A Mix Method of Knowledge Capitalization in Maintenance: Brigitte Chebel-Morello

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J Intell Manuf (2008) 19:347–359

DOI 10.1007/s10845-008-0087-3

A mix method of knowledge capitalization in maintenance

Ivana Rasovska · Brigitte Chebel-Morello ·
Noureddine Zerhouni

Received: 1 October 2006 / Accepted: 1 September 2007 / Published online: 25 January 2008
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008

Abstract This paper deals with knowledge capitalization Introduction

in maintenance especially in diagnosis and repair of industrial
equipments. The goal is to propose a method of knowledge This study makes part of our research work realized in the
capitalization in order to develop a decision support sys- European project Proteus. The goal of this project was to
tem for maintenance operators. The knowledge capitalization develop distributed cooperative e-maintenance platform that
cycle was adopted as the underlying principle. It consists of proposes a set of decision help tools for different maintenance
four principal steps: detect, preserve, capitalize and actualize activities. Nowadays maintenance systems operate on very
the strategic knowledge. Different knowledge management complex industrial equipments. Different automatic systems
tools and methods that can be used in the cycle are reviewed. such as monitoring system or control command are installed
We propose a mix method of knowledge capitalization in on these equipments in order to realise conditional and pre-
maintenance. This method integrates a representation and a dictive maintenance. They generate data and information
reasoning model both completing each other and suitable to bases in order to improve and extend proposed maintenance
represent and manipulate the domain knowledge. The knowl- services. Further, enterprises ask for preservation and capi-
edge representation model using unified modelling language talization of the expert’s and operator’s know-how which is
(UML) diagram proposes different domain models based on possible thanks to development of decision support systems.
maintenance analysis to guide the domain expertise. The rea- The power of having good information where you need and
soning model uses the case-based reasoning which allows the when you need it facilitates problem solving and taking of
manipulation of represented domain knowledge. Finally, the strategic decisions.
method is implemented on the pallet transfer system Sormel The goal of this paper is to propose a mix method for
in the context of Proteus e-maintenance platform. knowledge capitalization in maintenance in order to develop
a decision support system for diagnosis and repair of indus-
Keywords Knowledge capitalization · Case based trial equipments. The concept of such a decision support
reasoning · Maintenance system is based on domain expertise supported by the cog-
nitive modelling of process and knowledge used by mainte-
nance operators during their activities. The decision help tool
is targeted to these operators and developed by knowledge
management techniques as well as artificial intelligence
methods. The proposed mix method of knowledge capitaliza-
I. Rasovska (B) · B. Chebel-Morello · N. Zerhouni
tion is based on the knowledge capitalization cycle adopted as
Laboratoire d’Automatique de Besançon, 24 rue Alain Savary,
25000 Besançon, France the underlying principle. This method consists of the knowl-
e-mail: rasovska@ens2m.fr edge model integrating the representation and the reasoning
B. Chebel-Morello model. This integration permits, on the one side, to guide
e-mail: bmorello@ens2m.fr the domain expertise and to propose the aid for the knowl-
N. Zerhouni edge modelling and representation in maintenance. On the
e-mail: zerhouni@ens2m.fr other side, this represented knowledge can be manipulated

348 J Intell Manuf (2008) 19:347–359

by the selected problem solving method in the decision sup- Detect

port system. The representation model uses unified modelling
language (UML) class diagram to represent and model the Identify
domain knowledge which can be manipulated by the reason- Preserve Localise
ing model based on the case-based reasoning. This method
assures the ease of knowledge use and the dynamic aspect of Strategic Update
knowledge acquisition and actualization from experts. knowledge Enrich
The paper is organised as follows. First, the knowledge
capitalization cycle is introduced. Different knowledge man- Access Diffuse
agement tools and methods that can be used in the cycle are Use Integrate
reviewed. They are compared according to different criteri-
ons in order to choose the appropriate one. Section “Proposed Capitalize
mix methodology of knowledge capitalization” concerns the
proposed mix method of knowledge capitalization based on Fig. 1 Knowledge capitalization cycle (Grundstein 1992)
the representation and the reasoning model. The representa-
tion model is based on UML and the reasoning model is the
case-based reasoning. The implementation of the method- of its generalizing point of view. This cycle summarises the
ology is shown on the real case—the pallet transfer system knowledge capitalization tasks in four major steps: detec-
Sormel. Finally, the architecture of the decision support sys- tion, preservation, capitalization and actualization of strate-
tem in the context of the e-maintenance platform Proteus is gic knowledge, each of them declined by several detailed
illustrated. tasks. These steps also reflect requirements for our objective,
i.e. development of decision support system in maintenance.
The knowledge capitalization cycle presented in Barthès
Knowledge capitalization cycle (1996) and shown in Fig. 1 was adopted as the underlying
principle of our approach. The first step is to detect strategic
Nowadays, knowledge is increasingly considered the most knowledge—the “good” information that should be trans-
important asset of organisations and companies, especially mitted to the final user. The process of identification and
within the service sector of knowledge-based industries. This localization of strategic knowledge depends on the knowl-
knowledge, experiences and know-how of companies is edge management objectives and requirements (to whom the
stored and capitalized in order to be shared and so to become system is designed and for what purpose). The knowledge
the intellectual capital (Rosario 1996). This is the general acquisition is issued from domain analysis, technical docu-
purpose of knowledge management that can be defined also ments and interviews with experts. The second step is to pre-
as a set of techniques, tools and activities focused on help- serve the acquired knowledge by its formalization, modelling
ing organizations capture and communicate their “resources, and storing in a repository model. The third step represents
tacit and explicit perspectives and capabilities, data, informa- the knowledge capitalization, i.e. to make knowledge acces-
tion, knowledge and maybe wisdom (competence)” (Jarboe sible, to integrate it and to diffuse it to final users. Finally,
2001). In a nutshell, the knowledge management is the over- the knowledge actualization is based on experience feedback
all task of managing the processes of knowledge creation, from final users. Previously stored knowledge is updated and
storage and sharing and related activities. eventually enriched by a new one. Different knowledge man-
The “knowledge capitalization” results from the term of agement methods and tools exist and can be used in this cycle.
intellectual capital and means “to reuse, in a relevant way, the A review of these methods is introduced below.
knowledge of a given domain previously stored and mod-
elled, in order to perform new tasks” (Simon 1996). It is Methodologies dedicated to the corporate memory
also defined in (Matta et al. 2001) as “the formalization of
experience gained in a specific field”. The principal purpose Several methodologies are directly designed to the building
is to “locate and make visible the enterprise knowledge, be of enterprise “corporate memory” defined as explicit, dis-
able to keep it, access it and actualize it, know-how to dif- embodied persistent representation of knowledge and infor-
fuse it and better use it, put it in synergy and valorise it” mation in an organization” (Van Heijst et al. 1996). This
(Grundstein 1992). There are several models of knowledge corporate memory stores identified and localized strategic
management and capitalization (Holsapple and Joshi 1999; knowledge. Several examples of such methods are REX
Lai and Chu 2000) combining technical, human and orga- (Malvache and Prieur 1993), MEREX (Corbel 1997), Work-
nizational aspects. For our purpose, the knowledge capital- shop FX (Fouet 1997) or CYGMA (Bourne 1997). REX
ization cycle was chosen as the most appropriate because method is due to the capitalization of experiences achieved

J Intell Manuf (2008) 19:347–359 349

during the enterprise activity realisation. The methods’s Its structure in layer uses generic methods of problem solv-
application relies on three main steps: analysis and identifica- ing describing the reasoning mechanisms on a good abstrac-
tion of needs and information resources, experience elements tion level. KADS relies on knowledge dissociation in three
building and development and exploitation of knowledge levels: domain elements, functional view of domain knowl-
management system. Three types of experience elements edge (inference) and control of reasoning phases in prob-
exist: documented knowledge elements, experience elements lem solving (task). This dissociation allows reusing of the
issued from interview with experts and know-how elements domain elements model in different problem solving tasks.
issued from particular activity. They are stored in the “expe- CommonKADS provides the knowledge analysis framework
rience memory” that contains a terminology net introducing a with an extensive method. This method describes business
vocabulary and viewpoints used in the enterprise and a processes where knowledge-intensive tasks are carried out.
description model in form of semantic net. This method Six models are proposed to the knowledge analyst: organi-
proposes a software tool for memorisation and diffusion of zation, task, agent, communication, expertise (operation per-
experience elements but does not provide their exploitation. formance) and design of knowledge based system. They give
Experience elements can be retrieved in answer to a natural different viewpoints on domain knowledge and are used in
language request during the knowledge management system the knowledge system development cycle. This cycle
exploitation. involves four main phases: objectives review, risk analysis,
planning and monitoring. This method uses UML for the
Methodologies of knowledge engineering model representation and the ontology for domain knowl-
edge reusability.
Other methodologies of knowledge capitalization make part MKMS (Method for Knowledge System Management)
of knowledge engineering domain. Knowledge engineering proposed by the CEA1 was introduced in Ermine (1996).
is defined in (Charlet et al. 2000) as “study of concepts, It aims at reducing knowledge system management com-
methods and techniques to model and/or to acquire knowl- plexity by using different methods at different grain levels.
edge for decision support systems in order to realise tasks a This system is modelled by three viewpoints: syntax (infor-
priori hardly or not formalisable”. Knowledge engineering mation), semantic (signification corresponding to task
proposes methods and tools (cognitive modelling, concep- modelling) and pragmatic (context corresponding to activity
tual modelling, modelling and representation languages, etc.) modelling). Further, each of three viewpoints involves three
for different domains such as knowledge acquisition, infor- other aspects, i.e. structure, function and evolution. Each
mation research on the Web, knowledge management and viewpoint is represented by models with Object Modelling
capitalization, implementation of management indicators in Technique and the set of instantiated and structured mod-
information systems, etc. Among the others, methods like els is called the “knowledge book”. Five modelling phases
KOD (Vogel 1988), knowledge acquisition and design struc- are closed to CommonKADS notions: modelling of system,
turing (KADS) and CommonKADS (Wielinga et al. 1993), domain, activities, concept and tasks. MASK2 (Method of
MKSM and its extension MASK (Van Craeynest et al. 2000) knowledge analysis and structuration) is the extension of
provide help to the knowledge representation. They can be MKSM (Van Craeynest et al. 2000). It is based on cognitive
dissociated into two different approaches of knowledge mod- principles of analysis and experience feedback. This con-
elling (Motta et al. 1990), i.e. bottom-up (KOD) and top- cept allows representing of the expertise in three comple-
down approach (KADS, MKSM). The bottom-up approach mentary points of view, i.e. the context (profession concerned
consists in collecting verbal data from domain experts and in approach), experience and know-how (cognitive engineering
gathering them to form a knowledge model. The top-down approach) and computerizing (software engineering appro-
approach or “approach driven by models” is focused on the ach). This method takes into account the dynamic aspect of
definition of the expertise model in order to filter acquired the knowledge acquisition.
knowledge and to guide the acquisition process effectively. These reference methods are not completely satisfactory
This comparison proved that top-down approach makes pos- and cannot take into account all characteristic types of prob-
sible to separate knowledge from the domain of its use. lems. They are used in various works involving their adapta-
The generic components can be so defined and reusable. tion. It gives a way to new perspectives by expertise models
On the contrary, even if the bottom-up approach provides creation based on the integration of bottom-up and top-down
a structured expertise model, this is described in the termi- approaches. Duribreux-Cocquebert and Houriez (2000) pro-
nology suitable for the specific problem and is missing of poses a mix approach combining KADS and KOD methods
abstraction. Thus our study was oriented to the top-down by modelling from a corpus. The reusing of these methods
KADS and its evolution CommonKADS (Wielinga et al. Commisariat à l’Energie Atomique.
1993) is one of the references among the top-down methods. 2 Méthode d’Analyse et de Structuration des Connaissances.

350 J Intell Manuf (2008) 19:347–359

can be partial, applied to the domain elements specifications of knowledge system development and finally the level of
or to the reasoning used in the method. Reynaud and Tort possible knowledge exploitation in a decision support sys-
(1997) declares: “… Applied to the domain elements, the tem. The knowledge modelling and representation is in the
reusing is based on the ontology definition describing explic- core of all these methods. This consists in transformation
itly the domain elements. Applied to the reasoning elements, of informal knowledge descriptions into the formal ones in
it is based on abstract descriptions of the problem solving order to handle this knowledge in the information system.
methods”. Another method is the domain ontology. Infor- Whilst the REX method distinguishes knowledge according
mation has to be clarified in form of concepts defined in to its resources (document, experience and experts know-
the domain model representing explicit knowledge about the how), other methods apply three main points of view. Domain
application area. knowledge from CommonKADS represents the real world
MOKA (A Methodology and tools Oriented to description and has the common characteristics as informa-
Knowledge-based engineering Applications) was developed tion viewpoint of MASK and structure viewpoint of MOKA.
within the MOKA Project. Its goal was to provide a method- Inference knowledge of CommonKADS describes the func-
ology for developing and maintaining knowledge based engi- tional viewpoint like a function in MOKA and a context
neering (KBE) applications (MOKA 2000). A tool supporting in MASK. The task knowledge of CommonKADS defines
this methodology was developed. The project identified the the representation purpose and the adequate problem solv-
typical KBE life cycle involving six steps: identify, justify, ing method corresponding to a sense in MASK and behaviour
capture, formalise, package and activate. MOKA focused on in MOKA.
capture step by introducing the informal MOKA model to Except REX which builds the experience memory based
structure the raw engineering knowledge. It is a set of related on terminological and semantic nets, other methods use dif-
ICARE forms: illustration, constraints, activities, rules and ferent models to handle knowledge in the knowledge based
entities. This models are then translated into the MOKA for- system. REX has a low level of knowledge formalisation and
mal model in the formalise step. The meta-models and views do not allow a decision support system to reason automat-
such as Product Model and Design Process Model were cre- ically on domain knowledge. CommonKADS, MASK and
ated with UML and some extensions defined in MOKA Mod- MOKA propose help tools for knowledge representation and
elling Language. They represent three viewpoints on domain formalization. For this they employ their own system devel-
knowledge: structure, function and behaviour. opment cycle. The common point is the ontological aspect
of the knowledge representation and the use of Unified Mod-
Synthesis of reviewed methodologies elling Language and its eventual extensions (MOKA). Even
thought the knowledge exploitation by a decision support
The synthesis of reviewed methodologies is presented in the system is not the primary goal of these methodologies, they
Table 1. have, in general, a good level of knowledge formalisation
The methodologies are compared according to four dif- which facilitates its exploitation by problem solving mecha-
ferent criterions: knowledge structure, used models, cycle nisms.

Table 1 Synthesis of reviewed methodologies

Methodology Knowledge structure Used models Knowledge system Knowledge exploitation
development cycle

REX Elements: document, experi- Experience memory: Resources and need analy- Low because of low formal-
ence, know-how terminology and semantic sis Knowledge elements cre- isation
net ation Implementation
CommonKADS Task Inference Domain Organisation Task Agent Objectives review Risk High—possible direct
Knowledge Communication analysis Planning Monitor- exploitation
Design ing
MASK Information Context Sense Reference system Domain Framing Knowledge mod- Medium—no direct
With three aspects: structure, Activity Concept Task elling Orientation scheme: exploitation
function, evolution strategy, policy, risk analysis
MOKA Structure Function Behav- Informal (ICARE forms): Identify Justify Capture For- High—methodology for
iour illustration, constraints, malise Package Activate knowledge based engineer-
activity, rule, entities ing applications
Formal: Product, Design

J Intell Manuf (2008) 19:347–359 351

Conclusion The knowledge representation model based on UML dia-

grams supports the preservation step. It permits to represent
We do not reuse the existing methods for several reasons. The and model domain knowledge and guarantees its repository.
first one is that excepting MASK other methods do not con- This representation model is compiled with the knowledge
sider a dynamic aspect of knowledge acquisition. Therefore reasoning model which supports the capitalization and actu-
they do not allow updating of the knowledge representation. alization step of capitalization cycle. The reasoning model is
The second one is due to our general purpose to develop a based on the artificial intelligence method—the case-based
decision help system for diagnostic tasks in maintenance. reasoning. This reasoning mechanism is associated to the rep-
This exceeds the simple knowledge representation and mod- resentation model in order to ease the knowledge use in the
elling and underlines process tasks and a chosen problem knowledge based system. Both models complete each other
solving method. Further, engineering analysis methods and and their integration permits to represent domain knowledge
tools already exist in this domain and are used by experts. as well as “support knowledge” necessary for information
This necessitates their integration in the knowledge mod- system development. On the other side, we can exploit the
elling process. The presented methods do not focus on knowl- dynamic aspect of the case-based reasoning cycle for contin-
edge acquisition from existing analysing methods and are not ual dynamic knowledge acquisition and actualization from
adapted to the knowledge exploitation. These tasks join tasks experts and technical documents. The object oriented repre-
of artificial intelligence research domain where the purpose sentation was chosen as the description language.
is to develop information systems supporting humans in their
daily tasks and requiring knowledge implementation.
This is why we propose a mix method of knowledge cap- Knowledge representation model
italization based on the representation and reasoning model.
In parallel, it corresponds to the dissociation of conceptual To make a domain model means to define objects, to describe
and operational model involved by the artificial intelligence them and to structure the gathered descriptions. This implies
and software engineering domains. The conceptual model is to precise the description language and the organisation
an intermediary model which facilitates dialogue between (acquisition) system. During the realisation of application,
the expert and the knowledge engineer. This model is further the informal description of objects should be transformed in
made operational to create a decision support system. the formal one (Bachimont et al. 2002). Object oriented con-
ception method deals well with user needs, offers simple con-
ception architecture and help to develop easily maintainable
Proposed mix methodology of knowledge capitalization systems. Such methods create a set of models and diagrams
in according to domain identification and its functionality
The underlying principle of the proposed methodology is the specification. These diagrams provide multiple perspectives
knowledge capitalization cycle presented by Grundstein. It of the system under analysis or development for users as well
contains four principal steps: detect, preserve, capitalize and as for software developers. Aamodt (2001) shows that the
actualize (cf. Fig. 2). Applied on the maintenance domain, object oriented knowledge representation is well adapted to
each step is realised by different techniques from the knowl- handling composite entities and provides two modelling lay-
edge engineering and the artificial intelligence. The detection ers. The symbol level modelling deals with the developer’s
phase is based on existing analytical methods and tools issued point of view and points out data structures and program-
from the maintenance engineering. These tools detect the ming languages. The knowledge level modelling deals with
“right” knowledge for diagnosis task and requirements and the domain expert’s point of view and represents the domain
optimize the knowledge acquisition and modelling process. knowledge.
Bézivin (2000) stresses that meta models used by object
management group (OMG) correspond well to the creation
Detect of our knowledge representation model. The UML was cho-
Engineering analytical sen as the modelling language to present our model. The
methods and tools
UML specification and notation approved by OMG in the
Strategic aim of reducing the confusion degree within the industry
Preserve Actualize
knowledge surrounding modelling languages (Rumbaugh et al. 1999).
Knowledge K nowledge OMG (2003) defines the UML as a graphical language for
representation reasoning visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the
model model artefacts of software systems, as well as for business mod-
elling and other non-software systems, in general distrib-
Fig. 2 The knowledge capitalization cycle in maintenance uted object systems. It gives a complete representation of

352 J Intell Manuf (2008) 19:347–359

1.Elaborate Knowledge Our mix methodology of Case-based

New capitalization knowledge capitalization reasoning
New case
2. Retrieve Expertise
Equipment analysis Failure analysis
New case
Learned Case description
case Case case
Equipment Functional FMECA Failure tree
5.Retain Casebase
3.Reuse decomposition analysis
Tested and Retrieved
repaired case case Equipment model Failure model
4.Revise Preserve CBR
Knowledge model
Confirmed solution Suggested solution
Cause-effect relation Spatial decomposition Elaborate
Fig. 3 The CBR cycle (Mille et al. 1999)
Capitalize Relevant descriptors for case representation Retrieve

Descriptor types model Adapt

knowledge by its various diagrams. The class diagram in
particular enables the representation of domain knowledge Actualise Case representation Retain
model. We use the UML diagrams to build the knowledge
representation model proposed in this paper.
Fig. 4 Principle of mix methodology

Knowledge reasoning model (case-based reasoning)

(2001) considers the CBR as the technology of knowledge-
The most of engineering methods employs their own prob- based system implementation. Knowledge is stored in form
lem solving method or reasoning technique. We propose to of cases in a case base which can thus be regarded as a knowl-
use the case-based reasoning (CBR) using similar past cases edge base. The case vocabulary joins the domain knowledge
to solve a new problem. This reasoning is close to the human model and we can use it for the case base. Hence we use the
one and so faithful for human users of knowledge based sys- ontology techniques for creation of the case representation.
tem. It provides a knowledge evolution which involves a dif- The advantages of such a match are studied in Bergmann and
ficulty for many methods but the case-based reasoning solves Schaaf (2003). We worked out the structural case-based rea-
this problem in its evolution cycle. The case-based reasoning soning system to create an interactive system of knowledge
implements a case base made up of cases containing solu- capitalization in e-maintenance.
tions that were used to solve old problems. This necessitates
knowledge representation techniques for the case represen-
tation building and the acquisition of several cases in the case Mix methodology of knowledge capitalization
base. The cases must be well represented in order to easily
retrieve case similar to the problem to be solved. Mille et al. The proposed mix methodology of knowledge capitaliza-
(1999) proposed the case-based reasoning cycle consisting tion is oriented toward the development of decision sup-
of five phases as shown in Fig. 3. In the elaboration phase port system for diagnostic tasks in maintenance. It is based
the new problem must be described according to the for- on the knowledge model integrating the representation and
malised case representation. In the retrieval phase the most the reasoning model. This integration permits, on the one
similar case or cases from case base to the new problem are side, to guide the domain expertise and to propose the aid
retrieved. In the adaptation phase, the solution of retrieved for the knowledge modelling and representation in mainte-
case is reused, taking into account the differences between nance. On the other side, this represented knowledge can be
the retrieved and the new case, in order to solve this new prob- manipulated by the selected problem solving method in the
lem. In the revision phase, the proposed solution is tested or decision support system. The conformity of represented
evaluated in the real world. During the retain phase, if the new knowledge and its use in the decision support system is so
case is different from past cases, it is stored in the case base. guaranteed.
The cases are stored and organized according to well defined The methodology described in Fig. 4 cures the lack of
criterions making possible to find them effectively. Moreover, expertise in the diagnostic domain by using engineering
the acquisition of the new case makes evolve knowledge. The safety tools like FMECA,3 functional analysis or failure his-
CBR feasibility for the decision help in industrial supervi- tory. These tools simplify the knowledge management by
sion was shown in the study of the decision making process reducing its complexity. Two complementary types of analy-
(Mille et al. 1999). sis are identified. The first one concerns equipments and
The current research in this domain is focused on the
detailed knowledge representation and in this view, Althoff 3 Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis.

J Intell Manuf (2008) 19:347–359 353

employs techniques of equipment decomposition and func- UML class diagram

tional analysis. It determines a hierarchical equipment model.
The second one concerns failures and employs the reliability The knowledge model consisting of domain and reasoning
concepts such as FMECA and failure history. The expertise model is illustrated on Fig. 5 in the form of UML class dia-
issued from these analytical tools is enriched by information gram. The domain part is on the left side of the figure and
from intervention reports and then modelled and represented includes equipment and failure model. The first one describes
by knowledge engineering techniques. In more details, the equipment in two different aspects: its type and its hierar-
knowledge models are used to represent the domain knowl- chical decomposition. The equipment could be of different
edge as well as the problem solving concepts which manip- types such as mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, etc. which is
ulates this domain knowledge. Two corresponding models, important for the equipment repair. The equipment decom-
i.e. equipment and failure model, make part of the knowl- position is in the form of tree structure which consists of
edge representation model created by UML diagrams. The class zone, field and subfield. This is important for localiza-
third model participating in the general one proposes CBR tion of failure equipment. The failure model is issued from
concepts that handle the domain concepts. This allows the equipment’s failure analysis made by reliability tools such
system developer to take into account important aspects of as FMECA, failure tree in order to assure equipment mainte-
CBR cycle steps in the case representation. These models nance. This model describes functions assured by equipment
can be associated to the terminology of the most known in the whole system. These functions are devised on main,
knowledge engineering method CommonKADS (Wielinga second and constraint. The equipment operates in two modes:
et al. 1993). This means that the equipment model represents functional and failure mode. If one of equipment function
the domain knowledge, the failure model represents the infer- is failed its mode is failure. Different events that arrive on
ence knowledge and the CBR model corresponds to the task equipment are distinguished such as repair action, failure or
knowledge. alarm. Moreover, the monitoring principle is presented based
The knowledge items in the UML class diagram are con- on sensor and its variable collection consisting composed of
nected by relations as “composed-of, is, has-for-instance” different variables. If a variable gets over some limit it raises
and other associations. The relations between concepts are an alarm.
used to create supplementary models such as the cause-effect The decision help system is describes by reasoning model
relation model (based on associations) and the spatial decom- illustrated on the ride side of Fig. 5. The diagnostic deci-
position model (based on “composed-of” relations). They are sion model is based on the class data source linked with
necessary to identify and describe possible relevant descrip- the concerned equipment. CBR model consists of four main
tors for the case representation. In order to take into account steps: new description, retrieval, adaptation and memorisa-
common equipments characteristics and to take into account tion. CBR model stores the cases on the case base. The case
similarity and adapting knowledge, the descriptors are gen- is structured by case descriptors and composed of two parts:
eralized and formalized in the descriptor types’ model (based description and solution. The description is associated with
on generalization and inheritance). These general models are equipment decomposition, failure, alarm and its variable that
proposed to create the case representation in different appli- characterizes the equipment status. The description is linked
cations while other CBR applications propose the case model to the similarity measure such as distance, weight or model
already fixed. to find similar cases in the case base. The diagnosis consists

Fig. 5 General maintenance

knowledge model of diagnosis
and repair help system

354 J Intell Manuf (2008) 19:347–359

in describing the symptom by variables which allows iden-

tification of failure origin (equipment decomposition). This
determines the repair action and suitable technical Document
for the operation provided in solution of the case. The class
of adaptation measure is introduced to adapt the solutions of
old cases to the new ones. Each class of this diagram can be
instantiated in order to create objects and consequently cases
as. A case is represented by an instantiation of the class dia-

Fig. 7 Transfer system SORMEL

Demonstration platform

The objective of our work is to build an intelligent applica-

ied in this paper, because this would bring nothing to the
tion for diagnosis and repair in the context of maintenance
methodology of knowledge capitalization. The access to the
services. This decision tool is developed within the frame-
diagnostic service is opened to all maintenance actors. On
work of the distributed e-maintenance platform shown in
the other hand, modification of already stored knowledge
Fig. 6. The design of generic software architecture for web-
for its up to date handing-over is authorized only to the
based e-maintenance centers was the goal of the European
designated experts. Our objective is to develop a decision
project Proteus. Sixteen partners from France, Germany and
help system for equipment diagnosis and repair. The concept
Belgium participated in this project. The platform brings a
of a decision support system is based on domain expertise
major asset to maintenance interventions and maintenance
which needs the cognitive process and knowledge modelling.
services in general by enabling expertise via Internet directly
Knowledge management techniques as well as artificial intel-
to the user site. The web portal in the core allows differ-
ligence method were studied and the mix knowledge capi-
ent users—maintenance actors—to access to decision sup-
talization methodology is proposed in this paper in order to
port for their activities. The platform integrates a number
develop such a decision help system.
of systems and knowledge bases like computerized main-
This methodology is demonstrated on the industrial plat-
tenance management system (CMMS), supervisory control
form SORMEL shown in Fig. 7. It represents a flexible pro-
and data acquisition (SCADA), maintenance data bases and
duction system composed of five robotized working stations.
e-documentation and finally applications and tools for deci-
They are served by the pallet transfer system organized in
sion support.
double ring (internal and external). The pallets are conveyed
The platform is used as a support for information diffu-
on the interior ring which allows the transit between the vari-
sion. Web services were developed in order to link together
ous stations. When the pallet should be handled by a robot in a
knowledge acquisition, information systems and decision
working station (information read on the pallet label), the pal-
help tools. The description of these interfaces is not stud-
let is deviated on the external ring where the concerned work-
ing station is. The working station is situated on the external
ring and contains pneumatic, electric and inductive sensors.
The working station is described in more details in Fig. 8.
Each station is equipped with pneumatic actuators (push-
ers, pullers and indexers) and electric actuators (stopper) as
well as a certain number of inductive sensors (proximity sen-
sors). An inductive read/write module allows to identify and
locate each pallet and to provide information relative to the
required operation in a concrete station. The displacement of
the pallets is ensured by friction on belts which are involved
by electric motors. Each pallet has a magnetic label that is
used like embarked memory. This memory can be read in
each working station thanks to magnetic read/write modules
(Balogh) and allows memorizing of the product assembly
Fig. 6 Architecture of Proteus platform (http://www. sequence. These labels thus enable to determine the pallet
proteus-iteaproject.com) path through the system.

J Intell Manuf (2008) 19:347–359 355

D2: Pallet presence in The case representation and case acquisition are essen-
stopper S2 Read/Write Module
Stopper S2 BALOGH 0
tial components in CBR applications development. The case
Security pusher
D1: Pallet presence in acquisition phase proves to be a significant task of knowl-
D3: Pallet engaged on
pusher edge engineering. A case is a description of problem solving
external loop
episode. In general, it is the association of some problem and
D4: Pallet released on Stopper S1
Pusher its solution. There is a number of different theories on the
external loop

External Convoyer

Internal Convoyer
(secondary) case representation but the most often used one is structured

( p r i n c i pa l )
in a list of descriptors that take the form of complex objects.
D5: Pallet presence in The case representation requires to list the various system
stopper S3
components and to characterize them. In our case, it is based
Stopper S3
Entry indexer Pallet on the knowledge representation model and on the knowl-
Read/Write Module edge reasoning model of CBR system presented in Fig. 5.
BALOGH 1 In Stopper S6
Security puller The CBR system manipulates the knowledge representation
Stopper S4
Exit indexer D8: Pallet engaged on
model and uses it in order to create cases in the case base.
D6: Pallet presence in Puller internal loop The case development consists in facilitating the problem
D9: Pallet released on description in order to facilitate the search of a case whose
Stopper S5
Puller internal loop solution will be most easily adaptable. The general method
D7: Full stock in station lies on completion or filtration of problem description which
is based on domain knowledge. So that the eventual incom-
Fig. 8 Station of the transfer system SORMEL plete description is deduced and the weighting of descriptors
is done according to identified dependencies between the
new problem’s descriptors and the searched solution’s ones.
Implementation of proposed methodology The case descriptors are issued from components of different
on demonstration platform nature such as sensors, controllers and control (command)
units. To characterize the case descriptors (attributes) the
The domain knowledge model of the pallet transfer system equipment functional mode and conditions are put in the con-
SORMEL is created with the aid of engineering analytical text (cause-effect relation model). The conditions are asso-
methods and tools. Its short view concerning the relevant ciated as descriptors values. The failure detection rules are
concepts for our decision support system is illustrated in applied: IF [(pallet: present) AND (sensor: always 0)] THEN
Fig. 9. It contains the equipment model characterized by the (sensor problem OR pallet: bad direction) to detect the fail-
equipment functional and component decomposition and the ure component. The failure component with its functional
failure model characterized by the functional mode and equip- mode represents the context evaluation with the repair action
ment condition. This model leads to identification of eventual as the final solution. An example of such a characterization
case descriptors corresponding to the system equipments. is introduced in Fig. 10 for sensor.

Fig. 9 The transfer system Transfer problem On

SORMEL knowledge model Transfer
Grafcet problem Condition Failure on
Failure system
Feed problem Locked

D1 Equipment Spatial decomposition

D2 Decomposition

D3 Sensor Puller Motor

Speed Zone Field Subfield
Failure transmission decomposition decomposition decomposition
Off centre Condition Pusher Entry Exit
Station Out of station
Surface problem field
Always 0 Robotfield
Present Simple turn
Too low Always 1 Absent Puller field
Station2 Double turn
Principal loop
Failure … Station5
Bad direction
Surface problem Label cell problem
Label problem Bad position

356 J Intell Manuf (2008) 19:347–359

Component Symbol Context Component Component functional mode : action square represents the generalized concepts and the oval rep-
resents the instances of the transfer system SORMEL. As
Sensor D1,D2 Pallet : Always 0 Sensor problem – too low : put up sensor
… D9 Present Sensor problem – off centre: push sensor shows the contoured part of Fig. 12, the general class Mag-
Sensor problem – defected : change sensor netic sensor is composed of two subclasses Presence sensor
Pallet: Always 1 Sensor problem - surface problem (metalic and Balogh. Then the instances corresponding to the real
Absent element, iron powder): clean sensor
system components make part of both classes.
Fig. 10 The equipment characterization (cause-effect model)
The retrieve phase of the case-based system is based on
the similarity notion. The similarity between two cases is
calculated on the case descriptors. Similarity measures are
Context localisation Pertinent
Zone Field Subfield adapted to the object oriented case representation. The simi-
Precedent field Next field descriptors

Exit secondary
Exit pusher
D2, S2, larities between the same descriptors are calculated by simple
loop ExtBelt
Secondary Exterior
Exit pusher Entry post
D3, D4, comparison of their values. For two different descriptors the
loop conveyor ExtBelt
similarity is calculated while going up to the first common
Entry second S5, D7,
Exit Entry puller concept in the descriptor type model. The similarity grows
loop ExtBelt
Entry principal
D1, S1, as we descend in the hierarchy and is given by comparing the
Entry Pusher BLGH0,
loop attributes common on this level.
Station Pusher
Pusher Entry pusher Exit pusher Pusher
In the reuse phase, the descriptors hierarchy is used in
Entry external Pusher, D3,
Exit secondary
conveyor D2, S2
order to generalize the cases in the case base. For example,
loop, Pusher
External D5, S3, one descriptor relates to the pusher. The new descriptor cor-
Entry Indexer
conveyor ExtBelt responds to the puller and in the descriptors hierarchy one
Post field Balogh1,
Post Indexer Entry puller S4, Indexer, can see that the two descriptors belong to the class actua-
Robot tor. The general class actuator leads to the solution for the
Fig. 11 The knowledge hierarchy for the case base (spatial decompo- new problem. To every general descriptor class we associate
sition) repair operations, necessary human and material resources,
appropriate technical and other documentation and the time
In order to create the case as a “diagnostic situation” the duration of the intervention as the solution attributes. Fur-
spatial decomposition model is used (Fig. 11). This decompo- ther, in reuse phase of the CBR cycle this hierarchy is used
sition allows identification of relevant and pertinent descrip- to replace given component of a new case by another one from
tors for every diagnostic situation. At the same time, this the same family (the same generic class) already existing in
model represents the information hierarchy established for the case base. We reuse solution attributes of the general class
the future case base. This will facilitate the retrieval of simi- to the new component. The adaptation strategy is introduced
lar case. based on adaptation operators. The adaptation operator is
applied to a characteristic attribute of a case solution. This
Descriptor type model hierarchy with general classes represented in the case base by
general cases limits the size of this case base and so the time
Finally, a descriptor type model is established issued from the and effectiveness of the case retrieval. Moreover the transfer
knowledge representation model. It serves for retrieve and system consists of five identical stations; it is thus possible to
reuse tasks in the case-based reasoning cycle. In the model, build generic classes to adapt the solutions for each particular
descriptors are classified according to their functionality. The station.

Fig. 12 The descriptor type

Equipment (component) Speed
Actuator Conveyor
Magnetic sensor Motor

Pneumatic Electric Presence

actuator actuator sensor Balogh Brace Belt

D9 Balogh1
Puller Pusher Stopper D1
D2 …

S1 S2 S5 Class Instance

J Intell Manuf (2008) 19:347–359 357

Context Evaluation problem description. These questions are answered by oper-

Localisati Attributes–values component : General Solution ator, or by other modules integrated in the platform. The
on Functional class
mode CBR module uses the Belfort site ontology and the generic
Station, Pusher : maintenance ontology.
Transfer D6: B1 S5: P: Change
Actuator. Cylinder out Actuator
problem 1 :1 0 0 cylinder
Entry of order Once the maintenance intervention request with the basic
failure information has been received, maintenance operator
Fig. 13 The case representation
asks for help from the diagnosis and repair decision support
system. The system works out a new problem description by
Finally, the case representation is retained as shows asking the operator and by automatic collection of informa-
Fig. 13. A case consists of four main parts: context, attribute- tion and values coming from sensors from integrated systems
value list, its evaluation and final solution (repair action). The in the platform, namely monitoring system SCADA. A new
case is elaborated from the symptom description character- problem is matched against cases in the case base and the
izing the problem nature. During the acquisition of a new most similar cases are retrieved. The solution suggested by
problem description one specifies context (symptom and its these cases is adapted for the new situation and tested for
localisation), components—descriptors of this context and success.
their values. The problem solution summarizes components
identified in the context with their failure modes. This leads
to the identification of the failed one and to the repair action
associated to the proposal of the operator skills for this inter- Conclusion
vention, required spare parts, required tools and suitable tech-
nical documentation. The goal of this paper was to propose a methodology for
capitalisation knowledge in the maintenance domain. This
Architecture of decision support system methodology suggests development of a decision support
system for industrial equipments diagnosis and repair. The
The architecture of the decision support system for diagnosis concept of such a system is based on domain expertise that
and repair within the e-maintenance platform is illustrated in requires cognitive modelling of the process and knowledge
Fig. 14. The web portal of the CBR tool for users is connected used by operators during their activities. Thus the review
by Proteus with the CBR algorithm module and the web ser- of different knowledge management methods and tools was
vices (developed under Java and Python). This module is introduced. Their synthesis revealed that the existing meth-
connected with the case base and the description procedures ods are not adapted to our purpose. The represented knowl-
developed in Protégé. The description procedures formalise edge is not adapted for reasoning and manipulation in the
dynamically suitable questions in order to work out a new knowledge based system. The knowledge acquisition is not
dynamic and does not take into account the existing engi-
neering analytical tools.
Proteus Maintenance Ontology This is why we introduced a mix method adopting the
knowledge capitalisation cycle as the underlying principal
of the proposed method. It is based on the knowledge model
Belfort Maintenance Ontology integrating the representation and the reasoning model. This
integration permits to guide the domain expertise and to pro-
pose the aid for the knowledge modelling and representation
in maintenance. This represented knowledge can be manipu-
Belfort Instances
CBR lated by the selected problem solving method in the decision
Casebase support system. We proposed to compile the knowledge engi-
Description procedures
neering techniques as representation and modeling method
and the case-based reasoning as the problem solving method.
Both methods complete each other and their integration per-
CBR Algo + W.S.
mits to represent domain knowledge as well as knowledge
necessary for information system development. On the other
side, we can exploit the dynamic aspect of case-based rea-
CBR soning cycle for continual dynamic knowledge acquisition
and actualization from experts and technical documents. At
the same time, the knowledge acquisition is based on existing
Fig. 14 Architecture of decision support system engineering analytical methods.

358 J Intell Manuf (2008) 19:347–359

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