SLM Week 1 Q2 Oral Com Final

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
San Manuel, Pangasinan



MELC: Employs various communicative strategies in different situations

K to 12 BEC CG: (EN11/12OC-IIab-21)

Objectives: At the end of the module, the students should be able to:
1. List down communicative strategies;
2. Find appropriate strategies to use in each situation; and
3. Use the strategies effectively in communicating.

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Checked and Approved by:


Principal I
We need to communicate to others to establish a relationship and to have better
understanding. However, there are times when miscommunication occurs. It is important that we
know how to adjust and be able to communicate effectively.

Fill in the boxes with your own ideas about communicative strategies. There are no wrong or
right answers. Your own ideas matter. List down in your paper what you usually apply when you
communicate with others.


Cohen (1990) states that strategies must be used to start and maintain a conversation.
Knowing and applying grammar appropriately is one of the most basic strategies to maintain a
conversation. These are the strategies that people use:
1. Nomination – employed when you try to open a topic with the people you are talking to. You
may start off with news inquiries and news announcements as they promise extended talk.
This could signal the beginning of a new topic in the conversation.
2. Restriction – refers to any limitation you may have as a speaker. You are given specific
instruction that you must follow. These instructions confine you as a speaker and limit what
you can say.
3. Turn-taking – pertains to the process by which people decide who takes the conversation
floor. There is a code of behavior behind establishing and sustaining a productive
conversation, but the primary idea is to give all communicators a chance to speak.
4. Topic Control – covers how procedural formality or informality affects the development of
topic in conversations. This is achieved cooperatively. When a topic is initiated, it should be
collectively developed by avoiding unnecessary interruptions and topic shifts. You can say
“Yes,” “okay,” “go on,” or asking tag questions to be actively involved without dominating.
5. Topic shifting – involves moving from one topic to another. You have to be very intuitive.
Make sure that the previous topic was nurtured enough to generate adequate views. You
may say, “by the way,” “in addition to what you said,” “which reminds me of,” and the like.
6. Repair – refers to how speakers address the problem in speaking, listening and
comprehending that they may encounter in a conversation. For example, if everybody in the
conversation seems to talk at the same time, give way and appreciate other’s initiative to set
the conversation back to its topic.
7. Termination – refers to the conversation participants’ close-initiating expressions that end a
topic in a conversation. Most of the time, the one who initiated the conversation takes
responsibility to signal the concluding cues. You can do this by sharing what you learned or
complete the discussion of the topic.
If you will be able to use these strategies well, you will be good in handling conversations.
You will avoid miscommunication. However, you must also consider the situation. You must
choose your words wisely. What you say must depend on what the situation calls for.
For example, if you are just talking with friends, then it is alright to be casual and
you start and end the conversation; you need not be formal. Meanwhile, if you are in a formal
situation, you must start and control the conversation with care. Be polite whenever you can.
You have nothing to lose when you do that.
Activity 2. What Strategy
What type of strategy is used in each statement? Write your answer in your paper.
____________________1. Do you have anything to say?
____________________2. One of the essential lessons I gained from the discussion is the
importance of listening well to others.
____________________3. Excuse me? I think we should talk one at a time.
____________________4. Go on with your ideas. I will let you finish before I say something.
____________________5. Have you heard the latest news?
____________________6. Hi Jonas! How are you?
____________________7. Send my regards to them! See you next week!
____________________8. Good to see you. Anyway, I came to visit you because I
want to personally offer apologies for what happened yesterday.
____________________9. Sorry, I can’t decide on that now. Let us discuss it
tomorrow, okay?
____________________10. Now, it’s your turn to ask me a question.
Activity 3. Your Turn
You have identified the communicative strategies. This time give your own examples of
statements in the given situations. You may refer to statements in the previous activity as
samples. Use statements that you often say in normal conversations. Write your answer in your

Strategies Situation Sample Statements

Nomination You want to talk to your


Restriction You are giving instructions to

a member.

Topic Control Your friend is out of topic.

Topic Shift You want to talk about food

after discussing about the

Turn – taking You will give your silent

classmate a chance to speak.

Repair The volume of the voices is

getting higher.
Termination You want to end the
conversation, but your friend
is still talking.

Create a comic strip that will show how a good conversation goes. In the conversation, make
sure that you will show ALL the communicative strategies are applied well. Your scene must be
one that happens in real life. It can be about you as students, siblings, or participants in an
event. What is important is that you can apply the strategies in the situation well. Write your
answer in your paper or use a separate sheet if you must. You will be graded base on the rubric.

Rubric for Comic Strip

Category 4 3 2 1
Content Comic Strip contains Comic Strip contains Comic Strip contains Comic Strip contains
all the required all the required only some of the only has one of the
strategies presented strategies presented required strategies required strategies
with appropriate with appropriate presented with presented with
dialogues in realistic dialogues. appropriate appropriate
context. dialogues. dialogues.
Creativity The comic strip has The comic strip has The comic strip has The comic strip is
creative illustrations creative illustrations creative illustrations very simple and
and organized and organized but a little ordinary.
format. It is very format. disorganized in
attractive to the eye. format.
Accuracy The dialogues are The dialogues are There are a few There are several
written correctly in written correctly in errors in grammar, errors in grammar,
terms of grammar, terms of grammar, punctuation and punctuation and
punctuation, and punctuation, and spelling. spelling.
spelling. Thus, ideas spelling.
are clear.
A. Books
Department of Education. 2016. Oral Communication in Context. 839 EDSA, South Triangle,
Quezon City, Philippines: C & E Publishing, Inc.
Venus Ma. Hilaria G. Pablo, 2016. Oral Communication. Bagong Pook, Lipa City, Batangas:
Scolaire Publishing.
B. Online Source
ADM Modules
Answers may vary
ACTIVITY 2. What Strategy
1. Topic Control
2. Restriction
3. Repair
4. Turn Taking
5. Nomination
6. Nomination
7. Termination
8. Nomination
9. Termination
10. Turn Taking
ACTIVITY 3. Your Turn
Answers may vary
Answers may vary

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