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Advance Access publication on 7 February 2014 doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxu004

3D-RP: A DHT-Based Routing Protocol

for MANETs
S.A. Abid1 , Mazliza Othman1 , Nadir Shah2,∗ , Mazhar Ali3 and A.R. Khan1

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1 Facultyof Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2 Department of Computer Science, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Wah Cantt, Pakistan
3 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA
∗Corresponding author:

In the last few years, distributed hash table (DHT) has come forth as a useful addition to the design
and specification of spontaneous, self-organizing networks. Researchers have exploited its advantages
by implementing it at the network layer in order to design scalable routing protocols for mobile
ad hoc networks. We identify two correlated issues that must be considered when designing DHT-
based routing protocol, namely the mismatch problem and resilience of the logical network, which
degrades the efficiency of the DHT-based routing protocols. To address these problems, we propose
a DHT-based routing protocol that exploits a 3D logical space that takes into account the physical
intra-neighbor relationships of a node and exploits a 3D structure to interpret that relationship.
In the proposed scheme, each node runs a distributed algorithm to obtain a consecutive logical
identifier that reflects its physical proximity in the 3D logical space. Moreover, the protocol utilizes the
3D-structure to maintain multi-paths to a destination node in order to address the scalability problem
and gain resilience against a node/link failure. Simulation results show that the proposed approach
outperforms the existing DHT-based routing protocol in terms routing overhead, end-to-end delay,
path-stretch values and packet-delivery ratio.

Keywords: distributed hash tables; routing; MANETs; distributed systems

Received 5 September 2013; revised 8 January 2014
Handling editor: Ing-Ray Chen

the application layer for peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay over the
There are a variety of mobile ad hoc network (MANET) applica- Internet. Later on, researchers have exploited these protocols to
tions with practical implications and potential advantages [1–5]. work with MANETs, which have a totally different network
As the demand for sharing data among users in a local area is architecture compared with the Internet. Both DHT-based
increasing, MANET applications would be required to support P2P overlay and MANET share common characteristics, such
a large number of users, which is only possible if the core rout- as self-organization, decentralized architecture and dynamic
ing protocol is scalable. The network-wide flooding adopted topology. There exists a synergy between P2P overlays and
by traditional routings in MANET is the key factor that limits MANET [8], which can be exploited for large-scale routing.
their scalability. It would be possible to support a large network In the past few years, DHT has been adopted for large-
(in terms of number of nodes) if we could eliminate or avoid scale MANET routing protocols by directly implementing it
network-wide flooding. at the network layer [8–22]. These are termed as DHT-based
The research community has been using a distributed hash paradigms for large-scale routing. The basic aim of these
table (DHT) structure as a scalable substrate in order to provide approaches is to address the scalability issues in MANETs by
a diverse set of functionalities, like information distribution, eliminating network-wide flooding. Table 1 defines important
location service and location-independent identity [6, 7], in terms related to DHT-based routing in MANETs.
various self-organized applications or systems in the Internet. It In DHT-based routing, a logical network (LN) is built up over
has come forth as a useful additional technique to the design the physical network in which each node is assigned a logical
and specification of spontaneous, self-organizing networks. identifier (LID), which is obtained from pre-defined logical
The DHT-based approaches are initially proposed to work at identifier space (LS). The nodes in LN are arranged according

Section B: Computer and Communications Networks and Systems

The Computer Journal, Vol. 58 No. 2, 2015

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