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TOTAL WATER OCEAN WATER FRESH WATER Bangalore Near yamuna Quantative Reasons Qualitative Reasons for water scarcity for water scarcity Couses of water scarcity ( Quantitative reason for water scarcity ) - It may be the outcome of rapid growth of population. - Over exploitation of water resource in agriculture. - Intensive industrialisation and urbanisation create pressure ‘on existing freshwater resource. water scarcity Due to Argiculture water searcity Due to Intensive industrialisation and urbanisation lectric power to the fotal electricity produce in India? CCA UCL (Qualitative reason for scarcity of water) “A situation where water is sufficiently availabe to meet the needs of the people what i still suffered from water scarcity ‘de to bd quality of water” - Pollution by househeld and industries wostoge - Chemicals, pesticides and fertilisers ae use in industries = Tt unsafe for human use ROR Um sCLt Ce koe cae - To save ourselves from health Hazard. - To ensure food security. = To prevent degradation of our environment. ##sal_mein_ek_bar_nahao_Andolan Hydraulic Structures in Ancient Indi Se, Srngsverapurn In the first century B.C,, Sringaverapura near Allahabad had sophisticated water harvesting system channelling the flood water of the river Ganga Cer ioe During the time of Chandrogupta Mat Evdences of sophisticated irigation works = aecieanaet seve cso been found in Kalinga, (Odisha), Nogarjunakonda (Andhra Pradesh), Bernur (Karnataka), Kolhapur (Maharashtra), ete ddoms, lakes and irrigation systems were extensively bult Deen Icy Hydraulic Structures in Ancient India Inthe 14th Century, the tank in Hou Khas, In the 11th Century, Bhopal Loke, one of the was constructed by Titutmish for largest artifcil lakes of it time was bul. supplying water to Siri Fert area, Delhi = Irrigation - electricity generation > _ woter supply 7 Dam - flood control About Multipurpose project <-ADam is A Barrier that stop the flow of water By Creating Reservoir «Traditionally build to keep rivers and raimaters that used in irrigate ‘ogricaltural field + Teday dam are uted in multipurpose About Multipurpose project = Hence dam are now referred to as multipurpose project - Example : Sutle} Beas River basin Bhakra Nangal dom hydropower and irrigation Hirakud project Mahanodi basin conservation woter and flood control Why multipurpose project and large dams are oppose in India 1, Regulation And damning water affect the natural flow of rivers Impact * Poor and excessive sedimentation at the bottom of the reservoir. * It destroy the habitats of the river aquatic life. * Difficult for Aquatic fauna to migrate * Submerge the existing vegetation. Why multipurpose project and large dams are oppose in India 2. Multipurpose projects and large dams are cause the new environmental movements like Narmada Bachao Andolan and Tehri Dam Andolan Reason : *Large scale displacement of local community. * Local communities give up their land and resources. * Large farmers, industrialist and urban centres are benefited only. Cer purpose project and large dams are oppose in India 3. Irrigation has change the cropping pattern in many reason farmers shifted to water intensive or commercial crop Impact * Excessive irrigation leads to increase salt contain in soil * Increase social gap between rich and poor farmers. Why multipurpose project and large dams are oppose in India 4. Interstate water disputes are common regarding the share of cost and benefit of the multi-purpose projects Example (Krishna Godavari dispute) * Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka government raised objection regarding diversion of more water by Maharashtra government for multipurpose project. * It reduces downstream flow in their states That negatively impact agriculture and industries. Why multipurpose project and large dams are oppose 5. Most of the objective of the projects are failed to achieve the purpose for which they are built. Reason : * Dams were constructed to control floods have triggered floods due to sedimentation in the reservoir * Big Dams have mostly been unsuccessful in controlling floods at the time of excessive rainfall —__— Methods of water harvesting 1, In Hill and Mountainous region people build diversion channels like guls or Kuls in the western Himalayas for agriculture GU Methods of water harvesting 2 Rooftop Ronwater harvesting are commonly proctised to store rinkig water especialy n Rajasthan 3. the floodplain of Bengal people developed inundation chamels to lnvgate thee fields. es MOR Ace Acut ‘The Palar Pani isa term referred to the rainwater in Rajasthan, which is regarded as the purified form of natural water. People of Rajasthan usually consume this water during the summer season when all reservoirs dry Timon kok Rain water are stored in tankas, - Reliable source of drinking water when all other sources had dried up, ~ Construct Underground room adjoining with tankas which keep the room cool one koee oottoprimater harvesting i the mast cman pectic in Shing, Meghaay. {is interesting becoute Cheropnjes ond Mawsynrom receive the highest rein in the worl yet the state cpitel Shillong faces acute shortage of water. cee Interesting facts = Tamil Nadu is the first state in India which has made roof top rainwater harvesting structure compulsory to all, ‘the houses across the state. - There are legal provisions to punish the defaulters.

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