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LEXERCISE--1 | _ PREVIOUS YEARS BOARD PROBLEMS CBSE 2022 (c) +1806 (0) +0.20¢ 2)igiven by » 3x where isin mete and Vin volts. The elected Vim along + xaxis (C)1.5Vim alongs (D) 1.5 Vim along + x-axis grams cometly represent the elect fed between two charged pats if nated ener reson is E=ea%h. The E we OF ‘Ans. 0 (ore ore nce L sn sable equa in @unfom (D2 éerve expression for elec il due to spheial olnt hing at a dstance x from the cnte of shell such Rand of uorm charge ditbuion sand xR lor inder of length 20em and ras Som hes face is x= +10 and the others ax = ‘Thenat ound fax through the oi ‘Thenet charge resent inside the nde 106m. or (0) Find the expression forthe potential energy of a sytem of two point cherges ond located at j.and i. respectively in an extemal elected €. Ans (0 When > R sng gous law con 240 Sesscour= sent = fase: fe 2 Ein? = 8 © = ee y concete ‘phere im -equipotential Le o> <= Saces s A= o ———_ i= 8-208 (4) forx<0 3 sn = ste * Pi etn * Pad ee = FAcon0?sEAcoxO"+ [EA cos90 = 2A = 2a? = 22008 m3 25%104 m? -S21P AOI 5g x 102) = -0.094 = e mi! 10x10" oa = 6. Namallconcluctng iquld droplets, each of radius are charged to potential V each, These droplets coalesce to form asinglelrge drop without any charge leakage. Find the potential of the large drop. Sol, g,,, = Nai = charge on each smal droplet, By gouse oH Gag = San? «(Gx ) > R=005" Cla Soaa = €yRe0uOm 3 Re dingo lrger drop Kq (e) weviedone v=¥ potent on ach sal doplet \V'= potential on large drop Sete) 2 v=, +m, = VCR) aa =veniv CBSE 207! T. Dia equipotenta aloes Toran dleare dpole CBSE 2018 Four point charges Q, a, Q and qr placed atthe comer of a equore of side 6 shown inthe igus. (8) 1_@ ig af tong B > A 1a Feo Gags sora +A U= Uys + Use Ung) + (Wey + Use) -(03)-(2-"9) = Klaas ovat] wWeU-U, here U, = Os charge are infinity apart. 2 {a} Define electric fx. Ista scalar ora vector quanti? 5) ‘point charge qis ata distance of d2 drety above the centre of a square of side d,s shown nthe igure. Use Gauss lew to obtain the expresion forthe elect fox through the squre Lr (0) Ifthe point charge Is now moved to a distance ‘from the centre ofthe square and the side of the square fs Doubled. Explain how the lectie Bux beafeted, OR lw to detve the expression forthe elect eld (E) due to stright uniformly charged infinite ine 3m enteral elec field E, diagrammatically represent the postion ofthe iiom end nie the expressions ete torque ectingon the diple in both the oR yen apply ams ors, JES — feascoso al force o bring charge rom atoqpaint P oe fee gem: ‘CBSE 2016 idinteraiy veto uniformly charged spherical sella eph of elected with tance from the centre of th ‘charge of radius R with uniform surface charge density o. We choose a outside the shell and Using Gousstheoren, $= f.dinGitdscond = & or due or Exant= & wee ches Grey?” 4a a () When point Plies inside the spherical shell, The charge encosed bythe Gaussian surface ier, Le, a=0. ing Gousr'stheorem, 9 = §E.dé=fsscos0 = Gausian on fEdingi rs or Eden t b 9 ee 7 z or Ex dn? = & = Dn Sphere she charge density = © Hence elect field de toa uniformly charged spherical shall zeo at ll points inside the shel fica tem = Or Randbqonte RE lec induces net dipole moment, by etching rerensing the maleeules. The induced dipole moment, opposes, but doesnt exacy cance the extemal Elected = - 5,4~ - = dope? (b) tly Cy = SEP. Ey = S. Vo= Beh Q= Cop Vo 3 When the separation between the plates ofthe capectr doubled, then (= 28) = ALAS Com 2a 2 pe Set o Vm Ed = Ey x 2d=2Vp (b) Suppose a pointe charge, because the Ww Electric potent! due to charge ve Wohaege ge moved in on in in Fig Takes no work 4:44, = 2 an = [se eta). 1 (oe 1 Gael eam, "\e il energy ofthe system U, = 0 let 1, (0g ‘Work done = Change in potenti energy = U,=U= 2 -n{ 1088 CChangein potential 10) U-U~ gi»( 2) CBSE 2015, medium. What sts unit? aw substance tothe permuy of ree space. it ‘Sand two capac, ae italy charged, as showm nthe gue Alter wile chargeon the efthand capaci) irerease, (decrease and ) oR (0) Define clecstae potent at point. Wite iS unit. Three point charges 4 andy arheptrespecvey ‘al points, Band Cas shown inthe figure. Derive the expression for the elecosttic potential eneray ofthe is) (0) Depiethe equipotent suaces duet @ an lect dipole, wo etl postive charges separated by stance. Sol. (a) Gauss's theorem: It stots that theta through aos sroceis el to 2 ‘times ofthe net charge endosedby it Mathenaay, $= f= Sota Proof: Consider spherical Gaussian surface for pint charge at any polnton surface E= <1. Beet id at ny poten sufoe B= 71S Toilet E = E+E S2i0 85 = Bi ___ CBSE 2014 wor done to bring awit nage charge. Tie charged toa potetl Vt isthen connected to another uncharged ‘xpacitor having the same eapactance, Find out the ratio of the energy sored inthe combined stem 0 that stored Italy inthe singe capacior a 1 ‘Ana, Lats say that caper hasan intial energy U, = GOVE ‘When the fist apectoris connected serss the second capactor. let the common potential be Then charge on ech capacitor’ = CV" By charging conseration = $ wo(i)-of)ee : Bring inthe charge g fom infinity othe point P, Werk hs tobe done agains the forces wxrted by 4, and 4, ( Trew Le -}e(hor) v anov 6 [W, = Potential at pont, due to , and gx charge cpsacin Hence the electrostatic potential eneray ofthe ystems (U= Total work done to assemble the thee charges =W, +0, +, o us [sean a] Tele te te rough he sphere S, decreases wit he inroduetion of eect insde pats ofa parle pate cpactor but @ (' 3) E by pe, oe += Disletic + + 14ST + i-—} Same t i-—t endl eee] tie diple moment. sit scalar ora vector? Derive the expression forthe elec fd of dipole the equator plane ofthe dipole. eet ert roe dee ea pe bl w () ent due tothe elecbe dipole at point P B= (EES 2EE cond er ‘CBSE 2012 Whats the elect ux posing tous oe Ans. Sol, Potente condenser= | EXERCISE-2A | acquires a charge + 1.6 x 1032 C. Whats the charge on 3k? A, Adossrodwhen rubbed with tk acquires 8 charge + reer) [Sol Toconserve charge. the lk oth acquis negative charge of 1.6 x 10-C, £ Rebrgtel ey enn CP Rnacacercremieeott ‘Se 4. Theforceastraction betscen to point charges placed at distanced rom each ther ina given men (What distance apart shoul they be placed in the same medium so tha the force of traction between them is Ea (ans. Sat 1 Fs et Sot Are d 2 FEL eae, Fed BAS wane S._WCoulomt'slewinvcived 1/7* dependence (intend of) would Gauss slaw sll held? ‘Sol Ne. Gauss lw wil nothald i Coulamb's law iobved Li or any other power of (exept 2}. In that cae the ‘deat facil depend upon rasa, © Angle pk of moment 20x 10°C miskat an eco foe Whats the net coming of Ane. 2er0) Sot. Zou becuse thet chan te dle are 7. Stteconseration ofcharge. Geese example, Sol, Conservation of charges () The total charge ofan zlated system remains constant (2) The elacaic charges can nther be created nor destroyed, they can only be transfered fom one body to Tchr blo on 0 +9) od cg oer non Se 368+ 0)= 920 “Two lect ald ines never cost each oes: Why? Est tyler ths revaleebe eepmin Septet mason and eee edo sce fed atthe seme point, whichis not pose. Ra. = Se az cs oy Sol, rop of weight 32 x 10° Nis balanced in an elect fel of strength» 108 Vin: nd he charge on Ans. 6.4 x 10°C), Sol, Forceon oll drop dueto elected = weight of ol drop ge = mg ge MA SEO vggns0e x10" gnu and direction of elect eld intensity due oan elect ciple of lngth 2a athe midpointof the charges 22 nai drcion opposite athe erection of dipole moment sot E= 3 13, Two ed point charges +de and +e units are seperated by a distance a, Where sould the third pont charge be [Ane 24/8 from +e charge] placed frit to bein equim? ‘Suppose the three charges are placed as shown in Fig Let the charge qbe postive 44e Rian te For the equbrium ofcharge +9, wemmush have Force ofepulsion F between +4eand +4 = Force of epulsion , between +eand +4 1 feng _1_exa “ Greg x ~ Fry =x o Ate aF = 98 o Bax) 2x lect eld due to charge +q at point Pis 2 = Net elect field at point Pis Eu =Ei+Es Electric feld at an equ Elect eld at point Pd toa ch lected at point Pd to +qcharge is Es = Heel) Esle B= gar Nel electie ld Eu I opposite top Ege =(E 6050+ E, c0s0) = 2Ecos8, BoA 2 (ie + ame nati d 8 [reoo= oes ang Pod oe Fee ere oe gage Ee Fay FF va Hare p = @ x 20.Ur>> a, of can be neglected compared tor ot, Ema From equation 6) Calelote Nic) TAns. q = 5.3 X 10°C, no change] 18. The following data was obtained for the dependence of the magnitude of electric feld, with distance, from e reference point O, within the charge distribution in the shaded region, te notte notte oC. ‘The magrtudes of Eat points A’, Band C'on the vertical line OC ae just half the magaltudes atthe ‘cotrerponding equlditantpoint A, Band C. “The above prpertis indicate that given charges dtrbution i shor electie dipce centred at the reference () Force exerted on charge +qby field F = 4 Force extedon charge -qby fit F, =a Fc aF, +f =o8-oE=0 Hence the net tanating force ona dipole in uniform elect lize (i) So wo equal and oppose forces acta diferent pons afthe dipole. They form accuple which exes forge “Torque = (Etherfore) x (Perpendiulr dance) ‘=P x asin = gE(2sind) « 1=(€2alE sino =pE sino imix ‘Aste drectn of torque jis perpendicular o both ond “ig x 2a) x Ecos = 18 x 109 x 2 x 10%) x 105 x cos 60" =-80 rected along + X direction and given by E = 5Ax +28, were ElsinNVCH and ‘The magnitude of he ele ld atthe face M(x = 0) Flux oy, = Ey/? e080 = 10 x (0.107 cos 180° = -0:1 Nez ‘The magnlnude ofthe clecnic fd atthe face N(x = 10 em) i Ey= SAx +28 = 5x 10x 010+ 2% 5= 15NC! Flux oy = Eyl? cos = 15 x (0.10F x cos" = 0.15 NmeC+ Net fux through the cube, be= Gy + d= -O4 + 0.5 = 005 Nec = fate = 8854 x 10 x 0.05 = 4.43 x 1036 22. Anclecton anda proton are placed a et inside uniform elect il. Caleulte rato of \celeraion expeienced by them (b) Wetnow that sceteration = © Since a proton has 1836 times more mass then an electron Films 1 23. An elect dipole wit ‘magnitude S 10° NC, ing on dipole is 2eo, because frees 102 Cm, 0 = 30", E = 5 x 101N = pEsind = 4% 10 5% 108 x sin 90° = 104 Nn a =e Equipotental Wns w “nga 100rC charge between to points Sem apart on an equipotent uroce? (ne ero) hesehave same potential energy? the two plates Hence the protons A and B wil experience equal by» copactor of capacitance C veres with Incense in ith dope QV = C, a8 shown in Fig evens, 7 eee capacitor, the capacitance Increases from 4 microfarad to 00 microtaradl, on Inluodue ven he later Whats the dle constant ofthe medium? (ns. 20] "= Capecitanee in medium <¢ erk= &® Cy = Capactonce in vacuum oy OS) 15914) 285) a ses eiasyy Ss ‘Show mathematically tat he potential aa pont on the equator ine ofan elec dipole is er Fl ia at point Pde othe pole ie P : K eee ny Tira? trey Eat o/s \" TS Tr te Pe of. Nea - be ‘The two graphs drown belo, show the vation of electrostatic potential (V) with £ r Being dance ofthe fed om the point charge) fr to pon charges nd ge ' What rhe ss he wo cares? 4 * ich lth re cps hes ager mage andy? Charge whle age ye 7 ia i As veg! Z 1 8 «Slope ot Ve. graph = 78° = Fee ‘As the groph for 9, hasa slope of lager magnitude than that for 0 has larger magnitude than - Tocweninter E 5 x 10° C are kept 6 cm apart in ai. Calculate the work done when ae. (Ans. 7.5 x 10-73} Werk one = change in PE, =U-U, = 45 x 107-375 x 107 = 75 x 1074 |. Aurnllonm eect eld F of 3000) (~ isdrected along PQ. A. Band Care thee polntin the field having xan inn 28 showin the gure, Calculate potential ference between the point () A and Band (i) (Ans. () zero, (i) 2100 V} cg.) Bye, 4) qo Aa, 1) z % (0) No workis donein moving unt postive charge perpendicular tothe elected, Thus the points A end B than the point gq = ES = -200NC 57 = 2100v (i Points A and Be onan equipotent urace Ys BVCR= We =Uy= Ve Va Aen = a0 2. A charge of 24 uC given to hallow metalic phere of radius 0.2 m. Find the potential (Ans. 1.08 x 106V, 1.08 x 108 V} sa? x24 «10% 02 (b)Aspotenal ot ny pnt inside the sphere = Potential onthe surface Ptental at 2 dstance of 0.1 cm from the cent = 1.08 x 108V. V=1.08%10°V [a ee Sol Sot ie 1. The ajoning gure shows the verioion of elect n drops of same size are charged at 220 V each. They coalesce to form a bigger drop, Calculate the {fins 1980 V1 4g are? yen Sak? = 270? Teng 3 « Rea Potential ofeach small kop, ton. From the points marked A, Band . dent Explain youranswerin each ase ey swab co etd Va ” Atpointa, 22 =0, Atpoints, <0; arpanec, 2 >0 a Therefore, (}Elsze at point. & maximum atpoint . ‘The eect potenti as a function of dtance x shown inthe diagram. Contnct «graph othe elect ld strength, i : We know thet : 2 ‘ 7 F=f eNnednedVare Fordex Cy. Thur capsctor A has ahigher enpactance. 124, _Detivean expression forthe potential eneray af an electric dipole of dipole moment p inan elec. E Lf the dipole is rotated trough small ange d® against the torque actngion it. then the small work doves W = rd0 = pE sin 040 “The total work done in rotating the dipole rom sorentation making an angle uth she dection othe aldo Ould a fare eee) 2 22. Thveepolnt charges of 1 C. 2 and 3C are place st the comers fan equlotea ange of side 1m. Celeste the workreguied to move these charges tothe comers of smaller equileeal angle odes O.Smassl = pl cox0ht = pElcos0, ~c0#0,) the diagam. W = 9.9.10" Tans. 9.9 x “This work done stored asthe potential energy Uot the dipole Ae Um pcos 90° cos 6) = pEI0—co8 8) o Us pF cos 0 = =p 25, The dagram shows some equipotent srlces, Whet con you sa about the msn 7 : ice lectieia? ‘ ‘Sol Intel PE. of the system is use, cots Os weal ta 27. (a) Why does the elecic ld inside {i Copactance ofthe xpecitorso formed, 9.84 BA, Ce @ lectriedarense when iti placed in an extemal lect ld (G)Aperall plate copectr wih al between the plates has a capacitance of8 pF. What ull be the capacttance ifthe detance between pats be reduced by hal and space between them sled witha substance a electric TAns. 96 pF] ) Due to palasiion ofthe dale, an elect field isinduced inside the deectcin the oppose dretion of c= Shaaer ‘When the eapactorsfiled wth lente = 6) betwen pats andthe stance been the plate irediced ‘by hal capacitance becomes « cat 28, Two diecic abs of dlaletc constants Kan Ky arf inbetween to plates, each of rea A, of spall a como: Pe cs [on] ke Sel The gun anmguant nln pal ono Two capt each wth ea A ae pote Hence the net capactanceof he resuting epactor is sp. soley + es) sea) £29, Assuming hate cepectori connected irom the chargngbattery, explain how the (i capacance (i) ‘cross the pats, and (it) energy stored in parallel plate epctor change, hen arpedium of dle constant "R Isitodced betwen the ples, Fourtenetvoistowntn the dag nthe pote lence eee pots Aen haben 8 ‘nd Cin the tendy tat, Tans. Vjg = 28, Vgc = 78 V1 3 i fe “ov © Sok Gym SR. ye SAE Vym By Uy = Beane? co E ‘The two capacitors of SF and SyF on the let side ofthe network are in parallel. thelr equivalent capeciance =6 ‘The wo cepactors of In and IF onthe other side ofthe network are also in parallel their equivalent capac tance = 2 pF So the given nebwotk reduces othe equivalent cul shoum in Fi je =pd.oconspt= Hat0on28v Ye spd arenes = Sn 8¥ sown in Fi, suppose the twopoin charges oe placed on Kas ith the pastive charge leated onthe gin = 3x 108C ee 2x10%C fa. @) <0 Gamal x O38-x fe ono [28 ]-0 32 = x Ois=x ~° hich gves x = 0.09 m = 9am “The other possiblity i thatx may als lie on OA produced, es shown in Fis, qe a-2x WC >-—_ ees — Q A o1s-x P 2 50s oS As y+v=0 1 [ax10* 210% = 045m = 45 en tic potential fs 2eo 69 cm and 45 cm away from the postive charge on these of the negeive -o Findcharge tobe paced at the remaining verte, (Ans. -293] I Astotal potential energy a Ug +Uy+Un=0 Q2q 5 o Game = ° 2 3 2a ‘oy « q--8 2m separated by ) Determine electrostatic potential energy ofa stem containing two charges x 10° J, 9 x 1083) tance of 18cm ) How much works required to separate the two charges infinitely awey from each ether? Sol. (a) qy = 9mC = 9 x 109°C. qe = -2 x 108C.1 = 18m = 0.8m Electrostatic poentl energy of the two charges is 1_ ae O° ao “_ Dx? 910-2109 018 (b) Workrequed to seperate two charges infinitely oy om neh othe, Wa U,-U, © 0-U=-(9x 105) = 9x 1054, = 91054 UNIT TEST ELECTROSTATICS osgso equal chorgesapoated by Im experience of force SN. What wil betheforeexpereced when 0 wa wa tt) igure. Isthe potential diference V,-V, postive negative a cogs 1¢ conducting sphere of eds, and, conecting to each other by ale Find the rato of lec eld face of wo spheres 2) A dipole. with 2 dipole moment of magnitude p sin table equllbsum nan eleerostate fild of magnitude IMPORTANT NOTES SE

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