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SOP Legal Undertaking

I, ________________________________________________________________, Municipal Mayor of

_________________________________________________________________ . A Filipino citizen, and

of leagal age, is hereby executing this undertaking with MRs. Imelda Zamora, likewise a Filipino citizen,
of legal age and the Director for the Upland Linkages, Cordillera Administrative Region (BBM).

A clause covenant for this SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) shall therefore be recognized and
sanctioned. As a provision from both parties, an allotted sixteen percent (16%) from every project
entered and assisted into progress by Mrs. Imelda Zamora and through the negotiated contractor’s
agreement, duly signed by the Municipal Mayor, which then shall be funded and released by the
National Government to the Local Government Unit. Hence, upon finding to the said Municipality, an
outright unmitigated distribution shall be therefore be commence as follows:

A.) Five percent (5%) – For the Mayor

B.) Ten Percent (10%) – Distributed for the Senate/ facilitator and others
C.) One percent (1%) – For the Intermediaries or, on whatever consented amount agreed upon by
the Municipal Mayor and the Contractor.
D.) Performed goodwill money shall be reimbursed.

This undertaking shall therefor be binding and legal, until it is expressly revoked by the authorized
facilitator in view of the execution for the above foregoing contract.

In witness whereof, I have set my hand on this day

____________________ and month of ________________2020.

(Signature over printed name)
Accredited Facilitator:

(Signature over printed name)


(Signature over printed name)

(Signature over printed name)

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