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Why smile Are contagious?

Hi guys I'm Jieliane Calapit and I'm here in front of you to talk about
the reason why is smiles are contagious so what is smile and smiling
contagious? Smile is a facial expression formed by flexing those muscles most
notably near ends of the mouth. A smile is a curve that sets everything
straight. The most reason for smiling is to display the emotion of happiness.
However sometimes people smile just to be friendly or polite and sometimes
they may smile as a sign that they think they recognize or know you regardless
of race age gender or the specific reason, at one time or another everybody's

The question is : Is smiling contagious? Suprisingly the answer is yes,

you only need to flash a smile at someone to raise a smile in them. Smiling is
actually good for us. Smiling makes us feel better reducing blood pressure.
Smiling also minimize stress and produces and release specific harmones into
our brain such as setotorin, dopamine, and produce endorphins which also
makes us feel good. When life gives you a thousand reason to cry show life
that you have a million reasons to smile. Whether it is through pain or
laughter, life has an interesting way of teaching people lesson of strengths and
growth. When life throws a difficult task in our paths we all have the
opportunity to grow and become better individuals. Through pain and sorrows
I have learn to took at life with a perspective. My life change that because
through this I gained a lot of knowledge. A smile does not only have the
power to save life but also has the ability to change someone's actions if given
to the right person at the right time. Famous quote by Charles Chaplin is
"You'll find that life is worthwhile, if you just smile" A smile is also
contagious a lot like kindness when someone is smile at me today I started
smiling too. Smiling is contagious, smiling has the power to change your
mood and the mood of others humans are handwired to me mimic the
expressions of others. So it is scientifically proven that is smiles are
contagious smiling like a virus its contagious like other viruses spreading from
person to person smiling This proves that smiling has become a natural
response to pleasant feelings.
In the last part of my speech have you ever caught yourself having a
bad day and being in the worst mood but then randomly smiling and feeling
your mood lift when taking to someone who is a smiling or seeing someone
with smile? Because the simple action of smiling is enough to trigger happy
chemical. Don't believe me? Try it the next time you are in a serious argument
smile and observed as the other person mood change and lighten a bit. The
next time you receive some bad news smile and patiently wait for a few
moments of you trick your brain into improving your mood. A smile are
contagious it represent goodwill affection and openness, it wordlessly
communicates happiness and acceptance. It connects and encompass us all.

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