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Jalan Belitung Darat RT 19 No. 132 Banjarmasin 70116
Telepon 0511-3354821 - 0511-3364031


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : VIII / Ganjil
Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN 5 Banjarmasin
Hari / Tanggal : Selasa / 20-09-2022
Waktu : 08.50 – 09.30 WITA

1. Isi identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban yang tersedia
2. Jumlah soal sebanyak 25 butir, pada setiap butir terdapat 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban
3. Periksa dan bacalah dengan teliti soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawab
4. Periksa pekerjaan sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas
Hitamkan (●) lingkaran pada huruf a, b, c, atau d pada jawaban yang kamu anggap benar!

Read the dialogue below the fill the blanks. c. At the pool
1. Diah : How was your work? d. At home
Ana : I have finished my first novel. 4. What season is mentioned in the dialogue
Diah : Wow! .... a. Dry
Ana : Thank you b. Cold
a. Well done! You did it c. Winter
b. Thank you d. Autumn
c. I hope it’s fine 5. What does mother mean by saying “Don’t
d. Oh my God! let the water overflow”?
2. Rahel : Hey, Daniel! How was the a. The mother is afraid of overflow
economics competition? Did you and your b. Rose let the water overflow
team go home with the trophy? c. Rose will move the water into another
Daniel : Thank God, we did. Fortunately place
we succeeded to get the first place. d. Mother prohibits Rose to waste the water
Rahel : .... 6. “Don’t let the water overflow”.
Daniel : Thank you very much for The underlined word is closest meaning
saying so. to ....
What would be the next response after a. Over
Daniel says about his team succession? b. Flood
a. It’s so bad news from you c. Less
b. How can you won in this competition d. Weave
c. Wow, i don’t believe you Daniel 7. Why does Rose has to be wise in using
d. Wow, that’s a good job, Dan. water?
Congratulation on your success! a. Because many people outsie can’t use it.
b. Because water is poisonous.
Dialogue for questions number 3 to 7 c. Because the amount is redundant.
Mother : Rose wash your hands before eating d. Because there is no water in her house.
Rose : Yes, mom
Mother : and turn off the tap before you leave Dialogue for questions number 8 to 12
the wach machine. Don’t let the water Mila : What are you cooking, Mom?
overflow. Mother : Grilled chicken with mushroom sauce.
Rose : Ok, Mom. But why? You like it, don’t you?
Mother : Oh, Rose! Don’t forget that is the dry Mila : Yes, it’s my favourite food. Please make
season now. the vegetables salad too.
Rose : Yes Mom, I watch on television. Mother : Ofcourse. I’m grilling the chicken now.
Mother : So, you cannot let water flow for Mila : Wow, it smells good and looks so tasty.
nothing, while a lot of people outside Mother : Will you pass me a plate to put the
are unable to use even a small amount chicken?
of it. We should help the planet to Mila : Here you are, Mom.
preserve water for everyone. Mother : Will you wash the carrot and bean then
Rose : Yes Mom, I’ll always remember that cut them?
3. Where does the conversation probably take Mila : I’ll do it, Mom.
place? Mother : Thanks, my dear.
a. At the bathroom Mila : With pleasure, Mom.
b. At the yard
8. Where does the dialogue possibly take 18. We can use the following expressions to ask
palce? someone’s attention, except ....
a. In the kitchen a. Could you call me?
b. In the bathroom b. May I have your attention?
c. In the living room
c. Could I just ask?
d. In the dinning room
9. The following foods are going to be made d. Could we talk?
by Mila’s mother, except .... 19. “I like your idea” is the expression of ....
a. Grilled chicken a. Making suggestion
b. Mushroom sauce b. Supporting suggestion
c. Vegetable salad c. Declining suggestion
d. Meatball d. Asking suggestion
10. What does Mila take to put the grilled 20. I .... call him after he has arrived.
chicken? a. Can
a. A plate
b. Would
b. A bowl
c. A pan c. May
d. A frying pan d. Get
11. What vegetable does Mila wash and cut? 21. I .... open the window, the temperature is
a. Potato and carrot so hot.
b. Bean and tomato a. Can not
c. Carrot and bean b. Will
d. Bean and potato c. Will not
12. The underlined sentence is the expression d. May
of ....
22. When your older sister succeeded to enter
a. Asking for opinion
b. Asking for capability this favourite university, what would you
c. Asking for willingness say?
d. Asking for attention a. So excellent!
b. So boring
Dialogue for questions number 13 to 15 c. I”m sorry
Teacher : If you have done your homework, d. I agree that
collect the book tomorrow. (13)____?
Student : I’m sorry sir. (14)____. Could you Dialogue for questions number 23 to 25
repeat? Mother : Can you help me, Linda?
Teacher : Ok, after you’ve done your Linda : Sure. What should I do, Mom?
homework, collect the book tomorrow. Mother : Please help me to water the plants on
Do you get it? the right side.
Student : (15)____? Ok. I will collect my book Linda : Where is the hose?
tomorrow. Mother : Near the washing machine.
13. a. Do you understand 23. What does the mother ask to Linda?
b. Do you think so a. To turn off the water
c. Attention, please b. To cut the plants
d. sorry to trouble you c. To take the hose
14. a. I don’t understand d. To help her
b. I think so 24. Where is the hose?
c. I know what you mean a. Near the washing machine
d. I’d like to b. Under the chair
15. a. Yes, sir. I got it c. Beside the table
b. I don’t follow you d. In the kitchen
c. I’m affraid. I can’t 25. Which side has to be watered by Linda?
d. I don’t agree with you a. In the middle
16. Which one is the expression used for asking b. In the front
permission? c. On the left
a. May I turn on the air conditioner? d. On the right
b. What do you think of Miss. Tia?
c. Can you come to my house tonight?
d. Can you play the guitar?
17. A : Would you please come to my party?
B : .... I must visit my grandfather at the
a. Of course
b. Excellent
c. I’d love to, thanks
d. I’m affraid I can’t
1. A 15. A
2. D 16. A
3. D 17. D
4. A 18. A
5. D 19. B
6. B 20. A
7. A 21. B
8. A 22. A
9. D 23. D
10. A 24. A
11. C 25. D
12. C
13. A

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