Wiseguys JumpStart

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Eric Lamoureux

Richard Woolcock

Dim Martin, Morné Schaap

Morné Schaap

Karl Keesler

Per Folmer, Anna Jarmolowska, Dim Martin, Mike Tenebrae


John Riggs


Daryl Cartier, Jaime Pierson,
Justin Rasmussen, and Gary McCallum

Wiseguys, artwork, logos, and the Just Insert Imagination logo are © 2019 Just Insert Imagination. Wiseguys, all associated characters, logos, and artwork are
Copyrights of Just Insert Imagination. All rights reserved.
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos
and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability,
or suitability for purpose of this product.

My name is Marco. They used to call me Bruises. I lived the life but it wasn’t worth it, kid. I lost my youth and my
family. After I got out of the can, I went back to school. Now I’m reduced to workin’ as a damn parole officer while I write
my frickin’ autobiography.
I know you probably don’t want to hear this and just wish you could enjoy your drink in peace but I’m gonna tell ya
a story. I see people like you, men and women, arrive in Vegas with dollar signs plastered all over their faces every day.
So lemme paintcha a picture. It’s the mid-70s, and there’s a small-time real estate investor by the name of Allen Glick
who gets himself a Nevada gamin’ license, then purchases the Hacienda Hotel & Casino, the Stardust Resort & Casino,
the Fremont Hotel & Casino and the Marina Hotel with a loan from the Teamsters Pension Fund.
Glick doesn't know it yet, but the fund is managed by the Mob. The strawman can’t do nothin’ but watch as Frank
“Lefty” Rosenthal, who’s a sports handicapper and mob associate, takes over as the manager.
Over the next decade, Rosenthal proceeds to skim millions of dollars from the casinos for the Chicago, Milwaukee and
Kansas City families. Anthony “The Ant” Spilotro, who happens to be a Chicago Outfit enforcer, is brought in to protect
the Mob’s interests in Las Vegas.
Unfortunately, the frickin’ arrogance of this notorious duo ultimately leads to their downfall. Unwillin’ to play along
with Gamin’ Board politics, and because of his known mob ties, Rosenthal is denied access to the very casinos he’d previ-
ously been managin’ under the cover of various job titles. Without a gamin’ license, he’s forced to manage those casinos
from his residence through various proxies.
Meanwhile, Spilotro continues to make headlines with court appearances.
Although he ain’t convicted of any crime, this crazy, vicious mobster reigns
supreme in the streets with his associates known as the Hole in the Wall
Gang once his name ends up on the Blacklist, which prevents him from
even enterin’ any gamblin’ establishments.
Convinced his excesses will go unnoticed by the bosses back east, the
Ant breaks the mobster code by whackin’ guys without approval and
sleepin’ with Rosenthal’s wife. Big mistake I tell ya!
It’s no surprise that by the mid-80s, Rosenthal and Spilotro are
outta the picture. A failed car bombin’ convinces Frank to skip town
with his family, and Tony Spilotro’s body is found buried in a corn-
field in Indiana.
Back east, big-time U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani spearheads
the Mafia Commission Trial in which several organized crime
figures – includin’ the heads of the Five Families – are convicted.
The testimony of undercover agent Donnie Brasco and evidence
gathered by F.B.I. surveillance cut deep in the prosecution of these
notorious wise guys. In the years to come, sentences and internal
wars decimate the Mob ranks. It’s the end of an era.
In the aftermath of the Mafia Commission Trial, La Cosa Nostra
in New York and Chicago is routed and leaderless. At this point
we’re feelin’ the heat, so some of us goodfellas decide to take our
skills and dreams to the Nevada desert. Some do ok, but others...
like me...well, you already know how that turns out...
So now it’s the 90s, and Sin City’s Underworld has been taken
over by the Cartels and Chinese Tongs. Despite this, La Cosa
Nostra never gives up. They’ve recruited a new brand of associates
and local personalities – each one more flamboyant than the next.
Safecrackers, shylocks, Elvis impersonators, glow girls, roller derby
girls, and gamblers join in with them to – hopefully – rule Las
Vegas once more!
You think you have what it takes to fly under the radar of the
feds while wranglin’ the rackets back from the Cartels, kid? Go right
ahead! We’ll be seein’ each other soon.

Setting Rules
As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to
be a gangster. This JumpStart is an introduction to Wiseguys,
a Savage Worlds Adventure Edition setting by Just
Henry Hill Insert Imagination.
Characters in Wiseguys are part of the Mafia one way Wiseguys is a crime setting inspired by the
or another. They might be low-level associates recruited movie Casino by Martin Scorsese, and crime fiction
from Las Vegas’ criminal underbelly, transients, enter- movies by Quentin Tarantino of the 90s such as
tainers looking to make ends meet, or made-men of Reservoir Dogs. It also includes character options,
Italian heritage. This gives them access to resources setting rules, and a robust bestiary that can be
such as fences, arms dealers, and muscle. On the flip used to run campaigns featuring organized crime
side, they must abide by the rules and give a cut of their protagonists or antagonists.
earnings to their superiors. In La Cosa Nostra, this is
Daring heists, high-speed chases, turf wars,
called kicking up. Failure to comply may result in harsh
networking shenanigans, hijackings, mob hits, and
discipline including death.
desert hole digging await you in Wiseguys as you
As a result, every player character begins play with retake the city that was once yours – all the while
the Connections (La Cosa Nostra) Edge and Obligation dealing with the tribulations of your personal and
(Major – serve La Cosa Nostra) Hindrance. As part of professional life!
their Obligation, every gangster pays their dues and
In this JumpStart you’ll find a preview of the
kicks up 50% of their earnings (illicit or not) to their
setting, some of the new Hindrances, Edges,
immediate superior. This share of their earnings also
Setting Rules, a Mob Tale, and pre-generated wise
covers lifestyle expenses since wise guys usually have
guys to take this Cadillac out for a spin!
expensive tastes and habits.
Look for Wiseguys to hit Kickstarter later
If you’re using the Wealth rules, then every week a
this year!
wise guy doesn’t earn a Reward their Wealth die goes
down one step. When a wise guy goes broke, the boss
starts to seriously question his level of dedication to the
family. What this entails is totally up to the Don but may
involve loss of privileges, demotion, humiliation, or the
end of a career with the family (meaning an indefinite
coffin vacation).


HEISTS use the same skill once per scene. Completing a heist
is like a game of chess. It’s important for wise guys to
think several moves ahead!
Heists are a staple of good mobster stories. With so
much money up for grabs everywhere in the valley,
the crew is expected to perform several of these over Influence a Story
the course of their criminal career. The Underworld,
By spending a Benny, a player character may influ-
gambling establishment and Law Enforcement have
ence a story by enabling their character to use a different
wised up to robberies and breaking and entering over
skill to face a step of the Dramatic Task than the one
the years. Their security teams are trained to recognize
determined by the Don. This can take the form of a
patterns and halt any attempt to rob them or threaten
flashback scene where a situation had previously been
the security of tourists which the city is so dependent on.
set up by the crew to facilitate the Heist. It could involve
Scoundrels must navigate through various levels of bribing a guard the day before, making a forged copy of
security and coordinate their efforts to reach the cov- the item to be stolen, placing a device to create a diver-
eted prize. sion, inserting a tap into a closed circuit network, or
acquiring proper uniforms to blend in.

Dramatic Tasks
These are perfect to run heist scenes with. Use the Quick Encounters
Multiple Skills option with a different skill for every If the heist isn’t a pivotal part of the scenario or the
step, and performed by a different “lead” (until every group is running out of time, Quick Encounters may be
member of the crew has taken their turn). If a scoundrel used to run a heist. In this case, each heist participant
wants to Support the efforts of the “lead”, they can only must select a different skill. A heist is a team effort and

Edges & Hindrances
• cafone: an embarrassment to The Cooler (Minor)
himself or others; gavone (slang
You turn anyone’s luck to mush. There’ve been times
in the past when people around you have caught on
• crew: a group of soldiers to that and given you a beating. Usually, you just get
taking orders excluded by your peers when gambling is involved.
• do a piece of work: to murder
• get straightened out: become You and everybody within a Large Blast Template
a made man centered around you, or room (whichever is smaller)
• rat: a member who violates Omertà are unable to spend Bennies on Gambling rolls.
• skim: tax-free gambling profits

swag: stolen goods
to make your bone: commit
The Usual Suspect (Major)
murder in order to be made Nicky Santoro: If a guy tripped over a banana peel,
they'd frickin’ bring me in for it.
• Zips: slang term used by Ital-
ian-American mobsters in reference Casino (1995)
to Sicilian mafioso Your reputation as a criminal precedes you and you
are well known to law enforcement. You are constantly
the victim of harassment and surveillance. When a
crime is committed in the city, the cops or Feds show up
and have questions for you. It doesn’t matter whether
you had anything to do with the crime or not.
its success depends on every member of the team (and
their particular skill) contributing to the effort.

The crew’s hired to rob the Safari Casino, and the
Don informs them they need to successfully complete 4 A Friend of Mine (Social)
tasks. First they need to slip past security using Stealth. Lefty: [while walking with Donnie to meet up with
Second, they must gain access to the restricted area other crime family members] When I introduce you,
by bypassing the locks with Electronics. Once in the I'm gonna say, "This is a friend of mine." That means
restricted area they can disable the closed-circuit televi- you're a connected guy. Now if I said instead, this
sion with Hacking. Finally, the only way to get through is a friend of ours that would mean you a made guy.
the vault door is to blow it up with Explosives (a skill A Capiche?
found in the Wiseguys setting book). Donnie Brasco
When it’s time to bypass the lock with Electronics,
Requirements: Seasoned, Streetwise, Persuasion d6+
The Amazing Linda played by Teri realizes she doesn’t
have that skill so she asks the Don if she may spend a This character takes great care to cultivate assets and
Benny to Influence the Story and use Thievery to pick make friends of all kinds. A vast and strong network is
the pockets of a casino employee instead. a commodity in the Underworld.
Once per session, the wise guy can create a contact
who’s able to provide immediate assistance. The player
character must give the Don at least basic information
on this individual. This could be a forger, a politician,
an arms dealer, or a witness. This individual happens
to owe the wise guy a favor.

Cleaner (Professional)
Requirements: Novice, Healing d6
This character was trained to clean up crime scenes OmertA
and has knowledge of forensics methods used by law This Italian word means “manhood”. It
enforcement during criminal investigations. is the code of silence.
The cleaner can roll Healing at +2 to scrub a crime Upon going through the sacred cer-
scene using only household products, and can finish emony, new initiates agree to live by
the clean-up in half the time. They can also use Healing the following code. Breaking the rules
instead of Notice or Survival to find and follow clues invites other members to kill them.
from a crime scene.
1. Omertà. This oath, or “code of
silence”, prohibits made-men from
talking to the authorities.
Goodfella (Background) 2. Family secrets. Members aren’t
Requirements: Novice, male, Italian heritage on the allowed to discuss family business
father’s side with outsiders.
This honor is bestowed upon men of Italian descent 3. Blood for blood. If a wise guy is
who have proven themselves loyal and profitable to La murdered by a peer, retaliation is
Cosa Nostra. forbidden unless the boss gives
Goodfellas have made their bones and got straight-
ened out. They are privy to secrets only members of the 4. No fighting among members. Fist,
brotherhood have access to. This prestigious title grants knife, gunfights. Doesn’t matter.
a gangster the Streetwise Edge. If the character already 5. Tribute. A member must give
had this Edge, he can choose another Social Edge as a portion of his earnings to the
long as he meets the requirements. boss each month. Wise guys call it
A goodfella also gets a bunch of things for free. Their kicking up.
clothes are swag and when they go to a restaurant, it’s 6. Adultery. You simply don’t sleep
on the house. Associates kick money up to them as with another man’s wife.
well. Therefore, their Wealth die only goes down one
7. Dress Code. Wise guys consider
level per month if no Rewards were gained during
themselves businessmen and they
that time period, instead of every week. They also kick
dress the part. They come to work
up only 25% of their earnings instead of 50% (see La
in a suit and clean shaven. And
Cosa Nostra.)
tattoos are frowned upon. You
Goodfellas are also considered untouchable. Other shouldn’t have any markings by
members of La Cosa Nostra will not lay hands on them which you can be identified.
unless they have permission (see Omertà in the sidebar
for more information). This protection also extends to
other shady underworld individuals who won’t initi-
ate hostilities unless provoked first. Those who do can
count on the whole mafia family to exact their revenge
on the transgresser. while wearing them (you cannot be disarmed), and they
are not treated as improvised weapons. This leaves your
Finally, the life of a gangster comes at the expense of
hands free to hold other items or weapons.
responsibilities. Therefore, the mobster gains the Vow
(Major – Omertà) Hindrance.
Handling Toughness Crew Cost
Roller-Skater (Combat) Size
– 2 (Small) +0 3 1 100
Requirements: Novice, Athletics d6, Fighting d6 Notes: Doubles the skater’s Pace and running die result.
You have mastered the art of fighting on roller skates. Difficult terrain counts as 4” of movement. Any critical
While fighting on skates you are not considered on an hit wrecks the skates.
Unstable platform, you can use your skates as weapons


It all began with a tip that a valuable cargo was
practically waiting to be hijacked. The truck driver had
fallen on hard times and was willing to relinquish its
content to Mario Zella, a wise guy under Loony John’s
The crew just completed a delivery truck hijacking
wing for a bunch of crackers (a thousand dollars).
but the driver, Mario Zella, was arrested by Las Vegas
You also work for Loony John, a mafia caporegime. Metro P.D. Two other police cars are on the crew’s tail,
Over here he’s also known as Soup. Legend has it that time to lose them.
one time one of his soldiers handed him his kick up
It just so happens that the crew knows a place they
money in a manilla envelope as Loony was cooking
can hide until the whole thing blows over. It’s dark and
dinner. Now, Loony John had specifically asked for
poorly lit outside the warehouse, so the cops probably
white letter envelopes because they fit perfectly in the
don’t know who’s in the car. Or do they?
lining of his vest. Rumour has it the angry capo grabbed
the closest thing to him, which happened to be a can of This is a Chase scene with the crew two cards ahead
soup, and beat the cafone within an inch of his life. This of the cops. It ends when the crew has escaped, made it
is the type of guy you’re dealing with here. 5 rounds without getting caught, or been collared by the
cops. The cops concentrate their efforts on disabling the
Loony John recruited you to assist Mario in the
vehicle or trying to force it off the streets of Las Vegas.
hijacking. Mario would drive the truck while you fol-
lowed in a car provided by Loony John to make sure
nothing happened to the swag box.
The thing is it all went downhill when you reached
Size Handling Speed Toughness Crew
the warehouse you were supposed to bring your haul to.
Las Vegas Metro Police cars came out of nowhere and 5 (Large) +0 140 MPH 12(3) 1+4
converged on the location with sirens on. Some might
say it was as if they were waiting for the delivery. POLICE CRUISER
With a turn of the wheel and the pedal to the Size Handling Speed Toughness Crew
metal, you sped off into the night in the boss’ Cadillac, 4 (Large) +1 160 MPH 11(3) 1+3
tires screeching and engine roaring, pursued by two
police cars. • 2 Las Vegas Metro police officers per cruiser (use
Security stats)

By now the crew has either made it to their hideout
or been arrested by the cops.
If they made it to the hideout, take a moment to ask
them what it looks like. Is it the back of a restaurant,
junkyard, or suburban house?
It’s also a good time to run an Interlude to fill in the
blanks about the hijacking. What was in the delivery
truck? Where were they going? Remind the players that
the bust looked like a setup. There must be a rat in their
midst. Give them a moment to roleplay this out before
moving to the next scene.
If the crew got arrested, you should run that Inter-
lude behind bars as the crew tries to make sense of what
happened. When the last crew member has said his
piece, Loony John comes to bail them out.


In mafia lingo, singing like a canary means being an
informant for the police or to rat someone out.
This may come as no surprise but Mario Zella turned
informant for the F.B.I. months ago. Believing that
Mario wouldn’t be able to continue this masquerade

Whether the crew meets Loony John at their hideout

or after getting out of jail, he tasks them with finding
Mario. The crew needs to make sure he doesn’t talk, and
Main Objective destroy any evidence the Feds might have on the crew
or Loony John. The sooner the better!
Do a piece of work on Mario Zella.
Mario Zella is being held under heavy security at
Secondary Objective the Colossus Casino & Hotel by F.B.I. agents. In the
Destroy evidence against the crew and morning, they board a flight to D.C. for a debriefing
Loony John. and to initiate the Witness Protection Program process
for Mr. Zella.

Coincidentally, it’s a special night at the Colossus.

It’s opening night for Coco, a disco star from the 70s, at
the Parthenon Theater. This means the place is packed
without tipping his hand for much longer, the F.B.I. to the rafters with over-enthusiastic fans, and there’s
decided to hurry things along and set up a hijacking to increased private security.
apprehend the crew. Finding Mario’s location is achieved by Networking
Needless to say, the bust doesn’t sit well with Loony with a –2 penalty. As usual, it’s possible to use the Sup-
John and he suspects Mario’s a dirty rat. Mario can’t be port rules. A failure means the crew finds out where
located in any of the valley’s police precincts. Mario is, but the F.B.I. knows they’re coming. A success
means they locate Mario down to the room number

Song of the Canary
(21066). On a raise, they ferret out how much security If the crew decides to lie in wait for Mario to return,
the rat is under, his exact location, and the fact there’s a Loony calls them to inquire about the status of their
Coco concert. With two raises they’re aware that mem- investigation. He urges them to seek out Mario before
bers of the Russian Bratva are on the scene to conduct he slips away.
a drug deal. The concert is sold out, so the crew needs to find
The Colossus Casino & Hotel is under heavy police another way in. When they enter the amphitheater, the
security. Cars are patrolling the area. Double the secu- concert is nearing the intermission, and the atmosphere
rity if the crew failed the Networking. is festive. Most of the audience is wearing disco era
• 2 Las Vegas Metro police officers per character clothes. Locating Mario requires a success on a Notice
(use Security stats) roll. A raise informs the crew that Russian Bratva goons
are protecting Mario and agent Harrison, while a failure
alerts the goons to the crew’s approach.

OVERTURE Once the music stops, Harrison makes his way back-
stage to conduct the deal with Coco and Grigory. If
the crew fails to intercept special agent Harrison, the 2
Special Agent Gary Harrison is responsible for pro- agent bodyguards, and his captive, they all disappear
tecting Zella and delivering him to F.B.I. Headquarters backstage. The crew can also opt to take a shot through
in Washington D.C. for debriefing. the crowd but any firearm going off alerts the local cops
outside the building.
Two agents keep an eye out for the crew in the hotel
lobby and elevators. Two more guard the 21st floor and If confronted, Mario Zella denies being a rat. He gets
the door to room 21066. Finally, two additional agents on his knees and begs for his life, claiming Gary Harri-
plus Gary Harrison keep an eye on Mario Zella. Feel son is a dirty Fed and set him up.
free to increase security with a police escort for larger If given the chance, Gary Harrison tries to reason
or more experienced crews. with the crew before they take care of Mario. He’s will-
A Dramatic Task or Quick Encounter are good ways ing to give up the surveillance files he has on them and
to handle the crew trying to slip past without sounding Loony John if they let him walk away with Mario Zella.
any alarms, or to subdue security all the way to room They can’t have both. If they kill him or Zella, they’ll
21066 and Mario. never find the files.

• F.B.I. Agents: Use Security stats with Athletics

and Common Knowledge d6 • Special Agent Gary Harrison: Use Security
stats with Persuasion d8 and the Streetwise and
Connections (Bratva) Edges


Mario Zella
Grigory: Use Bratva Goon stats with Smarts
d6 and Vigor d10
There’s a very good reason why special agent Gary
Harrison wanted to stay at the Colossus tonight. The • 1 Bratva Goon per character
dirty Fed uses his position to run a drug empire on the
side. The exuberant Coco and his stoic Russian manager
Grigory (a Bratva member) are his customers. Harrison
needs to unload 10 kilos of snow and figures the con-
cert ought to provide the perfect cover for the deal. The
agent's an egomaniac with a nervous tic he tries to con- Where the files are is up to the Don and could be
ceal by chewing on mints he grabs from a small antique the beginning of another Mob Tale. They might be in
tin can. The three miscreants all have backstage passes a locker at the airport, in a reporter’s mailbox, or some
and intend to conduct the deal during intermission. other possibility amongst many.
Unless the crew makes a ruckus or alerts the agents, Did the crew start a war with the Russian Mob? Did
they reach the room. Mario and the agents keeping an they complete all objectives?
eye on him are not in their penthouse suite, however. A
brochure with pockets that once held tickets to the Coco Reward
concert is found on the desk.
While Loony John doesn’t compensate the crew
for their effort there is potential for good money here.

Grigory has a bag with $50,000 (2 Rewards) and Har- Security
rison has a briefcase containing drugs of equivalent Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
street value. Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d4
CAST OF CHARACTERS Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Gear: Glock (9mm) (Range 12/24/48, 2d6, Shots 17,
AP 1, RoF 1)
Mario Zella
This wiseguy thought he’d make more money with
his own crew, but he soon got in way over his head.
Guys started getting pinched, bringing heat down on
Bratva Goons
The goons were misinformed about the nature of this
him. That’s when he was left with no choice but to turn event and were instructed to wear togas. Coco and
informant to save his miserable skin. Truth is that he Grigory think this is quite hilarious.
doesn’t have the spine or smarts to lead a crew. He’s
also scared silly of spending any time in the can, though Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
he’d never admit it. Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Shooting
Vigor d8
d6, Stealth d4
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Shooting
d6, Stealth d4 Edges: Brawler
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 Gear: Glock (9mm) (Range 12/24/48, 2d6, Shots 17, AP 1,
Hindrances: Clueless, Impulsive, Yellow RoF 1), Walkie-Talkie
Edges: Goodfella, Streetwise

Little Debbie
Roller Derby girl / Knee Breaker

Everybody has their own way to let off some steam. After your husband left you alone to raise the kids, you needed to channel
all that frustration into something. That’s when you joined the local Roller Derby team. You used to play sports in high school
and always had an affinity for it. Other than beating up your husband, nothing’s better than the feeling of a contact sport like
Roller Derby. You always bring baked goods to the games.

One day, a mobster in attendance watched you play. Turns out he needed an enforcer, a real tough broad. Needless to say,
you’re having more fun than ever, but you have to keep this part of your life a secret. You love your kids and wouldn’t want
them to be taken away from you. If only the other parents at PTA meetings knew what you get up to at night.

d8 d4 d6 d8 d8 “Would you like
a brownie to go
Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigor
with that
Skills knuckle
d8 d4 d6 d8 d6 d4
Athletics Common Driving Fighting Intimidation Notice Wounds

d4 d8 d4 d4 d6
Persuasion Shooting Spanish Stealth Taunt

Pace: 8 Parry: 6 Toughness: 7 Fatigue

Edges: Brawler, Combat Reflexes, Extraction, Fleet-Footed, Roller-Skater.
Hindrances: Obligation (Major – single mother of 2), Secret (Minor – criminal life), Suspicious (Minor)
Gear: Peacemaker (.45) (Range 12/24/48, 2d6+1, Shots 6, AP 1, RoF 1, Revolver), Roller-Skates (Str+d4)

Lucien Cross

Your father started taking you to Blue Bonnets (race tracks) in Montreal at a young age. He taught you everything he knew about
horse racing. When you were good, he’d let you place the bets.

One day, you saw your father getting roughed up by men in suits. Not long after that, he went out one night to buy cigarettes and
never came back. You figured that if you became someone he’d come back one day, so you started studying horses from around the
world, keeping data on every race. You started studying baseball as well, going to Jarry Park or driving down to New York. Eventually
Montreal became too small for you, your girlfriend became a junkie, and the local Zips started wanting a piece of you so you moved
to Las Vegas where you hooked up with a man who claims to have known your father. It’s easy money so far and you’re living the

d6 d10 d8 d6 d6 England by
Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigor 13 points.”
d6 d4 d10 d6 d10 d8
Academics Athletics Common Fighting Gambling Notice
Wounds Fatigue
d8 d6 d6 d4
Persuasion Research Shooting Stealth

Pace: 5 Parry: 5 Toughness: 5

Edges: A Friend of Mine, Connections (Las Vegas Metro PD), Streetwise
Hindrances: Cautious, Elderly, Greedy (Minor)
Gear: S&W (.357) (Range 12/24/48, 2d6+1, Shots 6, AP 1, RoF 1, Revolver)
The Amazing Linda
Illusionist / Cleaner

Daddy put you through med school. He was a doctor himself and wanted you to follow in his footsteps. Your true passion, though, was
magic and illusions. You did your internship at the coroner’s office and, most importantly, got to spend it either at the morgue
dissecting bodies or at crime scenes collecting evidence. You learned how crimes are investigated while practicing your magic tricks on
the side, but a disgraceful incident prevented you from graduating.

Shamed and disowned, you haven’t been in touch with daddy since. You moved to Vegas and eventually got your own show on Fremont
St. at the Shamrock Casino thanks to Loony John. Over the past few years, you’ve developed an addiction to pills and your health
hasn’t been the best, but on the bright side you have a pet snake named Aspy, and are on the way to fame while Loony John pays you
extra for your knack of making bodies disappear.
“Mina’s husband
Attributes comes home in 45
d8 d10 d8 d6 d6 mins. Let’s make
sure this place
Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigor looks as though
Skills we were never
here! Pronto!”
d4 d4 d4 d8 d6 d6
Athletics Common Fighting Healing Notice Persuasion
Wounds Fatigue
d6 d6 d8 d8
Performance Shooting Stealth Thievery

Pace: 6 Parry: 4 Toughness: 5

Edges: Beast Master, Cleaner, Healer
Hindrances: Anemic, Habit (Major: pills), Shamed (Minor – failed med school)
Gear: Asp named Aspy (use the Venomous Snake in Savage Worlds), Glock (9mm) (Range 12/24/48, 2d6, Shots 17, AP 1, RoF 1 )

Tommaso “Tommy Blue” Mazzotta

You grew up on the streets of Brooklyn, shinin’ shoes for the made-men of the neighborhood. Twenty years later you were one of ‘em on Burglar / Wise guy
account of havin’ been a good earner for the family. You learned how to defeat surveillance and security which helped you to become one of
the best house burglars in the city. You grew tough and smart. Now, people respect you or they get a few broken bones. And that’s if you’re in
a good mood that day.

You saw an opportunity to shed some of the heat and make money by movin’ to Las Vegas to protect the family’s interests. Turns out, your
reputation precedes you everywhere you go, and every time somethin’ goes wrong, the cops come knockin’ at your door and askin’ questions.
You’re more clever than them, though. Have you been pinched? Sure, plenty of times, but nothin’ sticks to you.

d8 d8 d6 d8 d6
Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigor “Fuhgeddaboudit!”
d6 d4 d6 d8 d4 d6 Wounds
Athletics Common Electronics Fighting Gambling Intimidation

d6 d4 d4 d6 d6 d6
Notice Persuasion Repair Shooting Stealth Thievery

Pace: 6 Parry: 6 Toughness: 5
Edges: Goodfella, Streetwise, Thief
Hindrances: Quirk (Brooklyn accent), The Usual Suspect (Major), Thin Skinned (Minor)
Gear: Brass Knuckles (Str+d4, a gangster wearing brass knuckles is considered to be an Unarmed Defender), Cellular
Interceptor, Lineman’s Telephone (Repair roll to tap into a phone line), Lockpicks, Peacemaker (.45) (Range 12/24/48,
2d6+1, Shots 6, AP 1, RoF 1, Revolver), Telephone Tap (Bug)
Winston Brown
Elvis impersonator / Pickpocket

Give you a few minutes; you can impersonate anyone you’ve observed before. Las Vegas has been a blessing for you. The weather is lovely
and every day out on the Strip, you stand at a corner dressed as Elvis, wearing your best suit. You sing, dance and make the crowd happy.
After they’ve paid to have their picture taken with you, you swipe their wallets.

You’re the best Elvis impersonator that’s ever lived and you’re ready to prove it to any contender. You prefer to stay outside of casinos
because, for some reason, you bring bad luck to gamblers around you.

All that hip-thrusting-wallet-snatching action has earned you the attention of the local mobsters. You were given the choice between two
broken legs, or to join a crew with the possibility of bigger scores while continuing with your act on your free time. You took the latter.

Attributes “Eyes up here,

d8 d6 d8 d6 d6 honey!”
Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigor

d4 d4 d6 d6 d8 d6
Athletics Common Fighting Notice Performance Persuasion
Wounds Fatigue
d6 d8 d6 d8
Shooting Stealth Taunt Thievery

Pace: 6 Parry: 5 Toughness: 5

Edges: Bolster, Charismatic, Martial Artist, Work the Room
Hindrances: Delusional (Minor – greatest Elvis impersonator alive) , Jealous (Major), The Cooler
Gear: Glock (9mm) (Range 12/24/48, 2d6, Shots 17, AP 1, RoF 1, Semi-Auto)


Agility Smarts Spirit Strength Vigor


Wounds Fatigue

Pace: Parry: Toughness:


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