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Report This
Student A

Ask the questions below to your partner and write down his / her answers in note form.

1. How did you come to class? __________________________

2. What languages can you speak? __________________________

3. Have you done any sport or exercise today? __________________________

4. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? __________________________

5. How long have you been learning English? __________________________

6. Would you like to be famous? __________________________

7. Where are you going for your next holiday? __________________________

8. Do you support a sports team? __________________________

9. Have you ever visited an English-speaking country? __________________________

10. What do you usually have for breakfast? __________________________

Now change partners. Use reported speech to tell your new partner about what questions
you asked your first partner and what your first partner told you, e.g. I asked Sam how he
came to class and he said (that) he came to class by car .


Student B

Ask the questions below to your partner and write down his / her answers in note form.

1. How much water do you drink a day? __________________________

2. Can you play chess? __________________________

3. Are you going out tonight? __________________________

4. How many times have you been abroad? __________________________

5. What's your favourite time of year? __________________________

6. Are you afraid of any animals or insects? __________________________

7. Did you go to bed early last night? __________________________

8. What are you going to do after class? __________________________

9. Do you have a pet? __________________________

10. Where did you go to on holiday last year? __________________________

Now change partners. Use reported speech to tell your new partner about what questions
you asked your first partner and what your first partner told you, e.g. I asked Lucy how much
water she drank a day and she said (that) she drank around six glasses of water a day. ©20I5 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Report This
In this pairwork activity, students interview each other and then report questions and
answers to a new partner.

Before class, make one copy of the worksheet for each student.


Divide the students into pairs (A and B) and distribute the worksheets.

Tell the students to take it in turns to ask their partner the questions on their worksheet and
write down their partner’s answers in note form next to the questions.

When they have finished, tell the students to work with a new partner (A and B).

Students then take it in turns to use reported speech to tell their new partner what they
asked their old partner and what their old partner said. ©20I5 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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