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Topic: Judaic/ Judaism

- is an Abrahamic, monotheistic, and ethnic religion. The people in Judaism called as
Jewish people, they believe there's only one God who has established a covenant—or
special agreement—with them.
- The earliest reference for the Jewish people comes from the Torah.
- Torah is one of the Five (5) books in the Hebrew bible, written in Jewish texts. This
contains or describes their exodus from around 2000 BC.
- Christians called the Torah as the “Old Testament”.

3 Major Events of Judaism

1. Shabbat – The day of rest and weekly observance of God’s completion of creation.
2. Rosh Hashanah – The Jewish New Year, a holiday observed with festive meals and a day
spent in prayer or quite meditation.
3. Yom Kippur – The Jewish day of atonement, the most solemn day of the Jewish year. A day
devoted to self-examination, and the chance to begin the New Year with a clean slate.

3 Interesting Facts about Judaism

1. They have 613 commandments from God, but the Ten Commandments are the most
2. Moses is one of the prophets they believe in.
3. Judaism is the mother religion to both Christianity and Islam.

Who Founded the Judaism Religion?

The founder of the “Jewish people” and their Judaism religion, was Abraham.
 He was the first person who entered into a covenant, or contract with God.
 Abraham was the first patriarch, which means “male power figure”, this is where Ma and
Pa came from.
 Although Abraham is seen as the founder of Judaism, his grandson Jacob, who’s named
changed into Israel, was the father of 12 children who became known as the “children of
Israel”, or Israelitas. Much later they came to be known as the Jewish people. So Jacob
was the great, great, great grandfather of each and every Jew.

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