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An Analysis of Two Cases

A Final Examination


NSTP 122

Submitted by:

Marry Ann P. Marquez

Submitted to:

Ms. Rowena V. Jivio


November 22, 2022


To summarize, this case is about Barangay Bayalse which continues to suffer

from the devastating effects of extensive and sporadic global warming and climate
change. As global warming and climate change is a serious crisis right now. Not a lot of
people are taking any notice to what’s going on around them. As it is a global issue
which involves everything and everyone.


Excessive heat over a long period of time and unpredictable rain falls which lasts
for days. A long duration of drought is also experienced. Due to global warming and
climate change, these changes and problems occur.

Physical effects are seen in the community such as flooding, due to the soil
structure which does not absorb water easily when it rain, thus damaging the properties
during unexpected flooding. Landslides are also experience due to the structure of the
soil, and also drought due to dry weather.

Due to global warming and climate change, the barangays economy is also
affected. Livelihood activities are halted and are disrupted by the unpredictable weather.
Alternative sources of income are also affected. Because of the physical effects that are
happening, commodities and supplies are undelivered during crisis.

Psycho – social effects are seen from the residents as they are in constant fear and
anxiety. Without any knowledge regarding global warming and climate they are helpless
of how to respond and what to do.

III. PROPOSED RESPONSE/S (Attainable, specific, measurable, realistic steps)

To help aid the Barangay Bayalse to lessen their anxiety and worries,
countermeasure steps must be taken. Firstly, inform or lecture the residents of what is
happening, what it meant, and why does it happen. Second, cooperate with the residence
to have do an activity which lessen the emission of carbon dioxide, such as planting
trees, reduce cars that emits carbon dioxide. Clean sewages and tunnels to prevent


If I was living in that community, as a student, the things that I would do to solve
or lessen the worries and challenges of Barangay Bayalse firstly I would create a group.
A group of students or residents of Barangay Bayalse which aims to give lectures and
inform everyone about global warming and climate change, it’s effects and causes. We
would also share definite steps to take to lessen the effects of global warming and
climate change. I would’ve taken these steps because I believe that “Knowledge is
power”. With the knowledge, everyone in Barangay Bayalse would also take measures
on their own, and most likely cooperate with NGO’s.


In summary, this case is about an innocent girl, who is full hope and dream, but
fell in the pit of despair brought by the effects of using drugs. Having to grow without
the supervision of here parents and due to the peer pressure and wanting to
experience a new world, comes across a man that would ultimately be the cause of
her demise.


Drugs which is the cause of death of 12, 000 people due to the War on Drugs
issued by the President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte from June 30, 2016 to June
30, 2022. Cecilia was also a victim. Because of a guy who gave her drugs, and to her
ignorance which ultimately caused to ruin her life. Parents are also held accountable
for they have not taken care the child with love which cause her to find it in other

Due to that, Cecilia’s life was ruined, she dropped out of school because she
thought that her classes were interfering with her feeling high, she thought that was
the norm but it was vice versa. She left her home after fighting with her parents.
Things she has to leave to continue to abuse drugs. Her life was controlled and she is
addicted to drugs. Overall, her life is in ruins.

III. PROPOSED RESPONSE/S (Attainable, specific, measurable, realistic steps)

Firstly, her family must accept her. Accept that even though she has made this
mistake, she is still ignorant about the abuse of drugs and how can it ruin her life.
They must take her to a drug counselor, for her to be treated. Slowly, get her life
back which was taken from her. Parents must supervise her, gives her needs, and
most importantly provide her love and attention that was not given to her.

As a friend of Cecilia, I have to be there for her. I have to show her support and
care. I must also protect her that previous events must not happen. I will continue to
remind her that a lot of people loves her and she must not let that taken away.


Supposedly that I was Cecilia’s friend, the piece of advice I can give to her in
order for her to refrain or take a step back from using drugs and to maintain a clean,
drug-free life would be to think of what she’s doing. I know that it is kind of general
approach but that’s the best one. The kind of lifestyle that she has right now is slowly
destroying her future and her love ones. Think about the things she lost because of it.
She losts her future, opportunities, friends, and most importantly she lost herself.
Also, if she continues to do so, then she may lose everything, including her family
and all that she cares for. It’s not too late to stop and change, it’s not too late for her
to get back what she lost in order just to feel high. That is absurd.

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