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“Customers satisfaction of Reliance communication in
Dwarka Sector-7”

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the award of the degree of
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi



Session (2021–24)


(Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University)

 Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd. (2008), in its “Performance
Analysis of Companies (April-June 2008)” has analyzed the Indian telecom industry
in the awake of recent global recession and its overall impact on the Indian economy.
With almost 5-6million subscribers are being added every month, and the country is
witnessing wild momentum in the telecom industry, the Indian telecom industry is
expected to maintain the same growth trajectory.

 Internet service providers in India, Rao (2000), provide a broad view of the
role of an Internet service provider (ISP) in a nascent market of India. Building local
content, foreknowledge of new Internet technologies, connecting issues,
competitiveness, etc. would help in their sustainability.

 The role of technology in the emergence of the information society in India,

Singh (2005), describes the role that information and communication technologies are
playing for Indian society to educate them formally or informally which is ultimately
helping India to emerge as an information society.

 T.H. Chowdary (1999) discusses how Telecom reform, or demonopolization, in

India has been bungled. Shaped by legislation dating back to the colonial era and post
Second World War socialist policies, by the mid-1980s India realized that its poor
telecommunications infrastructure and service needed reform. At the heart of the
problem lay the monopoly by the government’s Department of Telecommunications
(DOT) in equipment, networks and services. The National Telecom Policy 1994 spelt
out decent objectives for reform but tragically its implementation was entrusted to the
DOT. This created an untenable situation in which the DOT became policymaker,
licenser, regulator, operator and also arbitrator in disputes between itself and licensed
competitors. He discusses the question: ‘Why did India get it so wrong? and What
India should do now?

 Thomas (2007), in his article describes the contribution made by
telecommunications in India by the state and civil society to public service, this
article aims to identify the state’s initial reluctance to recognize telecommunications
provision as a basic need as against the robust tradition of public service aligned to
the postal services and finds hope in the renewal of public service
telecommunications via the Right to Information movement. The article follows the
methodology of studying the history of telecommunications approach that is
conversant with the political economy tradition. It uses archival sources, personal
correspondence, and published information as its research material. The findings of
the paper suggests that public service in telecommunication is a relatively ‘‘new’’
concept in the annals of Indian telecommunications and that a deregulated
environment along with the Right to Information movement holds significant hope for
making public service telecommunications a real alternative. The article provides a
reflexive, critical account of public service telecommunications in India and suggests
that it can be strengthened by learning gained from the continual renewal of public
service ideals and action by the postal services and a people-based demand model
linked to the Right to Information Movement. All studies done by the researcher
suggests that the right to information movement has contributed to the revitalization
of participatory democracy in India and to a strengthening of public service

 Dr.Gowthamichaintala(2017)”analyzed the customers satisfaction towards

telecommunication service provider a study on reliance Communication is to know
the satisfaction level of the customers”. The gender wise analyses of the customers
satisfaction is conclude that there is no difference in the opinion of male and female
respondents on the satisfaction level towards the service provided by the Reliance

 K.R. Mahalaxmi and N. Suresh kumar (2017)2 “studied on service quality and its
impact on customer’s preference and satisfaction towards Reliance in tricky region focus
on to the service quality and satisfaction level of reliance”. This study reveals that people
with age group up to 35 were 78 percent users of reliance communication. The
advertisement has motivated most of the customers to prefer this network.

 Kolachalamraghavendra and Dr. S.Rabiyathul basariya (2018)3 “had made a study on

customer satisfaction towards reliance a study in related to dwarka city”. Major factors
considered in research are: what are the needs of the companies based on the data services
usage, major player in internet service, and support to customers. The research was
conducted on companies mainly from industries like it, education manufacturing and other
which are located in dwarka. It is clear from the survey done that reliance and airtel are
leading internet service provider they are providing products like data card, broadband etc.
to the corporate end users. 4g spectrum is a research item for next generation wide area
cellular radio, which focuses on 4g technologies, 4g networks and 4g systems. In
perspective here, customer satisfaction is a measure of how 4g services supplied by a
company meet customer expectation and its factors. The aim of the company is to find the
most important service dimensions that affect customer satisfaction. To have a thorough
satisfaction firstly the company is needed to bring satisfied customers which leads to loyal
customers and by preparing all this, good services would be followed which influenced on
customer satisfaction and make them loyal in future.

 Robins (2008) this paper is about marketing the next generation of mobile Telephones.
The study is about third generation of cell phone technology, what is usually known as
“3G” for short. There are various issues about that new innovative. One is how to price 3G
handsets and services at a level which will enable telephone operating companies to recoup
the high prices they have already paid to governments for operating licenses. Second the
technology is not yet complete, there are no agreed international standards and companies
do not yet know what new services the technology will prove capable of delivering
effectively. All variants of 3G remain dependent on largely unproven technology.
Marketing 3G is going to be about services which are new and in many cases, yet to be
designed. At the same time, it will involve services which can also be obtained by
computer and other means. It follows that the marketing task will be high risk. First, 3G
has no obviously unique selling proposition to build on except, perhaps, the combination
of live video and easy portability. Second, the potential customers have not yet had
adequate opportunity to signal their service likes and dislikes. Third, the cost and
complexity of service provision leave doubt about the market’s reaction to price.

 Debnath (2008) this study explains that the prime focus of the service providers is to
create a loyal customer base by benchmarking their performances and retaining existing
customers in order to benefit from their loyalty. With the commencement of the economic
liberalization in 1991, and with a view to expand and improve telecom infrastructure
through the participation of the private sector, the Government of India permitted foreign
companies holding 51 percent equity stake in joint ventures to manufacture telecom
equipment in India. The Indian Government has announced a new policy, which allows
private firms to provide basic telephone services. There had been a monopoly of the state-
owned department of telecommunications. However, several companies are expected to
benefit from the policy change.

 Kalavani (2006) in their study analyzed that majority of the respondents have given
favorable opinion towards the services but some problems exist that deserve the attention
of the service providers. They need to bridge the gap between the services promised and
services offered. The overall customers’ attitude towards cell phone services is that they
are satisfied with the existing services but still they want more services to be provided

 Kumar (2008), in their study titled “Customer Satisfaction and Discontentment of BSNL
Landline Service: A Study” analyzed that at present, services marketing  plays a major role
in the national economy. In the service sector, telecom industry is the most active and
attractive. Though the telecom industry is growing rapidly, India’s telecom density is less
than the world’s average telecom density as most of India’s market is yet to be covered.
This attracts private operators to enter into the Indian telecom industry, which makes the
Reliance communication more alert to run its business and survive in the market.

 Kalpana and Chinnadurai (2006) in their study titled “Promotional Strategies of Cellular
Services: A Customer Perspective” analyzed that the increasing competition and changing
taste and preferences of the customer’s all over the world are forcing companies to change
their targeting strategies. The study revealed the customer  attitude and their satisfaction
towards the cellular services in Coimbatore city. It was found that advertisement play a
dominant role in influencing the customers but most of the customers are of opinion that
promotional strategies of cellular companies are more sale oriented rather than customer

 Chris (2003) has analyzed ‘Telecom advertising in print media.’ This research attempted
to investigate why Telecom theme are used in advertisement, and the motives that lead
companies and advertisers to use sport celebrities and sport concept in advertisements.
From study it has been revealed that the appearance of sport celebrities in advertising
endorsement occurred more often in Telecom magazines than in other magazines, because
their target group is more acquainted with athletes. The sport celebrities that dominated
each printed media are related with their target group characteristics.

 Zairi (2000) the feeling of pleasure and expectation fulfillment is known as Satisfaction.
Ifthe product can not satisfy customer feelings they will be dissatisfied, and if product
satisfies them after the use customer will be satisfied and become loyal to that product or
brand. In other words customer satisfaction is about those goods or services which fulfill
the customer expectation in terms of quality and service for which he has paid. If
Customer satisfaction develops they will become loyal to that product or brand and their
loyalty will be good for the company in sense as a Profit. Customer satisfaction is the part
ofmarketing and play important role in the market. In any organization satisfaction of
customer is more important, because if your customer is satisfied with your services or
products, your position will be good in the market.

 S Oliver (1981) describes in his study that customer satisfaction is the part of marketing
and play important role in the market. In any organization satisfaction of customer is more
important, because if your customer is satisfied with your services or products, your
position will be good in the market. In old times customer satisfaction was not too much
important and people were not focused on quality. But now a day’s competition is taught
and customer is aware of all the products and companies due to education and learning
environment and this is the reason that every business is concern to fulfill properly
customers need and wants. Concerning all types of business organization customer
satisfaction is the most important issue, and considered as most reliable feedback, for the
excellence of any business organization.

 Veloutsou (2005) describes in his study regarding customer satisfaction tangible products
and services, there is a distinction. This distinction between 14 tangible and intangible
goods becomes coz different factors of customer satisfaction, and that is why they should
be treated separate and distinct S

 Churcill (1982) customer satisfaction has overall reaction of expectation of consumption

with a product or service on the base of perception, evaluation and psychological reaction.

 Kurniawan (2010) customer satisfaction can change over the period oftime; it is a
dynamic process. The individual perception about the products or services performance
Leeds to customer satisfaction. In the present day’s retail business, ensuring customer
satisfaction in delivering the right product and service to the end-users is the major
concern for the future growth ofthe organization. In the present study an attempt is made to
find out the customer satisfaction during purchase in retail outlets based on customer

 S Das Prasun, 2009 Literature on customer satisfaction is voluminous and spans several
areas such as marketing, management and accounting. For example, numerous papers use
the ACSI (American Customer Satisfaction Index) to study customer satisfaction at the
company, industry and macroeconomic levels. This paper focuses only on customer
satisfaction studies that are related to retailing and does not survey the literature that
studies the design of satisfaction survey instruments, as there is no control over survey
design. The basic tenet ofthis research stream is that higher service quality improves
customer satisfaction, resulting in better financial performance, although the mechanisms
by which this improvement happens vary.

 Iaeobueci et al. (1994, 1995) provide precise definitions of service quality versus
customer satisfaction. They contend that service quality should not be confused with
customer satisfaction, but that satisfaction is a positive outcome of providing good service.

 Ittner and Larcker (1998) provide empirical evidence at the customer, business-unit and
firm- level that various measures of financial performance (including revenue, revenue
change, margins, return on sales, market value of equity and current earnings) are
positively associated with customer satisfaction. However, in the retail industry they find a
negative relationship between satisfaction and profitability which may be because benefits
from increased satisfaction can be exceeded by the incremental cost in retail.

 Sulek et al. (1995) find that customer satisfaction positively affects sales per labor hour at
a chain of 46 retail stores. Anderson et al. (2004) find a positive association between
customer satisfaction at the company level and Tobin’s q (a long-run measure of financial
performance) for department stores and supermarkets.

 Babakus et al. (2004) link customer satisfaction to product and service quality within
retail stores and find that product quality has a six significant impact on store-level profits.
Research on customer satisfaction usually views employees as facilitators of the sales
process who are critical to improving the conversion ratio, by providing information to the
customers on prices, brands, and product features and by helping customers to navigate
store aisles, finding the product and even cross-selling other products. The unique feature
ofthe retail store execution problem is that it combines the factory and the sales
components, but this stream of literature focuses only on the latter.

 Kotler et al. ( 2004 )”satisfaction is the feeling of a person from comparing the performance
of products in the result of his /her expectation. Customer Satisfaction is a customer post-
purchase interpretation and their perception of the over-all products or their service
 Hennig-Thurau et al. (2009), the product and services of a company are consider the most
important factors for the satisfaction of customers in the success of this competitive market.,
Satisfaction of customers is very impressive in this business world

 Wilska7(2001) in his paper titled, “New Technology and Young People’s Consumer
Identities: A Comparative Study between Finland and Brazil” has found that among young
people aged 16-20, it was found that mobile phones choice and especially usage is consistent
with respondent’s general consumption styles. The research has indicated that addictive use
is common among females and is related to trendy and impulsive consumption styles.
Instead, males have been found to have more technology enthusiasm and trend-
consciousness. These attributes have been then linked to impulsive consumption. The study
concludes that genders are becoming more alike in telecom service choice because individual
differences in consumption patterns are obviously identifiable.

 Bhava and Ashish9(2002) in their article entitled, “Customer Satisfaction Measurement”

have found that the opinion that customer‟s perception towards service and quality of a
product determines the success of that product or service in the market. With better
understanding of customers‟ perceptions, a firm can determine the suitable actions to meet
the needs of customers. Firms can identify their own strengths and weaknesses in
comparison with their competitors. Major attributes that influence customer satisfaction is
product quality, packaging, delivery commitments, price, responsiveness and ability to
resolve complaints and overall communication, accessibility and attitude failing short
creates dissatisfaction. Customer loyalty is an important strategic objective for all

 K.E. Lumbered and L. Sorgard10 (2003) in their study on “Entry in

Telecommunication: Customer Loyalty, Price Sensitivity and Access Prices” have stated
that telecommunication services are like undifferentiated products. Therefore, customers
are not price sensitive all the times and sometimes brand loyalty takes a dominant part in

brand preferences. This is because some consumers are retained with old monopolists.
They have pointed out that substantive role of price fairness and quality service with
customer satisfaction existing in the communication sector.


The following are the objectives of the study.

2. To study the problems faced by the respondents with Reliance Postpaid service.
3. To study customer satisfaction level on Reliance services.
4. To find out consumer preferences.
5. To analyze the level of awareness about Reliance products.
6. To make suggestions in the light of the findings of the study.

 Michael Draganska and Dipal Jain11 (2003) in their article titled, “Consumer
Preferences and Product Line Pricing Strategies: An Empirical Analysis” have analysed
that India is having 752.19 Million mobile subscribers and Informant Mobile Intelligence
reports claim that in Average Minutes Per User (AMPU) in India is 25 to 30 minutes per
day of active time on voice calls and almost 15 to 20 minutes per day of the active time on
messaging. Bharati the major mobile service provider in India claimed as on November
2010 that Indian Monthly Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) is 202 rupees 43 which is
reduced at 20 per cent on a year base and it is expected to decrease further.

 Carsten Fink, AdityaMattoon and RandeepRathindran3 (2001) in their study titled,

“Liberalizing Basic Telecommunications: The Asian Experience” have found that despite
the move away from traditional public monopolies, most Asian governments are still
unwilling to allow unrestricted entry, eliminate limits on private and foreign ownership,
and establish strong independent regulators. A comprehensive reform including
privatization, competition and regulation has been implemented and there are significantly
higher levels of main line availability, service quality and labour productivity.



The Indian telecommunications industry is one of the fastest growing in the world and
India is projected to become the second largest telecom market globally by 2010.

India added 113.26 million new customers in 2008, the largest globally. In fact, in April
2008, India had already overtaken the US as the second largest wireless market. To put
this growth into perspective, the country’s cellular base witnessed close to 50 per cent
growth in 2008, with an average 9.5 million customers added every month. According to
the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), the total number of telephone
connections (mobile as well as fixed) had touched 385 million as of December 2008,
taking the telecom penetration to over 33 per cent. This means that one out of every three
Indians has a telephone connection, and telecom companies expect this pace of growth to
continue in 2009 as well. "We are extremely bullish that the growth will continue in
2009. This year, the number of additions will be in excess of 130 million," according to
T.V. Ramachandran , Director General, Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI),
an industry body that represents all Global System for Mobile communications (GSM)
players in India. According to CRISIL Research estimates, eight infrastructure sectors,
which include the telecom sector, are expected to draw more than US$ 345.28 billion
investment in India by 2012.

With the rural India growth story unfolding, the telecom sector is likely to see
tremendous growth in India's rural and semi-urban areas in the years to come. By 2012,
India is likely to have 200 million rural telecom connections at a penetration rate of 25
per cent. And according to a report jointly released by Confederation of Indian Industry
(CII) and Ernst & Young, by 2012, rural users will account for over 60 per cent of the
total telecom subscriber base.

According to Business Monitor International, India is currently adding 8-10 million

mobile subscribers every month. It is estimated that by mid 2012, around half the
country's population will own a mobile phone. This would translate into 612 million

mobile subscribers, accounting for a tele-density of around 51 per cent by 2012. It is
projected that the industry will generate revenues worth US$ 43 billion in 2009-10.


According to a Frost & Sullivan industry analyst, by 2012, fixed line revenues are
expected to touch US$ 12.2 billion while mobile revenues will reach US$ 39.8 billion in
India. Fixed line capex is projected to be US$ 3.2 billion, and mobile capex is likely to
touch US$ 9.4 billion.

Further, according to a report by Gartner Inc., India is likely to remain the world's second
largest wireless market after China in terms of mobile connections. According to recent
data released by the COAI, Indian telecom operators added a total of 10.66 million
wireless subscribers in December 2008. Further, the total wireless subscriber base stood
at 346.89 million at the end of December 2008.

The overall cellular services revenue in India is projected to grow at a CAGR of 18 per
cent from 2008-2012 to exceed US$ 37 billion. Cellular market penetration will rise to
60.7 per cent from 19.8 per cent in 2007.

The Indian telecommunications industry is on a growth trajectory with the GSM

operators adding a record 9.3 million new subscribers in January 2009, taking the total
user base to 267.5 million, according to the data released by COAI. However, this figure
does not include the number of subscribers added by Reliance Telecom.

In WiMax, India is slated to become the largest WiMAX market in the Asia-Pacific by
2013. A recent study sees India's WiMAX subscriber base hitting 14 million by 2013 and
growing annually at nearly 130 per cent. And investments in WiMAX ventures are slated
to top US$ 500 million in India, according to a report by US-based research and
consulting firm, Strategy Analytics.


A report by market research firm IMRB stated that the mobile value-added services
(MVAS) industry was valued at US$ 1.15 billion in June 2008, and is expected to grow
rapidly at 70 per cent to touch US$ 1.96 billion by June 2009.

Currently, MVAS in India accounts for 10 per cent of the operator's revenue, which is
expected to reach 18 per cent by 2010. According to a study by Stanford University and
consulting firm BDA, the Indian MVAS is poised to touch US$ 2.74 billion by 2010.

Mobile advertising, which is an important VAS segment, offers great potential to become
an important revenue source. Marketers are increasingly using MVAS as a step ahead of
SMS-based marketing to sell soaps and shampoos, banking, insurance products and also
entertainment services, and rural markets are proving to be very receptive for such

Further, Venture Capitalists like Canaan Partners, Draper Fisher Juvertson, Helion, and
Nexus India are also innovating with services like mobile payment options, advertising,
voice-based SMS and satellite video streaming.

According to Venture Intelligence, there were nine deals worth US$ 41 million in 2007 in
the mobile VAS space, and till August 2008, seven deals worth US$ 91 million had
already been finalized. Presently, mobile VAS has a US$ 700 million market with a 20
per cent y-o-y growth, which is likely to touch US$ 3 billion by 2012.


The Late Dhirubhai Ambani dreamt of a digital India — an India where the common man
would have access to affordable means of information and communication. Dhirubhai,
who single-handedly built India’s largest private sector company virtually from scratch,
had stated as early as 1999: “Make the tools of information and communication available
to people at an affordable cost. They will overcome the handicaps of illiteracy and lack of

It was with this belief in mind that Reliance Communications (formerly Reliance
Infocomm) started laying 60,000 route kilometers of a pan-India fiber optic backbone.
This backbone was commissioned on 28 December 2002, the auspicious occasion of
Dhirubhai’s 70th birthday, though sadly after his unexpected demise on 6 July 2002.

Reliance Communications has a reliable, high-capacity, integrated (both wireless and

wireline) and convergent (voice, data and video) digital network. It is capable of
delivering a range of services spanning the entire infocomm (information and
communication) value chain, including infrastructure and services — for enterprises as
well as individuals, applications, and consulting.

Today, Reliance Communications is revolutionizing the way India communicates and

networks, truly bringing about a new way of life.

About Sh. Dhirubhai Ambani

Few men in history have made as dramatic a contribution to their country’s economic
fortunes as did the founder of Reliance, Sh. Dhirubhai H Ambani. Fewer still have left
behind a legacy that is more enduring and timeless.

As with all great pioneers, there is more than one unique way of describing the true
genius of Dhirubhai: The corporate visionary, the unmatched strategist, the proud patriot,
the leader of men, the architect of India’s capital markets, the champion of shareholder
interest. But the role Dhirubhai cherished most was perhaps that of India’s greatest
wealth creator. In one lifetime, he built, starting from the proverbial scratch, India’s
largest private sector enterprise.

When Dhirubhai embarked on his first business venture, he had a seed capital of barely
US$ 300 (around Rs 14,000). Over the next three and a half decades, he converted this
fledgling enterprise into a Rs 60,000 crore colossus—an achievement which earned
Reliance a place on the global Fortune 500 list, the first ever Indian private company to
do so.

Dhirubhai is widely regarded as the father of India’s capital markets. In 1977, when
Reliance Textile Industries Limited first went public, the Indian stock market was a place
patronized by a small club of elite investors which dabbled in a handful of stocks.

Undaunted, Dhirubhai managed to convince a large number of first-time retail investors

to participate in the unfolding Reliance story and put their hard-earned money in the
Reliance Textile IPO, promising them, in exchange for their trust, substantial return on
their investments. It was to be the start of one of great stories of mutual respect and
reciprocal gain in the Indian markets.

Under Dhirubhai’s extraordinary vision and leadership, Reliance scripted one of the
greatest growth stories in corporate history anywhere in the world, and went on to
become India’s largest private sector enterprise.

Through out this amazing journey, Dhirubhai always kept the interests of the ordinary
shareholder uppermost in mind, in the process making millionaires out of many of the

initial investors in the Reliance stock, and creating one of the world’s largest shareholder


“We will leverage our strengths to execute complex global-scale projects to facilitate
leading-edge information and communication services affordable to all individual
consumers and businesses in India.

We will offer unparalleled value to create customer delight and enhance business

We will also generate value for our capabilities beyond Indian borders and enable
millions of India's knowledge workers to deliver their services globally.”


Reliance Communications is the flagship company of the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group
(ADAG) of companies. Listed on the National Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock
Exchange, it is India’s leading integrated telecommunication company with over 77
million customers.

Our business encompasses a complete range of telecom services covering mobile and
fixed line telephony. It includes broadband, national and international long distance
services and data services along with an exhaustive range of value-added services and
applications. Our constant endeavor is to achieve customer delight by enhancing the
productivity of the enterprises and individuals we serve.

Reliance Mobile (formerly Reliance India Mobile), launched on 28 December 2002,
coinciding with the joyous occasion of the late Dhirubhai Ambani’s 70th birthday, was
among the initial initiatives of Reliance Communications. It marked the auspicious
beginning of Dhirubhai’s dream of ushering in a digital revolution in India. Today, we
can proudly claim that we were instrumental in harnessing the true power of information
and communication, by bestowing it in the hands of the common man at affordable rates.

We endeavor to further extend our efforts beyond the traditional value chain by
developing and deploying complete telecom solutions for the entire spectrum of society.


Reliance – Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group, an offshoot of the Reliance Group founded by
Shri Dhirubhai H Ambani (1932-2002), ranks among India’s top three private sector
business houses in terms of net worth. The group has business interests that range from
telecommunications (Reliance Communications Limited) to financial services (Reliance
Capital Ltd) and the generation and distribution of power (Reliance Infrastructure

Reliance – ADA Group’s flagship company, Reliance Communications, is India's largest

private sector information and Communications Company, with over 77 million
subscribers. It has established a pan-India, high-capacity, integrated (wireless and
wireline), convergent (voice, data and video) digital network, to offer services spanning
the entire infocomm value chain.

Other major group companies — Reliance Capital and Reliance Infrastructure — are
widely acknowledged as the market leaders in their respective areas of operation.


Anil D. Ambani

Regarded as one of the foremost corporate leaders of contemporary India, Shri Anil D.
Ambani,48, is the chairman of all the listed companies of the Reliance ADA Group,
namely Reliance Communications, Reliance Capital, Reliance Energy and Reliance
Natural Resources limited.

He is also Chairman of the Board of Governors of Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of

Information and Communication Technology, Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat.

Till recently, he also held the post of Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance
Industries Limited (RIL), India’s largest private sector enterprise.

Anil D Ambani joined Reliance in 1983 as Co-Chief Executive Officer, and was centrally
involved in every aspect of the company’s management over the next 22 years. He is
credited with having pioneered a number of path-breaking financial innovations in the
Indian capital markets. He spearheaded the country’s first forays into the overseas capital
markets with international public offerings of global depositary receipts, convertibles and

bonds. Starting in 1991, he directed Reliance Industries in its efforts to raise over US$ 2
billion. He also steered the 100-year Yankee bond issue for the company in January 1997.

He is a member of:
 Wharton Board of Overseers, The Wharton School, USA

 Central Advisory Committee, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

 Board of Governors, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

 Board of Governors Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

In June 2004, he was elected for a six-year term as an independent member of the Rajya
Sabha, Upper House of India’s Parliament a position he chose to resign voluntarily on
March 25, 2006.
Awards and Achievements:
 Conferred the ‘CEO of the Year 2004’ in the Platts Global Energy Awards

 Rated as one of ‘India’s Most Admired CEOs’ for the sixth consecutive year in
the Business Barons – TNS Mode opinion poll, 2004

 Conferred ‘The Entrepreneur of the Decade Award’ by the Bombay Management

Association, October 2002

 Awarded the First Wharton Indian Alumni Award by the Wharton India
Economic Forum (WIEF) in recognition of his contribution to the establishment
of Reliance as a global leader in many of its business areas, December 2001

 Selected by Asiaweek magazine for its list of ‘Leaders of the Millennium in

Business and Finance’ and was introduced as the only ‘new hero’ in Business and
Finance from India, June 1999.


Organizations, like individuals, depend for their survival, sustenance and growth on the
support and goodwill of the communities of which they are an integral part, and must pay
back this generosity in every way they can…

This ethical standpoint, derived from the vision of our founder, lies at the heart of the
CSR philosophy of the Reliance – ADA Group.

While we strongly believe that our primary obligation or duty as corporate entities is to
our shareholders – we are just as mindful of the fact that this imperative does not exist in
isolation; it is part of a much larger compact which we have with our entire body of
stakeholders: From employees, customers and vendors to business partners, eco-system,
local communities, and society at large.

We evaluate and assess each critical business decision or choice from the point of view of
diverse stakeholder interest, driven by the need to minimize risk and to pro-actively
address long-term social, economic and environmental costs and concerns.

For us, being socially responsible is not an occasional act of charity or that one-time
token financial contribution to the local school, hospital or environmental NGO. It is an
ongoing year-round commitment, which is integrated into the very core of our business
objectives and strategy.

Because we believe that there is no contradiction between doing well and doing right.
Indeed, doing right is a necessary condition for doing well.



1) Name:
2) Age:
3) Gender:
4) Address:
5) Contact Number:
6) Phone/Internet is used for following purpose:
a) Business b) Official c) Personal

Q1.Which of the following Reliance post paid products are you aware
1). Reliance India Mobile (RIM Post Paid)
2). Fixed Wireless Phone
3). Broadband
4). High Speed Data Card (HSDC)

Q2. How did you come to know about the

products? 1). Television
2). Print
3). Sales Executives
4). Friends and Existing Users
5). Other (Please Specify) ………………………………………

Q3. Which of the following products are you

using? 1). Reliance India Mobile (RIM Post Paid)
2). Fixed Wireless Phone
(FWP) 3). Broadband
4). High Speed Data Card (HSDC)

Q4. Are you satisfied with the service provided by the

subscriber? 1). Fully Satisfied

2). Partially Satisfied
3). Not Satisfied

Q5. If your response to the above is partially satisfied or not satisfied, then what
are the reasons for your dissatisfaction?
1). Poor Quality of
Signals/Network 2). Poor Voice
3). Higher Cost
4). Slow Speed
5). Billing Errors
6). Poor Customer Care Service
7). Any Other (Please Specify) …………………………………

Q6. When a sales executive comes to you, which of the following products does he
frequently tells about?
1). Reliance India Mobile (RIM Post
2). Fixed Wireless Phone (FWP)
3). Broadband
4). High Speed Data Card (HSDC)

Q7. What channel would you prefer to buy a telecom/internet

1). Home Delivery
2). Customer Care
3). Online
4). Franchisee and utility shops

Q8. Which of the following service you look before choosing the
product? 1). Price
2). Connectivity
3). Speed
4). Value Added
Services 5). After
Sales Service
6). Any Other (Please Specify) ……………………………..

Q9. If Price and mobility is not a concern, which of the following would you
prefer to buy?
1). Land Line Phone
2). Fixed Wireless Phone
3). Mobile based on GSM
Technology 4). Mobile based on
CDMA Technology

Q10. Would you like to recommend reliance services to

1). Yes
2). No
11). Rate the following services on the basis of your satisfaction.

Services Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor


SMS Rates

Schemes &



Call Rates

11). Suggestions (If Any):



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