +7 to a%mit t#e genuinene$$ o( any %ocument or t#e trut# o( any matter o( (act $er,e$ a $*orn %enia& t#ereo( an% i( t#e party re.ue$ting t#e a%mi$$ion$ t#erea(ter pro,e$ t#e genuinene$$ o( $uc# %ocument or t#e trut# o( any $uc# matter o( (act' #e may app&y to t#e court (or an or%er re.uiring t#e ot#er party to pay #im t#e rea$onab&e e-pen$e$ incurre% in making $uc# proo(' inc&u%ing attorneyG$ (ee$. 4n&e$$ t#e court (in%$ t#at t#ere *ere goo% rea$on$ (or t#e %enia& or t#at a%mi$$ion$ $oug#t *ere o( no $ub$tantia& importance' $uc# or%er $#a&& be i$$ue%. !3a" Section /. Fai ure of party to attend or serve ans$ers. C I( a party or an o((icer or managing agent o( a party *i&(u&&y (ai&$ to appear be(ore t#e o((icer *#o i$ to take #i$ %epo$ition' a(ter being $er,e% *it# a proper notice' or (ai&$ to $er,e an$*er$ to interrogatorie$ $ubmitte% un%er Ru&e +/ a(ter proper $er,ice o( $uc# interrogatorie$' t#e court on motion an% notice' may $trike out a&& or any part o( any p&ea%ing o( t#at party' or %i$mi$$ t#e action or procee%ing or any part t#ereo(' or enter a 1u%gment by %e(au&t again$t t#at party' an% in it$ %i$cretion' or%er #im to pay rea$onab&e e-pen$e$ incurre% by t#e ot#er' inc&u%ing attorneyG$ (ee$. !/" Section 7. '(penses against the )epub ic of the Phi ippines . C E-pen$e$ an% attorneyG$ (ee$ are not to be impo$e% upon t#e Repub&ic o( t#e P#i&ippine$ un%er t#i$ Ru&e. !7"



Pro,i$iona& Reme%ie$ R4:E /= Pre&iminary Attac#ment

Section 1. 0rounds upon $hich attachment may issue. C At t#e commencement o( t#e action or at any time be(ore entry o( 1u%gment' a p&ainti(( or any proper party may #a,e t#e property o( t#e a%,er$e party attac#e% a$ $ecurity (or t#e $ati$(action o( any 1u%gment t#at may be reco,ere% in t#e (o&&o*ing ca$e$5 !a" In an action (or t#e reco,ery o( a $peci(ie% amount o( money or %amage$' ot#er t#an mora& an% e-emp&ary' on a cau$e o( action ari$ing (rom &a*' contract' .ua$i contract' %e&ict or .ua$i %e&ict again$t a party *#o i$ about to %epart (rom t#e P#i&ippine$ *it# intent to %e(rau% #i$ cre%itor$0 !b" In an action (or money or property embe22&e% or (rau%u&ent&y mi$app&ie% or con,erte% to #i$ o*n u$e by a pub&ic o((icer' or an o((icer o( a corporation' or an attorney' (actor' broker' agent' or c&erk' in t#e cour$e o( #i$ emp&oyment a$ $uc#' or by any ot#er per$on in a (i%uciary capacity' or (or a *i&&(u& ,io&ation o( %uty0 !c" In an action to reco,er t#e po$$e$$ion o( property un1u$t&y or (rau%u&ent&y taken' %etaine% or con,erte%' *#en t#e property' or any part t#ereo(' #a$ been concea&e%' remo,e%' or %i$po$e% o( to pre,ent it$ being (oun% or taken by t#e app&icant or an aut#ori2e% per$on0 !%" In an action again$t a party *#o #a$ been gui&ty o( a (rau% in contracting t#e %ebt or incurring t#e ob&igation upon *#ic# t#e action i$ broug#t' or in t#e per(ormance t#ereo(0 !e" In an action again$t a party *#o #a$ remo,e% or %i$po$e% o( #i$ property' or i$ about to %o $o' *it# intent to %e(rau% #i$ cre%itor$0 or !(" In an action again$t a party *#o %oe$ not re$i%e an% i$ not (oun% in t#e P#i&ippine$' or on *#om $ummon$ may be $er,e% by pub&ication. !1a" Section +. "ssuance and contents of order. C An or%er o( attac#ment may be i$$ue% eit#er e( parte or upon motion *it# notice an% #earing by t#e court in *#ic# t#e action i$ pen%ing' or by t#e Court o( Appea&$ or t#e

Supreme Court' an% mu$t re.uire t#e $#eri(( o( t#e court to attac# $o muc# o( t#e property in t#e P#i&ippine$ o( t#e party again$t *#om it i$ i$$ue%' not e-empt (rom e-ecution' a$ may be $u((icient to $ati$(y t#e app&icantG$ %eman%' un&e$$ $uc# party make$ %epo$it or gi,e$ a bon% a$ #ereina(ter pro,i%e% in an amount to t#at (i-e% in t#e or%er' *#ic# may be t#e amount $u((icient to $ati$(y t#e app&icantG$ %eman% or t#e ,a&ue o( t#e property to be attac#e% a$ $tate% by t#e app&icant' e-c&u$i,e o( co$t$. Se,era& *rit$ may be i$$ue% at t#e $ame time to t#e $#eri(($ o( t#e court$ o( %i((erent 1u%icia& region$. !+a" Section 3. !ffidavit and bond re8uired. C An or%er o( attac#ment $#a&& be grante% on&y *#en it appear$ by t#e a((i%a,it o( t#e app&icant' or o( $ome ot#er per$on *#o per$ona&&y kno*$ t#e (act$' t#at a $u((icient cau$e o( action e-i$t$' t#at t#e ca$e i$ one o( t#o$e mentione% in $ection 1 #ereo(' t#at t#ere i$ no ot#er $u((icient $ecurity (or t#e c&aim $oug#t to be en(orce% by t#e action' an% t#at t#e amount %ue to t#e app&icant' or t#e ,a&ue o( t#e property t#e po$$e$$ion o( *#ic# #e i$ entit&e% to reco,er' i$ a$ muc# a$ t#e $um (or *#ic# t#e or%er i$ grante% abo,e a&& &ega& counterc&aim$. T#e a((i%a,it' an% t#e bon% re.uire% by t#e ne-t $uccee%ing $ection' mu$t be %u&y (i&e% *it# t#e court be(ore t#e or%er i$$ue$. !3a" Section 3. Condition of app icant;s bond. C T#e party app&ying (or t#e or%er mu$t t#erea(ter gi,e a bon% e-ecute% to t#e a%,er$e party in t#e amount (i-e% by t#e court in it$ or%er granting t#e i$$uance o( t#e *rit' con%itione% t#at t#e &atter *i&& pay a&& t#e co$t$ *#ic# may be a%1u%ge% to t#e a%,er$e party an% a&& %amage$ *#ic# #e may $u$tain by rea$on o( t#e attac#ment' i( t#e court $#a&& (ina&&y a%1u%ge t#at t#e app&icant *a$ not entit&e% t#ereto. !3a" Section /. Manner of attaching property. C T#e $#eri(( en(orcing t#e *rit $#a&& *it#out %e&ay an% *it# a&& rea$onab&e %i&igence attac#' to a*ait 1u%gment an% e-ecution in t#e action' on&y $o muc# o( t#e property in t#e P#i&ippine$ o( t#e party again$t *#om t#e *rit i$ i$$ue%' not e-empt (rom e-ecution' a$ may be $u((icient to $ati$(y t#e app&icantG$ %eman%' un&e$$ t#e (ormer make$ a %epo$it *it# t#e court (rom *#ic# t#e *rit i$ i$$ue%' or gi,e$ a counter bon% e-ecute% to t#e app&icant' in an amount to t#e bon% (i-e% by t#e court in t#e or%er o( attac#ment or to t#e ,a&ue o( t#e property to be attac#e%' e-c&u$i,e o( co$t$. Bo &e,y on attac#ment pur$uant to t#e *rit i$$ue% un%er $ection + #ereo( $#a&& be en(orce% un&e$$ it i$ prece%e%' or contemporaneou$&y accompanie%' by $er,ice o( $ummon$' toget#er *it# a

copy o( t#e comp&aint' t#e app&ication (or attac#ment t#e app&icantG$ a((i%a,it an% bon%' an% t#e or%er an% *rit o( attac#ment' on t#e %e(en%ant *it#in t#e P#i&ippine$. T#e re.uirement o( prior or contemporaneou$ $er,ice o( $ummon$ $#a&& not app&y *#ere t#e $ummon$ cou&% not be $er,e% per$ona&&y or by $ub$titute% $er,ice %e$pite %i&igent e((ort$' or t#e %e(en%ant i$ a re$i%ent o( t#e P#i&ippine$ temporari&y ab$ent t#ere(rom' or t#e %e(en%ant i$ a non re$i%ent o( t#e P#i&ippine$' or t#e action i$ one in rem or 8uasi in rem. !/a" Section 7. Sheriff;s return. C A(ter en(orcing t#e *rit' t#e $#eri(( mu$t &ike*i$e *it#out %e&ay make a return t#ereon to t#e court (rom *#ic# t#e *rit i$$ue%' *it# a (u&& $tatement o( #i$ procee%ing$ un%er t#e *rit an% a comp&ete in,entory o( t#e property attac#e%' toget#er *it# any counter bon% gi,en by t#e party again$t *#om attac#ment i$ i$$ue%' an% $er,e copie$ t#ereo( on t#e app&icant. !7a" Section =. !ttachment of rea and persona property0 recording thereof. C Rea& an% per$ona& property $#a&& be attac#e% by t#e $#eri(( e-ecuting t#e *rit in t#e (o&&o*ing manner5 !a" Rea& property' or gro*ing crop$ t#ereon' or any intere$t t#erein' $tan%ing upon t#e recor% o( t#e regi$try o( %ee%$ o( t#e pro,ince in t#e name o( t#e party again$t *#om attac#ment i$ i$$ue%' or not appearing at a&& upon $uc# recor%$' or be&onging to t#e party again$t *#om attac#ment i$ i$$ue% an% #e&% by any ot#er per$on' or $tan%ing on t#e recor%$ o( t#e regi$try o( %ee%$ in t#e name o( any ot#er per$on' by (i&ing *it# t#e regi$try o( %ee%$ a copy o( t#e or%er' toget#er *it# a %e$cription o( t#e property attac#e%' an% a notice t#at it i$ attac#e%' or t#at $uc# rea& property an% any intere$t t#erein #e&% by or $tan%ing in t#e name o( $uc# ot#er per$on are attac#e%' an% by &ea,ing a copy o( $uc# or%er' %e$cription' an% notice *it# t#e occupant o( t#e property' i( any' or *it# $uc# ot#er per$on or #i$ agent i( (oun% *it#in t#e pro,ince. <#ere t#e property #a$ been broug#t un%er t#e operation o( eit#er t#e :an% Regi$tration Act or t#e Property Regi$tration 9ecree' t#e notice $#a&& contain a re(erence to t#e number o( t#e certi(icate o( tit&e' t#e ,o&ume an% page in t#e regi$tration book *#ere t#e certi(icate i$ regi$tere%' an% t#e regi$tere% o*ner or o*ner$ t#ereo(. T#e regi$trar o( %ee%$ mu$t in%e- attac#ment$ (i&e% un%er t#i$ $ection in t#e name$ o( t#e app&icant' t#e a%,er$e party' or t#e per$on by *#om t#e

property i$ #e&% or in *#o$e name it $tan%$ in t#e recor%$. I( t#e attac#ment i$ not c&aime% on t#e entire area o( t#e &an% co,ere% by t#e certi(icate o( tit&e' a %e$cription $u((icient&y accurate (or t#e i%enti(ication o( t#e &an% or intere$t to be a((ecte% $#a&& be inc&u%e% in t#e regi$tration o( $uc# attac#ment0 !b" Per$ona& property capab&e o( manua& %e&i,ery' by taking an% $a(e&y keeping it in #i$ cu$to%y' a(ter i$$uing t#e corre$pon%ing receipt t#ere(or. !c" Stock$ or $#are$' or an intere$t in $tock$ or $#are$' o( any corporation or company' by &ea,ing *it# t#e pre$i%ent or managing agent t#ereo(' a copy o( t#e *rit' an% a notice $tating t#at t#e $tock or intere$t o( t#e party again$t *#om t#e attac#ment i$ i$$ue% i$ attac#e% in pur$uance o( $uc# *rit0 !%" 9ebt$ an% cre%it$' inc&u%ing bank %epo$it$' (inancia& intere$t' roya&tie$' commi$$ion$ an% ot#er per$ona& property not capab&e o( manua& %e&i,ery' by &ea,ing *it# t#e per$on o*ing $uc# %ebt$' or #a,ing in #i$ po$$e$$ion or un%er #i$ contro&' $uc# cre%it$ or ot#er per$ona& property' or *it# #i$ agent' a copy o( t#e *rit' an% notice t#at t#e %ebt$ o*ing by #im to t#e party again$t *#om attac#ment i$ i$$ue%' an% t#e cre%it$ an% ot#er per$ona& property in #i$ po$$e$$ion' or un%er #i$ contro&' be&onging to $ai% party' are attac#e% in pur$uance o( $uc# *rit0 !e" T#e intere$t o( t#e party again$t *#om attac#ment i$ i$$ue% in property be&onging to t#e e$tate o( t#e %ece%ent' *#et#er a$ #eir' &egatee' or %e,i$ee' by $er,ing t#e e-ecutor or a%mini$trator or ot#er per$ona& repre$entati,e o( t#e %ece%ent *it# a copy o( t#e *rit an% notice t#at $ai% intere$t i$ attac#e%. A copy o( $ai% *rit o( attac#ment an% o( $ai% notice $#a&& a&$o be (i&e% in t#e o((ice o( t#e c&erk o( t#e court in *#ic# $ai% e$tate i$ being $ett&e% an% $er,e% upon t#e #eir' &egatee or %e,i$ee concerne%. I( t#e property $oug#t to be attac#e% i$ in custodia egis' a copy o( t#e *rit o( attac#ment $#a&& be (i&e% *it# t#e proper court or .ua$i 1u%icia& agency' an% notice o( t#e attac#ment $er,e% upon t#e cu$to%ian o( $uc# property. !=a" Section >. 'ffect of attachment of debts' credits and a other simi ar persona property. C A&& per$on$ #a,ing in t#eir po$$e$$ion or un%er t#eir contro& any cre%it$ or ot#er $imi&ar per$ona& property be&onging to t#e party again$t *#om attac#ment i$ i$$ue%' or o*ing any %ebt$ to #im' at t#e time o( $er,ice upon t#em o( t#e copy o( t#e *rit o( attac#ment an% notice a$

pro,i%e% in t#e &a$t prece%ing $ection' $#a&& be &iab&e to t#e app&icant (or t#e amount o( $uc# cre%it$' %ebt$ or ot#er $imi&ar per$ona& property' unti& t#e attac#ment i$ %i$c#arge%' or any 1u%gment reco,ere% by #im i$ $ati$(ie%' un&e$$ $uc# property i$ %e&i,ere% or tran$(erre%' or $uc# %ebt$ are pai%' to t#e c&erk' $#eri((' or ot#er proper o((icer o( t#e court i$$uing t#e attac#ment. !>a" Section 9. 'ffect of attachment of interests in property be onging to the estate of a decedent. C T#e attac#ment o( t#e intere$t o( an #eir' &egatee' or %e,i$ee in t#e property be&onging to t#e e$tate o( a %ece%ent $#a&& not impair t#e po*er$ o( t#e e-ecutor' a%mini$trator' or ot#er per$ona& repre$entati,e o( t#e %ece%ent o,er $uc# property (or t#e purpo$e o( a%mini$tration. Suc# per$ona& repre$entati,e' #o*e,er' $#a&& report t#e attac#ment to t#e court *#en any petition (or %i$tribution i$ (i&e%' an% in t#e or%er ma%e upon $uc# petition' %i$tribution may be a*ar%e% to $uc# #eir' &egatee or %e,i$ee' but t#e property attac#e% $#a&& be or%ere% %e&i,ere% to t#e $#eri(( making t#e &e,y' $ub1ect to t#e c&aim o( $uc# #eir' &egatee' or %e,i$ee' or any per$on c&aiming un%er #im. !9a" Section 1). '(amination of party $hose property is attached and persons indebted to him or contro ing his property0 de ivery of property to sheriff. C Any per$on o*ing %ebt$ to t#e party *#o$e property i$ attac#e% or #a,ing in #i$ po$$e$$ion or un%er #i$ contro& any cre%it or ot#er per$ona& property be&onging to $uc# party' may be re.uire% to atten% be(ore t#e court in *#ic# t#e action i$ pen%ing' or be(ore a commi$$ioner appointe% by t#e court' an% be e-amine% on oat# re$pecting t#e $ame. T#e party *#o$e property i$ attac#e% may a&$o be re.uire% to atten% (or t#e purpo$e o( gi,ing in(ormation re$pecting #i$ property' an% may be e-amine% on oat#. T#e court may' a(ter $uc# e-amination' or%er per$ona& property capab&e o( manua& %e&i,ery be&onging to #im' in t#e po$$e$$ion o( t#e per$on $o re.uire% to atten% be(ore t#e court' to be %e&i,ere% to t#e c&erk o( t#e court or $#eri(( on $uc# term$ a$ may be 1u$t' #a,ing re(erence to any &ien t#ereon or c&aim again$t t#e $ame' to a*ait t#e 1u%gment in t#e action. !1)a" Section 11. +hen attached property may be so d after evy on attachment and before entry of %udgment. C <#ene,er it $#a&& be ma%e to appear to t#e court in *#ic# t#e action i$ pen%ing' upon #earing *it# notice to bot# partie$' t#at t#e property attac#e% i$ peri$#ab&e' or t#at t#e intere$t$ o( a&& t#e partie$ to t#e action *i&& be $ub$er,e% by t#e $a&e t#ereo(' t#e court may

or%er $uc# property to be $o&% at pub&ic auction in $uc# manner a$ it may %irect' an% t#e procee%$ o( $uc# $a&e to be %epo$ite% in court to abi%e t#e 1u%gment in t#e action. !11a" Section 1+. /ischarge of attachment upon giving counter-bond. C A(ter a *rit o( attac#ment #a$ been en(orce%' t#e party *#o$e property #a$ been attac#e%' or t#e per$on appearing on #i$ be#a&(' may mo,e (or t#e %i$c#arge o( t#e attac#ment *#o&&y or in part on t#e $ecurity gi,en. T#e court $#a&&' a(ter %ue notice an% #earing' or%er t#e %i$c#arge o( t#e attac#ment i( t#e mo,ant make$ a ca$# %epo$it' or (i&e$ a counter bon% e-ecute% to t#e attac#ing party *it# t#e c&erk o( t#e court *#ere t#e app&ication i$ ma%e' in an amount to t#at (i-e% by t#e court in t#e or%er o( attac#ment' e-c&u$i,e o( co$t$. 8ut i( t#e attac#ment i$ $oug#t to be %i$c#arge% *it# re$pect to a particu&ar property' t#e counter bon% $#a&& be to t#e ,a&ue o( t#at property a$ %etermine% by t#e court. In eit#er ca$e' t#e ca$# %epo$it or t#e counter bon% $#a&& $ecure t#e payment o( any 1u%gment t#at t#e attac#ing party may reco,er in t#e action. A notice o( t#e %epo$it $#a&& (ort#*it# be $er,e% on t#e attac#ing party. 4pon t#e %i$c#arge o( an attac#ment in accor%ance *it# t#e pro,i$ion$ o( t#i$ $ection' t#e property attac#e%' or t#e procee%$ o( any $a&e t#ereo(' $#a&& be %e&i,ere% to t#e party making t#e %epo$it or gi,ing t#e counter bon%' or to t#e per$on appearing on #i$ be#a&(' t#e %epo$it or counter bon% a(ore$ai% $tan%ing in p&ace o( t#e property $o re&ea$e%. S#ou&% $uc# counter bon% (or any rea$on be (oun% to be or become in$u((icient' an% t#e party (urni$#ing t#e $ame (ai& to (i&e an a%%itiona& counter bon%' t#e attac#ing party may app&y (or a ne* or%er o( attac#ment. !1+a" Section 13. /ischarge of attachment on other grounds. C T#e party *#o$e property #a$ been or%ere% attac#e% may (i&e a motion *it# t#e court in *#ic# #e action i$ pen%ing' be(ore or a(ter &e,y or e,en a(ter t#e re&ea$e o( t#e attac#e% property' (or an or%er to $et a$i%e or %i$c#arge t#e attac#ment on t#e groun% t#at t#e $ame *a$ improper&y or irregu&ar&y i$$ue% or en(orce%' or t#at t#e bon% i$ in$u((icient. I( t#e attac#ment i$ e-ce$$i,e' t#e %i$c#arge $#a&& be &imite% to t#e e-ce$$. I( t#e motion be ma%e on a((i%a,it$ on t#e part o( t#e mo,ant but not ot#er*i$e' t#e attac#ing party may oppo$e t#e motion by counter a((i%a,it$ or ot#er e,i%ence in a%%ition to t#at on *#ic# t#e attac#ment *a$ ma%e. A(ter %ue notice an% #earing' t#e court $#a&& or%er t#e $etting a$i%e or t#e corre$pon%ing %i$c#arge o( t#e

attac#ment i( it appear$ t#at it *a$ improper&y or irregu&ar&y i$$ue% or en(orce%' or t#at t#e bon% i$ in$u((icient' or t#at t#e attac#ment i$ e-ce$$i,e' an% t#e %e(ect i$ not cure% (ort#*it#. !13a" Section 13. Proceedings $here property c aimed by third person. C I( t#e property attac#e% i$ c&aime% by any per$on ot#er t#an t#e party again$t *#om attac#ment #a% been i$$ue% or #i$ agent' an% $uc# per$on make$ an a((i%a,it o( #i$ tit&e t#ereto' or rig#t to t#e po$$e$$ion t#ereo(' $tating t#e groun%$ o( $uc# rig#t or tit&e' an% $er,e$ $uc# a((i%a,it upon t#e $#eri(( *#i&e t#e &atter #a$ po$$e$$ion o( t#e attac#e% property' an% a copy t#ereo( upon t#e attac#ing party' t#e $#eri(( $#a&& not be boun% to keep t#e property un%er attac#ment' un&e$$ t#e attac#ing party or #i$ agent' on %eman% o( t#e $#eri((' $#a&& (i&e a bon% appro,e% by t#e court to in%emni(y t#e t#ir% party c&aimant in a $um not &e$$ t#an t#e ,a&ue o( t#e property &e,ie% upon. In ca$e o( %i$agreement a$ to $uc# ,a&ue' t#e $ame $#a&& be %eci%e% by t#e court i$$uing t#e *rit o( attac#ment. Bo c&aim (or %amage$ (or t#e taking or keeping o( t#e property may be en(orce% again$t t#e bon% un&e$$ t#e action t#ere(or i$ (i&e% *it#in one #un%re% t*enty !1+)" %ay$ (rom t#e %ate o( t#e (i&ing o( t#e bon%. T#e $#eri(( $#a&& not be &iab&e (or %amage$ (or t#e taking or keeping o( $uc# property to any $uc# t#ir% party c&aimant' i( $uc# bon% $#a&& be (i&e%. Bot#ing #erein containe% $#a&& pre,ent $uc# c&aimant or any t#ir% per$on (rom ,in%icating #i$ c&aim to t#e property' or pre,ent t#e attac#ing party (rom c&aiming %amage$ again$t a t#ir% party c&aimant *#o (i&e% a (ri,o&ou$ or p&ain&y $puriou$ c&aim' in t#e $ame or a $eparate action. <#en t#e *rit o( attac#ment i$ i$$ue% in (a,or o( t#e Repub&ic o( t#e P#i&ippine$' or any o((icer %u&y repre$enting it' t#e (i&ing o( $uc# bon% $#a&& not be re.uire%' an% in ca$e t#e $#eri(( i$ $ue% (or %amage$ a$ a re$u&t o( t#e attac#ment' #e $#a&& be repre$ente% by t#e So&icitor ;enera&' an% i( #e&% &iab&e t#ere(or' t#e actua& %amage$ a%1u%ge% by t#e court $#a&& be pai% by t#e Bationa& Trea$urer out o( t#e (un%$ to be appropriate% (or t#e purpo$e. !13a" Section 1/. Satisfaction of %udgment out of property attached ' return of sheriff. C I( 1u%gment be reco,ere% by t#e attac#ing party an% e-ecution i$$ue t#ereon' t#e $#eri(( may cau$e t#e 1u%gment to be $ati$(ie% out o( t#e property attac#e%' i( it be $u((icient (or t#at purpo$e in t#e (o&&o*ing manner5

!a" 8y paying to t#e 1u%gment ob&igee t#e procee%$ o( a&& $a&e$ o( peri$#ab&e or ot#er property $o&% in pur$uance o( t#e or%er o( t#e court' or $o muc# a$ $#a&& be nece$$ary to $ati$(y t#e 1u%gment0 !b" I( any ba&ance remain$ %ue' by $e&&ing $o muc# o( t#e property' rea& or per$ona&' a$ may be nece$$ary to $ati$(y t#e ba&ance' i( enoug# (or t#at purpo$e remain in t#e $#eri((G$ #an%$' or in t#o$e t#e c&erk o( t#e court0 !c" 8y co&&ecting (rom a&& per$on$ #a,ing in t#eir po$$e$$ion cre%it$ be&onging to t#e 1u%gment ob&igor' or o*ing %ebt$ to t#e &atter at t#e time o( t#e attac#ment o( $uc# cre%it$ or %ebt$' t#e amount o( $uc# cre%it$ an% %ebt$ a$ %etermine% by t#e court in t#e action' an% $tate% in t#e 1u%gment' an% paying t#e procee%$ o( $uc# co&&ection o,er to t#e 1u%gment ob&igee. T#e $#eri(( $#a&& (ort#*it# make a return in *riting to t#e court o( #i$ procee%ing$ un%er t#i$ $ection an% (urni$# t#e partie$ *it# copie$ t#ereo(. !1/a" Section 17. 2a ance due co ected upon an e(ecution 0 e(cess de ivered to %udgment ob igor. C I( a(ter rea&i2ing upon a&& t#e property attac#e%' inc&u%ing t#e procee%$ o( any %ebt$ or cre%it$ co&&ecte%' an% app&ying t#e procee%$ to t#e $ati$(action o( t#e 1u%gment &e$$ t#e e-pen$e$ o( procee%ing$ upon t#e 1u%gment any ba&ance $#a&& remain %ue' t#e $#eri(( mu$t procee% to co&&ect $uc# ba&ance a$ upon or%inary e-ecution. <#ene,er t#e 1u%gment $#a&& #a,e been pai%' t#e $#eri((' upon rea$onab&e %eman%' mu$t return to t#e 1u%gment ob&igor t#e attac#e% property remaining in #i$ #an%$' an% any procee%$ o( t#e $a&e o( t#e property attac#e% not app&ie% to t#e 1u%gment. !17a" Section 1=. )ecovery upon the counter-bond. C <#en t#e 1u%gment #a$ become e-ecutory' t#e $urety or $uretie$ on any counter bon% gi,en pur$uant to t#e pro,i$ion$ o( t#i$ Ru&e to $ecure t#e payment o( t#e 1u%gment $#a&& become c#arge% on $uc# counter bon% an% boun% to pay t#e 1u%gment ob&igee upon %eman% t#e amount %ue un%er t#e 1u%gment' *#ic# amount may be reco,ere% (rom $uc# $urety or $uretie$ a(ter notice an% $ummary #earing in t#e $ame action. !1=a" Section 1>. /isposition of money deposited. C <#ere t#e party again$t *#om attac#ment #a% been i$$ue% #a$ %epo$ite% money in$tea% o( gi,ing counter bon%' it $#a&& be app&ie% un%er t#e %irection o( t#e court to t#e

$ati$(action o( any 1u%gment ren%ere% in (a,or o( t#e attac#ing party' an% a(ter $ati$(ying t#e 1u%gment t#e ba&ance $#a&& be re(un%e% to t#e %epo$itor or #i$ a$$ignee. I( t#e 1u%gment i$ in (a,or o( t#e party again$t *#om attac#ment *a$ i$$ue%' t#e *#o&e $um %epo$ite% mu$t be re(un%e% to #im or #i$ a$$ignee. !1>a" Section 19. /isposition of attached property $here %udgment is for party against $hom attachment $as issued. C I( 1u%gment be ren%ere% again$t t#e attac#ing party' a&& t#e procee%$ o( $a&e$ an% money co&&ecte% or recei,e% by t#e $#eri((' un%er t#e or%er o( attac#ment' an% a&& property attac#e% remaining in any $uc# o((icerG$ #an%$' $#a&& be %e&i,ere% to t#e party again$t *#om attac#ment *a$ i$$ue%' an% t#e or%er o( attac#ment %i$c#arge%. !19a" Section +). C aim for damages on account of improper ' irregu ar or e(cessive attachment. C An app&ication (or %amage$ on account o( improper' irregu&ar or e-ce$$i,e attac#ment mu$t be (i&e% be(ore t#e tria& or be(ore appea& i$ per(ecte% or be(ore t#e 1u%gment become$ e-ecutory' *it# %ue notice to t#e attac#ing party an% #i$ $urety or $uretie$ $etting (ort# t#e (act$ $#o*ing #i$ rig#t to %amage$ an% t#e amount t#ereo(. Suc# %amage$ may be a*ar%e% on&y a(ter proper #earing an% $#a&& be inc&u%e% in t#e 1u%gment on t#e main ca$e. I( t#e 1u%gment o( t#e appe&&ate court be (a,orab&e to t#e party again$t *#om t#e attac#ment *a$ i$$ue% #e mu$t c&aim %amage$ $u$taine% %uring t#e pen%ency o( t#e appea& by (i&ing an app&ication in t#e appe&&ate court' *it# notice to t#e party in *#o$e (a,or t#e attac#ment *a$ i$$ue% or #i$ $urety or $uretie$' be(ore t#e 1u%gment o( t#e appe&&ate court become$ e-ecutory. T#e appe&&ate court may a&&o* t#e app&ication to be #ear% an% %eci%e% by t#e tria& court. Bot#ing #erein containe% $#a&& pre,ent t#e party again$t *#om t#e attac#ment *a$ i$$ue% (rom reco,ering in t#e $ame action t#e %amage$ a*ar%e% to #im (rom any property o( t#e attac#ing party not e-empt (rom e-ecution $#ou&% t#e bon% or %epo$it gi,en by t#e &atter be in$u((icient or (ai& to (u&&y $ati$(y t#e a*ar%. !+)a"


R4:E /> Pre&iminary In1unction Section 1. Pre iminary in%unction defined0 c asses. C A pre&iminary in1unction i$ an or%er grante% at any $tage o( an action or procee%ing prior to t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er' re.uiring a party or a court' agency or a per$on to re(rain (rom a particu&ar act or act$. It may a&$o re.uire t#e per(ormance o( a particu&ar act or act$' in *#ic# ca$e it $#a&& be kno*n a$ a pre&iminary man%atory in1unction. !1a" Section +. +ho may grant pre iminary in%unction. C A pre&iminary in1unction may be grante% by t#e court *#ere t#e action or procee%ing i$ pen%ing. I( t#e action or procee%ing i$ pen%ing in t#e Court o( Appea&$ or in t#e Supreme Court' it may be i$$ue% by $ai% court or any member t#ereo(. !+a" Section 3. 0rounds for issuance of pre iminary in%unction. C A pre&iminary in1unction may be grante% *#en it i$ e$tab&i$#e%5 !a" T#at t#e app&icant i$ entit&e% to t#e re&ie( %eman%e%' an% t#e *#o&e or part o( $uc# re&ie( con$i$t$ in re$training t#e commi$$ion or continuance o( t#e act or act$ comp&aine% o(' or in re.uiring t#e per(ormance o( an act or act$ eit#er (or a &imite% perio% or perpetua&&y0 !b" T#at t#e commi$$ion' continuance or non per(ormance o( t#e act or act$ comp&aine% o( %uring t#e &itigation *ou&% probab&y *ork in1u$tice to t#e app&icant0 or !c" T#at a party' court' agency or a per$on i$ %oing' t#reatening' or i$ attempting to %o' or i$ procuring or $u((ering to be %one $ome act or act$ probab&y in ,io&ation o( t#e rig#t$ o( t#e app&icant re$pecting t#e $ub1ect o( t#e action or procee%ing' an% ten%ing to ren%er t#e 1u%gment ine((ectua&. !3a" Section 3. Verified app ication and bond for pre iminary in%unction or temporary restraining order. C A pre&iminary in1unction or temporary re$training or%er may be grante% on&y *#en5 !a" T#e app&ication in t#e action or procee%ing i$ ,eri(ie%' an% $#o*$ (act$ entit&ing t#e app&icant to t#e re&ie( %eman%e%0 an%

!b" 4n&e$$ e-empte% by t#e court t#e app&icant (i&e$ *it# t#e court *#ere t#e action or procee%ing i$ pen%ing' a bon% e-ecute% to t#e party or per$on en1oine%' in an amount to be (i-e% by t#e court' to t#e e((ect t#at t#e app&icant *i&& pay to $uc# party or per$on a&& %amage$ *#ic# #e may $u$tain by rea$on o( t#e in1unction or temporary re$training or%er i( t#e court $#ou&% (ina&&y %eci%e t#at t#e app&icant *a$ not entit&e% t#ereto. 4pon appro,a& o( t#e re.ui$ite bon%' a *rit o( pre&iminary in1unction $#a&& be i$$ue%. !3a" !c" <#en an app&ication (or a *rit o( pre&iminary in1unction or a temporary re$training or%er i$ inc&u%e% in a comp&aint or any initiatory p&ea%ing' t#e ca$e' i( (i&e% in a mu&tip&e $a&a court' $#a&& be ra((&e% on&y a(ter notice to an% in t#e pre$ence o( t#e a%,er$e party or t#e per$on to be en1oine%. In any e,ent' $uc# notice $#a&& be prece%e%' or contemporaneou$&y accompanie%' by $er,ice o( $ummon$' toget#er *it# a copy o( t#e comp&aint or initiatory p&ea%ing an% t#e app&icantG$ a((i%a,it an% bon%' upon t#e a%,er$e party in t#e P#i&ippine$. Ho*e,er' *#ere t#e $ummon$ cou&% not be $er,e% per$ona&&y or by $ub$titute% $er,ice %e$pite %i&igent e((ort$' or t#e a%,er$e party i$ a re$i%ent o( t#e P#i&ippine$ temporari&y ab$ent t#ere(rom or i$ a nonre$i%ent t#ereo(' t#e re.uirement o( prior or contemporaneou$ $er,ice o( $ummon$ $#a&& not app&y. !%" T#e app&ication (or a temporary re$training or%er $#a&& t#erea(ter be acte% upon on&y a(ter a&& partie$ are #ear% in a $ummary #earing *#ic# $#a&& be con%ucte% *it#in t*enty (our !+3" #our$ a(ter t#e $#eri((G$ return o( $er,ice an%Nor t#e recor%$ are recei,e% by t#e branc# $e&ecte% by ra((&e an% to *#ic# t#e recor%$ $#a&& be tran$mitte% imme%iate&y. Section /. Pre iminary in%unction not granted $ithout notice 0 e(ception. C Bo pre&iminary in1unction $#a&& be grante% *it#out #earing an% prior notice to t#e party or per$on $oug#t to be en1oine%. I( it $#a&& appear (rom (act$ $#o*n by a((i%a,it$ or by t#e ,eri(ie% app&ication t#at great or irreparab&e in1ury *ou&% re$u&t to t#e app&icant be(ore t#e matter can be #ear% on notice' t#e court to *#ic# t#e app&ication (or pre&iminary in1unction *a$ ma%e' may i$$ue a temporary re$training or%er to be e((ecti,e on&y (or a perio% o( t*enty !+)" %ay$ (rom $er,ice on t#e party or per$on $oug#t to be en1oine%' e-cept a$ #erein pro,i%e%. <it#in t#e $ai% t*enty %ay perio%' t#e court mu$t or%er $ai% party or per$on to $#o* cau$e' at a $peci(ie% time an% p&ace' *#y t#e

in1unction $#ou&% not be grante%' %etermine *it#in t#e $ame perio% *#et#er or not t#e pre&iminary in1unction $#a&& be grante%' an% accor%ing&y i$$ue t#e corre$pon%ing or%er. !8ar 6atter Bo. >)3' 1= @ebruary 199>" Ho*e,er' an% $ub1ect to t#e pro,i$ion$ o( t#e prece%ing $ection$' i( t#e matter i$ o( e-treme urgency an% t#e app&icant *i&& $u((er gra,e in1u$tice an% irreparab&e in1ury' t#e e-ecuti,e 1u%ge o( a mu&tip&e $a&a court or t#e pre$i%ing 1u%ge o( a $ing&e $a&a court may i$$ue e( parte a temporary re$training or%er e((ecti,e (or on&y $e,enty t*o !=+" #our$ (rom i$$uance but #e $#a&& imme%iate&y comp&y *it# t#e pro,i$ion$ o( t#e ne-t prece%ing $ection a$ to $er,ice o( $ummon$ an% t#e %ocument$ to be $er,e% t#ere*it#. T#erea(ter' *it#in t#e a(ore$ai% $e,enty t*o !=+" #our$' t#e 1u%ge be(ore *#om t#e ca$e i$ pen%ing $#a&& con%uct a $ummary #earing to %etermine *#et#er t#e temporary re$training or%er $#a&& be e-ten%e% unti& t#e app&ication (or pre&iminary in1unction can be #ear%. In no ca$e $#a&& t#e tota& perio% o( e((ecti,ity o( t#e temporary re$training or%er e-cee% t*enty !+)" %ay$' inc&u%ing t#e origina& $e,enty t*o #our$ pro,i%e% #erein. In t#e e,ent t#at t#e app&ication (or pre&iminary in1unction i$ %enie% or not re$o&,e% *it#in t#e $ai% perio%' t#e temporary re$training or%er i$ %eeme%' automatica&&y ,acate%. T#e e((ecti,ity o( a temporary re$training or%er i$ not e-ten%ib&e *it#out nee% o( any 1u%icia& %ec&aration to t#at e((ect an% no court $#a&& #a,e aut#ority to e-ten% or rene* t#e $ame on t#e $ame groun% (or *#ic# it *a$ i$$ue%. Ho*e,er' i( i$$ue% by t#e Court o( Appea&$ or a member t#ereo(' t#e temporary re$training or%er $#a&& be e((ecti,e (or $i-ty !7)" %ay$ (rom $er,ice on t#e party or per$on $oug#t to be en1oine%. A re$training' or%er i$$ue% by t#e Supreme Court or a member t#ereo( $#a&& be e((ecti,e unti& (urt#er or%er$. !/a" Section 7. 0rounds for ob%ection to' or for motion of disso ution of4 in%unction or restraining order. C T#e app&ication (or in1unction or re$training or%er may be %enie%' upon a $#o*ing o( it$ in$u((iciency. T#e in1unction or re$training or%er may a&$o be %enie%' or' i( grante%' may be %i$$o&,e%' on ot#er groun%$ upon a((i%a,it$ o( t#e party or per$on en1oine%' *#ic# may be oppo$e% by t#e app&icant a&$o by a((i%a,it$. It may (urt#er be %enie%' or i( grante%' may be %i$$o&,e%' i( it appear$ a(ter #earing t#at a&t#oug# t#e app&icant i$ entit&e% to t#e in1unction or re$training or%er' t#e i$$uance or

continuance t#ereo(' a$ t#e ca$e may be' *ou&% cau$e irreparab&e %amage to t#e party or per$on en1oine% *#i&e t#e app&icant can be (u&&y compen$ate% (or $uc# %amage$ a$ #e may $u((er' an% t#e (ormer (i&e$ a bon% in an amount (i-e% by t#e court con%itione% t#at #e *i&& pay a&& %amage$ *#ic# t#e app&icant may $u((er by t#e %enia& or t#e %i$$o&ution o( t#e in1unction or re$training or%er. I( it appear$ t#at t#e e-tent o( t#e pre&iminary in1unction or re$training or%er grante% i$ too great' it may be mo%i(ie%. !7a" Section =. Service of copies of bonds0 effect of disapprova of same . C T#e party (i&ing a bon% in accor%ance *it# t#e pro,i$ion$ o( t#i$ Ru&e $#a&& (ort#*it# $er,e a copy o( $uc# bon% on t#e ot#er party' *#o may e-cept to t#e $u((iciency o( t#e bon%' or o( t#e $urety or $uretie$ t#ereon. I( t#e app&icantG$ bon% i$ (oun% to be in$u((icient in amount' or i( t#e $urety or $uretie$ t#ereon (ai& to 1u$ti(y' an% a bon% $u((icient in amount *it# $u((icient $uretie$ appro,e% a(ter 1u$ti(ication i$ not (i&e% (ort#*it# t#e in1unction $#a&& be %i$$o&,e%. I( t#e bon% o( t#e a%,er$e party i$ (oun% to be in$u((icient in amount' or t#e $urety or $uretie$ t#ereon (ai& to 1u$ti(y a bon% $u((icient in amount *it# $u((icient $uretie$ appro,e% a(ter 1u$ti(ication i$ not (i&e% (ort#*it#' t#e in1unction $#a&& be grante% or re$tore%' a$ t#e ca$e may be. !>a" Section >. *udgment to inc ude damages against party and sureties. C At t#e tria&' t#e amount o( %amage$ to be a*ar%e% to eit#er party' upon t#e bon% o( t#e a%,er$e party' $#a&& be c&aime%' a$certaine%' an% a*ar%e% un%er t#e $ame proce%ure pre$cribe% in $ection +) o( Ru&e /=. !9a" Section 9. +hen fina in%unction granted. C I( a(ter t#e tria& o( t#e action it appear$ t#at t#e app&icant i$ entit&e% to #a,e t#e act or act$ comp&aine% o( permanent&y en1oine% t#e court $#a&& grant a (ina& in1unction perpetua&&y re$training t#e party or per$on en1oine% (rom t#e commi$$ion or continuance o( t#e act or act$ o( con(irming t#e pre&iminary man%atory in1unction. !1)a"

R4:E /9 Recei,er$#ip Section 1. !ppointment of receiver. C 4pon a ,eri(ie% app&ication' one or


more recei,er$ o( t#e property $ub1ect o( t#e action or procee%ing may be appointe% by t#e court *#ere t#e action i$ pen%ing or by t#e Court o( Appea&$ or by t#e Supreme Court' or a member t#ereo(' in t#e (o&&o*ing ca$e$5 !a" <#en it appear$ (rom t#e ,eri(ie% app&ication' an% $uc# ot#er proo( a$ t#e court may re.uire' t#at t#e party app&ying (or t#e appointment o( a recei,er #a$ an intere$t in t#e property or (un% *#ic# i$ t#e $ub1ect o( t#e action or procee%ing' an% t#at $uc# property or (un% i$ in %anger o( being &o$t' remo,e%' or materia&&y in1ure% un&e$$ a recei,er be appointe% to a%mini$ter an% pre$er,e it0 !b" <#en it appear$ in an action by t#e mortgagee (or t#e (orec&o$ure o( a mortgage t#at t#e property i$ in %anger o( being *a$te% or %i$$ipate% or materia&&y in1ure%' an% t#at it$ ,a&ue i$ probab&y in$u((icient to %i$c#arge t#e mortgage %ebt' or t#at t#e partie$ #a,e $o $tipu&ate% in t#e contract o( mortgage0 !c" A(ter 1u%gment' to pre$er,e t#e property %uring t#e pen%ency o( an appea&' or to %i$po$e o( it accor%ing to t#e 1u%gment' or to ai% e-ecution *#en t#e e-ecution #a$ been returne% un$ati$(ie% or t#e 1u%gment ob&igor re(u$e$ to app&y #i$ property in $ati$(action o( t#e 1u%gment' or ot#er*i$e to carry t#e 1u%gment into e((ect0 !%" <#ene,er in ot#er ca$e$ it appear$ t#at t#e appointment o( a recei,er i$ t#e mo$t con,enient an% (ea$ib&e mean$ o( pre$er,ing' a%mini$tering' or %i$po$ing o( t#e property in &itigation. 9uring t#e pen%ency o( an appea&' t#e appe&&ate court may a&&o* an app&ication (or t#e appointment o( a recei,er to be (i&e% in an% %eci%e% by t#e court o( origin an% t#e recei,er appointe% to be $ub1ect to t#e contro& o( $ai% court. !1a" Section +. 2ond on appointment of receiver. C 8e(ore i$$uing t#e or%er appointing a recei,er t#e court $#a&& re.uire t#e app&icant to (i&e a bon% e-ecute% to t#e party again$t *#om t#e app&ication i$ pre$ente%' in an amount to be (i-e% by t#e court' to t#e e((ect t#at t#e app&icant *i&& pay $uc# party a&& %amage$ #e may $u$tain by rea$on o( t#e appointment o( $uc# recei,er in ca$e t#e app&icant $#a&& #a,e procure% $uc# appointment *it#out $u((icient cau$e0 an% t#e court may' in it$ %i$cretion' at any time a(ter t#e

appointment' re.uire an a%%itiona& bon% a$ (urt#er $ecurity (or $uc# %amage$. !3a" Section 3. /enia of app ication or discharge of receiver . C T#e app&ication may be %enie%' or t#e recei,er %i$c#arge%' *#en t#e a%,er$e party (i&e$ a bon% e-ecute% to t#e app&icant' in an amount to be (i-e% by t#e court' to t#e e((ect t#at $uc# party *i&& pay t#e app&icant a&& %amage$ #e may $u((er by rea$on o( t#e act$' omi$$ion$' or ot#er matter$ $peci(ie% in t#e app&ication a$ groun% (or $uc# appointment. T#e recei,er may a&$o be %i$c#arge% i( it i$ $#o*n t#at #i$ appointment *a$ obtaine% *it#out $u((icient cau$e. !3a" Section 3. Oath and bond of receiver. C 8e(ore entering upon #i$ %utie$' t#e recei,er $#a&& be $*orn to per(orm t#em (ait#(u&&y' an% $#a&& (i&e a bon%' e-ecute% to $uc# per$on an% in $uc# $um a$ t#e court may %irect' to t#e e((ect t#at #e *i&& (ait#(u&&y %i$c#arge #i$ %utie$ in t#e action or procee%ing an% obey t#e or%er$ o( t#e court. !/a" Section /. Service of copies of bonds0 effect of disapprova of same. C T#e per$on (i&ing a bon% in accor%ance *it# t#e pro,i$ion$ o( t#i$ Ru&e $#a&& (ort#*it# $er,e a copy t#ereo( on eac# intere$te% party' *#o may e-cept to it$ $u((iciency or o( t#e $urety or $uretie$ t#ereon. I( eit#er t#e app&icantG$ or t#e recei,erG$ bon% i$ (oun% to be in$u((icient in amount' or i( t#e $urety or $uretie$ t#ereon (ai& to 1u$ti(y' an% a bon% $u((icient in amount *it# $u((icient $uretie$ appro,e% a(ter 1u$ti(ication i$ not (i&e% (ort#*it#' t#e app&ication $#a&& be %enie% or t#e recei,er %i$c#arge%' a$ t#e ca$e may be. I( t#e bon% o( t#e a%,er$e party i$ (oun% to be in$u((icient in amount or t#e $urety or $uretie$ t#ereon (ai& to 1u$ti(y' an% a bon% $u((icient in amount *it# $u((icient $uretie$ appro,e% a(ter 1u$ti(ication i$ not (i&e% (ort#*it#' t#e recei,er $#a&& be appointe% or re appointe%' a$ t#e ca$e may be. !7a" Section 7. 0enera po$ers of receiver. C Sub1ect to t#e contro& o( t#e court in *#ic# t#e action or procee%ing i$ pen%ing a recei,er $#a&& #a,e t#e po*er to bring an% %e(en%' in $uc# capacity' action$ in #i$ o*n name0 to take an% keep po$$e$$ion o( t#e property in contro,er$y0 to recei,e rent$0 to co&&ect %ebt$ %ue to #im$e&( a$ recei,er or to t#e (un%' property' e$tate' per$on' or corporation o( *#ic# #e i$ t#e recei,er0 to compoun% (or an% compromi$e t#e $ame0 to make tran$(er$0 to pay out$tan%ing %ebt$0 to %i,i%e t#e money an% ot#er property t#at $#a&& remain among t#e per$on$ &ega&&y entit&e% to recei,e t#e $ame0 an% genera&&y to %o $uc# act$ re$pecting t#e property a$

t#e court may aut#ori2e. Ho*e,er' (un%$ in t#e #an%$ o( a recei,er may be in,e$te% on&y by or%er o( t#e court upon t#e *ritten con$ent o( a&& t#e partie$ to t#e action. !=a" Bo action may be (i&e% by or again$t a recei,er *it#out &ea,e o( t#e court *#ic# appointe% #im. !n" Section =. Liabi ity for refusa or neg ect to de iver property to receiver. C A per$on *#o re(u$e$ or neg&ect$' upon rea$onab&e %eman%' to %e&i,er to t#e recei,er a&& t#e property' money' book$' %ee%$' note$' bi&&$' %ocument$ an% paper$ *it#in #i$ po*er or contro&' $ub1ect o( or in,o&,e% in t#e action or procee%ing' or in ca$e o( %i$agreement' a$ %etermine% an% or%ere% by t#e court' may be puni$#e% (or contempt an% $#a&& be &iab&e to t#e recei,er (or t#e money or t#e ,a&ue o( t#e property an% ot#er t#ing$ $o re(u$e% or neg&ecte% to be $urren%ere%' toget#er *it# a&& %amage$ t#at may #a,e been $u$taine% by t#e party or partie$ entit&e% t#ereto a$ a con$e.uence o( $uc# re(u$a& or neg&ect. !n" Section >. Termination of receivership0 compensation of receiver. C <#ene,er t#e court' motu proprio or on motion o( eit#er party' $#a&& %etermine t#at t#e nece$$ity (or a recei,er no &onger e-i$t$' it $#a&&' a(ter %ue notice to a&& intere$te% partie$ an% #earing' $ett&e t#e account$ o( t#e recei,er' %irect t#e %e&i,ery o( t#e (un%$ an% ot#er property in #i$ po$$e$$ion to t#e per$on a%1u%ge% to be entit&e% to recei,e t#em an% or%er t#e %i$c#arge o( t#e recei,er (rom (urt#er %uty a$ $uc#. T#e court $#a&& a&&o* t#e recei,er $uc# rea$onab&e compen$ation a$ t#e circum$tance$ o( t#e ca$e *arrant' to be ta-e% a$ co$t$ again$t t#e %e(eate% party' or apportione%' a$ 1u$tice re.uire$. !>a" Section 9. *udgment to inc ude recovery against sureties. C T#e amount' i( any' to be a*ar%e% to any party upon any bon% (i&e% in accor%ance *it# t#e pro,i$ion$ o( t#i$ Ru&e' $#a&& be c&aime%' a$certaine%' an% grante% un%er t#e $ame proce%ure pre$cribe% in $ection +) o( Ru&e /=. !9a"

R4:E 7) Rep&e,in

Section 1. !pp ication. C A party praying (or t#e reco,ery o( po$$e$$ion o( per$ona& property may' at t#e commencement o( t#e action or at any time be(ore an$*er' app&y (or an or%er (or t#e %e&i,ery o( $uc# property to #im' in t#e manner #ereina(ter pro,i%e%. !1a" Section +. !ffidavit and bond. C T#e app&icant mu$t $#o* by #i$ o*n a((i%a,it or t#at o( $ome ot#er per$on *#o per$ona&&y kno*$ t#e (act$5 !a" T#at t#e app&icant i$ t#e o*ner o( t#e property c&aime%' particu&ar&y %e$cribing it' or i$ entit&e% to t#e po$$e$$ion t#ereo(0 !b" T#at t#e property i$ *rong(u&&y %etaine% by t#e a%,er$e party' a&&eging t#e cau$e o( %etention t#ereo( accor%ing to t#e be$t o( #i$ kno*&e%ge' in(ormation' an% be&ie( 0 !c" T#at t#e property #a$ not been %i$traine% or taken (or a ta- a$$e$$ment or a (ine pur$uant to &a*' or $ei2e% un%er a *rit o( e-ecution or pre&iminary attac#ment' or ot#er*i$e p&ace% un%er custodia egis' or i( $o $ei2e%' t#at it i$ e-empt (rom $uc# $ei2ure or cu$to%y0 an% !%" T#e actua& market ,a&ue o( t#e property. T#e app&icant mu$t a&$o gi,e a bon%' e-ecute% to t#e a%,er$e party in %oub&e t#e ,a&ue o( t#e property a$ $tate% in t#e a((i%a,it a(orementione%' (or t#e return o( t#e property to t#e a%,er$e party i( $uc# return be a%1u%ge%' an% (or t#e payment to t#e a%,er$e party o( $uc# $um a$ #e may reco,er (rom t#e app&icant in t#e action. !+a" Section 3. Order. C 4pon t#e (i&ing o( $uc# a((i%a,it an% appro,a& o( t#e bon%' t#e court $#a&& i$$ue an or%er an% t#e corre$pon%ing *rit o( rep&e,in' %e$cribing t#e per$ona& property a&&ege% to be *rong(u&&y %etaine% an% re.uiring t#e $#eri(( (ort#*it# to take $uc# property into #i$ cu$to%y. !3a" Section 3. /uty of the sheriff. C 4pon recei,ing $uc# or%er' t#e $#eri(( mu$t $er,e a copy t#ereo( on t#e a%,er$e party' toget#er *it# a copy o( t#e app&ication' a((i%a,it an% bon%' an% mu$t (ort#*it# take t#e property' i( it be in t#e po$$e$$ion o( t#e a%,er$e party' or #i$ agent' an% retain it in #i$ cu$to%y. I( t#e property or any part t#ereo( be concea&e% in a bui&%ing or enc&o$ure' t#e $#eri(( mu$t %eman% it$ %e&i,ery' an% i( it be not %e&i,ere%' #e mu$t cau$e t#e bui&%ing or enc&o$ure to be broken open an% take t#e property into #i$ po$$e$$ion. A(ter t#e $#eri(( #a$ take po$$e$$ion o( t#e

property a$ #erein pro,i%e%' #e mu$t keep it in a $ecure p&ace an% $#a&& be re$pon$ib&e (or it$ %e&i,ery to t#e party entit&e% t#ereto upon recei,ing #i$ (ee$ an% nece$$ary e-pen$e$ (or taking an% keeping t#e $ame. !3a" Section /. )eturn of property. C I( t#e a%,er$e party ob1ect$ to t#e $u((iciency o( t#e app&icantG$ bon%' or o( t#e $urety or $uretie$ t#ereon' #e cannot imme%iate&y re.uire t#e return o( t#e property' but i( #e %oe$ not $o ob1ect' #e may' at any time be(ore t#e %e&i,ery o( t#e property to t#e app&icant' re.uire t#e return t#ereo(' by (i&ing *it# t#e court *#ere t#e action i$ pen%ing a bon% e-ecute% to t#e app&icant' in %oub&e t#e ,a&ue o( t#e property a$ $tate% in t#e app&icantG$ a((i%a,it (or t#e %e&i,ery t#ereo( to t#e app&icant' i( $uc# %e&i,ery be a%1u%ge%' an% (or t#e payment o( $uc# $um' to #im a$ may be reco,ere% again$t t#e a%,er$e party' an% by $er,ing a copy o( $uc# bon% on t#e app&icant. !/a" Section 7. /isposition of property by sheriff. C I( *it#in (i,e !/" %ay$ a(ter t#e taking o( t#e property by t#e $#eri((' t#e a%,er$e party %oe$ not ob1ect to t#e $u((iciency o( t#e bon%' or o( t#e $urety or $uretie$ t#ereon0 or i( t#e a%,er$e party $o ob1ect$ an% t#e court a((irm$ it$ appro,a& o( t#e app&icantG$ bon% or appro,e$ a ne* bon%' or i( t#e a%,er$e party re.uire$ t#e return o( t#e property but #i$ bon% i$ ob1ecte% to an% (oun% in$u((icient an% #e %oe$ not (ort#*it# (i&e an appro,e% bon%' t#e property $#a&& be %e&i,ere% to t#e app&icant. I( (or any rea$on t#e property i$ not %e&i,ere% to t#e app&icant' t#e $#eri(( mu$t return it to t#e a%,er$e party. !7a" Section =. Proceedings $here property c aimed by third person . C I( t#e property taken i$ c&aime% by any per$on ot#er t#an t#e party again$t *#om t#e *rit o( rep&e,in #a% been i$$ue% or #i$ agent' an% $uc# per$on make$ an a((i%a,it o( #i$ tit&e t#ereto' or rig#t to t#e po$$e$$ion t#ereo(' $tating t#e groun%$ t#ere(or' an% $er,e$ $uc# a((i%a,it upon t#e $#eri(( *#i&e t#e &atter #a$ po$$e$$ion o( t#e property an% a copy t#ereo( upon t#e app&icant' t#e $#eri(( $#a&& not be boun% to keep t#e property un%er rep&e,in or %e&i,er it to t#e app&icant un&e$$ t#e app&icant or #i$ agent' on %eman% o( $ai% $#eri((' $#a&& (i&e a bon% appro,e% by t#e court to in%emni(y t#e t#ir% party c&aimant in a $um not &e$$ t#an t#e ,a&ue o( t#e property un%er rep&e,in a$ pro,i%e% in $ection + #ereo(. In ca$e o( %i$agreement a$ to $uc# ,a&ue' t#e court $#a&& %etermine t#e $ame. Bo c&aim (or %amage$ (or t#e taking or keeping' o( t#e property may be en(orce% again$t t#e bon% un&e$$ t#e action t#ere(or i$ (i&e% *it#in one #un%re% t*enty !1+)" %ay$ (rom t#e %ate o( t#e (i&ing o( t#e bon%.

T#e $#eri(( $#a&& not be &iab&e (or %amage$' (or t#e taking or keeping o( $uc# property' to any $uc# t#ir% party c&aimant i( $uc# bon% $#a&& be (i&e%. Bot#ing #erein containe% $#a&& pre,ent $uc# c&aimant or any t#ir% per$on (rom ,in%icating #i$ c&aim to t#e property' or pre,ent t#e app&icant (rom c&aiming %amage$ again$t a t#ir% party c&aimant *#o (i&e% a (ri,o&ou$ or p&ain&y $puriou$ c&aim' in t#e $ame or a $eparate action. <#en t#e *rit o( rep&e,in i$ i$$ue% in (a,or o( t#e Repub&ic o( t#e P#i&ippine$' or any o((icer %u&y repre$enting it' t#e (i&ing o( $uc# bon% $#a&& not be re.uire%' an% in ca$e t#e $#eri(( i$ $ue% (or %amage$ a$ a re$u&t o( t#e rep&e,in' #e $#a&& be repre$ente% by t#e So&icitor ;enera&' an% i( #e&% &iab&e t#ere(or' t#e actua& %amage$ a%1u%ge% by t#e court $#a&& be pai% by t#e Bationa& Trea$urer out o( t#e (un%$ to be appropriate% (or t#e purpo$e. !=a" Section >. )eturn of papers. C T#e $#eri(( mu$t (i&e t#e or%er' *it# #i$ procee%ing$ in%or$e%' t#ereon' *it# t#e court *it#in ten !1)" %ay$ a(ter taking t#e property mentione% t#erein. !>a" Section 9. *udgment. C A(ter tria& o( t#e i$$ue$ t#e court $#a&& %etermine *#o #a$ t#e rig#t o( po$$e$$ion to an% t#e ,a&ue o( t#e property an% $#a&& ren%er 1u%gment in t#e a&ternati,e (or t#e %e&i,ery t#ereo( to t#e party entit&e% to t#e $ame' or (or it$ ,a&ue in ca$e %e&i,ery cannot be ma%e' an% a&$o (or $uc# %amage$ a$ eit#er party may pro,e' *it# co$t$. !9a" Section 1). *udgment to inc ude recovery against sureties. C T#e amount' i( any' to be a*ar%e% to any party upon any bon% (i&e% in accor%ance *it# t#e pro,i$ion$ o( t#i$ Ru&e' $#a&& be c&aime%' a$certaine%' an% grante% un%er t#e $ame proce%ure a$ pre$cribe% in $ection +) o( Ru&e /=. !1)a"

R4:E 71 Support Pen%ente :ite Section 1. !pp ication. C At t#e commencement o( t#e proper action or procee%ing' or at any time prior to t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er' a ,eri(ie% app&ication (or $upport pendente ite may be (i&e% by any party $tating t#e

groun%$ (or t#e c&aim an% t#e (inancia& con%ition$ o( bot# partie$' an% accompanie% by a((i%a,it$' %epo$ition$ or ot#er aut#entic %ocument$ in $upport t#ereo(. !1a" Section +. Comment. C A copy o( t#e app&ication an% a&& $upporting %ocument$ $#a&& be $er,e% upon t#e a%,er$e party' *#o $#a&& #a,e (i,e !/" %ay$ to comment t#ereon un&e$$ a %i((erent perio% i$ (i-e% by t#e court upon #i$ motion. T#e comment $#a&& be ,eri(ie% an% $#a&& be accompanie% by a((i%a,it$' %epo$ition$ or ot#er aut#entic %ocument$ in $upport t#ereo(. !+a' 3a" Section 3. 1earing. C A(ter t#e comment i$ (i&e%' or a(ter t#e e-piration o( t#e perio% (or it$ (i&ing' t#e app&ication $#a&& be $et (or #earing not more t#an t#ree !3" %ay$ t#erea(ter. T#e (act$ in i$$ue $#a&& be pro,e% in t#e $ame manner a$ i$ pro,i%e% (or e,i%ence on motion$. !3a" Section 3. Order. C T#e court $#a&& %etermine pro,i$iona&&y t#e pertinent (act$' an% $#a&& ren%er $uc# or%er$ a$ 1u$tice an% e.uity may re.uire' #a,ing t#e regar% to t#e probab&e outcome o( t#e ca$e an% $uc# ot#er circum$tance$ a$ may ai% in t#e proper re$o&ution o( t#e .ue$tion in,o&,e%. I( t#e app&ication i$ grante%' t#e court $#a&& (i- t#e amount o( money to be pro,i$iona&&y pai% or $uc# ot#er (orm$ o( $upport a$ $#ou&% be pro,i%e%' taking into account t#e nece$$itie$ o( t#e app&icant an% t#e re$ource$ or mean$ o( t#e a%,er$e party' an% t#e term$ o( payment or mo%e (or pro,i%ing t#e $upport. I( t#e app&ication i$ %enie%' t#e principa& ca$e $#a&& be trie% an% %eci%e% a$ ear&y a$ po$$ib&e. !/a" Section /. 'nforcement of order. C I( t#e a%,er$e party (ai&$ to comp&y *it# an or%er granting $upport pendente ite' t#e court $#a&&' motu proprio or upon motion0 i$$ue an or%er o( e-ecution again$t #im' *it#out pre1u%ice to #i$ &iabi&ity (or contempt. !7a" <#en t#e per$on or%ere% to gi,e $upport pendente ite re(u$e$ or (ai&$ to %o $o' any t#ir% per$on *#o (urni$#e% t#at $upport to t#e app&icant may' a(ter %ue notice an% #earing in t#e $ame ca$e obtain a *rit o( e-ecution to en(orce #i$ rig#t o( reimbur$ement again$t t#e per$on or%ere% to pro,i%e $uc# $upport. !#" Section 7. Support in crimina cases. C In crimina& action$ *#ere t#e ci,i& &iabi&ity inc&u%e$ $upport (or t#e o(($pring a$ a con$e.uence o( t#e crime an%

t#e ci,i& a$pect t#ereo( #a$ not been *ai,e%' re$er,e% an% in$titute% prior to it$ (i&ing' t#e accu$e% may be or%ere% to pro,i%e $upport pendente ite to t#e c#i&% born to t#e o((en%e% party a&&ege%&y becau$e o( t#e crime. T#e app&ication t#ere(or may be (i&e% $ucce$$i,e&y by t#e o((en%e% party' #er parent$' gran%parent$ or guar%ian an% t#e State in t#e corre$pon%ing crimina& ca$e %uring it$ pen%ency' in accor%ance *it# t#e proce%ure e$tab&i$#e% un%er t#i$ Ru&e. !n" Section =. )estitution. C <#en t#e 1u%gment or (ina& or%er o( t#e court (in%$ t#at t#e per$on *#o #a$ been pro,i%ing $upport pendente ite i$ not &iab&e t#ere(or' it $#a&& or%er t#e recipient t#ereo( to return to t#e (ormer t#e amount$ a&rea%y pai% *it# &ega& intere$t (rom t#e %ate$ o( actua& payment' *it#out pre1u%ice to t#e rig#t o( t#e recipient to obtain reimbur$ement in a $eparate action (rom t#e per$on &ega&&y ob&ige% to gi,e t#e $upport. S#ou&% t#e recipient (ai& to reimbur$e $ai% amount$' t#e per$on *#o pro,i%e% t#e $ame may &ike*i$e $eek reimbur$ement t#ereo( in a $eparate action (rom t#e per$on &ega&&y ob&ige% to gi,e $uc# $upport. !n"


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