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NAME: AbWshek Pan han

SRN 2021|0300D

1 Rohit dau
Kpa Nenw
400 106

Te Monaat
Sony enteitainme. 6Ma 2021
wuE Mumbo
CBD Beapuwn

Dean S

Subiet Compland eganding the Collechons S_


Thu u to bring tu yow notce hat a

Collhttam o pvds om `ony n itainrmet at
a o tal Cost R- 2000/- ich T had
bougd onyow1 ghop wexe aned out to be
olank and e quau e not g0od
ithen one dthem eyen hada Cuace m Ae on
hue wehe b YOught Om may and t u
disapporntag h See Such a Sue m ke
Write on both sides of the paper
product My eil numben u AoDtDLo lt wau
billed unden he namd Mr. RoWt Da We hav
been thu Cuutome "and heve Au ad qou
hope eeplata ment Poduct Soom
Pleaue leak indo hi mato as som a
Poss]ble Y eplat plec Povide Sutabla
Than lou,
Youn Sntnel
Rokit Da
write i

-2 A- this margin

Aslan Pointu Ltd

Gol cub road,Ehaghan
Navi Mumbai 4OD TI6

he Manag en 2sthJul,04
Aslan Painu
2sor Mnbai-40D 00
REFYow letteA dated Jul 21, 201
Dea Slr|Madam
We have ueceiNed our letn d_lormplat dated
July 21,04,sganding th Shoxtsse quantib t is
Pobaby the lirs tme that q such lomplain
omaCumeganding Shortag uantt
Whexea you ae o Noalues cuuhomea Ue lannat deny
an human eor mads by oun dupatth kiark e
laqe (ontehn m lounthywe hare Ío dea wltth la
aantt each day te a Sudsen enor i Passikle
etlna, am dptuk shartaga uatí ty a

W exput qoh lo-oedinaten ay bel

Wth hanE
Yo euly
Abshels Pahah
Salu Manas
Aslan Paint Ltd Write on both sides of the paper
Do not
write in

this margin

03A Sana Catalggue

Ayuna ackeman
Salu manai
P.O. Box 3132
(2)S2 - 6181

Mr. Abkshek Paniha

Nenul, Navi Mumbai-
406 706
(121) S21-6184
Deon Abkshek Pachan

hank ou own tel leton about o

MLonYeniena As pon aw Complaint a saledud
navy bs Caxpct rom the (atalogua yauA deaed
ha a d\anentShádu a blue,we an aovm hat
yau had to al the Cmulm w aSupposad
D eplate it as pen te tUum Condttoni phavide.
m te wANnantu Cand We hotally auu th te ttm1
and londtons alued by us
Howevea nt gou to check e mden you
Plated a4anChetk t olow 4u choose a
indeed nayy blu lbe taus A pta o eLords He
?rodut you chabie a not navy bu, it wa neme
seprtatteta o pluk up m yon plat datxea
tw n 24 ho it SLChaag 4ou 266 rupu
becausa naxy blu catulogua as a dalesent ptc
on the noial blu
Write on both sides of the paper
han lor buns m touth with , we o 20s
CataloguStYe netonly r e kghist 4u
produtt arnd we apprua you d boLi
Aueuha AXtotman

Write on both sides of the paper

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