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Causes and effect of unwanted

Teenage Pregnancy in Barangay Tahina,

Esperanza, Agusan del Sur

A Research Presented to The

Faculty of Senior High School

General Academic Strand

Nato National High School

Municipality of Esperanza

In Partial Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirement for

Practical Research 2

Archel Pretty C. Badbaran

Jekyla C. Caneda

Lanilyn M. Homobal

Grade 12-Aristotle


Title Page ……………………………………………………………..……………..

Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………

CHAPTER 1- The Problem: It’s Rationale and Background


Background of the Study……………………………….…………………………..2

Statement of the Problem …………………………...……………………………..3

Significance of the Study …………………………………………………………..4

Scope and Delimitations …………………………………………………………...5

Definition of Terms …………………………………………………………...……6

CHAPTER II- Review of Related Literature

Teenage Studies ………………………………………………………………..…….7 x

Research Method ……………………………………………………………….…..8

Research Instrument ………………………………………………...……………...9

Data Gathering Method ………………………………………………………….…10

CHAPTER IV- Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Presentation, Analysis and interpretation of data ………………………………..11

CHAPTER V- Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary ……………………………………………………………………….….12

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………13

Recommendation ………………………………………………………………….14 xi

Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………….15

Appendix A ……………………………………………….…………………………16

Appendix B ………………………………………………………………………….17

Letter of Request ………………………………………..……………………….….18


Teen pregnancy is a pregnancy female being who are below the age of twenty years. Teenage pregnancy
is a problem for all involved. Early pregnancy is a serious problem for teenagers. Teenagers who are
pregnant cannot usually support the child on their own. Early pregnancy can have various possible
reasons. Teenage pregnancy is one of the most alarming issues, most importantly teenagers should know
that it is a bad to have sex when you are a young girl. The risk of pregnancy is too high, when a teenager
becomes a parent needs to be educated on the advantages of abstinence, what health risks come with
having a baby.

Chapter 1


The risks and realities associated with teenage motherhood are well documented, with
consequences started at child birth and following both mother and child over the life span. Teenage births
result in health consequences; children rare more likely to be born pre-term, have lower birth weight, and
higher neonatal mortality, while mothers experience greater rates of post-partum depression and are less
likely to initiate breastfeeding.

Teenage mothers are less likely to complete high school, are more likely to live in poverty, and
have children who frequently experience health and developmental problems understanding the risk
factors for teenage pregnancy is a prerequisite for reducing rates of teenage motherhood. Various social
and biological factors influence odds of teenage pregnancy these include exposure to adversity during
childhood and adolescence, a family history of teenage pregnancy, conduct and attention problems,
family instability, and low educational achievement. Mothers and older sisters are the main sources of
family influence on teenage pregnancy, this is due to both social risks and social influence. Family
members both contribute to an individual’s attitudes and values around teenage pregnancy, and share
social risks such as poverty, and lack of opportunities that influence the likelihood of teenage pregnancy
having an older sister who was a teen mom significantly increase the risk of teenage childbearing in the
younger sister and daughters of teenage mothers were significantly more likely to become mother

Objectives of the study

The main objective of the research was to explore how young women responded to finding out
they were pregnant, who they talked to, who supported them, and how their behaviors were influenced by
local services, including access to sex educational and contraception advice.

1. To investigate what adolescence males perceive as their role in teenage pregnancy prevention.
2. To explore the adolescent male’s level of awareness about teenage pregnancy.
3. To asses adolescent males awareness of the various forms of available contraception


This research study study is entitled future vs. pleasure meaning, this study wants to know the
perspective of people about teenage pregnancy. The researchers want to find out if the students like them
are aware of pregnancy.

Significance of the study

Scope and limitations of the study

The study covered 30 students from Brgy. Tahina Esperanza Agusan Del Sur, enrolled in the second
semester of S.Y. 2014-2015. The study was mainly focused on the student mother challenges, coping
strategies and realizations. These student mothers were classified as student of Sta.Fe National High
School that a child under seven years of age. Teenage pregnancy carriers a social stigma that leads to a
high risk of poverty, or lower educational levels and once it happens such as girl will forever have a mark
that hinders her progress in future” (Maliki,2022)

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

According to Kidwell (2004), rearing a child while being a full-time student may be daunting and
difficult however, it will be easier if she has a partner or a family member who can help her in taking care
of the child.

With the increase of higher education students,10%of this population are parents or mothers who
are hoping to give their children a better future and attending to their needs through receiving a degree.
These nontraditional students are often student’s mothers and should be given special attention because
aside from their role as student they are also mothers and care givers at home. Many see or consider their
families a hindrance to their education which is wrong they should see it as a motivator because primarily
student mother goes back to studying because they want to provide for their child. (Wilsey,2013).

Teenage Pregnancy is very alarming issue problem having a child while being a student becomes
stressful because child rearing consumes time and energy with a few exceptions the women are the
primary caregiver of the child.
When pregnant students and student’s mothers are expected to suffer their daily needs. (Ime
Morales, July 9, 2013) Teenage pregnancy is a global issue and a major contributor to school drop-out
among girls. Okay (2012) has said student mother go through a number of challenges as they live double
lives as mothers and students. Often challenges are faced like lack of support due to other factors like lack
of finances and time being limited.

Due to student mother`s situation being difficult they have adapted coping mechanism, according
to Keyo (2012), Their coping mechanisms included problem-focused, avoidance and emotion-focused
strategies and the support they received upon resuming studies were spiritual and social support.

Definition of Abortion

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy before the infant can survive outside the uterus. The
age at which a fetus is considered viable.

Definition of Adolescence

Adolescence is the developmental transition to adulthood that includes rapid changes in the brain
and body, often at different rates and is a time for healthy exploration of identity and learning can also be a stressful or challenging for teens because of these rapid changes.

Definition of Pregnancy

Pregnancy occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg after it’s released from the ovary during
ovulation. The fertilized egg then travels down into the uterus, where implantation occurs. A successful
implantation results in pregnancy.
Chapter 3


In this study a qualitative exploratory design was used allowing the researchers get an in-depth
understanding of the socio-educational problems faced by student mothers. Qualitative research has
advantage of uncovering the lived experiences of individuals by enabling them to interpret and attribute
meaning to their experiences and in the process construct their words (Meriam and Simpson 2000, as
cited in Berg & Mamhute, 2013)

Respondent of the study

Respondents of the study are the student mothers of Loaders College, in the second semester of
S.Y 2019-2020. There were a number of three identified single mothers in Lourdes College who
volunteered and provided time to participate in this study.

Research Instrument

The primary tool used in gathering data was in a form of a one-on-one interview with the
respondents. The interview was focused on the challenges, coping, strategies, realizations of student

Sampling Procedure

In this study, the researcher used purposive sampling in which the researcher chose only student
mothers who are caring for a child below seven years old of age and are studying in Lourdes College.

Data Gathering procedure

Prior to data gathering, the researcher prepared an informed consent letter to be given to the
respondents of the study, voluntary participation was highly emphasized in the letter of consent. The data
gathering procedure was done in a form of one-to-one interview in which the researcher took written
notes. All interviews were informal and open ended and carried out in a conversational style.
Results Profile of respondents:


Respondent 1 Era mea 19 4 years old
Respondent 2 Nica 14 1 years old
Respondent 3 Quinine 18 2 years old
Respondent 4 Sheramie 19 1 year old
Respondent 5 Suralyn 18 3 years old
Respondent 6 Bria 15 1 year old
Respondent 7 Fatima 18 2 years old
Respondent 8 Cristine 19 2 years old
Respondent 9 Love2x 18 1 year old
Respondent 10 Merchille 19 2 years old
Respondent 11 Roxan 18 2 years old
Respondent 12 Lyn2x 19 3 years old
Respondent 13 Pia 19 2 years old
Respondent 14 Luci 19 4 years old
If 15a had a Sara
Respondent 17 1½ years old
Respondent 16 as Katrina
Strongly Disagree
17 Agree 1Strongly
year old
Respondent 17 disagree
Pia 18 2Agree
½ years old
1. I 18 would Princess
Respondent 16 1 ½ years old
Respondent 19 more Mia 18 1 year old
Respondent 20 Gerlyn 19 2 ½ years old
2. I 21 would Rosalyn
Respondent 19 3 years old
Respondent 22 less Mylene 16 1 year old
Respondent 23 to Karen 18 1 ½ years old
Respondent 24 with Maribelle 17 1 year old
Respondent 25 Meremie 17 1 year old
3. I would
Respondent 26 Ailyn 18 2 years old
lose friends
Respondent 27 Zianlene 19 3 ½ years old
Respondent 28 Haralene 19 2 years old
Respondent 29 Analyn 18 2 ½ years old
Respondent 30 Kathleen 17 1 ½ year old
A. Research Gate

B. Relationships with a boyfriend or girlfriend:

Having a Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

baby as a disagree agree
4. Brings
5. Makers the
stay in a
p with the
mother of
the baby
6. Makes
brake up
7. Makes boy
feel more
take men
8. Is usually

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Figure1; Table of content

14-15yr.old; 7%
15-16yr.old; 10%
19yr.old; 27%

17-18yr.old; 57%

14-15yr.old 15-16yr.old 17-18yr.old 19yr.old

Age (yr) Non pregnant Pregnant

teenage girls teenage girls
14 0 1
15 0 1
16 0 1
17 0 5
18 0 10
19 0 11

Chapter 5

Summary Conclusion and Recommendation Discussion


Time management is seen as the common obstacle for these mothers because the live double lives as
a mother and as a student, they struggle to split their tine to accommodate all their responsibilities. This is
supported by Grohamm (2009) work, student mothers greately depend on time management.

For coping the respondents commonly rely on being positive and not being stressed about their
situation, as for the factors they consider that greatly helped them cope the common factor was the help
family member and husband. This is supported be works of Kidwell (2004), Thompson (2014), and Keyo
(2012) that it lessens the burden on the student the mother if there people around her who can help caring
for the child. This evident as stated by Eramae (19) that when she has things she needs to do at home her
husband is the one who takes care of the child and as for others stated that parents helped both financially
and caring for the child at home.

The most common learning of the student mothers is that one should not be rash and should know
the consequences of their actions.

In view of the findings it is recommended that attempts are teenage pregnancy prevention should involve
male teenagers as they can contribute to the solution in order to prevent teenage pregnancy it is important
to engage with both teenage girls and boys about the use of contraceptives. Moreover male teenagers
should be encouraged to take in partners should be involved in discussions and decisions regarding
accessing contraceptives and family planning.


The Findings of the study indicate the teenage males are unaware of the high levels of teenage
pregnancy in the Gauteng province, however they still perceived teenage pregnancy as barrier to
achieving goals. The results of the indicate that the participants understanding of teenage pregnancy was
based on their perceptions of reasons teenage girls fall pregnant, in their view teenage pregnancy is a
problem that affected mainly girls. It was evident that the responsibility for teenage pregnancy is being
shifted on the girls who fall pregnant despite the fact that pregnancy is a result of an act between both
males and females. It seemed that the participants did not acknowledge the role of males by falling
pregnant, alcohol and drugs contribute to teenage pregnancy. The use of alcohol linked to unprotected sex
where participants highlighted that when they are intoxicated with drugs or alcohol they are more likely
to have unprotected sex which may result in unplanned pregnancy. The showed some understanding
consequences of teenage pregnancy by identifying experience of teenage fatherhood by some of them
while others had pregnant partners.


Time management is the biggest obstacle of being student mother as you need to divide your time
between school and caring for the child. As for the coping strategy it is seen that the having a positive
outlook is effective in handling different situation as a student mother.

Heved Grohman, Renelamn (2009). Coping strategies used by student mothers to succeed in
Occupational Therapy school.


Sharon Liversidge (2004). Its no Five Oclock world: The lived experiences of re/entering mothers in
Nursing Education. Student affairs: Experiencing Higher education

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