Biometric Punching Kerala Govt

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otplcgeoem ( ) otarl nnlog 6.4 / 151/ ZOtSloolceol-"lcdSlZ o'r"l oo;ofl , of olotmoooJoo,09.01. 2 02 3.

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Aadhaar Enabl d Bion etrie ArttendaRee System

A prujecl initiated b ' General Administration Department

Government of Kerala

Iechnical Document

Government of India
inisory ofElecuonics& Information Technology
Departrnent of Information Technology
National Informatics Centre
Kerala State Centre, Tbivandrum-33
Government of Kerala initiate{ the bio
Government Secretariat, Thiru[ananthap
etric enabled attendance system in
ramsome time back with technical
assistance from a state Goverri.rment
Later on for effective monitoring
attendance, it was decided to lind it with (, the HR portal of the Governmeni. of
the HR portal was designed and developed n,
NIC Kerala, NIC was asked to do the
needful for integrating the attendance syst(
with SPARK database and to facilitate
necessary modules for effectivd monitorir
exposed in SpARK for pushing the punching
of attendance. Necessary Apls were
the same in Government Secrelariat, it w a. On the successful implementation of

decided to implement the biometric

attendance system in all state Gorfiernment e tablishments.
technicat committee vide G.O(Rt)t|.lo.8153/20 Government constitutecJ a
8/cAD dated L7-IZ-2OLS and NtC wa:; a
member in the committee. easeb on the i
uts of NIC in the committee meeting
regarding AEBAS and MoM of thp meeting
submit a detailed proposal for impiementatior
:ld on 08.03.2019, NIC was asked to
of AEBAS for Government of Kerala.
About Aadhaar Enablpd Bi Attendance System
As part of the ,,Digital lndia,, progipmme
of G ment of India, it has been decided
to implement commonAadhaar Enpbled Biom
ic Attendance System (AEBAS) in the
Central Government Offices (Age4cies). Later
it extended to the State Governments
with separate domains for eich state. Th proposed
em.ployee to register attendance by presen
system would enable an
ng his/her biometric (finger print/tris)
which will be authenticated onlin$ by doing
ne to one match with the bio_metric
stored in the UtDAt data base agairist the 's Aadhaar number.
The Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendan
System (AEBAS) has the following

Cloud-based attendance softlarare instal

and operated from NIC National Data
Dedicated secure high spefd connec ity provided
between National Data
Center and UIDAI Data Center by NIC forfo uthentication
Offices using the system wili piocure a install biometric enabled terminals /
devices in decentralized marine, throug
open tender/GeMto mark attendance;
the number and location of r{Ouired der es will
be assessed by the offices; the
offices concerned will be resdonsible for ay-to-day
Network Connectivity of ter.]minals I c vices maintenance of the devices
to be established through Wi_
Customized reporting formats for va levels of employees developed by
Facility for centralized compil tion and tion of attendance data in publi<:
domain provided as per requi ements
This Biometric Attendance System i based on Aadhaar Authenticatiorr
(Fingerprint and lris Based Au henticati
a It is an attendance system wi h real time oring
a Time taken to Record Attend nce ts as as 1-2 Seconds on Wi-Fi and g_11
Seconds on GpRS (StM)
. System is tighily integratQd with the communication
channel of SMS. A user
gets SMS's from the systefns at var levels like after registration, on non_
marking of attendance arid other nditions to empower
the users of the
. The system maintenance is largely automated.
Examples are: centralized
monitoring of devices thrQugh a das board, push-based
updating of software
on devices and pCs over the air, au ttic fall back on SIM based connectivity
once the Wi_Fi connectivity goes down nd
centralized scheduling of shut_down
of devices during out of odhce hours. efforts are on to make the systelm
even smarter in future.

Features of the System

Hardware: The system in simplg to deplo, due to no hardware lock in or vendor
dependency. The hardware used f$r this sysi
m is neither specially manufactured nor
is based on a technology patentpd by a pe icular company. This means that ilris
system can be installed on any tpblet worki on android operating system or any
desktop personnel computer or even a la op working on windows platform.The
system requires one STeC certifipd Fingerp t/lris Scanner Device that follows the
specifications of the UIDAI has to be attached
the host device.
Software: The client software for the biom attendance systemhas been made in
house and is readily available. ThQre are two parate versions of software availabie
for desktop pCs running windoWs and anc oid based
biometric devices are integrated irnto the a
tablets. All the supporterd
ication. The software is a simple client
application with no special algori{hms. Modi ation
and incorporation of additional
features in the software is easy-

Connectivity: The system uses nfrultiple int connectivity channels and has an
inbuilt fallback mechanism. The biometric de
ce works on any available connectivity
that is supported by the device pn which re application
application uses Wi-Fi as well as GpRS with a
is installed. The Tablet
auto switch mechanism to determine
the best connectivity option. The d$sktop app ation
can be used over Wi-Fi, Ethernelt
or Data Card connectivity option arlrd Android blet
application can be used over Wi_
Fi, GPRS/WCDMA , Ethernet options.

Accessibility for the employee: In order to this system portable, it has been
designed on a central architecture. Every clier
system is connected to the server in
real time, the employee data resid€s on the c
ntral server and the changes are also
made in the database of the cential server f
any transaction at any client at any
location. This means that employees are not
tricted to mark attendance from a
designated client or a location. There is a s g client management and analysi:s
system inbuilt which is capable of airalyzing fl- transaction
data of the clients for any

Scalability: The system has been built with lability in mind. Therefore any new
office, employee or client can bg on_boa easily. The system can support
practically unlimited number of clierlts.
Security: There is a proper mecharf ism of reg ration
of any new client or any piece
of hardware in the system before allowing it o be active
to ensure safety of the
system. Aadhaar authentication is highly s ure system of biometric authentication,
which adds to the security of {he system As the system uses this service, the
sensitive biometric data resides in the sec re Central ldentities Data Repository of
UlDAl. The biometric data capturpd locally client is securely communicated to the
UIDAI server for authentication arld not sto in the system at any point of time.

Ease of Use: This is an extrefnely user iendly system where the employees c:an
do online self-registration, updpte of th r profile and details, The registered
employees also get SMS Alerts on events of i portance. This system can also monitor
the health of attendance terminals cen lly which makes is easier for the
implementers to do maintenance work.

The BAS mf nual ts available at

The objective is to implement AEBAS in establishments of the Kerala state
Government integratedwith the HR applicatio (SPARK) of the state Government.

Portal created and around Forty (40)

departments have already on boprded on portal. T'he screenshots of the portal
given in Appendix B.

The guidelines for on-boardingare given bel

ldentification of Nodal Officer

To facilitate the implementation and r operate the Biometric attendance
system, it is desired that the Minigtry/Depa t shall nominate a Nodal Officer as a
Single Point of Contact (SpoC) for Qriving the io-metric attendance initiative.

It is recommended that Governmgnt of Keral may identify nodal officer department

wise or district wise for effectivS managen ent.The user manual for nodal
available on the link

Registration of Organizqtion
Government of Kerala (Directorates/depart ents) may fill up the Organization
registration form for capturing the detai of the organization as well as Nodal
Officer towards registration/on-boarding to state attendance portal. Once the
registration of the organization is cpmplete, organization will be listed in the portal
for the enrolment of the employees and eration of various types of reports
pertaining to the organization. Step towards rganization registration
is available in
the link httos://kerala atfend:n.a nrrv intara r
The NIC coordinator can be the gllC Officer ing on projects for that particular
department. Government of Ker4la can ha domains department wise on the po;-tal and all e Kerala departments will have prefix
"k|". Please find examples of deparfment,son rdedin the following table
of Dairy -IDevdopm https:/lkld@
https ://kld I m attenG nEe. go\/. i

iitg _ .
Thiruvanantha https ://kl I rOtvt attenOEnce.
g ov
Directorate of Culture
https ://klc u ltu re Oa rrce. go
Farmers Welfare

Registration of Employeps
Once the domain of the orgartization is
egistered on the attendance porL:ll,
employees of the organizatio4 are re, ired
to do online registration <ln
porfial where ; is the department name for enabling
them to mark attendance. The erlpployees
'User Registration, on the attendarlce portal.
n to fill an online form using the link
ce the details are filled, the employee
data goes to the quality check tearh _ Nodal
cer of the organization for verification.
After the approval from the nodpl officer,
attendance portal and can mark its attendanc
e employee becomes active in the
through the devices installed.
The details required for on boardifrg of emp yees
in the attendance portal can be
found in Appendix ,N. The lser man for employees are available at

Biometric Terminals (Devices)

The biometric terminals installed fpr the pur
of attendance punching act as an
interface for the end user to pu4ch his att
dance in the system, which in turn
interacts with various Apl,s to record the event
n the central database.
The Biometric terminals may typicafly use the
llowing cornponents:
List of compatible deVices listed is available at
a. Tablet -The wall mounted deviceg are Androi
OS running tablets, with either finger
print reader or iris scanner togethpr housed
a cabinet to present an integratecl
device feel. The BAS software for dndroid is r
dily available for download from thel
portal. Since network connectivity ip mandato
for working these tablet devices arel
connected through Wi_Fi access poifrts and are also
equipped with a 2G sim card for
GPRS connectivity for network failover supp
Now tablets are available with
Ethernet LAN ports also. To get an iHea of the
ive price, the approximate price
of the tablet as per GeM portal is Rs. 10,000.
ln ces having upto 50 employees, one
tablet is required.
b. Desktop - pC or laptops running V[indows 1 nd above can also be used to run the
BAS software.
c. Fingerprint reader - these reftr to the bi metric fingerprint reader devices which
capture the fingerprints of the usqr. Approxi e price
d. lris scanner - these are u sed t o capture the lRlS image of the user and do iris

The biometric terminals can be $etup usin either of the above combinations. For
other devices not listed in Appeirdix D, th AEBAS system requires STeC certified
fingerprint/lRlS scanner device thdt should registered device as per the procedure
mentioned on UIDAI site https://ui

Once, the registration of the empfoyees and fication by nodal officer is complete,
the employee can mark his/her atdendance fr the devices installed.
Customized repotts for httenda ce monitoring
Various reports such as attendanc$ register, nce Report, Date wise Attendance
and Weakly/Monthly reports can b$ generatr by the nodal officer.
1. Attendance Register:To get {ttendance ister report between the date range.
2. Advance Repo*: To generatd the advar report and Export the data into Excel
3. Date wise Attendance Reportt: To get th date wise report and Export the data
into excel.
4. Weakly/Monthly Report: To generate th weakly/monthly report and data into

The following are the mandatory rQquiremen and major concerns for implementation
of AEBAS for Government of Keiala:'

a. Aadhaar number for the e is mandatory

b. Mobile number should be reqiste with the Aadhaar number
c. Only STQC certified UtDAt reliste devices can be used
d. Finger print scanners Nompatible ith WINDOWS and tablets support
Android. Few devices fompatible ith embedded LINUX.
e. Night shift duty is not prov in AEBAS as on date.
t. Network connectivity and ac to NIC Cloud is a mandatory
requirement for mar(ing attend nce. lf the network fails, employee will
not be able to mark attendance.

Integration with SPARK

AEBAS provides necessary Apts for pulling attendance data. Using these Apls,
punching data can be pulled and gtored in Sl . While on-boarding the employeers
in to the AEBAS system, the fielQ ,organisa I employee code' may be entered
carefully. Organizational employee code refe to the Permanent Employee Number
(PEN) used in SPARK. As this attrigute is opti al in theAEBAS portal,
sufficient care
should be taken to ensure that all {mployees date their PEN in the system. This
be verified before formally starting fhe attendi e monitoring.
SPARK has provision for online mqnitoring of ance and has necessary report,s
built in to the porLal.
The attendance data need to be pulled
from AEBAS system or any other
(like the one implemented in BAS system
purposes. To enable data pulling $ecretariat by Keltron) for attendance moniiorrng
ifr to SPARK, nodal officer should
in SPARK using the below interfJce. onboard the BAS
Menu: Service Matters -> Atteprdance
- BAS Enabted


d-i!ftrqssrc i

Select the onarded offices based orl the depa

nt and district.
C A lsrre i tEi^iryjFiLFrinl:p3.'i$r:aJ2,ilsiiln*j2t;).S,-sh*kh,1s)r:$rh,{rnsryp*.
*3:tir-1ilaq,$*^_<52r t#j 3t4givn3s* U€

Infol This pege ir to onbmrci m offre..rriepritntffil lo Biffitrir Aftfrdr@ sA5l

Project Monitoring Unit & Help esk

There are about 5 lakhs employees in 30, + establishments across 100+ line
departments falling under 41 Administrative departments in Government of Kerala,
lmplementing AEBAS in such a large number f offices is really a challenging task.
nodal officers and other employees may h several issues / doubts and all such
issues need to be clarified and way out ggested and helped out during ilre
implementation period. lt is suggested that ernment may augment the existirrq
SPARK PMU under Finance Department with s ent metn power and other resources
to address this. The man power deployed in e help de,sk can be trained along with
the departmental master trainers.

As on date the AEBAS isprovided, free of co topure Government departments (non
profit making). However, in case of any fu re policy decision by the Ministry
charge Government departments, the charg will be levied accordingly.
PSU's, missions, boards, lnstitutes, Colleges, I bodiers, Skill development centres
are chargeable through NlCSl. Current charg s areRs. 3.21 per registered employee
per month with the minimum limit of Rs. 10. 00 per year excluding
GST, The actual
amount and account details will be mentio in the Proforma Invoice (pl) from NICS;|.
Any changes in the charges are liable to be pa

Roles and Responsibilities


1. NtC will train identified nodel ofticers

a d master trainers of the
on-boarding process and in using the departments in
EBAS system. However the logistics
the training need to be arrangedLy th for
2. Any onboarding issues rnuv O-" department,
to PMU/helpdesk who in turn will try to
_ "r.'ufu
resolve and escalate to NIC if not resol
3. NtC will make available tfre'sotuiion
i central server and facility to download
the solution for desktops / tAblets.
4. NtC will not be r."r[onribl" -;;l. :urement and installation of deviccls,
connectivity or any other infrastructure
Departments / Offices/Government
of la
1. Define and identify the organizational
2. Designate nodat officers iiifreiJentine,u its for AEBAS implementation
3. ldentify master trainers t"t e.riZ in department)
4. Master trainers in turn to train oiher em

5. Government of Kerala ,"1, esiablish aloyees as required
PMU and helpdesk with necessaty
6. Nodal officers will be respongible for rding the employees and to help the
administration in monitoring of attenda

For more details, please visit

FAQ Section

Appenr ix A

Defails to be enfe red far I :mplayee

Instructions for filling the Employr re
On-boarc ng request form:
1. Kindly fill the entries as
me rtioned in t re aadhaar card.
2. Upload your recent scanner
l/digital pic ure in ".jpg,,format
KB. of max file size 100
3. Please review the form befc re submiss )n.
a lf any of the pre-requisite in formation
i: not available in the form (select options
only), please get in touch w th the conc
the details updated. :rned oflFicer in your department to get
a Please ensure that you have filled
the f rrm with correct information
and have
uploaded a recent photogra rh, as -
correctness and quality. lncr rrect
the ir formation submitted will check foi
data r till be rejected and wilt l-quir" i"l'
For any other assistance ple rse get
in t ruch with the Helpdesk at 1800 111 555
(Toll free no.).

I P€rsaa8l D€&ils : Srga,ie#iffi Oete


I Lrlter fmpbyee $,laffils



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a. lf any of the pre-requisite information ir
not availabk in the form (select options
in touch with the concerned officer in you only), please get
department o get the details updated.

b. Please ensure that you have filled the

orm with con )ct information and have
photograph, as the information uploaded a recent
submitted will check for correctness
be rejected and will require re_registratior and quality. Incorrect data will

c. For any other assistance please get

in ouch with th€ Attendance Helpdesk
https://servicedesk. nic. in through
Appen ixB

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lmportant links
Organization https://keifG^attendE e. g ov. i n/o rg_o n b.a rdffi
BAS manual
la.attenda ce. gov. in/assets/doc/6as
NodaI Officeitr4EnuaI mdnual.
https //ke-$

^attE n O a
Employee usEF manual h ttps ://kei{t a
-atte n d a .9ov.inlassetm
Device -lnsG||aEon
BAS comptfib-ie?etiEes
la.attenda /compatible devices

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