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A leader is a person who has managerial authority and is able to influence others to work
according to the plan to reach the organization’s goal. Leading is an important process of
management to ensure employees are working according to the mechanism which has been
set to accomplish the goals. Leading are require the manager to play an insignificant in
organizational success. The manager should influence by behaviorism to ensure the
employees are work according to the well-defined strategies. Leading activities are involved
directing, motivating, guiding and providing facilities that are needed for employees to
perform their work. Managers need to adapt an appropriate leadership behavior to lead the
work efficiently.

To gain more knowledge in leading, there are two leadership approaches. For the first
approaches, it is Behavioral theory which managers are required to influence the employees
by behaviorism. It is focuses on the manager’s behavior. What the managers do and how the
leader have it done. This theory is believed that people can learn how to be a leader by
learning, observing and doing. The second approaches are contingency theory whereas the
effectiveness is depend upon the situation in hand. It canot clearly describe in specific
behaviors. Essentially, it depends on how the leadership style benefits the situation. Certain
behaviours might be the most effective leader in one circumstance and might be ineffective in

The Ohio State University (OSU) studies under behavioral theory of leadership is the
leadership approaches that was found in Homey Sdn. Bhd. Before we went deeper to the
explanation, let us take a look on what a behavioral theory is. According to the behavioral
theory, the effectiveness of the leader can be recognize on how the leaders behave when
doing their jobs. A good leader must be elevating and inspiring. The leader must help them to
grow in what they can become. Different leadership theories address to create stronger and
more effective leadership

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