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to ask before your teen goes to

s epar ation anxiety

How to r ecogniz e
an anxiety dis or der
in older adults

Anxiety Disorders
Types of Anxiety Disorders .....................................................................................................4

Generalized Anxiety Disorder..............................................................................5

Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) .................................................................................6

Panic Disorder (Panic Attack)..................................................................................................7

Phobia ......................................................................................................................................8

Agoraphobia ............................................................................................................................9

Substance/Medication-induced Anxiety Disorder ..............................................................10




Anxiety Induced by Medical Conditions...............................................................................11

Treatment Options for Anxiety Disorders............................................................................12

Alternative Therapies............................................................................................................13
A Friendly Environment.........................................................................................................13
Anxiety in Children & Teen............................................................................................................................14
Disorder of Separation Anxiety........................................................................................................................15
a healthy older adult depends on it..................................................................................................................16
Signs of OCD in Children.............................................................................................................................17

Anxiety Disorders
he most prevalent mental health condition is anxiety disorders.
Sickness rates for both children and adults in the United States
We've all experienced moments of anxiety or trepidation before taking
an exam, before to a job interview, playing a crucial
making a choice or getting ready to speak. Anxiety is common.
response to stress It assists us in preparing for important
occurrences that occur or alerts us to avoid danger or take action. But in contrast to the relatively minor and
fleeting concern.In these circumstances, we might feel anxious Different illnesses exist. Anxiety disorders
can be so distressing that they interfere with day-to-day living for an estimated 45% of adults and 50% of

Recent studies have revealed that the likelihood of

having experienced at least one anxiety problem as a child
varies between 26.1% for males and 38.0% for females. while the precise reason of anxious conditions
Suffer from ongoing and overwhelming anxiety issues is unknown, they resemble several types of
fear and worry. Sadly, only roughly one-third of mental maladies—not the an outcome of a
Less than a fifth of kids and teens, adults, and character faw or private incapacity or bad
obtain therapy for an anxiety problem.Recent studies have parenting. Scientists are discovering that worry
revealed that the likelihood of having experienced at least disorders a biological basis upon and are
one anxiety problem as a child varies between 26.1% for because of a combined with factors like as
males and 38.0% for females.Those who have anxiety environmental variables, genetics, and brain
disorders experience unrelenting, crippling concern and fear. chemistry Personality traits and life
Sadly, only roughly one-third of Less than 15% of children experiences. most often Infancy,adolescence, or
and adolescents and adults with anxiety disorders receive early adulthood are the first stages of anxiety
therapy. disorders.

Good news! Anxiety issues are very

The everyday anxiety Anxiety Disorder
common.The majority of those with an illness
The feeling nervous before a job interview Turning down the promotion because itand
are treatable, involves public Speaking.
the treatment of anxiety
or major presentation. disorders by professionals is possible.However,
The feeling nervous, uncomfortable or A social invitation for fear of beingmust
treatment judged,humiliated
be specificallyoradapted
for the
awkward social situation. yourself.
best therapies for each patient typically combine
The realistic fear of a dangerous therapy
Refusing a social invitation andofmedicine.
for fear being judged,humiliated or
object,place or situation embarrassing yourself

The feeling shy and awkward when There are refusing to attend the office holiday party.
entering a room full of strangers.

A Generalized Anxiety Disorder

prevalent illness known as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is defined by

by persistent anxiety and tension that lasts for months, even

when the reason is weak or absent. This tense, persistent conflict interferes
daily existence, where individuals worry nonstop and feel powerless to
control your fears. People with GAD fear catastrophes and are extremely worried
about their family, money, or health dynamics and workplace challenges.
Occasionally, they barely manage to due of their heightened anxiousness,
throughout the day. GAD impacts 35% of the population, or 3.6 million adults.

GAD (and other anxiety disorders) are more prevalent in kids and teens.
Types of Anxiety
illnesses) can be especially incapacitating in children refusing occasionally
to attend class or take part in other activities that are crucial to their
development and education.Younger children frequently complain of
symptoms.These are more somatic in character and involve widespread
complaints of headaches and stomachaches.

There are nine major types of

GAD makes living a regular life both psychologically and physically anxiety disorders, each with
taxing.difficult and impossible to relax. Physical signs can include distinct symptoms:
include difficulties, exhaustion, headaches, and aches and pains in
the muscles.shaking, twitching, agitation, perspiration, nausea,  Generalized anxiety
and difficulty swallowingdyspnea, hot flashes, and dizziness. disorder(GAD)
Sufferers additionally may find it difficult to concentrate, unwind,  Social anxiety disorder
or sleep or remaining in bed. (social phobia)
 Panic disorder (panic
GAD often manifests gradually and can start at any time, however attack)
Between early childhood and middle adulthood, the risk is highest.
 Specific phobia
those who are hurt. GAD sufferers are unable to break the cycle
 Agoraphobia
of anxiety and believe there is no cure.their command.
 Substance/medication
It frequently happens in conjunction with other types of
induced anxiety disorder
anxiety or mood disorders.
 Anxiety due to a medical
Symptoms of GAD
 Treatment Options
• Excessive worry about everyday things
for Anxiety Disorders
• Trouble controlling constant worries • Feel tired all the time • Have  Anxiety in Children &
trouble relaxing Teens
 Anxiety and College
• Headaches, muscle aches, stomach aches Students

• Restless, difficulty concentrating • Irritable, hot flashes, lightheaded

• Trouble falling sleep or staying asleep

Social Anxiety Disorder

(Social Phobia)
E xcessive worry and self-consciousness about typical social situations describe social anxiety
disorder, also known as social phobia. Those with social phobia exhibit much more than shyness or
anxiety around others possess a severe, enduring, and illogical fear of being observed and evaluated
by others or of acting in ways that cause them embarrassment or ridicule.

Meeting new people, performing in front of an audience, dining out, and attending parties are typical
examples of social anxiety. Physical manifestations of social anxiety disorder may include the following
sickness, trembling, sweating, flushing, or difficulty speaking.

Extreme symptoms may eventually interfere with day-to-day activities. People who with this disease
frequently find it challenging to make or keeping friends can help you avoid being romantically involved
relationship, causing those who have this condition felt very alone and even embarrassed.

Children that with social phobia usually either stay away from
Social situations, or act out by screaming, sobbing, or
Their anxieties may be centered on interpersonal interaction
conversations with teachers, principals, or attending parties
other authorities' findings. Other worries include using the
telephone, using a public restroom, writing on a chalkboard,
or reading in front of others.

A child's entire life might be impacted by social anxiety

disorder.can hinder academic progress and social
developmentrelationships. Another outcome of social
anxiety is other difficulties with communication, such
selective mutism a condition in which a youngster may
become mute or have significant communication difficulties
in a stressful or frightful situation situati

Panic Dis orde r

(Panic Attack)

Approximately six million American adults in any one year

suffer from panic disorder. A sudden increase in
intense worry and anxiety, often leading to panic attacks
occur in well-known locations where there is supposedly
nothing poses a threat to the person. Several of the symptoms
manifest at once during an assault.

People who experience panic episodes frequently feel terror

own bodily signs that could become overwhelming. They are
unable to forecast when or where between attacks, they become
concerned with fear or dread of the next one. An attack will
happen. Anytime can be a panic attack, even if they are asleep.
They typically endure twenty minutes, however some of the
symptoms may not appear for linger longer.

People who experience severe, recurrent panic attacks may

become severely incapacitated as a result of their illness. They
might start to prepare for another scenario.panic episode,
which may result in mood or anxiety disorders that are more

Similar to adults, young people who suffer People with panic

disorder frequently start to avoid visiting places and doing things
out of concern that a panic episode might happen. In extreme
circumstances, children's anxiety become so prevalent that a
"safety" measure to assist, or they spend a lot of time at home.
intervals of time

Early adulthood is when panic disorder often first manifests,

and women seem to be more affected than males.

A phobia is an excessive or irrational dread
of a certain thing, activity, or circumstance
that in actuality poses little to no risk.
Animals, snakes, spiders, and insects are a few of the most
prevalent phobias, along with fears of heights,
escalators, tunnels, trains, aircraft, driving on the
highway, and the sight of blood or needles.

While some phobias start in childhood, others appear

out of nowhere, usually in adolescence or the early
stages of adulthood. The majority of anxiety disorders
are distinct phobias, which affect over 19 million

Even if people with phobias are aware that their concerns are unfounded, they frequently discover that
confronting the Serious anxiety is triggered by the scenario or simply just thinking about it. Some people
may feel so distressed that they will do anything to avoid their fears. Unfortunately, avoiding things simply
makes the phobia worse.

Children and adolescents who suffer from specific phobias may not realize that their anxiety is excessive or
unreasonable and may believe that their fearful
responses are justified. They fully believe that the
frightening object or event will actually harm them if
they do not avoid it. Children will become extremely
Phobia sufferers react emotionally and
distressed when confronted with the object or situation,
physically to the things or circumstances
and the anxiety may be expressed by crying, tantrums,
they are afraid of. Panic, dread, or horror
freezing or clinging.
are some of a phobia's symptoms. People
who have phobias frequently experience
Normal Anxiety Phobia
trembling, shortness of breath, and a rapid
Feeling anxious about a neighbor’s large dog. Avoiding a neighbor for fear of seeing the dog.
heartbeat. Although they may be aware that
Worry about takeoff in an airplane during a storm. Turning down
their a big
terror promotion
transcends thebecause
air travel.
reason, they feel unable to control or battle
Feeling uneasy or queasy when climbing a ladder. Refusing to attend
it because a special
their reactionsevent
areon the top floor
instinctive and
of a hotel.

Around one third of people with panic disorder also have
Fear of public settings, such as sporting events, is known as
Agoraphobia public spaces (parks, beaches), or retail
establishments,crowded areas like public transportation or other
places where there is no chance of immediate escape or
assistance for a panic attack Launching an attack might not
be simple. the neighborhood or the places where the panic
attack was first felt. or the terror Attack victims can halt any
actions they believe are causing the attacks like driving a car,
using an elevator, or going to the supermarket

Sometimes this fear gets so

bad that those who experience
it may eventually become

stance/medication induced anxiety
Ironically, many of the drugs and alcohol
that people take to "de-stress," increase
their social comfort level, or lower their
inhibitions may really be the triggers for
this condition. Substance abuse causes
intense worry and panic, not pleasant
feelings or relief. People with this disease
frequently are not aware of it because they
believe that using drugs or alcohol makes
them feel better, not worse.

When anxiety symptoms start to appear, it's

possible that is right away. Others might
experience symptoms after a month of
drinking or detox.

The Substances that Can Lead to Substance/Medication-induced Anxiety

Substances Medications Toxins

• Alcohol • Analgesics • Carbon dioxide

• Caffeine • Anesthetics • Carbon monoxide
• Cannabis (marijuana) • Anticonvulsants • Gasoline
• Cocaine (amphetamines) • Antidepressants • Nerve gases
• Hallucinogens • Antihistamines • Organophosphate
• Inhalants • Bronchodilators insecticides
• Nicotine • Cardiovascular • Paint
• Phencyclidine (PCP) meds
• Opioids • Corticosteroids
• Sedatives • Epinephrine
• Insulin

Anxiety Induced
by Medical Conditions
Various medical issues can
also result in an anxious condition. In
In many instances, the worry could
the first sign of a medical condition
In particular, if a person's anxiety
manifests suddenly, sickness may be present.
without having ever experienced anxiety
anxiety disorders in the family.
One of the signs is overall anxiety
both symptoms and panic attacks.

Anxiety is recognized as one of several medical

Diseases an indication, such as:

 Endocrine conditions ( hyperthyroidism,

 Cardiovascular conditions (atrial
fibrillation, congestive heart failure).
• Respiratory conditions (pneumonia, asthma)
disruptions in metabolism ( vitamin B12
deficiency, porphyria).
 Neurological conditions (encephalitis,
seizure disorders).
F ortunately, there has been significant advancement in the treatment of anxiety disorders during the
past 20 years. Regardless of the type of condition, most respond effectivel to counseling or other
forms of treatment a treatment plan that combines medicine and counseling.

The frst step in treatment should be a

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) teaches
patieCognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) teaches consultation with the family doctor. The physician
patients to identify the ideas and thought processes should conduct a complete physical exam and
that underlie their symptoms.nts to identify the diagnostic evaluation to
ideas and thought processes that underlie their determine whether a person’s symptoms are
symptoms their anxiety and alter their perspective caused by an anxiety disorder or a physical
and behavior in anxiety-provoking situations. In problem. If an anxiety disorder is diagnosed, the
time, this fresh a different style of thinking and specifc disorder or combination of disorders must
doing can help calm the anxiety a circumstance be identifed as well as any coexisting conditions,
results. For instance, a panicky person condition such as depression or substance abuse.
would discover that his or her anxiety attacks are a
sign of their anxiety illness rather than a heart Psychotherapy
attack, and then put their coping mechanisms into
In psychotherapy, patients converse with a
effect working with a CBT therapist to learn. Some
qualified mental health.To determine what caused
of the techniques CBT therapists instruct to change
it, consult a health professional like a social
Journaling, role-playing, relaxation techniques,
worker,counselor,psychologist, or psychiatrist a
and mental diversion are some examples of
diagnosis of an anxiety condition and treatment
thoughts and replies frequently given as homework
between therapy sessions. Therapy must be
delivered using the recommended techniques for
person's cooperation and focused on their unique
Anxiety disorders cannot be cured by medication,
however it can aid maintain management of
Using Medicines
symptoms. The most typical Antidepressants are
Prior to using any anxiety-related
prescribed, including SSRIs, beta-blockers, anxiety
medications (benzodiazepines and tricyclics),
 Ask your physician to explain the
and MAO inhibitors.
effects and effects of the medication.
 Inform your physician of any
Alternative Therapies alternative treatments or any ove the
counter drugs you may be taking.
 Ask your physician when and how
to take the drug ought to be halted.
A lot of people who suffer from anxiety disorders
benefit from attending self-help or support groups
and talking about their issues with others.
and successes with other people. stress reduction
Additionally, methods and meditation can assist persons
withanxiety problems can help people relax and improve
effects of treatment. Additionally, preliminary data indicate
that Additionally, cardiovascular activity may have a soothing

A Friendly Environment
A person with an anxiety illness needs the help of friends
and family to recover. Preferably, the Friends and family
would support their loved one as they instead of trivializing
the condition or demanding instant treatment, they advance
through therapy and discover new coping mechanisms.

A person with an illness must have the help of their family and friends to heal.

anxious condition.

Anxiety in Children & Teens

C hildhood anxiety is a common occurrence and is typically temporary and risk-free. Children with
anxiety disorders, on the other hand, exhibit fear, trepidation, and shyness to the point where they
begin to avoid situations and activities.
Anxiety disorders affect one in every eight youngsters,with signs frequently first appearing around age
six. Children with anxiety disorders are more likely to perform poorly in school, miss out on critical social
opportunities, and abuse drugs if they are not treated.Any sort of anxiety problem may be experienced by
kids and teenagers. Separation anxiety disorder, however, and Selective mutism is typically only identified
in children.

Disorder of Separation Anxiety

It's normal for a young child to have anxiety. when a child is not with a parent. When a parent leaves,
crying, clinging actions, or tantrums are frequent responses or when a kid is dropped off at a daycare or
preschool. Once the child is diverted and involved in a new activity, these behaviors typically end.

Many kids between the ages of 18 months and three or four go through this era of development normally,
and as a youngster gets older, symptoms typically go away. Although, if An older child experiences this
terror, which intensifies over time. When lasts more than a month, the youngster may have anxiety related to
separation. Separation anxiety disorder affects about 4% of children and frequently develops after a
significant life event like the death of a parent or pet, moving to a new home or school, or having a major
anxiety disorder experience. While separation anxiety disorder can affect adults, it typically affects children
aged seven to nine. Extreme apprehension and anxiety when away from home or an adult. Following that,
this worry disrupts school or other activities.

Ideas for Relaxing

separation phobia:
 Separations should be planned after naps or meals. Babies who are exhausted or
hungry are more likely to experience anxiety.
 Practice. Leave your kid with a nanny or babysitter for a while to get your child
used to your absence gradually.
 Create a bye ritual. Simple gestures like a hand wave or kiss could be used to
convey this.
 With no fanfare, depart. Inform your kid that you're going away and that you'll
return .So leave



T he years spent in college might be challenging. Organizing your schoolwork and perhaps a job,
meeting new friends, and gaining adult-like skills.Having obligations and living without family
support Members may induce dread. Most children develop the ability to handle these additional
responsibilities. Some people may experience more frequent, severe, and uncontrollable anxiety symptoms
at this period.
One of the most prevalent mental health issues on college campuses is anxiety disorders. Seventy-five
percent of Philippines people with anxiety disorders had their first episode of anxiety older than 22.

Questions to Ask Your Child Before

They Arrive at Campus:
When touring a campus, inquire about mental
health services and policy in addition to
questions about financial assistance, housing,
and curriculum. The following inquiries can
assist you in figuring out whether the Services
are available to help your child who is
experiencing stress and anxiety, an anxiety
condition, or another mental health issue:

 Do you offer counseling sessions to

students one-on-one or in groups?
How frequently? Do they cost anything
or are they free?
 Accepting private health insurance for
Psychiatric or counseling services?
 Accepting private health insurance for
Psychiatric or counseling services?
 Do any specialists in counseling
specialized clinic for anxiety treatment

Treating Older Adults

Identifying and treating a senior
Adults with suspected anxiety disorders
ought to begin with primary care providers.
physician. Many older folks experience
more at ease speaking with a doctor they
already have a relationship withrelationship.
Chances are higher if they have faith in
their primary care provider.that they'll
consent to treatment even a suggestion
to visit a mental health professional.
childhood. Although it can begin as
ear ly as two year s old, O CD is typical ly
Treatment of anxiety successfully in an
diagnos ed in youngs ter s at the age of
a healthy older adult depends on it
ten. While gir ls typically develop O CD
cooperative and understanding
thr oughout adoles cence, boys ar e mor e
interactions between the patient and the
likel y to do s o befor e reaching puber ty.
relatives and a doctor. Everyone involved
About equal num ber s of m en and wom en
must be aware of the nature of the issue
appear to be affected by OCD . For s om e
and pledge to adhere to the recommended
people, O CD s ym ptom s may com e and
course of action.
go or get better over tim e, but it' s
unus ual to go for long s tr etches without
Doctors frequently recommend lower exper iencing any. T he good news is that
Elderly folks should take different drug tr eating O CD is really do able.
doses than younger adults since alterations
in aging bodies might affect how well drugs
are absorbed and work. Family Members
may need to ensure that pharmacological
side effects and other issues are taken into account experienced while treatment are handled quickly.
Success in treating anxiety
in an older adult depends on a
good understanding and
relationships among the patient,
the family and the doctor.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder sufferer (OCD)
has a lot of disturbing notions. In an effort
to eliminate the worry and dread behind these
persistent ideas.The individual feels compelled
to repeat specific routines as a result.These
intricate ceremonies may eventually obstruct
their day-to-day tasks challenging because to
their employment, school, family obligations,
or social obligations.

OCD affects roughly 2.2 million adults in Philippines,

With about one-third of them claiming that it first
Manifested during their adolescence.
Common obsessions include: Common compulsions include:
 Sickness, germs, dirt, infections,  Cleaning (grooming, bathing, toilet habits,
contamination, bodily functions. laundry, cleaning)
 Order, precision, symmetry  Checking (doors locked, appliance of,
 Accidentally or deliberately harming self homework completed)
or others.  Counting, touching, tapping or rubbing
 Household items or items of little value things in a specifc sequence
 Ofensive sexual or religious thoughts  Ordering and arranging objects
 Magical thinking such as lucky numbers  Hoarding and collecting things of no value
 and superstitions  Mental (endless review of conversations,
counting, praying)

Signs of OCD in Children

It’s common for children to ask parents or other family members to also perform their rituals. Refusal can
trigger crying, tantrums, other behavioral issues. This ofen prompts the family to pursue assessment and

In other cases, children can be adept at hiding their compulsive behavior since they fear being judged for
their thoughts and rituals. Possible signs of OCD are:

 Raw, chapped or bleeding hands from constant washing

 Avoiding touching certain things because they are contaminated

Anxiety Disorders are

the most common mental health
condition in the Philippines.
7.1% 31.9% 22.3% 22.7% 20.6% 9.0%
Under 13 13-18 18-29 30-44 45-59 60+

Philippines with an anxiety disorder by age. Sources: Center for Disease Control, National Institute of
Mental Health

Name author Content

Lyca Mae De Guzman Anxiety Disorders , Anxiety Induced by Medical Conditions

Raven Lyka S. Casocot Generalized Anxiety Disorder,Treatment Options for Anxiety


Kim Dhanbi Batahoy Social Anxiety Disorder (Social

P h o b i a ) , Anxiety in Children & Teens

Queenie Rose A. Estandarte Panic Disorder, ANXIETY AND COLLEGE


Jocet Generalao Phobia, Treating Older Adults

Jaya M. Sevilleno Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Xena Shame Bernas Substance/medication

i n d u c e d a n x i e t y d i s o r d e r , Anxiety Disorders are

the most common mental health condition in the Philippines.

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