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Chapter 1 Bitch Shield

Lets say you want to meet some one, have that perfect conversation and maybe hook up the next day and start a typical relationship. How about going to a bar with your friends and meeting a woman that everyone else was trying to work up nerves to approach and you were able to bounce with her to a second location. What about getting a woman to put down a bitch shield and giving you a chance!

(This is the story of one of my very first approaches that taught me very quickly on why woman have a guard up or what they call in the community a Bitch Shield ...)

My Journal Nov 03,07 By Failsafe

It's 5:30pm and I have till 7:30 to be at my Studio Lighting course for digital photography. I am already ready and I am just sitting on the toilet calling my best friend of 25 years needing to ask him for some advise .Patti is with the kids at the local Tim Hortons for coffee with her mother so, I know I can get away with this call and not have to be whispering like usual when I need advise or to vent. The convo goes a little like this ; "Piiiis - Yo!' Matt -"Why the fuck are you whispering man ? I am driving cab right now and I am on my way to Toronto." " Speak up Bitch! Are you finally coming out of the closet and admitting you have a summer sausage stuck up your ass and it's not frozen?" Me- "Its about that shit I've been talking to you about recently ."

Matt- " Ya, ya, ya !" Me- " I am for real." " I am going to try this thing called the 3 second rule. It was designed by this guy called M------, and everyone who studies this stuff knows about it!" Matt- " What does it do ?" Me- '" I am not sure if he means to start a conversation with the first person you see , cuz he says it has to be to your left. Or not to think before you approach a woman because you might fuck up the 3 seconds it takes for you to start it! I mean if you tell your self not to do something you will have convinced yourself not to do it!" " His buddy S-----, says it's the only way to get your feet wet" Matt- " No shit sherlock !"" Thats nothing I don't already know, how else you supposed to start a conversation with someone?" Me- " Hold on for a minute?" Matt- " Why ?" Me- " Cuz I gotta pull up my pants !" Matt- " Your a real fruit and I am sure you've been-actually I don't want to know" Me- '" Not like that man! I've been taking a shit and I got to wipe my ass so, hold on for a sec.." --- --- --Me- " K , I am back !" Matt- " Look ! I gotta get going ! Let me know how it works out for ya!" Me- " Ya! I gotta get going my self...

The drive seemed longer than usual and when I looked at the time it was 6:30. I was running a little late because I wanted to be at the school for that time to try my approaches for an hour before class. I was imagining different ways and day dreaming about how I was at the smoking area asking a girl for a light and somehow she was taken away by the way I was being and handing me her number because I was cool. I would talk to my self and look at some of my gestures in the rear view mirror just to see if I have a genuine expression that might be convincing enough to this girl. I would act out this conversation and even answer back as the girl with a real high pitch lisp that any person would be convinced that I never hit puberty. This is were I realized I need to stop what I was doing and concentrate on my driving. I can honestly say at that time I felt like a real bozo and needed to just focus on the main objective. The main objective was for me to see what this 3 second rule was all about. To figure out why it is that this rule is so important! Why do I need to have a skill on approaching a person with out them feeling I was a creep, why starting a light conversation and not seeming to be hitting on them was a skill and one of the most important if there was a 10 commandments of PUA skill sets ...

I am sitting at the intersection waiting for the street light to change and give me the right away and proceed down the street to my school which is 2 blocks away and I've got 25 minutes to get to class because the clock is telling me that it's 7:05 and I am running out of time. Now I am thinking and that has been a problem with myself (to think too much) about what S---- says about 'getting into the game' and how your emotions can play tricks on you when the time is now. Maybe M------ is right! maybe all those posts I've been reading are coming alive at this very moment. " What was that open ended question J-----r says?" What if it came down to the point that I had to SOI? I can't I am not ready yet !" shit ... the light changed and I am moving . 'This is so ridiculous, I am just going to get to class and forget about all of this' who am I kidding? I've got a girlfriend! But, its really shitty and I am arguing with myself and thats not going to get me any where but only to be a wimpy idiot....I am parking the fucken car and getting this over with! ' So, I grabbed my bag off the passengers seat and gave my self a quick glance in the mirror "Dam you are good looking!" a little boost of confidence and the start to something that will trigger a desire in me for a long time. Actually, it's what got me to really deal with my fear and try to ignore what my body doesn't want me to do. "It's all in my head " I said to myself ,as I open the doors to the school. The lights in the hallway seemed brighter than usual or, it could of been part of my condition I was born with called 'Ultra Light Sensitivity' it also is in relation to the Ocular Migraines I suffer from which I am convinced that it was the cause of me quitting pot after smoking it for 15 years. The only problem with night school is that the halls are never full like the day. Usually people are on there way to class or you'll just see them hanging around in small crowds. As I enter the main hallway that leads me to my class I see two girls standing by a pubic phone chatting ,facing each other one with her back to me. Since I was heading in there direction I have to make this work. Since I have spotted these two girls I have to apply the 3 second rule. Now I am seconds away from making contact as I approach and I am starting to feel really nervous and the adrenaline in my body is kicking in and I am 4 steps away..3 ..2 .. "How ya all doing ?" as I am talking to the back of this chicks head..She turns around as her friend is stretching over the others shoulder to see who the hell is speaking." Do you know what time it is ?" I said.. "It's 7:20 and there's a clock hanging from the celling above us!" as she is pointing. The other girl is laughing and I feel really stupid at this point so, I said " Cool ! Thanks" and walked away. Knowing that I will never ask for the time again I quickly see three girls sitting on the floor all in a row against the wall. " Let's do this shit !" I said to myself as I slow down my pace to approach them. I notice this one girl had her hair up and it grab my attention the most to be the one I start with..4 steps away and this time I don't feel as nervous as before ..3 steps..they see me and the girl is smiling .." Hey ! do you know what time it is ?" ugh shit ! can't believe my self.." " What time does your class start at ?"she said.." The girl beside her has bright green eyes and a v neck t-shirt that shows how chesty

she is and I am completely caught by her as I am getting a quick glance. She smirks " our class starts at eight !" The third girl was a little on the hefty side but, if given the chance I would date some one like her because of her energy, blond hair and blue eyes.." What class are you in?"as she cuts off the 2nd girl..." Oh! I am taking this lighting course for photography" "It's a new found hobby-thats all"! " Augghh ! man I got to get to class now but I am sure I will see you all again". '" My name is Crystal"! and I am sure we will..." We will what ?" I said . "See each other". Now at this point the others are looking real weird at me and making me screw things up because my insides feel electric and my mind is racing with different answers. " What's Up !" ,her friend next to her said. ''Umm my name is Dene". The original girl I approached said in a snarly tone " My gosh ! you suck ! obviously you are hitting on us and you should know that we have boyfriends !" " No we don't ,"said Crystal ." I mean you guys do but I am just dating someone"... "Okay!", I said.. "If you give me your number I swear I'll be one of those guys who calls you at least 15 times a day !"... The 1st girl I approached is really getting pissy with me at this point and I think it's some kind of jelousey , she swiftly bumps into the 2nd girl and grabs Crystal by the wrist and looks at me as if I am the 'Night Stalker" .." Look!" " we got boyfriends and I think you are just trying a little too hard ".. "Okay girls I got to get to class right now and if your friend is still interested in giving me a number than I will be here at ten tonight ! Oh and by the way ,if I was hitting on you all than you all would be fighting over me ".."Oh, my GOD in your dreams" she said.. " wile motioning her hand as if I should be talking to it or even dismissed from the rest of the group. Crystal winks at me and said if I'll give you my E-mail address , we can keep in touch that way if you like? You seem to be cute so here it is ;PONYRIDEGIRL%^&%^&% %^(This is not the real address nor will I give you the real identity or any way of contact of these people,nor shall I give you it at all, to respect and keep these people there privacy and my respect ); as she writes it on a tissue with red lipstick she was carrying in her nap sack . "Okay girl ! I shall write you .. Be good and take care and it was nice to meet you all "!

@#%^$^$ @##$^ !!!! I think I am going to puke, my nerves are shot, that was nerve damaging #$$&$&$%#@#@!!!

At that very moment I didn't hesitate to do an about turn and find a alternative route to class. Quickly. It almost felt like I was running out of there sights and completely. Eventually, I arrived to the wing of the College that my class room is on,and I couldn't of gotten there any faster. I mean, that shit I just went through was nerve wracking, but

sort of like the kind of way it was when I was a kid in 6th grade and my teacher Miss Summerset asked me to stand up in class and read a paragraph out of Alexander The Great ,and I had a pulsating dick from staring at her tight ass and kilt she wore since it was a private school and the uniforms made my teenage mind wander every ten minutes about how it would be nice for her to keep me after school for extra tutoring . I stood up that day and I will never forget how I felt when my classmates had to witness me pitching a tent and be so humiliated, kind of sad! But, this is how I felt this very moment(put on the spot)kind of like a big idiot...

As a result for my behavior, I believed that I just missed an important opportunity. I felt very nervous, but I should of just ignored my feelings and tried to lure Crystal away from her friends and have what they call in the community a ' Instant Date '. Not understanding the forces that woman have over the mind of men, can lead the man believing he is no match for there shields. I am sure that my body language did a lot of the talking and displayed my desperate intentions. I know that I was able to get a number out of this pickup but, the interaction was very imaginary and for the way I came across to the woman and her friends will be why I didn't get a chance or go any further in hooking up with her in the future. I did follow up and E-mail Crystal but, she never responded back to me and I never heard or seen her ever again. I truly believed at that very moment that I needed a self help book or a conversation with a Guru about this subject. I needed to find out what is the most important way to have a woman or more than one(a group of people) believe I wasn't hitting on them instantly and so predictable. I needed to learn the Approach. This was the week I truly enlisted my self into the underground sub culture of Pick Up Artists. I was now a APUA and I was all at once studying 4 different Masters and Gurus and 6 different methods of the Venusian and Charisma Arts. I belong to 3 different social groups, and interacted with members about 8/hrs a day. I dedicated my time for the next 5 and a half months to the study of PUA. This is all true... And you all know me as FAILSAFE.

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