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Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

INSTRUCTIONS: Read each question carefully and write the correct answer in a
separate sheet of paper, or in the answer sheet provided to you. Do not write anything
on this test questionnaire.

1. UCSP is a multidisciplinary course that integrates and combines the contents,

methods and theories of the following EXCEPT:
A. Mathematics B. Anthropology C. Sociology D. Political Science

2. Anthropology: Genetics and Evolution, etc. Sociology: Groups and Organizations,

etc. Political Science: _________________
A. Cultural Change B. Social Inequality C. Elections D. Religion

3. It encompasses all social aspects including our language, customs, values, norms,
mores, education, etc.
A. Society B. politics C. culture D. political science

4. It is the system by which a state or community is controlled as to put order.

A. Political B. Constituents C. Government D. System

5. ________________ is the holistic “science of man”, a science of the totality of human

A. Anthropology B. Sociology C. Archaeology D. Etymology

6. _______________ is the study of relationships among people.

A. Anthropology B. Sociology C. Archaeology D. Etymology

7. _______ are conceptions or ideas people have about what is true in the
environment around them like what is life, how to value it, and how one’s belief on
the value of life relate with his or her interaction with others and the world.
A. Beliefs B. Values C. Language D. Norms

8. ______ describe what is appropriate or inappropriate in a given society or what

ought to be.
A. Beliefs B. Values C. Language D. Norms

9. It is a shared set of spoken and written symbols.

A. Beliefs B. Values C. Language D. Norms

10 ._____ are specific rules/standards to guide appropriate behavior.

A. Beliefs B. Values C. Language D. Norms

11. Also known as customs, these are norms for everyday behavior that people follow
for the sake of tradition or convenience.
A. Mores B. Folkways C. Taboos D. Law

12. A person or practitioner who studies Anthropology.

A. Sociologist B. Psychologist C. Anthropologist D. Archaeologist
13. Karen used to tease her newly transferred Mangyan classmate because of
his kinky hair and tanned skin. What kind of cultural view Karen has?
A. cultural relativism B. ethnocentrism C. culture D. society

14. Mommy and Daddy taught their one-year-old daughter Cloud how to play ABC
song with the use of their Lenovo cell phone. Now, Cloud can able to open the
phone and sing the ABC song. What characteristic of culture is shown in the
A. culture is learned C. culture is shared
B. culture is integrated D. culture is symbolic

15. “Sabong” is a vice which Lolo Tasyo has been indulged with until this year. This
kind of gambling was brought in the Philippines during the Spanish colonization.
This only proves that culture is?
A. learned C. shared
B. integrated D. symbolic

16. Sandra, a 16-year-old Filipina girl had been nominated to be an exchange-

student in Australia during winter season. In her preparation of things, she
excluded her shorts and sleeveless and start pulling out her jackets and boots on
her cabinet, while her Australian exchange student began to take in her shirts
and shorts on her personal baggage bag. What does this show?
A. culture is adaptive C. culture is dynamic
B. culture is abstract D. culture is symbolic

17. Culture is learned. How can this statement be true?

A. An individual can choose his birth culture.
B. An individual doesn’t need to immense on his culture.
C. An individual has natural knowledge of his culture the time he is born.
D. An individual can acquire the contents of culture on his everyday living.

18. Which situation below shows an ethnocentric attitude?

A. A young Muslim trying to make friends with the Christian neighbors.
B. A city boy buying foods of Manobo foods.
C. A Christian soldier helping a wounded and dying NPA.
D. A Manobo tribe rejecting the products of the Badjao.

19. The theory refers to a socialization that may occur between infancy to adolescence.
A. Cognitive Development Theory C. Theory of Social Self
B. Moral Development Theory D. Psychoanalytic Theory

20. A systematic means and practices used to maintain society’s norms, rules and laws;
regulate conflict; and discourage deviant behaviour.
A. Human rights C. Civil Disobedience
B. Self-identity D. Social Control

21. Which of the following key concepts of religion pertains to the connection of an
individual to his/her inner self as sacred being?
A. Religion B. Religious Practice C. Spirituality D. Spirit

22. Which among the following disciplines analyzes how individual interact within
society to address issues about poverty and development?
A. Economics B. Politics C. Social Science D. Sociology
23. Among the Factors of Production, which is being referred to as the use of
knowledge to efficiently create of produce product in a short time production
A. Labor B. Entrepreneurship C. Technology D. Land

24. This is defined as a relationship between two or more individuals and an object,
in which at least one of these individuals holds a bundle of rights and duties
over the object.
A. Property B. Technology C. Division of Labor D. Organization of Work

25. Which when violated may cause the violator to be regarded as eccentric, weird,
and crazy?
A. Folkways B. Mores C. Laws D. Institutions

26. What group is characterized by intimate, face-to-face interaction?

A. Primary B. Aggregate C. Gesselschaft D. Bureaucracy

27. A person may enjoy a particular status because of the sex or age of birth in a
rich family. An infant gets a family status which includes family name and
prestige, share in social standing and the right of heritage. What type of status is
being manifested by the situation?
A. Ascribed B. Achieved C. Inheritance D. Roles

28. To which Article in the Family Code of the Philippines outlines the legal reasons
that set the ground for annulment of marriage?
A. Article 2 B. Article 4 C. Article 45 D. Article 55

29. If you see your mother as the sole operator and breadwinner of your family, you
tend to have the family called ________.
A. Matrilocal C. Matricentric
B. Matriarchal D. Single Parent

30. If you were a sociologist, how could you view family using the functionalist
perspective as your viewpoint?
A. Family is the foundation of good and evil, where coordination of the people
on the society will always depend on how they were rising in their respective
B. Families pass through a series of stages involving differential responsibilities
and tasks.
C. Family members are united if they will generate rewards as the cost of their
D. Every member of the family has essential functions in society.

31. All the following are characteristics of Social Group, except:

A. Members should develop a structure where each member assumes a specific
status and adopts a role.
B. The gathering of people has come in physical proximity, which lasts for a
temporary manner.
C. Group members interact on a regular basis through communication over
some time.
D. Certain orderly procedures and values are agreed accordingly
32. Which of the following options best describe Achieved Status?
A. Maria, who is biologically born poor but became rich when she marries
Allan- the Rich Businessman.
B. Jane, who has just graduated in college because of her perseverance and
C. Jude, who was the heirs of the of a Royal King in Britain.
D. Peter, who was born rich since then

33. What happens when there is a dysfunction in a family?

A. There will be an improvement in the quality of life.
B. Members of the community tend to cooperate because of general rules.
C. Members of the community disregard all the rules and create disruptions
that will break all unity.
D. There will be misinterpretations of actions that will lead the community to
misunderstand other’s behavior

34. Warren is a Grade 12-STEM student; in his chosen strand, approaches are of
remarkable in understanding concepts related to his chosen specialization.
Which of the following approaches would best help him understanding the topic
“Understanding the Structure of Marriage and the Importance of Family”?
A. Social Exchange Theory C. Conflict Theory
B. Functionalist Perspective D. Symbolic Interactionism Approach

35. Which among options is considered the primary reason of scarcity in goods and
services in our society?
A. Unlimited needs and wants of the people.
B. The natural resources are limited in numbers.
C. Technology decreases the productions of goods and services for the people.
D. Economic institutions limit the production of goods and services that causes
the crisis.

36. Among the Factors of Production, which of the options has the greater amount
of involvement in the production of goods and services?
A. Land C. Capital
B. Labor D. Entrepreneurship

37. Spirituality is to faith as Shamanism is to _____________________.

A. One God alone
B. Religious Specialist
C. Natures are homage for spirits
D. Transcendental communication with spirits

38. Which of the following best describes the nature of religion?

A. A universal and pervasive phenomenon, a part of the cultural system that
meets some basic needs of human beings.
B. An integrated part of human experiences and shows remarkable continuity
through time.
C. A belief in spiritual and supernatural beings.
D. The practice of praise and worship

39. Which statement/s on Religion is/are TRUE?

I. Religion is a requirement for salvation.
II. Religion legitimize inequalities in the society.
III. Religion cause conflict and stimulate warfare due to different ideas and
views of the people.
IV. Religion serves as an avenue for the people to cultivate social change that
preserve and solidify society.
A. I only B. II and III C. II, III, and IV D. I, II, III and IV

40. Assume that you have an atheist friend. This friend doesn’t believe that God
exists. As Christian, what will you do to address this issue of anti-Christ belief
in your environment?
A. Never mind him/her; let him/her express his/her freedom about what is
right on earth.
B. Let him realize, God is anywhere and say that the one talking in front of
him/her is a representation of God.
C. Never get tired of reminding him/her that God is an invisible God. That
this God only exists to those who believe in Him.
D. Help him seek God through reading the bible, tell him that the answer
about the issue of the existence of God on earth is in the scripture.

41. Jeffrey is a janitor. On his work, he is accordingly compensated based on his

efforts and the period he rendered doing the service. To which the situation
has manifested factors of production?
A. Capital C. Unionization
B. Human Resource D. Entrepreneurial Activities

42. In order to grown, a nation’s economy must_________________.

I. Add to its productive resources
II. Increases its citizen’s standard of living.
III. Locate and develop additional natural resources
IV.Create new technologies, train scientist workers and business managers

43. Which of the following is most likely related to Underdeveloped Economy?

A. Gardening B. Kaingin System C. Fish Farming D. Rip-Rap Farming

44. Maria, a 6 years old kid, Maria, a 6 years old kid, was selling a Sampaguita in
the sidewalks of Quiapo. In her early age, she is supposed to be in school,
playing and learning; unfortunately, both of her parents are also unschooled
and can’t afford to send her in the school due to their poor standard of living.
In the situation, what right of the child has been deprived by the parents?
A. R.A. 7610 C. Right to play
B. Right to acquire proper knowledge D. Right to freedom of thought

45. Which can be the reason why it is difficult to pass the divorce law in the
A. Divorce is expensive due to alimony (financial support).
B. It does not reflect old folkways and mores.
C. The Philippines is a patriarchal society.
D. Filipinos love family and children

46. Aggregate group is to the collection of people who have come together in one
place as _________________is to group that serves as point of comparison for an
A. Out Group B. Social Group C. Model Group D. Secondary Group
47. ________________: social system in which most relationships are personal or
traditional; ___________________: large social group deliberately constructed and
organized to achieve certain, specific, and clearly stated goals.
A. Gesselschaft: Bureaucracy
B. Gemeinschaft; Gesselschaft
C. Bureaucracy: Formal Organization
D. Gemeinschaft: Formal Organization

48. ____________ is to marry someone within own community as monogamy is to

marriage between one man and one woman.
A. Endogamy C. Levirate
B. Exogamy D. Sorrorate

49. Marriage: union between man and womean; ____________________: legally

separated but remain married
A. Legal Separation B. Annulment C. Divorce D. Polygamy

50. Abdul Jalani Sukul is a Muslim. Maria is his first and original wife. After five
years, she married Leonora and then the next year married his third wife
named Theresa. Which type of marriage is shown?
A. Polygamy B. Polygyny C. Monogamy D. Polyandry
Answers Key
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. B
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. D
15. C
16. A
17. D
18. D
19. A
20. D
21. C
22. A
23. C
24. A
25. A
26. A
27. A
28. C
29. B
30. D
31. B
32. B
33. C
34. B
35. A
36. A
37. D
38. B
39. C
40. B
41. B
42. B
43. A
44. B
45. B
46. C
47. D
48. A
49. A
50. B

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