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Philippines V.

S Ecuador

The Philippines has a thriving agricultural industry and is well-known for its amazing travel spots and stunning
beaches, the most well-liked of which being the Boracay Islands and Palawan. It also has historical churches, a rich
cultural heritage, and was acknowledged as a country with hospitable citizens. The Philippines was once colonized
by the Spaniards. On the other side, Ecuador is home to the tallest active volcano in the world and has a tropical
and mountainous landscape. The country's top exports are crude oil, shrimp, bananas, coffee, cut flowers, and
cocoa. Prior to the arrival of the Spanish and their claim to the land as a Spanish colony. The Galápagos Islands are
well-known for being located in Ecuador.

My insights according to Rappler, the Economic Policies of Philippines is Fiscal policy and monetary policy in which
through taxes or indirect taxes for example, value-added taxes account for about 70 percent of tax revenues in the
Philippines. The government’s use of taxation and expenditures to achieve a country’s economic objectives.
Furthermore, fiscal policy through taxes can increase the GDP of Philippines. The monetary policy according to
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas promote a low and stable inflation conducive to a balanced and sustainable economic
growth. However, in today's time Filipinos having difficulty towards inflation in which a challenge for Bangko
Sentral ng Pilipinas. When it comes to Foreign Policies according to the Philippine Constitution in 1987, as indicated
in article II, section 2. The Philippines rejects using war as a tool of national policy, adopts universally recognized
international legal norms as part of domestic law, and upholds a peace, equality, and justice policy. The Philippines
is not into war in which Philippines is a friendly country, abide and respect international laws. If I would also be a
president of Philippines, I will follow the legacy of former Prsident Duterte in which he befriend leaders from other
country to increase support, and avoid war. As Philippines is not nothing against the strength of the military forces
of other countries.

In comparison to the economic policies of Ecuador is the Significant Barriers to United States Export; early in the
1990s, the trade policy. Ecuador is favorable when it come to U.S in which they reduced the tariffs and eliminate
the most non-tariff surcharges compared to other country which is still good because Ecuador is dependent on U.S.
Another economic policy is Structural Policy; a structural reform program to encourage investment and economic
growth and reforming the budget, cutting back on public employees, and getting rid of laws that were unnecessary
and distorted the market regulations with few exceptions for fuels, food stuffs and pharmaceuticals, all prices are
determined by the free market. Through this could also help increase the GDP of Ecuador. When to its foreign
Policies Ecuador has traditionally placed a strong focus on multilateral solutions to global issues. Ecuador is a
United Nations member and most of its specialized agencies. Ecuador has strengthened its efforts to deepen and
widen its political and economic ties with nations in Latin America, Europe, and Asia under the administration of
former president Rafael Correa. For instance; In 1839, the United States and Ecuador agreed to a Treaty of Peace,
Friendship, Navigation, and Commerce.

The similarities of Philippines and Ecuador is both a democratic country and was onced colonized by the Spaniards
that is why both country adopted the culture and some language of Spaniards. Both country is the alliance of
United States and a member of United Nations . Philippines to Ecuador when it comes to Foreign and Economic
Policies is relatively close in which Ecuador and Philippines has a good relationship towards United States and
other countries.

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